16-0202_SJCHA_Minutes_Regular Meeting MINUTES February 2, 2016 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO HOUSING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING BUSINESS SESSION: Chair Perry called to order the February 2, 2016, Regular Meeting of the San Juan Capistrano Housing Authority at 7:52 p.m., in the City Council Chamber. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Derek Reeve, Pam Patterson, Esq., Sam Allevato and Vice-Chair Kerry K. Ferguson and Chair John M. Perry. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None. Agenda items are presented in the originally agendized format for the benefit of the minutes' reader, but were not necessarily heard in that order. CONSENT CALENDAR: Commission Action: Moved by Vice-Chair Ferguson, seconded by Commissioner Allevato, and carried unanimously to approve consent calendar items 1 through 4, as recommended by staff. 1. HOUSING AUTHORITY MINUTES — REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 15, 2015, APPROVED 2. CHECK REGISTERS FOR CHECKS AND ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS DATED NOVEMBER 13, 2015, TO NOVEMBER 26, 2015; NOVEMBER 27, 2015, TO DECEMBER 10, 2015; DECEMBER 11, 2015, TO DECEMBER 24, 2015; AND DECEMBER 25, 2015, TO JANUARY 7, 2016, RECEIVED AND FILED (300.30) 3. CASH AND INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDED NOVEMBER 30, 2015, AND DECEMBER 31, 2015, RECEIVED AND FILED (350.30) 4. RESOLUTION SJCHA 16-02-02-01 ADOPTED ENTITLED "A RESOLUTION OF THE SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO HOUSING AUTHORITY DELEGATING TO THE INTERIM FINANCE OFFICER AUTHORITY TO DEPOSIT HOUSING AUTHORITY FUNDS AND TO INVEST AND REINVEST HOUSING AUTHORITY FUNDS, AND AUTHORIZING SIGNATURES AND REPEALING SJCHA RESOLUTION NO. 15-12-01-01" (320.10) 1 2/2/2016 BOARD ACTIONS. 1. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO HOUSING AUTHORITY'S FISCAL YEAR 2015-16 SECOND QUARTER FINANCIAL REPORT; AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS APPROVED AS PRESENTED (330.20) Cindy Russell, Finance Officer, provided a PowerPoint presentation. Commission Action: Moved by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Allevato, and carried unanimously to receive and file the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Second Quarter Financial Report; and approve the proposed budget adjustments as presented. BOARD COMMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Chair Perry adjourned the meeting at 7:56 p.m. to Tuesday, March 1, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. for the public Business Session, in the City Coun it Ch mber. Respect ly m fitted, e� MARIA MORRI , CITY R Approved: March 1, 2016 ATTEST: ��Pv�'__ JO M. ERRY, CHAT 2 2/2/2016