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Resolution Number 15-10-06-01 RESOLUTION NO. 15-10-06-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND A MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM FOR THE 5/ LA NOVIA AVENUE/ VALLE ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the owner applicant, LV Pacific Point LLC ("Developer"), is successor developer for multiple land maps within the Pacifica San Juan Development. As a condition of approval of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 15609 ("VTTM 15609") and the development's nine final tract maps, the Developer is required to design and construct certain mitigation measures for off-site traffic improvements. One of the mitigation measures is the improvement of the Northbound Interstate 5/ La Novia/ Valle Road intersection ("Project" or"proposed Project"); and WHEREAS, the Project is located at the intersection of Interstate 5, La Novia Avenue, and Valle Road in the City of San Juan Capistrano ("City"); and WHEREAS, the Project proposes to make certain intersection expansions in order to improve traffic flow, safety, and intersection efficiency within the City; and WHEREAS, on June 3, 2014, the City Council reviewed conceptual design alternatives for intersection improvements at the Interstate 5/ La Novia Avenue/ Valle Road Intersection; and WHEREAS, on June 3, 2014, the City Council approved the selection of the Project as the preferred alternative for the intersection; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Public Resources Code section 21067 and the State CEQA Guidelines (Cal. Code Regs, tit. 14 § 15000 et seq.) section 15051, the City is the lead agency for the proposed Project; and WHEREAS, City staff reviewed the Project and prepared an Initial Study pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines section 15063; and WHEREAS, on the basis of the Initial Study, which concluded that the Project would have potentially significant impacts but that those impacts could be reduced to less than significant levels with implementation of the proposed mitigation measures, the City determined that a Mitigated Negative Declaration ("MND") should be prepared for the Project, and an MND was prepared pursuant to Public Resources Code sections 21064.5 and 21080, subdivision (c), and the State CEQA Guidelines section 15070 et seq.; and UWHEREAS, the City distributed a Notice to Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration on May 14, 2015, pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines section 15072; and 1 10/6/2015 WHEREAS, the City provided copies of the draft MND and Initial Study to the public and the State Clearinghouse for a thirty-day review and comment period beginning on May 14, 2015, and ending on June 12, 2015, pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21091(b), and three comment letters were received by the City; and WHEREAS, in accordance with State CEQA Guidelines section 15073(e), on June 11, 2015, the City provided written notice to all public agencies that commented on the proposed MND of the public hearing to be held on the project for which the MND was prepared; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21081.6 and State CEQA Guidelines section 15074(d), the City has prepared a program for reporting on or monitoring the changes which it has either required in the project or made a condition of approval to mitigate or avoid significant environmental effects (the "Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program"); and WHEREAS, as contained herein, the City has endeavored in good faith to set forth the basis for its decision on the proposed Project; and WHEREAS, the City has endeavored to take all steps and impose all conditions necessary to ensure that impacts to the environment would not be significant; and WHEREAS, all of the findings and conclusions made by the City pursuant to this Resolution are based upon the oral and written evidence before it as a whole; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the MND, Initial Study, and all other relevant information contained in the record regarding the Project; and WHEREAS, on August 11, 2015, at the Planning Commission's regularly- scheduled meeting, the public was afforded an opportunity to comment on the Project and the MND and the Initial Study, and the Planning Commission discussed and considered the Project and the MND and the Initial Study; and WHEREAS, on August 11, 2015, by motion, the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council approve the Project and the MND and the Initial Study; and WHEREAS, all other legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred; NOW THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1. Compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. As the decisionmaking body for the Project, the City Council has reviewed and considered the information contained in the MND, Initial Study, and administrative record, on file with the City and available for review at City Hall, 32400 Paseo Adelanto, San Juan Capistrano, California. The