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Ordinance Number 952
OR1111W CIS N O. 9521 AN ORDINANCE OR TF B CITY OR SAN JUAN CARISlIRANO, CALIRORNIA, LIMEN DING TF 8 OFRICIAL ZONING MSIR TO CIF AN CIO TF 8 a0N ING OR THB IDENTIRIBD RRORERTM PROM IF E Gbh BRAL ORBN SRACE QGOS) DESIGNATION 10 RLAN N E 0 COMML N ITN1 QRCI) AN AMENDMENT TO COMRRBF EINSIVE 11BVELOFIMENT RLQ N 81-01 AND CE RTIPYING A MITIGATE 11 NEGAII% E DBCILARAIION . QREaON E 08- 002) (JE RWE L SELF SIORACIB) THE CIITM COUN CIL OF IF E CITY OR SAN JUAN CARISTRANO, CALiRORN iA, DOE 8 F EREEIN ORDAIN A%I ROLLOW�I: SECTION 1. Negathie Dcalanatian. WhEireais, the N egativei Clecleiradicm and Iniiliad Studied ane heimby appnavEid and cEIdilied cis COMP161EI subject ilci miligritian measuneis canlained in Bxhibil "A" attached henEita and incaipaialed hEinElin. SEC710N :I. Findings. "t meas, thEi pnopcised pnajecl has been p10cEissed punsuaint la Sectian 9-2.301, DEivEilopmen'l Review and 9-2.3'15, Clt ange cif &nEi Dis fiicl all 'I hEi Land UsEi Clade; an d, W haicias, the E nvinanmEinlal Adminis-lnailan has kniiewed the inilial study pnEipallod punsueinI to SEiatian 15063 rind '1506-e of the CEQA CluidEdines, has iMied a N egaitive I]eclairatian punsuvnl -lo Seicilian 19070 al thaso guidelinEis; has caused ei N alicei cif N age tive Declrmarlion la be postEid pursuelnl to Section 15072 allilhasEi guidelines, and has alhervuisEi camplied with all applicable pravisians al thEi Claliikinnia E nvii(inmen-lal Quality Act Q1970); and, WhEineas, thEi Planning Carnimissian conduclEid ai duly-noliced public heaning an January 13, 21009 punsuant to llitie 9, Land Use Clado, Seclian 9.2.335, City Cauncil Ralicy 5, and Planning DEipartrricinil Palicy 510 to cansidei public tes-limany on 1hEi pnapased pnajuct and has cansid(ined all nelEivanil public carrimEints. Wheineeis, thEi Clity Clauncil canducilEid a duly-naticeid public heianing an REibnuarYl '17, ,21009 punsuanil to Title 9, Land USEi Cade, Sectian 9-21.335, Cit) Cauncil Ralicy 5, and Planning DEipartmonl Palicy 5'10 to cans idEir public-leslimony cin 11ho pilapased prajEict and has cansidEired all relevant public comments; and, W hEireais, thEi pnopcised zanEi cheingEi is aansisten-1 with the GunEinal Plan land use map and applicable gaala and policies because -It a pnapasEid zane ct ange is consislanl with -Ihe underlying GEinEinal Plan L and L se Designailian, does not exceed -It ei maximurni an minimum dEisignaitian al land uses ais idenlified in the Land L se Elernient, dciEis nat a nEiate Page 1 of 3 0912 developmEnt that wauld detract ilrom ilt a eixisilingl community chanac-ler and dosis not sign iflicantly impact 'It a Eixisting trafllc patIlEirns; and, WhEineas, ihEi pnopased zonEi cl ange is cansisileni with thEi Land l se Cade, including Article] GenEinal Plan REivielw an d liable 2-1, coin ing Coins is tency Mainix beicausE1 'Il eI pnapaseid nozonc wauld changEi the zoning dosigna'lion'Inarni GEineial OpEin Space la Rlanned Clammun ity and 'It a RlannEid Camimiunity caning Designa-lion is consisiEnt with the GEineral Rlan Land USE[ I]esignatian of Manned Carnimiunity and all pncipasEid