Resolution Number 09-08-04-01RESOLUTION NO. (119-C11a-a4 -al A RE]SOLL OF TF E] C17) COUNCIL OF THE] CIT) OF SAS JL AN CAPISIIRANO, CALIAORI` IA, ESIIABLISHING -IF S FIROFIER7) TALI RAVE FOR BONDED IN ❑BBIIBDNESc.1 (OFIEN SPACIB N aP19L RB D -'I 9901) FOR 31,9CIPIL ) BAR 201CI9-'I (I WF BREAS, 'If e City Clauncil cd the Clity cr Elan Juan Clapisinano desires to Eislablish 11he na-le cit proper y ta)r iiequined lci genEirale an amoun1l cd rEivelnue from the tax bas e 11c provide sufficieni moneys 1c1 pay debt sermicei on if ei voter app ncived banded indebledness payable during the fiscal yEian Einding June 30, 2(1'1 Cl; and WF BREAS, the icilal net taxable) secured ass(issed valuation cif the Cil)1 cif San Juan Capisllranci is now estirrialed all $5,94Q,97EI,'l E19 full valuer and WF E RE AS, lhEi lcrlal amount cif iievEinue neces saryl la piovidEi sufficient lunds la pay deb11 ser -nice ion the fiscal yeas ending JunEr 3CI, 2alo is Erstima-led at $1,527,9f161. ll� OW, IIHER9FORE, B8 IT RE�IOUVED tha-1 ih(i City Clouncil cd ihfi City all San Juan Clapis-lnano daes helrEiby � IE]CITIOh 'I: aell if a pnoperry lax na1Ei willhin the Cliiy )kin ihEi Clity of San Juan Capisliana General Obligation Band, Blelciion _oil '199CI(OFErn 9pacEi MEIaSUle [I - '199(1) lar the fiscal year ending June 3a, 2(I'ICI bEr and hErneby is Eistablisheid al $CI.CI25,11 n en $'1 OCI assessed value. SE]CIIIIOIS 0: Ault wize and dirErc t the Ciiy Manager and lh(i City Tieasuner la lake any and all aclians necEissaryl to Einsuie that ffic Auditar-ClantncdlEm of thE1 Cauniy all OlangEr, Clalilarnia makers -This levy and causes to be callecied the amounts nequesllud in "lleicllian 'I hereail at 111Ei 11imel and in the mannEin of IEivying allhei Claunly taxW. llherse amounts s hall be uepcired sepaiately as iiemitlances aiie made to if e Ciiy. 8-4-2009 SBCTIOI\ 3: the (lity Clenk is t eneby dinecteid 1a 1unnish the Office cri 1he Auditor-Contnollen, Cciunly al OnanglEl, Atin: F rank ❑avieis, Flnaper y flax "lection, P.O. Box 567, Santa Ana, CA 92702-0567. RAISED, APPROVa117 AN 0 ADOP-180 this 4 t'day of August 2009. STAVE OF CALIFORNIA ) CICIL N -BY OF ORANGE ) ss. CII-IY OF SFIN ,IIS AN CARISTRAN CI ) 14(v&_111 MARK IBLSEN, MAYOR I, MARIA MORRIS, appointed Acting) Clit)j Clank c l tl a Gily a1 San Juan Capistnana, do heueby cer ify that thEr-flaregoing Rciscdulliam-NFo. 094 8.04-11 was -duly adapted by the City Clouncil cif the Clil51 cif Elan Juan Capislnanci al a Regulan meEding theneof, hold the 4 th dal all August 2CI(19, bbl the fcdlawing voile: Al BS: COL N CIIL M9MaaRS: NgFF : nCOL N CIIL MaM9aR: S NT!i /'COUNCIL MUM98R: , Actir6 Cli'l) I Clerk Allevallo, Fllmme, Hrit an, L s a and Mayon Niels(in N one N one 8-4-a d 09