Resolution Number 12-04-03-01RESOLUTION NO. 12-04-03-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA CERTIFYING THE FINAL PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (PEIR) FOR THE HISTORIC TOWN CENTER MASTER PLAN AND FORM -BASED CODE (HISTORIC TOWN CENTER MASTER PLAN) Whereas, the City has prepared a Master Plan for the 150 acre Historic Town Center planning area establishing policies and recommendations for guiding future development of the Historic Town Center and has prepared a Form -Based Code to establish new land use and development standards for that historic downtown; and, Whereas, the General Plan Land Use Element establishes the limits of the Historic Town Center Master Plan planning area and identifies the planning area for the development of commercial and service uses which balance the community's commercial needs with those of tourism -based development while maintaining fiscal and economic viability. The Land Use Element also provides that the City will continue to implement a Historic Town Center revitalization plan to provide additional housing opportunities and population to support these commercial services and retail sales; and, Whereas, on February 11, 2010, the City executed a contract with Studio 111 I for the preparation of the updated Historic Town Center Master Plan which included preparation of a Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) by the Templeton Planning Group for both the Historic Town Center Master Plan and the Historic Town Center Form - Based Code; and, Whereas, the proposed project has been processed pursuant to Section 9- 2.301, Development Review of the Title 9, Land Use Code of the City's Municipal Code; and, Whereas, the Environmental Administrator has required preparation of a Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for the project pursuant to Section 15081 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines; has issued a Notice of Preparation pursuant to Section 15082 of those guidelines; has overseen the preparation of the Draft PEIR prepared pursuant to Section 15084 of those Guidelines; and has issued a Notice of Completion pursuant to Section 15085 of those Guidelines to provide for public review and comment; and, Whereas, the City Council has established a 75 -day public review and comment period which began on November 2, 2011 and closed on January 17, 2012 on the Draft PEIR pursuant to Section 15087 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines; and the Environmental Administrator has reviewed all comments and prepared Response to Comments pursuant to Section 15088 of those guidelines; has otherwise complied with all applicable provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act; and all mitigation measures have been included in a Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program (MMRP); and, 413/2012 Whereas, the Design Review Committee conducted public meetings on January 5, 2012, January 19, 2012, and February 2, 2012, pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code to consider the proposed project and to consider public testimony on the proposed project; and, Whereas, the Transportation Commission conducted a public meeting on November 9, 2011, pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code, Section 9-2.339, Public Meeting Procedures to consider the proposed project and to consider public testimony on the proposed project and forwarded the project to the Planning Commission and City Council with recommended modifications to the Draft Historic Town Center Master Plan; and, Whereas, the Parks, Recreation and Senior Services Commission conducted a public meeting on November 21, 2011, pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code, Section 9- 2.339, Public Meeting Procedures to consider the proposed project and to consider public testimony on the proposed project and forwarded the project to the Planning Commission and City Council with recommended modifications to the Draft Historic Town Center Master Plan; and, Whereas, the Cultural Heritage Commission conducted a special public meeting on November 30, 2011 pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code, Section 9-2.339, Public Meeting Procedures to consider the proposed project and public testimony on the proposed project and forwarded the project to the Planning Commission and City Council with recommended modifications to the Draft Historic Town Center Master Plan; and, Whereas, the Planning Commission conducted a duly -noticed public meeting on December 13, 2011 and conducted duly -noticed public hearings on January 24, 2012, February 14, 2012, and February 28, 2012 pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code, Section 9- 2.335, Public Hearing Procedures to consider the Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) and the Response to Comments pursuant to Section 15074 of the CEQA Guidelines, and to consider public testimony on the proposed project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings, with respect to the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed project: The Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) was prepared pursuant to and in full compliance with the provisions of Section 15081 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines and addresses all potentially significant, adverse environmental impacts of the proposed Historic Town Center Master Plan project; and, 2. The City issued a Notice of Preparation pursuant to and in full compliance with the provisions of Section 15082 of the CEQA Guidelines and has addressed all CEQA- relevant issues raised by public agencies as part of the Notice of Preparation (NOP) scoping process, and the Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) has been prepared pursuant to Section 15084 of those Guidelines; and, 2 4/3/2012 3. The City conducted a public scoping meeting on the content of the Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) on January 19, 2011 pursuant to the Lprovisions of Section 15082(c) of the CEQA Guidelines and has addressed all CEQA-relevant issues raised during the public scoping meeting and as part of the scoping process; and, 4. The City issued a Notice of Completion pursuant to Section 15085 of those Guidelines and provided a 75 -day public review period and provided the Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) and supporting documents to the State Clearinghouse (SCH) for distribution to affected and/or interested State agencies for review and comment pursuant to Section 15087 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines; and, 5. The City has reviewed all public agency and private party CEQA-related comments on the Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) and has prepared Responses to Comments pursuant to and in full compliance with Section 15088 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, and has otherwise complied with all applicable provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act; and, 6. The City has prepared detailed Findings of Fact with respect to compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and those findings fully support certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR); and, �— NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby certifies the Final Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) subject to Exhibit "A", Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program (MMRP) attached hereto and incorporated herein. u PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of April. 4/3/2012 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, MARIA MORRIS, appointed City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 12-04-03-01 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano at a Regular meeting thereof, held the 3W day of April 2012, by the following vote: AYES: UNCIL MEMBERS: Freese, Allevato, Reeve and Mayor Kramer NOE . C UNCIL MEMBER: None ABSENC UNCIL MEMBER: None RECU$, OUNCIL MEMBER: Mayor pro tem Taylor , City 4 4/3/2012 �1 EXHIBIT "A" MITIGATION MONITORING & REPORTING PROGRAM (MMRP) HISTORIC TOWN CENTER MASTER PLAN CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA STATE CLEARINGHOUSE NO. 2011011036 INTRODUCTION C. The City of San Juan Capistrano has adopted this Mitigation Monitoring & -Reporting Program (MMRP) in accordance with Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 21081.6 and Section 15097 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. The purpose of the MMRP is to ensure that the proposed project complies with all applicable environmental mitigation and permitting requirements. Mitigation measures for the project have been adopted by the City's approving body in conjunction with either the certification of a Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) or the adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND). All adopted mitigation measures for the project are integrated into this MMRP. Within this document, approved mitigation measures are organized and referenced by subject category (e.g. Aesthetics, Air Quality, Noise, Hydrology & Water Quality, etc.) and include those for all topical areas evaluated in the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) or the - Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the project. The mitigation measures include information on the method and timing of verification and the responsible party that will ensure that each measure is implemented. Public Resources Code Section 21081.6 requires that the Lead Agency will monitor all mitigation measures established by the approved environmental determination so as to ensure that implementation occurs and associated impacts are mitigated. The City of San Juan Capistrano is the designated lead agency for this Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program and is responsible for the review of any monitoring reports, enforcement actions, and document disposition. Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-1 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date 5.1 Aesthetics Existing Plans, Programs, and Policies PPP -AES -1 Future site specific development projects, including design of a new bridge Development Prior to issuance of over Trabuco Creek to link the trails west of the creek directly to the Los Services Department building permits Rios Street District, shall be subject to review and approval by the City's Design Review Committee and Planning Commission, who shall determine compliance with the goals, policies and standards of the San Juan Capistrano Architectural Design Guidelines and the Comprehensive Development Plan that promote "high-quality' urban design and aesthetic resource preservation through the City's design review process. PPP -AES -2 All street, signage, landscape, and parking lot lighting sources shall be Development Prior to issuance of shielded and oriented, or provided with shielded luminaries so as to Services Department building permits prevent lighting overspill into adjacent or nearby properties in violation of the Title 9, Land Use Code, Section 9-3.529, Lighting standards. PPP -AES -3 Prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy for any building/structure, the Development Prior to issuance of project developer shall submit, lighting and photometric plan(s) for all Services Department certificate of occupancy proposed exterior lighting, which shall be subject to City review and approval to assure that compliance with the City's lighting standards per Section 9.3-529 for permitted illumination within parking areas and walkways as well as demonstrate that illumination does not create off-site light and glare, to the satisfaction of the Development Services Director or their designee, who may refer such plans to the Design Review Committee for review and comment prior to making a determination. PPP -AES -4 Site development shall not result in excessive illumination based on the Development Prior to issuance of luminance recommendations of the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) Services Department building permits of North America. Lighting shall be designed to effectively complement the site design and architectural design of future development projects. Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-2 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date Additional Mitigation Measures MM-AES4 Prior to the issuance of grading permits for site specific development, the Development Prior to issuance of project applicant shall prepare a Construction Staging Plan that identifies Services Department grading permits the location(s) of staging areas, including equipment and vehicle storage and Public Works areas, stockpile areas, etc. These areas shall be located as far away from Department the existing view corridors as practical. In addition, the Construction Staging Plan shall also identify the manner in which the staging and equipment storage would be screened (e.g., temporary fencing, landscaping, bemis, or a combination of these and other methods) subject of the approval of the Public Works Director and Development Services Director, to ensure that the temporary visual impacts would be minimized within the viewshed. MM -AES -2 Prior to the issuance of grading permits for site specific development that Development Prior to issuance of includes the construction of noise barriers (e.g. berms or sound walls), the Services Department grading permits project applicant shall prepare plans (i.e. soundwall plans, berm grading plans, landscaping plans, etc.) that demonstrate that landscaping and setbacks would provide a visual buffer between noise barriers and surrounding viewsheds to the Development Services Director or their designee for review and approval; who may refer such plans to the Design Review Committee for review. 5.2 Agricultural Resources There are no PPPs, PDFs, or Mitigation Measures applicable to agricultural resources. 5.3 Air Quality Existing Plans, Programs and Policies PPP -AQ -1 Compliance with SCAQMD Rules 402 and 403: During construction of Development During construction site specific development, the property owner/developer and ils Services Departrnent activities Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-3 Templeton Planning Group r 2- Y 1S=�T:".lG'W'• ft% 7 �_r r� c�Y F. ��;' r�.}'F �.f. 11�. . J, iii gad Repor(�ng Proram . �.L{�,� 3'v t.G�af: Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date contractors shall be required to comply with regional rules, which will assist in reducing short-term air pollutant emissions. SCAQMD Rule 402 requires that air pollutant emissions not be a nuisance off-site. SCAQMD Rule 403 requires that fugitive dust be controlled with the best available control measures so that the presence of such dust does not remain visible in the atmosphere beyond the property line of the emission source. Two options are presented in Rule 403; monitoring of particulate concentrations or active control. Monitoring involves a sampling network around the project with no additional control measures unless specified concentrations are exceeded. The active control option does not require any monitoring, but requires that a list of measures be implemented starting with the first day of construction. PPP -AQ -2 The project shall comply with SCAQMD Rules 431.1 and 431.2, which Development Prior to issuance of require the use of low sulfur fuel for stationary construction equipment. Services Department grading permits PPP -AQ -3 The project shall comply with SCAQMD Rule 1108, which sets limitations Development Prior to issuance of on ROG content in asphalt. Services Department grading permits PPP -AQ -4 The project shall comply with City of San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code Development Prior to issuance of Section 9-3.513, which requires implementation of dust Services Department grading permits control/suppression measures (similar to SCAQMD Rule 403). PPP -AQ -5 ROG Control Measures: Prior to issuance of the first building permit for Development Prior to issuance of site specific development, the applicant shall provide evidence to the Services Department building permits Director of Community Development that the following measures shall be incorporated into project construction to the greatest extent feasible: • Use Water -Based and low-VOC coatings with VOC contents set forth in SCAQMD Rule 1113 (http://www.aqmd/gov/prdas/brochures/Super- Compliant AIM.pdf); and Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-4 Templeton Planning Group Table 3.1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date • Use high transfer efficiency painting methods such as HVLP (High Volume Low Pressure) sprayers and brushes/rollers were possible. PPP-AO-6 Compliance with Title 24, Part 6, California's Energy Efficiency Standards Development Prior to issuance of for Residential and Nonresidential Buildings: All buildings must comply Services Department building permits with Title 24, Part 6. Reducing the need to heat or cool structures by improving thermal integrity will result in a reduced expenditure of energy and a reduction in pollutant emissions. Additional Mitigation Measures No additional mitigation measures are required. 5.4 Biological Resources - - - -- - - Existing Plans, Programs, and Policies PPP-BIO-1 In accordance with Section 9-2.349 of the City of San Juan Capistrano Development Prior to issuance of Zoning Ordinance, the project applicant for site specific development shall Services Department grading permits obtain a Vee removal permit from the City for each tree that will be removed from the site. For any tree that has a trunk diameter at breast height of thirty-six (36) inches or greater and is a specimen of the following species: Schinus molle (California pepper), Quercus spp. (oak), Cedar spp. (cedar), Eucalyptus globulus (blue gum eucalyptus), Juglans spp. (walnut), Olea europaea (olive), Platanus spp. (sycamore), Populus spp. (cottonwood), shall obtain a heritage tree removal permit. Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-5 Templeton Planning Group 31T Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date PPP -1310-2 Prior to any permit issuance for grubbing, grading, tree trimming/removal Development Prior to issuance of any or prior to engaging in such activities that would occur between the Services Department permit for grubbing, breeding season for native birds (February 15 thought July 31), the project grading, or tree applicant for site specific development shall retain the services of a trimming/removal qualified ornithologist to conduct an ornithological survey of the construction zone, The City will require the developer to submit a copy of the executed contract for such services prior to the issuance of any grading permits. The ornithological survey shall occur not more than seven days prior to the initiation of grading/construction activities. If the ornithologist detects any occupied nests of native birds within the construction zone, they shall be mapped on construction plans and the project applicant will fence off the area(s) supporting bird nests with temporary construction fencing, providing a minimum buffer of 200 feet between the nest and limits of construction. (This buffer zone shall be at least 500 feet for raptors, until the young have fledged, are no longer being fed by the parents, have left the nest and will no longer be impacted by the project) The construction crew will be instructed to avoid any activities in the zone until the bird nest(s) is/are no longer occupied, per a subsequent survey by the qualified ornithologist Altematively, the project applicant will consult as appropriate with the USFWS to discuss the potential loss of nests of native birds covered by the IVIBTA to obtain the appropriate permit from the USFWS. Additional Mitigation Measures MM -BIO -1 Prior to the issuance of any grading or building permit for the future Development Prior to issuance of pedestrian bridge over Trabuco Creek, the City shall prepare a Services Department grading permits jurisdictional delineation and secure, if required, necessary permits from the State Department of Fish and Game (pursuant to Section 1601-1603 of the Fish and Game Code) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act). If a Section 404 Permit is required by the project, the City shall also secure a Section 401 Water Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-6 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date Quality Certification from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region. 5.5 Cultural Resources Existing Plans, Programs, and Policies PPP -CLT -1 City Council Policy 601, which addresses the management of Historic, Development During grading activities Archaeological and Paleontological Resources including known, Services Department previously unknown, and accidentally discovered, resources shall be followed during HTC Master Plan implementation of site-specific projects. Municipal Code Section 9-2.327, Historic and Cultural Landmark Site Plan Review, shall apply to site-specific pmjects affecting sites listed on the City's Inventory of Historic and Cultural Landmarks. In the event of the accidental discovery or recognition of any human remains in any location other than a dedicated cemetery, the following steps shall be taken: a. There shall be no further excavation or disturbance of the site or any nearby area reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent human remains until the Orange County Coroner is contacted to determine if the remains are prehistoric and that no investigation of the cause of death is required. If the coroner determines the remains to be Native American, then the coroner shall contact the Native American Heritage Commission within 24 hours, and the Native American Heritage Commission shall identify the person or persons it believes to be the most likely descendent from the deceased Native American. The most likely descendent may make recommendations to the landowner or the person responsible for the excavation work, for means of treating or disposing of, with appropriate dignity, the human remains and any associated grave goods as provided in Public Resources Code Section 5097.98; or Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-7 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date b. Where the following conditions occur, the landowner or his/her authorized representative shall rebury the Native American human remains and associated grave goods with appropriate dignity either in accordance with the recommendations of the most likely descendent or on the property in a location not subject to further subsurface disturbance: 1. The Native American Heritage Commission is unable to identify a most likely descendent or the most likely descendent failed to make a recommendation within 24 hours after being notified by the commission; 2. The identified descendent fails to make a recommendation; or 3. The landowner or his/her authorized representative rejects the recommendation of the descendent, and mediation by the Native American Heritage Commission fails to provide measures acceptable to the landowner. [CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5(e)] Additional Mitigation Measures MM-CLT-1 Prior to the issuance of any grading permit for future site-specific Development Prior to issuance of development within the HTC planning area that would either 1) impacts Services Department grading permits any historic structure as defined by Section 21084.1 of the Public Resources Code [including but not limited to the accessory structures (bam(s) and shed) which are contributing elements of the Yorba/Garcia Adobes NRHP record) or 2) is located adjacent to any historic structure (including structures proposed adjacent to the Blas Aguilar Adobe and the Esslinger Building), the project applicant shall complete, or cause to be completed, the following: Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-8 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date a. Prepare a historic resource evaluation to provide an updated historic integrity evaluation of the Yorba/Garcia Adobes site pursuant to the requirements of the CEQA Guidelines, the National Register of Historic Places criteria and the Secretary of the Interior's Guidelines for Architectural and Engineering Documentation (often referred to as "HABS documentation'). The requirements governing the significance of impacts and mitigation of impacts to historical resources set forth in CEQA Guidelines Sections 15064.5 (b) and 15126.4(b) shall be addressed in the CEQA document prepared for the project. In the event the evaluation concludes the site does not retain its integrity, then the City shall submit the report to the California Office of Historic Preservation for a concurrence determination pursuant to National Register of Historic Places procedures. b. For buildings or improvements proposed adjacent to any historic structure as defined by Section 21084.1 of the Public Resources, site- specific development plans shall be evaluated to determine if the design of the proposed structures is compatible with the adjacent historic resource in accordance with the Secretary of the Interiors Standards and CEQA Guidelines Sections 15064.5 (b) and 15126.4(b). The Form -Based Code and the City's Architectural Design Guidelines include provisions for projects located adjacent to historic buildings that will the potential for indirect impacts such as, visual obstruction, inconsistent scale or massing, lighting. Future site specific projects will be required to reduce indirect visual impacts as - part of the discretionary entitlement and CEQA review process. Specific measures may include but are not limited to re -orienting or