Ordinance Number 472ORDINANCE NII. 472 INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTROL AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, ADDING CHAPTER 9 TO TITLE 6 OF THE SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO MUNICIPAL CODE, PROVIDING FOR REGULATION OF INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER DISCHARGES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Addition. The San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code is hereby amended by the addition of Chapter 9 to Title 6 to provide for regulation of Industrial Wastewater Discharges: Chapter 9, Industrial Wastewater Discharges Section 6-9.01. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to provide for the maximum beneficial use of the City of San Juan Capistrano facilities through adequate regulation of sewer use and industrial wastewater discharges, and to provide procedures for complying with industrial waste discharge requirements placed upon City of San Juan Capistrano by state and federal regulatory agencies. Section 6-9.02. Definitions. As used in this Ordinance: (a) "City" is the City of San Juan Capistrano. (b) "Department of Public Works" is the City of San Juan Capistrano Department of Public Works. (c) "Director" is the Director of the Department of Public Works. (d) "SERRA" is the South East Regional Reclamation Authority. (e) "Industrial Discharger" means any person, firm, business or entity discharging non-domestic wastewater to the sewer system. Industrial dischargers are divided as follows: (1) Class 1 Dischargers: Dischargers subject to federal categorical pretreatment standards. (2) Class 2 Dischargers: Dischargers of wastes of a quality or in quantities that may, in the judgement of the Director of the Department of Public Works adversely impact wastewater collection, treatment or disposal or sludge treatment or disposal. Qin 1 (3) Class 3 Dischargers: All other dischargers. (f) "Existing Discharge" is an industrial discharge in existence prior to the effective date of this Ordinance. (g) "Proposed Discharge" is an industrial discharge planned or proposed to begin discharging subsequent to the effective date of this Ordinance. (h) "Special Effluent Discharge Limitations" shall mean any effluent limitations imposed on an industrial discharger which differ from the standard effluent discharge limitations contained in this Ordinance. Section 6-9.03. Effective Date of Ordinance. The provisions of this Ordinance shall become effective on November 1, 1982. Section 6-9.04. Industrial Discharge Permits. (a) The Department of Public Works shall issue industrial waste discharge permits to all Class 1 and Class 2 dischargers within the service area of the City. Industrial waste discharge permits issued by the Department of Public Works shall be valid for a period not to exceed five years. (b) Applications for industrial discharge permits shall be submitted by all existing and proposed industrial dischargers. Department of Public Works staff shall notify existing dischargers of the need to submit a permit application within 60 days of the effective date of this Ordinance. Department of Public Works staff shall notify proposed dischargers of the need to submit a permit application at the time the proposed discharge comes to the attention of the member agency. Standard permit application forms (appended as Exhibit "A" of this Ordinance) shall be made available to industrial dischargers at the Department of Public Works office. (c) Upon receipt of the required permit application information and fees, the application shall be processed by the Department of Public Works staff. Staff shall review the application, determine if a permit is required and, if so, recommend an appropriate self-monitoring program. Staff shall then forward the application to the Director of the Department of Public Works. Upon approval by the Director, the signed permit shall be attached to the application forms. Permit and application originals shall be maintained by the Department of Public Works in a file system. Copies shall be forwarded to the discharger. -2- 120 (d) Any application or information submitted by the discharger to the City may be claimed as confidential by the discharger. Any such claim must be asserted at the time of submission by stamping the words "confidential business information" on each page containing such information. If a claim is asserted, the City will treat the information in accordance with Chapter 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 2. If no claim is made at the time of submission, the City may make the information available to the public. (e) Where the industrial discharger becomes aware that relevant facts were omitted or incorrect information was submitted in the industrial discharge permit application, the facts or corrected information shall be promptly submitted to the Department of Public Works. (f) Industrial dischargers under permit shall file a new application with the Department of Public Works 60 days prior to any of the following: (1) Expiration of an existing