Resolution Number 08-03-04-06RESOLUTION NO. 08-03-04-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A FOUR LOT TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FOR AN EXISTING 4.4 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF RANCHO VIEJO ROAD AND NORTH OF GOLF CLUB DRIVE. WHEREAS, Centra Realty Corp. requests approval of a tentative parcel map to create four numbered parcels and three lettered parcels for the development of a 35,874 square -foot office complex consisting of three buildings on 3.45 acres, and to split off .95 acre that will remain in publicly -owned open space, located on the west side of Rancho Viejo Road and north of Golf Club Drive. The General Plan Land Use Element designates the property as "5.0, Public & Institutional (P&I)" and the Official Zoning Map designates the property "PC" (Planned Community) Zone District and subject to the provisions of Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) 86-04 (Assessor Parcel Numbers 650-592-01 & 02)(City of San Juan Capistrano/Centra Realty Corp.); and, WHEREAS, the proposed project has been processed in accordance with Section 9-2.345, Development Review of the Land Use Code; and, WHEREAS, the Environmental Administrator has reviewed the initial study prepared pursuant to Section 15063 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, has determined that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is required, said EIR having been prepared and processed in accordance with CEQA and has otherwise complied with all applicable provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (1970); said EIR having been certified by the Planning Commission on February 26, 2008; and, WHEREAS, all mitigation measures contained in the EIR have been included as conditions of approval attached to Planning Commission Resolution 08-02- 26-x approving Architectural Control (AC) 06-17 and incorporated herein by reference; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted duly -noticed public hearings on January 8, 2008, February 1, 2008 and February 26, 2008 pursuant to the provisions of Section 9-2.335 of the Title 9, Land Use Code, Administrative Policy 409, and Planning Department Policy 510 to consider public testimony; and, WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a duly -noticed public hearing on March 4, 2008 pursuant to the provisions of Section 9-2.335 of the Title 9, Land Use Code, Administrative Policy 409, and Planning Department Policy 510 to consider public testimony. Page 1 of 3 3104108 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings: The proposed map is consistent with the General Plan Land Use Element and Community Design Element because the proposed subdivision will result in commercial office uses consistent with the land use recommendations of the General Plan; and, 2. The design of proposed improvements are or will be consistent with the applicable General Plan policies, Title 9, Land Use Code requirements and CDP 86-04 because conditions of approval and mitigation measures have been included to assure that the project meet the City's public facility requirements including street improvements, and the building location, massing, color, and materials of the proposed office complex will comply with the Community Design Element's commercial and office design criteria; and, 3. The site is physically suitable for the type of proposed development because the proposed building pad areas are situated within the area of existing retail and office commercial uses and the proposed development meets the site development standards of the zone district; and, 4. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development because the proposed project meets the development standards, including setbacks, floor area ratios, parking, berming, landscaping and open space requirements; that the property is being developed on two levels in order to keep grading at a minimum and to avoid the use of large retaining walls to the extent possible, and that access and public facilities for proposed lots will comply with the City's minimum public facility requirements; and, 5. The design of the subdivision and the improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidable injure fish or wildlife or their habitat because the EIR prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act has determined the project will not result in significant biological resource impacts; and, 6. The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems because EIR prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act has determined the project will not result in significant noise, air quality, public health, or related impacts; and, 7. The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at -large for access through or the use of property within the proposed subdivision because the existing access road is privately maintained; and, 8. The design of the subdivision or improvements will not interfere with the maintenance or preservation of an historical site because the Initial Study Page 2 of 3 3104108 1 1 1 prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act has determined the project does not contain and does not adjoin any historic sites. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby approves the proposed project subject to the conditions of approval contained in Planning Commission Resolution 08-2-26-2, and attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. PASSED, APPROVED AND STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO E 4#" day of March, 2008. YOR I, MARGARET R. MONAHAN, appointed City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 08-03-04-06 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano at a Regular meeting thereof, held the 4"' day of March 2008, by the following vote: AYES: OUNCIL MEMBERS: Allevato, Nielsen, Hribar, Uso and Mayor Soto NOESn OUNCIL MEMBER: None ABS OUNCIL MEMBER: None uw MARGAAU R. MON ity C r Page 3 of 3 3104108 MARBBLLA GOLF & CC U NTRY CLUB COMRRBHBNSIVIB DEVIBLORMBNT KLAN (CDR 86-C4) SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFCRNIA e c opted: June 16, 191171 (C nadir ancei C191) emendeid: Seiplieirrbemi 16, 1919171 (CrcirerCEI BICC) amended: , 20C EI (C rdir e r c ei Rlanninc Department City cif San ua n C e p istranc 3124 C C Re seici Adella nto Se n ua n Ce p istua rice, CA 9121619 09149) 4421-62-1311 EXHIBIT A TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................_.'1 1.11 PURPOSE OF COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN...............................................I 1.2 CONTENTS OF CIDP..........................................................................................................'1 1.3 DEVELOPN EIVT CONCEPT AND PLAN............................................................................2 1.4 CON FORMA NCE WITF CIEQA...........................................................................................2 I.° DERINITIONS......................................................................................................................2 2.CI PLA NNEDCIOMNUNITY FRAMEWORK.........................................................................................4 2.1 SITE LOCATION.................................................................................................................4 2.2 PHYSICAL CONDITIONS ....................................................................................................� 2.2.1 Exisling Land Use...................................................................................................� 2.2.2 Ciraulatian...............................................................................................................� 2.2.3 Tapograplry.............................................................................................................� 2.2.4 Drairiage lHyc nalagy................................................................................................9 2.2.5 Vegetalion...............................................................................................................9 2.2.6 Geology...................................................................................................................9 2.3 PLANNING ISSUES AND CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................10 2.3.1 C eneral Plan.........................................................................................................10 2.3.2 Zaning...................................................................................................................10 2.3.3 Issues...................................................................................................................10 3.0 ❑EVELOPNENTISSUIESANDCCIALS.........................................................................................'14 3.1 ❑EV ELCIPMENT ISSU ES..................................................................................................'14 3.2 DEV ELOPN ENT C CIALS..................................................................................................'I 4 3.3 ❑EVELOPN ENT CONCEPTS TO IMPLEMENT GOALS.................................................'I 4.a THE DEVELOPN ENT PLAN..........................................................................................................'171 4.1 CONCIBPT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................'171 4.2 LAND USE REATURES, DISTRIBUTION AND POPULATION .........................................I1 4.2.1 Residerilial ❑istniats...............................................................................................11 4.2.2 Clammeraial Office (CO.......................................................................................19 4.2.z Public Instilu'liarial ❑isiriai (IP...............................................................................19 4.3 CIRCULATION..................................................................................................................2'1 4.4 OPEN SPA CEII, RaCIRBATION AND TRAILS....................................................................2'1 4.4.1 RIC ClEllirlEI...............................................................................................................2'1 4.4.2 Tree Slaric s..........................................................................................................3 1 4.4.3 He nrio ClreeH.........................................................................................................24 4.4.4 Golf CC u nse...........................................................................................................24 4.4.5 Tnails.....................................................................................................................21 4. Ir IN R RASTRUCTU RE AN ❑ SUPPORT SYSTEN S.............................................................21 4.r, .1 Waien....................................................................................................................21 4 .r, .2 Sewer....................................................................................................................21 4.r,.3 Slorm Drainage.....................................................................................................31 4.r,.4 Uilililies..................................................................................................................31 4.6 PRIMARY DESK N TREA TMaNT.....................................................................................31 4.6.1. Anahi'1E1c11una1Revie\n.............................................................................................34 4.7 CRA❑INC CONCEPT .......................................................................................................34 4.7.1 Golf Cou nse...........................................................................................................34 4.7.2 Helicc pier Hill........................................................................................................36 E.0 LAN❑ USE AND ❑13VOLCIPMBNT REGULATICINS......................................................................37 1.1 PURPOSE AND INTONT........................:..........................................................................37 .2 PLANNED CION MU NITII NOTES AND CONDITIONS .....................................................31 Neve.., a 2a 2007non c r Marbeilla G tiff & Clournlry Club Clomprehenc4e Clevabpmar4 Rlan 86-0� 5.2., Clo(e CompliancEi.................................................................... 