uses and devE110pmieni standands piapased ane cansisteinI wi'It it a Municipal Cade standards crl s imilar zaning dEis ignatians; and, WhElnEias , the sitEl of the pupas ed zone change is suillablEi far any crl thE1 land usEls paimitcid within it a praposeid zonEi dis tricil because 1hEi prciposeid ac -lion does nal creailei a s ubs-landand lot and devElkipmieni could accun wilt aut thEi beneilit oil any comet VariancEis; and, WherEias, the uses allowed by 11he puclpcisEid zane change are campa'lible wi'It existing and planneid usEis an suniounding pnaperieis and ihEi Caniimiunity in geinEiral bEicausE1 11he pnopased iiEiaonEi would esilablish usEis consisileint with ihEi adjacEint CarrimEincial Manufactuning aaningl dEisigna-lian la the nor t , the Rlanned Can mun ity dEisignation lathe s auilI , and is carnpatiblO with thea stoiaunding neisidenilial camimuni'liEis; and, Wl eieas, the pupas ed zcinei changEi is aeascinable and beneficial at this tirnie beicausei ihEi puipaseid pnajEict ccuneicls a situation wt ene twci neirrinant panceds Were coins olidated buil I ad s epaiiate and diflEinent acro ing Designat icins. SEC11ION 3. Amiandment. The Official Zaning Map sill thEi Clity of 'clan Juan Capistnan a, CIA 92EI75 is hereby amEinded to change ihEi aflicial Zaning designation fnam GEineial OpEin 1Ipace to Planned Cammunity as pravidEid by 8xt ibis B at achEid heinEita and inconpanated t enein. 7hEi Compreheinsivel DEIVEilopruen'l Plan 81-01 is I exiby ameindEid as prcivided by Elxl ibis C attached t eieicl and incanpanailEld herEiin. SECTION 4. ElffeciivEI ClalEi. lit is Oidinan cel st all 'lakes eiflEict and bel in 1lcincE1 thir y (30) days aflEin its passage. SECTION S. Cliiy CIIejN's Cleri i•licatian. 1 he Clity Clienk shall certify to the adoption of tt is Clndinance and cause the same to t a posted al the drily designated posting places within the Clity and publist ed once within llfileen (15) clays aflen passage and adaption as nequNed bad law; an, in tt e a Itennative, the Cit)I Clenk may as v ise to be public t ed a summary of tt is Orclin a nce and a cera ified copy oil the text o'l this Ondinance shall be posted in the Oflfce oil the City CllerE live (5) clads pnia n to the date al ado ption of this Ordin an ce; and, witt in fifteen (15) days aflen ado ption, the Citi Clerk shall cause to k e public t ed tt e Page 2 oil 3 0952 aflonementioned 9 timmary and shall post a certified copy oil this Clndinance, togeilhenwilh tt a dole 'lor and against the san e, in the ClIffiae oil the City C lerl . F ASSED, APPROVOD AND ADCP79D this Pday cif M rch 21009. w6le- MA K I9LS8 N, MAYOF ATTE%11III: NAHAN. CITY CL SIIAIIE OF CALIFC RN IA ) COU N TY C F ORAN G9 ) ss. CITY OF SAN JL AN CARISIIRAN C ) I, MARCIAIREII R. N C N AHAN , a1 I ointed C it)I Clenk of the C ity o-1 .lan Juan C al islnano, do hereby certitl that the llonegoing is a Irue and connect aapy of OWinance Nci. 952 whict was negulanly introduced and placed u1 on its finst reading at the Regular Meeting of the C iIy Counail on the 7t' day of February 2009 and thal thereafieii, said Ondinanae was dul)I adol ted and passed at the Regulan Meeting) of