Resolution Number SACRA 14-09-02-01RESOLUTION NO. SACRA 14-09-02-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADOPTING A RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE FOR THE PERIOD FROM JANUARY 1, 2015, THROUGH JUNE 30, 2015, AND AUTHORIZING CERTAIN OTHER ACTIONS PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SECTION 34181(g) WHEREAS, the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency ("Agency") was a community redevelopment agency duly organized and existing under the California Community Redevelopment Law, Health & Safety Code Section 33000, et seq., which was authorized to transact business and exercise the powers of a redevelopment agency pursuant to action of the City Council ("City Council") of the City of San Juan Capistrano ("City"); and, WHEREAS, Assembly Bill X1 26 added Parts 1.8 and 1.85 to Division 24 of the California Health & Safety Code, which laws cause the dissolution and wind down of all redevelopment agencies ("Dissolution Act"); and, WHEREAS, on December 29, 2011, in the petition California Redevelopment Association v. Matosantos, Case No. S194861, the California Supreme Court upheld the Dissolution Act and thereby all redevelopment agencies in California were dissolved as of and on February 1, 2012, under the dates in the Dissolution Act that were reformed and extended thereby; and, WHEREAS, the Agency is now a dissolved redevelopment agency pursuant to the Dissolution Act; and, WHEREAS, by a resolution considered and approved by the City Council at an open public meeting the City chose to become and serve as the successor agency to the dissolved Agency under the Dissolution Act; and, WHEREAS, as of and on and after February 1, 2012, the City Council serves and acts as the "Successor Agency" and will perform its functions as the successor agency under the Dissolution Act to administer the enforceable obligations of the Agency and otherwise unwind the Agency's affairs, all subject to the review and approval by a seven -member oversight board ("Oversight Board"); and, WHEREAS, Assembly Bill 1484, enacted on December 27, 2012, made certain amendments to the Dissolution Act, including with respect to the process for adopting Recognized Obligation Payment Schedules; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 34171(h) of the Dissolution Act, a "Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule" means the document setting forth the minimum payment amounts and due dates of payments required by enforceable obligations for each six- month fiscal period as provided in subdivisions (1) and (m) of Section 34177 of the Dissolution Act; and, le WHEREAS, pursuant to subdivisions (1) and (m) of Section 34177 of the Dissolution Act, staff of the City, acting on behalf of the Successor Agency, has prepared the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the period covering January 1, 2015, through June 30, 2015, (ROPS 14-15B), in the form attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 34177(1)(2)(6) of the Dissolution Act, staff of the City, acting on behalf of the Successor Agency, is required to provide notice of the Oversight Board's consideration of the ROPS 14-15B, along with the ROPS and the staff report submitted to the Oversight Board, to the County Administrative Officer, the Orange County Auditor -Controller, the State Controller's Office, and the State Department of Finance, concurrently with the posting of the Agenda for the Oversight Board's consideration of the ROPS 14-15B; and, WHEREAS, the Successor Agency now desires to approve the ROPS 14-15B, ratify all actions taken by City staff to prepare the ROPS 14-15B, and transmit the ROPS 14-15B to the Oversight Board for its consideration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY OF THE SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Section 