Resolution Number 12-06-19-08RESOLUTION NO. 12-06-19-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE SUN RANCH DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (CIP 11503) WHEREAS, the Public Works Department has prepared plans for the Sun Ranch Drainage Improvement Project (CIP 11503) and such installation is consistent with the recommended water facilities improvements contained in the City Council -adopted Storm Drain Master Plan (SDMP) and, WHEREAS, the proposed projects have been processed pursuant to Section 9-2.337, Public Improvement Plans and Outside Agency Development Review of the Land Use Code; and, WHEREAS, the City of San Juan Capistrano Environmental Administrator has reviewed the initial study prepared pursuant to Section 15063 and 15064 of the CEQA Guidelines; has determined that the project qualifies for issuance of a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), has issued a Negative Declaration pursuant to Section 15070 of those guidelines; and has caused a Notice of Negative Declaration to be posted pursuant to Section 15072 of those guidelines. The City has otherwise complied with all applicable f provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (1970) and all recommended mitigation measures have been incorporated herein; and, WHEREAS, Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration for the City of San Juan Capistrano Sun Ranch Drainage Improvement Project CIP (11503) was made available for public review and comment pursuant to the CEQA Guidelines (Section 15073) for a period of 30 days, commencing on February 3, 2012, and ending on March 5, 2012; and during this review period, the City received no comment letters. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby makes the following findings based on substantial evidence in the record with respect to compliance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act: 1. Pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines (Section 15074), the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) considers all potentially significant environmental effects of the proposed project and is complete and fully complies with all requirements of CEQA and the Guidelines; and, 2. While the project could result in potentially significant air quality impacts as a result of construction -related emissions, proposed air quality mitigation measures to address PM10 (particulate matter less than 10 microns) and PM2.5 (fine particulate matter less than 2.5 microns) will reduce such impacts to a level of insignificance. 6-19-2012 3. A biological survey of the subject property was conducted by Glenn Lukos Associates (GLA) in order to document the biological resources that occupy the site and the species of plants and animals that are supported in that habitat on the site. The survey found that the project could result in potentially significant biological impacts as a result of construction related activities. However, the proposed biological resource mitigation measures which manage the construction time period and require Resource Agency permitting will reduce such impacts to a level of insignificance. 4. The project could result in potentially significant cultural and paleontological resources impacts as a result of construction related activities and ground disturbance. However, the proposed cultural resource mitigation measures which provide for archeological and paleontological monitoring will reduce such impacts to a level of insignificance. 5. The project could result in potentially significant geological and soils impacts as a result of construction -related activities. However, the proposed mitigation measures which require implementation of geological/soils analysis recommendations will reduce such impacts to a level of insignificance. 6. The project could result in potentially significant hazards and hazardous materials impacts as a result of construction -related activities. However, the proposed mitigation measures requiring testing and removal of any contaminated soils encountered during . construction will reduce such impacts to a level of insignificance. 7. The project could result in potentially significant water quality impacts as a result of construction -related activities. However, the proposed mitigation measures requiring preparation and implementation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and sediment/erosion control will reduce such impacts to a level of insignificance. 8. The project could result in potentially significant short-term construction noise impacts. However, the proposed mitigation measures restricting construction hours, managing the location of staging area, and managing equipment noise will reduce such impacts to a level of insignificance. 9. The project could result in potentially significant traffic impacts. However, the proposed mitigation measures requiring preparation and implementation of a Traffic Control Plan and Construction Management Plan will reduce such impacts to a level of insignificance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings with respect to General Plan consistency: 2 6-19-2012 L 1. The proposed project is consistent with the policies and objectives of the General Plan, specifically, the Public Services Element because the proposed drain improvements will ensure that the City maintains the ability to provide the required flood control to the community. 