Resolution Number SJCOB 14-04-22-02 OVERSIGHT BOARD RESOLUTION NO. 14-04-22-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD TO THE _ SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING THE LONG-RANGE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT PLAN PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34191.5 WHEREAS, the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency ("Agency") was established as a community redevelopment agency that was previously organized and existing under the California Community Redevelopment Law, Health and Safety Code Sections 33000, at seq., and previously authorized to transact business and exercise the powers of a redevelopment agency pursuant to action of the City Council ("City Council") of the City of San Juan Capistrano ("City"); and, WHEREAS, Assembly Bill x1 26 added Parts 1.8 and 1.85 to Division 24 of the California Health & Safety Code, which laws cause the dissolution and wind down of all redevelopment agencies (as upheld and modified by the California Supreme Court decision in California Redevelopment Association v. Matosantos, Case No. S194861, and as thereafter amended by Assembly Bill 1484, the "Dissolution Act"); and, WHEREAS, the Agency is now a dissolved community redevelopment agency pursuant to the Dissolution Act; and, WHEREAS, by a Resolution considered and approved by the City Council at an open public meeting, the City Council chose to serve as the governing body of the "Successor Agency" to the dissolved Agency under the Dissolution Act; and, WHEREAS, as of and on and after February 1, 2012, the Successor Agency will perform its functions as the successor agency under the Dissolution Act to administer the enforceable obligations of the Agency and otherwise unwind the Agency's affairs, all subject to review and approval by a seven-member "Oversight Board" formed thereunder; and, WHEREAS. Health and Safety Code Section 34191.5(b) requires the Successor Agency to prepare a "Long-Range Property Management Plan" (also referred to herein as the "LRPMP") addressing the future disposition and use of all real property of the former Agency; and, WHEREAS, Health and Safety Code Section 34191.5(b) also requires the Successor Agency to submit the LRPMP to the Oversight Board and the State of California Department of Finance ("DOF") for review and approval no later than six months following the DOF's issuance to the Successor Agency of a Finding of Completion pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34179.7; and, WHEREAS, DOF issued a Finding of Completion to the Successor Agency on V November 8, 2013; and, 1 4/22/2014 �,v, WHEREAS, the Successor Agency has prepared and submitted to the Oversight Board an LRPMP in substantially the form attached to this Resolution as Attachment "A,"which LRPMP addresses the disposition and use of the real properties of the former Agency and includes the information required pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34191.5(c); and, WHEREAS, the Oversight Board now desires to approve the LRPMP and authorize the Successor Agency to transmit the approved LRPMP to the Department of Finance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OVERSIGHT BOARD TO THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Section 1. Each of the foregoing recitals is true and correct. Section 2. This action is exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15378(b)(5) of the CEQA Guidelines because it is an organizational or administrative activity of government that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment. Further, it can been with certainty that there is no possibility that approval of the LRPMP may have a significant effect on the environment, and thus the action is exempt from CEQA (Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3)). Section 3. The Oversight Board hereby approves the Long-Range Property Management Plan in substantially the form attached to this Resolution as Attachment"A" and incorporated herein. Section 4. The Successor Agency Executive Director or his authorized designees are hereby authorized and directed to cause the LRPMP be submitted to the DOF. Section 5. The Chair of the Oversight Board shall sign the passage and adoption of this resolution and thereupon the same shall take effect and be in force. 2 APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 22"tl day of April , 2014. Aa LatWeFreese, Chair Oversight Board to the Successor Agency to the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency (SEAL) ATTEST: M r@_ . Morris, Secretary Oversight Board to the Successor Agency to the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, Maria Morris, appointed Secretary of the Oversight Board to the Successor Agency of the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution Oversight Board Resolution 14-04-22-02 was duly adopted by the Oversight Board at a regular meeting held on the 22ntl day of April 2014, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: BOARD MEMBERS: Doll, Kerr, McCord, Thomas, Tatarian and Chair Freese NOES BOARD MEMBERS: None ABSENT: BOARD MEMBERS: Hampton Maria orris, Oversigh oard Secretary 3 ATTACHMENT A rl LONG RANGE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT PLAN �I 4 SUCESSOR AGENCY TO THE SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LONG RANGE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT PLAN (Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34191.5) Dated April 1, 2014 EXHIBIT A Table of Contents Introduction...............................................................................................................................1 Property Disposition Plan Summary............................................................................................................................. ..........2 PropertyLocation Map.......................................................................................................... ........ 3 Park and Open Space Properties: Los Rios Park—Phase 2(Sites I and 2) ............................................................... ........... 4 San Juan Capistrano Community Center and Sports Park(undivided interest)(Site 3)........6 Historic Town Center Properties: Interim Parking Lot(Site 4) ...................................................................................................9 Interim Parking Lot(Site 5) ................................................................................................. 11 Interim Parking Lot(Site 6) ................................................................................................. 13 Interim Parking Lot(Site 7) ................................................................................................. 