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Resolution Number 16-06-21-03
RESOLUTION NO. 16-06-21-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING THE SEVEN-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEARS 2016-17 THROUGH 2022-23 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano held a public workshop on May 23, 2016, to consider the Proposed Seven-Year Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2016-17 through 2022-23; and, WHEREAS, the proposed Seven-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is considered a planning document and provides spending authority for the projects that are necessary to meet the needs of the community ; and, WHEREAS, the City Council intends to use the Seven-Year CIP as a guide for the allocation of resources to meet the needs of the community and achieve the City Council's established goals and priorities ; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby adopt the Seven-Year Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2016-17 through 2022-23 as shown in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by reference and as follows: Project Fiscal Year <1) Expenditures 2016-17 $ 9,344,000 2017-18 8,427 ,550 2018-19 15 ,680 ,500 2019-20 6 ,986 ,000 2020-21 7,970 ,000 2021-22 5,123 ,000 2022-23 7 ,976 ,000 TOTAL $ 61,507,050 <1) The Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-2018 project expenditures have been adopted as part of the Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-2018 Operating and Capital Budgets of the City of San Juan Capistrano. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED t . 21st day of J 6/2 1/2016 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss . CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, MARIA MORRIS, appointed City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 16-06-21-03 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano at the Regular meeting thereof, held the 21st day of June 2016, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Reeve, Perry, Allevato, Ferguson and Mayor Patterson NOES : COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS : None i~J~QgrERK 2 6/2112016 m X I OJ =i }> ""0 Ill (Q CJ) 0 -N 0J PROJECT TRANSPORTATION xx105 -Local Streets Pavement Rehabilitation xx109 -Arterial Street Major Rehabilitation Program 07117-1-5/San Juan Creek Road Underpass Improvements 11101-Citywide Sign Replacement Program 15102-Neighborhood Traffic Calming Projects 15103-Countdown Pedestrian Signals 16101-Traffic Signal Cabinet Upgrades City of SanJuan Capistrano 2016-2023 CIP PROJECT SUMMARY BY TYPE PROPOSED 2016/17 PROPOSED 2017/18 PROPOSED 2018/19 PROPOSED 2019/20 PROPOSED 2020/21 PROPOSED 2021/22 PROPOSED 2022/23 $ 1,120,000 $ 996,000 $ 1,063 ,500 $ 1,224,000 $ 1,259,000 $ 1,294,000 $ 1,327,000 $ 516,000 561,000 618,000 626,000 650,000 631,000 649,000 7,140,000 173,000 280,000 72,000 72,000 55,000 208,000 125,000 TOTAL 8,283,SOO 4,251,000 7,140,000 453,000 144,000 55,000 333,000 16102-Del Obispo Street Widening Project 300,000 1,197,550 1,497,550 16104-0rtega/Del Obispo New Left Turn 10,000 10,000 17101-Vista Montana Pedestrian Im provements 50,000 50,000 !suBTOTAL s 2,123,ooo s 3,2o7,sso s 9,226,soo s 1,sso,ooo s 1,909,ooo s 1;9zs,ooo s 1,976,ooo s 22,211,oso I PARKS AND OPEN SPACE 07204-Citywide Trail Improvements 09203-Citywide Playground Upgrades 09209-Northwest Open Space Community Park 16201-Cook La Novia Park Picnic Area Enhancements 16203-Malaspina Trail Connection Project xxxxx-Riding Park Fire Flow and Recycled Water Supply Project xxxxx-Arce Park Renovation 126,000 1,780,000 277,000 515,000 $ 70,000 $ 75,000 106,000 106,000 175,000 75,000 $ 75 ,000 $ 75,000 $ 295,000 106,000 106,000 106,000 78,000 734,000 1,780,000 175,000 277,000 515,000 75,000 xxxxx-Parks and Recreational Needs Assessment Report 97,000 97,000 xxxxx-Los Rios Phase II Im proveme nts 330,000 1 ,300,000 1,630,000 !suBTOTAL s 2,698,ooo s 853,ooo s 1,48t,ooo s 1o6,ooo s 181,000 s 1o6,ooo s t53,ooo s s,s78,ooo I BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES 15306-ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan Implementation $ 152,000 $ 152,000 S 152,000 $ 152,000 $ 152,000 S 152,000 S 152,000 $ 1,064,000 xxxxx-EI Camino Real Parkway Safety Lighting 35,000 35,000 xxxxx-Historic Town Center Park Storage Facil ity 165 1000 16S,OOO !suBTOTAL $ 152,000 s 152,000 $ 352,000 $ 152,ooo s 152,ooo $ 152,ooo s 152,000 s 1,264,000 I DRAINAGE 15501-Camino Capistrano Storm Drain, Del Obispo Street to San Juan Creek 15503-Calle Arroyo and Sundance Drive Drainage Improvements 15504-San Juan Creek Road at Calle Caballero Drainage Improvements s 