5.2.3 Issues Nal Accnessad.............................................................. 5.3.3 PrEiservalian 011 OpEiri Space P peas ......................................... 5.3.z Clondli0ris, Cavenaril:, & Resiriaiiom..................................... 5.3.5 Nari-Ref icarllial an( N 1111 -Family Resi(eniial Prajeats .......... 5.3.6 Resideriiial Prajeats................................................................. 9.3.7 COR P merit mend:................................................................... 9.3.8 Variariae.................................................................................. 9.3.9 ExaEipliaris............................................................................... 9..1.'10 Permits................................................................................... 9.3.11 Fees....................................................................................... 9.3 DISTRICT REGULATIONS............................................................... 9.3.1 Caneral Nolle, ....................................................................... 9.3.2 Res i( Eiritial Di, I nic1 Regulai iaris............................................ 9.3.3 Cu, iom Faimay (PiCFR@ j Re: is erilial ❑islnicl REigdations . 9.3.4 FlainMay Residerilial ilAIFR@ ❑isiriat Redulaiions .................. 9.3.9 TF Ell \� illas Mu 11 i-RamiIN ITh N @; ❑is hiai Regu Iatiom ............. 9.3.6 Neighbo&ood Clommenaial ilAINCI@) ❑islnicl Regulaliaris...... 9.3.71 Clommenaial OflicE1 JACICI@; ❑isiriat Reclulaiions ................... 9.3.8 Public InsVilulional (FiPI@; ❑istnial REigLlations ...................... 5.3.9 C a111 Course IJAC CI@; Dli;lricl Regulalions ............................ 5.3.10 OFIEin Spaaa ijAOS@; ❑islniai REigclatiaris ............................. 5.3.11 Ern inonmental N anagemanl Dis mat RegL laiions ................. 6.CI GROWTH MP NAC EN ENT PHASIN C PROC RAM ............... 6.1 PURPCISE AND INTENT .......................................... 6.3 PHASING OF ROSI❑9NTIP L BUIL DIN PEIRN ITS LIS -1111 OF E11 HIBITS & 11ABLES E> 1- it ill 1, Regional SEdt/ing .............................. E)I-itii 3, Local Selling .................................... E) r it i1 3, Reatc nes.......................................... E) r it ill 4, SloFle P rialys is ................................. E>Vitii 9, Caology........................................... ExF it ii EI, PF y, ical CoriEhairits ........................ ExF it ii 71, C aneral Plan ................................... ExF it i1 EI, Clonaepival Lan( Us a ...................... Tat le 1, Stalisiiaal Sumnyiany .......................... ExF it i1 51, ClinCL lalion Plan ............................... ExF it i1 1 Cl, S1neei Clim s-seations .................... Exliibil 1'1, Time Presaniaiion .......................... Exl1 ibil 13, Tnails............................................. Exl1 ibiil 13, \A aier............................................ Exl1 ibiil 14, Sewem............................................ Exhibit/ 19, St/onm Dnairiage ............................. Exhibit/ 1 EI, Horno Creek Clnos s -s Eialians ......... Exhibil 13, Cloncerllual Cnading Rlan.............. Exhibit/ 18, Planne( COmmL nilly ❑iEhiat Zones 3 .3A .3A .3a .3a .3EI .38 .z CI .4(1 .4(1 .4(1 .4(1 .4(1 .40 .42 .45 .46 .47 .47 .49 .50 .9'1 .92 .93 .94 .94 .94 .....9 .....EI ......A EI ...11 ...13 ...18 ...2(1 ...22 ...23 ...26 ...28 ...29 ...30 ...32 ...33 ...35 ...43 November- 26, 2007 DRAF Marballa Goff & C aL ntry CIL b CamprE N E nsivE DE � alopmen l Ran &1-04 1.0 INIIRODL CITION 1.1 RURROSE OF CIOMPRE HE Nc% IVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN ThEi San Lan Caplistnario Municipal Cade recOgni2es Plannec ClammunitiEis as apporturiilies ilor aomFlnehen,iNe plarining all longe laric aneas as devEdaplrrierii,i in'legna1lirig a MbtL ne cd land uses in Eirivirorimerrlally, wiaially anc ecariomically responsitl le ways. In Orden io eriaci a lange-scale mired L se c evelopmeN as a PlannEic Corn muniiy 1 1PC), th El San , L an Clapisirario Municipal Clade re(IL ines Thai a CompinehenaNe ❑evEdaFlrnerii Plan QC❑P) be prepaned and Eivalualed in PL k Iia forL ms. 111-e ClamprErhensive Development Plan is pnescribed to cornsisIll oil maps and cescniptNe staiemen'l9 o1 otljectiv EIS and standarc st sed in the fcmmL Talion of a development master plan wh ich sets forth the gu idelines aric ,iianc ands implementing the PlaririEid Clammuni'ly. 11his Compneherisive Developmerit Plan is inlencEic to pravide comprehEinsivEi plarining fon the 33CI- acne cevelorlmeni side known as Marbella Golf & COL airy Club. 111 -is COP preseWs the design coriaepls, guidelines aric regLlatioris, and is to Le adoplad FILrsL arit to the Flnovisians of Secllian 9- 3.4,1 a of th El C HN =s Land UsEi Cade, Orc inance IN o. 293. Any nEdenEiriae in th is CUP io the Land Use Co( a sh all be corisiderec Vo rrieari Orc inariae No. 393 as amended, on arty or( iriariae SL L se(IL Eiritly adopped to supense(e Or( inarice No. 29:1. Man ac aFltec , t[El COP becarries a part of the coning fan the FllaririEid Clommuniiy (PC) area. TlI Ei PC c Eisigriai iari ilor 1 h e propler y on IT e Clffiaial Zaning N ap cd San, u ari Clapisi rano will also referEirice lhis COP. 1.2 CION TE NIS OR COR The San Lan Clapisirano Lanc Use Clace requires the CIDP io iriclude componEirits whiah addrEiss ihem selvEis io, al least, th a folla\Airig: 1. Tlhe prorlase( land Lses, disAiLulian aric inlensily. 3. A cinCL lai ion plan ilor th Ei erii ire Plannec CammL riity anea. 3. -fhe Flroposed nesic Eiritial Flopula'licri c istnik Ltiori. 4. Pnoposed nesideriiial loi sizes, yielc pen acne and sub(K isian c Eisign aoncePis. 5. Design Ireal ments for resit ential and non-nesidenlial L ses anc areas L ErlwEren L ses. Locatioris oil EDisiirig and FlnoposEic PL Llia llacililiEis necessary io serve the d ev elo PM Eirit. 71. Oth Em irillormatiari as c eEuriec necessary b} the City cd Sari , L an Clapislnano. 11he MarbEilla Golf 8 ClaLritry Club CIDP is onganizEic inio six seatians. 111-e llirsl section pnavides ari irilnacLCVian io the COP, its Purpose aric onclanizaiion, a sL mmany of the cevelorlrrleril aoncePi aric plan, and 11he CI❑P=s cordormanCEi with CECIA. ThEi secand sEiCiian desaribes the Plannec Clommunil y Framewonk, SL mmari2 ing the e) isting canditiaris inflL Eiriairig th El Flnojecl area. Section :I sum rrianiaes 11 he Uev elapmEirit Is,IL es anc Goals ail & e N anLella CIDP. 11he fourth secticri Flresenis iri cetail the Development Plan for the MarkEdla Golf 8 Clauniry Clut, Flneseriling the cesign anc cevelopmeN conCEIrIts, its gaals and & a lark L se disllricis. Section 9 EistaLlishes the Laric Use anc ❑evelorlmeni Regu lal ions wh ich irri plemeni the c Eivelopmen'l conCEiFlls. Ririally, Secdiori EI c EiscniL es the Growth Management Phasing Pragnam fan the project. 4 November- 2&, 2007- DRAF Mau bulla C tiff & Clounilry GOO Ccimprelhenaiv a ❑eiveilopmenil Fllan EIEI-04 1.3 IIBVOLORMBNT CONCEPT AND RLAN Tho c Eivelopmeni aciricepi for Marballa Golf & Cau ritry Club is th EI au 1grawth oil the Sari Juan Clapisirr rice GIElrional Plari rlaliciios, c avelopmen'I cipltioris e s perrrliiiec t y th EI sitEl ilealu nes, corisinainis erialysis, srivinonmeniial ciarisicEmatioris, infnesinuciumi aric Mikan enciiaaclImenl rldiaiss anc, of ciourse, the ekiliiyfall CilysEIIIViaEls grid utilities io supportttEl planriEIC ciarimuniiy. TIi EI rpiimary objet; ive to be act iEIvec in if o c esigri oil tli a .I2Ia-aaiie N z iibella Golf 8 ClauniryCllu b is 10 cireale a dis9iriclive, privata nesicoritial aommunily of IimilEIC cElrisity ilocusiriq on ani EIYClusive cihamrliciriship-cialiter golf aourse. TI1Ei claal is to to achieved ihrouclh cesigri lechriigl.os whiah nElspecit anc inconrlonale iha pH ysiaal setling and the urliqu Ei erivirorimenlal leaiures oil the site. The v anious lane U:IEIs \Aiiihin tN EI siie werEl posiiione( in a mariner la ciptimiae view e) Flosu HIS fon ilulu ne L ses. The Alan fan Manbella Glalil 8 Cal.ritry Clll.t faousEls ori its cnoaiicin of a cihamrlioriship-lavel morri t snsIlip gold aourse aral. rid wh ah single-ilamily homes aric towrihomes aro sitac . The clalil Cal. nse irilendec lo Create a v isually pleasing land USEI Alt He pinesonv incl a large amourii of aFleri Spla(10 in 1 It EI valley illoor aric 1 he sl. nnou nc inq h illsic s. Wh ilEI the cit amrliciriship gold aou rse is I h a rrajcm opEiri a rlaaeAecneatiori use, neanly one-IF�inc of the silo is pneservac in nah nal splen space. A sparts comple) Cdl tElrinis col. rts aric swim miricl rlcials is plan riec as part oilihe CIL t house flaility, and a sanies of pl. t lice t icrycllEl, hikincl anc Elgl. osirian trails i} inq io ih EI Clity-wi(EI liElaroation Eiyslem is inaorponatEIC into the project. Twa rlancels acjaaenl to Rarlaho NviEljcl Fuad anc 10 ih s Sari Eliega HuEleway 1I-5) ails intElriced fon neicIt tanhooc carrmeraial, tusiness dark oil srlecializod nesic Elriiial uses. These usos, while not within Its rplivale golf Cal.nso Clary ml.nity, ails compatible wish &o oommunily an( acjaoenl oxisiing uses aric caricitioris. 1.4 CIONRORMANCB WITH CHQA Tt EI Cliiy oil Sari Jl. an Clapislrana c ovelopmenl rpiacess provides llor Ito oonaspIt plan la to analyaec in c Eliail in cionllanmarice wilh tt EI California Envirarirrieriial Qualify Acit i1C EMA ). This arialysis acal. ns zfler plrepanation anc wish the aid of ih is Clamrpiohensive DevsICIFImEIrit Plari, and ih EI arlrlliciaiicin ilor aorie charic a aric clenEmal Alan arr enc mens. In P l. gusl '1986, an Env iiionmoriial Impacl Regort(EIR) was proparEIC EIVall.ofing th EI pofonlie I irripaais till the p1ropased rinojecl ari the ciommuriiiy. Th EI EIR faausod ari the key issues of floaC pnatElCiliori, imFlacls an Haiirio Clneek, locial ainaulaliciri, acaEls;I and aligrimeril cdsquesiriari and tikeway trails, zvailabilil} of Fll.tlia :IEIrviCEIs aric utili'liEls, Iaric use an( CElsigri, gracing an( visual impacts, cElvelopmeril implacis on existing inees aric wilclille habitats, silt rogiarial air quality, noise and acirisinualion irripacils an nearty rasicenilial aiisas, and ideniificaiiori oil ar&aElalagyilpaleoritoloclY rElsourcies. A numter ollihe mitigation mElasurEls speciifiec in the Draill EIR, anc atHEuis usCEINec ilnom the City, f ave teen iriconrloraled inici the projecit design and this CIDP iri cuider ici sliminais cm ret Lae prElviously icEiritifisc imFlacls. In 1991, an ac den( u m HIR was plrepz lied to Elvalua'IEI tH El pateriiial irripacils fucirri 1hellinal phase oil tho plannac ciommuriiiy, which included a 45-Icit mixec l. se rElsideritial anc Commoraial terilalivEl tnacl rrarl an( a nezcirie io tf is CIDP ici allow the rri) EIC u ss c Eivelopmeni. Th EI accendu m EIR ilocl. sec on 1f s poienfial irripacil is the Cfli =s low-ici-macoraie Hal. sing appoduriilies, watEln SLPIPly, liclhl and glare, land use and aeslhelicis. The necommElrided miliclatiori msasuuos icen'lified in the addencl.rrl wens inconrlaraied iriio tH EI design of tH a final phase oil the Planned Clommuriiiy. 