15 CommercialProperty(Site 8) ..............................................................................................17 Lower Roszm Ranch(Site 9)..........................................................................................................19 Appendices Appendix A: Los Rios Specific Plan Official Land Use Map,adopted by Resolution No. 78-2-15-6, February 15, 1978, as amended. The Los Rios Specific Plan document is available at http://sanquancapistrano.org/Index.wax7page=638 Appendix B: Open Space Master Plan dated June 1992, Executive Summary excerpt Community Park and Recreation Concept(Kinoshita Farm Site). The Open Space Master Plan document Is on file In the City Clerk's office and available upon request. Appendix C; El Camino Real and Historic Town Center Park area excerpt (Section 2.2.5) of the Historic Town Center Plan dated April 3, 2012. The Historic Town Center Master Plan document is available at http://sanouancapistrano.org/`index.aspx?page=639 Appendix D: Town Center Gateway area excerpt (Section 2.2.11 of the Historic Town Center Plan dated April 3, 2012. The Historic Town Center Master Plan document is available at http://sanivancapistrano.org/Index.aspx?page=638 Appendix E: The former Redevelopment Agency Five-Year Implementation Plan dated January 2010 Proposed Project Map and Summary Table excerpt. The Five-Year Implementation Plan document is available at http://www.san uancai)istrano.orit/Index.aspx?page=237. Appendix F; Long-Term Property Management Plan Tracking Worksheet EXHIBITA San Juan Capistrano Successor Agency Long Range Property Management Plan April 1,2014 Introduction On February 1, 2012, the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency (Redevelopment Agency) was statutorily dissolved under ABx126. On January 10, 2012,the San Juan Capistrano City Council took the steps to designate the City of San Juan Capistrano as the Successor Agency to the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency's (Successor Agency) pursuant to section 34173 of the Health and Safety Code, and the former Redevelopment Agency assets were transferred to the Community Redevelopment Property Trust Fund held by the Successor Agency on February 1,2012. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 34191.5,within six month after receiving a Finding of Completion from the Department of Finance (DOF), the Successor Agency is required to submit for approval to its Oversight Board and the DOF a Long Range Property Management Plan (LRPMP) that addresses the disposition and use of the real property assets of the former Redevelopment Agency. The Successor Agency's Finding of Completion was issued on November 8,2013. Presented below is the Long Range Property Management Plan (LRPMP) prepared in compliance with Health and Safety Code section 34191.5(c). Permissible options for the disposition of property under the Long Range Property Management Plan pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 34191.5(c)(2)are as follows: 1. The property may be transferred to the City pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 34181 if the property was constructed and used for a governmental purpose. 2. The property may be transferred to the City for future development if the plan directs the use or liquidation of the property for a project identified in an approved redevelopment plan,community plan or five-year implementation plan. 3. The property may be sold by the Successor Agency. 4. The property may be retained by the Successor Agency to fulfill an enforceable obligation. If the plan directs the liquidation of the property or the use of revenues generated from the property, such as lease or parking revenues, for any purpose other than to fulfill an enforceable obligation or other than that specified in paragraph 2,above,the proceeds from the sale shall be distributed to the taxing entities. With respect to the properties described in paragraph 2, the City will enter into agreements with the affected taxing entities for the distribution of any net sale proceeds to the extent required by law. Page 1 EXHIBIT A San Juan Capistrano Successor Agency Long Range Property Management Plan April 1,2014 Property Disposition Plan There are nine (9) sites held by the Successor Agency and included in this Long Range Property Management Plan. Two(2)sites(Sites 1 and 2)will be conveyed to the City of San Juan Capistrano upon approval by the Oversight Board and the DOF for their continued public and governmental intended purposes as parks,open space and roads under the Los Rios Specific Plan and the Open Space Master Plan, as authorized pursuant to Health Safety Code Section 34181(a). Six(6) sites(Sites 3 through 8)are located in the Historic Town Center area and identified in the Historic Town Center Master Plan. These sites will be conveyed to the City and retained for development in accordance with the Historic Town Center Master Plan. In 2009, the former Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors began the process to update the Historic Town Center Master Plan which was adopted in 1995. The revised Historic Town Center Master Plan was adopted by the City Council on April 3, 2012. The implementation of the Historic Town Center Master Plan furthers the planning objectives of the former Redevelopment Agency and as such the Successor Agency. The Lower Rosan Ranch property (Site 9) is to be conveyed to the City for its Intended development as outlined in the former Redevelopment Agency's Five-Year Implementation Plan dated January 2010. Page 2 EXHIBIT A San Juan Capistrano Successor Agency Long Range Property Management Plan April 2,2024 PROPERTY LOCATION MAP > o-i g 4 � a � � f r i t I f /1 [ e City of San Juan Capistrano p1v, Soaeaad Ayencytelhe Camnordy Paeeealopnenr Agency Progeny LP Iw Map �NWW�niY[Ni GRdER1V M -Illf rGVlltw,dicxanGn P.. ��QI9ewYM1 e aDl ,� rM Page 3 EXHIBIT A San Juan Capistrano Successor Agency (� Long Range Property Management Plan April 1,2014 PARK AND OPEN SPACE PROPERTIES Sites 1 and 2. Los Rios Park (Phase 2) r Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 121-143-19 and 121-143-09/121-143-18 Property Address: 31747 Los Rios St Acquisition Dates: 1984 and 2001 Total Acreage: 3.41 acres General Plan and Zoning Designation: Specific Plan/Precise Plan (Los Rios Specific Plan) Acquisition Value: $1,387,947($187,947 and$1,200,000) Estimated Current Value: $148,540($79,715 and$68,825) (market value) Estimated Lease, Rental or Other Revenue Value: $0 Environmental History: All site remediation completed and certified on APN 121-143-09 Transit-Oriented/Other Potential Development: None/Passive Park Uses Background Including Purpose of Acquisition and Potential for Development APN 121-143-19 —This property was vacant land acquired by the City In 1984 with Federal Land and Conservation Grant funds provided through the State (Los Rios Park Acquisition#06-100839) and transferred to the former Redevelopment Agency to be assembled with other properties as partof the Los Rios Park as identified in the Los Rios Specific Plan(Appendix A). APN 121-143-09/121.143.18—The former Redevelopment Agency acquired the property for the purpose of relocating the existing use (the local solid waste disposal company) to a location outside the Los Rios Historic District and assemble the property with the adjacent properties as part of the Los Rios Park as identified in the Los Rios Specific Plan(Appendix A). n Page 4 EXHIBIT A San Juan Capistrano Successor Agency Long Range Property Management Pian April 1,2014 Los Rios Park—Phase I was completed in August 2009 and opened to the public. Certain Los Rios Park properties (Phase 1) along with other properties used for public street purposes in the Los Rios Specific Plan were conveyed to the City in August 2010. However,the Los Rios Park—Phase 2 properties were not conveyed at that time due to questions regarding property and legal descriptions. The Los Rios Park—Phase 2 conceptual design was approved by the City Council in Spring 2010 and construction will commence when funding for park and open space improvements becomes available. Because of its land use designation and intended governmental use described above,the Los Rios Park Phase 2 property does not have any potential for transit-oriented development or the advancement of planning objectives of the Successor Agency beyond the second phase of the Los Rios park improvements. Estimated Value The