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Resolution Number 14-06-23-02
RESOLUTION NO. 14-06-23-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEARS 2014-2021 *' SEVEN-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano held public workshops on June 19, 2014, and June 23, 2014, to consider the Proposed Fiscal Years 2014-2021 Seven-Year Capital Improvement Program beginning July 1, 2014, and ending June 30, 2021; and, WHEREAS, the proposed Seven-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is considered a planning document and provides for projects necessary to respond to the needs of the community; and, WHEREAS, the City Council intends to use the Seven-Year CIP as a guide for the allocation of resources to meet the needs of the community and achieve the City Council's established goals and priorities; and, WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission shall determine if the Fiscal Year 2014-2021 Seven-Year Capital Improvement Program is consistent with the City's General Plan, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby adopt the Fiscal Year 2014-2021 Seven-Year Capital Improvement Program as shown in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by reference and as follows: L.. Project Fiscal Year Expenditures 2014-2015 $ 7,372,031 2015-2016 7,506,497 2016-2017 15,250,926 2017-2018 5,835,830 2018-2019 9,819,297 2019-2020 7,497,670 2020-2021 3,681,682 TOTAL S 56,963,933 The Fiscal Years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 project expenditures have been adopted as part of the Fiscal Years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 Operating and Capital Budgets. ASSE , APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of June 2014. Z4 AM ALLEVA O, MAYOR ATT S MART I ,*CITY C Page 1 ort STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, MARIA MORRIS, appointed City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 14-06-23-02 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano at a Adjourned Regular meeting thereof, held the 23rd day of June 2014, by the following vote: AYES: j C U CIL MEMBERS: Byrnes, Reeve, Taylor, Kramer and Mayor Allevato NOES CIL MEMBERS: None ABSE NCIL MEMBER: None MART IS, City CI Page 2 of 2 City of San Juan Capistrano 2014-2021 CIP PROJECT SUMMARY BY TYPE 2013.14 2014-1S 2015-16 2016.17 2017-18 2018-19 2019.20 2020.21 PROJECT AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED TOTAL TRANSPORTATION xx10S-City Pavement Rehabilitation $ 2,453,509 $ 485,000 5 628,000 5 619,000 5 679,800 5 900,500 $1,123,000 $1,119,000 $ 8,007,809 xx109-Arterial Street Major Rehabilitation Program - 58,000 753,000 808,000 760,000 711,000 533,000 842,000 4,465,000 7107-Del Obispo Orculation Improvements and Bridge Widening 1,640,140 - - - - 1,640,140 7111-EI Camino Real at Don Juan Retaining Wall 355,121 219,053 - 574,174 7117.1-5/San Juan Geek Road Underpass improvement 948,325 7,200,000 - 8,148,325 7118-OCTA Grade Crossing (10,040) - (10,040) 8102-Pavement Management Program 590 590 8103-Cam Del Avion/Ave Descanso(SRTS Grant Project) 279,445 279,445 9105-Trabuco Creek Bridge at Del Obispo Approach Repair 5,775 5,775 10104-Trabuco Creek Road Improvements{Preliminary,Eng.) 49,490 - - 49,490 11101-Cltywide Sign Replacement Program 438,745 201,000 173,000 173,000 280,000 - 1,265,745 11108-Rancho Viejo Road Rehabilitation 3,626 - - - 3,626 13102-Bridge at Acjachema Street and La Calera Street 84,810 - - - 84,810 13103-Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program(Del Obispo Street) 60,100 29,700 29,700 119,500 14102-Downtown Sidewalk Improvements Forster St./Camino Capistrano 1,090 - 1.090 14103-Camino Las Ramblas and t-5 Northbound Traffic Signal Modification 292,000 - - - - 292,000 14104-Alipaz Street Widening,Camino Del Avlon to Calle Rolando 30,000 - 60,000 576,000 1,334,000 2100.000 14106-Verdugo Street Beautification Project 244,000 1,790,000 25,000 - - - 21059,000 14107-Ortega Highway Widening,Calle Entradero to East City Limits(Design) 1,047,115 - - - - 1,047,115 xxxxx-Rancho Viejo Road&Paseo Espada Traffic Signal Project - - - 39,000 423,000 462,000 mo=-Neighborhood Traffic Calming Project - 3S,000 72,000 72,000 36,000 - - 215,000 xiom-Countdown Pedestrian Signals Project 27,500 60,000 - - - 87,500 xxxxx-Traffic Signal Cabinet Upgrades Project 90,000 208,000 208,000 125,000 631,000 xxxxx-Alto Capistrano Street Light Conversion to Mission Bells Project - - - - 299,000 299,000 SUBTOTAL $ 7,923,841 $ 2,845,253 $ 1,830,700 S 9,140,000 $2,578,800 $ 3,792,500 $1,656,000 $1,961,000 $ 31,728,094 M PARKS AND OPEN SPACE - = 7204-Citywide Trail Improvements $ 75,000 $ - $ 75,000 5 S 75,000 $ $ 75,000 5 $ 300,000 8201-Trail Signage Program 5,285 - 5,285 9203-Piayground Upgrades 50,000 - 50,000 50,000 50,000 200,000 9209-Northwest Open Space Community Park 1,841,986 611,244 - 2,453,230 D 9211-Placida-Habitat Restoration and Monitoring 76,190 - - 76,190 r 10201-Dr.Joe Cortese Dog Park 16,230 - - 16,230 11203-Eastern Open Space Trails/Ch"ide Bikeway