1. The foregoing Recitals are incorporated into this Resolution by this reference, and constitute a material part of this Resolution. Section 2. The Successor Agency hereby approves the ROPS 14-15B in the form attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A, which is incorporated herein by this reference. Section 3. The Successor Agency hereby authorizes the Executive Director and/or the Finance Officer, acting on behalf of the Successor Agency, or their authorized designees, to make such augmentations, modifications, additions or revisions as they may deem appropriate. Section 4. The Executive Director or her authorized designees are directed to transmit the approved ROPS to the Oversight Board, the County Administrative Officer, the County Auditor -Controller, the State Controller's Office, and the State Department of Finance, and to cause the approved ROPS to be posted on the City's website, all in accordance with Section 34177(I)(2)(C) of the Dissolution Act, and take other actions necessary to obtain approval of the ROPS from the Oversight Board and the State Department of Finance. Section 5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. Section 6. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. 17 Page 2 of 3 PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 2ntl day of September 2014. Larry Kirarher, Chair ATTEST: a�Lu CAY 1. M@rip Morrig-Aglancy Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )as. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO 1 I, MARIA MORRIS, appointed Agency Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Successor Agency to the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. SACRA 14-09-02-01 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano at a Regular meeting thereof, held the 2ntl day of September 2014, by the following vote: AYES: BOARD MEMBERS: Reeve, Taylor, Byrnes and Chair Kramer NOES: BOARD MEMBERS: None ABSENT: BOARD MEMBERS: Allevato RR � l,ry MARIA MORRIS, Agency Sec eta - Page 3 of 3 L Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS 14-1513) - Summary Filed for the January 1, 2015 through June 30, 2015 Period Name of Successor Agency: San Juan Capistrano Name of County: Orange Current Period Requested Funding for Outstanding Debt or Obligation Six -Month Total Enforceable Obligations Funded with Non -Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) A Funding Sources (B+C+D): b 1,245,000 B Bond Proceeds Funding (ROPS Detail) 1,200,000 C Reserve Balance Funding (ROPS Detail) D Other Funding (ROPS Detail) 45,000 E Enforceable Obligations Funded with RPTTF Funding (F+G): S 2,481,944 F Non -Administrative Costs (ROPS Detail) 2,356.944 G Administrative Costs (ROPS Detail) 125,000 H Current Period Enforceable Obligations (A+E): $ 3,726,944 Successor Agency Self -Reported Prior Period Adjustment to Current Period RPTTF Requested Funding I Enforceable Obligations funded wrlh RPTTF (E): 2,481.944 J Less Prior Period Adjustment (Report of Prior Period Adjustments Column S) (73,040) K Adjusted Current Period RPTTF Requested Funding (IJ) $ 2,408,904 County Auditor Controller Reported Prior Period Adjustment to Current Period RPTTF Requested Funding L Enforceable Obligations funded with RPTTF (E): 2.481.844 M Less Prior Period Adjustment (Report of Prior Period Adjustments Column AA) - N Adjusted Current Period RPTTF Requested Funding (L -M) 2,481,944 Certification of Oversight Board Chairman: Pursuant to Section 34177 (m) of the Health and Safety code, I hereby certify that the above is a true and accurate Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the above named agency. Name Title Is! Signature Date Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS 14-15B) - ROPS Detail January 1, 2015 through June 30, 2015 (Report Amounts In Whole Dollars) A B