industrial discharge permit. (2) Implementation of changes at the industry which increase the flow beyond that specified in the industrial discharge permit, cause a significant change in the nature of the wastewater, or change the location of the discharge. (3) Implementation of any changes at the industry which may result in non-compliance with any requirements of this Ordinance. Section 6-9.05. Discharge Prohibitions. All discharges of wastewater to the City sewer system shall comply with the following: (a) The pH of wastes discharged shall at all times be within the range of 6.0 to 9.5. (b) Heat in discharged wastewater shall not cause the temperature of wastewater entering the headworks of any wastewater treatment plant to exceed 40° C (104° F). (c) Radioactivity in the effluent shall not exceed the limits specified in Title 17, Chapter 5, Subchapter 4, Group 3, Article 5, Section 30287, of the California Administrative Code. -3- 1 (d) The discharge of wastes to sewer manholes without the written permission of the Director or designate is prohibited. (e) Discharge of the following wastes into the public sewer system is prohibited: (1) Any solids or viscous substances of such size or in such quantity that may cause obstruction to the flow in the sewer or to be detrimental to proper wastewater treatment plant operation. These objectionable substances may include, but are not necessarily limited to, asphalt, dead animals, offal, ashes, sand, mud, straw, industrial process shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, whole blood, bones, hair, coffee grounds, egg shells, seafood shells, flashings, entrails, paper dishes, paper cups, milk containers, or other similar paper products either whole or ground. (2) Organic wastes in concentrations that cause the BOD of wastewater entering the headworks of any wastewater treatment plant to exceed 500 mg/1. (3) Any strongly odorous waste or waste which can create odors in receiving waters or at sewage collection or treatment facilities. (4) Any waste containing substances that may precipitate, solidify or become viscous at temperatures between 50° F and 100° F. (5) Any waste capable of passing through the wastewater treatment works and producing discoloration of wastewater treatment plant effluent. (6) Any water added for purposes of diluting wastes which would otherwise exceed applicable maximum concentration limitations. (7) Any waste which may create a fire or explosion hazard in the wastewater collection or treatment system. (8) Any waste prohibited by federal standards from being discharged to the sewer system. -4- 122 (9) Any—other wastes which may be specifically prohibited by SERRA or the City. Section 6-9.06. Effluent Discharge Limitations. (a) All industrial discharges to the City sewer system shall comply with the following effluent discharge limitations unless special permit provisions are approved by both the Department of Public Works and SERRA Board of Directors, in accordance with Section 6-9.06(2). STANDARD MAXIMUM EFFLUENT CONCENTRATIONS CONSTITUENT mg/1 Ammonia 500 Arsenic 0.8 Barium 10.0 Boron 2.0 Cadmium 0.2 Chlorinated Hydrocarbons ND Chromium, Total 0.4 Chromium, Hexavalent 0.4 Copper 10.0 Cyanide 1.0 Lead 0.4 Mercury 0.015 Nickel 10.0 Oil & Grease of Mineral Origin 200 Phenol 10.0 Selenium 0.1 Silver 0.6 Sulfate 500 Sufide 25 Zinc 10.0 ND: Not Detectable (b) Special permit provisions for Class 1 or Class 2 industrial dischargers allowing relaxation of the above listed effluent standards may be approved by Director only with the concurrence of the SERRA Board of Directors and then only if the following is demonstrated by the discharger: (1) That the discharger cannot, with reasonable modification to the discharging facility, meet the Ordinance effluent standards; -5- 123 (2) That the requested variance will not discernibly impact the treatment operation of any wastewater treatment plant, cause the plant wastewaters or sludges to violate applicable requirements or harm plant facilities or personnel; and, (3) That the relaxation violate any federal requirements. Section 6-9.07 of requirements will not pretreatment Discharge Permit Provisions. All industrial dischargers shall be subject to the following requirements. (a) Industrial discharge permits issued do not authorize the commission of any act causing injury to the property of another, nor protect the discharger from his liabilities under federal, state, or local laws, nor guarantee the discharger a capacity right in the sewer system. (b) A copy of the industrial discharge permit shall be maintained at the industry so as to be available at all times to personnel of the industry. (c) The industrial discharge permit is valid only for a waste discharge volume stated in the application, and at a discharge rate not exceeding the stated maximum discharge rate. (d) The discharger shall allow staff of the Department of Public Works, SERRA, or an authorized representative upon presentation of credentials to: (1) Enter upon the discharger's premises where a regulated discharge is located or where records must be kept