2. The proposed project is consistent with the City Council adopted Storm Drain Master Plan which identifies the improvement of the existing facilities (Project) to provide necessary higher levels of storm drain service to existing and proposed developments located in the surrounding area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby approve a Mitigated Negative Declaration subject to the mitigation measures established by Exhibit A, Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program (MMRP) attached hereto and incorporated. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of June 2012. 3 6-19-2012 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, MARIA MORRIS, appointed City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 12-06-19-06 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano at a Regular meeting thereof, held the 19tb day of June 2012, by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Freese, Reeve, Allevato, Taylor and Mayor Kramer COUNCIL MEMBER: None COUNCIL MEMBER: None 6-19-2012 C EXHIBIT A Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Sun Ranch Drainage Improvement Project (CIP 11503) San Juan Capistrano, CA Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Sun Ranch Drainage Improvement Project (CIP 11503) Page 1 Method of Timing of SCIMM No. Mitigation Measure/Standard Condition Verification Implementation Responsibility Traffic and Circulation Project plans shall require the contractor to prepare a Traffic Control Plan and Construction Management Plan, which shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval. The Traffic Control and Construction Management Plan shall specify: • Traffic control, including the use of flagmen, for any street closure, detour, or other disruption to traffic conditions caused by the introduction of construction vehicles. • Routes that construction vehicles will utilize for hauling dirt and/or the delivery of construction materials (.e., lumber, tiles, piping, windows, etc.) to access the site, traffic control Prior to City Issuance of the 16.16-1 and detours, and proposed construction phasing plan for the Plan Check Notice to Proceed to the Engineering Division project. Contractor • Parking needs and parking areas for construction -related equipment and workman support. • Hours during which transport activities can occur and methods to rr digate construction -related impacts to adjacent streets. The Traffic Control and Construction Management Plan shall comply with the standards established in the current California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) as well as City of San Juan Capistrano requirements. The contractor shaft be required to keep all haul routes clean and free of debris, including but not limned to gravel and dirt as a Site Superintendent / 1616-2 result of its operations. The contractor shall dean adjacent Monitoring During Grading and Public Works Construction streets, as directed by the City Engineer (or representative of the Construction Inspector City Engineer) of any material that may have been spilled, tracked or blown onto adjacent streets or areas. Hauling or transport of oversize loads will be allowed between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. only. Monday through Friday, Contractor/ 16.16-3 unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Hauling or Monitoring During Grading and Public Works Construction transport may be permitted/required during the nighttime hours, Construction Inspector weekends or on Federal holidays, at the discretion of the City En ineer. Haul trucks entering or exiting public streets shall at all times yield Monitoring During Grading and Contractor 16.16-4 to public traffic. Construction If hauling operations cause any damage to existing pavement, street, curb and/or gutter along the haul route, the contractor shall Monitoring Monitoring Grading and Public Works Construction 16.16 5 be fully responsible for repairs, which shall be completed to the Construction Inspector satisfaction of the City Engineer. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Sun Ranch Drainage Improvement Project (CIP 11503) Page 1 C C EXHIBIT A Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Sun Ranch Drainage Improvement Project (CIP 11503) Page 2 Method of Timing of SCIMM No. Mld tion Measure/Standard Condition Verification Implementation Res nsibili Ali constriction -related parking and staging of vehicles shall be Plancheck and During Contractor I 16.166 kept out of the adjacent public roadways and parking lots and Monitoring Grading and Construction Engineering Division shall occur on-site. Air Quality The contractor shall implement the following measures as applicable and/or appropriate to reduce fugitive dust/particular emissions as determined necessary by the City's Grading Inspector. • Apply soil stabilizers or moisten inactive areas. • Prepare a high wind dust control plan. • Address previously disturbed areas if subsequent During Grading and Public Works Department 16.3-1 construction is delayed. Field Monitoring Construction Public Works Construction • Water exposed surfaces as needed to avoid visible dust Inspector Leaving the construction site (typically 3 times per day). • Cover all stock piles with tarps at the end of each day or as needed. • Provide water spray during loading and unloading of earthen materials. • Minimize in -out traffic from construction zone The contractor shall implement the following measures as applicable and/or appropriate to reduce exhaust emissions from construction equipment