the City Council on tt a To da71 of Marct 2009 t )I the -following vote, to mii]: FIY99:, C CIL NCIL MBM98REL AIllevato, F rit an, Fneese, and Lso NOEI§ CO NCIL MEMOBR.c1: Mayon Nielsen ABSENT 4aNCIL MEMEIBR.1: N one C lenk Page 3of3 0932 SIAIE OF CALIFCIRN IA ) COUNT) CIF ORANGE ) ss AFFIDAIVII CIF ROSIING CITY OF SAN JUAN CARISIIRAN CI ) I, MARC AIREI R. MONAF AN, dealane as bllovis: It at I am tt a duly appointed and qualified Clity Clerk of the Clity of flan duan Clapistrano; It at in comglianae Witt "rItate laws, Government Clods section 36933(1) of the :Itate of Clalifonnia, on tt a 10" day of Fet nuary 2009, at least 5 clays piiou to Mauat 3, 2009, the date o1 adoption oil the ondinance, I caused to t e posted, in the Clity Clenk's Oflice a certified copy of the p noposed Ordinance entitled: AN OR[ IN AN CIB CIF TH 8 CII-nY OF MAIN AMON DIN G 1IF9 OFFICIIAL 21CINING MAF IDONTIFIEC FROF BRAY FROM IHB DBSIGNAITION 110 F LAINN BD COMMU COMF RBH BN:II\,E C E� BLOF N 8NI F�A N ITIGAITB❑ NBCIAIIIV9 CIB(ILAIRATIQN. SIORAICIB) "-Ian .1 cITATO CIF (IAILIFORN IA ) (IOL NTY OF CIRAINGH ) ; s (IITY OF SAN JL AN CIAIRIEITRAN0 ) JLAN CAIFI.IIIRAINO, CIALIFCIRNIA, nO CH PING Ell -RHO ZON IN G CIF IF E CIBNBRAIL OPEN SF ACO (GO:I) i iINE F CI) AIN AIN BNC MSNI TO I-01 AND CIERTIFYINCI A 08-002) (,IBRIII BL SOLIF Ca -0 ��, CITY iifornia / AFFICIAV Ill OF RWITIN C I, MARGARET R. N ON AHAN , declare as follows: That I an the duly ap pointed and gUali lied City Cllank o'l the City oil San Juan Capistrano; That in compliance with State laws, Clovennment Code s a ation 36939 (1) of the State oil Calibunia. On tt a 4`r day of N a nch 200 9 1 caused to t a posted, in the Clity Cllerl 's ofilice, a certified copy of Ordinance N a. 152, adopted by the City Council on N anch 3, 20Q 9 entitled: AIN CIR❑INAIN CO OFI IF B C]ITI OF SAN JUAIN CIAF ISIRAIN CI, CALIFORN IAI, AIN BN UIN G 11H B CIFFICVIL 210NIN CI MAF ICI CIF -AN CIB TF B 2ICIN ING OF TH B lC BNIIFIIBC RROF ERT) FROM TF B GEN BRAIL OF BN .IFACIB (CICIS) C1B:IICIN AIICIN ICI F LAN N BCl CION N L N ITY (PC) AN AMEN C MBN II 10 CICIN F RBF BN �SIVB DBVBL CIF MEN T PL 81- 1 ANC CBRIIFI IN G AI MIIICIAIBC N 8GA11I1 8 D9C]LAFLaTION. (RNJ 08-007) (JEFIWEL r STORAIGII) It � ornia .- Elan Juan Ca istrano, ali EXHIBIT A MIZIGATION MCINITCIRINC & RIEPORTINC PRCIGRAM IIMMRFI] Ahichitecitural Qanllral (AC] 081-014, Ccinc illior al Usie Permiiil (CL R) 08-(12, zinc Reizar a (Ra] 081-00:1 Jcrwel Sc If Sllonagc C ITM aF SAP . LAN CAMS -IRAN O, C A IN TRODUC7110N The City of Elan .Juan Capisinano has adoplE d this Mitigai ion Mcm itaning 61 Repcirling Pucignam (MMRP; in acccicdancE with Rublic RE soullcE s Cade (PRC; SE ctian 2'1081.6 and Secticin '15091 ail 11E Califaiinia EnviiicinmE nial Quality Act (CEIQA) GuidElinE a. ThE puepcia a cif the MMRP is to ensune that 1hE pnoposE d pnajE ct c0mpliE s with all applicable EnArlonmen'lal miligatian and peirvit nEquinEments. Miligatian measunEs fail 'Ite project haNie bE en adapted by the City's approving bady in conjunclicin with E ilhe r the car ificatian of a Pinal Envincinrrienilal Impact Report (EIR] cin 1hE adaptian of a Mitigated NEgative