Ordinance Number 436119 ORDINANCE NO. 436 ADDITION OF SECTION 9-3.423.5 TO TITLE 9 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE - ESTABLISHING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICT AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, ADDING SECTION 9-3.423.5 TO TITLE 9 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE, ESTABLISHING A PD (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT) ZONING DISTRICT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Findings. The City Council finds that: 1. The City's Environmental Review Board has reviewed the Code Amendment set forth herein, has determined that the amendment will not have a significant effect on the environment, has accordingly issued a negative declaration for the amendment, and has otherwise carried out all requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 2. The Code Amendment will help to foster greater design quality and flexibility in new development projects while giving the City more precise control over land uses within such projects. SECTION 2. Text of Amendments to Title 9 of the Municipal Code. A. Introduction Based on the findings set forth in Section 1, the amendments to Title 9 of the Municipal Code set forth in Paragraphs B and C following, are hereby enacted. B. Amendment to Consistency Matrix Table 2-1 of Section 9-2.101 is hereby amended to add the Planned Development District to the Zone District designations along the top row. Said Planned Development District shall then be designated as consistent with all General Plan Designations shown in the left-hand column by adding an "X" in each row below the Planned Zone District. C. Addition of PD District Regulations Section 9-3.423.5 is hereby added to read as follows: "Section 9-3.423.5 PD - Planned Development District "(a) Purpose and Intent "To provide a vehicle for the precise regulation of land uses in order to facilitate implementation of the General Plan Land Use and other Elements. -1- 120 "To provide for the utilization of innovative land planning and building design as a means of achieving high quality, variety, flexibility and efficiency in the design of residential, commercial, industrial, and other development projects. "(b) Principal Uses and Structures Permitted "(1) All permitted principal, conditional, and accessory uses and structures shall be detailed in a Specific Development Plan (reference Paragraph (d), (2), following). Such uses and structures may be set forth in detail in the Specific Development Plan, or may be set forth by reference to the specific sections of the Land Use Code, or by a combination of the above. All proposed uses shall be consistent with those intended in the General Plan Land Use Designation(s) applying to the property in question. "(2) The City may limit uses in specific buildings or portions of buildings solely to those for which said building space was originally designed to function. 11(3) Any use not specifically listed in the Specific Development Plan,�or,referenced herein, shall be regarded as not being a permitted use, except as provided for in Municipal Code Section 9-3.303 (determination of permissibility of unlisted uses by the Director). "(c) Development Standards "The following Development Standards are the minimum standards with which to plan or evaluate the achievement of the purpose and intent of this district by any proposed use or project. It is incumbent upon the applicant to fully demonstrate that these Development Standards have been met. The decision-making body shall determine that all such applicable standards are met prior to approval of a Specific Development Plan (SDP) and PD zone change. "(1) General Design Standards "(i) Project design should respect visual access to surrounding open space --including both distant and close open space features. "(ii) Developments in hillside areas shall preserve the integrity of hilly terrain and respect the views both of and from the hills. Developments in all areas shall integrate natural topographic features into the project whenever possible. The standards of the HM (Hillside Management) District (Section 9-3.505) shall also be met, if applicable. -2- 121 "(iii) Large, sterile horizontal or vertical spaces, such as blank walls or parking lots shall be avoided or otherwise treated to minimize visual impact. "(iv) Residential and commercial structures should be clustered, or give the appearance of being clustered, and should give the impression of a variety of setbacks. "(v) In residential areas, one- and two-story structures should be intermixed to provide a variety of rooflines, building mass and setback. Two-story structures should not be located immediately