City's General Plan and Zoning Designation as part of the Los Rios Specific Plan is intended to ensure that the property is retained as a public open space/recreational amenity in the Los Rios Historic District in perpetuity. Additionally, the provisions of the Federal Land and Conservation Grant funds under which the former Redevelopment Agency purchased APN 121-143-18, require Its use for park purposes. Based on zoning and grant fund provisions,the true "market value" of the property is something considerably less than the "book value". Recent comparable sales information obtained by the City in November 2013 indicated the market value of similar property to be approximately$1-$3 per square foot. Lone Ranee Property Manaeement Plan Authorized/Directed Disposition Action Upon approval of this Long Range Property Management Pian, the Successor Agency shall transfer the property to the City of San Juan Capistrano as a governmental purpose property to complete the Los Rios Park improvements, and to enable its continued use as a governmental purpose site. i Page 5 EXHIBIT A San Juan Capistrano Successor Agency Long Range Property Management Plan April 1,2014 Site 3. San Juan Capistrano Sports Park, Community Center, and Agricultural Preservation Area Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 121-190-57(undivided Interest) Property Address: 25925 Camino Del Avion Acquisition Dates: 1991 Total Acreage: 4.05 acres General Plan and Zoning Designation: General Open Space/Agri-Business (Community Park/Agri-Business) Acquisition Value: $686,183 Estimated Current Value: $176,418 Estimated Lease, Rental or Other Revenue Value: $0 Environmental History: Removal of underground storage tanks (farm use)and soil remediation Transit-Oriented/Other Potential Development: None/Passive Park and Open Space Uses Background Including the Purpose of Acquisition. Estimated Rental Income and Potential for Development The entire agricultural parcel (approximately 56 acres) was acquired in 1991 by the former Redevelopment Agency with tax-exempt promissory notes to reserve an approximately 10 acre portion of the property as a potential site for the Capistrano Unified School District(CUSD) Adult Education Program which was required to be relocated by the Redevelopment Agency as part of the Amended and Restated Agreement for Cooperation between the former Redevelopment Agency and the CUSD dated as of January 7, 1986. The remaining property was sold to the City of San Juan Capistrano as part of the City's open space acquisitions under Bond Measure D in order to provide open space and recreation amenities and preserve the City's agricultural heritage. Since the exact location of the Adult Education Program was not known at that time,a four-fifths (4/5) undivided interest (approximately 45 acres) in the property was sold to the City for the implementation of the Open Space Master Plan, approved in 1991 (Appendix B) and a one-fifth Page 6 EXHIBIT A San Juan Capistrano Successor Agency Long Range Property Management Plan April 1,2014 l� (1/5) undivided interest(which calculates to approximately 11 acres)was retained by the former Redevelopment Agency. In 1998, the Second Amended and Restated Agreement for Cooperation between the former Redevelopment Agency and the CUSD eliminated the obligation to relocate the Adult Education Program and created the obligations to sell approximately 7 acres of the parcel for the construction of Kinoshita Elementary School. This left the Redevelopment Agency with an interest in approximately 4 acres (which calculates to an undivided, one-twelfth (1/12) interest in the entire remaining property). The original purchase and sale agreement acknowledges the understanding that the property was acquired for park, open space, agricultural, and other public and quasi-public uses. Additionally, the purchase and sale agreement for the original acquisition of the Site by the former Redevelopment Agency identified the sale or transfer of all or any portion of the property for private development uses, private commercial uses, or for-profit uses as prohibited uses unless these uses were consistent with zoning at the date of the agreement. As outlined in the Open Space Master Plan dated lune 1992, approximately 28 acres of the property has been maintained since its acquisition as an agricultural preserve(currently operated by South Coast Farms). Additionally, the historic Congdon House (currently operated by the Ecology Center) has been restored by the City and is currently part of the agricultural preservation area. The improvements to the remaining property (approximately 21 acres, including the former Redevelopment Agency's undivided interest) were completed between 1996 and 2000 and are currently in use as a public street (Via Positiva), the San Juan Capistrano Community Center and Sports Park; Gymnasium; and Community Garden. The Capistrano Valley Boys & Girls Club and Teen Center is also located on the property as part of the Community Center/Gymnasium complex. Estimated Lease and Rental Revenue For Fiscal Year 2013/14, approximately $240,000 is anticipated to be collected from renting meeting rooms and the Community Hall; sports fields and gymnasium rental; farm operations and Ecology Center lease revenues. These revenues are completely applied toward off-setting the City's on-going operating and maintenance costs for the Community Center; Sports Park; Historic Congdon House and farm property which are anticipated to be approximately$915,000 for Fiscal Year 2013/14. Neither the Successor Agency nor the former Redevelopment Agency have ever received any lease or rental revenue from the Community Center;Sports Park;or farm operations. Because of its land use designation and intended governmental use described above, the San Juan Capistrano Sports Park property does not have any potential for transit-oriented development or the advancement of planning objectives of the Successor Agency beyond the uses implemented to date. Page 7 EXHIBIT A San Juan Capistrano Successor Agency Long Range Property Management Pian April 1,2014 Estimated Value The City's General Plan and Zoning Designation as part of the Open Space(Community Park) and Agri-Business are intended to ensure that the property is retained as a public recreational, open space and active agricultural amenity in perpetuity. Based on zoning provisions,the true"market value" of the property is something considerably less than the "book value" and is estimated at approximately $1 per square foot or $176,418 based on the estimated 1/12 undivided interest (approximately 4 acres). Lona Range Property Mananement Plan Authorized/Directed Disposition Action Upon approved of this Long Range Property Management Plan, the Successor Agency shall transfer the Successor Agency's entire interest in the property to the City of San Juan Capistrano as a governmental purpose property to enable its continued use as a governmental purpose site. Page 8 EXHIBIT A San Juan Capistrano Successor Agency Long Range Property Management Plan April 1,2014 _. HISTORIC TOWN CENTER PROPERTIES Site 4. Veteran's Park—Interim Parking Lot portion of the parcel Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 124-160-18(portion) Property Address: 31852 Camino Capistrano Acquisition Dates: 1986 Total Acreage: 0.15 General Plan and Zoning Designation: General Commercial/Town Center District Acquisition Value: $152,262 Estimated Current Value: $152,262(book value) Estimated Lease, Rental or Other Revenue Value: $0 Environmental History: None Transit-Oriented/Other Potential Development: Highly