as determined necessary by the City's Grading Inspector. During Grading and Public Works Department 16'3-2 Use well -tuned off-road construction equipment. Field Monitoring Construction Public Works Construction • Establish a preference for contractors using upgraded Inspector (Ter 3 or better) heavy equipment. • Enforce 5 -minute idling limits for both on -road trucks and off-road equipment. Noise The contractor shall comply with the City's Noise Ordinance provisions. Specifically, noise sources associated with construction, repairs, remodeling, or the grading of any real Engineering Division 16'12-1 property, shall be exempt from the provisions of the City's Field Monitoring During Grading and Public Works Construction noise code d conducted from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Construction Inspector Monday through Friday, or from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday. Construction is prohibited at any time on Sunday or a Federal holiday. The construction supervisor shall periodically inspect and assure that all equipment will use available noise suppression 16'12-2 devices and property maintained muffiers. Construction noise `new Fielding Monitoring During Grading and Construction Site Supervisor will be reduced by using quiet or technology' equipment, Construction Public Works Department particularly the quieting of exhaust noises by use of improved mufflers where feasible. All internal combustion engines used Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Sun Ranch Drainage Improvement Project (CIP 11503) Page 2 C C C EXHIBIT A Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Pmgnvn Sun Ranch Drainage Improvement Project (ClP 11503) Page 3 Method of Timing of SC/MM No. Miti ation Measure/Standard Condition Verification Implementation Responsibiliv at the Project site will be equipped with the type of muffler recommended by the vehicle manufacturer. In addition, all equipment will be maintained in good mechanical condition so as to minimize noise created by faulty or poorly maintained engine, drivetrain and other components. During all site preparation, grading and construction, 16,12.3 contractors shall minimize the staging of construction Field Monitoring During Grading and Construction Site Supervisor equipment and unnecessary idling of equipment in the vicinity Construction Engineering Division of residential land uses. The equipment staging area will be situated so as to provide the greatest distance separation between construction -related Plan Check/ During Grading and Construction Site Supervisor 1612.4 noise sources and noise -sensitive receptors nearest the Field Monitoring Construction Engineering Division Project site during all Project construction. Temporary walls, barriers, and/or enclosures will be erected around stationary construction equipment when such equipment will be operated for an extended period of time that substantially exceeds the City's noise ordinance standards and 16.12-5 where the City determines that noise sensitive receptors may Field Monitoring During Grading and Construction Site Supervisor be substantially affected. Noise barriers and enclosures will Construction Engineering Division consist of absorptive material in order to prevent impacts upon other land uses due to noise reflection. In addition, complete enclosure structures will dose or secure any openings where pipes, hoses or cables penetrate the enclosure structure. Notification will be given to residences within 300 feet of planned construction activities thirty (30) days prior to commencement of site construction activity, and will include a 1612-6 brief description of the project, the overall duration of the Property Owner Prior to Commencement of Engineering Division various construction stages, noise abatement measures that Notification Grading Construction will taken, and the name and phone number of the construction site supervisor or his designee to report any violation of a noise or mitigation standard. Public Health and Safety The construction supervisor shall provide an orientation to all on-site construction personnel on the identification of potential equipment leaks or spills. Construction activities shall be hafted by any construction personnel if they observe any indication of hazardous materials contamination and a qualified Prior to Commencement of 16.8-1 professional shall be retained to conduct an investigation and Orientation Grading Construction (Pre- Engineering Division recommend the appropriate response to protect human health grade meeting) and the environment as well as identify the agency with oversight responsibility. Any contaminated soils that may be encountered shall be remediated in compliance with applicable California environmental regulations. Soils that will be exported from the site shall be sampled prior 16'8-2 to export or disposal_ If after appropriate sampling it is Monitoringt During Grading and Engineering Division determined that the soil is contaminated, it shall be property Construction disposed in accordance with current regulatory uirements Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Pmgnvn Sun Ranch Drainage Improvement Project (ClP 11503) Page 3 C C C EXHIBIT A Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Sun Ranch Drainage Improvement Project (CIP f f 503) Page 4 Method of Timing of SCIMM No. Mitt ation Measure/Standard Condition Verification Implementation Responsibility for the disposal of contaminated