Ordinance Number 1019 ORDINANCE NO. 1019 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING CODE AMENDMENT (CA) 14-004 AMENDING LAND USE CODE SECTION 9-3.305 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS "COMMERCIAL MANUFACTURING" DISTRICT TO ALLOW KENNELS SUBJECT TOA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND APPROVAL OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WHEREAS, Phillip Schwartze of PRS Group, 31103 Rancho Viejo Rd, D-2260, San Juan Capistrano, CA, representative of Zuri Pet Spa, has requested approval of Code Amendment (CA) 14-004 to amend the Land Use Code Section 9-3.305 Industrial Districts "Commercial Manufacturing„ district to allow commercial kennels subject to a Conditional Use Permit; and, WHEREAS, the proposed project has been processed pursuant to Section 9-2.301, Development Review of the Land Use Code; and, WHEREAS, on August 5, 2014, the City Council initiated consideration of amendments to the Title 9, Land Use Code of the Municipal Code to address Kennels in the Commercial Manufacturing zoning district by referring the matter to the Planning Commission for recommendation; and, WHEREAS, the Environmental Administrator has reviewed the initial study prepared pursuant to Section 15063 and 15064 of the CEQA Guidelines; has issued a negative declaration pursuant to Section 15070 of those guidelines; has caused a Notice of Negative Declaration to be posted pursuant to Section 15072 of those guidelines; and has otherwise complied with all applicable provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (1970); and all mitigation measures have been included herein; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered the Environmental Administrator's determination pursuant to Section 15074 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); has considered all project environmental documentation; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted a duly-noticed public hearing on October 28, 2014, pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code, Section 9-2.302 to consider public testimony on the proposed project and has considered all relevant public comments; and, WHEREAS, on January 20, 2015, the City Council conducted a duly-noticed public hearing pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code, Section 9-2.302 to consider public testimony on the proposed project and has considered all relevant public comments. t 01019 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Council finds and determines with respect to Code Amendment (CA) 14-004: (1) The proposed Land Use Code amendment conforms with General Plan Goal 1: Develop a balanced land use pattern to ensure that revenue generation matches the City's responsibility for provision and maintenance of public services and facilities, specifically through General Plan Policy 1.1, because the amendment assists in providing a balance between the generation of public revenues and the cost of providing public facilities and services, and General Plan Policy 1.2 because the amendment encourages commercial and industrial development that is compatible with existing land uses within the City to improve the generation of sales tax through additional opportunities for City sales tax revenue from kenneling services. (2) The amendment is necessary to implement the General Plan and to provide public convenience because the locations where a commercial kennel can be located are limited. The Commercial Manufacturing District offers more appropriate opportunities for locations convenient to the public, and the commercial kennel use is a mixed commercial and industrial type of use consistent with the Commercial Manufacturing zoning designation. (3) The proposed Land Use Code amendment conforms with the intent of the Development Code. The commercial kennel use is a mixed commercial and industrial type of use, compatible with the Commercial Manufacturing zoning purpose of permitting light industrial and manufacturing uses including those allowed in the Industrial Park designations. Additionally, the Commercial Manufacturing zone allows a variety of commercial activities and the commercial kennel use would be compatible with surrounding uses. (4) The proposed Land Use Code amendment is reasonable and beneficial at this time because it encourages orderly development and increases potential locations allowing for further growth of a community serving business. The allowance as a conditionally permitted use allows a review for compatibility with