1.3 DERIN hill N SI Ran the purrlases of itis Clompneherisive DevElilarlmerii Plari, the following CEdiniiioris shall apIpIly: Clomprellerisive ElElvelopmenl Plan (CIDP': P Alan for a nelalively Iauge land area, cEivelopec in aeaandancie wish Section 9-3.4'10 of the Land Use Gode, whiah pro%ices a genElrial overall site aric airal. latiori plari, dev E11ciplrrierli coriaepis, c ovelopmenl rlha:Iing, arch iiecitl. nal design ciiileiiia, rlarmittec NevembeF 26, 2007- DP.4F- Marbeilla Gahl & Coun ry Chub Corrprehariaive GevokpmEirill Adan 86-04 uses, setback negL iromenls, Flanking cnileria, and as,iaaiatEic items nequirEic fan the camprEltEiriSNEi planning cd tIla eriline area. The C ❑P i,i ari iniegral and ,ipEiaifia EIIEimenl of ih to zoning aprlliec to th o Planned Communi y. Lanc Use Co(Ei R UC): Chic irianae No. 2193 of 1 h e City of San, Lan Capistrano Jalso rEderned io as Ito Lan( ase N ariagerri Eirit Cac e, Title 9', as amen( Etc , or ariy orc mance sic t se(IL eri% ac opted is supEmse( El Or( inarae 2193. Plarrec Community Anea (PC): All of the anea encampassEic ty, and subjeal la, 11 -is C❑P ac] c esanited heroin. -III- a team PC is u,iec irilerahangEiat ly MIT the rInojeci ti' la, Mart ally C alf & COL rr1 ry CIILb. A II att on Wnmsi L sed in tt is CIDP and not speoiiically c efinec at ave sh all h ave 1 h e same rriEianings as sel fanth in AppEincb A il❑efiriilion,i' of the LUC. Tenms omployed in this CIDP, and riol cirleaifiaally C Eifinec heneiri an in the L UC, shall be carslnued acaarding io tt El aoniexi aric aacEirlie( L sage of the IarigL age. 2.0 FILANNBa COMMUNITY FRAMEWORK 2.1 SITE LOCATION The Manbella C alf & C CIL ritny Club ,iile is visiit Ie along the inlan( clic a of 1 h a San Diecla FrEiEiwa� III -9) belweEiri ,, L niplero SEuma Roac on Ito rear hwesi and Clnlega Highway an tt El siaL tt Eiasl. Views from v einiau,i areas wish in the MarbEdla Golf &I COL riry CIIL b laoking OL twand frarri its plerimeten include the Dana Point Hantor and the caaslal onvircins, Ito narthvve,ii agriCLliural valley alarg Clso CneeH, the ridgEilinEis of LagLria NigLo1, the hi,iioria Mis,iiari and cowriiowri area oll Sari JLan Capisinano, and pancinam is v iEIWs of 1 It e Saddleback N ac rilairs arc ranch landci. The rinojecl site is tor( Euied io the nanlh by tt El S1orEmicge ne,ii(Eiritial aommL nily, to the east Ey the Hunt CIL t, open spaae aric ciaveral indivicLal resicen'ial proper ies, la the soulh by the San DiEiga Rneeway (1-5), and is the wEis1 t y E ridev ao, the Malaspina rEiigh tort aac , aric ty Wision Hills Ranch. REden is Ext Nis 'I aric .1. 2.2 PHYSICAL CON CLITION S 2.2.1 Existing) Land Lse TIIE1 site is aurien% (sec fan horcie taar(ing, aaltle grazing, ahiCkiri naising an( pasiLne laric, alihoLgh its Ilarmen pnimary Lse in 'Ito neaeni past was fan agnicLllLnal aitnLs rinoduaiion. The agniCL 11Lral opeuaiion was ciscartinL Etc apipro)imalelyliaur }ears aga and Ito innigalian of Ito grove,i vias ienmiraiec . Asa resL li, the graves h ave efilealiv Edy died away. The rariah propEirty is tnavense( t y fanrri imp IEimenl rl& s which fond is follow nal ural cariloL ns anc ' he rrione gentle sdapos. ThEi rile alsa irialu(Eis a rleriirisL la aprleridage ex toric irg io Mala,irliria Road. Th is einea llEirvEis aci ari ov erfaw anea fan a marl-ma(Ei IaN a iri the neicih t aning cammL riity to the noniheasl. Th a riari hwe,ilerly portion ail ihEi ciile foaiures a major ric galine rising appraximalely 100 feel atovEi the moan site eleti atiori. A partion of tt is nic ge h as been gnade( in 'Ih o pla,il to aneaia a plad fan a heliplad anc Ilan an above-clnade water 1ariN avvined b� Capislnara Valley Waier Disiriat. Th El h alirlac is inaclive aric has rat been used Ilan r1Lmenou11 yeavi. Refer is Ext it ii 3 2.2.2 Circulation Exisling negional access is available from iho Sari Diego Freeway ill -5; aric Ortega Highway IIS1aio RaLie 14). The rinirriary local aaaecis io ite site is provide( ty Rancho ViEijo Roac . A secaricary aaae,is is the rlancel saLth of RariclIa Viejo Roac is provided ty Hanno Roac classing un(EuI Ito fnoewary. . A November 26, 2007- DRAF Mlardeilla Goff & Country Club Comprehensive CleivEblopmend Plan f EI-OS Rancho Viejo Road is a Mo -lanes, unc N is Eid roadway alarig its northern partian acjacent Ila the site. Th Ei siaL tH ern partiori of Ranch a � iEija Raac is a fay n-IariEi roac way wit a naiclEic mEic ian. Median It neaH s aurrE ri% ED is in twa locations. .1.2.3 Tcricic1raphy PEI N arbella Gall & C CIL ntry Club site is aharaalE nizec by gentle-lo-sileElFl-nisirig slopE s. Total sine reliEif is reprEseriied by ari ele�atiari c ifterEnce oil 3E1,9 feel. The elevational the highest point/ ari the Flroperty riEian th Ei rri osil northwEistE my canner isi 940 feel in ele%alian wh ilE iH Ei sou iheastE my anea h as a low ele�alian oil 139. A pprak imalely E11% of th Ei site H as a slope cH aracierislic of 0-30%; 2la°/a of the siiie exH ibils a nalural grade of 21-3(1%, anc tH E remains E I eD ceE c s slope grades cd 30%. Realer to D h ibit 4. NevembeF 26, 2007- DRAF Marbalki Galf & Gcm ntry CA b Compratleinsivei DEivedopment Plan 861-04 insert Ext it it 1, Regional Se 19 ing Mbrbe,lla C off & Coualry Club Ccimpreihemii�e ❑evckpmcrA Phan SIE-0� insert E) r it it 2, Loaal Seti inig November- 26, 2007- DRAF Mkirbela Goff & Country Club Cc imprEM ansiva Dovebpment Fusin 8E1-04 insert E) f it ii 3, Reak lies 1 CI NovembeF 2&, 2007 DPo4F Mbrdelia Galf & Clu ntry Club Corrpre flerisive De veloprreal Plan 8EI-04 insert Exf it ii 4, SIOFJEI A rialysis November- 26, 2007- DRAF Marbella Goff & CciL ntry C Lb CCIMDraflansiva Elevelo,omenil Ran EIEI-04 A vE Iley floor Vnan,IElals tH El ,liie in a nart\Aieslerl�-tcl-sOu 1hwEIstElrly dineclion neE II the east bounc E ry IinEl oil the nancl•. 4gprclrimElely 95 acnes liEI within tF EI NElley lloor areE . Cue to the existing,liie slopEls and & EI variE lion in slope fece orierilaliari, Vhe vied gotElritial fan fu lure L se,l on tl' EI rariah is at a ndarii. 2.3.4 drainage/Hydnology The Marbella Golf 8 Claun-ryCIIu t site i,l IoaatEIC \Aiithiri -he Horrid Clneek VEIIEIy anc is llankElc ari the rlclrt\Aiaslerl� zinc soulhea,lierly sides t ric ClEdirlEls. The Hanno CrEIEIk cnainaclEl einea i,l Ei iribuilaryio aplpinoximatElly 2,440 acrEls irnmediailely a gstream. llh is geopH y,lical lanc corm has cireEile( a primary c rainage cornidor Vh nou clh 1 he eclrnmu nity eci ia. llhi,l water aoursEl h eis a cEdaulaled c rainaclEl ciapElclity cd 3,050 cubic fEIEIt ger second ilafs), all hougll slneam illaws are highly intElnrrliltElrll at prElsen1. llhe 1 CICI-year flood plain excElad,l 11- a t anks of Horria Clneek 1 h rou gh CIL t - h e v alley illoor, EIspElciially a' 1 h e sou I` Emly enc Oil REI site. Tl- EI 11OOc way cavers apprar imE iely � CI Moires in ihi,l ai ea. Plans far Marbella Call 8 COL ritry Cllu t provide for tF EI proieciion all the c rairiage cion rse Ed the mo,li rloniheMtEuly and whenEl it acjoins Starieridge, and pInO'Elaiiari cownsineam EIswiell. 2.2.5 Vegellle ll is n llhe subject sive has hisiorically teen usEIC as a aitrus rarlah. ala makEl the sive useilul fon chis 1ypEI Oil operation, the IOwEIn ,dOclEls wane terraaec into M-fEIEIt wide pE c s; t i-annu Ed ciskincl anc ahemical weElc relarc ard,l Qa,l well as pesiick a spray,l; Mile emplloyEIC on the premises. The Elfilecil of iI-El agri(IL liural h istoryis 1hal ncI nave on Elridangered vElgeleticin species ane fou rid ori -site. Th a majanity of cillru,l tIIEIEIs haVEI teen removEIC fan ilinewacic aric inc igElrlCILS vagrant weecs IlCislurbec grasslanc s an( agriau Itu nal laric s ricmi OCCII, ply the v allEIy portion,) cd & EI nancli . Tl- EI h ighEii ele` aticin area anou ric Helicoplier Hill is c ominaVed t tl' EI Caasf al Sage Sarub Plant Clarrrmunity. An Ininaducac C ry VA acC larid,l 11 at ilail, c ominaVed Ly EIu aalyrltu s staric s, is lacaled primarily adjaaElnl to Hcmno CrEIEIk. Twa major eu aalypius gnov EIs are IocE tec in ihEl cien- ar oil & a site along miricm hillsiC EI tribe tariEls flowirig irilo Horria Clneek. TH is E nea iriclu (EIs appro) imailely 16E mala re eu aalypiu,l l neer atoull 3k-40 ileel in I'Elight. llhe rriajoril� of Vhe remaining euaalyplus 1reEls arEl ilounc aland tl'EI soulherri taundary acjaaenl to Inlarsiale 5, in a wiricrow along the northern proplery line riE]xil to Sl oneric gEI aric ac jaaerit ' a H anno Clreek . A Riparian VA aaC land COmrnu niiy is laaaVed along a na inow 2 arie following iH EI Horria CrEiak c rainage course. Re nortflEllin portions of Horria CrEIEIk Have bEIEIri grazilly disVurbec Ly livestock acil:Niiie,l nese fling in a grElatl� c iminisH ec riganian habitat. The,lautli Ellin plartian cd tl` EI creek, M ieh h as been plllOIElalEIC, provide,) a rrIOnEI stable riparian Fatiial. "h ile no raffia an andangened vegEdalian is fOu nC in the Riparian UA ooc laric Clommu nily clang Harno Clneek , R is h at iial offers a ,IplElaial and plossitly uniqu EI signilicariae to the Clity in ierm,l oil its natured appearance. Aceandingl� , the N antella projeclt will be heal ily Ian( saaplElc along Horria CfEIEIk in oneer to rrlainlain the aesiheiic qualities of the sive. 2.2.6 Geology In '1982, I-eigh- an and p s,loaiatEls pleri ormed a geole& niaal in\ esl igalian Of if• EI Si- a fan & a purplase of pplaviding pliEdiminaryguidance for planning and developmElrit oil the pragerty. llhe in\ esligal ian deall \Aiiih geomorrlhcdady, geology, seismicity, gnounc wlatEln, liqueilaclian, soils aric groilessiarially aangru eni C isCu ssions. The majcmity of the site is unc eidairi t y 1h a Clapi,liraria fonrnaiion, a clayey sillsilone Elrid sElridy siltstarie \Aiiih some saric io silly saric . Grouric wetEill iri the v allEly floor \Alas encau ntElned al eiceplh cd'14 fElet. Hclwev Em, Iiquefacilian was not fOu ric to be a particular c esign problem basec on Vhe exlenl of I, November 26, 2007 DRAF Marbeilla C tiff & C ounllry QW1 C cimprehen.iiv a ❑evoAapmar S Alar 86.04 unc Eullain rook w1- iah ten( s to suprIness t1`8 ampIldicaliari oil gran rid shaking in a seismia Elplisode. Realer to Exhibits 9 aric 6. -1111- a site is su tjeal to tlla efileatsi clil aff-sive negional fau lis aric 11-eir egisac es. Na ori -sive fau lls weuEi fau ric ; 1- awieven, 11- e sludy c is i(Eiritify a tatal of nine landslides, a cion( ilion pnevalerit in 11- El City of Sari Juari C aplistnano. The slide areas WIal W acrEis wit1- the areas hanging from 1.2 acnes la 216.1�I nares in size. -1111-e slice c E g11- s nange fnarn '10 fE E i to 4(I fE Et. W i11- in the aoriie) i of San Juan Caplistnano, the se slicEs are relalivel} minor. 