Gap Closure Project 211,455 379,000 590,455 11204-2C Ranh Trabuco/Oso Creek Riparian Habitat Restoration 1,010,260 - - 1,010,260 OD 11205-Trabuco Creek Habitat Restoration(Caltrans Funded) 40,860 40,860 11206-Trabuco Creek Habitat Restoration(California HCF) 55,520 55,520 -w 12201-Beata Park&Event Center 539,470 - 539,470 N 13201-Middle Trabuco Creek Habitat Restoration Project 52,000 52,000 14201-Cook Park Softball Fields#2&Soccer Field N2 88,750 - - 88,750 2013.14 2014-15 2015-16 2016.17 2017-18 2018-19 2019.20 2020-21 PROJECT AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED TOTAL 15201-Cook Cordova Park Softball Field p1&Soccer field N1 Rehabilitation Project 60.E - 60.00D 16201-Cook Park-La Novia Picnic Structures - 88•000 B'wo xxxxx-Cook Cordova Park Playground Equipment Project 91,E - 91'000 xxxxx-Malaspina Trail - 56,000 278.000 - - 334.OW SUBTOTAL $ 4063,006 $ 990,244 S 332AW $ 366A00 $ MAW S - $ 125,000 $ - $ 6,001.250 BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES 13301-Friends of the Library Bookstore Relocation 5 347,845 $ - 5 5 S - $ $ S - S 347,845 xxxxx-Library Exterior Repairs and Painting - 201,000 - 201.E xxxxx-La Sala Parking Lot Resurfacing Project 66,000 - 66.E wom-Multi-Modal Parking Lot Pavement Overlay,Slurry,and Striping 5.0DD 181,E 186AW xxxxx-Camino Capistrano Athletic Arena Court Resurfacing Project 89,E 89•000 xxxxx-City Hall Complex Exterior Siding and Roof Repairs/Reptacement 192,000 - 192'W xxxxx-Trabuco Creek Footbridge Renovation - 75.E - 75,000 xxxxx-ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan 153,000 51,000 - 204,E SUBTOTAL $ 347,845 $ 706,000 $ 307.000 $ S - S - S S - $ 1,360.845 HISTORIC PRESERVATION 7403-Blas Aguilar Adobe(Phase Q $ 469.685 5 $ S S $ $ - 5 S 469,685 SUBTOTAL $ 469,685 S - S $ - $ S - S - $ - S 469.685 DRAINAGE 11503-Sun Ranch Public Drainage Easement Improvements 5 16,200 $ S 5 S $ 5 5 $ 16.200 12502-Camino Capistrano Off Ramp Catch Basins 100,OOD - 1001000 12503-Trash Capturing Screens 29,610 - 29,610 14501-Los Rios Park Drainage Improvements 15,000 68.000 - - - 83•000 15501-Camino Capistrano Storm Drain,San Juan Creek Road to Ortega Hwy - 49,000 111,000 160,000 15503-Calle Arroyo and Sundance Drive Drainage Improvements 161,000 - 161AW 15504-San Juan Creek Road at Calle Caballero Drainage - 53,000 130,000 - 183.000 15505-La Novia and La Ronda Drainage improvements - 127.000 - - 127,000 ==-Historic Town Center Drainage Improvement 130,950 - - - 130.950 rn mm-Railroad At-Grade Crossing Drainage Improvements North of Stonehill - 710,000 - - - 710,000 x )xxxx-Calle Perfecto Drainage Improvement Project 62,000 239,100 170,000 471,100 2C SUBTOTAL $ 160,810 S 198,950 $ 210,000 $ 238,000 $ 825,000 $ 369,100 $ 170,000 $ - $ 2,171,860 W =i DOMESTIC WATER D 7803-Terminal Reservoir No.3-Habitat Mitigation $ 57,710 5 - $ - 5 - $ 5 5 $ - S 57,710 r 7811-7605 Reservoir 69.385 30.000 30.000 30.000 - 159,38S •U 8801-Tri-Cities Transmission Main-Joint Regional Line 820,299 265,205 - - - 1,0851504 D1 - - - 100.000 1,000,000 - 1,100,000 tp 8804-Weil and Pump Station Improvement Design 0) 10803-San Juan Hills Waterline Replacement 53,215 - 164,000 2,300,000 - 2,517,215 N 11805-Water and Sewer line Replacement 1-5 Interchange 1,364,063 51,559 - 1,415,622 -. 13806-Rosenbaum Well Tie-In 76,915 - - - 76,915 IV 13807-GWRP Expansion,Phase 0 1.587,080 - 1,587ASO 13808-Emergency Generators 1.081,030 - 1.081.030 16801-La Pata Water Line Relocation - 467,000 467,000 467,000 300,000 - 1,701,000 2013-14 7014-IS 2015.16 2016.17 2017-18 2018-29 2019.20 2020.21 PROJECT AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED TOTAL 19802-Ortega Highway Western Waterline Replacement - 761,000 - 761,000 xxxxx-Krum Reservoir 25,000 975,000 - 1,000,000 xxxxx-Distribution System Improvements/Repairs - 100,000 1,000,000 - 11100000 xma-250 Zone Pipeline Repairs 75,000 425,000 - 500,000 xxxxx-Groundwater Recharge - - 1,500,000 - 300,000 - 1,800,000 SUBTOTAL S 5,109,697 S 346,764 S 2,18600 $ 1,472,000 $ 742,000 S 3,786,000 $2.300,000 S - $ 15,942,461 RECYCLED WATER 13601-Recycled Water Conversions-Rancho Viejo Road 5 1,323,195 5 $ $ $ - 5 S 5 - $ 1,323,195 13603-San Juan Creek Road Recycled Water Connection to SM WD 654,905 - 654,9OS ==-Recycled Water Service Conversions - 250,000 250,000 - 500000 xxxxx-Recycled Water Pipelines - - 1,500,000 - 1,500000 SUBTOTAL $ 11978,100 $ $ 250A00 $ 250,000 $ - S $1,500,000 $ - S 3,978,100 SEINER xx701-Annual Sewer Replacement Program $ 1,165,650 $ 475,000 $ 450,000 $ 450,000 $ 450,000 5 450,000 5 450,000 $ 450,000 $ 4,340,650 7701-South Orange County Wastewater Authority PC#2 Rehabilitation 3,949,010 1,578,242 1,277,087 1,234,926 1,115,030 1,421,697 1,296,670 1,270,682 13,143,344 7703-New Hydraulic Capital Project#18,#6 2,350,035 - - - - 2,350,035 8701-Grease Food Interceptor Program 170,000 - - 170,000 14702-Las Ramblas Sewer Activo Slope Replacement 75,000 150,000 350,000 - - 575,000 xxxxx-Hydraulic Capacity Project S-Trabuco - 50,000 250,000 2,100,000 2,400,000 xxxxx-South Orange CounWastewater