surrounding uses. SECTION 2. The City Council finds and determines with respect to the Negative Declaration: (1) The basis of the evidence presented and the whole record before it, including the negative declaration, and comments received, that there is no substantial evidence that the proposed project will have a significant effect on the environment; and, 2 (2) The recommendation of adoption of the negative declaration reflects the Planning Commission's independent judgment and analysis, and, (3) The record of proceedings on which the City Council's decision is based is located at City Hall for the City of San Juan Capistrano, located at 32400 Paseo Adelanto, San Juan Capistrano, California and the custodian of record of proceedings is the City Clerk. SECTION 3. Kenneling in Commercial Manufacturing Zone. Section 9-3.305 of the San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code is hereby amended to permit commercial kennels in the Commercial Manufacturing district subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit as shown in Exhibit A. SECTION 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is, for any reason, held to be unconstitutional or invalid or ineffective by any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or any part thereof. The City Council herby declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance and each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance irrespective of the fact that one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid or ineffective. To this end the provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable. SECTION 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after the second reading. SECTION 6. Cit Clerk's Certification. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause the same to be posted at the duly designated posting places within the City and published once within fifteen (15) days after passage and adoption as required by law; or, in the alternative, the City Clerk may cause to be published a summary of this Ordinance and a certified copy of the text of this Ordinance shall be posted in the Office of the City Clerk five (5) days prior to the date of adoption of this Ordinance; and, within fifteen (15) days after adoption, the City Clerk shall cause to be published the aforementioned summary and shall post a certified copy of this Ordinance, together with the vote for and against the same, in the Office of the City Clerk. 3 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this Stn day of February 2015. a = DEREK REEVE, MAYOR ATTEST.; t f: MARI ' M R IS, CITY 7ti�- K STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )SS CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) 1, MARIA MORRIS, appointed City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 1019 which was regularly introduced and placed upon its first reading at the Regular Meeting of the City Council on the 20th day of January 2015, and that thereafter, said Ordinance was duly adopted and passed at the Regular Meeting of the City Council on the 3rd day of February 2015, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Ailevato, Byrnes, Ferguson, Patterson and Mayor Reeve NOES COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None MARIA MORRIS, CITY CLERK STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, MARIA MORRIS, declare as follows: That 1 am the duly appointed and qualified City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano; That in compliance with State laws, Government Code section 36933(1) of the State of California, on the 26th day of January 2015, at least 5 days prior to the adoption of the ordinance, I caused to be posted a certified copy of the proposed ordinance entitled: 4 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING CODE AMENDMENT (CA) 14-004 AMENDING LAND USE CODE SECTION 9-3.305 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS "COMMERCIAL MANUFACT RING" DISTRICT TO ALLOW KENNELS SUBJECT TO A CONDITIONAL USEiPERMITAND APPROVAL OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION j f This document was posted in the Office of the Ci`yPIrk E MAIM S, CITYLE K San Juan Capistrano, Ca�ihQ , a STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, MARIA MORRIS, declare as follows: That I am the duly appointed and qualified City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano; that in compliance with State laws, Government Code section 36933(1) of the State of California. On the 5th day of February 2015, 1 caused to