Ordinance Number 973 ORDINANCE NO. 973 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVING CODE AMENDMENT(CA) 10-01 TO AMEND THE TITLE 9 OF THE LAND USE CODE REGULATING HOTELS BY ADDING SECTION 9-3.524 RELATING TO HOTELS; AMENDING SECTION 9-3.303, TABLE 3-4,AND AMENDING SECTION 9-3.305, TABLE 3-6 TO DESIGNATE HOTELS AND EXPAND THE ZONE DISTRICTS IN WHICH HOTELS ARE AUTHORIZED PURSUANT TO A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT; AND AMENDING SECTION 9-3.335, TABLE 3-34 TO SET FORTH NEW OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR HOTELS AND MOTELS Whereas, the City Council of the City of San Juan -Capistrano has determined that upscale and appropriate hotels would provide distinct benefits to the City including the provision of convenient and attractive downtown lodging for visitors to the historic downtown, Mission San Juan Capistrano, and the Los Rios Historic district; the establishment of land uses that contribute to the energy and economic vitality of the City's downtown; the establishment of land uses that strengthen the City's economic base and fiscal circumstances so as to support the provision of public services to the City's residents and businesses; and Whereas, on March 16, 2010 the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano initiated a General Plan Amendment and Zoning Code (Text) Amendment to set forth development standards that would encourage the development and support of quality hotel development; and Whereas, the Environmental Administrator of the City of San Juan Capistrano has evaluated the Title 9 Land Use Code Amendment Initial Study and has determined that Code Amendment (CA) 10-01 would not have any significant environmental impacts and prepared a Negative Declaration; and Whereas, the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano conducted work sessions on July 13, and July 27, 2010 and a duly noticed public hearing on August 24, 2010 to consider amendments to the General Plan and Title 9 Land Use Code relating to regulation of hotels and has considered information and testimony presented by City staff, community residents and other interested parties, and. recommended denial; and Whereas, in conjunction with this action, the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano has adopted a resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA) 10-02 AMENDING CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT AND COMMUNITY DESIGN ELEMENT REGARDING HOTELS; and 1 0 973 Whereas, the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano determines that amending Title 9 Land Use Code of the San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code as follows, is required for public convenience, necessity and general welfare: • Add new Supplemental District Regulations Section 9-3.524 Hotels that regulate floor area ratio (FAR) not to exceed 0.651, building height not to exceed three stories and 45 feet habitable area (55 feet roof and architectural elements), first to second and third floor FAR ratios determined by the Planning Commission, parking requirements, noise, lighting, setbacks, parking lot landscaping, and outside storage. • Amend Section 9-3.303 Table 3-4, and Section 9-3.305 Table 3-6 to authorize hotels in TC, GC, NC, OC, CM, and IP zones pursuant to a conditional use permit and add a note that reads "in accordance with provisions of Section 9-3.524". • Amend Section 9-3.535 Parking, Table 3-34, second column to read: "1 space per guest room: The Planning Commission may require additional spaces for accessory uses to include but not be limited to restaurants and ban quet/conference/meeting facilities; Parking standards may be reduced with a parking study and/or shared parking agreement"; and • Amend Appendix A Definitions, Hotel to read: Hotel:A residential building designed,or used to be rented for occupancy by guests for dwelling, lodging, or sleeping purposes for a period of 30 consecutive calendar days or less containing six (6) or more guest rooms or suites of rooms, but not including any building in which human beings are housed or detained under legal restraint or which is used as a drug of other rehabilitation center. Typical incidental uses may include meeting rooms, restaurants and recreation facilities to serve hotel guests. Access to guest rooms shall be from a lobby or hallway interior to the buildings and guest rooms shall not have direct access from parking areas. Whereas,the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano has considered the Initial Study and proposed Negative Declaration prepared by the Environmental Administrator; and Whereas, the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano, pursuant to Municipal Code Section 9-2.309, hereby makes the following required findings: A. The proposed Land Use Code amendment conforms with goals and policies of the General Plan. 2 0973 Code Amendment (CA) 10-01 Hotels is being considered simultaneously with General Plan Amendment(GPA) 10-02 