soil. In addition, any imparted soils required for backfill of the overexcavated areas shall also be tested at the borrow site to ensure that the imported soils is free of contamination. Only soils meeting current regulatory standards shall be used as fill. Drain a and Hydrology The City of San Juan Capistrano shall obtain coverage under the General Construction Activity Storm Water Permit (General Construction Permit) issued by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). The City must file a notice of intent (NOI) with the SWRCB. The project contractor will be required to prepare a stonmwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) and submit the plan for review and approval by the City of San Juan Capistrano. At a minimum, the SWPPP shall include a 169-1 description of construction materials, practices, and equipment Plan Check Prior to Commencement of Utilities Department storage and maintenance; a list of pollutants likely to contact Grading and Construction stomnvater; site-specific erosion and sedimentation control practices; a list of provisions to eliminate or reduce discharge of materials to stormwater, BMPs, and an inspection and monitoring program. Implementation of the SWPPP shall begin with the commencement of construction and continue though the completion of the project. After construction is completed, the City of San Juan Capistrano can and should submit a notice of termination to the SWRCB. The project contractor shall submit an erosion and sedimentation control plan to the City of San Juan Capistrano for review and approval. All work shall incorporate all applicable BMPs for the construction industry, including BMP's for dust, erosion and water quality. The measures should include, but are not limited to, the following: • On sloped properties, the downhill end of the construction area must be protected with sift fencing (such as sandbags, filter fabric, sift curtains, etc.) and hay bales oriented parallel to the contours of the slope (at a constant Prior to Commencement of 16.9-2 elevation) to prevent erosion into the street, gutters, storm Plan Check Grading and Construction Utilities Department drains. • In accordance with an approved erosion control plan, the project contractor shall implement mechanical and vegetative measures to reduce erosion and sedimentation, including appropriate seasonal maintenance. All graded areas should be temporarily protected from erosion by seeding with fast growing species as determined appropriate. • Minimize the removal of natural vegetation or ground cover from the site in order to minimize the potential for erosion and sedimentation problems. Maximize the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Sun Ranch Drainage Improvement Project (CIP f f 503) Page 4 EXHIBIT A SCIMM No. Mitigation Measure/Standard Condition Method of Verification Timing of Implementation Responsibility replanting of the area with native vegetation as soon as possible. • Install filter materials acceptable to the City of San Juan Capistrano at the stone drain inlets nearest to the project site prior to the start of the wet weather season (October 15); site dewatering activities; street washing activities; and saw cutting asphalt or concrete in order to retain any debris flowing into the storm drain system. Filter materials should be maintained and/or replaced as necessary to ensure effectiveness and prevent street flooding. • Ensure that concrete/granite supply trucks or concrete/plaster finishing operations do not discharge wash water into water courses, street gutters, or storm drains. • Direct and locate tool and equipment cleaning so that wash water does not discharge into the street, gutters, or storm drains. • Create a contained and covered area on the site for storage of bags of cement, paints, flammables, oils, fertilizers, pesticides, or any other materials used on the project site that have the potential for being discharged to the storm drain system by the wind or in the event of a material spill. No hazardous waste material should be stored on-site. • Gather all construction debris on a regular basis and place them in a dumpster or other container which is emptied or removed on a weekly basis (or other interval approved by the City of San Juan Capistrano). When appropriate, use tarps on the ground to collect fallen debris or splatters that could contribute to stormwater pollution. • Remove all dirt, gravel, refuse, and green waste from the sidewalk, street pavement, and storm drain system adjoining the project site. During wet weather, avoid driving vehicles off paved areas and other outdoor work. • As appropriate, broom sweep the street pavement adjoining the project site on a dairy basis. Caked -on mud or dirt should be scraped from these areas before sweeping. At the end of each workday, the entire site must be cleaned and secured against potential erosion, dumping, or discharge to the street, gutter, and/or storm drains. • All erosion and sedimentation control measures implemented during construction activities, as well as construction site and materials management shall be in strict accordance with the control standards listed in the latest edition of the Erosion and Sediment Control Field Manual published by the RWOB. