Resolution Number OCWD NO. 4 78-8-2-1RESOLUTION NO. 78-8-2-1 ADVISORY COMMISSION A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ORANGE COUNTY WATERWORKS DISTRICT NO. 4 EXPRESSING ITS APPRECIATION TO THE MEMBERS OF THE ADVISORY COMMISSION FOR OUTSTANDING PUBLIC SERVICE WHEREAS, Orange County Waterworks District No. 4 became a subsidiary district of the City of San Juan Capistrano on March 20, 1970; and WHEREAS, on April 27, 1970, an Advisory Commission was created for the specific purpose of advising the Board of Directors on matters relating to personnel, budget and water rates; and WHEREAS, the Advisory Commission, under the untirinq leadership of Chairman Dudley V. Brand and enthusiastic members, Andrew Cook, Jr. and James Gunderson, has unselfishly devoted countless hours of research and deliberation for the development of the District's Personnel Rules and Regulations, annual re- iiew of water rates and budqet; and WHEREAS, because of each Commission member',s partic- ipation in the foregoing processes, the work of the Board of Directors of this District, has been greatly facilitated. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of Orange County Waterworks District No. 4 does hereby express its gratitude to the Advisory Commission, and its members, Dudley V. Brand, Andrew Cook, Jr. and James Gunderson, for their selfless and concerned service to their community. The value of each individual's contribution towards the welfare of the District is immeasurable as are the benefits derived by all of our residents. We, the Board of Directors, do therefor single out the Advisory Commission of Orange County Waterworks District No. 4 for special recognition and to hereby commend each member thereof for his outstanding contributions to the District PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 2nd day of August, 1978. X Chairman of the Board of Directors of Orange County Waterworks District No.4 ATTEST: Cecelia VasgPez, Ulerk of the Board of Directors of Orange County Waterworks District No. 4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I, CECELIA VASQUEZ, Clerk of the Board of Directors of Orange County Waterworks District No. 4 hereby certify and declare that the above and foregoinq Resolution was duly adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the Board of Directors present and voting at a reqular meetinq thereof held on the 2nd day of August, 1978 �a CFCELIA VASQU�4, qlerk of the Board ORANGE COUNTY WATERWORKS DISTRICT No.4 -2- IUomnuc Osler tvVPay., Fann A9, )luni<ipel r'ngomeav ne CMI subdivWonl STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Certified Copy of Resolution (To accompany application on Foal At) ._________ _..._......_._ "Resolved by e._.__.__Board of Directors _._..._—__._--...—_.—...._ . _- — - _ (<Ib �^"^ea. Ms�d of Im.,m o. ,ghee povem:ni bNrl of the.---.-------9.rae9eSoonly.�aierxorks_.O.isinict..No__4.....__........_....___.____..._.......- (Cly, tvwv nr muvry. Ne.) that pursuant and subject to all of the terms, conditions and provisions of Division 5, Part 1, Chapter 7, Sections 4010 to 4085 of the California Health and Safety Code and all amendments thereto, relating to domestic water supplies, application by tha....MS-twice --.._y, . - .be made to the State Department of Health, for a permit to U Operate_ new water_well_,fof;_domgStj.6..tvAt2.C..D.rAl1ACS.non....Oran9E^.LounY ..11aterwa vaaiiG�u.G ApVI nl moat [bte [Pe[IfleellY `rhN I[ leie5 aPV1iN lo,—whelLne b sovnlnmt new w hn, 1 ..nw a n` DistrictN__o__.___4__ service ar_e_a__.__ __ __ _____....._........._..._..................._-----_........-Vpl.__. ' "' � m��rce nr [Doreen nl niP � 4inJ of ,robs ad or tPn.ldertd li( Ynvwnl wn,6 nr snu¢e[ vW [t+M anNrt of Impm emem m woeka. Enumemle definitely Vl'. "' awl [pe[ly au 4aroay b b [ervN. Additlannl [beeb mry Le NIeAeA. BOARD OF DIRECTORS lilac ar eM1bf eeeenllw vl6nd (City aaune:l, Merd nl twleae or ether ¢awminH L,n1Y) be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary data to be prepared, and investigations to be y. made, and in the name of said.. ORANGE COUNTY WATERWORKS DISTRIwCsign and file such application with the rlo. -a - �riry. wwe a. veuny. NF, said State Department of Health Board of Directors Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the.. ... ... _.._.._.. __ _...___......... _.._ (Cvvernly{ burly) of eha0rantAe_Co}mty _Waterworks _Di stri Cton the ._...._�._.nd._........_. dry oE.._August.__._.... .... ; 10 78. , �e•Iry, bwn oecwnb. Ne) N0. 4 ._A. _ CECELIA V.. SQUEZ 0FFIC AL SEAL HEnr. Board of Directors of Orange County I•!aterworks District No.4 _.. _ ...._..... ...... ... .__._... Clea;o sold..._........._.__............ ........... .. ......... -���-�---�(Ciy, bwn er m.+y, seal ewn..ew naw u m ev [H 101 renal