DEclaralian (MN C j . l hasE adopleid rrii'ligalian meas unE s anE inlE gnaied inta This MMRP. Within this dacunien'l, appnavE d mii igatian measures are arganizE d and rill nEncE d by subjE ct caiegary (E .g. AeisthE'lics, Ain Quality, Naisc, Hydralagy 81 Wa1E n Quality, E'Ic.) and includes thOSE fan all areas Evaluated in 1hE MitigalE d N egathie L eclaralian (MND; and Initial IIludy flan the pnajEict. Bac1 mitigaticin measunE is pn0vided with a numE nical nEfenEnce. ThE miiligalian miEasures also include infanmalian cin the melhad and liming ofl verification and the nesponsiblE party that will Ensure that Each measunE is implErnien'IE d. Rublic RESOUICEIa Cade SE ctian 2'108'1.EI nE quinE s 1hE LE ad Agency, 1011 Each pnojE cl that is subjeict la the Caliilannia 9nvin0nmE nlal ClualiN Acl (CEQA,, to mcinilor PE riarmance cif the mitigalicin miE asunes included in any E nvinanme:in'lal dacumiE W 10 Ensure that implE menilatian d0E s, in ilact, takE placE . ThE City is 1hE dE s ignated lead agency flan 1hE Mitigaticin Monilarin g & RE paring Pncignam and is uespcinsiblE fon review cif any manilaiing nepciris, E nlcircerrienl aclians, and documE n1 dispasilicin. n� s -a 0 e!3 J m c N ` N O 7 0 LL E O c OCL c N d E N .01 LL O N .= U a ❑ v Z 11 0 a� ci a ° CD Fc w N c c 7 :3 o x a w Lla CI cl a CI o u o 3u 0 m LL ID N cc 3 SZ, 3 Cl . N) $���N o ammi N o oa E-0 Cq O0 N N I N a N CU � C V 0 a N t N O M' N t c 0 vi a �, N w N N N` �_ � N 'a - 7 CD @ L U fU N O N p V N V a?ooc3 �.�m00mac =mss=• �a� ��a'c°o�oo� �'— V N -0 M cl O LU O N 7 cr o cn N 'O N N �I @ca N _o N c U 0. N O 0 0 0 Cl = 0 t V w 0- �' m co - - 'cU cl o s o N Cl QI .a cn a-m�o"z�c��i�'�m ai4o--_ o Ec3�. �i O rn (iu w coy o E m oar v ca N� it ti E v' c c m .� N O O v" rr 7 N O V C� � F uj •� N L C 11 Cp O Q N N 0 -Cl N "� CV C j L N Q1 O U m m a c c 3 O Y3 11 (- O K L c N N C1 � �m —_ C.1 ` N IO O N 0 L c@ Cn N N U1 Cc y y 7 CI N V CD V CD 0 � N f/i CO N •' N 7 .V N 0" CU "O M c CU 0 N N O a c ZT -Cl CT (L) ca 3 N Q 0 01 C3 V d O N c c N yr E• C 7 0 O y 0 O p a m 0 m .` `� c 0 0 V O 0 "- N O O O cti 0 0 `� 7 ? N d C11 4 O c co N 7 0 r__ _7 O O cc O C6 "' 7 Cl N V 3 a c U O 'n O O N a T Ew ci LL J F LL Q 4 p1 ~ 4 0!� W -1 `y i d)m Z C N ` N 0 C O 0 EO Q ` o cm * al mm� UJ c ❑ IL LL y a O p s E y U OI E ar .y C •- C LLL ai m I w 'y N W N 'S m LU oar.�w U❑Cla �, U ov UUP Z G V LL. 0 0 i"" V K C al a 0 C lC �. m a 7 Z 4S O� 4).O. 0 it d m C O U m OI Z: Q Co CA C �O La N' MC4 3 € a.yL ClI a n d o c 0 Z CI CI y O d) a E a H G_I (D CI V ail' 7 r0 C c C M u aCI N N 11 O C a 7 C o ul OO L. �iE.po Q) - 4 o w o LL FI E v CII v L:) o o L cI -c1 p o y tl Z O E as y N GI j LC 1 C AE al -,m �►7 C N '� d N y N Q O m L N E � C3 O N C7 N p C 'Fa N N O O .0 O v O E C N "i N Co f'U p> I- m 1 ca j (D a L U C r p c0 7� Q I U N U 'N C7 a Q .GA ._ C O CL 1' C N H L N E CI N y QI C L U o CI _ O O '� CCa C L-0 * U N j "_' o Vf .y a `` y U Ca a N tl O L U U CI m L C1 O d _ L � W � � -d N 41 � � C a 'y N 'a O - � �' d O sl � o '_' y p m 11 CU cl F O� SI 19 L o N QD 5 X1 C CI N to (D 0 .0 U C :: C] O CI Oil CA m m U N N `O - a N d 'cn L �I a+ C c C Q) N CI ycu N O c C irl m