13-0109_SJCOB_Minutes_Adjourned Regular Meeting MINUTES January 9, 2013 f OVERSIGHT BOARD TO THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY OF THE SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING BUSINESS SESSION Vice-Chair Kerr called the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the San Juan Capistrano Oversight Board to the Successor Agency of the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency at 3:10 p.m. Board Member Tatarian led the Pledge of Allegiance. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Lori Doll, Bruce Tatarian, Larry Thomas and Vice-Chair Kerr. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Clark Hampton, Kim McCord and Chair Freese. Agenda items are presented in the originally agendized format for the benefit of the minutes' reader, but were not necessarily heard in that order. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. OVERSIGHT BOARD MINUTES — REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 19, 2012, APPROVED. Board Action: Moved by Board Member Thomas, seconded by Board Member Tatarian, and carried 4-0 with Board Member Hampton, Board Member McCord and Chair Freese absent to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of the Oversight Board of December 19, 2012. ROLL CALL: AYES: BOARD MEMBER: Doll, Tatarian, Thomas and Vice-Chair Kerr NOES: BOARD MEMBER: None ABSENT: BOARD MEMBER: Hampton, McCord and Chair Freese BOARD ACTIONS: 1. OVERSIGHT BOARD RESOLUTION 13-01-09-01 ADOPTED APPROVING THE INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANT'S REPORT FOR THE OTHER ASSETS DUE DILIGENCE REVIEW, DATED JANUARY 4, 2013, CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SECTION 34179.5 FOR THE OTHER FUNDS AND ACCOUNTS, EXCEPT THE LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING FUND AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO RETAIN OTHER ASSETS RESERVES FOR ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATIONS, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE (330.70) Cindy Russell, Finance Officer, provided an Agenda Report and responded to questions. Board Action: Moved by Board Member Thomas, seconded by Board Member Tatarian, 4-0 with Board Member Hampton, Board Member McCord and Chair Freese absent to adopt Oversight Board Resolution 13-01-09-01 entitled, "A RESOLUTION OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD TO THE SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, APPROVING THE INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANT'S REPORT FOR THE OTHER ASSETS DUE DILIGENCE REVIEW, DATED JANUARY 4, 2013, CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SECTION 34179.5 FOR THE OTHER FUNDS AND ACCOUNTS, EXCEPT THE LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING FUND AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO RETAIN OTHER ASSETS RESERVES FOR ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATIONS, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE." ROLL CALL: AYES: BOARD MEMBER: Doll, Tatarian, Thomas and Vice-Chair Kerr NOES: BOARD MEMBER: None ABSENT: BOARD MEMBER: Hampton, McCord and Chair Freese BOARD COMMENTS: Board Member Thomas and Vice-Chair Kerr suggested communicating the Board's displeasure with the State Department of Finance and requested staff to draft a letter for Board review and approval. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Vice-Chair Kerr adjourned the meeting at 3:45 p.m. to Wednesoy, F bruary 20, 2013, at 3:00 p.m. for the public Business Session, in the City Cou ambers. Respectul ubmitted, i1 MARTMORRIS, CITY ERK Approved: May 29, 2013 ATTES LAURA FREESE, CHAIR 2 01-09-2013 NOTICE OF ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING OF SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COMMUNITY L I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Oversight Board to the Successor Agency to the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency, adjourned its Regular Meeting of December 19, 2012, at 3:42 p.m., on to Wednesday, January 9, 2013, for an Adjourned Regular Meeting at 3:00 p.m. for a public Business Session, in the City Council Chamber 32400 Paseo Adelanto, San Juan Capistrano. DATED: December 19, 2012 (' L- - n �' D Mkia Morris, Ag S creta I ! STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, MARIA MORRIS, Agency Secretary of the Successor Agency to the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency, do hereby declare that the above Notice was posted at or near the door of the City Council Chamber on December 19, 2012, within 24 hours of adjournment of the above-named meeting. I declare under-penalty of'perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. r L —r'� S Mari orris, Age jtary SD