C D E F G H 1 J K L M N O P Funding Source Non -Redevelopment Property Tax Tent Fund Total on-RPTTF Rp7TF Reserve Contract/Agreement ContractlAgreement Outstanding Debt Item # Project Name I Debt Obligation Obligation Type Execution Date Termination Date payee Description/Project Scope Proect Arsa or Dbilostion Retired Bond Proceeds Balance Other Funds Non -Admin Admin Six -Month Total S 56.722,652 f 1200.000 f f 45.000 f 2.356944 $ 125,000 f 3,726.944 1 1997 Subordinated Taxable Tax Bonds Issued On or Before 516/1997 8/1/2017 Bank of New York Affordable Housing Projects Central 531,237 N 16,825 16,825 ,Allocation Bonds 12/31/10 2 1998 Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds Issued On or Before 6/24/1996 0/1/2016 U.S. Bank, N.A. .Advance Refunding of the 1991 Tax Central 1,046,787 N 23,706 23,7 Bonds 12/31/10 Allocation Bonds 3 2008 Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 'Bonds Issued On or Before 6/3/2008 8/1/2033 U.S. Bank, N A. Finance Agency Projects in the Central 12,229,050 N 173,497 173,497 A 12/31/10 Central Project Area consistent with the Redevelopment Plan 4 2008 Tax Allocation Bonds, Series Bonds Issued On or Before 6/3/2008 0/1/2033 U.S. Bank, N.A Finance Agency Affordable Housing Central 17,239,920 N 299,613 299,613 B(Taxable) 12131/10 Projects 5 Tax Allocation Bond Reserve Set- Reserves 1/1/2014 12131/2014 US Bank, NA Reserve set-aside for August 1, 2013 Central N Aside (See Notes) debt service payment - H&S Code Section 34171(b) 6 OPA-Fluidmaster OPA/DDA/Construction 6/17/1997 3/30/2019 Fluidmasler, Inc Elimination of Blight/Economic Central 194,760 N - IDevelopment 7 OPA-Capistrano Volkswagen OPA/DDA/Construction 4/1712001 3/30/2020 Maes Brandon Elimination of Blight/Business Central 181.783 N 35,000 35,000 Retention 8 OPA-Sierra Vista -OPAIDDA/Construction 4/1/2003 6/30/2023 Sierra Vista Partners IEbminalion of Bight/Economic Central 58,077 N - Development _ 9 Agreement-TCAG Ford OPA/DDA/Construction 10/19/2010 3/1/2038 Tuttle Click Automotive Elimination of Blight/Business Central 1,568,592 N 125,000 125,000 Group (TCAG. Inc.) (Retention 10 .Agreement -OC Chrysler OPA/DDA/Conslruction 117/2011 6/30/2031 Chrysler Group Really Cd , Elimination of BighVEconomic Central 1,205,776 N 50,000 50,000 LLC (Development 11 'Lower Rosen Ranch - Loan Payable 'Third -Party Loans 7/6/2011 7/6/2016 Farmer's 8 Merchants Property Acqulsitlon/Economic Central 3,723,902 N 198,776 198,776 (See Notes) Bank (Development 12 Kinoshita Acquisition - Note Thir"arty Loans 2/28/2011 3/1/2021 Kinoshita Enterprises, L P Property Acqulsition/parks & Ag. Central 5,443,873 N 117,494 117,494 Extension (interest payments IPrownratlon through March 1. 2021) 13 Kinoshita Acquisition - Note Third -Party Loans 2/28/2011 3/112021 (Bobby Kinoshita (Property Acquisilion/parks & Ag Central 5,671,5371 N 122,407 122,407 Extension (interest payments Investment Enterprises, (Preservation Through March 1, 2021) L.P. 14 Kni *ft Note Principal Payment Thlrll•Parly Loans n"01 I :V 102021 See items 12-13 above Reserve 5e1 -Asad" for March t. 2021 Central - N Sal loo prinopaf paymam on beta nom4 - s7,9W-607 15 Cooperation Agreement - Cky/County Loans On or 3/5/1985 -6130/2026 City of San Juan Developer Assistance/Affordable Central 979,626 IN 979,626 979,626 Capistrano Pointe (See Notes) Before 6/27111 -Capistrano Housing 16 Tax Anticipalion Agreement City/County Loans On or 1/20/1988 6/3012026 City of San Juan (Elimination of Blight/Economic Central 1,641,885 N 150,000 vio.000 (C RyAgency Loan #1 -See Notes) (Before 6127111 Capistrano Development 17 Tru lit Acquisition -Loan Agreement Cay/County Loans On or 10/111998 5/30/2026 City of San Juan (Property AcqusfbnlEBmnation of Central 455,726 N 5D.000 50,000 fCitv/Aoencv Loan #2 - See Notes) Before 027111 Capistrano (Bight 18 