City Council finds that the MND and Initial Study have been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (Pub. 2 10/6/2015 Res. Code § 21000 et seq.: "CEQA") and the State CEQA Guidelines (Cal. Code Regs, tit. 14 § 15000 et seq.) L� SECTION 2. Findings on Environmental Impacts. In the City's role as the lead agency under CEQA, the City Council finds that the MND and Initial Study contain a complete and accurate reporting of the environmental impacts associated with the Project. The City Council further finds that the documents have been completed in compliance with CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines. The City further finds that all environmental impacts of the Project are either insignificant or can be mitigated to a less than significant level pursuant to the mitigation measures outlined in the MND, Initial Study, and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. The City Council further finds that there is no substantial evidence in the record supporting a fair argument that the Project may result in significant environmental impacts, and that any comments received regarding the Project have been examined and determined to not modify the conclusions of the MND or the City Council. Furthermore, the City Council finds that the MND has not been substantially revised after public notice of its availability and recirculation is not required. (State CEQA Guidelines, § 15073.5.) The City Council finds that the MND contains a complete, objective, and accurate reporting of the environmental impacts associated with the Project and reflects the independent judgment of the City Council. SECTION 3. Adoption of Mitigated Negative Declaration. The City Council hereby approves and adopts the MND prepared for the Project. SECTION 4. Adoption of the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. The City Council hereby approves and adopts the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program prepared for the Project, attached hereto as Exhibit "A". SECTION 6. Findings on Consistency with the General Plan. The City Council hereby finds that the proposed Project is consistent with the goals, policies, and objectives of the General Plan of the City of San Juan Capistrano ("General Plan"), specifically the Circulation Element because the proposed Project will improve intersection efficiency and safety consistent with Policy 9.4: Improve the San Juan Capistrano circulation system roadways in concert with land development to ensure sufficient levels of service, and Policy 4.4: Apply creative traffic management approaches to address congestion in areas with unique problems, such as schools, businesses with drive-through access, and other special situations. The City Council further finds that the proposed Project complies with all applicable provisions of the Land Use Code subject to the mitigation measures contained in this resolution, and the base zoning district in which the proposed Project will be constructed is consistent with the General Plan land use designation. SECTION 6. Custodian of Records. The documents and materials that constitute the record of proceedings on which these findings are based are located at City Hall for the City of San Juan Capistrano, located at 32400 Paseo Adelanto, San Juan Capistrano, California. The City Clerk is the custodian of the record of proceedings. 3 10/6/2015 SECTION 7. Notice of Determination. Staff is directed to file a Notice of Determination with the County of Orange and the State Clearinghouse within five (5) working days of approval of the Project. SECTION 8. Execution of Resolution. The Mayor of the City of San Juan Capistrano shall sign this Resolution and the City Clerk shall attest and certify to the passage and adoption thereof. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 6th day of October, 2015. 1 DEREK REEVE, MAYOR c ATTEST: Ilii MARIA MOR 1 , , ITY CLER STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, MARIA MORRIS, appointed City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 15-10-06-01 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano at the Special meeting thereof, held the 1 Ot" day of October 2015, by the following ote: AYES: UNCIL MEMBERS: Allevato, Ferguson, Perry, Patterson and Mayor Reeve NOES:I NCIL MFxMBERS: None ABSEt U CIL MEMBERS: None MARIA M R S, ity Clerk 4 10/6/2015 EXHIBIT A 1.51LA NOVIA AVENUEIVALLE ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program 1 4.0 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CEQA requires that when a public agency completes an environmental document which includes measures to mitigate or avoid significant environmental effects,the public agency must adopt a reporting or monitoring plan. This requirement ensures that environmental impacts found to be significant will be mitigated. The reporting or monitoring plan must be designed to ensure compliance during project implementation (Public Resources Code Section 21081.6). In compliance with Public Resources Code Section 21081.6, the attached Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program