likely for transit-oriented and mixed-use development Background.Including Purpose of Acquisition and Potential for Development This parcel,located on the south side of Yorba Street,between Camino Capistrano and EI Camino Real was acquired for redevelopment as part of the Historic Town Center development. The front or westerly half of the parcel (approximately 0.24) was Improved as Veteran's Park. The park portion of the parcel was approved by the State Department of Finance as a governmental use property on November 30, 2012. Page 9 EXHIBIT A San Juan Capistrano Successor Agency Long Range Property Management Plan April 1,2014 The remaining 0.15 acre easterly portion of the parcel was held by the former Redevelopment Agency to be developed as part of the Historic Town Center Master Plan. In the Interim, the property was improved and put into service by the City as a temporary public parking lot in the early 1990's pending a permanent parking solution as part of the Historic Town Center development. The property is currently operated and maintained by the City as a public parking lot. The EI Camino Real and Historic Town Center Park area of the Historic Town Center Master Plan (Section 2.2.5) identifies this property as mixed use buildings and envisions EI Camino Real as a full-fledged downtown street, with wide, comfortable sidewalks, street trees, curbside parallel parking, and new mixed-use buildings fronting the Historic Town Center park with ground floor shops and restaurants and offices above along its west side where the parking lots are now located(See Appendix C). These described uses advance the planning objectives of the Successor Agency. Additionally,the property is 0.2 miles from the Historic Capistrano Depot which provides Metrolink and Amtrak service with several daily stops. Therefore, potential for transit-oriented development is highly likely. Estimated Value The Successor Agency and the City have no recent appraisal or market value information on this property;therefore,the book value is used as its estimated current value. Lona Range Proaerty Management Plan Authorized/Directed Disposition Action Upon approval of this Long Range Property Management Plan, the Successor Agency shall transfer the property to the City of San Juan Capistrano for future development as part of the implementation of the Historic Town Center Master Plan. Page 10 EXHIBIT A San Juan Capistrano Successor Agency Long Range Property Management Plan April 1,2014 Site S. Interim Parking Lot r Jor. Assessors Parcel Numbers: 124-160-16 Property Address: 31852 EI Camino Real Acquisition Dates: 1988 Total Acreage: 0.15 acres General Plan and Zoning Designation: General Commercial/Town Center District Acquisition Value: $126,655 Estimated Current Value: $126,655(book value) Estimated Lease,Rental or Other Revenue Value: $0 Environmental History: None Transit-Oriented/Other Potential Development: Highly likely fortransit-oriented and mixed use development Background. Including Purpose of Acquisition and Potential for Develooment This parcel, located on northwest corner of Forster Street and EI Camino Real was acquired for redevelopment as part of the Historic Town Center development. The property was improved and put into service by the City as a temporary public parking lot in the early 1990s pending a permanent parking solution as part of the Historic Town Center development. The property is currently operated and maintained by the City as a public parking lot. The recent update of the Historic Town Center Master Plan began in 2009 and was adopted on April 3, 2012. The EI Camino Real and Historic Town Center Park area of the Historic Town Center Master Plan (Section 2.2.5) Identifies this property as mixed use buildings and envisions EI Camino Real as a full-fledged downtown street, with wide, comfortable sidewalks, street trees, curbside parallel parking, and new mixed-use buildings fronting the Historic Town Center park with ground floor shops and restaurants and offices above along its west side where the parking lots are now located (See Appendix C). These described uses advance the planning objectives of Page 11 EXHIBIT A San Juan Capistrano Successor Agency Long Range Property Management Plan April 1,2014 the Successor Agency. Additionally,the property is 0.2 miles from the Historic Capistrano Depot which provides Metrolink and Amtrak service with several daily stops. Therefore, potential for transit-oriented development is highly likely. Estimated Value The Successor Agency and the City have no recent appraisal or market value information on this property;therefore,the book value is used as its estimated current value. ' Lona Range Property Management Plan Authorized/Directed Disposition Action Upon approval of this Long Range Property Management Plan, the Successor Agency shall transfer the property to the City of San Juan Capistrano for future development as part of the Implementation of the Historic Town Center Master Plan. Page 12 EXHIBIT A San Juan Capistrano Successor Agency Long Range Property Management Plan April 1,2014 Site 6. Interim Parking Lot t Pr Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 124-16D-19 Property Address: 31811 Camino Capistrano Acquisition Dates: 1988 Total Acreage: 0.46 acres General Plan and Zoning Designation: General Commercial/Town Center District —" Acquisition Value: $348,788 Estimated Current Value: $348,798(book value) Estimated Lease,Rental or Other Revenue Value: $0 Environmental History: None Transit-Oriented/Other Potential Development: Highly likely for transit-oriented and mixed use development Background.Including Purpose of Acquisition and Potential for Development This parcel, located on northwest corner of yorba Street and EI Camino Real was acquired for redevelopment as part of the Historic Town Center development. The property was improved and put into service by the City as a temporary public parking lot in the early 1990's pending a permanent parking solution as part of the Historic Town Center development. The property is currently operated and maintained by the City as a public parking lot. The recent update of the Historic Town Center Master Plan began in 2009 and was adopted on April 3, 2012. The EI Camino Real and Historic Town Center Park area of the Historic Town Center Master Plan (Section 2.2.5) identifies this property as mixed use buildings and envisions EI Camino Real as a full-fledged downtown street, with wide, comfortable sidewalks, street trees, curbside parallel parking, and new mixed-use buildings fronting the Historic Town Center park with ground floor shops and restaurants and offices above along its west side where the parking lots are now located (See Appendix Q. These described uses advance the planning objectives of the Successor Agency. Additionally, the property is 0.2 miles from the Historic Capistrano Depot _._ Page 13 EXHIBITA San Juan Capistrano Successor Agency Long Range Property Management Plan April 1,2014 which provides Metrolink and Amtrak service with several daily stops. Therefore, potential for transit-oriented development is highly likely. Estimated Value The Successor Agency and the City have no recent appraisal or market value information on this property;therefore,the book value is used as its estimated current value. Lone Range Property Management Plan Authorized/Directed Disposition Action Upon approval of this Long Range Property Management Plan, the Successor Agency shall transfer the property to the City of San Juan Capistrano for future development as part of the Implementation of the Historic Town Center