adjusting the location of proposed buildings or improvements; incorporating features and elements consistent with architectural design guidelines; reducing the height and/or massing of the proposed structure or building; increasing setbacks and screening of the Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-9 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date structure with native trees. MM -CLT -2 Prior to the issuance of any grading permit, and for any subsequent permit Development Prior to issuance of involving excavation to increased depth, the project applicant shall provide Services Department grading permits and comply with the following: a. The applicant shall submit to the Development Services Department documentation that a qualified archaeologist (defined as an archaeologist on the List of Certified Archaeologists for Orange County) has been retained to monitor site clearing, grading, and excavation activities, staling the name, qualifications, and contact information for the archaeologist Proponents of projects within the Revitalization Area are encouraged to engage the services of a qualified historical archaeologist with more than 20 years of experience and a specialty in Spanish Colonial archaeology for all archaeological testing, monitoring and/or data recovery. b. The qualified archaeologist shall be present at pre -construction meetings to advise construction contractors about the sensitive nature of cultural resources located on and/or in the vicinity of the project site, as well as monitoring requirements. A qualified monitor (defined as an individual with a bachelor's degree in anthropology with archaeological monitoring experience), supervised by the qualified archaeologist, shall observe on- and off-site construction activities that result in grading, and/or excavating in undisturbed, native sediments (including during project -related off-site utility [natural gas, electricity, sewer, water, drainage, communications, etc.] and roadway improvements). Should nonhuman cultural resources be discovered, the monitor shall have the power to temporarily halt or divert construction activities until the qualified archaeologist can determine if the resources are significant and, if significant, until recovered by the archaeologist. In the event that human remains are discovered, construction activities Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-10 Templeton Planning Group .. Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date shall be halted or diverted until the provisions of §7050.5 of the Health and Safety Code and §5097.98 of the Public Resources Code have been implemented. c. During construction/grading activities, a Native Amencan monitor shall observe construction/grading activities that result in grading, excavating, and/or trenching on or below the original ground surface (including during project -related off-site utility [e.g., natural gas, electricity, sewer, water, drainage, communications, etc.] and roadway improvements). The Native American monitor shall consult with the archaeological monitor regarding objects and remains encountered during grading that may be considered sacred or important. In the event that evidence of human remains is discovered, the Native American monitor shall verify that the archaeologist has notified the Coroner. d. Prior to final inspection by the Development Services Department, the applicant shall submit evidence that final reports for any historical, cultural or archaeological resources recovered from the project site during grading or construction have been filed with the appropriate information repository. Reports shall include information on disposition of resources. MM -CLT -3 Prior to award of construction contracts or discretionary entitlement Development Prior to award of approvals, whichever occurs first, for the Yorba, Forster and EI Camino Services Department construction contracts or street extensions and development within HTC Park, testing, evaluation discretionary entitlement and preparation of a data recovery plan shall be prepared by the historical approvals archaeologist in accordance with CEOA Guidelines Section 15126.4. Testing and evaluation,following scraping and clearing activities, may consist of surface collection and mapping, limited subsurface excavations, and the appropriate analyses and research necessary to characterize the artifacts and deposit from which they originated. Upon completion of the Historic Town Center MasterPlan MMRP 3-11 Templeton Planning Group Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-12 Templeton Planning Group DRAFT ;Mfflg o Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date test level investigations, for sites determined to be unique archaeological sites or historical resources as set forth in CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5, the report shall be forwarded to the City Cultural Heritage Commission in accordance with City Council Policy 601. Project plans and/or CEQA analysis shall take into account the recommended measures as approved by the City. Appropriate measures for unique archaeological resources or historical resources could include preservation in place through planning construction to avoid archaeological sites; incorporation of sites within parks, green space, or other open space; covering the archaeological sites with a layer of chemically stable soil before building the roadway on the site or deeding the site into a permanent conservation easement. When data recovery through excavation is the only feasible mitigation, a data recovery plan, which makes provision for adequately recovering the scientifically consequential information from and about the historical resource, shall be prepared in accordance with the State of California Office of Historic Preservation's Archaeological Resource Management Reports Guidelines, Guidelines For Archaeological Research Design and Guidelines for the Curation of Archeological Collections and adopted prior to any excavation being undertaken. Such studies shall be deposited with the California Historical Resources Regional Information Center. Archaeological sites known to contain human remains shall be treated in accordance with the provisions of Section 7050.5 Health and Safety Code and §5097.98 of the Public Resources Code. MM -CLT -4 In the event a site-specific development project's detailed geotechnical Development Prior to issuance of report finds materials of the Capistrano Formation or Terrace Deposits Services Department grading permits within the construction limits, then the following shall be implemented: a. Prior to issuance of a grading permit involving excavation that would impact materials from the Capistrano Formation or Terrace Deposits, then a qualified paleontologist (defined as a paleontologist on the List Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-12 Templeton Planning Group - Table 3-1 - - DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date of Certified Paleontologists for Orange County) shall be retained by the project applicant and shall be present at pre -construction meetings _ to advise construction contractors about the potential occurrence of paleontological resources located on and/or in the vicinity of the project site, as well as monitoring requirements. b. A qualified monitor (defined as an individual with a bachelors degree in paleontology and monitoring experience), supervised by the qualified paleontologist, shall be on-site during construction activities that result in the grading and/or excavating of current surface material (including during project -related off-site utility [e.g., natural gas, electricity, sewer, water, drainage, communications, etc.] and roadway improvements) to monitor for paleontological resources. Should paleontological resources be discovered, the monitor shall have the authority to temporarily halt or divert construction activities until the qualified paleontologist can determine if the resources are significant Significant paleontological resources shall be recovered by the qualified paleontologist. c. Prior to final inspection by the Development Services Department, the applicant shall submit evidence that final reports for any paleontological resources recovered from the project site during grading or construction have been filed with the appropriate information repository. Reports shall include information on disposition of resources. d. 5.6 Geology and Seismicity Existing Plans, Programs, and Policies Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-13 Templeton Planning Group '� �.- �. -��;.,�-4K�' nl '�_ -. - •;'j�,',{�=T`r.'=fr - ,, �;e :�-�, �""' i�u �� ..,.,,'Y ''y;v ' .N'Y- -G_:-r i mi.`':`-. -- rY��:. - Ci' } F:S *;rte. - y '}aYnd'!�e 'Pro � f D�Z4i=Tl�tiatiicii�'Mon.11o' n ortin rain` y p g d, , .g Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date PPP-GEO-1 Grading Operations: All grading operations and construction will be Development During grading and conducted in conformance with the applicable City of San Juan Capistrano Services Department construction operations Excavation and Grading Ordinance, the most recent version of the California Building Code, and consistent with the recommendations. included in the most current geotechnical reports for the project area prepared by the engineer of record. PPP-GEO-2 Structures and Seismic Design: Future proposed buildings and structures Development Prior to issuance of (i.e., houses, retaining walls, etc.) shall be designed in accordance with Services Department building permits the provisions of the California Building Code (IBC/CBC). PPP-GEO-3 Erosion Control: Sediment and erosion control devices shall be required Development Prior to issuance of and constructed in accordance with Section 8-2.15 and 8-2.16 of the City Services Department grading permits of San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code pursuant to a Sediment and Erosion Control Plan submitted to and approved by the City's Public Works Department. Additional Mitigation Measures MM-GEO-1 Prior to the issuance of building permits for each site specific Development Prior to issuance of development, the applicant/developer shall submit detailed geotechnical Services Department building permits investigation reports to the City's Public Works Department for review and approval. Said reports shall evaluate faults, subsidence, slope stability, settlement, foundations, grading constraints, liquefaction potential, shallow groundwater and other soil engineering design conditions and provide site specific recommendations to mitigate these issues/hazards. The geotechnical reports shall be prepared and signed/stamped by a Registered Civil Engineer specializing in geotechnical engineering and a Certified Engineering Geologist. MM EO -2 Prior to issuance of a grading permit for each site specific development, Development Prior to issuance of the applicant/developer shall prepare and submit a detailed grading plan Services Department grading permits prepared by a licensed geotechnical engineer. The proposed structures Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-14 Templeton Planning Group " - Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date shall be designed based on applicable geotechnical parameters prescribed in the report for foundation design as well as those established by the California Building Code and applicable regulations. At a minimum, on-site structures shall be designed in accordance with the applicable 2010 CBC criteria identified in Section 1613.5 of that Code. 5.7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Existing Plans, Programs, and Policies PPP-GHG4 Title 24 Energy Standards: Site-specific projects shall comply with all Development Prior to issuance of State Energy Insulation Standards and City of San Juan Capistrano codes Services Department building permits in effect at the time of application for building permits. (Commonly referred to as Title 24, these standards are updated periodically to allow consideration and possible incorporation of new energy efficiency technologies and methods. Title 24 covers the use of energy efficient building standards, including ventilation, insulation and construction and the use of energy saving appliances, conditioning systems, water heating, and lighting). Plans submitted for building permits shall include written notes demonstrating compliance with energy standards and shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Utilities Department prior to issuance of building permits. PPP-GHG-2 New development and redevelopment will comply with the City of San Development Prior to issuance of Juan Capistrano's Green Building Program. Services Department building permits Project Design Features PDF-GHG-1 Green Site Design: The Project reduces potential GHG emissions Development Prior to issuance of because of its favorable location near major