Hotels. GPA 10-02 would establish Policy 1.4 in the Land Use Element to read as follows: "Encourage the development of upscale and high quality hotel uses in appropriate locations to provide lodging for tourists, guests, travelers, and business persons." GPA 10-02 would also increase the maximum Floor Area Ratio for Hotels in the Neighborhood Commercial, General Commercial, Industrial Park, Quasi-Industrial, Light Industrial and Office/Research Park land use designations to 0.75:1. Pursuant to GPA 10-02, it is also proposed that certain provisions be added to the Community Design Element of the General Plan to specifically provide for the development of Hotels to a maximum height of three stories and 45 feet with roof elements and architectural projections being permitted up to a maximum of 55 feet if appropriately located and designed. CA 10- 01 would establish development standards that encourage and facilitate the development of upscale and high quality hotel uses in the Tourist Commercial(TC), Neighborhood Commercial (NC), General Commercial (GC), Office Commercial (OC), Commercial Manufacturing (CM), and Industrial Park (IP) zone districts, subject to Planning Commission approval of a conditional use permit, development standards and appropriate conditions of approval. It would also limit maximum floor area ration (FAR) to 0.65:1 and provide that Hotels shall not exceed a maximum of three stories and a habitable area height of forty-five feet (45'-0') from finished grade, provided that roof elements and architectural projections maybe permitted to a maximum height of fifty-five feet(55'-0°) from finished grade. Accordingly, if GPA 10-02 is adopted, CA 10-01 will be consistent with the General Plan. B The proposed Land Use Code amendment is necessary to implement the General Plan and to provide for public safety, convenience, and/or general welfare. The City Council has determined that "upscale, high quality and desirable"hotels would be a benefit to residents, visitors, the general public, and the City, and therefore initiated GPA 10-02. Upscale overnight accommodations with restaurants, meeting spaces and amenities would be an appropriate land use if properly regulated to mitigate potential impacts. The City cannot control the price of real estate or the dynamics of the regional economy, but can encourage quality hotel uses through reasonable general plan policies, design guidelines and zoning regulations that encourage hotel development. The development standards currently set forth in the Land Use Code do not encourage the development of desirable hotels because such standards limit the intensity of potential development to a level which does not allow the needed"critical mass"necessary to render hotel development as financially feasible and further, may be detrimental to attracting quality hotels because limits on development intensity do not allow the development of ancillary support services which are demanded by hotel patrons and are required to make uses market competitive with other hotels in adjoining cities. To attract and encourage the development of high quality hotels in the City in furtherance of the policies reflected in proposed GPA 10-02, the City needs to establish development 3 0973 standards that are conducive to hotel operations and investment. The Land Use Code amendments proposed pursuant to CA 10-01 are designed to do so. C. The proposed Land Use Code amendment conforms with the intent of the Development Code and is consistent with other applicable related provisions thereof. The Land Use Code currently allows hotels and motels by right in the CM (Commercial Manufacturing) zone and pursuant to conditional use permit in the TC (Tourist Commercial), and GC (General Commercial) zone districts. Code Amendment (CA) 10-01 would expand the zone districts in which hotels are permitted by conditional use permit and establish separate development standards for hotels related to height, floor area ratio, and parking that appropriately account for the unique characteristics of hotels compared to other types of uses. All hotel projects would require approval of conditional use permit and architectural control entitlements to ensure consistency with the General Plan, Title 9 Land Use Code, Architectural Design Guidelines, and that potential impacts would be mitigated to insignificant level. The proposed CA 10-01 conforms to the intent of the Land Use Code by serving the health, safety and welfare through appropriate development standards and restrictions, by implementing the General Plan, as proposed to be amended by GPA 10-02, and by providing economic and social advantages from an orderly planned use of land resources by encouraging the construction and operation of upscale, high quality and appropriate hotels that will benefit the City by providing convenient and attractive downtown lodging for visitors to the historic downtown, Mission San Juan Capistrano, and the Los Rios Historic District, contributing to the