under the conditions of the industry's discharge permit; (2) Have access to and copy, at reasonable times, any records that must be kept under the conditions of the industry's discharge permits; (3) Inspect at reasonable times any facilities, equipment (including monitoring and control equipment), practices or operations regulated or required under the industry's discharge permit; and, 124 (4) Sample or monitor at reasonable times, for the purposes of assuring compliance with this Ordinance or any applicable federal pretreatment standards, any substances or parameters at any location. (e) The industrial discharger must comply with all conditions of this Ordinance. Noncompliance with any condition of this Ordinance is grounds for (a) enforcement action, (b) discharge permit revision or revocation or (c) the denial of a discharge permit renewal application. (f) The industrial discharger shall furnish to the Department of Public Works or SERRA any information which may be requested to determine whether cause exists for modifying, revoking or reissuing a discharge permit. The discharger shall also upon request furnish to the Department of Public Works SERRA copies of any records required by the discharge permit to be kept. (g) Wastewater discharge permits are issued to a specific operation. A wastewater discharge permit shall not be reassigned, transferred or sold to a new owner, new user, different premises, or a new or changed operation. In the event of any change in name, ownership or control of the industry, the discharger shall notify the Director of such change. The Department of Public Works may upon review, require the new owner or operator to submit a new industrial discharge permit application. (h) In the event the discharger is unable to comply with any of the conditions of the industrial waste discharge permit due to: (a) breakdown of waste treatment equipment; (b) accidents caused by human error or negligence; or (3) other causes such as acts of nature, the discharger shall notify the Department of Public Works by telephone, as soon as he or his agents have knowledge of the incident, and confirm this notification in writing within two weeks of the telephone notification. The written notification shall include pertinent information explaining reasons for the noncompliance, and shall indicate what steps were taken to correct the problem, and the dates thereof, and what steps are being taken to prevent the problem from recurring. -7- (i) All wastes or sludges which are prohibited from being discharged into public sewers including, but not limited to, chemical solutions, acids, caustic wastes, solvents, oil and grease, screenings, sludges, and other solids removed from liquid wastes, etc., shall be held in impervious containers and disposed of at a legal point of disposal, and in accordance with the provisions of Division 7.5 of the California Water Code. For the purpose of this requirement, a legal point of disposal is defined as one for which waste discharge requirements have been prescribed by a Regional Water Quality Control Board, and which is in full compliance therewith. (j) Industrial dischargers identified as generators of toxic solid wastes shall be notified by Department of Public Works staff of applicable requirements promulgated under the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended, and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and shall be referred to the State of California Department of Health Services. (k) Industrial dischargers shall comply with applicable mandatory toxic waste and pretreatment standards promulgated in accordance with Sections 307 and 308 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, or amendments thereto. Within 180 days of the date such pretreatment standards are promulgated, industrial dischargers subject to the standards shall submit a baseline monitoring report to the Department of Public Works and to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency detailing, in accordance with Section 403.12, Chapter 40, Code of Federal Register, as amended, the industry's compliance status with the regulations. If the industry is in noncompliance, the report shall include a time schedule outlining how the industry will achieve compliance within the date established for the applicable pretreatment standards. Progress reports, monitoring and reports of compliance shall also, as required by Section 403.12, be submitted by the discharger at the specified times. Section 6-9.08. Self-monitoring and Reporting. All Class 1 and Class 2 dischargers shall be subject to the following self-monitoring and reporting requirements: (a) Self-monitoring and reporting requirements for each applicable discharger shall be determined by the Director of the Department of Public Works (permit issuing authority) and included in the industry's discharge permit. The nature of the sampling and frequency of analysis and reporting shall be based on the size and nature --of the discharge. 