be posted a certified copy of Ordinance No. 1019, adopted by the City Council on February 3, 2015, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING CODE AMENDMENT (CA) 14-004 AMENDING LAND USE CODE SECTION 9-3.305 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS "COMMERCIAL MANUFACT iNG7 DISTRICT TO ALLOW KENNELS SUBJECT TO A CONDITIONAL/ E. ERMIT AND APPROVAL OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION �. l.' f This document was posted in the Office of the CitI 3 f $ MARIA O RIS, CITY C E K San Juan Capistrano, Calif6rnia Sec. 9-3,305. - Industrial districts. (a) Purpose and intent.:The following throe:(3) industrial districts have been established. for tho following purpose and intent: (1) Commercial Manufacturing (CM) District, The purpose and intent of the Commorcial M0ufacturing (-CM) District is to provide for a wide range of ocnimerbial uses, primarily of a non-retail nature, wholesaling,limited manufacturing, and indoor recreational uses. (2) Industriai Park (IP)District,The purpose and intent of the Industrial Park (IP) District is to: (A) Provide areas, designated in the General Plan, for the, development of industrial parks; (B) Provide for high-qu'allty physical development5 within industrial parks by requiring comprehensive planning and the coordination of building design and location, landscaping, parking, interior circulation, and other facilities; P Allow for certain commercial and service uses within such industrial parks which uses are related to the permitted industrial uses or which may serve the employees of the industrial establishments during the normal workday; and Limit the physical effects of the permitted industrial activities, such as the emission of air contaminants, noise, glare, run-off of pollutants, and other such effects which could be harmful to life ar other nearby property, (3) Agri-Business(A)District.The purpose and intent of the Agri-Business(A) District is to implement the General Plan provisions for the use of land for agricultural activities. (b) Uses regulations, (1) Table 3-6 identifles the uses permitted in the Commercial Manufacturing (CM), Industrial Park (F), and Agri-Business(A) Districts, (2) Uses listed as conditlonally permitted uses are subject to the review requirements and conditions contained in Section 9-2.31Z, Conditional Use Permit. Accessory uses arc subject to the review requirements and conditions contained in Section 9-3.501,Accessory Uses and Structures. (3) The "notes and exceptions" column of Table 3-6 indicates more precisely the use regulations for specific uses or operating characteristics. The notes and exceptions must be reviewed in conjunction with the other information for the class of use, (4) Certain permitted uses and conditionally permitted uses may be subject to special conditions regarding location, operation, or the design of the use.The secflons of this title governing these uses are identified in ate "notes and exceptions" column of Table 3-6, Table 3-6 Uses in Industrial Districts (please refer to end of table for notes) se -iP I.Notes and Exceptions Accessary uses incidental to the operation of a 11riciudes cafeterias,eriZ nZ ;permitted use ro. Octs showrooms, conference rooms, business and professionaL offices, training classrooms, and caretakers.' residence.s. dult-oriented business 0 the provisions of Title 5,Chap!�r a. U 3ect T, And .gdonN,503 AdutL Oriented Businesses. _�11_J b. sale of alto otic beverages in conjunction With a p0mitted ackili -orientpd bosj.n.ess shat( be prohibito. �Tbulance services EXHIBIT A Animal ,grazing, breeding; boarding, raising, and IP�-�a; includes, but is not limited to, cattle, sheep, goats, traininganal horses. Ib, Exciud#is hog production; commercial livestock feeding ranches, com merciat dairies, commercial horse staNes and equestrian centers, commercial kennets, and Ow commercial slaughtering., dressing, or sale of Atares _.