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Resolution Number CVWD 94-6-21-1. r IN RESOLUTION NO. 94-6-21-1 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ADOPTING A REVISED SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES WHEREAS, the Capistrano Valley Water District maintains a Schedule of Rates and Charges which was last revised on June 15, 1993; and, WHEREAS, the District's top priority is providing a safe and reliable water supply for its customers and has reduced the number of problems reported by customers by approximately 50% in six years; and WHEREAS, beginning July 1, 1994, Metropolitan Water District- of Southern California (MWD) will increase the District's purchase price of water by 7%; and, WHEREAS, the District's 1994-95 Budget provides for a continued high level of service without the addition of any personnel or general salary increase; and, WHEREAS, as a result of MWD's cost increases, electrical energy cost increases and other source of supply expense increases, the District must increase its water rates to meet its revenue requirements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Capistrano Valley Water District does hereby adopt the attached Schedule of Rates and Charges (Attachment "A") for all water delivered after June 21, 1994. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 21st day of June, 1994, by the following vote: AYES: Directors Hausdorfer, Jones and Chairman Campbell NOES: Directors Nash and Vasquez ABSENT: None ATT T: 848-21.1 LLENEMPBELL, CHAIRMAN CERTIFICATE ar RESOLUTION 94-6-9.2-1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I, Georg' Ann Scott, Clerk of the Board of Directors for the Capistrano Valley Water District, do hereby certify and declare that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by a vote of three ayes to two noes of the Board of Directors present and voting at a regular meeting thereof held on the 21st day of June, 1994, at the hour of 6:30 PM. Clerk of the Board CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT EORG', 4 NN SCOTT SPA LM ATTACHMENT "A" CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES Effective June 21, 1994 (Applied to billings beginning July 21, 1994) I. WATER RATES a1. Residential with individual irrigation and with lot size up to 7,000 sq. ft. (or net square feet less than 3,636 sq ft) - base rate (average monthly allocations): 0 - 16 ccf per dwelling unit ...................... $1.191100 c.f. 17-32 ccf per dwelling unit ...................... $1.491100 c.f. Over 32 ccf per dwelling unit .................... $2.491100 c.f. Rate tiers will be adjusted monthly to reflect seasonal use variations. See page 5 for monthly allocations. a2. Residential with individual irrigation and with lot size over 7,000 sq. ft. - base rate (average monthly allocations): Basic Allotment: 1.925 ccf monthly per 1,000 sq.ft of landscapable area plus 9 ccf per monthly billing: .............................. $1.191100 c.f. Over basic allotment but less than or equal to twice basic allotment: .................................. $1.491100 c.f. Over twice basic allotment: ...................... $2.491100 c.f. Rate tiers will be adjusted monthly to reflect seasonal use variations. See page 5 for monthly allocations. Landscapable area is the total lot size less double the dwelling size to recognize the home, driveways, other non- irrigated areas. b. Residential with common area irrigation and multi -family (monthly allocations): 1 Attachment "N'- Page 1 a 0 - 9 ccf per dwelling unit ....................... $1.19/100 c.f. 10 - 18 ccf per dwelling unit ..................... $1.49/100 c.f. Over 18 ccf per dwelling unit ............ I ....... $2.49/100 c.f. C. Commercial, Industrial, Mobilehome Park ............................. $1.19/100 c.f. d. Landscape Irrigation: 0 - 1.925 ccf per 1000 sf ....................... $1.19/100 c.f. 1.926 - 3.85 ccf per 1000 sf ..................... $1.49/100 c.f. Over 3.85 ccf per 1000 sf ....................... $2.49/100 c.f. Rate tiers will be adjusted monthly to reflect seasonal use variations. See page 5 for monthly allocations. e. Agricultural Use (average montly allocations): 0-1.33 ccf per 1,000 sf per year, allocation by month, plus 9 ccf per month, per dwelling unit $1.20/100 c.f. less $.24/100 ccf discount $.95/100 c.f. 1.34 - 2.66 ccf per 1,000 sf per year plus 9 ccf per month, per dwelling unit $1.50/100 c.f. less $.24/100 ccf discount ............ $1.25/100 c.f. Over 2.66 ccf per 1,000 sf per year plus 18 ccf per month, per dwelling unit U $2.54/100 c.f. less $.24/100 ccf discount ............ $2.25/100 c.f. Rate tiers will be adjusted monthly to reflect seasonal variations. See page 5 for monthly allocations. Effective May 1, 1994, an Agricultural (AG) water discount from MWD is applicable for certified AG customers. f. Construction, Temporary Use, Private Fire line ........ $1.49/100 c.f. g. Non -potable Irrigation Use ...................... $0.77/100 c.f. II. MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGES a. Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Landscaping, Agricultural: 5/8" meter ..................................... $ 5.95 1" meter ....................................... $ 5.95 1'/z meter ...................................... $ 8.95 2" meter ....................................... $ 14.90 3" meter ....................................... $ 29.85 4" meter ....................................... $ 59.65 6" meter ........................................ $119.30 8" meter ........................................ $179.00 2 Attachment "A" - Page 2 U Mobilehome Park - per space per month ................ $ .595 b. Private Fire Line* .................................. $ 29.85 * Includes Combination Fire Line/Domestic meters C. Temporary Water Service, no meter (Jumper) ............. $ 5.95 III. SECURITY DEPOSIT PER METER a. Construction, Temporary Use, Private Fire Line .......... $ 500.00 IV. METER CHARGES a. Meter Installation: 5/8" ...........................................$200.00 11@ .............................................$275.00 1'/" ...........................................$350.00 21' ............................................. $450.00 b. Meter Test ...................................... $ 25.00 C. Reconnection (after non-payment) ..................... $ 50.00 d. Service Restoral (after non-payment .................... $ 15.00 e. Turn-0n/Turn-Off (normal business hours) ................ $ 10.00 f. Turn-On/Turn-Off (after business hours) ................. $ 20.00 g. Meter Rental, Construction and Temporary Use .......... $ 1.20/day h. Meter Set -Up and Each Move ......................... $ 25.00 Construction and Temporary Use V. DEVELOPMENT CHARGES a. Water Capacity Charge $769,900 per cfs of maximum day demand. b. Capital Improvement Charge: 1. Per dwelling unit or per meter, whichever is greater .. $ 1,629.00 2. Per mobile home space ...................... $ 814.50 3. $1.30 per square foot of building area for commercial and industrial Minimum per meter ......................... $ 1,629.00 4. $10.00 per agricultural acre Minimum per meter ......................... $ 1,629.00 3 Attachment "A" - Page 3 C. Storage Charge: 1. In a zone - per dwelling unit or per meter, whichever is greater .................................. $ 52.75 2. Not in a zone - per dwelling unit or per meter, whichever is greater .................................. $ 100.00 3. Per mobilehome space ........................ $ 26.50 4. Commercial and Industrial per square foot of building area..................................... $ 0.06 d. Plan Check and Inspection Fee: 6'/% of the estimated cost of improvements. e. Preliminary Processing Fee, Tract & Parcel Map .......... $ 200.00 VI. MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES a. "Will Serve" Letter ................................. $ 50.00 b. Completion Date Extension .......................... $ 50.00 C. Bad Check Charge ................................ $ 10.00 `.J d. Late Payment (based on total water billing) .................. 8% e. Code Enforcement (per violation) ...................... $ 20.00 f. Water Theft Fine .................................. $500.00 g. District Plans & Specifications ........................ $ 10.00 h. Labor, Materials, Equipment, and other charges not specified herein Set by General Manager * * * ALL FEES SUBJECT TO CHANGE * * * PLEASE CONTACT DISTRICT FOR CURRENT INFORMATION 4 Attachment "A" - Page 4 CApISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRTICT RATE SCHEDULE — MONTHLY ALLOCATIONS RETO' BE UPDATED MONTHLY AOMN SHADED AREAS' SCHEDULE FOR RESIDENTIAL — LOT SIZE UP TO 7000 SO. FT. WITH INDIVIDUAL LANDSCAPING COMMODITY CHARGE — THREE 71ERS ALLOC. TABLE A & D JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL MONTHLY AVG INDOOR ccf PER MO OUTDOOR I ccf PER MO TOTAL ccf PER MO 9I 4 13 9 4 13: g 4 13 g 6 _ 15. 9 8 17 9 9 18: 9 10 19 9 11 - 2 9 10 '19 9 8 t7 9 6 15 g 4 13 108 84 192 9 7 16 WITH INDIVIDUAL LANDSCAPING COMMODITY C JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL MONTHLY AVG COMMODITY JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL MONTHLY AVG GE —THREE TIERS ALLOC. TABLE E INDOOR OUTDOOR TOTAL ccf PER MO ccf per 9 0 9 1000 SO FT 9 9 : - ' O.ST CALC BY LOT 9 f 10 CALC BY LOT 9 1:07 CALC BY LOT 9 1.66 CALC BY LOT 9 .37 CALC BY LOT 9 2:73 CALC BY LOT 9 2:47 CALC BY LOT 9 3.25 CALC BY LOT 9 Z99 CALC BY LOT 9 2.05 CALC BY LOT 9 '�t.56 CALC BY LOT 9,*.- 1-.041 CALC BY LOT 108 23. 10 ccf per yr per 1000' 9 1.925 AL 9 0 9 9 0 9 g 0 9 9 0 9 9 0 9 9 0 9 g 0 9 g 0 9 9 0 9 9 0 9 91 ol 9 108 0 108 9 0 9 COMMODITY JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL MONTHLY AVG MAJIM\RATESIALLOC2 01—Mar-94 t r IARGE — THREE TIERS ALLOG. TAtiL INDOOR OUTDOOR TOTAL ccf PER MO ocf per ccf per 1000 SO FT 1000 SO FT 0 <:0.81 CALC BY ACCT 0 f 10 CALC BY ACCT 0 .: ` <1 OT' CALC BY ACCT 0 ';: 9 CALC BY ACCT 0 2.37' CALC BY ACCT 01. '; <`2.73` CALC BY ACCT 0 9 CALC BY ACCT 0 9 CALC BY ACCT 0 :799' CALC BY ACCT 0 9 CALC BY ACCT 0 ;. . CALC BY ACCT 0 1'.04 CALC BY ACCT COMMYODITCI JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 0 23.10 ccf per yr per 0 1.925 IARGE — THREE TIEHS P&Luu. IADLm %3 INDOOR OUTDOOR TOTAL ccf PER MO ccf per per house 1000 SO FT 0.800 CALC BY ACCT 9 CALC BY ACCT 1'.300 CALC BY ACCT 9 ' 1:400 CALC BY ACCT 9 1-.700' CALC BY ACCT 9 : 1:700: CALC BY ACCT 9 1'.800: CALC BY ACCT 9 f:800 CALC BY ACCT 9 6W CALC BY ACCT 9 1.300' CALC BY ACCT 9 ' ':10.900 CALC BY ACCT 9 -'6.700:1 CALC BY ACCT TOTAL 108 16.00 ccf per yr per 101 MONTHLY AVG 9 1.333 TIER II & III PENALTIES ARE ADJUSTED AT YEAR END BASED ON CUMMULATIVE USE fie Months using < Tier I offsets penalties) RATE SCHEDULE FOR COMMERCIAL. INDUSTRIAL, MOBILEHOME PARKS; PRIVATE FIRE; NON—POTABLE BILLED BI—MONTHLY AT STANDARD SERVICE CHARGES AND SINGLE TIERED COMMODITY CHARGE AT THE TIER 1 RATE. RATE SCHEDULE FOR CONSTRUCTION WATER. BILLED MONTHLY AT STANDARD SERVICE CHARGES AND SINGLE TIERED COMMODITY CHARGE AT THE TIER Il RATE.