50,000 54,000 s 110,000 110,000 55,000 130,000 $ 160,000 164,000 185,000 15505-La Novia and Camino La Ronda Drainage Improvements 38,000 89,000 127,000 xxxxx-Aven ida Aerop ue rto at Calle Aviador & calle Perfecto Dr aina ge Improvements 62 ,000 78 ,000 170,000 170,000 480,000 !suBTOTAL s 104,000 S 203,000 S 391,000 $ 78,000 S 110,000 s 11o.ooo s -s 1,116,000 I m X I aJ =i )> "U !ll co CD "' 0 ..... "' w PROJECT WATER 08801-Joint Regional Water Supply System Capital Replacements 08804-Pump Station Component Replacements 11805-1 -5 Utility Relocation 16801-La Pata Pipeline Relocation xxxxx-San Juan Hills Greens Cathodic Protection System xxxxx -760S Zone Pump Station Discharge Line Replacement xxxxx-Valve Insertion Program xxxxx-Cap istrano Royale Fire Flow Pump xxxxx-Palleti zation and Space Consolidation NON-POTABLE WATER 16601-Recycled Water Service Conversions Project xxxxx-Trampas Canyon Recycled Water Reservoir $ $ 2016/17 2017/18 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 55,000 150,000 472,000 472,000 184,000 25 ,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 180,000 40,000 40,000 200 200,000 140 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 101,000 101,000 2018/19 2019/20 620,000 $ 145,000 $ 205,000 110,000 100,000 100,000 24,000 $ 24,000 $ 101,000 101,000 2020/21 2021/22 187,000 $ 100,000 $ 1 ,000,000 880,000 100,000 24,000 $ 24,000 $ 101,000 101,000 2022/23 TOTAL 100,000 $ 1,192,000 1,055,000 150,000 1,149,000 184,000 1,065,000 500,000 180,000 80,000 24,000 $ 101,000 420,000 707,000 xxxxx-Recycled Expansion-Grants Application 165,000 165,000 xxxxx-Calle Arr oyo Recycl ed Pipeline 3.24,000 2,3 06,000 2,630,000 !suBTOTAL $ 416,ooo s 575,000 s 125,ooo $ 125,ooo $ 2,431,000 $ 125,000 $ 125,000 $ 3,922,000 I SEWER xx701-Annual Sewer Replacement Program $ 450,000 $ 450,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 550,000 $ 07701-South Orange County Wastewater Authority PC#2 Rehabilitation 1,460,000 1,755,000 2,470,000 2,310,000 1,410,000 550,000 $ 995,000 600,000 $ 3,600,000 1,570,000 11,970,000 07703-New Hydraulic Capital Project #6 100,000 200,000 1,400,000 1,700,000 15703-South Orange County Wastewater Authority PC#5 Ocean Outfall Rehabilitation 75,000 150,000 100,000 20,000 345,000 xxxxx-Sewer Flow Metering & SCADA Monitoring Pr oj e ct 20 0.000 200,000 !suBTOTAL s 2,285,ooo s 2,555,ooo $ 3,o7o,ooo $ 4,23o,ooo s 1,960,ooo s 1,545,ooo s 2,11o,ooo s 17,815,ooo I I GRAND TOTAL $ 9,344,000 $ 8,427,550 $15,680,500 $ 6,986,000 $ 7,970,000 $ 5,1 23,000 $ 7,976,000 $ 61,507,050 I m >< I OJ -i }> ""0 ro co ('[) w 0 ...., N w Description BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUES Revenue/Fees In Current year project funding Project Specific Grants Interest Earned Other Reimbursements Other Revenue Loan Repayments Transfers in/(out) TOTAL-PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES Transportation Projects Parks and Open Space Projects Buildings and Facilities Projects Historic Preservation Projects Drainage Projects Non-Potable Water Projects Sewer Projects Water Projects Operating Expenditures TOTAL EX PEND ITU RES $ $ $ $ ACTUAL 2014/15 20,933,173 $ 5,775,361 49,434 1,785,320 189,192 2,200,901 30,085 975,000 11,005,293 $ 31,938,466 $ 1,415,140 622,630 25,186 137,587 29,059 1,155,528 981,208 914 4,367,252. s ADOPTED 2015/16 City of SanJuan Capistrano CONSOLIDATED CIP FUNDS FY 2016/2018 PROPOSED 2.016/17 PROPOSED 2.017/18 9,411,.514 $ 11,444,592 $ 11,588,597 s 12,714,250 478,360 23,760 98,120 1,580 30,085 2,520,000 15,866,155 $ 25,277,669 $ 1,830,700 332,000 301,000 216,000 250,000 2,390.797 2,186,000 7,.50 6.497 $ 5,633,480 1,454,000 175,000 171,535 1,171,000 30,990 240,000 672,000 9,548,005 $ 20,992,597 $ 2,123,000 2,698,000 152,000 104,000 416,000 2,285,000 1,566,000 60,000 9,404,000 $ 8,300,350 824,000 598,775 172,895 31,920 715,000 803,000 .u.445.94o $ 23,034,.537 $ 3,207,550 853,000 152,000 203,000 575,000 2,555,000 882,000 8,427,550 $ PROPOSED 201 8/19 14,606,987 s 8,568,860 952,000 153,585 - 32,880 733,180 1,550,000 11,990,505 $ 26,597,492 $ 9,226,500 1,481,000 352,000 391,000 125,000 3,070,000 1,035,000 15,680,500 $ PROPOSED 2019/20 10,916,992 $ 11,059,940 752,000 147,470 33,865 740,230 3,550,000 16,283,505 $ 27,200,497 $ 1,850,000 106,000 152,000 78,000 125,000 4,230,000 445,000 6,98_6,000 $ PROPOSED 2.020/21 20,214,497 $ 2,691,385 752,000 148,8 70 34,880 754,455 2,800,000 7,11h,S90 $ 27,396,087 $ 1,909,000 181,000 152,000 170,000 2,431,000 1,960,000 1,167,000 7,970,000 $ PROPOSED 2021 /2.2 19,426,087 $ 2,023,315 752,000 142,780 35,925 2,800,000 5,754,020 $ 25,180,107 $ 1,925,000 106,000 152,000 . 