Authority-PC#5 - 31,578 63,710 - 95,288 SUBTOTAL $ 7,709,695 $ 2.284,820 $ 2,390,797 S 3,784,926 $1,565,030 $ 1,871,697 $1,746,670 $1,720,682 $ 23,074,317 GRANDTOTAL S 27.762,679 $ 7,372,031 $ 7,506,497 $15,250,926 S 5,835,830 S 9,819,297 $7,497,670 $3,681,682 $ 84,726,612 Less:Fiscal Year 2013.2014 Amended Budget (27,762,679) Amount Adopted by City Council on 6-23-14 $ 56,963,933 M X D tJ� tD w 0 N City of San Juan Capistrano CONSOLIDATED CIP FUNDS INM4/16 AMA AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED DeuApWa 2032/13 2013/]0 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/3(1 2010/21 BEGINNING NND BXLWCE $ 19.OMP).9 $ )DSR.166 S ).E3L38) S 9,925,521 $ 1&)85.1)8 5 20,684,638 $ 31151)88 S 36,995AR $ 36.380903 REVENUES eerxrue/iees In 3'24,058 1,69a.R11 3,S)6,930 )10`3590 I1,32J,245 10.402525 ].42)350 146545[0 mu,42S firrrem Kar prgttt lwHinB 1/061690 280AW RAEO 3);ao.W R,M 36,003 som ProjMSpeeifH Grants 4,8)3.829 10,476,7M 1,916970 I.M. 1.988810 L7a S)5 117911. 1.811.755 1994.410 Imereit EamM 8519 69.745 %.935 %.120 9L3W 91%0 92.386 93,591 93,262 O rR6m ment 326,255 2,40,S80 1$80.00 MebPn Coniribu0on COSaDb " Ober Pevenue 45,893 28,031 29,210 3D,OR5 30.990 31,930 32,2. 33.205 34.2. iranskrs in/tom 1559,361 89[.650 9)5..] 3.520..3 4.0.,003 4,2.43,0. n.270,tt 4.454002 0.950.. TWX.-PRQXE D RMNUESAND MHER WRVS $ 10,639,350 $ MA14,23S 5 9,168.445 $ 15,7419% $ 17,6%.38$ $ 1659;980 $ 131664981 $ 7,M%.1 S 7,369,503 ttlTalplxoSAVAIIRBtE $ 19,MAR $ 35}919111 $ 16.]88]92 $ 25.666.415 $ 35.%$.563 $ 37.38.618 5 45,814.769 $ 43.B38A73 5 43.750.3. EXPEND1211RE5 Tranapart nPrajens 16v.%u 7,933941 2945,253 1,034]. 9.14a.E. 2,57%. 3,]935. 11656,.3 1,9fi4� Petr 2M Open Space R%Ma M4. 4900.426 M.. moon 366.tt0 USS= - 125..3 EUl aMFa[IIitl FPf%M 343945 706.000 307'0. HiAori[Pou allwP jmm K. —.6Io . Do,Poj[[n 21400.650 164810 1%950 D-SnO Man, mXD 368100 1]0® - fto, M nrProlMs 228,9]5 1.9)810 - M.— 254[. 1'S00AV Severn%e[Is 486.143 7.7 .65 4284.820 3,314,.47 3,784.926 1..".0 1,8)1.69) 1,)466)0 1.730,693 Oameili[Water Pr%M5 2691043 5,1..697 346.764 41869. 1.472,tl 742.0.00 3,786,.) 1.3...3 - pperaHnBFryentlnure5 47.409 ), 75 TOTAFXPF20OVR6 $ "oo= $ Z).]69.854 5 ],3R,Of1 $ 4506497 $ 15.254926 S 5.835.40 $ 9,818297 $ )A97.6)0 5 S.L. UNFVND.PRMERS iranscartalian Projects 5 $ 5 149..3 $ 6,.8..] $ 35,.] 5 10.235,000 5 9,070,.3 5 1..] 5 - $ewerR%ects - - 254.] 5.,0.'0 SW..3 - - nnWUN.MXDPRWEOS 5 - $ - 5 3999`0 $ 4108,`00 $ 53% m $ 10]35'. $ 9.070.m 5 I.,C. 5 - m X T m n ED ED A O_ N m City of San Juan Capistrano FUNDI-GENERALFUND FY 2014/16 ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED Description 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 2,113,340 $ 1,867,530 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,0011,000 REVENUES General Fund Contribution: Current Year Project Funding 1,063,690 284,860 60,000 TOTAL- PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES $ 1,063,690 $ 284,860 $ - $ Go,= $ - $ - 5 - 5 - $ - TOTALREVENUEAVARABLE $ 3,1T7,030 $ ZIUS;390 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,060,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 5 2,000,000 E%PENDHURES 09210 Landslide Repair/Restoration 36,889 09211-Placida-Habitat Restoration and Monitoring 19,264 76,190 11503-Sun Ranch Public Drainage Easement Improvements 1,253,347 16,200 13301-Friends of the Ul Bookstore Relocation 60,000 15201-Cook Cordova Park Softball Field Bl and and Soccer Field til Rehabilitation Project b0,W0 TOTALOPENDITURES $ 1,309,500 $ 152,390 $ $ 60,000 $ $ $ $ $ UNFUNDED PROJECTS None M X x m D v m m rP 0 0 IM 0 City of San Juan Capistrano FUND 2-PARKING MAINTENANCE FUND FY 2014/16 ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED Description 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ S $ - S - $ $ S $ $ REVENUES Fund Contribution: Current Year Project Funding S'DIX) 181,000 TOTAL- PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES S - S - $ 5,000 $ 181,000 $ - $ - S - $ - S TOTALREVENUEAVAILMILE S - $ - $ SAW $ IBSp00 $ - 5 - S $ - $ EXPENDITURES % u-Multi Modal Parking Lot Pavement Overlay, Slurry and Striping Project 5,000 181,000 TOTALEXPENDTTURES $ $ - $ 5,000 $ 181,000 UNFUNDED PROJECTS None Tn X M m D In In m C 0 o_ N m 1 1 I City of San Jum Capistrano FUND 10-SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT FIC N14/16 ACNAL AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED Description M12/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 BEGINNING FUND EVIDENCE 5 240,236 $ 294,725 $ 109,3]] $ 2505DS $ Till $ 1,721,219 S 1,514,682 $ 1,500,958 $ 1,683,172 REVENUES PIIor Year Untainted!Grant Be venue Systems Development Tax 546,224 245,000 388.030 9"81020 1,022,620 858,820 157,490 34".200 110,130 Development Fees-Or0211 18,724 2,025 9.295 35,125 35.185 38815 21,035 7.155 LESS Rate Gran¢ a3.945 Imerest 1,500 865 810 820 830 800 850 860 820 TOTAL- PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES $ 610,442 $ 253,690 $ 398.135 $ 9M.O1S $ L0O.685 $ 890,425 $ 1M,375 $ 352,215 $ 11;145 TOTALFUNDSAVAIIABIE $ 11350,600 $ 548,416 $ 502,506 $ 1,234.521 $ 1,846.206 $ ;112,662 $ 2,294,058 5 1,853,18 $ 1,295,322 EXPENDITURES x.105 C.,Pavement Bebabilits.