adjacent to project entries or to existing single -story residences. "(vi) Projects shall encourage pedestrian use over automobile use for internal circulation. "(2) Architectural Standards "(i) Building designs shall be compatible with and accent surrounding areas and structures in color, style, and materials. "(ii) All architectural elements of a building shall be designed as an integral part of the building. "(iii) Individual buildings shall be designed so as to consistently carry out an overall architectural theme. Murals, wall graphics, and other wall surface features should also be consistent with such an overall theme. "(iv) Roofs which are or which give the appearance of being full -pitch and roofing materials which provide a sense of texture and quality should be used. "(v) Roof -mounted mechanical equipment may be grounds for denial of building plans, schematic elevations, or the entire SDP. However, if the reviewing body determines that such equipment is necessary, the equipment shall be screened from view by design elements which are integrated into the architecture of the building. "(vi) Non-residential buildings shall be designed in accordance with the City's Architectural Design Guidelines. -3- 122 "(3) Landscaping Standards "(i) Landscaping shall provide summer shading, necessary windbreaks, and visual buffering and shall complement other design and architectural features of the project. "(ii) Existing mature trees shall be preserved to the maximum extent and shall be integrated into the overall design of the project. "(iii) Street trees shall be selected and planted in accordance with the City's Street Tree Master Plan and Section 9-3.617. 11(4) Circulation and Parking Standards "(i) Numerical Street and Parking Standards shall be as set forth in Chapters 9-3 and 9-4. "(ii) Vehicle and pedestrian circulation should be separated by landscaped parkway strips, buffering, building masses, or other appropriate devices. "(iii) At least two appropriate points of vehicular access shall be provided to all projects unless site or safety reasons preclude them. "(iv) Parking adjacent to streets should be screened from view. "(v) Parking and internal circulation should emphasize the convenience of appropriate off-street parking areas to the entrance of the building served. "(vi) Residential circulation systems should be curvilinear whenever possible, as opposed to a rectilinear or grid pattern. "(5) Numerical Development Standards "(i) Bufferyards - Landscaped buffer areas shall be provided around the perimeter of a PD project in accordance with the type of PD use to be developed and the existing or planned adjacent uses. Specific requirements are set forth in Table 3A, following. No bufferyard shall be located on any public or private street right-of-way. MC "(ii) Residential Density - The maxim 2 3 gross density within a PD project shall be in accordance with the density designation on the General Plan. Density shall be computed by dividing the gross area of the project site (including any area to be dedicated for streets, highways, or easements) by the number of dwelling units proposed. (iii) Building Heights - Maximum building height within the PD District shall be 30 feet. (iv) Interior Open Space - Each project within the PD District shall devote a minimum percentage of net project area to interior open space as set forth hereinbelow. 'Interior Open Space' shall be defined as land area not devoted to or covered by structures or any area serving motor vehicles (such as parking areas, loading areas, driveways, streets, or alleys) and not part of any perimeter bufferyard area required in Table 3A. "Table 3B specifies the minimum percentages of net project area to be devoted to interior open space. TABLE 3A MINIMUM BUFFERYARD REQUIREMENTS FOR PROJECTS IN THE PD DISTRICT NOTE: The number in each cell is the minimum width bufferyard required when adjacent to the PD structures whose heights are shown in the far left column. Thus, the width of bufferyard may vary along a given perimeter depending on whether it is adjacent to a PD street, parking area, or structure within the PD project. Fences or walls integrated into the bufferyard shall not be considered PD structures for purposes of this table. �5_ GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION Type PD OF ADJACENT PROPERTIES f Strt (or existing/planned boundary streets) Land Prk Use Area Interio or or PD Dpen Comrcl Perimetr StrcSpace Resdntl Resdntl and Iadstrl Arteria Ht and 0-5 5-18 Instnl and Hwy or Adj Recrtn du/AC du/AC (3.0, Resrch Inter io Per imetr to (2.0 to (1.1 to (1.5 & 3.1, (4.0 to Local Local Bfyd 2.9) 1.4) 1.6} 5.0) 4.4) Strt ** Strt -S/P 