170,000 125,000 1,545,000 1,100,000 5,123,000 $ PROPOSED 2022/23 20,057,107 1,786,910 752,000 144,210 37,005 5,050,000 7,770,125 27,827,232 1,9 76,000 153,000 152,000 125,000 2,170,000 3,400,000 7,976,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 27.571,.214 $ 17,771,1n $ ll,588,597 $ 14,606,987 $ 10,916,992 $ 10,214,497 $ l9,416,0lf7 $ 20,057,107 $ 19,851.,232 UNFUNDED PROJECTS Transportation Projects Parks and Open Space Projects Water Projects TOTAL UNFUNDED PROJECTS $ $ s $ $ $ 2,159,500 s 200,000 1,500,000 3,8 59,500 $ 555,000 $ 735,000 1,290,000 $ 594,500 s 1,800,000 735,000 3,129,500 $ 561,500 $ 580,000 735.000 1,8 76,500 $ 604,000 s 6,200,000 1,735,000 8,.5 39,000 $ 698,000 $ 1,735,000 2,433,000 $ 743,500 735,000 1,478,500 m >< I CD =i )> "'U !ll ((l CD """ 0 ..... N (..) Descri ption BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUES Current Year Project Funding TOTAL-PROJEmD REVENUES AND OrnER SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES xx105-Local Streets Pavement Rehabilitation xx109-Arterial Street Major Rehabilitation Program 09211-Piacida-Habitat Restoration and Monitoring 15304-Camino Capistrano Athletic Arena Court Resurfacing 15201-Cook Cordova Park Softball Field #1 and Soccer Field #1 Rehabilitation Project xxxxx-EI Camino Real Parkway Safety Lighting TOTAL EXPE NDI TURES ti:J!,,!,~'t • City of San Juan Capistrano FUND1-GENERALFUND FY 2016/2018 ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2014/15 2 0 1 5/1 6 201 6/1 7 2017/1 8 201 8/1 9 2 0 1 9/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 $ 2,06S,420 s 2,000,000 s 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 s 2,000,000 s 2,000,000 23,694 60,000 600,000 600,000 635,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 $ 23,694 $ 60,000 $ 600,0oo $ 600,0 00 s 635,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 2,08_9,.]:14 $ 2,060,000 $ 2,600,000 $ 2,600,00 0 $ 2,63S,OOO $ 2,600,000 $ 2,600,000 $ 2,600,000 $ 2,600,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 114 950 60,000 35,000 s 1,.064 $ 60,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 635,000 $ 600,000 .$ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,0,00 Wi•i:i:i•i1 ·K4i•f•f•i •i•f•KWJ,f,f,l •i•i •RCSJ,f,f,f,f ,f,RWJ,J,J,f,f,f,RWJtla i•i •i•i•RZSltl•f•i •l•f •===J•i•f•i •f•i•RLDi•i•i •i•i•i• m X I OJ =i )> """'() Ill (0 CD 01 0 -N v.> City of SanJuan Capistrano FUND 10 -SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT FY 2016/2018 ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED Description 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 518,953 $ 250,506 $ 116,078 $ 708,718 $ 1,327,703 $ 1,265,413 $ 1,736,448 $ 1,715,953 $ 1,626,553 REVENUES Systems Development Tax 195,948 948,070 719,805 962,915 583,610 514,940 143,385 74,4 35 2 1,4 15 Development Fees -Ord 211 4,240 35 ,125 22,470 27,660 20,645 29,595 1,575 1,575 525 Grants-Measure M Specific Projects 18,166 Investment Interest 3,231 820 4,365 4,410 4,455 4,500 4,545 4,590 4,635 TOTAL-PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES $ 221,585 $ 9 84 ,015 $ 746,640 $ 994,985 $ 608,710 $ 549,035 $ 149,505 $ 80,600 $ 26,S7S TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 740,538 $ 1,234~ $ 862,718 $ 1,703,703 $ 1,936,413 $ 1,814,448 $ 1,885,953 $ 1,796,553 $ 1,653,128 EXPENDITURES xx105-Local Streets Pavement Rehabilitation 50,000 07111-EI Camino Real at Don Juan Retain ing Wall 97,059 11101-Citywide Sign Repla cement Program 88,485 173,000 173,000 280,000 14106-Verdugo Street Beautification Project 2,026 15306-ADA Se lf Evaluation and Transition Plan 19,000 15501-Camino Capistrano Storm Drain, Del Obispo Street to San Juan Creek Road 49,000 50,000 110,000 15503-Calle Arroyo and Sundance Drive Drainage Improvements 161,000 54,000 110,000 15504-San Juan Creek Road at Calle Caballero Drainage Improvements 55,000 130,000 15505-La Novia and Camino La Ronda Drainage Improvements 38,000 89,000 17101-Vista Montana Pede strian Improvements 50,000 xxxxx-Avenida Aeropuerto at Calle Aviador & Calle Perfecto Drainage Improvements 62,000 78 ,000 170,000 170,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 187,570 $ 4 52,000 $ 154,000 $ 376,000 $ 67 1,000 $ 78,000 $ 170,000 $ 170,000 $ ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 552,968 $ 782,521 $ 708,718 $ 1,327,703 $ 1,265,413 $ 1,736,448 $ 1,715,953 $ 1,626,553 $ 1,653,128 m >< I OJ =i )> """'0 OJ (0 CD (J) 0 ....... N VJ Description BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUES Park/Recreation Fees Investment Interest Other Revenue TOTAL-PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES 07204-Citywide Trail Improvements 07403-Bias Aguilar Adobe (Phase C) 09203-Piayground