- RDWS 50.000 021119 Camino Real at Don Juan Retaining Wall 113,910 10101 AIIpaa Sl Bean Calle Won.to 100'North 4,068 11101-0lywid.Agn Replaamen[Program 201,wo 173,000 373.000 280.0001 21503-Sup Fourth Public Drainage Easement Improvements ],000,Oo0 METPaseo Peregino Cul Oe Sae Drainage MiUpWn Due W 16,889 13501-St Rene Ramr Drain Rcm6ursement Apeement Moba 14102-Wxntawn Sidewalk Improvements Fwftn St/Camino 1.030 14106-Veraugo 5.10eautiF tlm Ro)en 2",000 15501-Carnim Capistrarw$bmf Drdin,San Jwn Geek Road To "9,000 111.000 0.".Higbw y 15503-Calle Arroyo and Sundance Drive Drainage Improvements 161.000 15504-San Juan Creek Road at Calle Caballero Drainage 53.000 130.000 15505- W Nona and La Ronda Drainage Improvements 127,000 M xxvx-ADA Seff Evaluation and TranSilon Plan 56,000 191000 = xxm-Traffic Signal Cabinet Upgrades 200,000 200,000 125,000 xxxu Calle PerfMO Drainage Improvement Prgea 62.00 239.]00 170,000 xxxxx Mto Capitrano Street Light Conversion to Mission Bells 299CM > TOTAL 6lPBIDIIURFS $ 11055,957 5 439,045 $ 252,000 $ 452,000 S 619.000 $ 603,000 $ 293,I0C) $ 17qEC)a $ - 272 UNFUNDEDPROJECTS; QZI ED NONE V O_ N CD City of San Juan Capisu ano FUND Il-PARK AND RECREATION FV 2014/16 ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED Dearaription 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 BEGINNING FUND..NCE $ 112601115 $ 1,075,291 $ 533,067 $ 1,100,490 $ 4,489,375 $ 7,302,650 $ MORGAN $ 11,629,530 $ 14551,165 REVENUES Park/Reaeadon Fees 8,265 255,200 830,095 3,578,160 3,143,600 2,866,610 1,511,600 11,600 11.600 Other Revenue 45,693 28,031 29,210 30.085 34990 31,920 32,240 33,205 34,200 We"', 3,715 2,000 4.595 4,640 4,685 4,730 4.780 4.830 4.880 TOTAL-PIMECIEDREVENUESANDOTHERSOURCES $ 57.813 $ 285,291 $ 821,900 $ 3,612,885 $ 3,179,275 $ 1903,260 $ 3.548.611 $ 49,635 $ 50.680 7OTALREVFNUEAVAIfA01F $ 1,317,988 $ 1,300,512 $ 1p04,96T 5 4,76-2,375 $ 7.668650 $ 10,105,930 $ 11.629,530 $. 11,679,165 $ 11,810,815 E%PENDIMMES 07204- treade Trail lmProvementx 75,000 75,000 75.000 73000 0740}Was Aguilar Adeps,PhraeQ 3,803 78.705 08201-hal&gauge pnd'an 4.715 5,2&5 09203-Playpwnd Upgrade 19527 50.000 54000 50.ODo 50,(M 03203-NwNwest Open Spaee Community Park 136,477 10201-Dr.)ce Can.Dab Park 25,281 16.230 11202-Eanern Open Spam Rena Park and Fannin Center Imp. 8669 11203—Eastern Open Spare TrAWO"Ide Blkewry Gap Donne 86.748 211.455 26,000 12201-Resta Park&EventCmR+ 95.433 2&5,500 13201-Middle Trabum CreekxaW1.1 Restoratlan Projett 531 1.500 14201-Cook Park SORball Fields#2&Soaer Field#2 89,750 14501-Lm Was Pah Drainage Improvements 15,002 68.000 16201{apk Park-La Power Pin io SMMres 88.000 vm-AM Self EwluaOon and Tranutlon Plan 20.000 6.000 ®-Mapark.Trail 56.000 278,000 m vm-Cook Cordova Pah Waygwnd EOUlpme tPr%est 91.000 x TOTAL F)Svionu S $ 242,707 $ 827.505 $ 758477 $ 278,000 $ 366,000 $ 125,000 $ - $ 125,000 $ - 1p � UNFUNDED PROIECIS D None In In GO0 D 0 o_ N I f [ City Of San JUaD Capitsumno FUND 12-DRAINAGE FUND F,`2014/16 ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED Description 2012/13 2013/10 ZD14/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 BEGINNING FUND BAUWQ $ (Swi $ (45;63Z) $ (41 $ (M.6E1) S (275,037) 5 (172,547) $ (70,807) $ 191903 $ 3L888 REVENUES Drainage Fees aT,cK 39.375 188,595 11025 101 101.740 90,710 11.985 11,985 Other Rcion alli menti 35.0.0) TOTAL-PAOIECTFD REVENUES AND OTHF1150U0.65 $ 47A32 $ 50.325 $ 188595 $ 114,625 $ la3A90 5 101,740 $ 91 $ 11,985 $ 11,985 TBTALREVERUEAVMUW $ (41 $ (398,257) $ (3891 S (DSA37) $ Wzmi 5 (70,807) $ 19,903 $ 3LBBB $ 43,873 ESPOit."RE5 12502 Camino Capistrano ON Ramp Catch Basins 10).000 TOTALWMDRURES $ 5 100.000 $ $ $ $ $ 5 5 UNFUNDED PROJECTS: Non[ M x M m 1 D v ro v 0 oCD_ CD City of Sao Juan CapistFano FUND 17-GAS TAX FY 7014/36 ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED Description 2011/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/36 2016/1) 201]/18 2018/39 2019/20 2020/21 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 259,OS3 $ 595,912 5 1,000 $ 372 $ 29,437 $ 128,522 5 394.202 $ 447,962 $ 517,407 REVENUES Gas Tax 2103(New HUTA) 292,512 355,245 389,225 397,010 404,950 413,050 421,310 429.735 438,330 Gas Tax 21M 161,097 150.560 1)8,8)0 182,445 Sgi 189,815 193,610 197,485 201,435 Gas Tax 2106 124,712 117,960 144,005 146,885 149,825 152,820 155,825 158,995 162,175 Gas Tax 2307 263,980 249.825 219,785 224,180 228.665 233,240 237,905 242,665 247,520 Gas Tax 2107.5 6,000 6,000 6.000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,097 6,000 Interest 723 1.000 540 545 550 555 560 565 5711 Transfer Ir-Measure M 735,229 TOTAL-PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES $ 1$84.253 $ 888640 S 938,4liS $ 957,1165 $ 976,085 $ 995,480 $ 1,015,260 $ L03SA45 S 3.056,030 TOTALREVENUEAVARABLE $ 3.834,306 $ 1,484,552 $ 939,425 $ 9VA37 $ 3.005,522 $ 3.114,002 $ L359p62 S 3.483AG7 $ 1,583,4.37 "PENDINRES xv105{iry Pavement Rehabilitation 97,692 536.487 270,000 218,000 319,000 379,800 SW,SW 723970 719,UW x109-Arterial Street Major Rehabilitation Program 350,000 AiDi'm 400.000 411,000 233,IXH1 542,000 07111-El 6mino Real@ Don Juan Retaining Wall 124 219,053 10104-Tnbuco Creek Road lmproyements(Preliminary) 101970 11101-Otywlde sign Replacement Program 81 65,000 11108 Rancho Viejo Rd.Rehabilitation 3,626 13101-Ortega Highway/1-5 Interchange Sidewalk Pavers 132,000 13102 Bridge.Acjachema Street and La Calera Street 76,750 X13103-Regional Traffic Signal SyMn.,rIEalion Program (Oei 2,415 15,520 Z 13104-Capp Villas Alley Rehabi0tatian Project 4.127 ED 08103-Cam Del Aero/Ave Descanso(SRT1 Grant Project) 2,979 26,045 :4 Transfer Out General Fund Street Maintenance) 1,D00,000 750,000 450.000 300.000 150,WO D T0TA mENOrrind9 $ 1,238,394 $ 2A83,S52 $ 939,053 $ 92$000 $ 8771000 5 779800 $ 911.500 $ 956,000 $ 1,261,DD0 d gip UNFUNDED PROJECM: 1310b ,Ro Villas Alley Rehabilitation Prb)ecl 115,970 Cl, O_ N m City of San Juan Capistrano FLTND 18-CCFP F 2014/16 ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED Deseriptipn 2012/13 2013/14 2014/0 2015/16 2016/12 2017/38 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ g327,9g 5 5,140$1,4 $ 3,255,229 $ 4,341,019 $ 6,680,509 $ 2,573,014 5 4,57),]96 $ 5,345,684 5 5,05,618 REVENUES Orcu4Uon Poen 1,249,1N 354,575 1,058,625 2,312.055 2,824,795 2,591,795 2,446,625 231,385 231,385 Interest 15.331 2GDJJ 27,165 27,435 27,730 27,985 28.265 28,550 28,835 TOTAL-P ECTOREVENU89ANDOTNERSOURCES 5 1,164,435 $ 374,525 $ 1,05,70 $ 2,339,490 $ 2,852$05 $ 2,619,780 5 2,474,890 $ 259,935 $ 260,220 TOTALAVAILABIE $ 5,592.013 $ 5,515,489 $ 4,341,019 $ 6,680,509 5 9,533,014 $ 5,192,7% $ 7,052,684 5 5,05,618 $ 5,861 EXPENDITURES O710AD.D.Circulation lmpmv&Bridge WiEen. 345.136 976,985 07117 I-5/San Juan Creek Road underpass Improvement 361068 948,325 6,90,000 09105Tadid,Creek Bridge at Del Obispo Apprwch Repair 62,720 5,775 14103,CaminoLa1 Rumblesand lS Northbound Trifc Signal Mpdificium, 292,000 14104 Witter Street Widening Camino Del Avion to CARE Rolando 30,000 60,000 576,00 1,334,000 av-Rancho Viejo Road&Paseo Esparta Traffic Signal 39.000 373,000 Operating Expenditore-CCFP Fee Study 7,175 7,175 TOTALE%PENDITURES 5 451,039 $ 2,70,4.20 $ - 5 - 5 6,960,00 $ 615,00) 5 1,707,00 5 - $ - UNFUNDEDPROJECTS: 14107-Ortega Highway Widening Calle Enumerp to East City limits 930,00 3,50,000 M x x m 1 D 01 EO m 0 CDCD City of San Juan Capistrano FUND 31-AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT(AQMD)/AB2766 FUND FY 2014/16 ACNAL AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED Description 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 5 - 5 - $ - S - REVENUES Fund Contribution: Current Year Protect Funding 66,860 136,360 72,000 36,000 50,000 TOTAL- PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES $ - $ - $ 66,86D $ 136,360 $ 72,000 $ 36,000 $ 50,000 $ - $ TOTALREVENUEAVAUABLE $ - $ - $ 66,860 $ 136,360 5 72,00 $ 361000 $ 501000 EXPENDITURES 13103-Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program (Del Obispo Street) 4,360 4,360 ox--Neighborhood Traffic Calming Pei.as 35,000 72,DD) 72,000 36,000 arara-Countdown Pedestrian Signals 27,500 60,000 x�ccrx Rancho Yejo Read&Paseo Espada Traffic Signal 50,000 TOTALEXPENDRURES $ 5 $ 66,860 $ 136,360 $ TL000 $ 36,000 $ SO,WO $ $ UNFUNDEDPROJECTS None M x x m D v m ro m N O N m City of San Juan Capistrano FUND 32-MEASURE M Fi'W14/16 ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED Description 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2012/18 2018/19 2D191M 2020/21 BEGINNING FUND SAIANCE $ 1,39;309 $ 1,0961992 $ (220,357) $ 149A1S $ 40,419 $ W,62R $ 153.223 $ 236,249 $ 350266 REVENUES Measure L.ca4Turnback 528,223 592,615 635,985 677,140 713,225 245.650 776.405 806,875 839,150 Grants-Stare 80,338 Interest 4,824 2.000 6.290 6,860 6,930 ;000 7,071 7,142 2,212 TOML-PROJECTWREVENUESANOOTHERSOURCES $ 613,385 5 59416115 $ 642,225 $ 664,000 $ 22111205 $ 252,650 $ 7MA76 $ 814,012 $ 8461362 TOTALAVAILABLE $ ;005,694 $ 1,69y62 $ 422A18 $ MA18 $ 26,623 $ 813,213 $ 936,249 $ 1,050256 $ ;192,128 EXPENDITURES m105{hy Pavement Rehatudna6un 1,259,032 215,000 30,000 36,000 300.000 400.000 400,G"0 400,000 X%109-Arterial Street Motor RehplAmption Pragam SRUM 403,000 too,oto 36,000 36,0N 36,000 300," 02111-EI UmAw But at Drum Juan Retaining Wall 63,353 241, 2 021180C2A Grate Corning 52,532 (201040) 02119-Del Obispo Rehabl@alloRAgaadate W Blue Fin 4.365 08101-Del Obispo B Junipem Sem Rd.Rehabilitation 10]40 MUG-Pavement Management Pmgram 16,963 590 10104-Traits.Creek ROat improvements-Fremont,Eng. 510 39,490 10105-Avenida to la Vista Sidewalk and Ramps 3,230 11101-0tNuge Sign Replacement Program 16,642 373,745 12501-Paseo Peregrino Cul De Sac Drainage Mitigation Due to 5,06 Settlement 13102-Bridge at Aclachema 51met and Ua Jlera Street 138 8060 mn,-Traffic Slgral Cabinet Upgrades 90,00 Transfer Out to Gas Tax fueM 735,229 NTAL EXPFRDINRES $ 906,201 $ 1,911,964 $ 273,000 $ 793,Cm $ 200,000 $ 600,000 $ 200,000 $ 2610(0 5 200,000 M X 2 UNWNDWPROJEW: CO None 1 D v w GO, A w 0 N 0 City of San Joan Capistrano FUND 36-PARK,RECREATION,AND OPEN SPACE GRANTS FOND FY 2014/16 ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED Description 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 BEGINNING FUND BAIAN(l $ 1258,776) $ (147,616) $ - $ - 5 - $ - $ $ - $ REVENUES Measure M Specific Projects 318,312 862,855 353,000 GrantsState138,894 832,881 TOTAL- PROJEMD REVENUES ANO OTHER SOURCES $ 457,206 $ 1,695,736 $ 353,000 S - $ - $ $ $ - $ TOTALflEVENUE AVAILABLE $ 198,430 $ 1,548,120 $ 353,000 $ - $ - $ $ EXPENDITURES 07403 Blas Aguilar AEobe(Phaw C) 50,231 390,980 LING-East Open Space Trails/City-wipe Bikeway Gap Oowre 353,000 11200-2C Ranc6/Lrabum Creek Habitat Restoration 193,706 1,010,20 11205-Traburo Creek Habitat Restontian(Caltrans Funded) 32,913 40,860 11206-T26uco Ueek Habitat Rertoration(Califoraia HCF) 19,766 55,520 13201-Middle Trabuco Creek Habitat Restamticn Pleject 49,430 50,500 TOTALEXPENDITURES $ 306,046 $ 1,508,120 $ 353,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ UNFUNDED PROJECTS: None III x m D m at at A O_ N Go Cay of San Joan Capistrano FUND 3]-HIGHWAYS,STREETS,AND ROADS GRANTS FUND FY2014/I6 AM. ABIENOED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED Dperlptim muco 2013/14 2OM/15 2015/16 M16/17 2017/18 2OM/19 2019/20 2020/21 BEGINNING FUND NUANCE $ IL3W.S33) S DL.SH) $ - 5 $ - $ - S S $ MUNUES G—U-Stale 1,7M230 Ip16.3n Grano-fetleol 9492 earure MSlecfit PmjMf 23,760 23,760 4a'elaper[mlMinun 1,050,100 DYTAL.P0.01&IFDPFIFXVFSANDDFINpSOVRCFS $ L)45.122 $ LJ66.318 S 231160 S 23,260 S - S - $ - $ $ TOTALREVESM V EARB $ 445,203 $ 1,NL61S $ 23.760 $ 23.JE0 $ - $ - $ $ - $ UPENOINPFS v105-G,Y Pawircnt Peladlilnan 93.9x5 0)103 Cel GIGr[vUlunimpvrtmentsA GUWkervrp 659,782 663.155 DUCO-Um MA—U.Nc Dewnw UATSG—IPm}EI 2SS. 13103-PgmlTraFq SRrml SyrcBmnmton Prgnm IOeI CGfyc SVeeQ 23,]60 23,)60 14107-Ortega N�6way Witlenlry UIk EnNhro b Ean Crry Gmlp 1,PAJ,{IS TOTALERPErOITVNH $ 66AJB2 $ LUL61s 5 23,760 S 2L76O $ $ S $ $ UNNNOEO PROlECI51PEXDINGGIG NFAPPR0VAl1: 24107.06 aKihwa Wl4niM UIk G,i ftmW Ga Uy UmU 6.133.10] SE'. 9.305.0.0 5,S.GOG 2MM 15101-San loan UakRGand U4 U,I,TnM SEI 34,OIp 475,010 m x EDx m 1 D ED GO m UPI 0 N C11 City of San Juan Capistrano FUND 38 -OTHER GRANTS FUND FY 2014/16 ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED Description 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/38 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ - $ (142,190) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ $ REVENUES Measure M Project Specific Grants 68,460 202,870 300,000 OCTA Exchange of Funds 710,000 Other Reimbursements 13,410 1,580 1,580 TOTAL- PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHERSOURCES $ 68,460 $ 216,360 $ 1,580 $ 11580 $ 300,000 $ 71D,000 $ - $ - $ TOTALREVENUEAVARABLE $ 69,460 $ 74,190 $ 1,580 $ 1,580 $ 300,000 $ 710,000 $ EXPENDITURES 07117 4.5/San Juan Creek Road Underpass Improvement 300,000 12503 Trash Capturing Screens 130,414 29,610 13103-Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program (Del W,236 44,580 1,580 1,580 x-Railroad At Grade Crossing Drainage Improvements North"of t.r 71D,Doo TOTALEXP TOTAL IXPENOINRES $ 210,650 $ 74,190 $ 1,580 $ 1,580 $ 300,000 $ 710,000 $ UNFUNDED PROJECTS: None rn X x m D v m ro m m o_ N CA [ f City of San Juan Capistrano FUND 39 -MEASURE M2 COMPETITIVE GRANT FUND FY 2014/16 AMAL AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED Description 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 BEGINNINGFUNDBAIANQ $ (M9,775) $ (249,7/5) $ - $ - $ - 5 - 5 - $ - 5 - REVENUES Measure M Project Specific Grants 40,064 249,775 TOTAL- PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES $ 40,064 $ 249,775 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ TOTALREVENUEAVARABIE $ (209,711) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - EXPENDITURES 07116-1.Serra Rd/Rch Viejo Rd Intersect Improvements 40,064 TOIALE%PENO0URES $ 40,064 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ UNFUNDEDPRMEM NM[ Ill X M m D Ia ro tp 0 0 N m City of San Juan Capistrano FUND 51-OPEN SPACE FY 2014/16 AMAL AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED D.ip0an 2012/0 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 2,381,719 $ 236,043 $ 274,767 $ - $ 10,100 $ 12,600 $ 15,100 $ 17,600 $ 20,100 REVENUES Interest 7,886 10,600 10,000 10,100 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 TOTAL-PROIECFEDREVENUESANDOTNERSOURCES $ 7,886 $ 10,600 $ 10,000 $ 10,100 $ 2,500 $ 2$00 $ 1$00 $ 2,500 $ 2,Sw TOTALREVENUEAVAIIABLE $ 2,389.605 $ 2,370,643 $ 284,70 $ 10,100 $ 12,600 $ 15,100 $ 171600 $ 20,100 $ 22,600 EXPENDINRES 09209-NprtEwest Open Space Cornrnuniry Park 7,926 1,841,986 28,767 12201-Beata Park&Event Center 21]36 253,89') TOTALEXPENDITURES $ 29,562 $ 2,095,876 $ 29,767 $ $ $ $ $ - $ UNFUNDED PROIECR: None m x x m D mO m m o_ N (P f ( f City of San Juan Capistrano FUND 