Resolution Number 11-12-06-03RESOLUTION NO. 11-12-06-03 �— A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ANNUAL MEASURE M2 EXPENDITURE REPORT WHEREAS, Local Transportation Authority Ordinance No. 3 requires local jurisdictions to adopt an annual Expenditure Report to account for Net Revenues, developer/traffic impact fees, and funds expended by local jurisdiction which satisfy the Maintenance of Effort requirements; and WHEREAS, the Expenditure Report shall include all Net Revenue fund balances, interest earned and expenditures identified by type and program or project; and WHEREAS, the Expenditure Report must be adopted and submitted to the Orange County Transportation Authority each year within six months of the end of the local jurisdiction's fiscal year to be eligible to receive Net Revenues as part of Measure M2. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of San Juan Capistrano, does hereby inform OCTA that: a) The M2 Expenditure Report is in conformance with the M2 Expenditure Report Template provided in the Renewed Measure M Eligibility Guidelines and accounts for Net Revenues including interest earned, expenditures during the fiscal year and balances at the end of fiscal year. b) The M2 Expenditure Report ("EXHIBIT A") is hereby adopted for the City of San Juan Capistrano. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 61h day of Dece er, 2011. LARRY K MER, MAYOR 12/6/2011 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, MARIA MORRIS, appointed City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 11-12-06-03 was duly adopted by the CitM Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano at a Regular meeting thereof, held the 6 da"f DAcemger 2011, by the following vote: L MEMBERS: Allevato, Freese, Reeve, Taylor and Mayor Kramer LMEMBER: None L MEMBER: None Clerk 12/6/2011 City of San Juan Capistrano M2 Expenditure Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2011 Beginning and Ending Balances Description Line No. Amount Balances at Beginning of Fiscal Year M2 Fairshare 1 $ M2 Fairshare Interest 2 $ - M2 CTFP 3 M2 CTFP Interest 4 Other M2 Funding 5 Other M2 Interest 6 Other' 7 Balances at Beginning of Fiscal Year (Sum Lines 1 to 7) 8 $ _ - Monies Made Available During Fiscal Year _ 9 $ 106,717 Total Monies Available (Sum Lines 8 & 9) SO $ „106,717 Expenditures During Fiscal Year 11 $ - Balances at End of Fiscal Year UMMISOMENS M2 Fairshare 12 $ 106,717 M2 Fairshare Interest 13 M2 CTFP _.. __. 14 _.. M2 CTFP Interest 15 Other M2 Funding _. _ 16 Other M2 Interest17 _._.. (Other' ,,.... _.. 18 " Please provide a specific description CTFP - Combined Transportation Funding Program Schedule 1 EXHIBIT "A" City of San Juan Capistrano M2 Expenditure Report Fiscal Year Ended lune 30, 2011 Sources and uses • Please provide a specific description Schedule 2 LinNo. Description Amount Revenues: M2 Fairshare 1 $ 106,717 M2 Fairshare Interest 2 $ M2 CTFP 3 M2 CTFP Interest 4 Other M2 Funding 5 _ Other M2 Interest 6 7 —other- TOTAL REVENUES (Sum lines 1 to 7) 8 $ 106,717 Expenditures: M2 Fairshare 9 $ M2 Fairshare Interest 30 M2 CTFP 11 _ . M2 CTFP Interest 12 Other M2 Funding 13 Other M2 Interest 14 Other' 15 TOTAL E%PENDITURES I Sum l Ines 9 to 15) 16 $ TOTAL BALANCE (Subtract line 16 from 8) 17 $ 106,717 • Please provide a specific description Schedule 2 City of San Juan Capistrano I certify that all'the information attached'herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge: L. Director of Fi ance City of San Joan Capistrano Schedule 3 M2 Expenditure Report Fiscal Year Ended lune 30, 2011 Streets and Roads Detailed Use of Funds Type of Eapendnure une 'MOE +Developer/ M2 Fairshare M2 Fairshare MZMP M2CFFP Other M3 Other M2 Other TOTAL No. Impact Fees Interest Interest Interest Ageng5de8Adminrstntion 1 $ 369,6¢7 $ 236,214 5 595,861 Construction B Righhid Way _ New Street Construction 2 ' Stteet Remnslrunbn 3 $ ' . .._ _ . _— _ Signak, SafetyOevkes, Shiest Lights __ 6 5 d Pederttlan Ways & eikepaths 5 _ _ - _ _ iS[armDnirs_.-. 6_ $ - iStonn�amage -- — _ 7 _ _ .. $ uon Total Constrni 8 $ 960,838 .__ $ 960,838 ..- ..Right t oisi0on - - 9 -.. __ S - on&fil Tonal Condensation — _-. 10. -. $..960,838 _— _. - 5..960,838 Main.. _ _.. _. Maintenance -- 'Patch ng 11 Overlay&sealing l2 _._-.-_. Street Lights8Tnf6c b8na15 13 $ ' _-Storm Damage._ --__ ]C other Street Purpose Maintenance 15 _ - T4talMalntenance 16 $ 1,4]6,056 $ 198,025 1 NO- GMNDTOTALS (Sum ❑nex 1, W, 16,1]) 18 $ 1,845,703 $ 1,385,0]] $ ' Local funds used to satisfy maintenance of eRort (MOE) requirements +Transportation related only