Upgrades 09209-Northwest Open Space Community Park 11203-Eastern Open Space Trails/Citywide Bikeway Gap Closure 12201-Reata Park & Event Center 14501-Los Rios Park Drainage Improvements 16201-Cook Park-La Novia Picnic Structures 16202-Cook Cordova Park Playground Equipment Project 16203-Malaspina Trail Connection Project xxxxx-Arce Park Renovation xxxxx-Parks and Recreational Needs Assessment Report xxxxx-Los Rios Phase II Improvements TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ $ $ $ City of SanJuan Capistrano FUND 11-PARK AND RECREATION FY 2016/2018 ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 817,646 $ 1,154,490 $ 968,754 $ 1,247,529 $ 1,258,339 $ 835,200 3,578,160 8U,040 821,040 1,434,000 6,783 4,640 10,745 10,850 10,960 30,085 30,085 30,990 31,920 32,880 872,068 s 3,612,885 $ 86~ns $ 863,810 $ 1,477,840 $ 1,689,714 $ 4,767,375 $ 1,831.5~ $ 2,111,339 $ 2,736,179 $ 75,000 70,000 75,000 21,295 25,387 50,000 126,000 106,000 106,000 181,000 17,194 27,930 6,000 175,000 91,000 56,000 277,000 75,000 97,000 330,000 1,300,000 91,806 $ 278,000 $ 584,000 $ 853,000 $ 1,481,000 $ PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 1,255,179 $ 3,853,649 $ 3,718,709 $ 3,659,924 2,659,535 11,070 11,180 11,290 11,405 33,865 34,880 35,925 37,005 2,704,470 $ 46,060 $ 47,215 $ 48,410 3,959,649 $ 3,899,709 $ 3,765,924 $ 3,708,334 75,000 75,000 106,000 106,000 106,000 78,000 106,000 $ 181,000 $ 106,000 $ 153,000 ENDINGFUNDBIUANCE $ 2,597,908 $ 4,489,375 $ 1.247,529 $ J,258,339 S l,25S,V9 $ 3,853,649 $ 3,718,709 S 3,659,924 $ 3,555,334 m >< I iii =i )> -u Ill (Q CD -...J 0 ...... N (..) Description BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUES Drainage Fees TOTAL-PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTltER SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES 12502-Camino Capistrano Off-Ramp Catch Basins T0TAL EXPENDITURES $ $ s s AGUAL 2014/15 (379,153) $ 45,250 45,250 $ (333,903) $ 2,759 2,759 s City of SanJuan Capistrano FUND 12-DRAINAGE FUND FY 2016/2018 ADOPTED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 (389,662) $ (341,622) $ (310,322) $ l14,62S 31,300 62,990 114,625 $ 31,300 $ 62 ,990 s (275,037) s (310,322) $ (247,332) $ -s s $ PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 (247,332) $ (135,527) $ (119,867) $ (89,537} $ (69,647) 111,805 15 ,660 30,330 19,890 111,805 $ 15,660 $ 30,330 s 19,890 s (135,527) $ (119,867) s {89,537) s (69,647) $ (69,647) s s s s ENDING FUND BAlANCE $ (336,662) $ (275,037) $ (310,322) $ (247_332} $ (135_527) $ (119,867) $ (89,537] $ (69,647) $ (69,647} m X I CD =i l> "'0 Ql (Q CD 00 a I\) (..) Description BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUES Current Year Project Fund ing TOTAl -PROJEtTEO REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES =·Riding Park Fire Flow and Recycled Water Supp ly Project $ $ $ $ City of SanJuan Capistrano FUND 13 -AGRICULTURAL PRESERVATION FUND F¥2016/2018 ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 -$ $ $ $ 515,000 -$ -$ 515,000 $ -$ . $ -$ 515,000 $ -$ - 515,000 --$ -$ S1S,OOO $ -$ . PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 $ $ $ -$ $ -$ -$ -$ $ -$ -$ -$ $ $ -$ -$ m X I OJ =l )> -u til co (1) c:o 0 -N VJ Description BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUES Gas Tax 2103 (New HUTA) Gas Tax 2105 Gas Tax 2106 Gas Tax 2107 Gas Tax 2107.5 Investment Interest TOTAL-PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES xx105-Local5treets Pavement Rehabilitation xx109-Arterial Street Major Rehabilitation Program 07111-EI Camino Real at Don Juan Retaining Wall 11101-Citywide Sign Replacement Program Transfer Out-General Fund (Street Maintenance) ACTUAL 2014/15 $ 741,862 $ 382,102 219,440 145,798 282,138 12,000 3,819 $ 1,045,297 $ $ 1,787,159 $ 74,727 3,600 219,053 65,000 450,000 City of SanJuan Capistrano FUND 17-GAS TAX FY 2016/2018 ADOPTED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 372 $ 133,584 $ 51,774 397,010 85,435 86,290 182,445 226,235 228,495 146,885 115,230 116,380 224,180 314,165 317,305 6,000 6,000 6,000 545 6,125 6,185 957,065 $ 753,190 $ 760,655 957,437 $ 886,774 $ 812,429 278,000 350,000 366,000 411,000 300,000 469,000 344,000 PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 $ 57,429.00 $ 57,634.00 $ 57,459.00 $ 40,979.00 $ 51,279 .00 87,155 88,025 88,905 89,795 90,695 230,780 233,090 235,420 237,775 240,155 117,545 118,720 119,905 121,105 122,315 320,480 323,685 326,920 330,190 333,490 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,245 6,305 6,370 6,435 6,500 $ 768,205 $ 775,825 $ 783,520 $ 791,300 $ 799,155 $ 825,634 $ 833,459 $ 840,979 $ 832,279 $ 850,434 468,000 476,000 500,000 481,000 