Master Plan. Page 14 EXHIBIT A San Juan Caplstrano Succesmr Agency Long Range Property Management Plan April 1,2014 Site 7. Interim Parking Lot blw- Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 124-160-31 Property Address: 26874 Ortega Highway Acquisition Dates: 1987 Total Acreage: 0.81 acres General Plan and Zoning Designation: General Commercial/Town Center District Acquisition Value: $1,027,862 Estimated Current Value: $1,027,862 Estimated Lease,Rental or Other Revenue Value: $0 Environmental History: None Transit-Oriented/Other Potential Development: Highly likely for transit-oriented and mixed use development Background,Including Purpose of Acquisition and Potential for Development This parcel located on southeast corner of Ortega Highway and EI Camino Real and was acquired for redevelopment as part of the Historic Town Center development. The property was improved and put Into service by the City as a temporary public parking lot in the early 1990's pending a permanent parking solution as part of the Historic Town Center development. The property is currently operated and maintained by the City as a public parking lot. The Town Center Gateway area of the Historic Town Center Master Plan(Section 2.2.1) identifies this property as a key component of creating a downtown gateway (See Appendix D). The Historic Town Center Master Plan includes the construction of a major new municipal parking structure at the southwest corner of the new Ortega Highway/Del Obispo Intersection which includes this property and is identified as integral to the success of the overall vision of the Town Center. Page 15 EXHIBIT A San Juan Capistrano Successor Agency Long Range Property Management Plan April 1,2014 The new municipal parking structure would be lined on all sides with retail shops and other uses to screen the parking structure from public view. Replacing the existing surface parking lots and drive-through restaurants (on adjacent privately-owned parcels) on this corner with a well- designed building fronting directly onto the street helps to form another distinct corner at the gateway. The additional supply of parking provided by the new structure would replace the need for the existing surface parking lots on the west side of EI Camino Real (Sites 4-6), and allow the construction of the new buildings around the Historic Town Center Park without requiring each to have its own dedicated parking spaces. The construction of such a shared parking facility would require the relocation of the Camino Real Playhouse(Site 8). This development advances the planning objectives of the Successor Agency. Additionally, the property is 0.2 miles from the Historic Capistrano Depot which provides Metrolink and Amtrak service with several daily stops. Therefore, potential for transit-oriented development is highly likely. Estimated Value The Successor Agency and the City have no recent appraisal or market value information on this property;therefore,the book value is used as its estimated current value. Lone Ranee Prooertv Management Plan Authorized/Directed Disposition Action Upon approval of this Long Range Property Management Plan, the Successor Agency shall transfer the property to the City of San Juan Capistrano for future development as part of the Implementation of the Historic Town Center Master Plan. f-- Page 16 EXHIBIT A San Juan Capistrano Successor Agency Long Range Property Management Plan April 1,2014 Site 8. Commercial Property J Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 124-160-26 Property Address: 31776 EI Camino Real Acquisition Dates: 1988 Total Acreage: 0.38 acres General Plan and Zoning Designation: General Commercial/Town Center District Acquisition Value: $620,723 Estimated Current Value: $620,723 Estimated Lease, Rental or Other Revenue Value: $0 Environmental History: None Transit-Oriented/Other Potential Development: Highly likely for transit-oriented and mixed use development Background Including Purpose of Acquisition. Rental Income and Potential for Development This parcel, located on the EI Camino Real next to the Historic Town Center Park was acquired for redevelopment as part of the Historic Town Center development. The existing building on the property is currently in use as a community theater occupied and operated by the South Orange County Community Theatre pending the development of the Historic Town Center Master Plan. The rental income from this use is $100 annually under the license agreement dated October 7, 2008. The Town Center Gateway area of the Historic Town Center Master Plan (Section 2.2.1) identifies this property as a key component of creating a downtown gateway (See Appendix D). The Historic Town Center Master Plan Includes the construction of a major new municipal parking structure at the southwest corner of the new Ortega Highway/Del Obispo intersection which Includes this property and is identified as integral to the success of the overall vision of the Town Center. — - - Page 17 EXHIBIT A San Juan Capistrano Successor Agency Long Range Property Management Plan April 1,2014 I The new municipal parking structure would be lined on all sides with retail shops and other uses to screen the parking structure-from public view. Replacing the existing surface parking lots(See pages 10-11) and drive-through restaurants(on adjacent privately-owned parcels)on this corner with a well-designed building fronting directly onto the street helps to form another distinct corner at the gateway. The additional supply of parking provided by the new structure would replace the need for the existing surface parking lots on the west side of EI Camino Real (Properties #446), and allow the construction of the new buildings around the Historic Town Center Park(See pages 5-10 of this document)without requiring each to have its own dedicated parking spaces. The construction of such a shared parking facility would require the relocation of the Camino Real Playhouse. The development of the Town Center Gateway advances the planning objectives of the Successor Agency. Additionally,the property is 0.2 miles from the Historic Capistrano Depot which provides Metrolink and Amtrak service with several daily stops. Therefore, potential for transit-oriented development is highly likely. Estimated Value The Successor Agency and the City have no recent appraisal or market value information on this property;therefore,the book value is used as its estimated current value. Lona Range Prooerty Management Plan Authorized/Directed Disposition Action Upon approval of this Long Range Property Management Plan, the Successor Agency shall transfer the property to the City of San Juan Capistrano for future development as part of the Implementation of the Historic Town Center Master Plan. Page 18 EXHIBIT A San Juan Capistrano Successor Agency Long Range Property Management Plan April 1,2014 Site 9. Vacant Land Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 121-240-76;121-240-039;121-240-73; 121-253-13;and 121-253-14 Property Address: Stonehlll Drive,between railroad tracks and San Juan Creek Acquisition Dates: 1988 through 2006 Total Acreage: 21.76 acres General Plan and Zoning Designation: Quasi-Industrial (Commercial/Manufacturing Acquisition Value: $6,510,120 Estimated Current Value: $7,760,000 Estimated Lease,Rental or Other Revenue Value: $D Environmental History: None Transit-Oriented/Other Potential Development: None/Retail or Mixed Use Development Background,Including Purpose of Acquisition and Potential for Development The property was originally acquired to relocate the local solid waste hauler from