Resolution Number SJCPFA 12-06-19-01Percent Percent Actual Projected Proposed Change From Proposed Change From Description 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Prior Year 2013/14 Prior Year PROJECTED REVENUE & OTHER SOURCES   Lease Revenue ‐ City of SJC Water Enterprise :     Series 2002 Certificates of Participation 619,734$        621,566$               661,714$               6.46% 664,076$                0.36%     Series 2004 Certificates of Participation 1,349,048       1,355,462            1,422,194            4.92% 1,421,894               ‐0.02%     Series 2009 Certificates of Participation 794,944           783,502                793,744                1.31% 792,544                   ‐0.15%   Interest Income:     Series 2002 Certificates of Participation 36,372            38,398                  40,000                  4.17% 40,000                    0.00%     Series 2004 Certificates of Participation 71,257            73,807                  70,000                   ‐5.16% 70,000                    0.00%     Series 2009 Certificates of Participation ‐                   16,042                  16,000                   ‐0.26% 16,000                    0.00%   Bond Proceeds ‐ Series 2009 ‐                    ‐                          ‐                         0.00%‐                          0.00%  ESTIMATED REVENUE‐TOTAL 2,871,355$     2,888,777$           3,003,652$           3,004,514$             ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES   Certificates of Participation, Series 2002:     Principal 385,000$        400,000 415,000 3.75% 435,000 4.82%     Interest 271,107           254,964 246,714 ‐3.24% 229,076 ‐7.15%     Administration 2,700              5,000 5,000 0.00% 5,000 0.00%     Amortization of COI 10,774            10,774 10,774 ** 10,774 **   Certificates of Participation, Series 2004:     Principal 510,000           530,000 550,000 3.77% 570,000 3.64%     Interest 910,300           891,769 872,194 ‐2.20% 851,894 ‐2.33%     Administration 2,808              7,500 7,500 0.00% 7,500 0.00%     Amortization of COI 5,156              4,985                    5,156                    ** 5,156                     **   Certificates of Participation, Series 2009:     Principal 255,000           265,000 275,000 3.77% 285,000 3.64%     Interest 74,512            529,544 518,745 ‐2.04% 507,544 ‐2.16%     Administration 4,632              5,000 5,000 0.00% 5,000 0.00%     Amortization of COI 6,707              6,707 6,707 ** 6,707 **  ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES‐TOTAL 2,438,696$     2,911,243$           2,917,790$           2,918,651$              NET REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 432,659$        (22,466)$               85,862$                 85,863$                   CONTRIBUTIONS FROM (TO) RESERVES   2002 Bond Reserve ‐$                 ‐$                         ‐$                         ‐$                           2004 Bond Reserve ‐                    ‐                          ‐                          ‐                             2009 Bond Reserve ‐                    ‐                          ‐                          ‐                           NET CHANGE IN AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE 432,659$        (22,466)$                85,862$                 85,863$                   BEGINNING FUND BALANCE ‐ AVAILABLE 9,232              441,891                419,425                505,287                    ENDING FUND BALANCE ‐ AVAILABLE  $        441,891 $               419,425 $               505,287  $               591,150  FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 3,418,234$     3,395,768$           3,481,630$           3,567,493$             RESERVES:   Series 2002 Bond Reserve 698,141           698,141                698,141                698,141                     Series 2004 Bond Reserve 1,476,137       1,476,137            1,476,137            1,476,137                 Series 2009 Bond Reserve 802,065           802,065                802,065                802,065                   AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 441,891$        419,425$              505,287$              591,150$                San Juan Capistrano Public Financing Authority DEBT SERVICE FUND FY 2012/14 EXHIBIT A