126 (b) All sampling and analysis of wastewater shall be performed in accordance with the applicable test procedures approved by EPA at a laboratory certified for such testing by EPA or the State Department of Health Services. (c) Dischargers subject to self-monitoring requirements shall establish and maintain a sampling port or chamber on each discharge line at a location representative of the discharge to the sewer. Sampling locations shall be approved by the Department of Public Works. (d) Self-monitoring programs shall, at the minimum, consist of the following: Class 1 Dischargers: (1) Semiannual sampling and reporting for all toxic constituents for which federal categorical pretreatment standards exist. Semiannual reports shall be submitted by June 30 and December 31. (2) Reporting of average and peak discharge flow rates during the specified reporting period. (3) Any other sampling or reporting information so required by the member agencies. Class 2 Dischargers: (1) Annual sampling and reporting for all toxic constituents known to be in the discharge and for which this Ordinance specifies effluent limitations. Annual reports shall be submitted by December 31. (2) Reporting of average and peak discharge flow rates during the specified reporting period. (3) Any other sampling or reporting information so required by the member agencies. (e) Self-monitoring reports shall be signed by a duly authorized representative responsible for the overall operation of the facility from which the discharge originates. Each report shall contain the following declaration: "I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct." DATE SIGNATURE TITLE MC 127, (f) Records shall be maintained by industrial dischargers subject -to -self-monitoring requirements for a minimum of three years for: (1) The date, exact place, method and time of sampling and the names of the person or persons taking the samples; (2) The dates the analyses were performed; (3) Who performed the analyses and the analytical techniques used; and, (4) The results of the analyses. (g) The Department of Public Works staff shall review all monitoring reports submitted by dischargers and in a timely manner notify the discharger in writing of the compliance status of the industry with applicable effluent discharge standards. Staff shall maintain a file of all dischargers required to submit self-monitoring reports. The file shall include the nature and required submittal times of the required reports. If a discharger is delinquent in submitting self-monitoring information, the Department of Public Works staff shall notify the delinquent discharger in writing of the need to immediately submit the monitoring information. Failure of the discharger to submit self-monitoring information after such notification constitutes a violation of this Ordinance and is grounds for enforcement action. Section 6-9.09. Enforcement. The City and SERRA shall enforce the industrial regulations contained in this Ordinance in accordance with the following: (a) Compliance inspections of discharge permit holders shall be regularly conducted by the Department of Public Works staff. Reasonable efforts shall be made to perform the inspections and conduct random sampling of discharges semiannually for industries subject to federal categorical pretreatment standards and annually for all other industries subject to self-monitoring programs. The inspections shall: (1) monitor compliance of dischargers with federal pretreatment standards and the pretreatment ordinance prohibitions, (2) evaluate the site potential for accidental spills and recommend preventative measures, and (3) insure that the industrial discharge operation is in accord with the description of the industry contained in the industry's discharge permit -10- 128 application. Random sampling by the Department of Public Works shall be performed for wastewater constituents for which the industry must sample and analyze as part of a self-monitoring program. Samples shall be analyzed at a laboratory certified for such analyses. (b) During compliance inspections, the Department of Public Works industrial discharge inspector shall record inspection observations and the results of field tests on an inspection report form, noting any violations. The inspection report form shall be signed by a representative of the discharge permitee and a copy of the form given to the discharger. If analyses of wastewater samples taking during the inspection reveal a violation of applicable effluent discharge standards, the discharger shall be notified in writing of the violation and a follow-up inspection shall be conducted. (c) The Department of Public Works staff shall investigate instances of noncompliance with requirements of this Ordinance or federal pretreatment standards as indicated by compliance or other inspections, random sampling, self-monitoring reports, or other surveillance. Investigations shall be conducted with sufficient care to produce evidence admissible in enforcement proceedings or judicial actions. (d) For violations or threatened violations which constitute an imminent endangerment to the health or welfare of persons, to the environment, or causes