2.3 RLANNIN G ISSUES AN D CC N SIIDERATIC N SI 2.21.1 General Plan The t asis fan planning an( laric dev E IagmE rit in Sari , u an Caplistnario is 11- E C iiy=s GenE nal Plan, ExIlibil 7, a comgrEl'EnsivEl an( iritennelalEd aallEalian oil paliay stalemenils, gaols, objectives, stanc ands and imglemElritaiion stnategiE s efik citing all Ian( wiit1- in 11- E City. Its paliaiE s gavern and estat lis1- paramelE ns Ilan su ah issues as Ian( u se, resource prE servailian arc E nhariaemeni, c E nsiiie% vEhiaulau an( neaneaiicrial ainaulailiari, safety, public infnasilnuciure, ceveloplmeril liming aric related issues. The aunrerit GeriEmal Plan cesignaiion for the site is Planned Ccrnmunily IJPC;. A CamprEl1-ElriskE ❑EvelaFlmeril Plan (CCIP)wasadopledtyl1-eCitywhi& (Esignale;IVhenana1- site primarily for rE sidenl ial, acplit u siness and IirnilEd iridusiriaLlofilCE nesE ara1- UIE S. A(c I1lorldlly, a visual implaaV ovErlay is planed an HEdiaagtEM Hill. -1111-e resideniilial designations varyl from 3.5 dudaC to 8.0 CL/aa and Fplavic E fon a maximum of 21210 dwE flings. The limiiec ins u stnial and ofilice neseanah uses eriaomplass 139 acrE s aric allaw up to 450,000 squarE fEEt of tuilding illaor tinea. ThE agribusiriess is the langest aallegory, carisisling oil appraximaiely 21CI acnes. 2.3.2 Zoining T1- E N ant E Ila G alf & C aunlny C IL t c E velopmenl plana will maintain 11-e cu nrE rit PUPlarinec C ommuniiy zoning fan tIlE Sliie. HowElven, t1- is C amprE 1-En;live ❑Eveloplmenil Plan (IC❑P) anc its Flermitled uses and dislnicl nEgulaliari;l will neplaaEl the previous C L P. TIIE site will to nelurnec io its cEsignaie( usE as a gall course. 2.3.3 Issues Sev Emal pnimaryl issues 1- avE teen raised by We City 1hrau ghoul) t1- E dev E lagmE rit Flroaess of this COP. -111- E key issu E s to be ac c nessed by 1 he MarbE Ila G olil & Cau ritryl C lu t dev elopmerli plan inalude the following: 1. Equestrian trail linkages la acjacenl pnagerties. lei. Conlaur grac ing Oil l' illsic E an( valley c Evelopmenl. 3. Retention oil major treE s. 2I. PrE sere atiari oil Hanno C reek. El. Connecltion oil raacways to SlonericCIE zinc HL rit Club. EI. Provision of bike snails. MlarbeVa Golf & Cat, ntry Club CampreiNeinsivei DEivebpmentRan 8d-04 inserl ExN ibil 9, C oology '14 November- 26, 2007- DRAF Nlardelk Golf & Cc b r dry C Ib b ComprE ihEir sivE Devcilc pmeint PA.- r 8E1-04 insert ExHibill EI, Physical Coristiairits 15 NovembeF 26, 2007- DRAF NlarbE Ma G alil & Coundry Qk l C omprehenaive C]evE JopmE r II Rlar 86-04 inSIEr Exhibit 7, Ger E nal Plan 1 EI Aibven4beF 26, 2007 DRAF MarbE Ala G ci1116I Counilry Crud ComprehE risi.ive DevE IcipmE riil Pkiri 86-CI4 3.0 DEVELC PIMEN11 ISSUES AND GOAL SI 3.1 DEVELCPIMBN111SISILIES Arialysis of Vhe existing ph ysiaal selling fan th E1 Mark alla Clall & C aunlryClub PlannEic Comms riity has led to the icenitilicalian of site coristnairits aric leaknes. E�alving out cd th is Flhysiaal seltinq arialysis were se\ anal key c evelcipmeril issc ea. Resoluiiani of th ase issuEis is esseritial 4o & a dei elopmeril of a high -image aommc riiiy. By pneseriling the isscEis in the fcmm of a gcesiiari, clarity aric 11oCc9 is test a& ieved. IP L a the issL es hay a t EiEiri aatalags as lollows: 1. How sari the plarined aarrimunity be cesignec to avoid the F1EmceKliion of cnaw(incl in the valley floor will ile clusiei irng rEisideniial densities 00 cd the hills ic es? 3. How can th Ei r11e rine( CammL nity Le desiclriec to t Eist inaorponete a ric preserve F anno C neeH while Flnolleclirig fully re nesic Brits anc praFlenly frarri floac irig? 3. How care 1hall Flantiori oil the site ihal lies within 1hEi C illy rEicevelorlmeril Zone be designed to rriE)imiza orlrlaricriity \chile retaining a aommori 'Iheme with the golf CaLnsE1 cammcnity? 4. How care a resiceritial CommLriiiy be designed io provice arlen spEae/recrElEtionEl apporiuni'lies clang the vE Iley tlloor while pnoleciing the adjacent hillsides aric ridgelines? J. How cE ri the plarined Comms rii) to cesigriec to provide a dislincl viscal serlaraliori t etweeri this de�elaFlment an( adjaCEirit devEdarlmenls`l It is this lis4 oil issues which muni Le respon(Eic to ty goal alEtEimerils. llhe implemeriteliori cipparicnities mcs4 tEi e)rllarec iri the CltjEicrlNes anc Conaepis. 3.2 DEVELC P MEN 11 GOALS The planriec aommurii,ly c evelopment rlle ria mL st tisfy the iasL Eta by genEina'lirig goe Is wh iah ce ri Le c elined. 11hesEi devEdarlrrierii goE Is a ne fL rthen c El irieetEic ty SFleciilia OLjealk as aric Implemenlallian Coriaepls in Seclian 3.3. 1. Main'leiri the riatLnal nicgelirie. 2. ❑esign de\ elaFlmEiril arias sa Ihal they a FlpeE r 10 t Ell iricanFloratec irito the rift nal taFlognaphy wh Ein v iEiwec from off-site. 3. MiriimizE1 c isnupiian 10 the nalurE I terrain E ric riEtc NEI c nairiage ways. 4. Maximize R Ei amount 01 arlEin spaCE1 in the plannEic aarrimunily. 5. Rec L ae flood h a2arc polEintie I to the F1larined aommuri0y arid Off-sitEi areE s nanme lly a,isociE led with Vhe l-orrio Creek flood Alain. 6. Preserve mEjon sianc s cd irEIEls "iith iri th a siie. '17 NevembeF 26, 2007 DRAF NJarba ki Golf & Caurllry Crud Comprehar sive Devalcipmerll Plkir 86-04 3.3 DEVELOPMENT CONC EPTS1 TO IMF LEMENT GOALS Goal: alt jectivev: Naintain nallural nidgeline;i Re,iiore natural laoking grace line.i by ne-caritouOng wl-ene nalunal land lormakin 11 E19 teiein eiliereic. No gnading of the Flnomirieirit nidgelines. Roof line,i ,il- all not Fpiaje Cl at ave tl' ei ric gediriei pnafile as v ieweic fnom the valley. N inimize l' El cevelopmeint Hillsice ceivelopmenl muss tel silec ,ia as la minimize \isual effecis by: impact fram ofil-sile views inl10 the plannec cammunity. N Blenc ing raaf line forms to land fonrns. A Retention of free slan( s anc ripanian anea,i. N Replani cluaded areas as quiakly as Flas,iible to eliminate vieAs of Anaw@ auls. A Siler f amen la neiinfonae tl' ei c ominani charaaieri,tias of tl' ei land ilorms. Minimize disru Fllion of nalunal Site planning sraulc respect the nalunal lemrain by pla(ing, maller lois leniain aric c nainage Flatlerns. 1l1-igher den: iliesI on flaitem laric aric larger lals 1110WEII c einsilieis) on slaFling laric. The gra( ing plan sh au IC in(Ilu c a slope aonlouring desigri Vetch riiqu es anc shall meet the nequiremenls of tta C iiy=, Hill,iic a Grac irig Orc inalnce. Site the lois so lha1 the marl -mace edemenis fit 11he rialu nal laric scarlet. N "fhe clu,ten fanm may in'lerfaae with the riatu nal surface. A The land foam may t a t emmec to scram aric bleric . A All manufaaluned slopes shall riot excaed a 2:1 natio. Top anc We of slopes shall tei raurided to pracuce a smaath tnansilion. Site tl'ei I011s so t11E11 1he man-made edeinmeirils fit the nalunal Iaricsaaple ihrougr CIL stenilorm wl-iah may irileriaceiwiih the nalunal surface; land fanm may be termed io saneen and blend; anc all manuilaclurec , Iorles shall riot excaed a � :l radia. Top anc lae oil slaples s1l all be rou raced to proc ace a smoolh tnansilian. Grou rl de%elopmerit wh emeveui passible on flallteui lane. Loi liners can e) lent inla areas of sleep slopes Taugh fariaing may tei reslnicrleic. Employ canlaun gnading techniqu es io minimize altenalions oil laric fanm appeslnancei. Roac s to serve c eivelopmeni areas , I- au Ic t ave h orizarital anc vertical alignments \Ail- iah neiain the land shape anc ch anacler. Maximize open space within Grou FI developmeirit to miriimizei the sprawl oil c evelopment awo,is the the planned commL nily land in outer to maximize laric ( evolled to apen space. P l'lenm t to grOL p develo meint away from the Janne( comma nit W NovengbeF 26, 2007- DRAF Marbahla Goli 6 Cour Ary Cilutl Compreharislive Devalcnpmaril Pikrri 86-04 Goad: Clbjecilivefi: Eldges is allow fan tufilering and Iaridsciaping as land use sepanatioris. Do riot allow slnuoiural ❑eveloplmeril show Id be c noupec of 1Sic EI des is riatElc flaad pllairi to irrnpravemen'l within the '100- minimise hazaunc. yean illaod pllairi, unless adequalely praleolec . ❑evelopmeril should be elElvaied aLMEn the cElsignaled floor plain v,hen cevElcnplmeril aulsicEilheflooc plain is urifEwEiLle. Sufilicieril ari-s iie stanm irrnpiicnvemenls shOL Ic be construaVed to ret Lae OMS itEl H aaarc s as v\ all as ori -s itEl H alaarc E. Preserve majon stands of Exisling trEre stalrics should be nesrleaiec eiric pineserved as Mah as Irees. passible. Tree slant s s h ouId t e i noari poral ec inia the golf COL nse IayOL 1 Wh Emev eri leas it IEI. CrEratEr fuel bneaks with line nellanc aril plant matenials betWEreri developer areas aric the pineSEmvec ocnasilal sage aneas. WherElver exisling significiarrl Imes muSI tEl iiemoved, mulliple new tnees of a similan lypIEI s h auld t EI plarilec in Me same laaallian to reanealla the Ariatunal @ appleanariae. 4.0 THE DEV ELCRNEN7 RLAN 4.1 CCNCIERT DESICRIRTICN The Nantella Glalil & Counilry Club Planned Communilly is desic riec as a mixed use enclave in San Juan Caplisinano, chainaclleriMc by the devEdapmEiril of a high -image pnivaVe gold caunSEr ant residenlial/aarrimenciail oarrimunily. T11 is ciommunily will be uniVed th nough a cicnrrnrllEltEl and dislincitive c es ign lreeilmErnt prat nam prarrnoling a IN inc ern inonmerit of the h is hesl qu alii� . As a cioncerli, the N auntella Gall & CourilryC lu k is prop asec 4o cions ist of a vaniely cd land uses in a piiNaie pllannec ciammunily setting. These lairic uses, in cionciept, incilucEn single-lamily cErlaahed prajElats on individual lois, ciuslom homEn t u ilc inc Silas anc small pots of atiached residerilial prajecls. r1`6 Ralriaho Viejo Fuad 1norilage is pinopos EIC fon t u sines s and/an Ilis h en c Erns ity nesiderilial uses. The bus iriElss aatec city aauld pOIErntially irialude ofilices, pniOfErssional uses, aonc nElgale cane facilillies, canporale heat qu artEins anc rElalec business, prafes s ional anc s ervicie falciililies. Th EI rMic h Lorh cnod carnmencial us as cou IC include retail and finanaial serviaes, aomaniericie Services, ONMEI usEls, Elaiing anc dninNincl esiatlishmenis, concnegale sane ilacilities anc theatEmS. The privaie coif aounse and ralciquell anc health club veill repneserl the community ilOcus. Each of the plrimany elerrnernts of Vhe Conciepil Plan, in ac c ilion to s u plport EllErrrnenis, ane c Enscrit ed in s u t sequ ernt disau ssiarls . An 18 -hole golf COL nse, complete with alubhouse and nacquet clu t, rneariders lhrouclhaut Vhe valley flacnn anc laver hills is as. Hanrno C neek, wh iclh WEnaves # nough much Of & a COL nse, will pnavic EI a pleas ing v isual amenity in additiarn to its floor ciarntnal lunclion. A s yE lem of lakes alang & EI arEIEIk will enh areae the naiural teauiy of the site and ass is in Mood aorilrol dowrlstnieam. An ecluestniairn 'Inail linkage along tI`En projecll=s plerimetEm aarnnecling nicens wiih acjaaenil dev ElapMElrnls anc aily Vnails ecnmplelles th e c is lincliive featu nes oil the plannElc ciarrnmunity. This tnail Will t EI C Els igned and ICIaatEIC s a as tote cions is tent vv 11 ih a C ilk =s Mas ten Plan cd Trails . 1c1 November- 26, 2007- DRAF Marbeilila G chi & Cour dry Cilub Cc mprehensiive DeveiAc pmEir d Rlan 86-04 4.2 LAN 11 L SIB FEAT L RSSI, CAST RIBUTION AN 11 RORL LAT ION Marbella Golf 8 ClounlryCk k is cesignEic as a h igNmage pnivale resicenIial galil aou rse comms nit} wilh varying hoc sing l} pes meeting th El ex prEissec c Eimanc ilor exelc sivEi FlnivatEi Avaounlryclub@ living. TI'Ei commcnily was conaeivEic is reillecl the dislinclive qLalily slaricands of Re neighboring cammL nities IISloneridgEi and Huril Club) aric to inlEignale into 1he north area of the City. Ta ash ievEl a campalihle inlegnalian oil the planner comrnc nily inta the planning ansa, a kasic necagnilion of the design qLalit} , amenities and unigc Einess of th use neigh boning devEdapments was necessary. REifen to Exh ibis 8. 