499,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 m X I !D =i )> -o Dl (Q ro 0 0 ...., N (,.) Description BEGINNING FUND BAlANCE REVENUES Circulation Fees Investment Interest TOTAL-PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES TOTAL AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES 07107-Del Obispo Circulation Improvements & Bridge Widening 07117-1-5/San Juan Creek Road Underpass Improvements 14103-Camino Las Ram bias and 1-5 Northbound Traffic Signal Modification 14104-Aiipaz Street Widening, Camino Del Avion to Calle Rolando 15101-San Juan Creek Rd and Calle Cartegena Traffic Signal 16102-Del Obispo Street Widening Project 16104-0rtega/Del Obispo New Left Turn Operating Expenditure-CCFP Fee Study TOTAL EX PEND ITURES s $ $ $ City of San Juan Capistrano ACTUAL 2014/15 5,769,559 $ 203,074 33,057 23 6,131 $ 6',005,690 $ 12,217 387 109 2,163 715 914 16,505 $ FUND 18 -CCFP FY 2016/2018 ADOPTED PROPOSED 2015/16 2016/17 4,341,019 $ 4,512,891 $ 2,312,055 569,865 27,435 35,790 2~3lJ,490 $ 605,655 $ 6,680,509 $ 5,118,546 $ 125,000 10,000 s 135,000 $ PROPOSED PROPOSED 2017/18 2018/19 4,983,546 $ 6,445,316 $ 2,024,395 1,928,070 36,150 36,510 2,060_s4 5 s 1,9&4,580 $ 7,044>~1-$ 8,409,896 $ 7,140,000 598,775 s98,ns s 7,lAO,ooo $ PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 1,269,896 $ 2,920,906 $ 3,276,686 $ 3,370,436 1,614,135 318,535 56,135 36,935 36,875 37.245 37,615 37,990 1,651,0 10 $ 355,780 $ 93,759 $ 74,925 2,920,906 $ 3,276,686 $ 3,370;436 $ 3.445.361 $ $ $ ENDING FUND BAlANCE $ 5,989,185 $ 6,680,509 $ 4,983,546 $ 6,445,316 $ 1,269,896 $ 2,920,906 $ 3,276,686 $ 3,370,436 $ 3,445,361 m X I OJ ::::::j > \J Ill co Cl> 0 -N VJ City of SanJuan Capistrano FUND 31 ~AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT (AQMD)/ AB2766 FUND FY 2016/2018 ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED Description 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ -$ $ $ $ -$ -$ -$ $ REVENUES Current Year Project Funding 1,504 136,360 127,000 72,000 TOTAL-PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES $ 1,504 $ 136,360 $ 127,000 $ 72,000 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE $ 1,504 $ 136,360 $ 127,000 $ 72,000 $ . $ -$ -$ $ - EXPENDITURES 13103-Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program {Del Obispo Street) 638 4,360 15102-Neighborhood Traffic Calming Projects 430 72,000 72,000 72 ,000 15103-Countdown Pedestrian Signals 436 60,000 55,000 TOTAL EXPEN.DITURES -$ $ 136,360 $ 127,!)00 $ 72,000 $ $ --$ $ $ 1,504 - ENDING FUND BALANCE $ • $ -$ $ • $ $ $ $ • $ m X I aJ =t }> -u OJ <C CD ...... N 0 ...., N w Description BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUES Measure M Local Turnback Investment Interest TOTAL-PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES TOTAL AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES xx105-Local Streets Pavement Rehabilitation xx109-Arterial Street Major Rehabilitation Program 07111-EI Camino Real at Don Juan Retaining Wall 08103-Cam Del Avian/Ave Descanso-Lighted Crosswalk & Via Positiva Sidewalk 11101-Citywide Sign Replacement Program 13102-Bridge at Acjachema Street and La Calera Street 16101-Traffic Signal Cabinet Upgrades TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ $ $ $ $ ACTUAL 2014/15 386,949 $ 599,334 $ 1,562 600,896 $ 987,845 $ 131,953 58,000 126,057 6,676 322,680 916 646,282 s City of San Juan Capistrano FUND 32-MEASURE M FY 2016/2018 ADOPTED 2015/16 149,418 $ 677,140 $ 6,860 684,000 $ 833,418 $ 300,000 403,000 90,000 793,000 $ PROPOSED 2016/17 50,915 $ 662,525 s 6,930 669,455 $ 720,370 $ 670,000 670,000 $ PROPOSED 2017/18 50,370 $ 697,US S 7,000 704,115 $ 754,485 $ 546,000 208,000 7 54,000 $ PROPOSED 2018/19 485 $ 731.595 s 7,070 738,665 $ 739,150 $ 613,500 125,000 738,500 $ PROPOSED 2019/20 650 $ 767,665 s 7,140 774,805 $ 775,455 $ 774,000 774,000 $ PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 1,455 $ 1,520 $ 1,705 801,855 $ 836,905 $ 870,380 7,210 7,280 7,355 809,065 $ 844,185 $ 877,735 810,520 $ 845,705 $ 879,440 809,000 844,000 877,000 809,000 $ 844,000 $ 877,000 ENDING FUND BAlANCE $ 341,563 $ 40,418 $ 50,370 $ 485 $ 650 $ 1,455 $ 1,520 $ 1,705 $ 2,440 m X I CD =i }> I "U Ql <C (I) w 0 ...... N w Oesc.ription BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUES Grants -State Grants-Federal Grants-Measure M Specific Projects Investment Interest TOTAL-PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE EX PEN DITU RES 07107-Del Obispo Circulation Improvements & Bridge Widening 08103-Cam Del Avian/Ave Descanso-Lighted Crosswalk & Via Positiva Sidewalk 13103-Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program (Del Obispo Street) 