has been prepared for the proposed Interstate 5/1-a Novia AvenueNalle Road Intersection Improvements. This Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program is intended to provide verification that all mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study prepared for the project are monitored and reported. Monitoring will include 1) verification that each mitigation measure has been implemented; 2) recordation of the actions taken to implement each mitigation;and 3)retention of records in the project file. This Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program delineates responsibilities for monitoring the project, but also allows the City of San Juan Capistrano flexibility and discretion in determining how best to monitor implementation. Monitoring procedures will vary according to the type of mitigation measure. Adequate monitoring consists of demonstrating that monitoring procedures took place and that mitigation measures were implemented. Reporting consists of establishing a record that a mitigation measure is being implemented, and generally involves the following steps: ■ The City distributes reporting forms to the appropriate entities for verification of compliance. ■ Departments/agencies with reporting responsibilities will review the Initial Study, which provides general background information on the reasons for including specified mitigation measures. ■ Problems or exceptions to compliance will be addressed to the City as appropriate. ■ Periodic meetings may be held during project implementation to report on compliance of mitigation measures. ■ Responsible parties provide the City with verification that monitoring has been conducted and ensure, as applicable, that mitigation measures have been implemented. Monitoring compliance may be documented through existing review and approval programs such as field inspection reports and plan review. ■ The City prepares a reporting form periodically during the construction phase and an annual report summarizing all project mitigation monitoring efforts. • Appropriate mitigation measures will be included in construction documents and/or conditions of permits/approvals. Minor changes to the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, if required, would be made in accordance with CEQA and would be permitted after further review and approval by the City. Such changes could include reassignment of monitoring and reporting responsibilities, plan redesign to make any appropriate improvements, and/or modification, substitution or deletion of mitigation measures subject to conditions described in CEOA Guidelines Section 15162. No change will be permitted unless the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program continues to satisfy the requirements of Public Resources Code Section 21081.6. JULY 2015 41 MITIGATION MONITORING 6 REPORTING PROGRAM 61147.01600\19885142.2 dam I.51LA NOVIA AVENUENALLE ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program This page intentionally left blank. f i JULY 2015 4.2 MITIGATION MONITORING&REPORTING PROGRAM 61147.01600119885142.2 1-511-A NOVIA AVENUENALLE ROAD INTERSECTIO( NEMENTS Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program .l— MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING CHECKLIST Monitoring and Mitigation Mitigation Measure Reporting Monftoring Party Responsible VERIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE Number Process Milestones for Monitoring Initials Data Remarks AESTHETICS AES-1 To maintain the context of the project site and Review of Project Prior to Final City of San Juan surrounding areas (color, form, and texture), the Plans and Plan Approval; Capistrano City of San Juan Capistrano shall install Specifications; During Development landscaping that is compatible with existing Construction Construction Services Department landscaping at and surrounding the site. Proposed Inspections landscaping shall include native, California-friendly tree species (where feasible), and shmblgroundcover planfings to soften proposed hardscape features. To minimize visual impacts caused by new hardsrape features, aesthetic enhancements shall be considered (i.e., color treatment, textural treatment, use of material other than concrete), to the satisfaction of the City of San Juan Capistrano Development Services Director,or their designee. All selected plant species shall be grouped with plants that have similar water use requirements. The new landscape concept and plant palette shall be determined in consultation with the Development Services Director and incorporated into the contract documents and specifications. AES2 For any nighttime construction required for the Review of Project Prior to Final City of San Juan project, the City of San Juan Capistrano City Plans and Plan Approval; Capistrano Engineer shall ensure that the contract documents Specifications; During Department of Public require the construction contractor to use the Construction Construction Works minimum amount and intensity of lighting required Inspections for safety