- livestock, fowl, or other animals. sheltersAnimat Autor¢7tibile y its and sup stores and service uses IP - See repair uses and services__ __ Autome s r�rice stations .:. . crfji ,... ._ Bed and breakfasts C C C S:ubdect two Section 9-3.509 Bed and Breakfasts. P 1 Broadcasting siudins P F Cabarets �tn�i piolitclu;s Caretaker residence (temporary) A A A Subject to Section 9-3,553 Temporary uses and Structures.. CaE wh C �. C Chilci d . care enters _ __ C I,C C Church, religious, or fraternal C '!C C.Includes synagogues, ternples, mosques., and other buildings used for the purposes herein but excludes day care renters, and private and/or secondary educational facilities. E - lass and other C C C Excludes junk,-yards W� Clubs a€'l� ladpes ( riyate)�.... P ds ar�d a._ , CiAection and recycling of paper, g ' auto salvage. n_at(fiat& Compounding,, processing; packaging, and treatment of IP P a. lnch�cies candy, cosmetics,.pharmaceuticals, food, products I and beverages- b... Excludes the renderin, or refining of fats and oils. �an<7n ,adi entera3nmeni _._—. - �.. - Drive-throUgh facilities C C As defined in Appendix A, contingent upon approval of a Discretionary Use Permit. Egg production and sales and the production of P Subject to the following requirements: chickens, poultry, pigeons, and other fowl, and the 9.. Any poultry, pigeon, rabbit, or other animal raising € prodMdOrs of rabbits b.uil'din or enclosure shall be located a rninirrlurn-o# 30 feet from any existing residential building riot ort the: � :premises; and 2. The slaughtering or dressing for sale of poultry, pigeons, or rabbits shat:be permitted only if they are 111 proclucee raised, or Fattened Lon Eating and drinking establishment-, P P Such as restaurants, deticatessens, ice cream partors, cocktail loon es, and tay. cns, Educational and cultural programs i P A Shalt be of a temporary nature and prior approval of a I special events permit in accordance with Section 9-3547 Special Activities. mpioyee quarters (detached) -A Must:be of a permanent character placed in per€nanent locations. Farming --IP a. includes at( types of agricutture and horticulture. b. Farming 1 Excludes farms operated publicly or privately for the dis.of of aria'e, sewage, rubbish, or offal. Financial services uses P - includes banks, savings and/tan associations; and credit unions. Game fTjndrrsachinres (3 or less) A C 3 or less game machines if such m ---`_..._._... � -- � dCi11ne5 are iiCCe5SOry Ciame'machines more ti an 3). 3C. terfnitter..rncipal.use in the district. Home bus nss: s. €- A.Sub'ect to Sctican Borne.R.usirress. _ 2 Horse stables and c�strian centers (cornme.rciat� =C Su.bi.eO to Section 9-3.515..CqueS_Lrlan Standards, Hos C Hotels --Ln accordancewith provisions of Section 9-3.524 Tennels (noncommercial) -Cc A S�.ect toSection-4 3 525 Kennels. Kennel's lcommerciat C.JC SUbiect to Section 9-3.525 Kennels. ManufattOring, assembty, testing, repair, and researchIP Pl­Includes but is not Urnited to: on components, devices, equipment, and systems of aril a 1. Sern i conductors, and similar components,' electrical, electronic, or electromechani-al nature �. Computer hardware and software; 1 3. Metering instruments, equipment, and systems;: i 1 .4. Audio equipment, and systems; 5. Radar, infrared, kmer, and uttraviotet equipment and sysb�ms; 6. Scientiffc.and mechanical instruments; and A.. [.17, Television and radio equipment.a. d� terns. Manufacturing and assembly of retail and wholesale P P -Such items may be made from boric, cellophane, fiber, items to a finished product fir, glass, latex, ceramics, pottery, lead, Leather, metal, paper, plastics, wood, or. arn. Medical and dental offices P �Medicai centers and com texes allowed, Mining oil drilling, and other,resource extraction C C C Includes necessary incidental buildings and R bi Fehomes and modular homes on a permanent 4 Both shall be Subject to state regulations governing foundation systern development standards. Mortuaries Motets P and serykew P Nonpnpfit medical clinics Nurseries, greenhouses, and plant storage (resale and IP P Including greenhouses, hydroponic gardens, and similar Whqtesate) Offices (generat) P k-,":-includes business, professional, real estate, travel and similar office uses. 0 (ices {large} P P1_Includes offices which do not regularly provide servfces or conduct business with the general public, such as corporate offices. Packhlv, plants for whole aL;ricultural L).ro.ducts C Excludes food i)rocessinsz. Barking (cornmergat wnd.p!L1LtJc P Potbety and ceramics manufacture. Produce stands (temporary) a. To be used for the sales of agricultural products produced on the premises, b. Subject to the following: 1. Such stands shalt.not be located ctoser than 20 feeL from any street right-of-way.; 2. Such stands shall be of wood frame type construction and 3.. The accessory signs used to identify the use shalt lbe tocated on or adjacent to such stands as set forth in Section 9.3.543 Signs. and facilities P P -a, For CA! District - Includes public utitities.offices and Public buitdings exchanges, museums, libraries, governmental