Administration Loan Agreement C"rty/County Loans On or 6/1/2004 Bi302026 City of San Juan ,Admnishation/Project Costs Central 1,679,786 N [C/Agency[Cilly/Agency Loan #3 - See Notes) Before 6127/11 Capistrano 19 iOPA- Paseo De Verdugo (See OPAIDDA/Construclion 2117/2009 5/30/2015 :26755 Vefdugo, LLC Elimination of Blght/Economic Central Y (notes) Development 28 Administrative Cost Allowance Admin Costs 7/11/2014 6/3012015 City of San Juan 3% allowance for administrative costs Central 125,000 N 125,000 125,000 Capistrano inmrre(L 29 Administrative Costs from other Admin Costs 7/1/2014 5/30/2015 'Various Vendors Section 34171(b) - Costs from other Central N sources sources - Bond Administration, postage, audits, etc. 30 1Downtdv nln Master PWn/6he Groins Protea! MsAagemrnt Cod% 912:1!12 01301016 City0san 'uan SW*n 34171(bl - staff lime for Central Y T - - Spoofic Pmlocl Inti mlenlet*n Cin ilirar+e, 221ecl managlementAnd inspecllon 31 Property maintenance (Property Maintenance 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 'Various Vendors Section 34171(b) - cost of maintaining Central 10,000 N 10,000 10,000 assets prior to osltlon 32 (Legal Costs associated with assets, (Litigation 8120/1991 8130/2015 Straddling, Yocca, Carlson Section 34171(b) - cost of maintaining Central 50,000 N 50,000 50,000 obligations and property. & Rauth assets prior to disposition 48 TrU_ls illrgtrlsikxn - Loui semen M )itovtn 10l1ff89tl 8 Clic er&an'Jlrars 11►9p1aviYAlig(r OnlElmroatinr, of eerlital N -0n 47 AdmWaitabarr Loan Agreement Ctykounly Loans or V1/2004 6/30/2026 City of San Jusn' Admimia"lion,'Proj9t;! Coms Central N Before XWNI I Ca o EXHIBIT A - Page 2 of 8 Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPE 14-15B) - ROPS Detail January 1, 2015 through June 30, 2015 (Report Amounts in Whole Dollars) A B C D E ' F G H 1 J K L M N O P Funding Source Non-Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund Total (Non-RPTTF) RPTTF Bond Proceeds Reserve Balance Other Funds Non-Admin Admin Item it Project Name I Debt Obligation Obligation Type ContractiAgreement Execution Date ConrraeuAgrenment Termination Date I Payee Description/Project Scope I Project Area Outstanding Debt or Obll ation Retired Slx-Month Total 45 'Verdugo Street and Arguello Way 'improvement/infrastructure 711/2014 15/30/2015 City of San Juan Design and construction of Y Improvements7Excess Bond Capistrano; TBD umprovements within the project area Proceeds Obligation In conjunction with the Historic Town Center Master Plan 49 Forster StreetlCamino Capislrano Improvement/Infrastructure 7/1/2014 -5/3012015 City of San Juan (Design and construction of sidewalk Y Sidewalk Improvement Capistrano; TBD improvements within the project area ProjacllExcess Bond Proceeds in conjunction with the Historic Town obligalion I lGenter Master Plan 50 AVordabla Hout: ng Pro)ects»xcoM 0PAJD0A?1'0rolruCli6in Vire it4 IV310015 San Juan Captslrsrto Acqum*- of propeny. 0faxrgn and 2,686, N t.2D0, 1,200,000 Bund ProCavda Ob6gatKw Housing Aulnortty. T0D construtuan o1 elamu(rg t Groves) and other potential atlordatrta housng prom EXHIBIT A - Page 3 of 8 Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS 14-15B) - Report of Cash Balances (Report Amounts in Whole Dollars) Pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 34177 (1), Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) may be listed as a source of payment on the ROPS, but only to the extent no other funding source is available or when payment from property tax revenues is required by an enforceable obligation. For tips on how to complete the Report of Cash Balances Form, see https://rad.dof.ca.eov/rad- saJpdflCash Balance Agency Mins Sheet.pdf. A B C I D I I- I F I G H 1 Fund Sources Bond Proceeds Reserve Balance Other RPTTF Prior ROPS Prior ROPS period balances RPTTF