energy and economic vitality of the City's downtown, and strengthening the City's economic base and fiscal circumstances in order to support the provision of public services to the City's residents and businesses. D. The proposed Land Use Code amendment is reasonable and beneficial at this time. The City cannot control the price of real estate or the dynamics of the regional economy, but can encourage quality hotel uses through reasonable general plan policies, design guidelines and zoning regulations that encourage hotel development. The San Juan Capistrano Title 9 Land Use Code currently has restrictive development standards that discourage desirable and upscale hotel development. To attract and encourage the development of high quality hotels in the City in furtherance of the policies reflected in proposed GPA 10-02, the City needs to establish development standards that are conducive to hotel operations and investment. The Land Use Code amendments proposed pursuant to CA 10-01 are designed to do so. 4 0973 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO HEREBY adopts the Negative Declaration and approves Code Amendment (CA) 10-01 updating the Title 9 Land Use Code regulating hotels and does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1. Add Section 9-3 524 Hotels. Title 9, Chapter 3, Article 5 is hereby amended to add Subsection 524 entitled "Hotels" to read in its entirety as follows: "Sec. 9-3.524. Hotels (a) Purpose and Intent. The purpose and intent of this section is to establish development.standards that encourage the construction and operation of upscale, high quality and appropriate hotels that will benefit the City by providing convenient and attractive downtown lodging for visitors to the historic downtown, Mission San Juan Capistrano, and the Los Rios Historic District, contributing to the energy and economic vitality of the City's downtown, and strengthening the City's economic base and fiscal circumstances in order to support the provision of public services to the City's residents and businesses. (b) Conditional Use Permit Required. No person shall develop, establish, operate or conduct any hotel use without first securing approval of a conditional use permit. (c) Development and Operational Standards. No person shall develop establish, operate or conduct any hotel use in violation of any of the following regulations: (1) Buildings shall not exceed a maximum of three stories and a habitable area height of forty-five feet (45'-0") from finished grade; however, roof elements and architectural projections may be permitted to a maximum height of fifty-five feet (55'-0") from finished grade. (2) Floor Area Ratio (FAR) shall not exceed maximum 0.65:1 for all buildings on the subject property. (3) Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for first floor to second and third floors shall be determined by the Planning Commission as part of the Conditional Use Permit process. (4) Parking and loading facilities shall comply with requirements set forth in Section 9-3.535 Parking. (5)There shall be no permanent storage or display of equipment, material, or supplies outside of a fully enclosed structure. (6) Noise levels shall comply with the regulations set forth in Section 9-3.531 Noise Standards and all other applicable Municipal Code provisions. (7) Lighting shall comply with the regulations set forth in Section 93.529 Lighting standards. (8) Landscaping shall be provided in parking lot areas subject to Planning Commission approval. 5 0973 (9) Setbacks shall be consistent with the base zone district standards for one and two-story structures. The Planning Commission shall determine the required setbacks for three-story structures as part of the Conditional Use Permit process." Section 2. Amend Section 9-3.303 Table 3-4 Table 3-4, entitled "Business and Commercial Districts"of Title 9, Chapter 3,Article 3, entitled "Base District Regulations/Standards", Subsection 303 entitled "Commercial Districts", is hereby amended to delete "Hotels and motels" and to include "Hotels" and "Motels" as follows: Use TC INC GCJOCJ Notes and Comments Use TC NC GC OC Notes and Comments Hotels C C C C In accordance with provisions of Section 9- 3.524 Use TC NC GC OC Notes and Comments Motels C - C I --- Section 3. Amend Section 9-3.305 Table 3-6 Table 3-6, entitled "Uses in Industrial Districts" of Title 9, Chapter 3, Article 3, entitled "Base District Regulations/Standards", Subsection 305, entitled "Industrial Districts", is hereby amended to delete "Hotels and motels" and to include "Hotels" and "Motels" as follows: Use CM IP A Notes and Exceptions R Use CM IP A Notes and Exceptions Hotels L In accordance with provisions of Section 9-3.524 Use CM IP A Notes and Exceptions Motels P --- --- Section 4. Amend Section 9-3.535 Parking, Table 3-34 Table 3-6, entitled "Business and Commercial Uses Parking Requirements"of Title 9, Chapter 3, Article 5, entitled "Supplemental District Regulations", Subsection 535, entitled "Parking", is hereby amended to replace "Hotels/motels" to read as follows: 6 0973 Land Use Type Required Off-Street Parking Notes and Comments Hotels/Motels 1.0 off-street parking space per Parking standards may be each guest unit. reduced with a parking. The Planning Commission may study and/or shared parking require additional parking spaces agreement. for accessory uses to include but not be limited to restaurants and banquet / conference / meeting facilities Section 5. Amend Appendix A Definitions Hotels Appendix A Definitions Hotels is hereby amended to read as follows: F Hotel: A residential building designed or used to be rented for occupancy by guests for dwelling, lodging, or sleeping purposes for a period of 30 consecutive calendar days or less containing six (6) or more guest rooms or suites of rooms, but not including any building in which human beings are housed or detained under legal restraint or which is used as a drug or other rehabilitation center. Typical incidental uses may include meeting rooms, restaurants and recreation facilities to serve hotel guests. Access to guest rooms shall be from a lobby or hallway interior to the building and guest rooms shall not have direct access from parking areas. Section 6. Environmental Review The City Council determines that the Initial Study identifies that the code amendment will have no impacts on the environmental and certifies the Negative Declaration. Section 7. Validity of Ordinance If any part of this ordinance is held to be invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance, and this City Council hereby declares that it would have passed the remainder of this ordinance if such invalid portion thereof had been deleted. Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage. Section 9. Cily Clerk's Certification The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause the same to be posted at the duly designated posting places within the City and published once within fifteen (15) days after passage and adoption as required by law; or, in the alternative, the 7 0973 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED is 19" 'ay of October, 2010. DR. I_ONDRES SO, MAYO r ra ATYES. I MA S, it CLERK STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )SS CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) 1, MARIA MORRIS, appointed City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 973 which was regularly introduced and placed upon its first reading at the Regular Meeting of the City Council on the 5t" day of October 2010 and that thereafter, said Ordinance was duly adopted and passed at the Regular Meeting of the City Council on the 19th day of October 2010 by the following vote, to wit: AYE, : C UNCIL MEMBERS: Allevato, Hribar, Nielsen, Freese, and Mayor Uso NOES C UNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSE UNCIL.MEMBERS: None mAR, "orRIS, an CLERK 8 0973 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) 1, MARIA MORRIS, declare as follows: That I am the duly appointed and qualified City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano;That in compliance with State laws,Government Code section 36933(1)of the State of California, on the 161h day of September 2010, at least 5 days prior to the adoption of the ordinance, I caused to be posted a certified copy of the proposed ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVING CODE AMENDMENT (CA) 10•-01 TO AMEND THE TITLE 9 OF THE LAND USE CODE REGULATING HOTELS BY ADDING SECTION9-3.524 RELATING TO HOTELS; AMENDING SECTION 9-3.303, TABLE 3-4, AND AMENDING SECTION 9-3.305, TABLE 3-6 TO DESIGNATE HOTELS AND EXPAND THE ZONE ST !,OT IN WHICH HOTELS ARE AUTHORIZED PURSUANT TO A CONDITIONAL.US P R IT;AND AMENDING SECTION 9-3.335,TABLE 3-34 TO SET FORTIS NEW OFF-ST E 7` IRKING REQUIREMENTS FOR HOTELS AND MOTELS This document was posted in the Office of the City Clerk ; r MARI S, CITY Cl_k6lr< San Juan Capistrano, Calif is STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO j 1, MARIA MORRIS, declare as follows: That I am the duly appointed and qualified City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano; that in compliance with State laws, Government Code section 36933(1) of the State of California. On the 20th day of October 20101 caused to be posted a certified copy of Ordinance No.973, adopted by the City Council on October 19, 2010 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVING CODE AMENDMENT (CA) 10-01 TO AMEND THE TITLE 9 OF THE LAND USE CODE REGULATING HOTELS BY ADDING SECTION 9-3.524 RELATING TO HOTELS; AMENDING SECTION 9-3.303,TABLE 3-4,AND AMENDING SECTION 9-3.305,TABLE 3-6 TO DESIGNATE HOTELS AND EXPAND THE ZONDISTRICTS IN WHICH HOTELS ARE AUTHORIZED PURSUANT TO A CONDITIONAL PERMIT; AND AMENDING SECTION 9-3.335, TABLE 3•-34 TO SET FO EW OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR HOTELS AND MOTEL This document was posted in the Office of the City Clerk MARIA RR S, CITY CL K San Juan Capistrano, Cal' o is 9 0973