4.2.1 Residential Districts The rEisicenlial aompanenl oil the community will consist of X199 single-family delaahec hamEis an indivic c al lois nanging in sizEi 1100m 4,2(1(1 sqL ane feel up to 21,000 sqc ane feat in Me area. A total of '100 atlachec c nils are also prapasec in two separale alcslers. Th a land plan max imizEis th a apportunily la pro\ is Ei galf sac nsEi ilrarilage lois. CIU h e 215 single family delaahec prajecls, 63% (1EI4; have c irEiat golf aaLrsEi fnonlage. All oihen lats h ave averviews to ih e golf roc nse or ath Eul h ill' ic El, valley, mai retain or hark an v iews. 20 CONCEPTLALI -'AND USE FC -F-1 CUSTOM FA IF WAY c—S FAR WAN FFI F EM ENI IAIU MECIUM D9NSIlV MF FAIMIl1 FEVIDE111AL C R NeuCIF eORHOOD COMME FIC IAIL CCI (OMMBIRCIAL —ipl PUBLIC INSIIITL 11ON c—S CFEll$ SPA 0E '0 GOLF C OL P Sf_ CUUMC L SE MARBELLA GCLF & COUNTRY CLUB-- rr: ra:rn r SAN JUAN CIAFISI-IF�ANO GCX�41'^Nll:ti^^�_^^ NovembeF 26, 2007 DRAF Nlarbehla G o,V & Cab r try C Ab d C omprehEir siva Dm a bprrieint Pkir 86-04 insier Exhibii 8, Caricerlival Land U'IEI a' NE)VeMbeF 26, 2007 DRAF= Marbella C tiff & Country Club ComprahemAe Claveilopmernl FVlan 86-04 Custorr Fairway Esllztes (C Fj: Cluslom Faimay Eslatas consiisil of lois having a rr inimum of 6,aaa sgcane heel in ansa along the golf course 11nonliage. Tlhe lois Q44 in all; g0rierally ranclei prom El aaa squares feel to 1EI,00(1 in ansa. Tlhesei ausilom ilairway estale lois area conaentnatac adjaceirit to Fairwiays 8 arid 6. These esilales ane inlendec for indiv is cal lot salesi, ilollawing the anahi'lacicnal ccicedirieis eistatlished ilor the Flnojecl. HOWEIver, market aonc it iaris or other ilaclors may pro\ is a for the ( eiv elopment aric sale of h amen an th else Iols ty th s cm eloper or olher tuilcers. Fairway Resic urilial QF R): llhe uerriairiincl 219 siiriclla-family lots QFlaimiay Residerilial) are aoniau net ori the sloFleis to FlnON is ei overvieiwsi 10 the golf Bac nsei anc commu nily amenities in 1 he fcmegroc ric and dislanl aity anc hart an v ieiv%is. TI` else lots ane a minimum cd 4,0(la sqc ane heel in area anc are groc ped in cic stems from 7 to 46 c riiisi per cic stem. The villas - ML III i -Family ijMF): -1Ihe Villas ane two mec is m c einsity cdcslan c rids lacaled acjacenl to thea cic t houses faaililiesi and averlaaking iha 8th Rairway. llhesei 'I (KI uriils ane lowrih ame dwedlincs siIEIC 10 \ ieiw dineally anto Busher 1 he golf aourse an onVa 111 ei nacgc at elu b cam ple) . Resic Brits of 1 hesiei c wellings will be wilh in easy walk iricl c isAncei to the etc bhoc se. 4.2.2 Commercial Office (CO] A s+Rgle llwa pancelsi in Vhe sot lhweisiemn sefeF op rtion of the prajeiot site, acjaaenl lo Rancho V ieja Roac i&i ane c eisignalee as Corr meraial Offices. TioValing 2 44ji.86 acres, one# -parcel is locaieib north of Golf CIL It ❑riv a and sot ih of Enc mco, and the other parcel is lacalec al the northvveEil ciannern of Rariaho Vieio Roac anc Golf Cllc t ❑rive. Aacess to #kie boVh FlanCEIIS is 11nom Rarich o \ ieja Road. No c ineci aacess 10 th ei gold aorr munilly will t ei allowac . PolenVial c ses Ilan To Clommanaial Offiae side incic c ei general office jbu siriessi, prcdessional aric similar cses;, public aric semi-public buildings, flarviaes aric ilacilitias Qexcduding sehoolsi, polices slalions, lire stations, E111110.1, corponata heacgcantems and similar large space usems, aric olher appropniale reiiail semvicei and officeis. Flc II-aare netireirriarii llacilities and reisidernlial uses rr ay bei allawed pnov is Bic Vhey incanporaie til ei eriline sites. 4.9.3 Neighborhood Cloimmerciial A 7.7 -acne rile locateic belweeiri Ranaho \ieja Roac anc Irilerstale 9, aaross 11nom Vhe eammuniVy einiry, has teen desiiclriaiec Neiiclhborhaac Clommeraial. -1Ihe Neightanhooc Commercial siiie is irilenc ec to pro\ is ei for small-scale aariveriiariae retail sh aFlFling and seirviceis apprapniaVe to the su nroc ric ing neigh borh aac s. Usesi may inalu b e corivenieriae nelail aric serviaes, ureic iaal anc c eiriial offices and inaidenlal aatincl estat lish marnls. Tlh ei iniensily of uses �n ill bei c eiermined by the sqc ane iloolage of a seas, i heir lnaffic cleirienaliari faatons anc allo�Aiable lraf ci vole mes, Flu nsc and 10 the Mantella EIR. 4.2.4 Publiw instotti ie nal DiStli (IDI A 4.6 aGFe site IeGated betweeii Rali Vieje Read and IRteffitate 5 has been design Read and RaRGh9 Vieje Read. 2[l N%,ember- 26, 2007- DRAF Marbeifla Golf Al Cour try CAA C ompreheir sive Deveilopmeirn Pkar 86-04 liable 1, Siatislical Summary LAND USE DU=s AC HES PCIP. EST.* Clusiarri Rairway Eslal69 (CF) 44 9.5 '167 Fairway Resic ential (FR) '119 471A 817 The Villas Mulii-Family IIN F; 1(I(1 7k l 3110 Su k -Natal 359 63.99 '1294 Neigh kcmhooc CommEmaial (CIN 7.71 CommEmaial Offline iICICI; 2-44 9AE1 Su b-Taial 110. 44 1131AEI 4-.6 Nal unal Open SpacE1(OS; 94,-7192.89 Clalil ClaursE1 IICICI; 139.6 Cllu k houseulRaqu et Club {C, 1.9 Sub -Molal 239. 2139.39 Raac wad s 19.3 71CITAIL 359 329.2 '1294 il" City all Sari . Lan Carlislnano N u riicipal Cade (SEiatian 9.4.3(14 ; assu mel a populal ian per Household of 3.8 alar single-family cwellings (a;, 3.1 fan lownhamEis (b).) 4.2.5 Open Space Districts Golf C c urse i1CIC) : lIh a key amEmil� planned fan tH El commuriily is a pniv atEi 18-halEi golf cau nse. lIh e 136 acne aourse is Einvisianed as a 6,800+ yanc champicnsll ip-aaliber ilacility. Tlhe cau nse is laid ou 1 in SL ah a mariner as la weave among the %anious nesicEintial neigh borV acids, providing rriarimum opera space an the valley illaor and marimi2ing 116siderilial ilairway fnantagEi aric %iews. Addilicnally, Horne Clneek is planned as a camplemeniing visuablopen srlace f6alu ne adjacerii to and ofien pant oil tH El galil course c esign. L asi 1y, an El-aaiEi cdu b house and nacqu et clu k corn KIIEir is plannec 'la pro% is a an aalivity F u k Ilar ill El clu k mamkEMS. Natural Open Space IJCISJ : Cllu stEming of 1 he relic Eintial cam mu niiy and 1 f e siting cdl tV a golf cau rsEi an the valley flown raftlts in &a prEiser%ation of greater open space an the Klnomirient hillsides arnc nicgelines. P latal of appnaximatEdy 9 193 acnes is pne9E11vE1c as Natu nal Opera SKlace. Partiaularly, the N riall N pawn as Halicopler Hill has keen neleiriEid in its EDisiing candiliari. AcciesEitci iH is sigriiiliceirit vista paint will k Ei passible by mearis cd plan nec equ Eisiniari irail IirikagEis. 111 -is Naiural Open Space c istnial encarripasses moss of tH Ei ccasial sage areas icerrlified iri the EIRI. 33 .Aioveffl—he.r 2&, 2007- DRAFT Mlart Eiblc Golf & Cau riilry C to t CornprEitl einsivei Dm a loprneint Pte ri 86.04 4.3 CIRCULATION Mart 6116 610111 & COL riiry Club is puapoSElc I be a prk alto gatErc aommunily wish access ilrom Rancho Vieja Raac. 1I1 -e interior sineel system is desigriElc as a draulatiori loop for easy vehiCulan access ihrOL g1` cut the Commu riity . -no incouparale the nalu ual theme and orlon spaces cd 1lhe develorlmerit, a runal sineel design is prapoSElc. All SireeiS Will to designed anc cor13tnuC116C la Ci'ly cd San Juan Carlistnano standares allhaugh lheiu owriensl-irl will bEI aammonl� 1-e1c ty the 11u11une community association. Th EI slreErl sections will to runal in cesign willh a 30 -loos night-af-wayfan single loaced sireEris aric 38 -fast wide seclians fan dou t IEI IOEIC Etc 911reE11s. A rnaximu M cul -c EI-saa length oil 90011ee1 is prapasec. SOneels in emess of Vhis dis'lance will be aonnElatElc 10 o'lher sineels by Moans oil emEIngermy acaElss paths. RErler to Exhibits 9 anc 10. 1Ih e N ant ella Gal18 C cru n'lryC lu t aincu talion system inaorrlanaies ma) irrlu m prapoSEic grac EIS oil '11 % and a minirnu m crenV6nline aurve nadius of 25(I feet. 4.4 OR9N SPACE, RECREAIIIaN AND TRAILS 1111"EI majonily of the 11271 -acne Manbella Golf & CCIun'Iny Club will bEI in open spaCEI. -chis inaludes aclpro) inraiely 92 93 acnes of natu nal arlan space and '142 acnes oil gaff anc rElanealion. OpElri spaCE1 aacau rrts ilor aver 71 °io cd the total site area. Th E1 C i1y=s Cl6neral Plan errcou nages alu sV6ning of nesidElrilial uses to pno% is a as gneal an orlon srlace aomparren'l as posit le and 'Ia minimize patEirrtialIN negative visual effecVs, i.e., sense of crvEurcrawc irig, Elxcessive hillside grac ing, eta. The N antella Golf 8 Cou r11ry C IL t canaepi a1tEImpIlS 10 ma�imiae Vhe pneservalian of natural open space anc signifiaant natural ileallL nes. 1Ih a pnimary natural lealu res, as c Elsanited in Seclion 2.2, The Setting, include HEIIicaptEIn Hill, th a nidgeline, the e) isting eucaly ptu s groves, 0 EI rirlanian ccwnidon and Hanno Creelk. 4.4.1 Ridgc line By means oil nesidElydial and rElcrrealional clu stering arae de\ Edaclmerrt within t1` EI Icmer slorles anc the %alley flocul, t1` EI Iiicgelirie has beEm rineserved in its natu nal state. Heliaopler Hill offers a u rriqua vista of the City and of the Capislrana Vallay. This vista point will t EI aaCEISSible by means cdl t1` Ei plarrried equElstniari/hiking mail classing along dhe nicgeline. 4.4.2 llree Sltan& SElveral eu aalyplus gnavEls and drywooc larrc sVands ane locralled ori the ranch rinopElrty, pnimaril� in the cerrier cd the prioperl� adjaCElril 4a Horna CneeN, anc alarig portions of the northern and eastElnn Cou nc anies. These exisl ing windraws pro% is a an emellenl visual sepanatian between 9 h e N art ells silo aric adjacent pnoperties, i.e. Starienidge, Th EI Hu rill CIuI✓ aric Haneymari, aric a tacknop willh which the N anbella Comnru riiiy can to frames . Th EI EDisling 6ucalypiuS wine raws along the eastenn edge of 'Ih6 crammunily will bEI prElserved. -1111`6 eLcal� ptu s gr1o%EI9 lacaled in t1` o cren'lrial portian of the praper y provide a visual cronl1rasl wiVh t1`E] existing grasslands iri To valley anc h illsid6. This Blanc cdl aucalypius tnees inclu c Els apprci� imaiely '165 24 NovembeF 2&, 2007- DRAF N arba ki Golf & Cat, ntry C du d Corr protl ar sivEi Dm elaprr eint Pkar 86-04 irisert Exit ibil R Cliocu lalian Plan 25 N,,Ven4be 26, 2007 DRAG r Mcirbe a GoAf & Country C Ibb ComprEiiiensivei Cleivelopment Ran f16-04 insert E� f it ii 'I Cl, SireEii C WE E Eicrlicins 21EI November- 26, 2007- DR4F Marbe lla C c Af & Countlry Club Cc more hen: iv ClevE k OME nut Ran EI6-04 matt nE trees, most of wH ieh arE "A ala e C fE Et in h E igh t. The E u calf rltu s stand dill be Flne,lE wE c as muah as rlo,lsitle by the develarlrnEiril plan. A fE\Ai trees will be nemovEc I aacarnmadatE the '17th grEE ri, bul the rriajoriiyoil IhesE trees wiiII be preservEc and irncorrlanatEd irilo the gall aourse layout. Realer to Exhibit '11. 