E N O p y LL a 0 Q) co U N O N C C V .0 N 713 O N. ca y != d)� �q .L-. N O N C 7 ca Vl p o y L N C O C C U w C7? o cel N C O E y y p y .N L E o c a CO a - c O a N N a W ca = ~ O Vi CU m'D as =c E L N Q) Cq U Lcu L j N 1l ` N 7 t y m CI O I a N N f0 O f4 N L cu� N C L O L cn N 0 cor'E .O y In N E m N C - " Z CU d (D C N b v o Q. O N N N� m O �O C a 0 0 0 ._ U FN a (11 N 7 N 0 O N L -�- O E 11 I O Q Ql .Q.,I '� N C d Q_ N N N 3 U Q p C +� y 2 •` ] t CO C7 C'O -Qpi 41 3= O N 7 o N N Ca al ClI p O N N �I N , �.E t C CI �' "_0 Xl - �. O O N L r Q �' E O U O O d C❑ ca C" a. y co m L C y= 7 U c6mco cv W U S N 3 t3 m W u r1"4'— �ovva, 0' ) o c`[ .44 (D y ms {° 3 m a E aLp. c c N L CL C �- S C ar N U a O O Qj i 1 Q) o a C o U N .0 O C[S W E N L Ui ' 2 C -CO U co C o O () D- U - ar 'y �; 11 CLO lu C '!N (D N C C w U-0 ca W 0 21 CO - C N m C N 7 U a o c6 N- N E� rl 7 0 ' CU ca 7 O QI C m'a N O Q � ° ` c6 c N U 3 L m OSI co U G� p N t l Of N N N S Q C q) j O C m 0 7� C 7 0. T O y= � O O a C Q d) m .y • �G U U •� O Ca U� O C CU , O C o -U 'o C '3 -C O `1 = o Q) O Q L 1 O U C Ca N y- m $j E q a � O m •Q O N r a Q) C! d) CCl X711 GI O `O o f NCL C o m O f!} QI v w c o (UN� al .N C• � O L '3 W y C O O c . - N U cu Cp L W Ga o SZ U cr N Cd N C4 N cl N U- w L L Q [`] Q w4 d a N CL ci c(3 r. n a LL U C9 C7 CJ I GI OI poD UI Eva d 0 0 aQ CC cr N a o 0 0 a o � � U C � a C c Q U J u u Q ci2z_ U ad W m a (D H Q c c c Q a o Il LL C u D p LL W W U U U Z c D LL O s C c m E U w ]+ c c a U - o d Cl o o as a d) C C � c w cu O 7 @ a coC O y N 07 = a a .N m CIch cl cl e C u a o a �' a c 9 3 cm cl s u u O = c C Q•0 c y 7 m Q CC tl zN d`ma3 N cNa� (fl O mo(D ��oE o .. N .• c a1 � c U ._ L, NQ L D 4C1 M N p U Ea) CA p N 3 `mr co O 0 3 Cl n 0 N -(D d oc N• co2a3E E a�• o rn°iLCL0i -M '0 D cc v� 0 0 �o,o � cn °u y �� =:x � °g C a1 4)- N ni al o d.N N 3V Cis a) N -_4 (D (D -0 v m C) M t N CL o m w p U)1 N 'E W E N C-) v c3 d N v (D N N Q LL L o d LL oc E 1 (D 4-- SL N LL C Q C :S C3 (D IcoEwE°'tc 'N y CO w N d �' O. Q E c-Q�gadoN v a y as c� c c a� of a) a m ' =na.Es a� as E «- d of ��- m N t .9 za 0 3 E N� aw E WwLL c ¢nyu :� � c£� o v o 0 o E� �'M Z Z_ N :7 Q vi i �" iq E E W U 41 N p (D V c `y c c N N U al U d c a1 V U rn y O c a1 c a t al N f4 i� - O 41 W �, N is q 3 V'D O 10 O C 3 O a L O_ E y L c c � _ a_ E °� fC N ,o 4)t C� m d V f0 M a) N {� L gLu �idN N m3=cEd�mN aciNYo a�a�wy-c�N cdi N DIN d C' j M d N y M W N O c o o -C c .��_ G 3 N c c mU co y.mu c� 3 v a� caoLp2-- ac guy E•�NO `�° aEi�_o'v�i (ELL E w OM p -- CdMg0 0 Cld) 0 r r; t US Uf Q C` 0 NO QU U m di N V C ul C � p C 0° Ri , N (dj w t cv d C N (C OI w w (CL " 0 ` U 1 y O C H p N U) r w d c d O Co N N 41 H O O F V tM g c j .S C f4 o �. *� O c c0 O y 'C DI aEi N w ca U c- c3 q t3 o a) Q c a� 3 N o ,C C fi c ai y c E N 0 d 2 m c4 •- �p c t c c c 0 8 N c.E € �aN 0 N N :c�! 