Resolution Number SJCOB 15-02-24-02STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, Maria Morris, appointed Secretary of the Oversight Board to the Successor Agency of the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution Oversight Board Resolution 1-02-24-02 was duly adopted by the Oversight Board at a regular meeting held on the 24th day of February 2015, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: f1 AYES: BOARD MEMBERS: Jak(~e~, J~cord, Thomas, Tatarian and Chair Freese NOES BOARD MEMBERS: None i I...---"'.J \ n l\ ABSENT: BOARD MEMBERS: Hampt\)n\ 1 \l \ ~-7~-T~b+~~~~-+~---------Mari<\~Pj(/ l Obligation Type Description Total RPTTF (1) Bond Proceeds Administrative Costs Successor Agency share of City employee's salaries and benefits as well as utilities, supplies, legal and bond administration costs associated with outstanding debt of the former redevelopment agency $125,000 $125,000 $0 Total Administrative Expenses $125,000 $125,000 $0 SUCCESSOR AGENCY ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET July 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015 Funding Source (1)For Fiscal Year 2013-2014, the City, as the Successor Agency, is entitled to receive up to 3% of the portion of its Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF), but not less than $250,000, to meet the administrative expenses of serving as the Successor Agency. This amount represents one-half of the minimum annual amount for this six-month period and is listed on line 28 of the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) 15-16A for the period from July 1, 2015, through December 31, 2015. EXHIBIT A Successor Agency to the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) Projections as of May 21,2014 Annual Projection - Redevelopment Property Tax (RPT) Payment date Applicable Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) Period Covered Projected RPTTF % Projected RPTTF $ Projected County Administrative Cost & Pass Through RPTTF Available for Enforceable Obligations RPTTF Available for Enforceable Obligations Amount unspent from prior ROPS Amount from Other Sources Reserve for TABs Debt Service Total RPTTF Available for enforceable Obligations RPTTF Obligations Tax Allocation Bonds - Annual Principal and Interest Other Agreements-Fluidmaster/Sierra Vista Auto Dealer Agreements Farmer's & Merchants Bank - Annual Principal and Interest Kinoshita Notes - Interest Admin Allowance Property Maintenance Costs Litigation expenses related to obligations/assets Set-aside/Reserve: Tax Allocation Bonds - (Section 34171(b)) Kinoshita Promissory Note Set-aside City/Agency Loans: City Loans Approved by DOF (ROPS I through ROPS 13-14A) City Loans Subject to Finding of Completion Limitations Reserve Carryover to subsequent ROPS RPTTF/Other Carryover to subsequent ROPS Total ROPS from RPTTF RPTTF Available for Distribution to Taxing Entities FY 2014-15 FY 2015-2016 FY 2016-2017 FY 2017-2018 $7,830,914 $7,907,657 $8,065,810 $8,227,127 01/16/15 06/01/15 01/15/16 06/01/16 01/15/17 06/01/17 01/15/18 06/01/18 ROPS 14-15B ROPS 15-16A ROPS 15-16B ROPS 16-17A ROPS 16-17B ROPS 17-18A ROPS 17-18B ROPS 18-19A Jan-June 2015 July-Dec 2015 Total Jan-June 2016 July-Dec 2016 Total Jan-June 2017 July-Dec 2017 Total Jan-June 2018 July-Dec 2018 Total Successor Successor Successor Successor Successor Successor Successor County Agency Agency Agency Agency Agency Agency Agency Payment Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate 53%47%55%45%55%45%55%45% $4,160,733 $3,670,181 $7,830,914 $4,349,211 $3,558,446 $7,907,657 $4,436,196 $3,629,615 $8,065,811 $4,524,920 $3,702,207 $8,227,127 (1,029,279)(1,236,781)(2,266,060)(1,648,443)(1,275,431)(2,923,874)(1,950,599)(1,504,648)(3,455,247)(1,932,623)(1,492,390)(3,425,013) $3,131,454 $2,433,400 $5,564,854 $2,700,768 $2,283,015 $4,983,783 ok $2,485,597 $2,124,967 $4,610,564 ok $2,592,297 $2,209,817 $4,802,114 ok $3,131,454 $2,433,400 $5,564,854 $2,700,768 $2,283,015 $4,983,783 $2,485,597 $2,124,967 $4,610,564 $2,592,297 $2,209,817 $4,802,114 73,040 214,410 287,450 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45,000 18,509 63,509 45,000 0 45,000 45,000 0 45,000 45,000 0 45,000 0 0 229,898 229,898 0 0 $3,249,494 $2,666,319 $5,915,813 $2,745,768 $2,512,913 $5,258,681 $2,530,597 $2,124,967 $4,655,564 $2,637,297 $2,209,817 $4,847,114 $514,641 $1,494,641 $2,009,282 $490,784 $1,520,784 $2,011,568 $465,433 $1,125,433 $1,590,866 $448,714 $1,143,714 $1,592,428 35,000 48,000 83,000 35,000 48,500 83,500 35,000 49,000 84,000 35,000 49,500 84,500 175,000 250,000 425,000 162,200 259,000 421,200 167,000 266,000 433,000 172,000 273,000 445,000 198,776 198,777 397,553 198,777 198,776 397,553 198,776 198,776 397,552 198,776 198,776 397,552 239,901 239,901 479,802 239,901 239,901 479,802 239,901 239,901 479,802 239,901 239,901 479,802 125,000 125,000 250,000 125,000 125,000 250,000 125,000 125,000 250,000 125,000 125,000 250,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 50,000 100,000 35,000 35,000 70,000 35,000 50,000 85,000 35,000 50,000 85,000 0 0 229,898 229,898 0 0 0 0 50,000 50,000 950,000 950,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,200,000 0 1,200,000 979,626 979,626 0 0 0 200,000 200,000 400,000 200,000 25,000 225,000 0 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 0 0 $2,527,944 $2,666,319 $5,194,263 $2,676,560 $2,461,961 $5,138,521 $2,366,110 $2,104,110 $4,470,220 $2,454,391 $2,179,891 $4,634,282 $721,550 $0 $721,550 $69,208 $50,952 $120,160 $164,487 $20,857 $185,344 $182,906 $29,926 $212,832 ATTACHMENT 3 - Page 1 Successor Agency to the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) Projections as of May 21,2014 Annual Projection - Redevelopment Property Tax (RPT) Payment date Applicable Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) Period Covered Projected RPTTF % Projected RPTTF $ Projected County Administrative Cost & Pass Through RPTTF Available for Enforceable Obligations RPTTF Available for Enforceable Obligations Amount unspent from prior ROPS Amount from Other Sources Reserve for TABs Debt Service Total RPTTF Available for enforceable Obligations RPTTF Obligations Tax Allocation Bonds - Annual Principal and Interest Other Agreements-Fluidmaster/Sierra Vista Auto Dealer Agreements Farmer's & Merchants Bank - Annual Principal and Interest Kinoshita Notes - Interest Admin Allowance Property Maintenance Costs Litigation expenses related to obligations/assets Set-aside/Reserve: Tax Allocation Bonds - (Section 34171(b)) Kinoshita Promissory Note Set-aside City/Agency Loans: City Loans Approved by DOF (ROPS I through ROPS 13-14A) City Loans Subject to Finding of Completion Limitations Reserve Carryover to subsequent ROPS RPTTF/Other Carryover to subsequent ROPS Total ROPS from RPTTF RPTTF Available for Distribution to Taxing Entities FY 2018-2019 FY 2019-2020 FY 2020-21 $8,391,670 $8,473,044 $8,642,504 01/15/19 06/01/19 01/15/20 06/01/20 12/01/20 06/01/21 ROPS 18-19B Rops 19-20A ROPS 19-20B ROPS 20-21A ROPS 20-21B ROPS 21-22A Jan-June 2019 July-Dec 2019 Total Jan-June 2020 July-Dec 2020 Total Jan-June 2021 July-Dec 2021 Total Successor Successor Successor Successor Successor Successor Agency Agency Agency Agency Agency Agency Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate 55%45%55%45%55%45% $4,615,418 $3,776,251 $8,391,669 $4,660,174 $3,812,870 $8,473,044 $4,753,377 $3,889,127 $8,642,504 (1,399,741)(1,091,718)(2,491,459)(1,427,892)(1,113,612)(2,541,504)(1,779,090)(1,379,918)(3,159,008) $3,215,677 $2,684,533 $5,900,210 ok $3,232,282 $2,699,258 $5,931,540 ok $2,974,287 $2,509,209 $5,483,496 $3,215,677 $2,684,533 $5,900,210 $3,232,282 $2,699,258 $5,931,540 $2,974,287 $2,509,209 $5,483,496 0 0 0 0 0 0 45,000 0 45,000 45,000 0 45,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 $3,260,677 $2,684,533 $5,945,210 $3,277,282 $2,699,258 $5,976,540 $2,974,287 $2,509,209 $5,483,496 $432,513 $1,157,513 $1,590,026 $415,166 $1,175,166 $1,590,332 $396,777 $1,196,777 $1,593,554 48,340 44,760 93,100 0 0 177,000 281,000 458,000 154,783 233,578 388,361 20,000 163,000 183,000 198,776 198,776 397,552 198,776 198,776 397,552 198,776 198,776 397,552 239,901 239,901 479,802 239,901 239,901 479,802 239,900 0 239,900 125,000 125,000 250,000 125,000 125,000 250,000 125,000 125,000 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,000 50,000 85,000 35,000 50,000 85,000 25,000 50,000 75,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,696,697 1,696,697 0 0 0 250,000 250,000 450,000 450,000 250,000 250,000 $2,756,530 $2,346,950 $5,103,480 $2,668,626 $2,472,421 $5,141,047 $2,702,150 $1,983,553 $4,685,703 $504,147 $337,583 $841,730 $608,656 $226,837 $835,493 $272,137 $525,656 $797,793 ATTACHMENT 3 - Page 2