transportation and Services Department building permits employment centers, land use mix, and density. Additionally, as recommended in the Attorney General's letter, the following features have been incorporated into the Project design: Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-15 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 - - DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date Transportation and Motor Vehicles • Incorporate bicycle lanes into street systems in regional transportation plans, new subdivisions, and large developments. • Incorporate bicycle -friendly intersections into street design. Land Use Measures • Incorporate public transit into project design. • Preserve and create open space and parks. Preserve existing trees and require the planning of replacement trees for those removed in construction. • Include pedestrian and bicycleonly streets and plazas within developments. Create travel routes that ensure that designations may be reached conveniently by public transportation, bicycling or walking. Additional Mitigation Measures MM-GHG-1 For future site specific new development and redevelopment, the project Development Prior to issuance of applicant shall demonstrate compliance with the following measures to the Services Department building permits extent feasible. Transportation and Motor Vehicles • Coordinate controlled intersections so that traffic passes more efficiently through congested areas. Where signals are installed, require the use of Light Emitting Diode (LED) traffic lights. Generally it is the responsibility of the City to implement this type of measure, however, it is common for the developer to pay into a traffic improvement fund to finance these actions when appropriate. • Promote ride sharing programs e.g., by designating a certain percentage of parking spaces for high -occupancy vehicles, providing larger parking spaces to accommodate vans used for ride -sharing, anddesignating adequate passenger loading and unloading and Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-16 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date waiting areas. • Limit idling time for commercial vehicles, including delivery and construction vehicles. • Use low or zero -emission vehicles, including construction vehicles. • Institute a low -carbon fuel vehicle incentive program. • Provide shuttle service to public transit. • Provide public transit incentives such as free or low-cost monthly transit passes. • For commercial projects, provide adequate bicycle parking near building entrances to promote cyclist safety, security, and convenience. For large employers, provide facilities that encourage bicycle commuting, including, e.g., locked bicycle storage or covered or indoor bicycle parking. • Provide information, training, and incentives to encourage participation. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy • Require energy efficient design for buildings. This may include strengthening local building codes for new construction and renovation to require a higher level of energy efficiency. Many developers, in response to concems about GHG emissions, are designing projects to exceed the energy efficiency required by California Title 24 by 10 to 20%. • Require the use of energy efficient appliances and office equipment. • Require that projects use energy efficient lighting. (Fluorescent lighting uses approximately 75% less energy than incandescent lighting to deliver the same amount of light). • Install efficient lighting and lighting control systems. Site and design building to take advantage of daylight. • Use trees, landscaping and sun screens on west and south exterior building walls to reduce energy use. • Install light colored "cool' roofs and cool pavements. Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-17 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 - '-DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date • Limit the hours of operation of outdoor lighting. Land Use Measures • Preserve and create open space and parks. Preserve existing trees and require the planning of replacement trees for those removed in construction. 5.8 Hazards and Hazardous Materials - Existing Plans, Programs, and Policies PPP-HHM-1 During any site decommissioning and demolition activities, hazardous Development During grading wastes must be managed in accordance with the requirements of Title 22, Services Department operations Division 4.5 of the California Code of Regulations. Title 22 sets forth the requirements with which hazardous -waste generators, transporters, and owners or operators of treatment, storage, or disposal facilities must comply. These regulations include the requirements for packaging, storage, labeling, reporting, and general management of hazardous waste prior to shipment. In addition, the regulations identify standards applicable to transporters of hazardous waste such as the requirements for transporting shipments of hazardous waste, manifesting, vehicle registration, and emergency accidental discharges during transportation. PPP-HHM-2 If soil is encountered during site specific development that is suspected of Development During grading being impacted by hazardous materials, work at the subject construction Services Department operations activity area will be halted and the suspect site conditions will be evaluated by a qualified environmental professional. The results of the evaluation will be submitted to the Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA) and/or the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), as appropriate, and the necessary response/remedial measures will be implemented, as directed by OCHCA, RWQCB, or other applicable oversight agency, until all specified requirements of the oversight agencies are satisfied and a no -further action status is attained. Historic Town Center Master Plan 318 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date PPP-HHM3 if any Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) are encountered during any Development During grading and site grading and excavation activities, they shall be removed in Services Department excavation operations accordance with the existing standards and regulations of, and oversight by, the Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA), based on compliance authority granted through the California Code of Regulations, Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 16, Underground Tank Regulations. The process for UST removal is detailed in the OCHCA's AST/UST Removal Report and Remediation Procedures Report. Soil samples from areas where storage tanks have been removed or where soil contamination is suspected shall be analyzed for hydrocarbons including gasoline and diesel in accordance with procedures set forth in AST/UST Removal Report and Remediation Procedures Report and as directed by OCHCA. If hydrocarbons are identified in the soil, the appropriate response/remedial measures will be implemented as directed by OCHCA or other appropriate agency until all specified requirements of the oversight agencies are satisfied and a no -further -action status is attained. Any Above Ground Storage Tank (AST) in existence at the commencement of site development shall be removed in accordance with all applicable regulations under the oversight of OCHCA. These procedures are detailed in the UST/AST Removal Report. Compliance with the requirements of the OCHCA relative to the removadclosure of storage tanks is set forth through the California Health and Safety Code Sections of 25280 through 25299. PPP-HHM4 During demolition, grading, and excavation, workers shall comply with the Development During demolition, requirements of Tide 8 of the California Code of Regulations Section Services Department grading, and excavation 1532.1, which provides for exposure limits, exposure monitoring, operations respiratory protection, and good working practice by workers exposed to lead. Lead -contaminated debris and other wastes shall be managed and disposed of in accordance with the applicable provision of the California Health and Safety Code. Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-19 Templeton Planning Group k: }t•.c Wr., i l.M:i�.`��-. ��.h niG�; T�.".� ��'�'.'�Mi{.. �i ���i3T„es a','..." ,�.. rv3y� KSS"<+'}9�' a - - ..i of ,.Tablei3 7�,� "FT' D)2AFTon'Moriitorit'tande oifin ` Pro' ram Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date PPP-HHM-5 During demolition, grading, and excavation, workers shall comply with the Development During demolition, requirements of Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations, Section Services Department grading, and excavation 1529, which provides for exposure limits, exposure monitoring, respiratory operations protection, and good working practices by workers exposed to asbestos. Asbestos -contaminated debris and other wastes shall be managed and disposed of in accordance with the applicable provision of the California Health and Safety Code. PPP-HHM-6 Federal law requires compliance with Rule 29 of the Code of Federal Development Prior to site demolition Regulations (CFR) Part 1926. Prior to site demolition activities, building Services Department activities materials shall be carefully assessed for the presence of lead-based paint, and its removal, where necessary, must comply with state and federal regulations, including Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 29 CFR Part 1926. The OSHA rule establishes standards for occupational health and environmental controls for lead exposure. The standard also includes requirements addressing exposure assessment, methods of compliance, respiratory protection, protective clothing and equipment, hygiene facilities and practices, medical surveillance, medical removal protection, employee information and training, signs, recordkeeping, and observation of monitoring. Furthermore, the requirements of California Code of Regulations, Title 17, Division 1, Chapter 8, identify procedures that must be followed for accreditation, certification, and work practices for lead based paint and lead hazards. Section 36100 thereof specifically sets forth requirements for lead-based paint abatement in public and residential buildings. PPP-HHM 7 Prior to site demolition activities, building materials must be carefully Development Prior to site demolition assessed for the presence of asbestos -containing materials (ACM), and Services Department activities removal of this material, where necessary, must comply with state and federal regulations, including SCAQMD Rule 1403, which specifies work practices with the goal of minimizing asbestos emissions during building demolition and renovation activities, including the removal and associated Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-20 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date disturbance of ACMs. The requirements for demolition and renovation activities include asbestos surveying; notification; ACM removal procedures and time schedules; ACM handling and cleanup procedures; and storage, disposal, and landfill disposal requirements for asbestos - containing waste materials. PPP-HHM-8 Groundwater wells, if any, that will no longer be used shall be properly Development Prior to issuance of abandoned in conjunction with site grading or redevelopment activities, in Services Department building permits accordance with the requirements for a well deconstruction permit from the Orange County Heath Care Agency (see http://mhealthinfo.wMdocs/reguJatory/ well/destruction.pdf). PPP-HHM-9 Prior to approval of building permits, project applicants shall prepare a Fire Development Prior to approval of Master Plan for submittal to the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) Services Department building permits consistent with OCFA Guideline B-09 (Fire Master Plans for Commercial and Residential Development). Additional Mitigation Measures Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-21 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date MM-HHM-1 Prior to issuance of building permits for site specific development projects, Development Prior to issuance of the project applicant shall submit a Phase I Environmental Site Services Department building permits Assessment that has been prepared by a Registered Professional Engineer and in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard E 1527.05, Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process. The recommendations in this Phase I ESA shall be addressed. Based on the results of the additional investigations set forth in the recommendations, any required remediation shall be completed in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements. A report documenting the completion, results, and any follow-up (remediation) on the recommendations shall be provided to the Director of Community Development prior to issuance of grading permits within the Project area. 5.9 Hydrology and Water Quality Hydrology Existing Plans, Programs, and Policies PPP -H-1 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): Prior to the issuance of Public Works Prior to the issuance of precise grading permit for any lot or parcel wholly or partially located within Department precise grading permits Subwatershed F and in the 100 -year floodplain, the applicant shall furnish to the City Engineer documentation required by FEMA for approval of the Conditional Letter Of Map Revision/Letter Of Map Revision (CLOMR/LOMR) process. The FEMA for revision to the FIRM and Flood Insurance Study (FIS). The applicant shall pay all preliminary and subsequent fees as required by FEMA. PPP -H-2 Hydrology and Hydraulics Report: Prior to the issuance of grading permits Public Works Prior to the issuance of for site specific plans within Drainage Subwatershed A and F, the project Department grading permits Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-22 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date applicant shall complete, and submit to the Department of Public Works, a hydrology and hydraulics report to determine peak Flows, time of concentrations and routing of storm water for each tributary area to verify that the final development can be accommodated by the storm drain facilities 25 -year design rapacity. If the 25 -year design capacity is not sufficient, then either. 