interference with the operation of any treatment plant (which shall be defined as emergency violations), the Director shall take immediate and effective measures to halt or eliminate the violations or threatened violations. In such cases, the Director may immediately and without notice revoke on an interim basis the offending industry's permit subject to a timely _ decision on permanent revocation by the City as provided in this Ordinance. If the threatening discharge is not terminated after permit revocation, the City legal counsel at the request of the Director, shall take immediate legal actions to enjoin the offending industry from discharging. -11- e! (e) For non -emergency discharge violations noted by inspection or self-monitoring reports, the Department of Public Works staff shall notify the offending industry in writing of the violation, requesting a response in writing from the industry indicating why the violation occurred and what corrective measures are being taken to insure that the violation does not recur. The offending industry shall respond to the request within 10 days of receipt of the violation notification. (f) For a recurring violation, the Director may require the discharger to submit for the Director's approval a detailed time schedule of specific actions which the user shall take in order to prevent or correct such violation. Any failure to comply with such an approved time schedule shall constitute a violation of this Ordinance. For violating dischargers, the City Council may establish sur -charges on the continuation of sewer service until such time as the discharger has complied with the requirements of this ordinance. (g) If deemed necessary, the Director may order a public hearing for the purpose of hearing testimony on which to base a formal enforcement action. Such a hearing shall be held by the Director within 45 days of the date of serving notice to the offending discharger. Although the hearing need not be conducted in accordance with technical rules relating to evidence and witnesses, testimony taken at the hearing shall be under oath and recorded stenographically. The recorded hearing transcript shall be made available to any member of the public or party to the hearing at the cost of reproducing the transcript. (h) After a public hearing, the Director or his designate may revise discharge permit effluent requirements, issue temporary effluent discharge requirements, establish compliance time schedules, temporarily or permanently revoke discharge permits, or modify in any way discharge permits of non -complying industries. Any actions taken by the Director regarding permit revisions or modifications shall be consistent with applicable federal pretreatment standards. (i) Requests to reestablish service subsequent to the revocation of a permit and the termination of sewer service shall be in the form of a new permit application submitted with the appropriate fee. -12- 130 (j) In instances of repeated and uncorrected violations, the Director or City Council shall direct the City legal counsel to seek conjunctive relief and or civil penalties against non -complying industries. Civil penalties of a sum not to exceed $6,000 for each day on which a violation occurs may be sought by the City. The City may also seek preliminary or permanent injunction or both to restrain the continuance of any violating discharge. In addition to the penalties, the City may recover reasonable attorneys' fees, court costs, court reporters' fees and other expenses of litigation by appropriate suit at law against the person or discharger found to have violated this Ordinance or any discharge permit issued hereunder. (k) The names of industries in significant noncompliance with federal pretreatment standards shall be annually noticed by the City, in accordance with EPA requirements specified in 40 CFR 403.8(f)(2)(vii), in the largest daily newspaper published in the City. (1) Upon notification by SERRA wastewater treatment plant personnel or others that an illicit discharge may be occurring within the City sewer system, the Department of Public Works staff shall take steps to locate and terminate the discharge. (m) The Director shall submit to the SERRA Board of Directors on a monthly basis a brief report summarizing the pretreatment violations identified and corrective measures taken by the City. (n) The SERRA Board of Directors and its designates shall have the authority to at any time assume any enforcement powers established in this Ordinance. Section 6-9.10 Appeals. Any permit applicant or discharger affected by any decisioZ, action or determination made by the Director regarding implementing or interpreting the provisions of this Ordinance may file with the Director a written request for reconsideration within 10 days of any such action by the Director. The Director shall rule on the request within 10 days of receipt thereof. If the ruling on the request for reconsideration made by the Director is unsatisfactory, the person requesting reconsideration may, within 10 days after receipt of notification of the Director's