4.4.3 Hornoi Creek Horria C reek rinov is Els a srlecial visL al an( apen spa(IE ah anacler to the aomML nily. P s rinev iau sly de,lenibe( in TI'E Stelling ,IEatian, Houno CreEk supports a naunow ripanian commuriil� alarig its drainagE aanridor. ❑u El is the iritE nrniltEiril flows in & El aneeN anc ex rlasu re lo aaitle and agricu liural aclivitiE s, th Ei northern portion of Horna CrE Elk H as beE ri bac Iy aarr paatEic aric silted, wheliE as 1H E aerilral and souiherri Aoriion of the aneeN is rrione lush iri appeauancE aric hatiiai. In acdition to surlpantinq a rirlanian hatitai, Horna CrE Elk pravides a channel fon signiilicani off-site c nainagE aric estat lislhes the AaitE lin for the '100 year floor Alain. Th E t anks of & E areek ane a nablE to caritairi 1 he '100 -year flood walers, h cwev E n, anc the floo( plairi aov ers a carisiderable portiori of the valley flaan. THE rineservaiian of Halino CrEiE k is a high-riniorityobjective, as (E scrit E c in the ❑Eivelopmerii Is,lu E s aric Coals sealion. Wheriever possible, Hanno Creek Has teen mairilainEc iri its riatLual creeN bEic. H awev E r, c u e to l h e s igri iiliaaril drairiagE Vows across tH E rinoperty anc the Flol E ni ial hazard off loading t atIl ort-siiE and oft -site, two -O anc s of Harrio C reek will nee( is t e ret E signet to acaam modaie floor conlnol staridar(s. Allo, wideriincl oil the v alley floor la aacommacatE the ch ampiorishirl galf cou nse has nesu lie( in Re neer lo fill muah al tH a ex istirig crEek bec aric rEcesigri ihE Horrio C rEek aligrimeril. Howe�Erl, the most visible sauthenn onE-Rirc of Horrio CreEk will be preserved iri its nalural caric ition. This partiari oil Hanno Creek has t E E n is E ritifiE c iri lh a Mart alfa ❑raft EIR as the arEa wihicll has e)rlerieneed lhE lead alteratiori from past farrnirig aric rariahing acliviliEis. 11 is also the poriiori of the prcrlertywh ich is mcsi visu ally rinominEiritilnom Rancha Viejo Rcad aric Inierstale 9. TI'E nEmainincl pantion of Hanno CrEEik will be aligned and incorrlaraled irito ihE galf cou nse desiclri. The nE wi areek aliclrirrierii will to landscaper iri a mannE n designer io rE arEiatEi tH E nigariari aommu nity along the areek. 4.4.4 Golf Course The ch ieil necreational ameriiiy oil the Marballa Golf 81 Courilry CIL t is th E rinivale '18-H ale golil aoume lhal h as been earefu lly Alanriec io allow maximum ex rlosu rE s aric v iEws. The 1"9 -acre golf cou IE is oil chamrlian,IH ip play wiilh the 'l E h aIEs covEring ovE r 6,80( yards iri length. The aou rse max irnizEs orlpartu pities is ase the siiE=s varying lernain to rlrov is E a ch allE raging rEcreation ex rlenience. The pan 36 from nine plays aloncl the south valley, gradually making its way up in EllEvaiian is a finishing long par 4 hole (owinhill io lhE alubhOL se. The rlar 36 baak rime lakes acvarilagE 01 elevation ch ariges in ih a earth v aIIE y to rlrov is E uriiqu E aric ch aIIE rigirig rllay feaiuririg a nu rnbE n o1 elev atE c tees. Mariy of the 1E h ales offE r ahalleriging lak Es aric oih E r water h azanc s. -RE MIO prEserved Existing Tree siands aric the reanealEd Harno CreEk prEseril intenEsling aric challEriging natural lealures in the caursE design. The golf aourse will radiatE out fnom the 8-aare cllubhouse aamplex. The cllubhouse itself will tE a 30,C00 to 4C,CCC square fast, Iwo -slaty building, while the ancillary building% pavilions fan IME 1E nnisdlswim anea, snack ban aric car storage, will tolal 9,0(C lo 7,C00 squarE leel in space. Th E main clublIoL se t u i1c irig wiill inclu c E a v aniety of apprariniatE uses, SLah a,l (iriirig racros aric chills, logy rages, rinivale ME E ling roams, Aro shop, zinc health, exE ncisE and lock E r faailities. ArahitE ai u nally, all t u ilc irigs aric strL ctL rE s wit h in th E alubll OL se complex will be orae or two storiEs in heighl aric (Emive( fnarri Spanish-MeditEinrariEan arahileclure. TI'E (ominarii matE rials will to siucca aric the roofs iri a farm irisgined b) the origirial M autella in Slrlain, naiherihari a early of ariy single style. 217 NevembeF 26, 2007 DRAF Nlarbc& Golf & Cccritry CA,b Corrpreheirisiivei Dci� e,loprr ent Plan 86-CI4 ins ert Exh ibis 11, -bee Pres E rval ion C November- 26, 2007 D94F Marbella Goilf & Cciuntry Club CamprEitionsiva CEiveilopmenil Filan 86-04 4.4.5 Trails Tl' Er Mart Eilla Golf 8 Clounlry Cllu t atlempts 10 'imrllErmeril 0 Er CIi1y=9 Masten Plan of Trails wiiO same alleraiion 10 tl'Er rinecisEr Eiqueslriari Trail alignments to avoid incompalitle land usEls an(Jor iopagnaphy. . Refan io E) h it ii '13. Rail h er & an moi ing c inecily 1hrau gh ih Ei rErsidenlial aric gallu ses, the e) isting Hu rit Cllu t Eiqueslrian 11 nail has bErEiri incorpanaVed iriio Vhe Tnail Plari, wrarlFling araunc the rlariimErier of the golf coL nse so rideus Dan be mane safely sepauaiec fnom Vhe aulamobile inafilic and gall glayEms. Alsa, tl- is aligrimEiril prcry ides gEiritlEm gnadienls fan 0 Er Erqu Ersilnian 11 nail io hollow. E isling rinotlem aneas ori the Hu ril Club snail will to nesalvec is ih Er Cliiy=s saiisfacition whit the caarleralion a1 the Hu ril Club. Tl' Er frail will lead to HEdiaopler Hill as puavidec by ihEr Masser Plan, and then fallawlhe Masler Plan fiieil nai# irilo Sioneric ge. A dditiarially, a feet Eur mil ErklEirids from Helicorllen Hill, bErh ind Eride\ ao to Malaspina Roac . The sau 1 hEmly brariah of 1 he Masiler Plan f rail er tEiric s fnom 1 he Eik isling Hu rit Club Vnail io Ranaho \ iejo Raac. One segment a10 Er prarlosec frail fallowis tl`Er fop of the existing slarie rialher than tl' Er toe, as sh awn on V h e N astEm Plari. TF is altenation is I cneaIEll gneaVen serlanatiari from aulomat ilEr Irafflici and Ila r1navide greaser ele\all ion and views arita the Martella cammuriity. A II snails will to c edicaled fan rlu t lia use aric will bEr aonslru cdec IoCity speciificaiions wiiill iri a 20 -fool righ 1 -oil -way. The trails 1hrou gl-aut th E>I pnaperty will bEr fnamErc on & a sic Els t y th Er splil-rail fenaing usErc lhrougl-aut 1hEr Cli1y, rler REI Municipal Coca slancands. In ac c ilion to the equ Erstniari Trails, a serlanailEid tike path will tEr aonslru crtErc 1hraugh tf Er aommunily. Th Er rinoposed tike pailh will startprom Slonenic ge on th Ei rear h , fallawi th Er Errrieugancy access c hive to tt Er irilerrial ciommuilErn slneel and go sautl' c inErcVly is Ranch a Viejo noac . Rnom iherEr, Vhe bike trail will connEial lo ih Er existing sl ripe( bikEr trails along Ranch a ViErja Road anc u Itimalely th Er Clity-wiice bicyCIEr sys'l em . 4.5 INFRASTRUCTURE AND SUPPORT SY"ETEMS Tl' Erse fEiatL nes oil urbaniza liars alassifiec as infiiaslnucitu rEr and su rlrlant systEims iy rlically nefEm to wa1Em, sErwer, c nairiage and utilitiErs. 4.9.1 Water Clagislnario uallay Wallkill Clistniat will to tl-Ei sourae of (omeslic wailer to 1he Manbella Golf 8 Clounlry Cllu t grid ciurraritly rinavides sEirvicre to de\ EdarlmEirits su nrou ric irig the FlropEirty. Cu nienlly a'14 -inch aric '16-incrh wailer main e) ist in tl' Er San Diego FrErEiway night/ -of -way. Th is sou nae is ElxpErcrtErc to ac Erquailely su FlFlly rErsidenilial aric aommEircial c evEdagmEinl wiitt iri lh Er Malltella cr0mnru riit . Wafer ilor the golil ciourse innigailian will came ilnom rion-datable wEdls Erxislirig along San Aari Clneek aric, paterilially, fnam erisiiricl ari-rile walls. A conciepVual layaui oil a backbone wiaieri system for the C Eivelopmenl is st awn an Exh ibil 113. 4.5.2 Sewer .An 8-incrh saniVarysewer main cu nnen% e) ists in REI Rarich o \ iErja Roac night -oil -way aric will be a sed to conriErcV 10 1he Clity=s syslem. Th is syslem is maintained by the City oil Sari, u an Carlistnano aric is L liimalely Inealac ail the Sou ih East Regional REralamalion Au ihorily QSERRA plana. Th Er Manbella sErwer syslem will e)tenc an 8-incF sewier liras to Siarienidge at tl'Er Hanno Roac localion. A ciancerllual layaut oil a proposed back tone sewer Alan for lh a devEdarlmerii is caritairied in ExF it ii '14. 39 November- 26, 2007 DRAF Mlarbakla G o lil bl Cour Ary Chu d Clomprehensiive DeveUcipmeint Pkir 86-04 insan'l Exhibil 1,0, Trails 911 November- 26, 2007 DP.4F= Mlard E Ma Golf & Cou r dry C l& d Clomprehar siivei Dei elopme nt Pdar 86.614 insert Exhibit 1,1, "aler 31 November- 26, 2007 DRAF= MarbeiVla G cdf & Cournlry CAutl ComprehenaNe ClevE*PMEid Pekin 86-04 inSE rt 9b( h ib it ' 4, SeWE n cla NovengbeF 26, 2007 DRAF Mairbeilila G odf & C oundry Club C omprehen,,il a Gleiveilopmev 11 Adan 86-04 4.5.3 Stairl Drainage 'RVe proposed slanm c iieinage sysiam anc illin'lerls will in Il-er M arb011a crommuriiilywill campy will- ell C iiy and Cal storm drain sianc a nds. Resic ensu I and Comrneuraial storm flaAIS wiill k er caiinied on is tl-ei laoal sireei system io celcil- basiris and then info the LricergraLnid storm (nam sysierri, or will su riacrer flows into tl-ei golf craurse=s lakes anc wafer feaiures. Horria Creek will act as ihei prirnaryl flood cronirol facility aric will be designed lo it all Orange Counly Filocic Corilrol ❑isluicrl l-ycnolagy crileria and staricel Fy(ncicigy analysis CeICulales tl-e1 need fan Horrio C rieek to canryl c rI 10 3,410 cu bice feel per secoric (cfs) in a 1C0 -yeah siarm afleu plrojecrt consiru atiori. To accrommo(a ie t1- is illaod coriirol requ inemerit, e s wiell a s t1- ei galil aOL rise IayciL t, t1- ei nartl- ern plortian of Horria C neek will be nealignec aric neaorstnl ESE Iaric scarlec crhaririel. ill -E11 b esic design calls fon a 30 -fool wide Ease aric a -food high wa IIs a 1 2:1 slopes. 111he actual design wiill varyl iri k e se wic ih, l- eiigl-1 oil walla aric natio oil slopeis to beset incrorpora to the gosh course design aric to crreale a visu a IIS appea lirig fes lu rer. Clrie seigrneirit cd the creek io tl'ei nortl- will bei caritainec in a k u nied reclangl rnL Ili -plater nonoil tax. TIl ei creek ked aprl0a raricre will be v iSL a Ily rearea teic all Ia ric sca rlerc ori icipl oil the box siruclurei. In the sou iherri portion of tl' er prorlerty, sionm flowis will be aarriec wi'lhin the existing Horro Cnaek. FL dhen l-ycnaulie calaulaiianis will be pnerparec to determiner il-er nee( for further imrpravemerils to avoid affl-siia illaoding cue to 11`0 pncijeicrl corisinuclion. Reiler to Exhibits 19 anc '16. 4.5.4 Utilities The SL rlrllY SOL nae of eileialniaal sein ices to ll - a plrojectl wog Ic bei ilrom Sari Diego C a s & Electric. C e s will b e pll k y Sou tIIeurri C aliforrria Gas C cimpe ny. Elecirica I anc gasi liniesi cu, nreirilly eix isi iri the Rancho Viejo rigll1-oil-wary. A 5 -fool wiice easeimeni will bei pncivide( bel- inc the slreel au rb lo acoommoc aie Ltiliiieis. 4.6 PRIMARY DE SIGI\ TREIATMElh T 1111-e N anbella Galf & C ouril C lu k is c esigneic to pilicil the 11 igl- east qL slily oil image blerc ing info 11-a erninonmeirrt by interfacing wiitIl the natlLnal open space enclosing We \Ellery aeric will- il-e ripanian appearance oil Horrid Cl as it meanders tt it We site. Marbella is c esigned is be a sigriiiliaani naiLral, reoreaiional and al ileclural fealure oil San A air C arlisluano anc a eau noes oil price for il-0 eniine crommuniiy. 