1) on-site retention and detention shall be required or 2) upsizing of existing storm drain facilities in Camino Capistrano shall be required. The final layout and street locations along with final onsite storm drain design shall be verified with more refined Flow rates, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. PPP -H3 Interim Hydro -modification Criteria: Prior to the issuance of grading Public Works Prior to the issuance of - permits, "priority projects" within the HTC Project area must demonstrate Department grading permits compliance with the Hydro -modification Control BMP Sizing Tool and use the appropriate spreadsheet sizing tool and associated sizing charts for Unit BMP Capture Volume, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Additional Mitigation Measures No additional mitigation measures are required. Water Quality Existing Plans, Programs, and Policies PPP-WQ-1 Notice of Intent (NOI): Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the Public Works Prior to issuance of project applicant shall provide the City Engineer with evidence that a NOI Department grading permits has been filed with the State Water Resources Control Board. Such evidence shall consist of a copy of the NOI stamped by the State Water Resources Control Board or Regional Water Quality Control Board, or a letter from either agency stating that the NOI has been filed. PPP-WQ-2 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP): Project -specific Development Prior to issuance of Histonc Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-23 Templeton Planning Group TAWL -347 DRAF; nitorl ,Reporting ng�and port no Pr6grlirri Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date WQMPs1SSMPs must be submitted to the City for approval as part of Services Department grading permits project submittal packet A conceptual WQMP shall be reviewed and approved prior to any entitlement approval and prior to any planning commission approval. A Final WQMP shall be submitted for review and approval following entitlement approval or Planning Commission approval The WQMP shall identify the Best Management Practices (BMPs) that will be used on the site to control predictable pollutant runoff. More specifically, the WQMP shall, in accordance with the DAMP and LIP, do the following: a. Describe the routine and special post -construction BMPs to be used at the proposed development site (including both structural and non-structural measures); b. Describe responsibility for the initial implementation and long-term maintenance of the BMPs; C. Provide narrative with the graphic materials as necessary to specify the locations of the structural BMPs; and d. Certify that the project applicant will seek to have the WQMP carried out by all future successors or assigns to the property. Detailed information about the process for identifying BMPs is included in the Hydrology and Water Quality Technical Report PPP-WQ-3 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP): Prior to the issuance of Public Works Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the project applicant shall prepare a SWPPP that will: Department grading permits a. Require implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) designed with a goal of preventing a net increase in sediment load in storm water discharges relative to preconstruction levels; b. Prohibit during the construction period discharges of storm water or non -storm water at levels which would cause or contribute to an exceedance of applicable water quality standards contained in the Basin Plan; Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-24 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date C. Discuss in detail the BMPs planned for the project related to control of sediment and erosion, non -sediment pollutants, and potential pollutants in non -stone water discharges; d. Describe post-consbucGon BMPs for the project; e. Explain the maintenance program for the project's BMPs; f. During construction, require reporting of violations to the Regional Board; and g. List the parties responsible for SWPPP implementation and BMP maintenance during and after grading. The project proponent shall implement the SWPPP and will modify the SWPPP as directed by the Storm Water Permit. PPP-WQ4 Encroachment Permit: The project applicant shall obtain an Public Works Prior to issuance of encroachment permit for any construction activities that will result in runoff Department grading permits within Caltrans Right -of -Way. The project applicant must submit a copy of the SWPPP prior to construction. If a SWPPP is not required for the project, the project applicant shall prepare and submit a Water Pollution Control Plan pursuant to Caltrans Standard Specifications and "Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbook, Project Planning and Design Guide." (May 2007) All activities within Caltrans Right -0f -Way must fully conform to the Caltrans Statewide NPDES Permit No. CAS000003 (Order No. 99- 00-DWQ). PPP-WQ-5 City Building Code: Future site grading and construction shall comply with Development Prior to issuance of the drainage controls imposed by the applicable building code Services Department grading permits requirements prescribed by the City of San Juan Capistrano. Project Design Features PDF-WQ-1 Consistent with regulatory requirements and design guidelines for water Development Prior to the issuance of quality protection, the following principles are being followed for the Services Department grading permits Project and will be supported by construction level documents in the final Water Quality Management Plans (WQMPs) or Standard Storm Water Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-25 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 - DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date Mitigation Plans (SSMPs) per each phase of development The conceptual WQMP shall be reviewed and approved prior to any entitlement approval and prior to planning commission review and approval of the project, and a final WQMP must be reviewed and approved before construction plans submittal for permit issuance by the City of San Juan Capistrano: • Where feasible, LID features will be sized for water quality treatment credit according to local Regional Board sizing criteria as defined in the fourth -term MS4 Permit for either flow -based or volume -based BMPs. There will be a significant effort to integrate LID techniques within the internal development areas (site design objectives), thereby providing treatment of low -flow runoff directly at the source and runoff reduction of small (i.e., more frequent) storm event runoff (first -Flush). In most instances, LID features will be sized by volume -based analyses to demonstrate compliance with the required design capture volume for the site specific projects associated with the HTC Master Plan. • Detailed drainage calculations, grading, and confirmation of sizing to occur during the detailed design phase and subsequent WQMP/SSMP documentation. • Where feasible, LID features will be designed to infiltrate and/or reuse treated runoff on-site in accordance with feasibility criteria as defined in the new Countywide Model WQMP (submitted May 2010, anticipated approval by RWQCB in May 2011) and the South Orange County Hydro -modification Standard. • For those areas of the project where infiltration is not recommended or acceptable and harvest/reuse landscaping demands are insufficient, bio -treatment LID features will be designed to treat runoff and discharge controlled effluent flows to downstream habitat areas, or will Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-26 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date be collected for on-site reuse such as irrigation. In some circumstances, treated flows may be discharged off-site in accordance with the new Model WQMP feasibility criteria for bio -treatment and other approved treatment methods. PDF-WQ-2 Site Design Best Management Practices (BMPs): The MS4 permit and Development Prior to any entitlement implementation plans described in the DAMPILIP and the City's model Services Department approval or planning water quality management plan (WQMP) require the consideration and commission review and incorporation of site design BMPs to reduce runoff and create a approval hydrologically functional project. Accordingly, the project WQMP, approval of which is required prior to any entitlement approval or planning commission review and approval per PPP-WQ-2, shall include the following site design measures applicable to the redevelopment projects within the HTC Master Plan. • This can be achieved in various ways, including, but not limited to increasing building density (number of stories above or below ground) and increasing the amount of landscaping versus the existing condition. Decreasing the project's footprint can reduce the project's impacts to water quality and hydrologic conditions; • Construct walkways, bails, patios, overflow parking lots, alleys, driveways, low -traffic streets and other low -traffic areas with open - jointed paving materials or permeable surfaces, such as pervious concrete, porous asphalt, unit pavers, and granular materials; • Construct streets, sidewalks and parking lot aisles to the minimum widths necessary, provided that public safety and a walkable environment for pedestrians are not compromised; • Incorporate landscaped buffer areas between sidewalks and streets; • Maximize canopy interception and water conservation by preserving Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-27 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 - DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date existing native trees and shrubs, and planting additional native or drought tolerant trees and large shrubs; • Where soils conditions are suitable, use perforated pipe or gravel filtration pits for low flow infiltration; • Where landscaping is proposed, drain rooftops into adjacent landscaping prior to discharging to the storm drain. Drain impervious sidewalks, walkways, trails, and patios into adjacent landscaping; • Increase the use of vegetated drainage swales in lieu of underground piping or imperviously lined swales; • Design driveways with shared access, flared (single lane at street) or wheel strips (paving only under tires); or, drain into landscaping prior to discharging to the municipal storm drain system; and/or • Other design concepts that are comparable and equally effective. PDF-WQ-3 Source Control BMPs: Effective management of wet- and dry -weather Development Prior to any entitlement water quality begins with limiting pollutant sources. The project WQMP, Services Department approval or planning approval of which is required prior to any entitlement approval or planning commission review and commission review and approval per PPP-WQ-2, shall include the approval following source control BMPs as set forth below. The source control BMPs shall be implemented in accordance with the MS4 Permit and DAMP/LIP. These source control BMPs were selected based on the land uses included in the Project. (1,11) Education for Property Owners, Tenants, and Occupants. Educational materials related to urban runoff can be provided to tenants/homeowners (via project owner, HOA, and/or POA) and employees to reduce pollutants from reaching the storm drain system. Histonc Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-28 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date