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Sun Ranch Drainage Improvement Project (CIP 11503) Page 5 EXHIBIT A Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Sun Ranch Drainage Improvement Project (CIP 11503) Page 6 Method of Timing of SCIMM No. Miti ation Measure/Standard Condition Verification Implementation Responsibility All erosion and sedimentation control measures shall be monitored regularly by the City of San Juan Capistrano. If measures are insufficient to control sedimentation and erosion then the City shall develop and require the implementation of additional and more effective measures immediately. Blot ical Resources Construction activities associated with the implementation of the project that require removal of potential nesting habitat shall be conducted outside of the breeding season (i.e.. Qualified Biologist 16.41 February 1 through August 31). if this is not possible, the City Monitoring During Grading and Development Services will retain a qualified biologist who shall conduct a nesting bird Construction Department survey(s) prior to removing trees, shrubs, and tall herbaceous vegetation in order to prevent any violations of the Migratory Bird Treat Act MBTA . Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the City of San Juan Capistrano shall obtain the necessary authorizations from the regulatory agencies for potentially significant impacts to jurisdictional waters. Authorizations include a Section 404 Approved Regulatory Prior to Issuance of Grading Development Services 16.42 Nationwide Permit from the ACOE, Section 1602 Streambed Permit Permit Department Alteration Agreement from CDFG, and a Section 401 Water Quality CertificationNVaste Discharge Requirement from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board. The City shall mitigate temporary impacts to areas under ACOE. RWQCB, and CDFG jurisdiction at a ratio of 1.3:1 through the enhancement and restoration of on-site jurisdictional waters to their original and/or higher -quality functioning values. Enhancement and restoration shall occur through the on-site revegetation of areas, which are subject to temporary impacts and will be subject to approval by the appropriate regulatory agencies. The compensatory mitigation will not be a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program. Rather, the environmental preferable compensatory mitigation will be provided through on-site mitigation. The proposed 0.70 -acre mitigation site will be restored on-site within the realigned roved Regulatory APp ry Prior to the Issuance of Development pment Services 16.43 channel. The proposed mitigation for temporary disturbance is Permit Grading Permit Department itemized below. • All vegetation located within the limits of the dedicated easement and nearby area will be removed. Over - excavation below the pipeline alignment will include the complete removal of young alluvial wash deposits that l e approximately eight to 12 feet below grade along the bottom of the drainage course. Following excavation and fill operations necessary to mitigate soft soil conditions, the proposed 48 -inch diameter RCP will be constructedfinstalled. • Following installation of the storm drain, the realigned Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Sun Ranch Drainage Improvement Project (CIP 11503) Page 6 C � C EXHIBIT A Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Sun Ranch Drainage Improvement Project (CIP 11503) Page 7 Method of Timing of SCIMM No. Mitigation Measure/Standard Condition Verification Implementation Res onsibili drainage channel will be reconstructed and redirected where necessary to within the dedicated easement width. A minimum of one -foot of alluvial soil salvaged from remedial grading will be placed over the entire 0.70 -acre mitigation site. • The channel will be constructed with riprap check dams to control the transport of sediment within the nature channel. Native plant material will improve the water quality and reduce sediment transport along the mitigation site. • The realigned drainage channel will be restored with 0.70 acre of native riparian plant species, resulting in a net increase in wetlands, and associated increase for hydrologic, biogeochemical, and habitat functions. • The mitigation site is designed to function as wetlands and riparian habitat providing such functions as short-term storage of surface water, dynamic storage of surface water, groundwater recharge, nutrient cycling, retention of particulates, removal of imported elements and oompounds, and some provision of habitat for waterfowl, shorebirds, passerines, and songbirds. The compensatory mitigation project will provide the required compensation for unavoidable temporary disturbance to 0.56 acre of aquatic resources resulting from a temporary disturbance to ACOS, RWQCB, and CDFG jurisdiction on-site. Approximately 0.49 acre of temporarily disturbed wetlands will be restored at a 1.3:1 ratio, for a total of 0.70 acre of restored riparian habitat. Cultural/Scientific Resources Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant City's contractor shall submit to the Development Services Development Services 16.5-1 Department evidence that a qualified archaeologist has been Plan Check Prior to issuance of Grading Department -Preservation Departm retained to monitor site clearing, grading, and excavation Permit Planner Planne activities, stating the name, qualifications, and contact information for the archaeologist. The project construction plans and specifications shall include a provision that a qualified archaeologist (defined as an archaeologist on the list of Certified Archaeologists for Orange County) shall be retained by the City's contractor and