1111-0 o\enall appeanancei of Manbella will be Thai of an OI( V\oulc village, blending into the ral 'le nrain of H arno Cnaek u a Ilery. Ill- a iloCL s of l l- e N anbella carr mL riity is 11- a '18-l- ale c1- amplionsl- ipl golf COLuse. The golil aou rse has boon inteignaieic as mLCl` as possid ler wiitl- the site=s rialural ileaiures aric is itE if 1l- er fealurei all nd w1- icrF tf er enlirer aomrnu ril has been c ersigneic . C averring nearly 136 acres and plleying OVER EI,8C C yards in leingth , the golf ccu,rser is il-e laurgesi aric mosl caminarit feats ne ari 11' El plroperty. "1111Oreilare, ils design is arilicral is il-e eriiire cromrriuriily image. The aounse, as it is envisial and aonc0ptu ally planned, wiill be e�lerisively laric scarleic wiii h appropiniaie trees, sl- rubs and grasses as well as incianporaling some exisliricl rrialure Trees. Elxisliricl (arid fcirms aric vergeleitiori haver b eierri netairiod as it as is feasib le fon t he gold aou rse ici pinovic e c i:ilinclivei iopograrll- y, walen and laricscarler hazar(s wilhin the course. T10 ripanian image of Harno Creek will be neareatec is rlro` is er a c riigc a c1- anacier 'la the ciao rser c esigri. h u rriEll wafer ileaic res, small Iak es and il-e cl bed ane iricrorpcmateic into the COL rse layoLl and cesigri. All opeiri spacre lrarisition zones will b ei Ill anc mairilaineic tl' rough the Masten Hcirri eowiriers= Associai ion using maienials designed to pproj0C1 an image of rc nal aplan aou ntryprica ll -al leinds inta the rialLual orleiri :iplace of il-e surrauridirig Fills. 33 NovembeF 26, 2007 DP.4F NlarbEiMa G ahl & Cournlry Clu tl ComprehEv sive Glevokipmer it Plkir 86- (14 insert Ekhibit '15, &corm Iluairiage :I� November- 26-, 2007- D94F Marbella Gcilf & Coundry Club Camprehenaive Cleveilopmend Ran ff-OS in,iemt 0)FiEit 96, Hanno Clneek Chiass-sed ions 35 November- 2&, 2007- DRAF Mlarballei Golf & Ccibntry Club ComprEIMansivei DEN alopmant Fl/an 86-04 An equ E sinian trail IinkagE t etween ac jaaE rit c E v elopmE nts is prarlased fan th E PlannE c C ammu rail}. 11 is to be designed as pE n Cil} staridar( s arlc is lo incangoraie camman rnaierials aric irealmE nts as those of its nE igh Loring c evE laprr erii eclL E stliarl tuails in ort E n is prat ide a aommorl-tt E me Elrvirarmeni. -the arahitEIaknal image fon the aluthou SE anea is insgined ty the anigirlal Mark Ella in Spain. Ratti Eln 1h art aapy a single design ihemE, bL i1(irlgs will inaorpanatE the fanms and ah araatE nistias of ald Mart E Ila. 4.6.1. Architectural Review The araHleaiural re%iEw pno(IEcures Ilan all resicential an( norl-REsideriial gnojECIS sHall aorrlorm lo Section 9-2.3(19 Of th E N L niaipal C ace art( Sections of 5.2.EI and 5.2.E1 of this PC c aaument. No bL ilc irlcl carlstnuclian shall tE pEnrniltEIC wilhin the PC baLridaries wiihoui plian Cil} aFIFlnoval. 4.7 GRADING CONCEPT -the IEI-gra( incl of muah of th E N anbella site will bE necEISsary rluirnanily to acaommodaie the claltl eau nSE 10th EI site. C erlE nally, grac irlg aciti% iiies within th E N ant ells pnopert} ane necE ssary liar orlE all 11 -nee purposES: 1) to Reshape e)isiing land ilorms lo aacarnmodalE the gO111 cOunsE; e: 'la miiigaie identified geolaclia and sails pnoblems ici minimiaE salkty haaands; an( 3' lo aaaommcdaie rands and bu ilding pads. All gra( incl dE sign "ill conform lo necarnmendalicnS of ihE appnopriaie geology and soils rElports. Refen to ESI h it it 17, C ancepiu al C rac it g Plan. 4.7.1 Golf Cc urse -Re desigri anitE iiia w hick moll de'lE rmir E c 111 a gnat ing coriaepi is 111 EI galf aaurse design C:IitE iiia. -lh e desicln aniteria estat li.lhed IoI the N antella Golf & Cauniny C IL t aharrirliarlship cou Ise is as falla"s: Gra( E s -lee to Green: Laric ing A reas arlc Greer s: C:IICIss SIOFIE S: Fairways: Larlc it g A rE as GrE E ns: -lees: PanallEl Fairways: W is tli s/Buffers NakirnLm 1CI%uphill N ax irTl l m 12 % dowr h ill N w irTll m 9% Ma) irnlm 9.51/a Ma) irnum z% Ma�irnum z% Ma�irnum 1% Na E IElvaiicin c iffE IEnce grE alel than 30 feel. -IEIE A reas: Na less than 1 EICI fE E t with 1 - Landing Landing Aneas: Na less than W(I fElet width Hairways: AVE cage '18011eel \Aicth Cneens: Na less than 25(1 fE et width BL ffE ns: N c less than 10 fE E t (fnom wit 1 h to padJroa( 36 November- 26, 2007- DRAF= MarbeAla Gaal& Countlry Club Comprehenaive Cleveuopmentl Flan 86-04 it sieir Extl ibis 11, ClonaeiPltc al Gnac it g Plar 371 NevembeF 26, 2007- D94F Narbei6ki Golf & Courillry CAutl CompreheirisiivEi Deveilapmor,it Pkiri 86-04 :4 L engl l s Par 3'a ,jmen=a;: Par 4'a (men=a; : Par 9's (men=a; : ❑istariae Eetweeri Gneeri aric NEW Tee: C CIL nso Leric 0 TOL nnamorit: C h amrliarisH iplrnEiri=s CILb: Frant/women=s: '170 to 220 yancs 3'19 10 460 yancs 489 io 990 yancs N c'Iximl ru 400 feEii 9,aaa y arc s EI,aaa yarc si El, 0(1(1 yarc s 5,400 yands TFo eric rosLlt of the golf caLnsEi cuiileria is tFo r1EiEic lo widen &a natLral %alloy fican 1hEmoby iricreasirig i1.i acmeac Ei from appraximalel� O aares to o%en '140 acnes. Sirice ML ah of the %alley anea is riatL nally grualer 1 hart 1(1%,1 he gcdil aoL rse cesigri rEiClL inec 1I he filling oil rnL ch of 1 he %alley flown anc somEl OLtVing alarig the hillsides I nedL CIO c Eisign slopea is loss than '10% or less ihari 50ra ilor cras.i slarles. The gnading cancEirlt for the galf caurao neaLlia in a iopognaph� geriily cdirnbirig frarn 1he %allay illoor Lrl along the hillsice alcrlos. Iri filli rig the %allury floor for the galf caursEi, the riarherri rlartiori of Hanno Creak will alsa to fillEic wiiih earth. A riowi creak tElt will be acLlptLned an( laric scarlEic into tF o site in as riatL nal appeanance as rlasait IEi wH oneveui i Te e) istiric Horria Cnaek cannol be mairilainec . The Eixislirig lopography ericampasaing tl`Ei Miritral eucalypius grove will be mainiairied in orcon to prEiserve IhEi grave as mucic as possible and incorrlanale tl' El 1rEiEis inta 1he gcdil aou rse de.iigri. Majan eLcalyplus siand.i borcering S1or1Euiicge aric along Vhe Horric Cnoek back ilrom Rancha \�iEija Raad Will also tEl preserved and iriconcloraled irilo tYEl golf OCILoio. REifer Vo Exr it it '17. 4.7.2 Helicepter hill Heliccpler Hill is a signiiliaani visual Edemeni will -in the Martella ocirrimunity aric aLnroLricirig neighbonl- aod.i. 11 rinov is es t atF a v isual t ackc nop for tF Ei MarbEdla ccmmL riity aric a vial al bL ffEm between Marbella aric Missiari Hills Ranch and portians oil Sloneric ge. C L 1a aric fills along the lowEm porliaris of Helicorller Hill will be ne(lL inec for 1F o golf caLnsEi, tF a inlenior loop s'Ineel aric rEisideniial pads. As a C ilk-deaic riatEic major nic gel irie, HEll icaptan Hill wiiII t e rinesEirvec in acirifcuunarice with tr Ei City=s Hillsic Ei ❑e\ EdarlMEirit ClndinanciEi. C aritaL n gracing with arricalh lrarisitions betweori CL t fill slopes aric nal Lral area will to Eiru ploy ed. 5.0 LANCI USE A N 0 DEVELOPINENT RE GULA11IONSI 5.1 RURPOSE AN 11 IN11EN11 The PL npose o1 tF Else regL lations is to rinavide fan tr El wort iriatec de%elopmenl of ihEi Martella Golil & Cauntry CILt Planned Carrnmuni'ly sa as to maximize 1he yLaljly oil life for fUiLne nosidenls of the rluajEiaV in aoncor with the natural site characteristios aril with &Ei Cil=s CIEinEmal Plan. The regL lations of this c isinicV ane irrlEirided is rinovic a ilor the use aric cevEdcrlruerii of chis praperty in carifcuirnarice wish chis CDP, "hila ensLning sLtsiantial compliance witl- the srlinil, in'lEirit an( pnavisioris of V h e City of San Lan Carliatraria Cloneral Plan and Lanc UsEi N ariagemeni Coca. Those lane L ses sl -all incdLce single-family aric multi-ilamily nesic oritial c ovolarlrnEirit, business, comrnEmcial, recrealion and arlen spatia L ses. The Plannec Communily RegL talions set fcrth iri this ch arlier are adoplled pL nsL aril to Seolion 8- 3.410 of TillEi 9 of tr Ei MLnicipal COCEI. P rry nefunance in chis ONElnall CarripnEihenEiNe ❑ovelorlrnenl 38 NovenqbeF 26, 2007 DRAF- Marbalila Go, lil 61 Cour ury Cllub C omprehar siva Deveic pmar E Alar 86-04 Plan la said N L riiaiplal Co( El shall Le carsiderec to mean Or(inariae #291] es amEiriced, an ariy one ine nce ,iL t sequerilly adorlie( to ,1L pler,iec a Orc ine rice #291]. 9.2 PLAN N BCI COMMU N ITY No'reSI AND CON 11ITION SI 5.2.1 Cc de Cc rripliance NoMi4ts4ariding any pravisiori oil Ihi,i COP, ria aarislrualion ,iFall be perrnillec wiVtiri the de,iiclnatEic Planned CammLnHy Disinicl uriless sLah aan,ilrualion fully aompllies with the requinemerits of tta Bu ilc iricl Code a ric all relaled eon,il ction nodes adopled k y the C ily of Sari Juan C a plislrana fon genenal arlrlliae t ilily. 9.2.2 Issues Nct Addressed Tt a pinov isiaris of 1 he C❑P ,it a II claverri ell lane L se and dev elaplmEirit within 1 t e c esigrialed PC area. However, iri ce se,i where z lanc use an c evelopmen'l rEiqulEtiori i,isue is riol ac c reset iri Itis CLIP, the aprinaplriale seclian of the Cily of Seri , Lan Caplislnario Laric Use Code QLUC; stall regLlEtEi. 5.2.3 Rreservatic n of Open Space Areas ArEIZ s de,iignziec Ilan permaneril open space v\iilhin 'Ihe Plariried ComrnL nily, a,i c efined in Bxhibil '18 cd l t is CDP, az ririot t El t Lill upon, grz c ed Qe) aepl for raz c an hail plL npose,i an in z riy wz y mac ifie( in way whict will ahanclE1 il,i riak nal aprleZ nanaE1. Tt is plrov inion is appliCE t le whether suct aperi splacEis ane ownec in aommari t y tt El t arrieowrier,i= a,isociz lion or have teen sub(N is Etc E s plarl of nesiderilial lots. 5.2.4 Ccrlditions, Cc%elnants, & Restrictions The CC8 R=s for the PlanrIEic CommL riily ,it a II Le preplarEic to inclu C e a lot plari for eact cu starri t ame site depicting the plenmilled z mea ilor site develarlmerl aon,ilrL atian. Tt is shall be a clerenal C Eirlietiari wilh lol-specific c evEilapmeril pinopasals lo be submitlec for tinct ilEIetL nal carrimitlee arlplroval as to aon,iistericy wilt the irileril of the C C&R=s. 5.2.9 Non -Residential and Multi-Ramilyl Residential Rrcjects Nori-resit aritial aric rriu Ili-fz mily nesi( erilial projects shall be rinocessec generE Ily in tt a fallav\ irig sEigL enC:EI: Site De\ elaplrrieril Plans IlPlanrirg C arra mission 2. TenVativ a Tract or Pancel N e pts QCOl Cou nail; 3. Site De`alaplrrieril Plaris I10e,iiclri Review Comrrii'lleEl: 4. Final Tre at or Pe ncel N a pts QCilly Cou nail' 5. Site, Builcing, Lancsitzria, Gra(igld ant otten"onking DrmAiings 6. Irripravemerit Pleris (ICilly 9rigiriaer) Anahi'lecVLnal elevzlion,i stall Le de,iiclriac in aonfanmerice with tte Cily= i acapliec Ar&i1ecilLnc'1 Design G L is alines. The detailed carilerii ant pracedu rEis fan aact siz cla witt in tt a seClL once shall be a,i sEil forlh talaw: 9.2.6 Residential Riiojects Rrc cede res 39 November- 26, 2007 DP.4F NlarbEikia Golf & Cat,rltlry CAGB Comprehcrlsiivc DeieilapmEirltl Pkirl 86-04 Plans fan all 116siderilial Flnoje(lls rial su tjElat to &iatiori 9.2.9 shall be rElvieWElc and aPFlnov Eld goners IIS in th E1 fallowing sequ Elriae: A. Relic Elritial Coriaepl Pile ri B. TOritalive Tnaal N e A C. FireITnacl NaA ❑. Impno\ errlElril Plaris 1jPu blia Facilities), Gra c ing a ric Building Permits The c eta i1E1c carileril a ric puacEIC u nes fan ee ah Ste de wit h in the sec u encE1 sh a II It e set fan ih bE1Ia\A I: Residential Ccincept Plans Relic ontie I aclricepl Ale ns ilor each su bjeal rElSic ontie I prajea with in th a PC she 11 be ne\ iewec aric aprinovec by th a Plaririiriq Corrimissiari rpiicm to cul aoriau rrElri% v%iith Ien Teti\ a ire at maps. The following irifonmalion shall to irialuded in each nesiderilial eonaept plan: A. A cariaeplu al site aric gre c ing plan sh awing ihEl fallawing X Lot layout a ric/cul bu iIC irig facltpninis. N Circiu latiorl system .Ih cmiirlg all ElXislirlg and praFlasec stneels aric h ighwe y% sl reel %A icth s, appuoxime le grac EIS e rid e rlpro) imale nedii al eurvatu no. N Pneliminary grecirig plan, showing existing aclritauns eric pnopased apprax ime 1e fine I cariiou n9 cif eleve liori9. Conlaurs oil ell lorrairi wilhin 2100 feel of the ansa t au ndary shall a Isa to sh owri. Th EI lone tioris cd oxisiing a rid rpioposec ee semen Ise rid AL It Iia u lilities. Th E1 locelion and