the Los Rios Historic District(See pages 1-2 of this document(.The property Is currently vacant. Until recently, the adjacent auto dealerships used the front portion of the property for temporary car storage pending the completion of their dealership facilities under a month-to-month license agreement. Although the dealerships have Indicated there may be a need for seasonal storage from time to time,currently there are no dealerships using the property. The City prepared a Request for Proposal for development of the property in July 2011,which has been on hold pending the approval of this Long Range Property Management Plan, The City Intends to proceed with this process. _ _._. _ _ Page 19 EXHIBIT A San Juan Capistrano Successor Agency Long Range Property Management Plan April 1,2014 There is no potential for transit-oriented development since there are no regular transit stops located near the site. However, the property can be developed for retail or mixed use development. Estimated Value The estimated market value is$7.76 million based on the most recent appraisal dated July 2011. Lone Ranee Property Management Plan Authorized/Directed Disposition Action Upon approval of this Long Range Property Management Plan, the Successor Agency shall transfer the property to the City of San Juan Capistrano for future development as part of the implementation of the Historic Town Center Master Plan. 1 Page 20 EXHIBIT A Los Rios Specific Plan Official Land Use Map Adopted by Reeoluton No.7&3.184,February 15th,1878,as amended. IL 11 e � v LAR LAR OS Sites 1 and 2 p NR ,ypptP OS MC ba RlwlaiO W� � •. `1 OAF go w�b¢�me mucmnwmn Loc -��y+ oei �, nS a APPENDIX A San Juan Capistrano Open Space Plan Fable 2 t OA@nSpzce La td I3se and .... esCafi�epf Los Rios Park Develop a detail plan for park use to include passive uses, picnicking, multi-purpose center, and open area for community functions. La Novia Park Develop this area as part of the C. Russell Cook Park Master Plan, with hard court recreation facilities, picnic area, restroom, day care center and parking, Lacouague Park Develop this area as a neighborhood park with hard court recreation facilities, picnic area, restroom and parking. Las Rambles Park Develop a plan for a park at this location to include active sports fields,restroom,and parking. Passive Open Space Sites Maintain as passive open areas and connect to the City's trails stem. Trails System Acquire necessary easements and improve trails _ to establish a network of trails and connection to the regional trail system. Expand the trails system to Create Cross Country Runnino Trails. Kinoshita Farm Develop as a Community Park and Farm. Balance the recreational use with the agricultural use. Restore and incorporate the Joel Congdon house and other historical structures into the park. Develop a Communily Center and Sports Park. 12 Chapter 2 Executive Summary APPENDIX B - Page 1 San Juan Capistrano Open Space Plan U ' ex, e:: : :::::•: �::•:: :::::•: •:: : :;: :::::.;.;:::::.:::::: ot .. ;.,.. Northwestern Park Site Acquire land to create a rural Community Park. Integrate the recreational facilities with agricultural uses. Retain Avocado and Citrus Orchards and Christmas Tree Farm. Create community facilities and picnic areas within a natural setting of a meadow. Develop an equestrian complex that enables Fran Joswick Therapeutic Riding Center and Mission Trails to relocate. Create a Nature Center. Preserve and restore the Swanner Farm buildings to serve as a museumrnterpretive center and create a Bed and Breakfast to provide revenues. These improvements work together with uses and facilities proposed for the two major community parks and lands designated for acquisition in Measure D. Together,these establish an overall City-wide park strategy. 2.2 Community Park and Recreation Concept The community parks and facilities proposed for the lands designated In Measure D are referred to here as the Kinoshita Farm and the Northwest Park Site. The Kinoshita Farm is a 56 acre site and is to be a community park in the southern portion of the City. The northern community park is anticipated to encompass approximately 120 acres at the northwest boundary of the City. Klnoshfta Farm Site The Kinoshita Farm is proposed as a community park and farm. Its central location within the southem area of the City and its adjacency to the Marco Forster Junior High provide great opportunity for making recreational facilities available to the community. Its historic use as a farm is also important to the cultural identity of the City, The Open Space Plan seeks to accommodate both Interests in a fashion that integrates the two. Chapter 2 Executive'Summary 13 APPENDIX B - Page 2 San Juan Ca sfrano Open Spam Plan The site contains approximately 56 acres. Of that amount,46 acres are currently available for open space use. The City has been able to acquire the entire 56 acres of the IGnoshita Farm through Measure D and Redevelopment Agency funding. Ten acres of the 56 ages were acquired through Redevelopment Agency funding. The remaining 46 acres were purchased through Measure D funding. The plan for the parkifarm evolved through a series of alternative concept plans which were reviewed and evaluated within public workshops. From this process,a preferred plan was selected. The plan is referred to here as Alternate 613. Each of the alternatives incorporated similar features and land use program but, have slight variations in agricultural acreage and different locations of facilities and layouts. Overall development costs were similar to one another. Alternative Plan-6B The concept of this plan is to duster all new development to the west and retain agricultural use to the east. This concept minimizes the visual Impact of the change from agriculture to park and recreational use. The new park and recreation facilities are to be related to and coordinated with further development and expansion of the existing Marco Forster school. Agricultural use is to be continued on the eastern portion of the site, thereby retaining a significant area for this use. Plan SB was prepared in conjunction with plans of the Capistrano Unified School District for conversion of Marco Forster Junior High School to a Middle School. Conversion of the Junior High School to a Middle School will require additional classrooms,parking, and additional play ground area. Plan 6B seeks to coordinate development of both the Park and Middle School, and use of active sports fields(refer to Figure 2-Kinoshita Fart- Altemadve 68). Initial discussions with the School District determined need for a 100 car parking area and additional classrooms and improvement to the school's vehicular access. This plan Illustrates additional area for hard courts and relocation of the school's tennis courts, handball courts, and track to the north end of the school property. With a coordinated plan, the existing number of ball fields are retained and development of an additional lighted baseball field and two lighted softball/little league fields and three lighted soccer fields is possible. These lighted fields are located away as far away from adjacent residential areas as possible. The plan also allows for phased,future development of two unlighted softballlllttle league fields and three practise soccer fields adjacent to Camino Del Avion. The latter area is to be developed for these recreational uses as needs and funding occurs, and therefore will be art agricultural use in the interim. The Plan also features a major Community Center near the center of the park and adjacent to the sports fields. The