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 0-20 As Apry ft 10 15 5 15 20 on 25 Resdnt3Over Specific 20 Develpm ft 20 20 10 20 30 Plan 35 S P 20 20 20 5 5 1 10 15 0-20 Indstrl ft 30 30 30 15 10 10/20 30 ver 20 ft 40 40 40 25 20 20/30 40 S P 10 10 0 5 5 10 15 omrcl, Office, -20 Instnl, ft 10 20 20 10 15 10/20 20 ecrtn & all ver other 20 uses t 20 30 30 20 25 15/25 30 NOTE: The number in each cell is the minimum width bufferyard required when adjacent to the PD structures whose heights are shown in the far left column. Thus, the width of bufferyard may vary along a given perimeter depending on whether it is adjacent to a PD street, parking area, or structure within the PD project. Fences or walls integrated into the bufferyard shall not be considered PD structures for purposes of this table. �5_ 194 *The S/P standard shall apply when a street or parking area (instead of a structure) is adjacent to the bufferyard. **Where two numbers are given (e.g., 20/30), the first number is the minimum distance to any structure; the second number is the minimum average distance to all structures along the interior local street in question. "TABLE 3B "INTERIOR OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS "Commercial, office, indoor, recreation, institutional, and related uses: 18% Industrial (i.e., uses permitted in MG and MP Districts) and business parks with mixture of industrial and heavy commercial uses: 15% "Outdoor Recreation Uses: 80% "(v) Additional Standards - The City may require certain development standards relating to such items as setbacks, lot sizes, lot frontages, etc., to be incorporated into the Specific Development Plan in addition to those set forth in Paragraphs 5(i) through 5(iv), preceding. "(vi) Home Additions - The City may require, as part of the Specific Development Plan, standards for home additions in residential projects. Such standards may include permitted expansion area, standard patio cover designs, etc. In projects where Home Addition Standards have not been specified, additions shall be permitted up to the minimum lot setback (or building separation if there are not individual lots) which currently exists for that dwelling type within the tract in question. "(vii) Modifications To Development Standards - Modifications to the Numerical Development Standards set forth in Paragraphs 5(i) through 5(iv), preceding, may be approved by the City during review of the Specific Development Plan if the approving body makes all of the following findings: QZ "Percentage Of Net Project "Residential Projects Area To Be by General Plan Map Devoted To Designations Open Space "Very Low (below 1 du/AC): 65% Low (1 - 2 du/AC): 55% Medium Low (2 - 3.5 du/AC): 45% Medium (3.5 - 5 du/AC): 35% Medium High (5 - 8 du/AC): 30% High (8 - 18 du/AC): 25% "Commercial, office, indoor, recreation, institutional, and related uses: 18% Industrial (i.e., uses permitted in MG and MP Districts) and business parks with mixture of industrial and heavy commercial uses: 15% "Outdoor Recreation Uses: 80% "(v) Additional Standards - The City may require certain development standards relating to such items as setbacks, lot sizes, lot frontages, etc., to be incorporated into the Specific Development Plan in addition to those set forth in Paragraphs 5(i) through 5(iv), preceding. "(vi) Home Additions - The City may require, as part of the Specific Development Plan, standards for home additions in residential projects. Such standards may include permitted expansion area, standard patio cover designs, etc. In projects where Home Addition Standards have not been specified, additions shall be permitted up to the minimum lot setback (or building separation if there are not individual lots) which currently exists for that dwelling type within the tract in question. "(vii) Modifications To Development Standards - Modifications to the Numerical Development Standards set forth in Paragraphs 5(i) through 5(iv), preceding, may be approved by the City during review of the Specific Development Plan if the approving body makes all of the following findings: QZ lz5 "(a) That the modifications are necessary for the project to meet the spirit and intent of the General Plan; "(b) That the overall quality of the project would be less if the modifications are not granted; and, "(c) That the minimum requirements of other compensating standards have been significantly exceeded. "(d) Development Plans and Review "(1) Eligibility "Application may be made for a zone change to PD under the following conditions: "(i) The Specific Development Plan encompasses the entire site, parcel or parcels in question. "(ii) The Specific Development Plan meets all requirements of this section, as well as