ruling, file a written appeal with the Secretary of the City Council. A fee of $50.00 shall accompany any such appeal to the City Council. This fee may be refunded if the appeal is substained in favor of the appellant. The written appeal shall be heard by the City Council within 45 days from the date of filing. The City Council shall make a final ruling on the appeal within 60 days from the date of filing. - -13- 13 1 Section 6-9.11. Fees and User Charges. The submission of application fees is required as part of all applications to the Department of Public Works for industrial waste discharge permits, as follows: Class 1 Discharger . . . . . . . $50.00 Class 2 Discharger . . . . . . . $25.00 Adjustments to these fees will be made by Council resolution. Section 6-9.12. Severability and Repeal. If any section, subsection, clause, or phrase of the Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the remaining portions of the Ordinance. This City Council declares that it would have passed said Ordinance by section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase thereof. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 2. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage. SECTION 3. City Clerk's Certification. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause same to be posted at the duly designated posting places within the City of San Juan Capistrano within fifteen (15) days after its passage. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of October , 1982 , by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Friess, Hausdorfer, Bland Schwartze, and Mayor Buchheim NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ITY CLERK -14- OWWCE F. BTYC14ffEIM,/MANOR 1 f2 4 1 PERMIT NUMBER WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT Assessor's Parcel No. CLASS PERMIT 1. Applicant Business. Name 2. Address of premise discharging wastewater: A. Street 3. Chief Executive Officer A Name 8. Title C. Moiling Address M City �. State 4. Person to be c3niocied about this permit: A. Nome B. Title C Phone AUTHORIZATION: The above applicant is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater to the fewer system subject to the applicant's compliance with and conditions: and the following terns S. Payment of the following fees and charges when billed by the District: o. Permit Fee , . . . . . . . S— ►. Other Fees or charges (. Submittal of sett -monitoring information in accordance with the attached reporting requirements and schedule. 7. The applicant shall report to any changes (permanent or temporary) • to the premise or operations that significantly change the quality or volume of the wastewater discharge or deviate from the terms and conditions under which this Permit is granted. B. EFFECTIVE DATE: EXPIRATION Agency Official or Aut.,,d Agent hIMI: Any pr rsoe aggrJvv,-d by any prnvisian of this prrmit has the right of appeal. Refer to Section t of -----i ----- EXHIBIT A Page 1 of 8 - 3 PERMIT NUMBER WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT Assessor's Porcel No. CLASS .PERMIT a MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS The discharger shall submit self-eonitoring and reporting information in accordance with the following requirements and schedule: Page 2 of 8 IMR Wastewater Discharge Permit Application Part A - General Information Tris opplicalion must be typewritten. , Return the completed application by: Al. Applicant Business Name - A2. Address of premise discharging wastewater: {- A, Street . A3. Business Address A. Street Member Agency Use I Date Application Received Assessor's Parcel No. B. Mailing - "P City State lip P<. Chief Executive Officer . A. Nam B. Till- C - ill G Moiling Address D. Gty State •dip A5. Person to be contacted about this application A. Name B. title C Phone A6. Person to be contacted in case of emergency A. Name B. Title Day Phone Night Phone A7. CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information above and on the following Paris is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Return this application by the date indicated above to: Ypnotvre . Dm hint Name tilt. Page 3 of 8 Wastewater uiscnarge vermir tAppticatvuri Part B—Business Description Purpose—The Business Description is primarily used to determine substances which may enter Uifo the wastewater discholge from the Business, Activity. The production quantities are neces- Permit wry for.State and Federal Reports. No - 51. Business Activity—ICOmplete a separate Part B for each major business activity occurring on the premise.) "T ACTIVITY Sic (a) Product: IASr CAIENDAe YEAR pumw w✓ o..