Community Center is to be a multi-purpose facility of approximately 32,000 sq. ft. The Community Center will be able to serve a variety of 14 Chapter 2 Executive Summary APPENDIX B - Page 3 San Juan Capistrano Open Space Plan recreational and community service needs, and contain a gymnasium, senior center, kitchen facilities, crafts, and multi-purpose gametmeeting rooms. Adjacent to the Community Center, is a proposed community swimming pool, picnic area, and tot lot. Parking area for the Community Center will be shared with the adjacent Sports Park parking area to maximize parking efficiency. The parking area is to accommodate 230 cars spread along three parking area surrounding this complex. All these facilities will require a widened vehicular entry from Camino Del Avion that is to be coordinated with the entry Into the school. The plan separates the farm area from the Community Center facilities and Sports Park area with an access road that links Camino Del Avion with Del Obispo. The road serves to facilitate access and egress from either street and provides a bander and buffer between the agricultural use and the park use. . The Agricultural Preserve will encompass 31 acres of the 56 acre site. In addition, there Is to be an area of 6.2 acres that is to remain in agricultural use In the interim along Camino Del Avian and to be utilized for recreational use when needed. The agricultural portion of this plan includes the 31 acre agricultural preserve,which Incorporates Demonstration Garden, a Farmer's Market, a roadside vegetable and fruit stand, farm equipment and storage buildings. The farm is expected to be able to grow a variety of row crops,bevies, pumpkins, melons, and the like. The farm Is also to be a community attraction as well, and its farmer's market and roadside stand are to be I designed to bring the public to the farm and enjoy the farm's fresh*tilts and vegetables. An area has also been set aside for restoration and a support garden for the historic,Joel u Congdon house and its related support buildings. The Joel Congdon house is to be restored and rehabilitated to serve as a museum. There will also be an adjacent outdoor garden to display historic farm equipment and crops. Visitors will be able to learn, and gain a first hand understanding of the history of farming in the Capistrano Valley from these elements. The use of the ten acres acquired by the City Redevelopment Agency has yet to be determined. These ten acres are subject to further study of use and site layout. In the interim, the lands are anticipated to continue to be utilized for agriculture and function as part of the existing farm. This Plan has-designated a area at the north central portion of the site as lands of the Redevelopment Agency. This location allows for a separate use while maintaining the Integrity and efficiency of the agricultural use and community service and recreation uses. Should it be determined that this site is suitable to meet the Capistrano School District requirements for Adult Education programs, an opportunity for joint use of parking and additional recreation facility use may be able to be provided on this site. LChapter Executtve Summery 15 APPENDIX B -Page 4 OWw�9 WM1 r3 LiaPaO � •._.._..._nr ....y.v�Ngm �- L�t..l L..I In n°a� rn to a m x 0 z /// � a I f j//�— bry uqd m°tN MMp gWaC pNIM auultAp a II'tl.//p 1 r'r'^^�i W^YMa MnM� Mwn°Namm4 mento �.� �• i II'�.,___+'1 ❑Q / n.=au.+w°.-.n • yen Ir Lit__�___'�1 I , mss Mmn� / (// �� S_ 1. a Gz to ^p N..� v ^ nssx..d mmc�o I o Ih �®�� ' a/ b v �RW:;li.,-p tc ..u.a�o I "`iii/// ' Iawt9 wOM:sn'J7 I b �n1 ^ I n n b I . p' Uw• �'p�4FaY 1 ') puafia-� i.ymrvs�md aMMtN>nmpwmn �da0b��l�'J�b`11� ��n Ib �Ii� G�-i� r�100� o �1Fald� d�d����d� / ani n ._dn nen n ��ur� n n��n n�� .m.n['.,m.1.II, naM1Td. Wry.Y:. `- 1.i S EI CmnoW and AN X'vmrkT Cenla hM1 I G.'con .wre.El Gmbm.w-'mAA[AN r n,AIal by,cant,byO.'-eyunro.w,G peume S.A.Mg'maY 1a 1. m-AAAA,An ISIaR m b.A ba+w In Panrmw. art..El CAN.Pawl A—An a[u ANF, Andurmr NI,cor— HsIAlCRwn Cent¢At AN MIv1M rM Mlnbn bmW...In loan G,nnm �brary,aN me lne MgbMlrmG.rurtbofdewnrown Swm uldmpl+rghway I a ,I [urrtMYCM1vu[emN bya O[4nlvnewalYt lronngn wnba[buMvtla. s I ,A,aAA van—AAy""LR oimyy'. nn NeealbA'ANmdrry Poplem ru,MCrrybr¢m[yem M1u wpnueaanum QA-AAemi nenenwnim,raerE men pvUrybv an!Jm 1pry Na'ue EIGmry P¢L an ewxa Ma�,ti epyytt¢vamrmunrty b¢pnn rN Ara YIUY Anti—A�Worn l'YnennrVae tla OwMY VI NeunYdly vYrbyn •j wJ re.[ mwyew¢ rl.. Ann.-NA Qrr4R,m Pan i¢r9'rral W W WnuxT/m n.I.e P Ca.m. L.� '� aWuml. M Phmr. ANe Wwmc.m.Wr[meA—AAAAAy Ah.rLl . ` y. • .Anwn ma .nope meba[Y-r..AA .'.t AAAAr.NA A mAn IAAA tl An,1 rM Fl nnA AbIt NAA,WNa An[<N,peanlrw mNrmmemaNaMill ,VeNWr.anrw[non Mb ,—,.t of me0awmcwn Wrn<m{vA, --- AyA—Asbtln. p1.b , A.Iu[Wnvl new MltlYrp and AN A, fmra.Yrvoao rv,.n.pueenrM1 one YUJanp- W 4rcnn tl m[I xu YM rvnmPnttr TM Nr,nnr.Any Elfyxm ppl At a'.4 wecwmwn'A LwN ANA, F [wMrvuhb Ne+YW.,nma uan.anr AA ANkl nahr.F ant my,r.pd\Q .1. 1 A.u.r CemsC cuY wMM1 g.wNfm Int naAy`AAAAar.a,oee bA rlu A-dy Int anmw aa.ei On.bw..ak..R e.'em;ynwnM tr.vAn e..hnpo.eA.w.x rtedraw.AAAn—.Y urea.wnb y-AN ng aro aNatMrvmxmm rypralcl,bn.nmwn vuY. 6vgru[X arvu,enlNutl bevniAn etmerm i, Iq glcuMaN r, nG bvmawmb¢Wuv I—A-Any nrn,Ga1 A'.A.Nwn —AIA rrw rnn rM and AAA Xan ravAAAA, AAAA'.A,Rnl acbo.e;mvN dnlprekr.om Wtneatlidmmmkrqua alpxAv n[Na nA 1,n [ mnm¢pek[enMmW Aman await Mme plxircc.vennearL mrmu ngel Jrraa burnt rrmum rrreee��� AN—ony.,AN fink-cnmh An uAAAAA Naeavurwm.[2 Wn i N IUM1aN kv- —Gay MW a mapy-A. Pb[.Anon,tie Mt wmb birig I.,lWC —Abbnak l Ndafywlmnenan-.bA—.aAd ty,aMrw .AAAA[em.ad revdyAA.I b WPe—OtAfW ..J Lm p.[np Ana,vay—Tanrt A.AA cony al Ne pea— p ,AAAAvarud conn Ab—AAAmurnya byt I.Ann—neM1 A-A Ny Mirt.wb k@ a ,au[mre wN Nr lrq¢r me[u.nm WI.A —nglawn. Enn<v snen 1'.Im.mn - ny At.lu mmub�aN bw�(wA WONPoaer Mw urA,r.rWn�B[.1KKa m w..In m.yowe.g n,rm[m ars wwnrawn o.:r,[[. '—Nerww.rymstal Ywba Euwrmmcctlry PCamIN Wa'mdl Obrpa su[nrnA buNmewnh NRol m.Ark r'e.nrweurennmol Foam.+nl The Any, ttm WrnhaN fvnru b wvkm oubnme yougro wMM1 eaR ILwnw mECam Ra 1n aPeuJ en n.nTk ea,u enw,.x mrb1"na ro Yuinby AN,rr.�-rvmtla(urmeel Y.ekWen or Lni.n GpWaN,a Acorn rlumgq:ed pn4,[wtlCe[mea rovaA[br weeSlYa Mar irgmw bmv avw d ba Xvmn aN a nation AN lagmr la'. AAN SAN ¢yw.gun maeo Wne Gnveva[mmmyue Wgruow o-tl WCrmmn- NowrmAW.ern—AAbrmpoP¢Ym� TNA .'..ew bnar,n me Nwrr¢aW W.A cAbAy—'manel.—'AAuan AAA— iba Pm PAA A`IAA. `n"—m —NA"xmEki Mpom an.Hrenar AANt A`—N-Akbv.h-AAr—.bNO p Xnmt maonga.q And Aft CtlO 'Ayr' ,—Real Ngk nyanPCarrxro Nimm WFwmy Aatl anMWmmPK wMac[m ar.CamArvv GP.Wm.aM ONAAW IANDWrery[nrnnnnAnPr[rum Iron IAA Fy pMNmlm Qepr¢m.I,u Nen.my Fm w an.lnnn Mw¢n aourxbound 0.10Wpv merRmWholrM Cemrru.rn[o�. 0.1 Cprpoar4 Gmlry Ggamroa[mmmMamc by Fonm Hrtm ."A.AAI.".rww ugmnl—AAA M IN ren—Abd Gry PaM1,eM eM mw Gryl4X.OntMmueb Wa—AA,,mmme¢hIW<GnIYWrmmnay Cl GmIn.Mal E.1—In N,m mbknrter addma well nw Iv.ea Grmmmrnr Wwnmwn AdbAN lavry meP,nWC'./Wtl.HmAvnwnwnra¢¢,m MCGAPa 3v¢e. rmn WAAA Aat El Camw Relbnn:mcNmurRruvmnrcev N dtldaspa.