and construction purposes. The lighting shall be directed towards the specific area of construction, and away from surrounding sensitive uses to the extent practicable. JULY 2015 4-3 MITIGATION MONITORING&REPORTING PROGRAM 61147.01600\19885102.2 �,JY� � I I-SIL4 NOVIA AVENUENALLE ROAD INTERSECTI(i 3VEMENTS 9^FI i Mitigation Monitodng and Reporting Program �' Monitoring and Mitigation Mitigation Measure Reporting Monitoring Pady Responsible VERIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE Number Process Milestones for Monitoring Initials Date Remarks AIR QUALITY A(?1 Prior 10 the initiation of consWction,the City of San Review of Projed Pdor to Final City of San Juan Juan Capistrano City Engineer shall ensure the Plans and Plan Approval; Capistrano contrad documents stipulate Nal, in compliance Spec�cetions; Dudng Deparhnent of Public with SCAQMD Rule 403, excessive tugigve dust CansWcfion ConsWction Works emissions shall he controlled by implementing Ne Inspections following measures: • All active portions of the construction site shall be watered every three hours dudnq daily constmction activihes and when dust is observed migrating from the project site to prevent excessive amounts of dust; • Pave or apply water every Mree hours during daily consWction adivities or apply non-toxic soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas. More frequent watering shall occur if dust is observed migrating from the site during site disturbance; • Any on-site stadcpiles aF debris, did, or other dusty matedal shall be endosed, covered, or watered twice daily, or non- toxicsoil binders shall be applied; • All grading and excevation operations shall be suspended when wind speeds ezceed 25 miles per hour, • Disturbed areas shall be replaced with ground Grover or paved immediately a0er consWction is completed in the aRected area; JULY 2075 4-0 MITIGATION MONRORING&REPORTING PROGRAM 6114).01600\19885142.2 J I-SILA NOVIA AVENUENALLE ROAD INTERSECTIOI >VEMENTS k 8 �t1 Mitigation Monitoring an Reporting Program Monitoring and Mitigation Number Mitigation Measure Reporting Monitoring Party Responsible VERIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE Milestones for Monitoring Process Initials Date Remarks • Gravel bed trackout aprons(3 inches deep, 25 feet long, 12 feet wide per lane and edged by rock berm or row of stakes)shall be installed to reduce mud/dirt trackout from unpaved truck exit routes; • On-site construction vehice speeds shall be limited to 15 miles per hour, • All on-site roads shall be paved as soon as feasible, watered twice daily, or chemically stabilized; • Visible dust beyond the property line which emanates from the project shall be prevented to the maximum extent feasible; • All material transported oO-site shall be either sufficiently watered or securely covered to prevent excessive amounts of dust prior to departing the job site;and • Reroute construction tacks away from congested streets or sensitive receptor areas. No trucks shall be permi0ed on La Novia Avenue and San Juan Creek Road east of Valle Road, BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES BI0-1 Prior to initiation of construction. the City of San Completion of Prior to Initiation City of San Juan Juan Capistrano City Engineer shall verity that the Pre-Construction of Construction; Capistrano following requirements have been incorporated into Clearance Survey During Department of Public the contract documents and specifications. If for Birds; Construction Works;Project ground-disturbing activities or removal of any trees, Monitoring During Biologist shrubs, or any other potential nesting habitat are Construction JULY 2015 45 MITIGATION MONITORING&REPORTING PROGRAM 61147.01600\19885142.2 `��� ( � I-SILA NOVIA AVENUENALLE ROAD INTERSECTId )VEMENTS ,g:`�'f 9 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program �;',' , Monkodng and Mitigation Monitoring Pady Responsible VERIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE Number Mitigation Measure Reporting Milestones for Monilodng Process Initials Date Remarks scheduled within Ne avian nesting season(nesting Activities season generally extends from Febmary 1-August 31, but ran vary from year to year based upon seasonal weather conditions), apre-consWction clearance survey for nesting birds, inducting coastal California gnatratcher, shall be conducted wiNin three days prior to any ground disturbing activities ro ensure that no nesting birds will be disturbed dudng wnsWUion. As long as development does not cause direU fake of a bird or eggs) or disrupt nesting behaviors, immediate protections shall not be required. The biologist conducting the dearance survey shall document a negative survey with a report indipting That no impacts to active avian nests or burtowing owl burrows shall occur. The biologist conducting the clearance survey shall document the negative results rf no aUive bird nests are observed on the project site during the Uearance survey with a brief letter repod indicating that no impacts to active bird nests would occur before consWction can