+....... t►IB OF FROOUCTS (91 --4 N--1 A,M Amsunr Un1M _. unih •.._ M... (b) Description—Describe the wastewater generating operations. Indicate variations in production and opera- tions during the year. (Use additional sheets as necessary) _ (v Substances Proposed to be Discharged --Give common and technical names of any materials discharged or proposed to be discharged to the sewer. Briefly describe the physical and chemical properties of each sub- .r,.nre and product_ B2 Discharge Period oa. varmuon or perauon - (a) Discharge occurs daily: from to Indicate whether the business activity is: (b) Circle the days of the week that the discharge (' ) Continuous throughout the year, or actin: 5 M T W T F S ( ) Seasonal --Circle the months of the year which discharge occurs: J F M A M J J A S O N D. B4. Other liquid Wasics—list the type and volume of liquid wastes removed from the premises by means other than Community srwrrs and dispnsal site. D_cCIrpliaN _V011u4 1,14 PIMOVID BY I".— and —Id'—) DISPOSAL SITE Page 4 of 8 f Wastewater Discharge Permit Application _ C—Schematic Flow Diagram PERMIT Purpose - The Schematic Flow Diagram shows the flow pattern of products through the facility NUMBER and the various sources of wastewater. This information will enable - - to.assess the quality. rolume and peak flows of the discharge. Schematic Flow Diagram—For each major activity in which wastewater is generated, draw a diagram of the flow of _ moteriols and water from start to completed product, showing all unit processes generating wastewater. Number Cacti unit process having discharges to the sewer. Use these numbers when showing this unit process in the building layout in Part D. Page 5 of 8 - ------ -------- --.. 0 Wastewater Discharge Permit Application Part D—Building Layout PERMIT � purpose - The 6utiding layout short the wastewater, generating operations which Contribute Co NUMBER. - -- j each building sewer. This building layout will also enable and the epp/ieant to select suitable sampling locations for determining and verifying wastewater strength. Wilding Layout—Draw to scale the location of each building on the premises. Show location of all water meters,* storm drains, numbered unit processes (from Part Q, sewers and each building sewer. connected to the sewer. Number each building sewer and show possible or existing sampling locations. -- Wastewater Discharge Permit Application Part F—Building Sewer Discharge Purpose—The Building Sewer Discharge information will. iddntifv the variation in flow rate Permit No. and the type of constituents and characteristics of the discharge for each side sewer. Samplling Fl. Building Sewer No. ----!From Part D) - F2. Wostewote'r Flow Rate PEAK NOUEIY IAA%, DAIIY ANNUM DAILY AVG. I It RAGE AVN) PRC LONSI.Na AVERAGE DAILY IaAllONS/D4Y) 9allanr/minora 9all.ns/day 90lbna/doy I nal m_ not maa. e RAD Radioactivity AL Aluminum HC s• SE Fj If Batch Discharge. Indicate: o: Number of batch discharges- per month L Time of batch discharges_ er w�U of py a �t Dn1 c. Average quantity per botch- gollons. d. Flow Rate• gallons/minute_ F4. Wastewater Constituents—Indicate if any of the following constituents, characteristics or substances is or can be present (X) in your wastewater discharge as a result of your. operations. - COOL CONSUME [ODEky UENTS 1 CODE CONSTITUENTS ALTAlgicides* FORMA e RAD Radioactivity AL Aluminum HC s• SE SeleniumNH3N Ammonia 1- AG SilverSB Antimony FE NA SodiumArsenic PB SOLV Solvents'Barium MG 504= Sulfate $E Beryllium MN S=T Sulfide B Boron HG Mercury S03= Sulfite 7 BR. Bromide Mo Molybdenum MBAS Surfactants MBAS CD Cadmium NI Nickel TEMP Temp. Increase 1+) -CA - Calcium 01G M Oil & Grease 1Min. Orig.) TEMP Temp. Decrease I—) CL2 Chlorine O&G T Oil & Grease (Tota;) I I Titanium CL. Chloride PES TC Pesticides- SN Tin CR Chromium PH pH Increase 1+1 V Vanadium CA Cobalt PH pH Decrease (—) TVA Volatile Acids Cll Copper PHENL Phenols -ZN Zinc CN- Cyanide P Phosphorus . F- Fluoride 11 K Potassium "Identify the Chemical Compounds or Elements Cornmentso-:. Page 7 of 8 JL 41 PART F lCont'd) • FS. Wastewater Slrenglh Estimates—Enter the average annual and maximum wnstewolcr strength for this building for each of the following elements al wastewater strength for the period covered by the permit. ALIV elrwnrANT nrVIATION FROM THESE VALUES CAN RESULT IN TERMINATION _OF THE PERMIT. _ UNIt IIIMINII a1 WA9FWATE4 P4[NLTN 1 AVFEALE 1 1 MAXIMUM Suspended Solids mg/I Total Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/I Filtered Chem. Oxygen Demond mgJl Grease mg/ LCL2D Chlorine Demand (See Instructions) mg/I eiuehemical OxygenDemand (Five.dayl mg/1 If data from a commercial laboratory was used to determine the values, please give me name urrV ..VV•=�. �• the laboratory. F6. Pollution Abatement Practices - - -- . U. Wastewater Pretreatment -Check the type of treatment, if any, given wastewater from this building sewer before it is discharged to the District sewer:- O none, ❑ holding tank, Q grease trap, Q oil and. water separator, ❑ grinding, ❑ sedimentation, PH adjustment, ❑ biological treatment, ❑ screening, Q chlorination, or p other. Description. Describe the loading rates, design copodty, physical size, etc of each pretreatment facility checked above. b. Planning Wastewater Pretreatment Improvements—Describe any changes in treatment or disposal methods planned or under construction for the wastewater carried by this building sewer. F7. Stormwaler Area - - Total Area in square feet exposed to storm water and draining to this building sewer: square reef. Page 8 of 8