•mrrnR.IYraISv. ¢m.Fmmr rnmnlen ne -AA'AAWunmb.nmmeENAyAAW2a.nroma.Ne wYrecWe w.mm nyo.an.wrmw emmma[e. WAX MWart Jn uynrurlaA...ey IANAN -tAb.eR-.omni. P. ... Iw.m g ,x^Polgeax¢nn AA AAAA poprM Y¢ve aq rv,b mveam.WPGnro Mf e6¢ennwf Wo u'AvbglAnd A.ra[eaurymnmebeM3prp pna.l.Tk.mAaren Iyyn m.nnnnl elrnurYpa,Nnva,l vAy WY'V1R�AAM1dn'p.nG I—AA'. nk nq[on.nsrt.n—AA,boy. .AN pm¢wna Any mnN Abe CIAAA m C¢e u Abb tANe¢WImm OH Mao¢r¢A¢rn —11—eY^Rra¢bl er r.mnurogam,n rin ury rwnrtmlea prnomy." ,w—.AN Wed.10y pt,m AN.,-,A IN An— -Nwaa nmtlA A ,A A —m vm. AN n of me omarery W.1 wnm I. Cen[¢W'A TN adllwn.1111,—rryW wwnm[ IAlk.Pnm'�Pn� —. .1 me.1,m me—.1 by,Aamrvna wan eermem Impelbw ormm[all It iyNAn,.....Mlammaµvk AA urs Al.1 obepo who wo Jw cemnn¢I[e n—"m Ne oownmwn[ory u pedAnty—NNlymwl. and rho Mlum,aN ml4 Nn:nnn Awhole.T.I..wtA...1—Ane Thun.w[rnrAenra[Ilnry br pe]brn—wlll alb.dn."AAy n..An In 11,Ad ran kr nN Tllla nvtlrnyrr¢MnA neon b�bo,bbb., mGNWe ant AMA u—.1. dMmenv wm4 rmulnln vlmrnana,wM[A[n nnnle v~ra gl.pwbry rngmlol,alhn erlM�wuX hulbmp,wniN may, .IW..lN'h .'CAActlrpa hrvW ahverubb Rornbb"NA".A., A.M.unvpeewnalW WgrMwecNnp In M<papMmmxn by a[lewl Parting u .rer0001. APPENDIX C - Page 1 ] VISION nnu ^ R .A ,e -s '1416 Nu„me MrdeW.Mff)GWa MI/s+„11Wvk bn,4,M1 MMOpIN, 1e 48f1d 1 e •A aQ O 0 a 1^ r • I0 TSO "�� a Xqm 4vn,Cm'n Va4 a MmN-wdb+g e Nk,imG,YHi' O I.mwnAlo4 xu,,,me.wn kNin,au✓em,mnvLN:mk 4un Cmm M1: � � APPENDIX C - Page 2 va;u,a wnwNo aaraerc:.wa aura rwncn ww wueeEn[woay.l xrarP ll.mlo 22 ReNlalizanon-Him,k Town Cenrer _ 1.1.1 Twn Cantu.Gveway onedaxrnl.hvptwx-m[nmm Isfw+r in[a[ ,awlwlN ln,rem.a ol[enwgnwarlo[IOMpo Mi,.,_ .. au "mmelm,lf PleF•a munae[pe rc¢nnrvnlnn lx lmm ena a l fnJt Me¢a Od0mG7 d Wgroe[xlN rcxklnawgOr[ga XlgnweY bwa'a[ We. aN.[wm;lvlrvwaawaa.Nb tun naN[Ndr meawNr�neinalwNe �. [ naw,.w rw Nedvmmwn men ma 1M1aaw.mmaNa �K e; _ mwoamamaevsn•nIN,Yawrnm mwmona N1 .—,wfM—,w an _�a a[nMa.mfmM,amWYm.d erewgXg Nlnapmemwn[w.mN. __. - nbMa•[wamemammw aaww[aFamay.n onyx as - �' F„om,nN m tun[em,"u a[M F[amam A Pimuy mnpmw[d Aa 6v^+N'b ea P W reed Rua BaEr+,rTtn x;awn,lu.mwv M[ermnengoaenwpwnaw wIN a.aama[mx .q,en.,n.[nluFaf r,wame ovN.wa+warw EI c.nlno Peal. mwaa m argrove v,me nvw nn.^ne er[n.Propw.a n o¢I,a new aeanma rym[um Iva brnµlM lwwenbwM Oalllc on OrtenwMn mmlry mmEl CaNne PW. Nxo.ryx%ua Baderaaµlf4NY ee[o-npinN Wlae[Mrew F¢aAanpn "� n pled,f W aunvtllx^d vtlln[Wh a veu O'mma Xm[Ne In¢[aeelan a a.ml+ww•r.moaoevpa.w a•a r.om Na v[v[q,Yvaa[ea:Wa w,,[aev[e.r[unm.wn,.ame,am¢[eim.ew,cn eW.a p[[gatynW[.Nuwn[M ru68^.mmeuVT Ie me wn Wapx[a I.yn MM[e[.naf.x mgMwaw.aw Nwt 'An+"°b`wa euWM+ a W;m a:M devn1m m[br'm a•Ja..npmm[u [m%m popom[Iw Na%mP vase un +,PN11,A. N -1, reuJ m reuuren;nWkYNwNennwYawaa vM NYnly aue4 Kral,ecMbMnB adfena atlje m[ne[gMeMNd Q[enM oneN,lanJ:nvk/r:Fonm[enNawmown. M;prvpelaNy..u•e plau widen [.Im.n alpm wnulw pe¢dpbk v[ elm[mv Wee[n na[p.«ym tlrav[e[wnne Yeepr;([M peegoad re¢II WYalry ,mnawaeamm¢r,wn maven imn.aren. in..aw.lkn[aaWweaa¢aeN•aawwwm N�-nbma.n,mm a. ' 11 _ mp;.wmwwpwlJravnve.a..as m.xna[ewraNe,.w a..N - XgMaYnxYobtlob.nNmwl.waamraamwan Mr nmP:ma od[.vew Y� am PaWmvm,[.r[mvwslv.Nw. e.Pl•ana na®Eegmen. ip71i' paary Iwf na arx.mwA rew,r,,.vnna.b cwmwm aaNueaNea bYSnp non[In0.m•NYam Nervee[xtlP/wen uve;x eX[M owns a;Fe , �_. Pn•w•Y 4 �' Poaevvm vraYon[Imm[W Pa'IJM/e[YInwNMtdrvmimemlMMfvm. cmnnvcWm[wm.vw,awa,:aam.w..vm.¢..ro e.FeadvN n. - atll[Fm+nBpY/a pvtli6 iroNae!q Ne new f maYwe wNa r¢e¢M;atl Iw:n.ao:a.wYa.pauN m m N.wM wb m ad•a v Gn-v a.v,atl rwN[[mama:maue mw Wuwe>awe[M Ywwi[r eaaa paY wmmwr.p.nN eamm�,rt'.,e..a eenaeapatlN Waaea Geeeaepa,na iwwbdM.mm[m+aNdwaaPanmarm P•,manm am�CCuma Walwwnxm:-yea..q NraraM1xeeaneefwNM.[vm rlYmpv4nE. Ovnnwn.Nmrrwwry exe Nryxavw+;yM bene a Wgn IeaYryxi[x Mw lM[mNVNmdwNa NVN pa'tln81tl11y-InmgJmNewmna I+nl NftkuYm.,u[naN,mrpv(amtlNaee[nmpnMlw[M nerb/5[ 4-v md ww1m aNaerownnon0.No amwvl KA s NXm.wmeaenaclw",a a NVEn°L.EprugJSnaol. wppwn+NM['mauwtlm ocvlYamnmwrypkry DD�Nefe aureln Ywba S[eee[Ex[ MN[deyse mNW srgn,rwy uy[LL;NbMO MaMMlort[. emm ¢4Plmeepupnm:eWdq until vi[Mfo[MR,rFw[irroea.;w am M1fnnwm am.Bww^::faryWtlY l'maaawfMv[cn.Nemm luutle EmmLN[Mealu:N vwWSnr a[rnmeT Cmm aln.,Yer;gp-.uwv e.FalmbaepYYnw.ewwv Mnn vauyavalN^a'a^^Pml[ mYap[¢aa,m,.[mpa aampe menne[wwu.stln..a.av,N[new pepern wTaN..XnspNnaw.Ni.,pwmtlaymF[aNNvo[k +ansa+ TM[n+[,emane,.a a,vaww.gnm[dron,cwnMavM[n bsn buq[aF{m PM P,rkiwv;'.[4anawninareol tNnvny-Ne Pa+Im()tl Tbm Svex,[;mNlmmNeamNa Ne Bla Pyv'dv bNe. Nwg Mp prvM[ywMNv:mem[xe new puha n^.nun dnWL.taeow. tub n•wfvM wa e.awwvFm[aad,mf Iwanal nwml..e.w.evla:,y„M b Me Blu/gpv IJJM,M lnYy[M Nbwl[iJ...n Caner Pak. lM%m IYu.nx[xa nawegnan[a YweaKee algllar . rmm MemnMa E44o1TCTa TIw, IN,✓gtlmp'Au tla Nmw[ry dk bbd,na[[w dxa;A de lamtlubn w,lx,W pvaw mme W Ya Pv4 Am nnulJ eeh me :INenenaepnm[aepul6[aYYMTNeetlm'rgfaue. ItYm Lwr�[n inb;aw'amna�m d vo,e.w oN oelmv tun w m.r nw M ena'�m aepmWngan InuNmue pmFmlry m rx•mnnxewn n10NN MN"aY+na Dei odWo.mJ ie nmm,<.anamna[m[mNN kxlwry smlb[ry.mwedamming ennee[wm Mb 1[rea[me Cel Ob:spovMl rcee[a Mae[ememtlq vtlll m®m®r Ju:N lun aalBn Plwn. w— Cmmrwn NMaa[a¢.IriW+m atlbmn mv[wrtmSm peyc 16 v`n;a^^[w^al wn r.ww.�lnwwaluaea.we e1uJ1000brr^ urw.. pa,nlnnrw.v...re..wleweanti..a[mn APPENDIX D - Page 1 1 NNON PI y_ mvv.mew..fxm..na Nnna+wuearcp wy�wrxmtiwwe.s mcwe -' Sites 7 and 8 I � r' e ElmN.anm�Ms naw:.e�P�a.�av _ KEYNOTES [4 � 0 MW'eM(1N WIIy'�6u�[e+e m� O ueW+noha MMJigs Q New revel Wltig to 1A O Prnw;n rxxw '... .q �� 0 u.e:ew i��ewnwu 27 nm.vmm.mw�om�¢roNn.arc,a.ae,eew iswrcm mA.q ...,.no.K a,e nwo.n Pak.oan a.aawe ... . . ....e�w.w.�v..i..��.....r-i 4.�.-.w APPENDIX D - Page 2 As discussed in the Housing Component of this Implementation Plan,the Agency will meet its affordable housing obligations by assisting the private sector in the construction and preservation of affordable housing throughout the City. Based on current projections,the Agency will work toward the initiation of the projects summarized above and listed below during the Implementation Plan period(January 2010- December 2014). Table 1: Summary of Planned Redevelopment Programs and Projects Procuam/Proiect Description Project Anticipated No. Budget Auto Dealership Assistance — $4,000,000 Business Recruitment/Economic Development Program 09907 $650,000 Hotel Recruitment — Unknown Downtown Redevelopment/Library -- Unknown Capital Improvement Program Del Obispo Bridge Utility Undergrounding 09910 $722,000 Junipero Serra/Rancho Viego Road 09906 $1,100,000 Replacement of Old Freeway Signs 10904 $20,000 Landscape Median(Camino Capistrano South) 10901 $225,000 Developer Assistance and Property Disposition: I Disposition of Agency-owned Property -- Unknown lJ Lower Rosan Ranch Site Disposition 07901 Unknown Lower Rosan Ranch Driveway 09903 $130,000 Paseo De Verdugo Retail/Office Dev 09908 $950,000 Distrito La Novia Assistance — Unknown Fagade Improvement Program Mission Village Center Facade 11901 $115,000 EI Adobe Plaza/Union Bank Enhancements 09913 $50,000 Annual On-going Program 07904 $75,000 Open Space/Recreation Development Program 09914 Unknown Continuing Life Communities — Unknown Studies and Long Range Planning: Downtown Master Plan Amendment 09911 $600,000 Redevelopment Plan Amendment 09912 $350,000 TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURES $8,987,000 Implementation Plan for the San Juan Capistrano Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Central Redevelopment Project Area(2010-2014) Page 4 PA1001020.SJC JLR:DVB:gOd 10005.060.00110170&10 APPENDIX E a.ryrryyw,m MM1 wi9YNlan[,a6nN,LLSPm aMwa.�46,WNl.�q w�nr,uneW+�r _ P,Vbmerusn Nms w.n ImpNmM1p{,p Mlbvbiwn G,w sn4wq F,p�mwwv� ionn Frgbmvwm J IYde Rvn fnM ��4ti•w M1w ,w T— `1Wom LLN wn6MnY b{��V�.,wM1,1Rq 10 x,/.w.q.�pYv. W �xegpvM1 ,wv�Yauga MW RPPENDI%F-Pape t 3wmm or Ap w r Stn Jum CapbUsm Coumv:Groups IDR=RANGE PROPERTY IIANA=EYEW PWt9ROPERTY ONEIROW DATA IBC 24181.5 s IBC 341813 9CMINCS "SC 241/.6 t 1 NSC 211813 c t NSC 341813 t Hs"of savkonwws w conauauntlan.abdlls. 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