14107-0rtega Highway Widening from Calle Entradero to East City Limits 16102-Del Obispo Street Widening Project EXPENDITUREs DO NOT PRINT BELOW lliiS UNE City of San Juan Capistrano FUND 37-HIGHWAYS, STREETS, AND ROADS GRANTS FUND FY 2016/2018 ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 $ (503,611) $ -s s s 627,229 4,585 25,749 23,760 175,000 598,775 3,211 s 660,n4 s 23,760 s 175,000 s 59B,n5 S . $ 157,163 $ 23,760 s 175,000 s S98,ns S 24,827 107,616 23,760 28,959 175,000 598,775 PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 s $ s s s s s $ $ $ s -.s ~~ " s s m X I IJJ =i )> -o Q) co <D ...... ~ 0 -N w Description BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUES Measure M Project Specific Grants Other Reimbursements TOTAL· PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES 12503-Trash Capturing Screens 13103-Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program (Del Obispo Street) TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ $ $ $ City of SanJuan Capistrano FUND 38 -OTHER GRANTS FUND FY 2016/2018 ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2014/15 201S/16 2016/17 2017/18 (42,196) $ $ -. $ 55,566 2,081 1,?80 57,647 s 1,580 $ s 15,451 s 1,580 s . $ . 26,300 18,194 1,580 44,494 $ 1,580 $ s PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 $ $ -$ -$ $ $ s $ $ s s -s . $ . $ s s $ m X I OJ =i )> ""''J Ql <0 CD ...... (]1 0 -N w Description BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUES Investment Interest TOTAL-PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES 09209-Northwest Open Space Community Park TOTAL EXPENDJTIJRES $ $ $ $ City of San Juan Capistrano FUND 51-OPEN SPACE FY 2016/2018 ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2014/1S 201S/16 2016/17 2017/18 2,107,834 $ $ 428,778 $ 3,278 $ 10,960 10,100 2,500 2,500 10,960 $ 10,100 $ ~00 $ 2,500 $ 2.118,794 $ 10,100 $ 431,278 $ 5,778 $ 384,862 428.000 '384,862 $ . s '428,000 ~ -$ PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 5,778 $ 5,778 $ 5,778 $ 5,778 $ 5,778 -$ -$ $ -$ 5,778 $ 5,778 $ 5,778 $ 5,778 $ 5,778 -$ $ $ $ ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 1,733,932 $ 10,100 $ 3,278 $ 5,778 $ 5,778 $ 5,778 $ 5,778 $ 5,778 $ 5,778 m >< I OJ ---1 >- ""'0 ru (Q CD ...... O'l 0 -N VJ Description BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUES Other Reimbursements-Pacifica San Juan CFD 98-1 Other Reimbursements-Whispering Hills CFD 2005-1 TOTAL-PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES 09209-Northwest Open Space Community Park TOTAL EXPENDITURES l"l!f~1..-~1~[1i City of San Juan Capistrano FUND 52-COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT BONDS FY 2016/2018 ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 $ $ 131,000 $ $ $ - 85 0,000 32 1,000 $ -$ -$ 1,171,000 $ -$ - $ -$ 131,000 $ 1,171,000 $ $ - 1,1 71 ,000 $ -$ -$ ,. 1,17.1,000 $ -$ PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 $ $ $ $ $ -$ -$ -$ $ $ -$ -$ $ $ $ -$ m X I IJJ =i )> "'U Dl (Q (I) ---.1 0 -N w Description BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUES Other Reimbursements Investment Interest TOTAL-PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES 14106-Verdugo Street Beautification Project 15502-Historic Town Center Drainage Improvement Project City of San Juan Capistrano FUND 53-SUCCESSOR AGENCY NON-HOUSING BONDS FY 2016/2018 ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 $ $ 59,050 $ 8,314 $ 8,314 $ 8,314 $ $ 1,970,750 11,011 $ 1,981,761 $ $ $ $ -$ $ 1,981,761 $ 59,050 $ 8,314 $ 8,314 $ 8,314 $ $ 22,217 $ 25 ,000 PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 8,314 $ 8,314 $ 8,314 $ 8,314 $ $ -$ 8,314 $ 8,314 $ 8,314 $ 8,314 Description BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUES Transfer In-Water Operations Other Reimbursements Investment Interest TOTAL-PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABlE EXPENDITURES 07811-760 South Reservoir Habitat Restoration 08801-Joint Regional Water Supply System Capital Replacements 08804-Pump Station Component Replacements 10803-San Juan Hills Waterline Replacements 11805-1-5 Utility Relocation 14702-Las Ram bias Sewer Activo Slope Replacement 16801-La Pata Pipeline Relocation 16802-Krum Reservoir xxxxx-760S Zone Pump Station Discharge Line Replacement xxxxx-Water Facility Control Systems xxxxx-Well Facility Equipment Replacement Program xxxxx -System Repairs and Upgrade of Appurtenances ~ xxxxx-San Juan Hills Greens Pipeline Replacement I OJ =i )> "'U Ill (Q CD ->. (X) 0 -N w $ $ $ City of San Juan Capis trano FUND 63 -WATER REPLACEMENT FY 2016/2018 ACTUAl ADOPTED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 1,442,277 $ 2,633 $ 648,450 $ 281,610 $ 325,000 1,5 00,000 228,070 8,860 2,110 13,160 13,290 561,930 $ 1,502,110 $ 13,160 $ 13,290 $ 2,004,207 $ 1,504,743 $ 661,610 $ 294,900 $ 2,475 30,000 17,260 20,000 20,000 55 ,000 301 164,000 943,350 87,500 467,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 180,000 180,000 100,000 PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 44,900 $ 78,325 $ 496,885 $ 443,580 $ 357,410 750,000 750,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 3,200,000 13,425 13 ,560 13,695 13,83 0 13,970 763,425 $ 763,560 $ 1,013,695 $ 1,013,830 $ 3,213,970 808..325 $ l!