buildings,) parks, bus, taxicab, and railroad stations, tourist information centers, including police and firestations, but excludes schools and hospitals. b. For IP District- Excludes public schools, police Istations, fire sta.tiom, and hospitals. jjuLbljshine and.bookbinding.. P P Radio and television towers and installations,. radar C Mubject. to Section 93:.507 Antennas. installations, microwave relay stations, and cellular towers.and instattatipos (camm6rcialj Recreational rises (requiring outdoor facitities) C a. Such as tennis clubs, provided the requiremonts of S .cti:orss.9_3..50`1 Accessory Uses and Strr€ctiAres and 9-3.529 Lig htingStandards are met. 1 b. (7utdcror night lighting for such recreational uses, other than parking tot or security lighting, shalt not be !p er ,tt ci unless included within the conditional use per it approval. Att night tigh.ting, fcir zrly purpose, shall conform to the requirements of 5-3.529 Lighting I Standards.. Recreation and Leisure uses (trot requiring outdoor C Includes tises such as game machine arcades, pool and II facilities) billiard centers, bawling lanes, 'ice and roller skating { i rinks, theaters (exctuding drive-iris), atlledc clubs; and i health clubs. Recre0bhat vehicle arvd automobile stora90- 7 _ . Recycling fiacilitios Subject to Section �} 3.,537 Recycling Facilities section i 9-3.537 Recycling facilities identifies the specific r altowed recycling uses. Rivoatr uses and activities lnclodes vehicle repairs and boat maintenance repairs, j snuffler, brakes, and transmission repairs. AU such activities must take ptace within a building and no related outside storage is attowed. Research rind devetbpment P P Inciudes researchand deveioprnent of computer sof Lware, information systerns, communication systems,, transportation, geographic information systems, j multi-media and video technology. Development and construction of protc-types may be associated with this use. f esTd_entiat dwelling (single family) tie principal residential dwet.ting per lot as an accessory use to a principal use. ltal sclis of carpeting, furniture, i .d .rune riv` . <s. The promises in question shall iiiet atl the parking appliances requirements set forth in Section 9-3.535 Parking fair such retail sales. b. No dis:p.lays of merchandise shatt-be visible from Interstate 5. cYi .ol {.i�usiraess, vcxrat�ona{, anci Orof�:ssiwal schools P a. inc[u es secr'etar'iat, art, dance; drama, a music requiring outdoor facilities. schools. b. Excludes swirzimi.ng schools, prescho€ots, and public and private primary and secondary schools. Scan ss Service su s P { a. )nc udes pest coritro serlices, linen and diaper supply, catering smices, printing and reproductian stiops, computer and data processing centers, ptumbing services, and etectricat services. b. Services shalt not require extensive on site customer' access. e " €spy(oiati — _, ulect to action . 3. forage ori isp ay. opsail or ,if €t prays-mP an_ a€ sV es,o"fT_ iholsteri'ng shops A su P I ch act€vi:tiemust tae ke place with7n iii df ding and I no related outside storage is allowed. ve 11C e sa e5;, renta., art oas,n uses - rii orng. auto es true s; recce ti€�n ve ices, boats, and personal water craft. ie e storage c i� es Tun yc�aitis.ar au orriobi[e cava _._ . I re i g,stc� a e, aTt a s er-uses-,F-F Ocri as C70d storage Plants, tr'u(Tin�i msk�, ani I. beverage distributors, provided such uses have'tess tha J 50,000 square feet of floor area. 4 Warehousing, sLora e, and transfer uses C Such as c.otd storage plants, trucking firms, and ? bevomg distributors, containing 50,000 square feet of ftQor area or more. I Whalesa ing of proicucts P P Such as etectrical supplies; plumbing suppHes, hcrspFkal l anti sickroom su ,Lies,.{date glass, anti rrtir�rors. Yard stoniye for construction materiaLs��_�_____ _ __W�..:.. C --•- � �_ _ __.. _l P Principal use perrnifted by right Not permitted A= Accessory use permitted by right(subject to Section 9-3._Q1, Accessary Uses and Structures) C W Conditional use permit required (.subject to Section Q-_2. -1�7, Conditional Use Perrn t) (c) Development standards Tabu 3-7 identifies the development standards for the Commercial Manufacturing(CMI), Industrial Park (IP), and Agri-Business (A) districts. Tante 3-7 Development Standards for€ndustdal Districts District ,Min. Lot Mi Story Two Story r Area Ratio ' t 2 s z ,4rea Str+�et Mill. din, Side in Rear in Mill, sfde in. Ftear`1st 2nd F= r Bldg Figt I Frontage Front Yd d. ' Yd. 4 Front Yd;2's d 2'4 Fts l Lot to1st Ftr Yd ' I,Area M j 7,20( sti. &t3 ft. 120 ft.. 5 ft. 5 ft. 0 ft, 0 ft. 5 ft. 0.30 75% 5 ft. 11P 115,000 1100 ft. 17_© ft: TO ft. 0 ft. 0 ft. 0 ft. 0 ft, E0.30 75/ I I . 