52-COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT BONDS FY 2014/16 ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED Description 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 201$/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ - $ - $ - $ 131,000 $ 131,000 $ ]31,000 $ 131,000 $ 131,000 $ 131,000 REVENUES Other Reimbursements 321,000 TOTAL-PROJECTED REYOUB AND OTNER SOURCES S $ $ 311,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - 5 - $ - TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE $ - $ - $ 321,000 $ 131,000 5 131,000 $ 131,000 $ 131,000 $ 131,000 $ 131,000 EXPENDITURES 09209 Northwest Open Space Community Park 190,000 TOTALEXPENDITURE$ $ $ $ ISO." $ $ $ $ $ $ UNFUNDED PROJECTS: NWK M x T m D v m m m Lo o_ N O) City of San Juan Capistrano FUND 53-SUCCESSOR AGENCY BONDS FY 2014/16 ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED DesOlp04n 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/38 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 BEGINNING FUND BAIANQ $ - S - $ - S 59,050 $ 34,USa $ 34,050 $ 34,050 S 34.050 $ 34,050 REVENUES Other Reimbursements 191 TOFAL-PROIECIED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES $ - $ - $ 1,980,000 S - S - $ - 5 - 5 $ TOTALREVENUEAVAIIABLE $ - $ - $ 1,980,000 $ 591050 $ 34,050 $ 34,050 $ 34,050 $ 34,050 $ 34,050 EXPENDITURES 1410&Verdego Street Beautification Pr4jed 1,790,000 25,001) rzzv Historic Town Center Drainage Improvement Project 110,950 TOTAL EXPENOITURFS $ - $ $ 11920,950 $ 25,000 5 5 5 5 5 UNFUNDED PROIECR' None M X M w D -9 m U3 m N O O_ N Q) l I I City u(San,Nan CapfMmnD FUND 0-WATER REPLACEMENT FT M14/16 AMAI AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED Ocmtlpllon 2012/13 mull 4 201a/35 2015/16 2016/17 3017/18 2019/19 2039/20 2020/21 BEGINNING FUND SAIANCE $ 741,186 $ 4291183 $ 8,573 $ 2,633 $ 73MM $ 2,261,373 S 4,521,523 $ 3,733,693 S 4,639,M RFUFNUE$ TraMler nn Water Debt SerW[e 775,003 Transfer In Water Opnafwna 669,133 1,37Dj,t. Ins. I.... 3,(17],000 3,007,003 3,000,0.tl 3200,000 3.3fa.000 Grants State 547.243 635,255 SD,W3 Interest IEA7 2,000 2.110 z,130 zAw 2,170 1,1917 2,210 N -p EMD RkVEM1E5ANDOMM SOURCES $ 2991,222 $ 2,00,5,383 $ 37,400 $ LSIDdi $ 3,x.130 $ 3.002,1511 $ 3,OO2,1N0 $ 3,2,42290 5 3202210 T AIREVfNUEAVANABIE 5 2.7MM $ 2,434.565 $ 385,573 5 3.504,743 $ 3,733.373 $ 5.363$23 5 7$23.693 S 6y39,M3 $ 7,002003 EMPENDOURES 07811 7WSOrah H. wrHar.11Ren-Wn WOUP 30,CN XU AG MMI4TOlie Tnmm�dibn MalmlwR Regimal tine 88,016 820,299 00$20$ MEOi.wet ane Pume sviwn lminomne„n Ceslpn Hat'. 2,CN.09 1=3Ln Iuan Hills Waterline Replacements 6,197 53,215 1.,600 2300,0.00 13305-Water and Sewer One Replacement 45 Interchange ],015,032 1,32AB88 50.235 13WI Rnysled Water innem'mm RawM1O Vep Road 19,300 13603 San Iuan Creek Rmd Rerycled Water Connection W SMWD 11,865 13001-GrtentandfiftrReprecern s 29586 13803 Tines,Pump Rephrement 59,282 1.-recent.Pump Rephament 57,473 I...um Well 1.In 1,370 13M7 6WRPf gsnscn.P are II I,6M 13600-Emerger,rreneratora 192365 14N2�. RamNas Sewn Actiw3bpe ReptcemefOT nt 37,500 E7 m x 1M01.la Pata Waterline Relccahon 467,0.00 467,1100 467.. 300,600 19M2.0nega HeW WeGemw.h,,tine gepncemenl 761.000 W my-n,rm Rase-, 25,400 975,000 avv.1.zon a pi,"ne F,is 75,000 425,002 D ane..maln6m,on Snem lmprovemenn/Rew,rs I.,. 1,000,000 a-6roundwamr Rect, 300.000 TDTALdPFN01NRE5 - 5 1,305,216 5 2,4ss,%2 $ 382,940 5 333.500 5 "A ,O00 $ 742000 S 3,78501 $ 2400,000 $ 0 m N UNFUNDED FROM Nme ED ED City of San Jt3an Capistrano FUND 64-WATER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PY 2014/16 AMJU. AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED Desoiption 2012/13 20]3/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 BEGINNINGFUN08A M $ 69,20.1 $ 155$87 $ 46,332 $ 634,647 $ 1,469,100 $ 3,47],70) 5 5,167,001 $ 6,086,812 $ 653;131 REVENUES Water Capitallmprovement Charge 42,803 4,945 168,355 663,210 565,045 474,095 250,835 117,500 34,000 Water Capacity Charge 59,975 61 218,675 862,085 735,220 617,060 327,405 153,925 44,540 Water Storage Fees 62,484 6,450 201,285 8031195 708,305 5981 340,765 173,900 50,320 Grants Federal GTE•" Grarosete 277,948 1,868,055 Interest 7,896 TOTAL- PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHERSODRCES $ 451,106 $ 2,491,095 $ 588,315 $ 2,33411 $ 2,008,570 $ 1,690,100 $ 919,005 $ 445,325 $ 120,060 TOTAEREVENUEAVIAMILE $ 520,393 $ 2,647,482 $ 634,647 $ 2,961 $ 3,477,707 $ 5,167,87 $ 6,086,812 $ 6,532,137 $ 6,660,997 EXPENDITURES 7803-Terminal Reurvoir No.3-Habilat Mitigation 15.620 57,710 7811-7605Rpservolr 71,237 69,385 IMF GWRP ExWration,Phase Il 168.613 3$85,350 13808-Emerson,General.,, 303,336 888.665 u-Groundwater Recharge 1,500,0.0 TOIDLEXPENDFNRES $ 300,806 $ 2,601,150 $ - $ I,SOD,m $ UNFUNDED PROJECTS NMC M X x m D 'Tl N ro m N N O_ N City of San Juan Capistrano FUND 65-RECYCLED WATER FY 7014/16 ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED Description 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 BEGINNING FUND BAIANQ $ (1,736,757) $ (1,66],146) $ (1,554,426) $ 1885,101) $ (273,506) $ $37,659 $ 1,843,579 $ 2,871,899 $ Z,329,884 REVENUES Water CapacityCharge 69,611 112,720 69,325 41,595 271,165 515,920 258,320 207,985 196,495 Grant-State 236,369 2,022,480 Tmnsferin-Recycled Water Operations 600,000 820,000 790,000 790,000 770,000 750,000 750,000 TOTAL- PROIECTEDREVENUESANDOTHERSOURCES $ 305,980 $ 2,135,200 $ 669,325 $ 961,595 $ 1,061,165 $ 1,305,920 $ 1,028,320 $ 957,985 $ 946,495 TOTALREVENUEAVAIU101E $ (1,430,777) $ Fss,am $ (885,101) $ (23506) $ 787,659 $ 1,843$79 $ 2,871,899 $ 3,829,884 $ 3,276,379 E%PENDFfURES 13601-Recycled Water Conversions-Rancho Viejo Road 169,802 1,303,895 136o3-$en Juan Creek Road Recycled Watu Connection to SMWD 53,960 643,040 13805-Hollywood Well Reline/New Pump 5,153 13806-Rosenbaum Well Te-In 7,454 75,545 xr Recycled Water Pipelines 1,5OO,0Oo ,ounts Recycled Water Service Conversions 250000 250poo TOTAL ERPENDITU RES $ 136,369 $ 2,022,480 $ $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ $ $ 1,500,000 $ UNFUNDED PROJECTS None IT X x m n v at N W O_ N W City of San Juan Capistrano FUND 71-SEWER REPLACEMENT FY 2014/16 AMAL AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED Damoriptien 2012713 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 BEGINNING FUND BAIANCE $ 1,783,319 $ 2S69546 $ 1,911,643 $ 331,442 $ 142,16E $ 11S,992 $ 288,912 $ 36;032 $ 426,727 REVENUES Transfer In-Sewer Enterprise Operations(Depreciation) 625,000 524.5U 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 SEE," 5001000 Transfers In-Capital Unpmro ment Fund 250,000 250,000 Interest 7,419 12,400 20,865 23,220 23,390 23,360 23,120 22,655 22,655 TOTAL- PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES $ 882,419 $ 786522 $ 520,865 $ 523,220 $ 523,390 $ 523,360 $ 523,120 $ 522,655 $ 522,655 TOTAL REVENUEAVAILABLE $ 2,665,738 $ 3,356p68 $ 2,498508 $ 81 $ 66SS52 $ 738,912 $ 812,032 $ Emptiest $ 949,382 EXPENDITURES %X701-1,nnual Sewer Replacement Program 81.635 1,165.650 475,000 454,000 450.000 450,00 450,000 450,000 450,000 07701 South Orange County Wastewater Anthpriry PC42 Rehabilitation 1,578,242 7,960 8101Grease Food Interceptor Program 300,000 14702-Las Ramblas Sewer ACtivo Slope Replacement 75,000 112,500 262,500 11805 Water a ne Sewer Line Replacement 15 l merchange 14,557 38,175 1,324 TOTALEXPENDITURES $ 96,192 $ 1,378,825 $ 2,367,066 $ 712,500 $ 450,000 $ 450,000 $ 450,000 $ 457,960 $ 450.000 UNFUNDEDPROIEC S NONE M X x m D T1 in m EB N A O N rn City of San Juan Capistrano FUND 72-SEWER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PV 2014/16 ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED DemolptlOn 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 8,020,772 $ 2,361,378 $ 1,124,398 $ 1,631,700 $ 1,729,763 $ 381,2]2 $ 1,035,757 5 1,059395 $ - RWENUES Sewer Connection Fees 919,386 662.185 516,710 1,716,470 1,913.770 1,746,725 1.422,465 205,815 205,815 Interest 26,384 19,880 22,110 22,390 22,61S 22,840 23,070 23.307 23,535 TOTAL-RRO3EC7WREVENUFSANDOTNERWURM $ 9451770 $ 682,065 $ 538,880 $ 1,238,860 $ ;936,385 $ ;769$65 $ 1,445515 $ 229,115 $ 729,350 TOTAEREVENUEAVARABUE $ 9,016542 $ 8,043,143 $ 1,713,278 $ 3,370,SW $ 3,216,148 $ 2,150,287 $ 2,481,292 $ 1,288,710 $ 229,350 EXPENDITURES 07701 South Orange County Wastewater Authority PCp2 Rehabilitation 371,240 3,949,010 1,277,087 1,234,926 1,115,030 1,421,697 1,288,710 1,270,682 07703 New Hydraulic Capital Protect#18,#6 3,924 2,350,035 08701Grease Food Interceptor Program 30,000 70,000 assaw-South Orange County Wastewater Authotlry-PC 45 31,578 63,710 uuY-Hydraulic 6Wclly Project NS so," 250,0000 2,IW,000 Transfer Out-Sewer Operations 250,000 250,007 Tma,er Our-S.,Up X.1 ReplUcement 250,070 250,070 Refund can repayment to Successor Agency 750,030 ]OTA WENDMRES $ L655,164 $ 6,869,045 $ 81,578 $ 1.590,797 5 3,334,926 $ 1,115,030 5 1.421,697 $ 1,288,710 $ 1,270,682 UNFUNOEDPRO7ECIS III xralu Septic Systema Conversions 250,000 500,000 500,000 x_ Ip D v m tD N N O_ N O) City of San Juan Capistrano FUND 81 - FACILITIES OPERATIONS FUND FY 2014/16 ACTUAL AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED Description 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/1] 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 BEGINNING FUND BAULNCE $ - $ $ $ $ $ - REVENUES Other Reimbursements 287,845 141,000 Current Year Project Funding 484,000 101,000 TOTAL- PROIECFEDREVENUESANDOTHERSOURCL$ $ - $ 287,845 $ 625,000 $ 101,00, $ - $ - $ - S $ - TOTALRNENUEAVAILABLE $ - $ 287,845 $ 625,000 $ 1D1,000 S - $ - $ $ $ EBPENDILURES 13301-Friendsef the Ubrary Bookstore Relocation 287,845 Nadu-Uttar,Warrior Repairs and Painting 201,000 plume-ADA Sell Evaluation and Transition Plan 77,000 26,000 .-la Sola Parking Lot Resurfacing Project 66,000 marc-City Hall Complex Exterior Siding and Roof Repairs Replacement Project 192,000 mon Camino Capistrano Athletic Arena Court Resurfacing Project 89,000 xmxx-Trabuco Creek Footbridge Renovation 75,000 TOFALFXPENDIIURES $ $ 287,845 $ 625,000 $ 101,000 S $ S $ $ UNFUNDED PROIERS None M x x m D v m m m N T O_ N