shall be Prior to issuance of Grading present at pre -construction meetings to advise construction Plancheck Permit Development Services 16.5-2 contractors about the sensitive nature of cultural monitoring Meeting/Field Monitoring Prior to Commencement of Department -Preservation requirements. A qualified monitor (defined as an individual with Grading/During Construction Planner a bachelor's degree in anthropology with archaeological monitoring experience), supervised by the qualified archaeologist, shall observe on- and off-site construction activities that result in grading, and/or excavating on or below Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Sun Ranch Drainage Improvement Project (CIP 11503) Page 7 C � C EXHIBIT A Mitigation Afonifodng and Reporting Program Sun Ranch Drainage Improvement Project (CIP 11503) Page 8 Method of Timing of SC/MM No. Miti ation MeasurelStandard Condition Verification Implementation Responsibility the original ground surface. Should non -human cultural resources be discovered, the monitor shalt have the power to temporarily haft or divert construction activities within the vicinity of the discovery until the qualified archaeologist can determine if the resources are significant and, if significant until recovered by the archaeologist Prior to issuance of a grading permit, a qualified paleontologist (defined as a paleontologist on the List of Certified Paleontologists for Orange County) shall be retained by the City's During Grading, Trenching, or Development Services 16.5-3 contractor and shall be present at pre -construction meetings to Meeting/Field Monitoring Excavation Department advise construction contractors about the potential occurrence of paleontological resources located on and/or in the vicinity of the project site, as well as monitoring uirements. The project construction plans and specifications shag include a provision that a qualified monitor (defined as an individual with a bachelors degree in paleontology and monitoring experience), supervised by the qualified paleontologist, shall be on-site during construction activities that result in the grading and/or excavating of current surface material to monitor for paleontological resources. Should paleontological resources be discovered, the 16.5-4 monitor shall have the authority to temporarily haft or divert Plan Check During Grading, Trenching or Development Services construction activities in the vicinity until the qualified Excavation Department paleontologist can determine if the resources are significant. Significant paleontological resources shall be recovered by the qualified paleontologist. Fossils recovered from the field or by processing will be prepared, identified, and along with the accompanying field notes, maps, and photographs accessioned into the collections of a designated accredited (permanent) museum. In the event that human remains are discovered, construction activities shall be hafted or diverted until the provisions of §7050.5 of the Health and Safety Code and §5097.98 of the Public Resources Code have been implemented. No further disturbance shall occur until the County Coroner has made a determination of origin and disposition pursuant to §5097.98. Development Services 16.5 5 The County Coroner must be notified of the find immediately. Monitoring During Grading, Trenching, or Department -Preservation If the remains are determined to be prehistoric, the Coroner will Excavation Planner notify the Native American Heritage Commission, which will determine and notify a Most Likely Descendant (MLD). With the permission of the landowner or his/her authorized representative, the MLD may inspect the site of the discovery. The MLD shall complete the inspection within 48 hours of notification by the NAHC. SolsandGeology The earthwork recommendations presented in Chapter 8.0 of I Prior to Issuance of any 16.6-1 the Final Geotechnical Study Report prepared by Converse Plan Check Grading or Building Permit Engineering Division Consultants October 2011 shall be incorporated into the Mitigation Afonifodng and Reporting Program Sun Ranch Drainage Improvement Project (CIP 11503) Page 8 C_____ C C EXHIBIT A SCIMM No. Mitigation MeasurelStandard Condition Method of Verification Timing of Implementation Res onsibili project design and reflected in final plans and specifications prepared for the proposed project. These earthwork recommendations shall include those addressing: (1) over- excavatioNremovalf (2) engineered fill; (3) soil shrinkage; (4) expansive soil; (5) pipeline excavations; (6) pipeline subgrade; (7) pipe bedding and shading; (8) trench backfill; (9)imported fill materials; and 10groundwater considerations. The design recommendations presented in Chapter 9.0 of the Final Geotechnical Study Report prepared by Converse Consultants (October 2011) shall be incorporated into the project design and reflected in final plans and specifications prepared for the proposed project. These design Prior to issuance of any 16.6-2 recommendations shall include those addressing: (1) soil Plan Check Grading or Building Permit Engineering Division parameters for pipe design (2) bearing pressure for anchor and thrust blocks; (3) modulus of soil reaching (E'); (4) shallow foundations; (5) earth pressures for retaining structures; (6) soil corrosivity; (7) flexible pavement design; and (8) surface drainage. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Sun Ranch Drainage Improvement Project (CIP 11503) Page 9