-11,885 $ 1,510,580 $ 1,457,410 $ 3,571,380 620,000 145,000 187,000 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 110,000 880,000 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 2,300,000 m X I OJ =i )> "'U Q) (0 C1) _.. CD 0 -N (JJ Description BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUES Water Capital Improvement Charge Water Capacity Charge Water Storage Fees Grants-State Investment Interest TOTAL-PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES 07811-760S Reservoir 11805-1-5 Utility Relocation 15801-Upper Chiquita Reservoir Recirculation Pump and Upgrade Project 16801-La Pata Pipeline Relocation 16803-Groundwater Recharge xxxxx-San Juan Hills Greens Cathodic Protection System xxxxx-Valve Insertion Program xxxxx-Capistrano Royale Fire Flow Pump xxxxx-Palletization and Space Consolidation TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ $ $ $ City of San Juan Capistrano FUND 64-WATER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ACTUAL 2014/15 286,835 $ 569,684 900,757 681,807 246,432 2,948 2,401,628 $ 2,688,463 s 2,891 13 ,607 FY 2016/2018 ADOPTED 2015/16 634,647 $ 663,210 862,085 809,195 2,334,490 $ ·2;969,137 s 1,500,000 PROPOSED 2016/17 2,198,014 260,815 338,970 317,240 917,025 3,115,039 150,000 472,000 184,000 100,000 180,000 $ $ $ 40,000 16,498 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,126,000 $ PROPOSED 2017/18 1,989,039 $ 314,085 408,695 396,075 1,118,855 $ 3,107,894 $ 472,000 100,000 40,000 6U,OOO $ PROPOSED 2018/19 2,495,894 $ 450,775 585,835 547,885 1,584,495 $ 4,08Q,389 $ 205,000 100,000 305,000 $ PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 3,775,389 $ 6,547,224 $ 6,613,154 $ 6,727,934 818,125 44,745 31,245 12,245 1,063,115 58,445 40,775 15,905 990,595 62,740 42,760 14,640 2,871,835 $ 165,930 $ 114,780 $ 42,790 6,!)47,224 $ 6,713,~54 $ 6,727,934 $ 6,770,724 100,000 100,000 100,000 $ 100,000 $ $ ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 2,671,965 $ 1,469,137 $ 1,989,039 $ 2,495,894 $ 3,775,389 $ 6,547,224 $ 6,613,154 $ 6,727,934 $ 6,770,724 m >< I aJ ::::j )> -o Ill co CD N 0 0 ...., N w Descripti on BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUES Water Capacity Charge Transf er In-Recycled Water Operations TOTAL-PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES 16601-Recycled Water Service Conversions xxxxx-Water Facility Control Systems xx xxx-Well Facili t y Equipment Replacement Program xxxxx-Trampas Canyon Recycled Water Reservoir xxxxx-Recycled Expansion -Grants Application xxxxx-C alle Arroyo Recycled Pipeline TOTAL ElCP ENO ffiJRES City of Sa n Jua n Capis tra no FUND 65-NON-POTABLE WAT ER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FY 2016/2018 ACTUAL 2014/15 s (1,620,963) $ 32 2,576 600,000 s 922 ,576 $ $ (698,387} $ s s ADOPTED 2015/16 (885,101) $ 41,595 820,000 861,595 $ (23,506) $ 250,000 250,000 s PROPOSED 2016/17 (374,362) $ 172,620 641 ,000 813,620 $ 439,258 $ 150,000 20,000 40,000 101,000 165,000 476,000 $ PROPOSED 2017/18 (36,742) $ 365,610 647,000 1,012,610 $ 975,868 $ 150,000 20,000 101,000 324,000 5 95,000 s PROPOSED 2018/19 380,868 $ 258,320 600,000 858,320 $ 1,239,188 $ 24,000 101,000 125,000 $ PROPOSED 2019/20 1,114,188 $ 207,98 5 600,000 8_07;985 $ 1,922,173 $ 24,000 101,000 PROPOSED 2020/21 1,797,173 $ 196,495 600,000 796,495 $ 2,593,668 $ 24,000 101,000 2,306,000 125,000 $ 2.431,000 s PROPOSED 2021/22 162,668 $ 600,000 600,000 s 762,668 $ 24,000 101,000 125,0QCI $ PROPOSED 2022/23 637,668 600,000 600,000 1,237,668 24,000 101,000 125,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ (698,387) $ (2n,S06) $ (36,742) $ 380,868 $ 1,114,188 $ 1,797,1.73 $ 162,668 $ 637,668 $ 1,112,668 m X I OJ =i )> -a Ill (Q CD N 0 -N (;.J Description BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUES Transfer In-Sewer Operations Investment Interest TOTAL-PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTIIER SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES xx701-Annual Sewer Replacement Program 07701-South Orange County Wastewater Authority PC#2 Rehabilitation 07703-New Hydraulic Capital Project #6 11805-1-5 Utility Relocation 14702-Las Ram bias Sewer Activo Slope Replacement 15703-South Orange County Wastewater Authority PC#S Ocean Outfall Rehabilitation TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ $ $ $ City of San Juan Capistrano FUND 71-SEWER REPLACEMENT FY 2016/2018 ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 3,290,774 $ 331,442 $ 351,281 $ 249,671 $ 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 18,806 L3,220 23,390 23,625 518,806 $ 523,220 $ 523,390 $ 523,625 $ 3,809,580 $ 8 54,6 62 $ 874,671 $ 773,296 $ 58,926 450,000 450,000 450,000 341,773 100,000 200,000 1,324 262,500 402,023 $ 71 2,500 .