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Eleclion V(D`, E evEilciprrien'I %rItandands, is t eneby amEindad as killaws: Addi'lion of the lkillawing E islnicl nEigula'l ons: 1114; IN CIMJ North Cominiercial Manufaciuning a. F unpasEi and IniEml: This dis-lnici classillics aneas in which ligh'I indusinial usEis consis'Eini wish t Ei Cammeicial Manullacturing Disinict wauld be peumitiEid. Addiiicinal discre'lionaryl nEniiews o'IpenmibEld and canditicinally parmiit eid uses ha)ie bElEin incarpcinallEid to ensullEl carnipa- ibiiity of any pnoposed use wil h 1hEi sunciunding commiuni'Iy. b. FEinrniiftEid L sEls: All uses idaniilliEid in it a Camniencial Manu'laciuring Zane Dislricl cif thEi Ci'ly all San Juan Clapis]rano shall bEi Pei mit cd in Ihis disliicl. Any piapased usEl Erillheii candilicinally permitiad cin peumitEid by nighl in ihei Cory mEincial Manullaciuring E is tdcl s hall be reviEiw(id by the Flanning Comniissian bokire FIs EistablishmEinl Ilhncitigh a land use delEirminalicin. C. AccEls a or)l and TEimponary uses shall be pei mibEid in accardance wi t the Cite all San Juan Capisinano's Municipal CladEi. d. Development Slandands: The fallowing - ablEi shall Eislablish 1ha dEmeloprrkinl slandands kin the dis rici: Clne Sta ' TMq StoryFla a r Aliiea Flatio _ EFistriat' N in. 1 at Area N m in Min Nin. Min. Nin. 1st °�1 2n�1 ; Min. Street; Side ' Rea n Front ' Side Fie an FhuLot Fir to Bld Ronta e' Fno�t E z 4 4 g '__.�d.__. Yd._W_.,.Y�WL_ �.d. Yd Plrea 7stHli NDM 2 0 1 _ltd 7 a ft. 1 9 ft[25 ftft. 74 ft 10�ft 7", 75if 35 ft. ' I sq. Note: Min.=Minimum, DU=Dwelling Unit, N d=Yard, Hlr=Nloor, Bldg=Building, and Hgt=Height Lots witt street frontages t a low tt a rn inimurn s et brth in tl is table rn a) be permttec l watt out tt e �I approval of a � a uance it a II of the following con c litiona_ are rn a t _ . . (a) -Rhe lat's itneat frontage remains ins a minimum of 20 float, (b) t!e lot is designed s ua t that the reduced width portion constitutes an access conuidor to the E) it ibit B, Rezon a 08-002, Arn an (I ni ants to CDR 81-01, Forster Canyon 2 February 17, 3009 buildable portion, whict is set I: ac k away bom the street; (c) TI a minimunil widtl ( f tl 6 t Llildat le portion Otte lot canfornis to the requirenients of this table; and F�J'd) TI a Planning Clommisflon determines ttatadeqltiate visitor parts ingwill i provided c n the lot ta compensate,br the logs of street frontage parking. IThe actual creation ol redtic ed -frontage lots shall be subject to normal Clit} approval at required tract Jor parcel ril a g s. The reduced tontaq a gorlion of 3 tic h lots s hall not be included in tt a c omputatia n oll lot area (sae Sec tion 9-4.315 Irregular a n (I Cul -de -Sac Lots). The cuiteria for measuring 3attacksan iliriagUlarIll-s taped all (I a Lil-de-sac la is are set lortl in Section 9-4.315 Irregular and Cul -de -Sac Lots. F 7 FJArchitectural projections may extend in to re glued side yards ri rn a a re tt an 401U of the app licall le I [district requirement, or ni a re tt an.3-feet mihic.1-o'pier is greater. 'On lots with all a)iisting tuilling setbael, encroact ment into a re( Wired rear }hard, structuna l additia ns having tt e same said encroachments shall tepermitter witl otittleapproval aflavariance However, no new emaricachment in excess a f that exis ting, riarallynevi enciloact nlentmaybellannilitted approval c f avaiiiance (see Seation 9-3.333 Nonconforming Uses, Lots, and Structures).