Examples of environmental awareness materials include, but are not limited to: guidelines for landscaping and gardening, tips for pet rare, vehicle cleaning, and proper disposal of household hazardous waste. (N2) Activity Restrictions. Activity restrictions can be developed to restrict activities that have the potential to create adverse impacts on water quality. Activities include but are not limited to: the handling and disposal of contaminants, trash management and litter control, irrigation and landscaping practices, vehicle and equipment cleaning, fertilizer applications and household waste management practices. (N3) Common Area Landscape Management Common area landscape management that includes minimizing fertilizer and pesticide application, use of slow-release fertilizers, maintenance activities, providing education to homeowners and tenants (via project owner, HOA and/or POA), and providing education and training for employees on management of landscape materials and storm water management. (1,14) BMP Maintenance. In accordance with the City LIP and OC DAMP, the project owners, HOAs and/or POAs of the individual project sites will be responsible for the implementation and maintenance of each applicable non-structural BMP, as well as scheduling inspections and maintenance of all applicable structural BMP facilities through its landscape contractor and any other necessary maintenance contractors for the project site. In addition, the project owner will be required to verify LID and treatment control BMP implementation and ongoing maintenance through inspection, self -certification, survey, or other equally effective measure. The certification shall verify that, at a minimum, the inspection and maintenance of all structural SMPs including inspection and performance of any required maintenance in the early fall, prior to the start of the rainy season, and in accordance with frequencies outlined in the project -specific WQMPISSMP prepared for the project site. Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-29 Templeton Planning Group 35. A 3 t- D'1 PV, A r-V M�Q An Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date (N5) Title 22 CCR Compliance. Where applicable, project sites shall comply with Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations and relevant sections of the California Health and Safety Code regarding hazardous waste management, which will be enforced by County Environmental Health on behalf of the State. (N7) Spill Contingency Plan. Any facilities that store liquid materials or wastes shall maintain procedures for spill response and cleanup activities. Emergency spill kits shall be kept on-site at all times. Activities will be coordinated between the respective departments and the Police and Fire departments in the event of a spill. (N8) Underground Storage Tank Compliance. Any underground storage tanks proposed shall meet applicable Federal, State, County, and local regulations. (N9) Haz-Mat Disclosure Compliance. Any projects that store or utilize hazardous wastes, where applicable, shall comply with the County of Orange Fire Authority hazardous material disclosure requirements. (N10) Uniform Fire Code Implementation. The owner, HOA and/or POA shall ensure all structures comply with Article 80 of the Uniform Fire Code, City codes, County of Orange Fire Authority, and local standards. (N11) Common Area Litter Control. Includes regular litter control for the entire project area including trash pickup and sweeping of littered common areas, as performed by the maintenance crew. In addition, pet waste receptacles should be provided throughout the project site where applicable. (N12) Employee Training. Employees of the owner, HOA and/or POA, as Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-30 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date well as any contractors of the aforementioned entities will require training to ensure that employees are aware of maintenance activities that may result in pollutants reaching the storm drain. (1,113) Housekeeping of Loading Docks. Loading dock housekeeping measures will be implemented where applicable to keep the areas clean and orderly condition. (1,114) Common Area Catch Basin Inspection. Includes routine maintenance of all catch basins, grate inlets, etc. for debris and litter removal. All on-site catch basins inspected and cleaned prior to the rainy season, no later than October 1st each year. (1,115) Street Sweeping Private Streets and Parking Lots. Street sweeping of all impervious streets and parking lots performed at a frequency that reduces or prevents sediment and debris from entering receiving waters and prior to the rainy season. (1,117) Retail Gasoline Outlets. Any retail gasoline outlets proposed shall implement, where feasible, the following measures: (1) maintaining clean fuel -dispensing areas, (2) appropriately designed fueling areas to minimize storm water exposure, (3) minimization of pooling of water, (4) utilization of fueling safeguards, (5) regular inspections of fueling equipment, (6) spill kits on-site (7) underground storage tanks fit with spill containment and overflow prevention systems that meet regulations of Section 2635(b) of Title 23 of the Code of California Regulations, (8) canopy to eliminate direct precipitation and grade breaks to reduce runoff and runoff, and (9) a posted notice to remind employees not to top off fuel tanks. Additionally, the fueling stations shall have an oiltwater separator to treat pollutants discharged into the sewer system. Storm Drain Stenciling and Signage. Storm drain stenciling or signage on Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-31 Templeton Planning Group 7f M`' itorirt ng=and�Reo6rtlh� P, 0 rrii Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date all catch basins with highly visible source control messages (e.g., "no dumping drains to ocean"). Proper Outdoor Hazardous Material Storage Design. Any areas proposed for outdoor hazardous material storage shall be paved accordingly and storage bins will include sidewalls to contain the materials. There will be a drainage grate along the front of the storage bins with an outlet screen that traps material to prevent pollutants from entering the storm drain. Any hazardous materials shall be stored in storage cabinets, sheds or enclosures that meet all applicable regulations. Trash Enclosures. All trash and waste shall be stored in containers that have lids or tarps to minimize direct precipitation into the containers. The storage areas shall be paved, and either be sloped or include a barrier to keep drainage out of the storm drain. Efficient Irrigation Systems and Landscape Design. Installing and maintaining efficient irrigation systems designed to minimize water by eliminating overspray to hardscape areas, and setting irrigation timing and cycle lengths in accordance with water demands, given -time of year, weather, and day and night temperatures. Where feasible, incorporation of native tolerant species for landscaping, protection of slopes and efficient irrigation. May be used in conjunction with educational materials to homeowners/tenants as well as activity restrictions. Protect Slopes and Channels. The site drainage design shall include appropriate BMPs to decrease the potential for erosion of slopes and/or channels. The design shall be consistent with Federal, State, and local standards (e.g., RWQCB, ACOE, CDFG). Where feasible, the following principles shall be considered: 1) convey runoff safely from the tops of slopes, 2) avoid disturbing steep or unstable slopes, as well as natural channels, 3) implement a permanent stabilization BMP on disturbed Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-32 Templeton Planning Group W -K Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date slopes and channels as quickly as possible, such as native vegetation, and 4) install energy dissipaters at the outlets of new storm drains, culverts, or channels. Loading Dock Areas. Any new loading docks shall be built at -grade, generally draining away from the buildings towards the drive aisles. In addition, loading dock housekeeping measures shall be implemented where applicable to keep the areas clean and orderly condition. Maintenance Bays. Any maintenance bays proposed shall be designed in accordance with OC DAMP standards. Examples include locating facilities indoors, and draining nuisance flows to an oil/water separator that is connected to the sanitary sewer system. Equipment Wash Areas. Any equipment wash areas proposed shall be - designed in accordance with OC DAMP standards. Examples include designing the area to be self-contained and covered, preventing the runoff from entering the storm drain system with berms or containment structures, and collecting runoff in a sump for disposal. Discharge from an equipment wash area to the storm drain system is prohibited. Vehicle Wash Areas. Any vehicle wash areas proposed shall be designed in accordance with OC DAMP standards. Vehicle wash areas shall be self-contained or covered, equipped with a wash rack and clarifier or other pretreatment facility. Discharge from a vehicle wash area to the storm drain system is prohibited. Outdoor Processing Areas. Any outdoor processing areas proposed shall be designed in accordance with OC DAMP standards. Areas shall be enclosed and covered to preclude storm water, and not be allowed to discharge into the storm drain system. Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-33 Templeton Planning Group r - it r ��, �� � alb r. �' ?r ' �- • - Table 31 y << DRAFT Mitigation ng,n Reporting Program" - Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date Fueling Areas. Any fueling areas proposed shall be designed in accordance with City and OC DAMP standards. Any fueling areas proposed for the project site shall implement, where feasible the following measures: (1) maintaining clean fuel -dispensing areas, (2) appropriately designed fueling areas to minimize storm water exposure, (3) minimization of pooling of water, (4) utilization of fueling safeguards, (5) regular inspections of fueling equipment, (6) spill kits on-site (7) underground storage tanks fit with spill containment and overflow prevention systems that meet regulations of Section 2635(b) of Title 23 of the Code of California Regulations, (8) canopy to eliminate direct precipitation and grade breaks to reduce runoff and runoff, and (9) a posted notice to remind employees not to top off fuel tanks. Additionally, the fueling stations shall have an oillwater separator to treat pollutants discharged into the sewer system. Hillside Landscaping. The owner shall be responsible for the vegetative establishment on all manufactured or disturbed slopes with a mixture of native species and approved ornamentals by the City of San Juan Capistrano. Wash Water Controls for Food Preparations Areas. Any food preparation facilities proposed shall meet all health and safety, building and safety and any other applicable regulations and code requirements, such as the installation of grease interceptors. Discharge of wash water from food preparation areas to the storm drain system is prohibited. Community Car Wash Racks. Any community car wash racks proposed shall be designed in accordance with City and OC DAMP standards. Wash waters from area may be directed to the sanitary sewer (with approval), to an engineered infiltration system, or an equally effective alternative. Discharge from a wash area to the storm drain system is prohibited. Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-34 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 - DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date PDF-WQ-4 Low Impact Development (LID) BMPs: The goal of using LID features is to Community Prior to the issuance of mimic the site's existing hydrology by using design measures that capture, Development grading permits filter, store, evaporate, detain and infiltrate runoff, rather than runoff Department flowing directly to piped or impervious systems- This includes directing runoff to vegetated areas and reducing the amount. of impervious surfaces. Under the fourth -term MS4 Permit and new Model WQMP and the South Orange County Hydro -modification Standard, an on-site feasibility analysis shall be conducted to determine the amount of runoff that 1) can feasibly be retained (via infiltration, harvest and reuse, or evapotranspired), and 2), if not completely retained then bio -treated on-site. The Table below provides examples of the various LID features that may be used for on-site retention of runoff when property sized and designed in accordance with the Model WQMP, the South Orange County Hydro -modification Standard and fourth -term MS4 Permit requirements. -e Low Impact Development (LID);B ''options -. Infiltration Harvest and Evapotranspiratio Bio -treatment Reuse n • Bio -retention Storage Options: Green roofs Bio -retention without under Above -ground Brown roofs with under drains cisterns Blue roofs drains • Infiltration Underground Constructed trenches detention wetlands •Infiltration basins Wet detention • Drywells Potential Reuse basins • Underground Options., Dry extended - infiltration Irrigation detention basins • Permeable Toilet flushing Vegetated pavement Vehiclelequipm swales ent washing Vegetated filter Evaporative strips Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-35 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), andI Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, I Completion 11 Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date 11 Additional Mitigation Measures No additional mitigation measures are required. 