those of all Environmental Management Overlay Districts which apply (Reference Article 9-3.5). "(2) Procedure For Change of District Regulations To Planned Development "Prior to the acceptance by the City of a zone change application pursuant to the provisions of Section 9-2.301 of this title, the applicant shall submit a Specific Development Plan (SDP) for the site in question. The SDP shall consist of maps and other graphics detailing the precise standards and land use regulations to be applied to the site in question. Details of the plan components shall be in accordance with guidelines set forth by the City. "Building, grading, landscaping, and related development plans shall be reviewed pursuant to Municipal Code Section 9-2.305. "(3) Adoption of Specific Development Plans "(i) The SDP shall be reviewed with the amendment (zone change) petition pursuant to the provisions of Section 9-2.301. Action by the City on the zone change petition may be concurrent with but may not precede the approval of the SDP. The SDP may be approved, modified, conditionally approved, or denied in part or its entirety. If the -7- SDP is approved, the City Council shall adopt said SDP by ordinance. The adopted ordinance shall specify all conditions of approval, if any, along with other matters as deemed appropriate by the City Council. "(ii) After adoption of the zone change and SDP, the designation number for said SDP shall be entered on the Official Zoning Map along with the PD zone designation for the parcel or parcels in question. The PD zone designation with its SDP designation number shall refer only to that specific SDP adopted by the City Council. No other SDP shall be applied to the PD zoning except as hereinafter provided for through SDP amendment. "(4) Amendment of Specific Development Plans "(i) The Director may approve minor modifications to approved Specific Development Plans pursuant to Section 9-2.314. "(ii) The Planning Commission may approve modifications to approved Specific Development Plans if the Commission determines that the modification is consistent with the overall purpose and general design of the original adopted SDP and that the integrity of the original project concept and plan is maintained. The amended SDP shall then become the SDP associated with the Planned Development district designation on the Official Zoning Map. "(iii) If the Planning commission determines that the proposed amendment is not consistent with the overall purpose and general design of the originally adopted SDP, a new zone change application will be required. Such zone change will be reviewed in the same manner as the initial application (Reference Paragraph (d) (3), preceding). "(e) Supplementary District Regulations "The Supplementary District Regulations of Article 9-3.6 (signs, parking, fence regulations, etc.) shall apply to projects in this PD (Planned Development) District. However, if specific supplementary district regulations are adopted as part of an SDP, those regulations shall supersede such Article 9-3.6 regulations. "(f) Issues Not Addressed "In cases where a standard, regulation, or other issue is not addressed in an SDP, the appropriate provision of this Title 9 shall regulate. we IZ7 "(g) Common Areas "(1) The SDP, through appropriate legal instruments such as CC&Rs, management agencies and/or owners' associations, shall provide means for the ongoing maintenance of all open space, private streets, parking lots, buildings and the like. Said legal instruments shall be approved by the City and shall be appropriately recorded prior to the issuance of building permits. "(2) The CC&Rs or other legal instruments shall incorporate provisions of the responsible homeowners association, the maintenance of any commonly -owned land should the City determine after reasonable and customary notice to the homeowners association, that adequate maintenance is not being performed on such land. "(3) In the case of owners' associations, no in -common holding may be sold or otherwise transferred to the control of any other entity except one conceived and designed to fulfill the same basic purposes as the owners' association." SECTION 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage. SECTION 4. Citv Clerk's Certification. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause same to be posted in the duly designated posting places within the City of San Juan Capistrano within fifteen (15) days after its passage. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of October 1 1981 , by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Friess, Hausdorfer, Bland, Buchheim and Mayor Schwartze NOES: None ABSENT: None PHILLIP K. SCHWARTZE, MAYO ATTEST: I -9-