Bonds Issued Bonds Issued and DDR RPTTF distributed as Rent, Non -Admin on or before on or after balances reserve for Grants, and Cash Balance Information by ROPS Period 1 12131110 1 01101111 retained 1 future period(s) 1 Interest, Etc. Admin Comments ROPS 13-14B Actuals (01101114 - 06130114) 1 Beginning Available Cash Balance (Actual 01101114) 10,413,066 473,000 631,957 250,068 2 Revenue/Income (Actual 06/30114) RPTTF amounts should tie to the ROPS 13-14B distribution from the County Auditor -Controller during January 2014 11,888 51,704 1,121,177 _ 3 Expenditures for ROPS 13-14B Enforceable Obligations (Actual 06/30114) RPTTF amounts, H3 plus H4 should equal total reported actual expenditures in the Report of PPA, Columns L and Q 473.000 512,146 51,704 580,637 4 Retention of Available Cash Balance (Actual 06130/14) RPTTF amount retained should only include the amounts distributed for debt service reserve(s) approved in ROPS 13-14B 1,774,621 _ _ 467,500 5 ROPS 13-14B RPTTF Prior Period Adjustment RPTTF amount should tie to the self-reported ROPS 13-14B PPA in the No entry required Report of PPA, Column S 6 Ending Actual Available Cash Balance C to G = (1 + 2 - 3 - 4), H = (1 + 2 - 3 - 4 - 5) 8,650,333 - 1 119,811 1 323.108 ROPS 14-15A Estimate (07101114. 12/31114) 7 Beginning Available Cash Balance (Actual 07101114) (C, D, E, G = 4 + 6, F = H4 + F4 + F6, and H = 5 + 6) 10,424,954 587,311 323,108 8 Revenue/Income (Estimate 12131114) RPTTF amounts should tie to the ROPS 14-15A distribution from the County Auditor -Controller during June 2014 5,000 4,300 2,146,644 9 Expenditures for ROPS 14-15A Enforceable Obligations (Estimate 12131114) 5,970,000 587,311 4,300 2,396,712 10 Retention of Available Cash Balance (Estimate 12/31/14) RPTTF amount retained should only include the amount distributed for debt service reserve(s) approved in ROPS 14-15A 1,774,621 11 Ending Estimated Available Cash Balance (7 + 8.9 -10) 1 2,685,333 73,040 EXHIBIT A - Page 4 of 8 Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS 14-16B) - Report of Prior Period Adjustments Reported for the ROPS 13-14B (January 1, 2014 through June 30, 2014) Period Pursuant to Health and Safety Code (HSC) section 34186 (a) (Rpnnrl Amnunts in Whnie Onllarn) ROPS 13-14B Successor Agency (SA) Self-reported Prior Period Adjustments (PPA): Pursuant to HSC Section 34186 (a), SAs are required to report the differences between their actual available funding and (heir actual expenditures for the BOPS 13-148 (January through June 2014) period. The amount of Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) approved for the ROPS 14-15B (January through June 2015) period will be offset by the SA's self-reported ROPS 13-14B prior period adjustment HSC Section 34186 (a) also specifies that the prior period adjustments self-reported by SAs are subject to audit by the county auditor -controller (CAC) and the Slate Controller, A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P D R 5 T Non-RPTTF Expenditures RPTTF Expenditures Net SA Non -Admin and Admin PPA (Amount Used to Offset ROPS 14-156 Bond Proceeds Reserve Balance Other Funds Non -Admin Admin Requested RPTTF) Available Available Difference RPTTF RPTTF (H total actual (ROPS 13-148 Difference (ROPS 13-148 exceeds total distributed + all other Net Lesser of (If K Is Was than L, distributed + all other Net Lesser of authorized, Ute Project Name / Debt available as of Authorized I the difference is available as of Authorized / total difference is Not Difference Item ff Obligation_ Authorized Actual Authorized Actual Authorized Actual Authorized 01/1114) Available Actual zero) Authorized 0111114) Available Actual zero) (M+R) SA Comments $ $ i 512,146 $ 512,146 $ 62.500 S 51.704 $ 1.056.177 $ 1.056.177 $ 1,056,177 $ 998,305 $ 57.872 S 65.0001 S 65.000 3 65,000 $ 49.832 $ 15,168 $ 73,040 1 1991 Subordinated Taxable 22.863 22,863 2 1998 Tax Allocation 32.489 .4 2,137 2.137 3 2008 Tax Allocation Bonds, 'Series A 178,484 178,484 4 2008 Tax Allocation Bonds, Series B (Taxable) 301,173 301,173 5 Tax Allocation Bond _ (Reserve Set -Aside (See (Notes) 467,500 467,500 _467,5001 467.500 6 OPA-Fluidmaster 7 OPA-Capistrano 'Volkswagen 8 OPA-Sierra Vista — 9 regiment-TCAG Ford 25.000 25.000 25.000 3,889 21.111 21.111 10 reement-OCC 125,000 125,000 125.000 116,627 8,373 8.373 11 Lower Rosen Ranch - Loan Payable (See Notes) 198,776 198.776 198.776 198.776 - 12 VinoshttaAcquisition - Note Extension (Interest payments through March 1, 2021) 117,494 117,494 117.494 103,590 13,904 13.904 13 1Crashila Acquisition- Note Extension (interest payments through March 1, 2021) 122,407 122,407 122,407 107,923 14,484 — 14.484 14 Kinoshita Note Principal Payment Set-aside 15 CooperalionAgreement- Capistrano PohMe (See Notes) 16 Tax AWJC"aon Agreement ,[See Notes) 17 TrUhs Acqusmon - Loan Agreement _ 18 AAministraWn Loan Agreement 19 OPA - Paseo De Verdugo (Sae notes) 20 _ The Groves Affordable Housing 21 Downtown Master Plan _ 22 DelObispo/Camkw Capistrano Imp 23 DelObispo/Camino - -Capistrano Imp, 24 J Serra/Rancho Viejo Rd. Improvements (CRA Share) 25 Ortega Highway Sklewalk Expansion _ 26 The Groves Affordable Housing 27 The Groves Affordable Housing 28 Administrative Cost _ Allowance 15.163 65.0001 65,000 49.832 EXHIBIT A - Page 5 of 8 Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS 14-16B) -Report of Prior Period Adjustments Reported for the ROPS 13-14B (January 1, 2014 through June 30, 2014) Period Pursuant to Health and Safety Code (HSC) section 34166 (a) EXHIBIT A - Page 6 of 8 (Report Amounts in whole uoliars) ROPS 13-14B Successor Agency (SA) Self-reported Prior Period Adjustments (PPA): Pursuant to HSC Section 34186 (a), SAs are required to report the differences between their actual available funding and their actual expenditures for the ROPS 13-14B (January through June 2014) period. The amount of Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) iROPS 14-158 (January through June 2015) period will be offset by the SRs self-reported ROPS 13-146 prior period adjustment HSC Section 34186 (a) also specifies that the prior period adjustments self-reported by SAs are subject to audit by the county auditor -controller (CAC) and tre Slate Controller approved for the A B C D E I F G H I J K L M N O P O R S T Non-RPTTF Expenditures RPTTF Expenditures Bond Proceeds Reserve Balance Other Funds Non -Admin Admin Net SA Non -Admin and Admin PPA (Amount Used to Offset BOPS 14-1SB Requested RPTTF) Item f1 Project Name 1 Debt Obligation Authorized Actual Available RPTTF (ROPS 13-14B distributed + all other Net Lesser of available as of Authorized f Authorized Actual Authorized Actual Authorized 01/1/14) Available Available RPTTF Difference (ROPS 13-148 (If K is less than L, distributed + all other Net Lesser of the difference is available as of Authortzed I Actual zero) Authorized 01/1/14) Available Difference (if total actual exceeds total authorized, the total difference Is Actual zero) Net Difference (M+R) SA Comments $ $ $ 512.146 $ 512.146 $ 62.500 $ 51,704 $ 1,056,177 S 1,056,177 S 1.056.177 S 998.305 S 57.872 $ 65.0001 3 65,000 $ 65.000 S 49.832 S 15.166 3 73,040 _ 29 AdministraliveCosts from other sources 30 Downtown Master Plan/The Groves - Specific Project implementation _ _ 31 Property Maintenance 12,500 4,095 _ 32 Legal Costs associated with assets, obligations and (property. 25.000 7.445 33 Personal Services Agreement 34 Personal Services Agreement 35Rental Subsidy Apmt 36 Rental Subsidy mt 37 Rental Subskly Amt 38 Rental Subsidy Agmt 39 Rental Subsidy ml 40 Rentaf Subsidy Agent 41 Rental Subsidy Aqml 42 Rental Subsidy Agmt _ 43 Rental Subsidy Amt 44 Rental Subsidy mt 45 Otte Hollywood Rental 46 Trutls Acqulsilion - Loan ,Agreement 47 Administration Loan ,Agreemert EXHIBIT A - Page 6 of 8 il! Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS 14156) - Notes January 1, 2015 through June 30, 2015 Item # Notes/Comments 1 The total obligation outstanding includes all principal and Interest expected to be outstanding at December 31, 2014. 2 The total obligation outstanding includes all principal and interest expected to be outstanding at December 31, 2014. 3 The total obligation outstanding includes all principal and interest expected to be outstanding at December 31, 2014. 4 The total obligation outstanding includes all principal and interest expected to be outstanding at December 31, 2014. 5 No set-aside reserve is necessary for the next ROPS debt service - H&S Code Section 34171(b). The total obligation outstanding Is the amount expected to be outstanding as of December 31, 2014. The agreement end date is 6 upon complete payment of obligation. As instructed by DOF staff, an estimated date has been included. The total obligation outstanding is the amount expected to be outstanding as of December 31, 2014. The agreement end date is 7 upon complete payment of obligation. As instructed by DOF staff, an estimated date has been included. The total obligation outstanding is the amount expected to be outstanding as of December 31, 2014. The agreement end date is 8 upon complete payment of obligation. As instructed by DOF staff, an estimated date has been included. 9 The total obligation outstanding includes all principal and interest expected to be outstanding at December 31, 2014. 10 The total obligation outstanding includes all principal and interest expected to be outstanding at December 31, 2014. 11 The total obligation outstanding includes all principal and Interest expected to be outstanding at December 31, 2014. The total obligation outstanding Includes all principal and Interest expected to be outstanding at December 31, 2014. Payments for FY 12 14-15 are Interest only at 6.0%. The total obligation outstanding Includes all principal and interest expected to be outstanding at December 31, 2014. Payments for FY 13 14-15 are interest only at 6.0%. This amount has an $7,996,697 principal payment due March 1, 2021. 14 _ On May 16, 2014, DOF issued a final determination letter on ROPS 14-15A, indicating this Agreement was enetered within two years of creation of the Agency and that the City agreed to defer the fees under the Agreement until such time as the Agency determines it has sufficient funds to repay the loan. The total obligation outstanding of $979,626 includes all principal and interest expected to be outstanding at December 31, 2014 and is estimated to be able to be paid during this ROPS period 14-158. Additional information 15 regarding the balance outstanding will be provided with submittal of the ROPS 14-15B. _ The City has received its Finding of Completion; this loan was approved by the Oversight Board pursuant to Health and Safety Code {HSC) Section 34191.4(b) on May 27, 2014 (Oversight Board Resolutionl4-05-27-02); and DOF approved the loan and payment 16 schedule on August 5, 2014. The total obligation outstanding is the amount expected to be outstanding as of December 31, 2014. The City has received Its Finding of Completion; this loan was approved by the Oversight Board pursuant to Health and Safety Code (HSC) Section 34191.4(b) on May 27, 2014 (Oversight Board Resolution 24-05-27-02); and DOF approved the loan and payment 17 schedule on August 5, 2014. The total obligation outstanding Is the amount expected to be outstanding as of December 31, 2014. The City has received its Finding of Completion; this loan was approved by the Oversight Board pursuant to Health and Safety Code (HSC) Section 34191.4(b) on May 27, 