proceed. If an active avian nest is discovered during the pre-consWction cleazance survey, consWUion activities shall stay outside of a 300-foot buffer around the active nest (II shoultl be noted that Ue size of the buffer shall be determined by the biologist in consultation with the California Deparbnent of Fsh and WiMlge (CDFWJ, and Shall be based on the nesgng species,its sensitivity to disturbance,and ezpeUed types of disturbance. Typiglly these buffers range from 250 to 500 feet from the nest loca5on). For replor spades, this buffer shall be 500 feel A biol icel monitor shall be resent to delineate the JULY 2015 4fi MITIGATION MONITORING&REPORTING PROGRAM 6310Z0169%198861a2.2 I-SILA NOVIA AVENUENALLE ROADIMERSECTIO( )VEMEMS 9 Fi 1 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Monitoring and Mitigation Monitoring Party Responsible VERIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE Number Mitigation Measure Reporting Milestones for Monitoring Process Initials Date Remarks boundaries of the buffer area and to monitor the active nest to ensure that nesting behavior is not adversely affected by the construction activity. CULTURAL RESOURCES CUL-1 Prior to initiation of construction, the City of San Review of Project Prior to Final City of San Juan Juan Capistrano City Engineer shall verify that the Plans and Plan Approval; Capistrano following requirements have been incorporated into Specifications; During Department of Public the contract documents and specifications. A Monitoring During Construction Works;Project qualified archaeological monitor shall be present Initial Grading Archaeologist and/or during all initial grading activities at the project site. Activities Native American In the event archaeological resources are Monitor(ff necessary) discovered, the archaeologist shall evaluate the discovery prior to resuming grading in the immediate vicinity of the find. If warranted, the archaeologist shall collect the resource, and prepare a lechnical report describing the results of the investigation. The test-level report shall evaluate the site including discussion of significance (depth, nature, condition and extent of the resources), final mitigation recommendations, and cost estimates. A Native American monitor may also be on-site ff deemed necessary and appropriate by the Project Archaeologist In the event Native American resources are discovered, the City of San Juan Capistrano shall consult with the Native American monitor and affected thbe(s). If requested by the affected tribe(s), the City of San Juan Capistrano shall consult on the discovery and its disposition (e.g., avoidance, preservation, return of artifacts to the appropriate tribe,etc.). CUL-2 Prior to approval of final plans for the project, the Review of Project Prior to Final City of San Juan City of San Juan Capistrano City Engineer shall Plans and Plan Approval; Capistrano perform a review of project grading plans to verify Specifications; I During Department of Public JULY 2015 47 MITIGATION MONITORING&REPORTING PROGRAM 61147.01600\19886342.2 Jw - H"� .1_. C � 1�51LA NOVIA AVENUENALLE ROAD INTERSECTId_ )VEMENTS 8��;i 1 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Monitoring and Mitigation Monitoring Party Responsible VERIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE Number Mitigation Measure Reporting Milestones for Monitoring Process Initials Date Remarks the maximum vedical cul depth. In the event any Monitoring During Construction Works;Project ground-disturbing activities extend eight feet or Ground Disturbing Paleontologist deeper below the exisfing ground surface,the City Activities Greater of San Juan CapisVano City Engineer shall verify than Eight Feet that the following requirements have been Delow Ground incorporated into the contract documents and Surface specifications. A qualified paleontologist shall monitor all excavations greater than eight feet in depth. If evidence of subsurface paleontological resources is found during consUuction, the paleontologist shall prepare and complete a standard Paleontological Resources Mitigation Program for the salvage and cum5on of identified resources. Additionally, in the event that unanticipated paleontological resources are discovered during project consVucfion activities,all work shall immediately be halted within 50 feet of the fnd until it ran be evaluated by an Orange Coun Qualified Paleontolo ist. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZ-1 If unknown wastes or suspect matedals are Dudng During City of San Juan discovered during consWction by the contracbr ConsVuction ConsVuction Capistrano which he/she believes may involve hazardous Department of Public waste/materials,the contractor shall: Works;Construction Contractor • Immediately stop work in the vicinity of Ue suspected contaminant, removing workers and the public from the area; • Nofity the City of San Juan CapisVano City Engineer; • Secure the areas as directed by the City; JULY 2015 4-S MITIGATION MONITORING 8 REPORTING PROGRAM 6110).ni6nU\198851A2.2 I-5IL4 NOVIA AVENUENALLE ROAD INTERSECTIO( 1VEMENTS Mitigation Monitoring an Reporting Program Monitoring and Mitigation Monitoring Party Responsible VERIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE Number Mitigation Measure Reporting Milestones for Monitoring Process Initials Date Remarks • Notify the implementing agency's Hazardous Waste/Materials Coordinator, and • Perform remedial activities as required under existing regulatory agency standards. HAZ-2 Prior to final plan approval, the City of San Juan Completion of Prior to Final City of San Juan Capistrano City Engineer shall ensure that a Lead Rased Plan Approval Capistrano certified lead specialist shall conduct lead surveys Paints Survey and Initiation of Department of Public of pavement materials and soils that would be Construction Works disturbed as part of the proposed project. If pavement materials or soils are determined to contain lead, these materials shall be disposed of at an appropriate, permitted disposal facility as determined by the lead specialist. NOISE N-i Prior to initiation of construction, the City of San Review of Project Prior to Initiation City of San Juan Juan Capistrano City Engineer shall ensure that Plans and of Construction; Capistrano the following measures are incorporated into Specifications; During Department of Public construction contract documents: Construction Construction Works • All construction equipment, fixed or mobile, Inspections shall be equipped with properly operating and maintained mufflers and other state required noise attenuation devices. • A construction notice shall be mailed to residents within a 300 foot radius of the project and shall indicate the dates and duration of construction activities, as well as provide a City of San Juan Capistrano staff contact name and a telephone number where residents can inquire about the construction process and register complaints. JULY 2015 49 MITIGATION MONITORING&REPORTING PROGRAM 61142.01600\19885142.2 �Jk � _ � L5ILA NOVIA AVENUENALLE ROADINTERSECTIU )VEMENTS 8�F99 Mitigation Monitoring and RepoNng Program ��� Monitoring and Mitigation Monitoring Party Responsible VERIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE. Number Mitigation Measure Reporting Milestones for Monitoring Process Initials Date Remarks • Per Section 9-3.531 (Noise Standards) of the San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code, construction activities shall be concluded between 7:00 a.m. lO 6:00 p.m. on weektlays, 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Saturtlays,and at no lime on Sundays and holidays. Nighfiime work(i.e.,consWcSon activities occurring outside of the albwable daysdimes under the Noise Ordinance) would be evaluated by the City on a separate, case-hy-case basis over and above the Encroachment Permit to be issued for the projed, with the final determination being made by the City Engineer. • ConsWction haul routes shall be desgned b avoid noise sensitive uses (e.g., residences,convalescent homes,etc.). • During consWction,stationary consWdion equipment shall be placed such that emitted noise is directetl away from sensitive noise receivers. • ConsWction equipment staging areas shall be located away from adjacent sensitive rece tors. TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC TR-1 Pdor to the initiation of censWction,the City of San Review of TMP Prior to Initiation City of San Juan Juan Capistrano City Engineer shall ensure Nat a and Project Plans of ConsWction; CapisUano Trafic Management Plan (TMP) has been and Specificatbns Dudng Deparbnent of Public prepared for the proposed project. The TMP shall ConsWction Works; include measures to minimize otential traffic and California JULY 2075 4.10 MITIGATION MONITORING&REPORTING PROGRAM 6110.elene\19885192.2 a w NSILA NOVIA AVENUENALLE ROAD INIERSECTIOI NEMENTS k8 Y,�,11 Mitigation Monitoring and Reposing Program Monitoring and Mitigation Monitoring Party Responsible VERIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE Number Mitigation Measure Reporting Milestones for Monitoring Process Initials Date Remarks safety impacts during the short-term construction Department of process, when roadway closures would be Transportation required. The TMP shall include(but not be limited to) detailed specifications such as construction signage, detour signage, limitations on timing for lane and roadway closures to avoid peak hours, temporary striping plans, advanced notification of censhuction activities, maintaining emergency vehicle access, and the need for a construction flagperson to direct traffic during heavy equipment use and roadway closures. The TMP shall be incorporated into project specifications for verification prior to final plan approval by the City of San Juan Capistrano and California Department of Transportation. JULY 2015 411 MITIGATION MONITORING&REPORTING PROGRAM 61147.01600\19885142.2 1-5ILA NOV1A AVENUEIVALLE ROAD INTERSECTIC=)VEMENTS Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program This page intentionally left blank. JULY 2015 412 MITIGATION MONITORING&REPORTING PROGRAM 61147.01600\19885142.2