1Alacres _ ft __ i_.—._ �� n 5 . i Q 10.0 1200 ft. 1150 ft. 21 'ft. _0 ft. 50 ft. ! 0 ft. 0 I lacresI I I Mote: Alin-=Mnimurn;DLJ=Dwelling Unit;Yd Yard;Flr=Moor;BIc'g=Building;Sind hgt w 1­�grt r Lots wlih.street frontages below the miriirmm set faith in this fable may be permitted without the approval of a variance if all of tkwe fnllbwing conditions aremet: (a) ?he iot's street froniage remains a.mslnimvm of 20 feet; �h} Tlie lot is designed 5och that lha reduced width portion constitutes an a,;cess corridar to the buifdabie portion,which is setback away from€tie stmt; (c) The minim urn width or She buildable portion of the lot conforms to the requirements of this table,and (d) 'The Planning Commission dote rm€nes th2t adequate visitor par%ing wr`i b_o provfoed orz tf e lot to compensate for the lass of street frontage parking. The actQaf creation of radueed trWtaga'lots shall oe subject to normal City approval of required tract or parcel maps,The reduced ironlage penicin of such tots shat[not he included in the computation of ict area js�e,seCtzon 9�4•�tregular and Cul-d�-Sac tats). he crteria for measurrtrg setbacks en icry u!arly s a a iii rut-de-sae lots are sei fruih in io 9 4.315 irregular and ut -deSx Lots, s Arcmectural pro; dvis may extend into reciulred side yards no rnore than 40%of the applicable district requirement,or more than S feet whichever is greater. 4 On lots vA(h-an existing butldirg-sethacl<.errcroacfi meat into a.required rear yard,structural additions staving the same said erg oactiments shall be pgrmmttedwithoutthe epprevai of a variance.However,no new encroachment in excess of that exsting,nor any neva oaoroachririent may he permitted without the approval of a variance(s ectibt2_ _ : 33 Nbriconforming Uses,tots,and structures). (d) Operational standards. The following oiler fional standards shall apply in the Commercial Manufacturing(CM)and Industrial Park('IP) Districts; 5 (1) The following effects shall not be permitted to emanate, beyond the bounda6es of the premises,upon which such use is located: (A) Objectionable noise, pef Section 9-3.531 Noise Standards and the generation of heat or cold, direct or reflected glare, of odors or vibrations detectable by the human senses without the aid of instrurnents; (8) Air contaminants not in compliance with adopted standards or adopted by the South Coast Air Quality Management District, including, but not limited to, smoke, charred paper, dust, soot, carbon, noxious acids and oxides, fumes,gases, odors, particulate matter, or any combination thereof which endangers human health or causes darnages to vegetation or proper�y, P Radioactivity and electric or eler-trornagnefic disturbances which unduly interfere with the normal operation of equipment, instruments, or applianceS:cn adjacent properties; (D) Any other emission or radiation which endangers human health, results, in damages to vegetation or property, causes s6ling, or which exceeds national health servioe standords; and (E) Any run-off of poilutants,that is in non-compliance with NPDES permits. (2) The standards prescribed by the South Coast Air Quality Management District and the County and State Departments of Public Health, or the equivalent departments, shall be taken into account in the administration of the operational standards set forth in this subsection, (3) The Building Official shall be responsible for determining whether any premises fails to meet the operational standards set forth in this subsection. (e) Development review. Projects proposed within the Commercial Manufacturing (CM), Industrial Park (1P), and Agri-Businoss (A) Districts shall be subject to applicable review procedures as set forth in Article 3 Development Review Procedur", of Chapter 2 of this title; (f) Supplementary district and temporary use regulations. For sign, parking, fence, swimming poo`, and similar regUl8tiOnS for the Commerahil Manufactur4ig (CM), Industrial Park(1P), and Agri-Business (A) Districts, see Article 5 Supplemental District Rogulations of this chapter. (9) Environmer.tal overlay standards. Standards related to management of project effects on sensitive natural resources(1,e.fioodlplains, ridgelines, etc,)shall be as set forth in Article 4 Environmental Overlay Districts of this chapter. (§2, Ord, 669) (Ord. NQ. 971, §3, 5-18-2010;Ord. No. 973, §3, 10-19-2010;Ord. No. 995,§2.b., 6-19-2012)