5.10 Land Use No PPPs, PDFs or mitigation measures are required. 5.11 Mineral Resources No PPPs, PDFs or mitigation measures are required. 5.12 Notse Existing Plans, Programs and Policies PPP -NOS -1 Control of Construction Hours: Construction activities occurring as part of Development During construction the Project shall be subject to the limitations and requirements of the City Services Department activities of San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code, Title 8, Chapter 2, Section 8- 2.04, Permitted Hours of Construction Operation which states that construction activities may occur between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on Saturdays. Construction activities are not permitted for these circumstances on Sunday or on national holidays. Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-36 Templeton Planning Group cooling Proprietary bio- • Industrial treatment processes • Other non - table uses Source: County of Orange. (2010, May 24). Exhibit 7.111, Technical Guidance Document for the Preparation of ConceptuallPreliminary and/or Project Water Quality Management Plans QMPs). Submittal to the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board. Additional Mitigation Measures No additional mitigation measures are required. 5.10 Land Use No PPPs, PDFs or mitigation measures are required. 5.11 Mineral Resources No PPPs, PDFs or mitigation measures are required. 5.12 Notse Existing Plans, Programs and Policies PPP -NOS -1 Control of Construction Hours: Construction activities occurring as part of Development During construction the Project shall be subject to the limitations and requirements of the City Services Department activities of San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code, Title 8, Chapter 2, Section 8- 2.04, Permitted Hours of Construction Operation which states that construction activities may occur between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on Saturdays. Construction activities are not permitted for these circumstances on Sunday or on national holidays. Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-36 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date Hauling soil to or from the site, or from one part of the project site to another, shall comply with San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code Section 8-3.13, Import or Export. The loading and transportation of earth from or to the site shall be accomplished between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and between 8:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on Saturdays. Saturday aftemoon work hours may be extended up to 4:30 p.m. only with the prior approval of the Building Official. Such approval shall be based upon the consideration of the haul routes, noise and dust factors, proximity to residences, and similar criteria. No earth loading or transportation shall be permitted on Sundays or on Federal holidays. If truck deliveries should occur during evening or nighttime hours, mitigation in terms of a soundwall to shielding truck activities at the loading dock is necessary. A detailed noise study is required for any loading dock area within 100 feet of an existing or planned residential area that is planned to operate during evening or nighttime hours. The study must show the anticipated noise levels and measures that will ensure compliance with the City's Noise Ordinance. Additional Mitigation Measures MM-NOS4 Acoustical Report Prior to issuance of building permits for site specific Development Prior to issuance of development, a detailed acoustical study using architectural plans shall be Services Department building permits prepared by a qualified acoustical consultant and submitted to the City for each structures structure or tenant improvement other than a parking structure, the applicant shall submit a final acoustical report prepared to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development. The report shall describe and quantify the noise sources impacting the building, the amount of outdoor-to-indoor noise reduction provided by the design in the architectural plans, and any mitigation required to meet the City's interior (45 CNEL), and exterior (65 CNEL) noise standards. The measures Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-37 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date described in the future report shall be incorporated into the architectural plans for the buildings and implemented with building construction. MM -NOS -2 If new parking areas or parking structures are to be located within 100 feet Development Prior to issuance of of any residential or similar noise -sensitive land use, then a detailed Services Department building permits acoustical report analysis is required to address the noise impact from parking activities. The analysis must identify the potential noise levels, must show compliance with the City Noise Ordinance, and specify any measures necessary to achieve the ordinance limits. The measures described in the future report shall be incorporated into the architectural plans for the buildings and implemented with building construction. MM-NOS3 Outdoor amplified music should be prohibited for all commercial Development Prior to issuance of establishments located in the Project area with the exception of special Services Department building permits events operating under a conditional use permit (CUP) or special activities permit (SAP) issued by the City that would exempt outdoor music during these events. MM -NOS -4 Prior to issuance of building permits for site specific development within Development Prior to issuance of the Revitalization Area, a detailed vibration report using architectural plans Services Department building permits shall be prepared by a qualified Registered Engineer and submitted to, and approved by, the City for all FTA Category 1 Buildings within 600 feet of the rail line, for all FTA Category 2 Buildings within 200 feet of the rail line, and for all FTA Category 3 Buildings within 120 feet of the rail line. This report shall describe and quantify the vibration levels impacting the building(s) and any building upgrades required to meet the FTA criteria. The criteria and methodology to be employed is detailed in the FTA's 'Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment," (FTA -VA -90-1003-06, May 2006). The measures described in the report shall be incorporated into the architectural plans for the buildings and implemented with building construction. Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-38 Templeton Planning Group 1 _� Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Mitigation Measures Responsible for Monitoring Timing for PPP, PDF, or Mitigation Measure Completion Date 5.13 Population and Housing There are no PPPs, PDFs, or Mitigation Measures applicable to housing and population. 5.14 Public Services and Facilities Law Enforcement Existing Plans, Policies and Programs PPP -LE -1 Prior to the issuance of a building permits for future site specific Development Prior to issuance of development projects, the project applicant shall submit the site plan for Services Department building permits review and approval by the Orange County Sheriffs Department(Police Services Department to ensure that it is designed in accordance with all applicable requirements of the Police Service Department, including but not limited to parking, security, lighting and access. Additional Mitigation Measures In the absence of significant impacts, no mitigation measures are necessary. Fire and Emergency Medical Service Existing Plans, Policies and Programs PPP -FS -1 Prior to the issuance of any grading permit the project plans shall be Development Prior to issuance of subject to review and approval by OCFA for compliance with all applicable Services Department grading permits standard conditions, including those for access, water supply and pressure, built-in fire protection systems, road grades and width, building materials, etc. PPP -FS -2 The project applicant shall comply with all applicable Orange County Fire Development Prior to the issuance of Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-39 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date Authority (OCFA) codes, ordinances, and standard conditions regarding Services Department building permits fire prevention and suppression measures, relating to water improvement plans, fire hydrants, automatic fire extinguishing systems, fire access, access gates, combustible construction, water availability, fire sprinkler system, etc. Additional Mitigation Measures MM -FS -1 Prior to approval of any final parcel map for the future site specific Development Prior to approval of a projects, the applicant shall enter into a Secured Fire Protection Services Department final parcel map Agreement (SFPA) with the OCFA, which shall specify the developers pro rata fair share funding of capital improvements necessary to establish adequate fire protection facilities and equipment, and/or personnel. Schools Existing Plans, Programs, and Policies PPPSCH-1 Pursuant to Government Code Section 65995, prior to issuance of building Development Prior to the issuance of permits for site specific projects, the applicant shall pay the applicable Services Department building permits statutory developer fees in effect at the time of the building permit payment of the adopted fees would provide full and complete mitigation of school impacts. Additional Mitigation Measures No additional migration measures are required. Libraries No PPPs, PDFs or mitigation measures are required. 5.15 Recreation Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-40 Templeton Planning Group Table 3.1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date Existing Plans, Policies and Programs PPP-REC-1 Prior to approval of any final map for future residential development, the Development Prior to approval of a applicant shall dedicate land or pay a park in -lieu fee in accordance with Services Department final map the provisions of Section 94.519, Parkland and Section 9-5.107, Parkland in -lieu fee of the Municipal Code for the lots in the final map. Project Design Features PDF-REC-1 The proposed Yorba Street extension right-of-way shall consist of Development Prior to approval of a geometric street section of not more than 36 feet curb -to -curb with a Services Department grading permit maximum 50 foot right-of-way width. PDF-REC-2 The design of the proposed Yorba Street extension along the northern Development Prior to approval of a edge of the Historic Town Center Park, shall include a parkway buffer Services Department grading permit including trees, shrubbery, bollards, and similar design elements along both sides of the street to provide a sufficient visual and safety buffer for park users. Additional Mitigation Measures No additional mitigation measures are required. 5.16 Traffic Project Design Features PDF-TR4 Project Related Roadway Improvements: New on-site roadways and Public Works Refer to Figure 5.16-11, roadway improvements adjacent to the Project site are proposed to Department Project -Related facilitate access to and from the development uses proposed in the HTC Roadway Improvements Master Plan. Table 5.16-11, Project -Related Roadway Improvements, in the EIR. provides a brief description of each improvement. Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-41 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), andI Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, I Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date Table 5.16-11 Project -Related RoadwayImprovements ,. Roadway Improvement Ortega The Caltrans freeway interchange reconstruction project and related Highway reconstruction of the Ortega Highway/Del Obispo Street intersection will allow for the portion of Ortega Highway west of EI Camino Real to be redesigned to include widened sidewalks, on -street parking, new landscaping, enhanced paving, and related improvements that will heighten the street's role as the primary entrance into the historic Town Center for all travel modes. It is proposed that this portion of Orteaa Del Obispo Elimination of several existing curb cuts, consolidation of fuming Street movements at intersections, and additional street connections to Camino Capistrano. Improvements to Del Obispo Street include removing the two-way left tum lane and constructing a raised landscaped median island from Ortega Highway to Camino Capistrano. No on -street parking will be allowed. Camino Construction of traffic calming measures that would slow traffic while Capistrano maintaining the roadway's carrying capacity. These improvements may include widened sidewalks, roadway narrowing, sidewalk bulb - outs, high -visibility crosswalks, landscaping, lighting and diagonal parking. Camino Capistrano is also contained in the Orange County Master Plan of Arterial Highways MPAH . Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-42 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date EI Camino Extensions of local roadways including EI Camino Real, Yorba Street, Real, Yorba and Forster Street each between Camino Capistrano and Del Obispo Street, and Street. Interior roadways would consist of one travel lane in each Forster direction with parallel parking on both sides of the street where Street applicable. Intersections Safety improvements at Intersections along Camino Capistrano and EI along Camino Real should include pedestrian bulb outs or refuge islands, Camino roadway narrowing at intersections and high visibility crosswalk paint. Capistrano These measures will improve the safety at intersections carrying a and EI large amount of pedestrians. The traffic signal recommended at Forster Camino Real Street would also provide for protected pedestrian travel crossing Camino Capistrano. These measures would improve the safety at Additional Mitigation Measures intersections along Camino Capistrano as well as help decrease the Public Works rate of accidents occurring at midblock locations. PDF -TR -2 Master Plan Parking Program: The Project includes a Master Plan Public Works Concurrent with project Parking Program which allows the supply of parking within the Town Department implementation Center to be based on the overall ratio of the number of parking spaced per 1,000 square feet of commercial development and that project -specific parking demands be met though the use of shared facilities rather than individual lots. Additional Mitigation Measures MM -TR -1 In conjunction with the submittal of any. site specific development Public Works Prior to approval of any application for a future Project within the HTC Master Plan, the project Department site specific applicant shall prepare, subject to review and approval of the City, the development application required traffic study. This traffic study will verify whether the future site for a future Project specific project will impact intersection locations, identified below, beyond the performance criteria established in Table 5.16-1. For those intersections, which are projected to exceed the performance criteria, the project will be conditioned to construct the necessary improvements that Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-43 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 - DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program FPl ans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date have been identified in the traffic study or provide fair share funding toward those improvements. These Interim Condition improvements are identified below. • Rancho Viejo Road at Ortega Highway: Widen the southbound approach to include two southbound left tum lanes, one through lane, and an exclusive southbound right tum lane. • 1-5 NB Ramps at Ortega Highway: Modify the intersection per Caltrans interchange improvement project • 1-5 SB Ramps at Ortega Highway: modify the intersection per Caltrans interchange improvement project. • Camino Capistrano at Forster Road: Signalize the intersection with no roadway lane improvements. • Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis (Camino Capistrano at Forster Street): This intersection met minimum volumes thresholds for the installation of a traffic signal under the 2015 cumulative conditions during the PM peak and Saturday Peak. Improvement includes installation of a traffic signal. Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-44 Templeton Planning Group —A Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date MM -TR -2 In conjunction with the submittal of any site specific development Public Works Prior to approval of any application for a future Project within the HTC Master Plan, the project Department site specific applicant shall prepare, subject to review and approval of the City, the development application required traffic study. This traffic study will verify whether the future site for a future Project specific project will impact intersection locations, identified below, beyond the performance criteria established in Table 5.16-1 and described in detail below. For those intersections, which are projected to exceed the performance criteria, the project will be conditioned to provide fair share funding toward those improvements. These 2035 Condition improvements are identified below. • Rancho Viejo Road at Ortega Highway: This intersection is projected to operate at LOS D and F for AM and PM peak hours, respectively, for 2035 No Build and 2035 with the Master Plan. Mitigation measures should be provided to return level of service to an acceptable level of LOS D or better. With improvements the intersection will operate at an acceptable LOS C and D for AM and PM peak hours, respectively. Improvements include widening the intersection to include an additional NB through lane and additional SB exclusive right turn lane with right turn overlap phasing as well as restriping the SB direction to include two exclusive left turn lanes, one through lane. Remove the north/south Split phasing to provide for left tum protected phasing in all directions. • Camino Capistrano at Del Obispo Street: This intersection is projected to operate at LOS C, F and C for AM, PM Weekday and Saturday peak hours, respectively for 2035 No Build and 2035 with the Master Plan. Mitigation measures should be provided to return the level of service to an acceptable LOS E or better. With the following improvements the intersection will operate at an acceptable LOS C, D and C for AM, PM and Saturday peak hours, respectively. Improvements include restriping the SB direction to carry one Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-45 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date exclusive left turn lane, one exclusive through lane and a shared through and right turn lane. Volumes dictate that an existing exclusive right tum lane is not needed and that the critical movement at the intersection is the SB through movement This will also necessitate the removal of the right tum overlap phasing. • Camino Capistrano at Forster Street: This intersection is projected to operate at LOS E, F and F for AM, PM Weekday and Saturday peak hours, respectively for 2035 No Build and 2035 with the Master Plan. Mitigation measures should be provided to return the level of service to an acceptable LOS D or better. With the following improvements the intersection is projected to operate at LOS A, B and A during AM, PM and Sat peak hours, respectively. Improvements include signalizing the intersection with no changes to lane configurations. This intersection met peak hour volume warrantsfor signalization under 2015 and 2035 traffic conditions. • Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis (Camino Capistrano at Forster Street): This intersection met the minimum volumes thresholds for the installation of a traffic signal under the 2035 No Build conditions during the PM peak and Saturday Peak. Improvement includes installation of a traffic signal. 5.17 Utilities and Service Systems - - -� - Potable Water Existing Plans, Policies and Programs PPP-PW-1 Prior to issuance of a grading permit for future site specific development, Public Works Prior to issuance of the project applicant shall prepare a water supply plan for the project in Department grading permits Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-46 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date accordance with City standards and submit the plan to the City's Public Works Department for review and approval. The water supply plan shall extend the 350C system pipelines, or connect to existing facilities in the 250S water pressure zone and meet all other requirements prescribed by the City related to main size, pressure, etc. PPP -PW -2 All new development and redevelopment shall comply with City of San Development Prior to issuance of Juan Capistrano Ordinance 966 'Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance Services Department building permits Guidelines,' AS 1881 and SB 7 by incorporating water conservation features. PPP-PW3 The proposed Project shall comply with Title 24 and shall incorporate all Development Prior to issuance of applicable water conservation measures (e.g., low -flow toilets and urinals, Services Department building permits etc.) into the proposed project to reduce the project's demand for domestic water to the maximum extent practicable. Additional Mitigation Measures MM -PW -1 Prior to the approval of the final map for future site specific development, Development Prior to approval of the the project applicant shall submit a public improvement plan that includes Services Department final map provisions for extending recycled water service to the project site to meet all landscape irrigation needs. The design and construction of on-site recycled water service shall meet all applicable State Recycled water rules and regulations, California Plumbing Code 2009 and the City of San Juan Capistrano requirements/standards. The applicant shall connect to the public recycled water service system as such time as it is available at the project boundaries. Wastewater Treatment and Collection Existing Plans, Policies and Programs PPP -SWR -1 Prior to issuance of a grading permit for future site specific development, Public Works Prior to issuance of Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-47 Templeton Planning Group Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Programs, and Policies (PPDs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date the project applicant shall prepare a sewer plan and identify the sizing and Department grading permits location of backbone facilities necessary to service the proposed project, in accordance with City standards and submit the plan to the City's Utilities Department for review and approval. Design of the facilities that serve the project shall be sufficient to meet the projected service demands of the proposed project Additional Mitigation Measures No additional mitigation measures are required. 5.15.4 Solid Waste Existing Plans, Policies and Programs PPPSWM-1 Future site specific development shall comply with the provisions of the Development Prior to the issuance of Tri -Cities (San Juan Capistrano, Dana Point and San Clemente) Source Services Department grading permits Reduction and Recycling Element (SRRE) adopted by the City of San Juan Capistrano to reduce solid waste by 50 percent. PPP -SWM -2 Future site specific development shall comply with the City of San Juan Development Prior to the issuance of Capistrano Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste Recycling Program Services Department grading permits Per Ordinance No. 887. Additional Mitigation Measures No additional mitigation measures are required. Energy and Communications Existing Plans, Policies and Programs Historic Town Center MasterPlan MMRP 3-48 Templeton Planning Group I Table 3-1 DRAFT Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Plans, Progams, and Policies (PPPs), Project Design Features (PDFs), and Responsible for Timing for PPP, PDF, Completion Mitigation Measures Monitoring or Mitigation Measure Date PPP-EC4 The proposed project shall comply with all State Energy Insulation Public Works Prior to the release of Standards and City of San Juan Capistrano codes in effect at the time of Department any final map application for building permits. (Commonly referred to as Title 24, these standards are updated periodically to allow consideration and possible incorporation of new energy efficiency technologies and methods. Title 24 covers the use of energy efficient building standards, including ventilation, insulation and construction and the use of energy saving appliances, candRioning systems, water heating, and lighting.) Plans submitted for building permits shall include written notes demonstrating compliance with energy standards. Additional Mitigation Measures No additional mitigation measures are required. Historic Town Center Master Plan MMRP 3-49 Templeton Planning Group