$ 75,000 625,000 $ ~50,000 $ PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 123,296 $ 47,156 $ 116,256 $ 235,596 $ 710,181 500,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 23,860 24,100 24,340 24,585 24,830 52.3,860 $ 2,0 24,100 -$ 1,024,340 $ 1,0 24,585 $ 1,024,830 647,156 $ 2,071,256 s 1,140,596 $ 1,260,181 $ 1,735,011 500,000 500,000 550,000 550,000 600,000 35,000 355,000 1,400,000 100,000 20,000 600,000 $ 1,955,000 $ 905,000 $ 550,000 $ 600,000 ENDING FUND BAlANCE $ 3,407,557 $ 142,162 $ 249,671 $ 123,296 $ 47,156 $ 116,256 $ 235,596 $ 710,181 $ 1,135,011 m >< :r: ili =i ::t> ""'0 [I) co CD N N 0 _,., N w City of San Juan Capistrano FUND 72 -SEWER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FY 2016/2018 ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED Description 2014/1S 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 6,758,001 $ 1,631,700 $ 743,517 $ 361,812 $ 705,997 $ 174,597 $ 792,817 $ 1,292,687 $ 969,572 REVENUES Sewer Connection Fees 376,013 1,716,470 969,765 1,465 ,300 1,154,3 60 1,609,070 256 ,130 134,730 22,2 10 Loan Repaym e nt from Successor Agency 240,000 Loan Repayment from Water Operations Fund 715,000 733 ,180 740,230 754,455 Transfer In-Sewer Repla cement 500,000 500,000 500,000 550,000 Investment Interest 41,902 22 ,390 35 ,350 35,705 36,060 36,420 36,785 37,155 37,525 Loan Interest 4 2,980 33,180 33,180 15 ,000 7,500 7,500 Current Year Funding from Reserves 60,000 - TOTAL-PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES $ 460,ll95 $ 1,738,860 $ 1,338,295 $ 2,249;185 $ 1,938,600 $ 2,893,220 $ 1,554,870 $ 671,885 $ 609,735 TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE $ 7,218,896 $ 3,370,560 $ 2,081,812 $ 2,610,997 $ 2,644,597 $ 3,067,817 $ 2,347,687 $ 1,964,572 $ 1,579,307 EXPENDITURES 07701-South Orange County Wastewater Authority PC#2 Rehabilitation 739,8 29 1,460,000 1,755,000 2,470,000 2,275,000 1,055 ,000 995,000 1,570,000 07703-New Hydraulic Capital Project #6 1,277,087 08701-Grease Food Interceptor Program 15,000 15702-Hydraulic Capacity Project #5 250,000 15703-South Orange County Wastewater Authority PC#5 150,000 Ocean Outfall Rehabilitation 63,710 xxxxx-Sewer Flow Metering & SCADA Monitoring Project 200,000 Write-off 20% of Successor Agency Loan Repayment 60,000 - TOTAL EXPENDITU RES $ 7 54,829 s 1,590,797 $ 1,720,000 $ 1,905,000 $ 2,4 70,000 $ 2,275,000 $ 1,055,000 $ 995,000 s ~,570,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 6,464,067 $ 1,779,763 $ 361,8U $ 705,997 $ 174,597 $ 792,817 $ 1,292,687 $ 969,572 $ 9,307 m X I OJ =i )> "'U Ql co CD N VJ 0 ....., N VJ Descri ption BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ REVENUES Current Year Project Funding --TOTAL-PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES $ TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE $ - EXPENDITURES 13301-Friends ofthe Library Bookstore Relocation 15302-Library Exterior Repairs and Painting 15303-La Sala Parking Lot Resurfacing Project 15304-Camino Capistrano Athletic Arena Court Resurfacing Project 15305-City Hall Complex Exterior Siding and Roof Repairs Replacement Project 15306-ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan Implementation 16301-Trabuco Creek Footbridge Renovation xxxxx-Historic Town Center Park Storage Facility --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ Hi iPtAdiPI.I:f·ii i 4(; City of SanJuan Capistrano FUND 81 -FACILITIES OPERATIONS FUND FY 2016/2018 ACTUAL ADOPTED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 $ $ $ $ 16,332 101,000 152,000 152,000 317,000 16,332 $ 101.000 $ 152,000 $ 152,000 $ 317,000 16,332 $ 101,.000 $ 152,000 $ 152,000 $ 317,000 3,960 12,372 26,000 152,000 152,000 152,000 75,000 165,000 16,33.2 $ 101,000 $ 152;000 $ 152,000 $ 317,000 PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 $ $ -$ $ 1S2,000 1S2,000 152,000 152,000 $ 152.000 $ 152,000 $ 152,000 $ 152,000 s 152,000 $ 152,000 $ 152,000 $ 152,000 152,000 152,000 152,000 152,000 $ 152,000 $ 152,000 $ 152,000 $ 152,000