2014 (Oversight Board Resolutionl4-05-27.02); however DOF did not approve the loan. This City/Agency loan is requested to remain pending the resolution of questions regarding the denial. The total obligation outstanding is 18 the amount expected to be outstanding as of December 31, 2014. $1,248,000 approved on ROPS iII and the Other Assets Due Diligence Review to be paid from reserves. The project was anticipated to be completed by December 31, 2014. However, this Is was estimated completion date and actual completion occurred in March 19 2014. Final payments made in January and March 2014. Staff time and other administrative costs (estimated to be incurred for this RODS period) provided pursuant to the Agreement for the Reimbursement of Costs approved by the Oversight Board on May 2, 2012, (Resolution 12-05-02-01). The agreement continues until services are no longer needed. Therefore, the termination date Is unknown and has been listed as December 31, 2014, as instructed 28 1 by the Department of Finance. EXHIBIT A - Page 7 of 8 Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS 14.1513) - Notes January 1. 2015 through June 30, 2015 Item # I Notes/Comments __ Administrative costs (estimated) - Administrative costs to be funded from other sources, If available. These costs will continue until dissolution Is completed. Therefore, the termination date Is unknown and has been listed as December 31, 2014, as instructed by the 291 Department of Finance. Specific Project Implementation cost expected to be paid during this period. Project management costs for The Groves Affordable Housing Project - HSC Section 34171(b). The funding source is bond proceeds. The Agreement for Reimbursement was approved on May 2, 2012, and continues until dissolution Is completed. Therefore, the termination date is unknown and has been listed as 30 December 31, 2014, as instructed by the Department of Finance. Property maintenance cost (estimated) - cost to maintain property prior to disposition - HSC Section 34171(b). These costs are expected to continue until all property is disposed of. Therefore, the termination date is unknown and has been listed as December 31, 2014, as instructed by the Department of Finance. 31 Legal costs associated with property, assets, and enforceable obligations (estimated) - HSC Section 34171(b). The Agreement is valid until services are no longer needed. Therefore, the termination date is unknown and has been listed as December 31, 2014, as 32 instructed by the Department of Finance. Duplicate of Lines 17 and 18. 46 47 Duplicate of lines 17 and 18. All bond proceeds transferred pursuant to the Bond Expenditure Agreement dated April 15, 2015; and approved by the Oversight Board on April 22, 2014 (Oversight Board Resolution 14-04-22-01). The DOF approved the Bond Expenditure Agreement on June 10, 2014, and approved the transfer of these funds to the City of San Juan Capistrano during ROPS 14-15A period. 48 All bond proceeds transferred pursuant to the Bond Expenditure Agreement dated April 15, 2015; and approved by the Oversight Board on April 22, 2014 (Oversight Board Resolution 14-04-22-01). The DOF approved the Bond Expenditure Agreement on June 1 2014, and approved the transfer of these funds to the City of San Juan Capistrano during ROPS 14-15A period. 49 Bond proceeds transferred pursuant to the Housing Bonds Expenditure Agreement dated May 6, 2014, and approved by the Oversight Board on May 27, 2014 (Oversight Board Resolution 14-05-27-01). The DOF approved the Housing Bonds Expenditure Agreement on August 5, 2024, and approved the transfer of $4,000,000 of these funds to the City of San Juan Capistrano during ROPS 50 _ 4-2SA-period. The t`Qtal oblip t)an autstandinR i -.Sh_e estimated remainin�hand_prooeedsasgf December 31, 14 in�IpdL EXHIBIT A - Page 8 of 8