cisrlosilicin oil all existing stnuclure9 wilhin the area (1wilh r1atE19 Wh eth en 10 to prOservoc oil rem ON EIC) cul within 'eIaa feet of th a ansa taundary. x The laaailian, size and rleium of ell suppar feaililies (IMah as parks, nocreeiion feaililies, schclal sites, line slatiaris, RV la(iiiiiiOS, E11c.). M Idenlifiae lion oil rialu ral fee 1urE1s Suah e s sidriiilicaril 11neE1s, c nainage cOu nsEIS, rclak oulcrapping% ala. B. Anctileciural cosign aoncepis incialing general tuilcing types, fc1nm an( scale metEuiiel9, calans, lexlurEIS, outdoor lighting, anch iieciurel delails and graph ias. C. A cariaepilual le ricsce Fie rile ri fan the oritine anee inc ieating the gerieral Flatlerri anc loco lion cif le rid:leapec area S irialuding 1� rles of plaril material. D. Othen infourriaiion as rriay be required fan ne%iew of a particular aonaept Ale ri as detormiriec by the EA (such ES geatoahnical Siucies, hydrology informallicin, ela.;. Arlrinov e I oil a ny nesic Eirilial conaepl Alen shall to based a ricin firic irigs t y the C ilk ih e t saic plari is cionsisieril with th E1 C amprohemika ❑evelopmeni Pie ri, the GElrioral Plan and applicablO requinemerits oil Stele le w. T entative T Hatt M ap 40 November- 26, 2007 DRAF Nlarbehla GOh161 Courky Dud Comprehensive DeveilcspmerI Plan 86-04 Terslalive maps shall canlain the irsilormation sFlecifiec in Tille �1, Clhapler 4, Anliclei 5 of &a Municipal Cac es. Su ah maFls shall be rev lowed al appiiavec in acaorc once wilt Section �I- J.304 and ath esn applicable sectioris all the N L niaiFlal Clace. Na lenlative marl shall enearnpass an area greatelu than thal oil its govonning resicenilial aancepl plan. A FIFInov al of any tonlaiivo rr ap shall be taxed a pan findings b� th es City stat said map is consislent with its gavenning resit ential aancepl plan, the campueherssive c evelaprr enl plan, th es Clily=s General Plan and the requ inerrienls of Stale laud. Firial Iract Map Fil l lract maps shall be praaessed, neviesl al aFlFlroved in aaaorcance wish Title CI, Clhapler 4, Article 6 cif thea Municipal Cac es. Imprcvarrient Rlaris ImFlnovemenil plans sliall be praaessed, neviewesc zinc aFlFlroved in aacandanao\Aiilh Seciian �I-4.ICH oil the N L nicipal Cade. 5.2.EI.6 Grading and Building Plans Gras ing al bu ilding plans al -all k es pnacessed, neiviewec al aFIFlnov ec in acaorc ante witf Title 9, 6 apler 4, A nlicde 4 oil the N L nicipal Cade. 5.2.7 COIR Ameridmielnts Tt es plarinec eommul negu Talions ane an irilegral part of th es overcall aompreh einsive develapment plan. A mens mems to the regi lalioris of ite planned cammL nily shall be a,s pem Secdion 9-21.41 Cl C1.3 Cif th es Mu nicipal Code. 5.9.8 Variances The pnaae:ising of zone variance applicelionss stall k ei in acaorc anae will- Seclion 9-3.4 of the MuriieiKlal CO( e . 5.2.9 Bxceptions Mirior eNcsepliaris to nc rrserieal cev edaFlrnesrit ,slant encs ,sell forth in Seci ion 5.3 of lhiss Clompreh esnsiv e Desvelopme nt Plan may be appnavec k y tf e Clity iri aorijuricdiori wish tr es nesicenlial coriaepi plan ciii tF a wile cevelopment plan %niilHoul the processing oil a aorie variance. Such miriar ercepiions may 1: El appnavec only wh e n all of th es ilallawing cant ilionci aprlly: 1. A 11 ( imensional on pesrcesntage negu ire mems oil Tille 9, Chaplesn 3 of It es N L nicipal Cade or lli is plarinec eommuriily sh all k es mel, %milli a maxims rrs of 'I Cl% adjualment to reqs ined minimi ms or maxiML ms. a. Minan e)aepiians may be appnavec anly for nessiderilial devesiaprreril pnajecls al anly in cony nation wish applroval of a residerilial aancepl Phan on site cevesiapmenl plan. 3. No mane lli an 10% 01 th es c tiellirig u nils may beneslit ilnom the grariling oil a minor e) aeplian. 4. The appnovind boc y MIL sl rr ake all of lte following fins ings: 41 AJovengber- 26 2007- 9P64F Marbella C cif & Couniry Club Ccirnpreihemiive DevekiprnEir iI F6Ian 616-04 P . Thal the mirian exaepIiaris are nE aess ary Ilan &E Flnojeci to meet/ the E Flinii an( inVe nt all the General Plan. B. That/ it a averall quality of It prajeal would Ce IEss if the minor exaeptiaris ane riot grariiec . THE Flu npos EI of iris seaiion is to ens u ne design arealiviiy anc irinovalion within res is eritial cevelopmenl pnajec1ls iri this plarined commu.riii�. 5.21.14 Rermiils The pnaaes s irig of appliaatiaris fan s igm , tnee remov al rte rmiis and modE I r amE aompleN Eis s r all Lein aaamcaricewiVl' Section 9-2.:147, 9-3.3(18 anc 9-21.31(1 reEpleclivel� cdiHEi Municipal CocE anc wish olher applicatle nEiclulatians. 5.2.11 Fees Fees and barics Ilor plan Flroaessiricl, irispeaiion, camtkc1liari anc otren arpliaable i1lems Etall to imrlasec in aacancancEi will' Sealion 9-2.317 of Ire Municipal CocE. 9.3 01"ITRIICII REGWLAIIIONE 9.3.1 General Nciles Applicabilhy Tr e se Dis trial RE gu laiiom s peaiily 1 he Ian( uses penm illec ti iitr iri c ev a lapmenl arE as anc arlen s rlacE aneas aovE ned ty itis Comrinehens ive De%elopme rit Plari. Iri ac c iiion, riu mE niaal s1landarc s fon lanc S izE s ane als o s peaiilie d. Base District Reglulatic ns Tt E negulaIic ris SE I faith in Il' is artiale fan eact coning disiricl shall be minirnu m reclu lalions aric shall apply uriifarmly to eaal' alass an kind of stnualune or land eNaepil as herEiriafier provided. The 1lollowing genE nal imstniatic ns shall apply: A. No t u ilc iricl, s InuclurE or land s r all herE afie n bei us etc on oaaupied and ric building sr all be erE atEic , aarisinu(dec , re(ic rislnucled, moi e d or s iru atu nally allerec e) aerli in conilormiiy with all of RE negulal iaris r Eu1e in srlE aifiE c fcm tr a dislricl in wr iah it/ is Ic caled. B. No t u ilc iricl cui s Ire aiL ne shall r e reailien be ereatE c on arlerec : Q') Ta e)ceec Vl'e ma)imum I'Eighl, talk an gnounc arEa FlenmiltEc in ill -is ahapler. 112) Ta aacommc c atEl an r ause a gmeiten nu mbE n of families than ane rlermille d in IHs aharlier. Q�) Ta cause a rec ualiari in Vl'e project apen arE a t Edaw tr E minirnu m ne(Iu ined in ill -is ahapler. 114) Ta r ave nannowE n or s maller HE an � ards , 11nonl yands, sic E yarc s or c It E n arlen spaces Mari rEiquined in Iris ahapler. < 21 NlarbEiula Golf & CoG rilry CIG d ComprehEir sive Development Pkir 86-04 C. No part oil a hand, other orlon .ipace or ofil-.ilreef parking splacEi pno%icEic fan any given tuilcirig within the planriEic aarrimuriity shall be carisiderEic as ,iialisilying ani yarc, alher open space or ofikstrEiEit Flanking space rEiquinec for ani other tuflcing exceplf as specificall} puavic ec fan in I1• is C DP. Uses Nct Identifiec in Base District) Regulatioris lR a Direclor cd th E! Planning DeFlartmeril ha.i t he au I horily anc nesporisit ilily to rEivfew a ias nal li,ilec in this ,IEiC'l ian. A pnoposec unlisled use mai be AEinmiltEic asi a princiclal or cont fl tonal use if tll EI Dineelor cd & EI Planning DEIrlantmeril del onmines If at 1 he uaEi ilalls wilhiri the Flu npose anc irileril oil tf• at tase di,iiricf, i.i of a comparat IEr nzifurEi fo th El principal an conditianal u se.i aFlecifiEic as Flenmiftec in lhal dist ricl and will riot be c Eilrimenial to pnaperty in I h e vicinily oil said u se and is nol alreacy listec as a pEmrriiVtEic a se in anoil•en 21oning di,ilriel with in the planned aomrrnu riily. Environmental Management) Districts The plannec carrimu riity sf all be au kjoCi to sill Envirarirrierilal M ariagemEirt Dislriol Ii lalion,i sEil far h in )Bile 9, Chapifer 3, A nticdo 5 of dhe N u r iaipal Code. ))hese o%Emlay c istricts will to aomt ined wilh 111 Ei base c i,itricts in the slime rriar nor as fon Municipal Coc e, 11i111e 9, Base Distniats. Elase Districts Ease dislnicls within 1 he N antella Call & Cau ntryClub Fllsinned Comrnu r fly ane liatEIC as follows aric s 1 avvin an Exh it it 1 EI. CF - C u stain nainma� REisiderii ial Distniat FR - Fairway Relic Eiritial Dislnicl MR - llhe Villas N u Ili -Family Resi(Eiritial Dislnicl CN - Neic h tanhooc CommEInCial Dislricl CO - CCImmElncial Clfflice GC - Golf COL nae Disinici OS - Open Spice Distniat IR - PutliCI Inslitulional Dislricl 5.3.2 Residential District Regulations Conformance and Review All cEivelopment shall earifonrri la the CDP an( olher applicatlEi negulaliaris of the N u riicipal Cade. Pilaris fan nesic enf ial devElapmEirit ,ih all be rev iewec 1 hrou gh th Ei C fly=s c evEloFlmeril review pracess as set forl- in Secl ion 9-2.305 of 11-e N u riicipal Code and & rough 'I h e carriFlasfte de\ efaprriEinl plan Flnoeea,i as sEd forlh in Secl fon E.3.2 of th fs CDP. 5.3.e'1.2 Clo mipc site Develc pmeritl Plans All residenl ial p110jec1 s sh all to nequirec 10 ,iu t rri i' a complasil a devEdaFlrrieril plan. llh Ei carriposile cevelopmen'l plan shall irialude 1hEi fallowing infanmatiori anc shall to rEiviewec aecorc frig a the following pro%isions: A. C ariaepi larid,icape plari ilon all aomrrion slape anea.i, .ilrEiet 1rEiEi mastEin plan anc plana palettes fan laric scapliric inc i% is u al h arries. B. Caricep1 t uflc ing efevalions ilor all nesic erilial units, including su t misaian cd a tuilcing material and aolor sample taanc . 43 NevembeF 2&, 2007- DR.4r= MUM eiklEi Golf & C cm Wily Club CompraflEirisiva DEivelopment Ellam 8E1-04 C. Pnelirr inary grac ing plari. D. AacEisis wad ilealLne,i, inaluding special silneel liglll ilixlures, silneel llurniVure an( typical patio covers, fEiriae,i, walls, Eli., tl•atwaLIc to stancar( fElatllles oil the ceveloplmeril. 13. Saic pllan,i shall ke sch.jecl Vo Planning Commission ne%iEiw aric approval prior io aplpino% al oil any final resic Eintial sub( iv inion rr app. SupAlerrmieintary Distriail Regulations AEiriaing, swimming pools and similan items ,ih all aanfarm to Tille 9, Clhapller 3, Article EI of Vhe W riiaiplal Clode. All su& iiems sll all rEigcine approval hylheAnchilEiatLnal Clorrimitiee piniorlo reviev\ by 1 he City. z4 PLANNED COMMUNITY DISTRICT ZONES . , f CISl—1 I� SITIITIlU1W QS OF EN UPLACE ( GOLF CIOL FTSE A L�!—IJA CONNIEFICIAL MARBELILA GCLF & EMBIT la COUNTRY CLUB rcr;rn i SAKI JLAN CARISTRANQ CLSTOM CF RAIR%AY FAIF %" Fp FIGGIDEIN TIAL MF MEDIUM DEIN SITY F/IMILY FI EBIDEIN TIAL C(1� NEW h EIORN OOCI GOI,�uap.:lal OFIRIC9 CISl—1 I� SITIITIlU1W QS OF EN UPLACE ( GOLF CIOL FTSE A L�!—IJA CONNIEFICIAL MARBELILA GCLF & EMBIT la COUNTRY CLUB rcr;rn i SAKI JLAN CARISTRANQ November- 26, 2007- DRAF Uirbal/a Galf & Cauntry Club Campra lensivE DE vedopmend Fllan �IEI-04 irment abhiCit '18, Planned Clommu riiiy Disiirictl Zories 45 November- 26, 2007 DRAF Marbe lla G aaf & Clounilry Club Clamprehen,,U� a Clevchapmcr 1 Alar E16-04 Height cif Accesscry Structures The Cily may aciclro`El the aamiirucdion cd auae.isory slnuclures nol to EIXCEIEic 25 feet in height. Arctitealural Clarrimittee A Homeowners= p s.iciaiation ArahilEICiural Committee sh all t Ei arEiatec to ne% i6w aric aclprave all stucCVcral, IaricscaFlinc and fenaing imclro%orrlenls. The arganizalian, lecal E10honily, cities and obligaiians fan such homeawr1E1ns= associalians shall to sel far& in a sel of Cades, CMarian Is aric REIStnialiaris (ICC &R Alteraticirls tai Sltnuctures Stuc alp res Elciclno\ Etc t y th EI C illy c u fling th EI c ENelopmenl ueview puacess sli all not t e alteliEid u rlless such alleralian has reaeivec prian approval Ly 117 El pncllill eclural COM mill lEla aric the City (in Thal anderl. Puciclosec salan panels aric syslems shall to inlegraied with the arch itElol L nal c asign of & EI s1 rL ate ne. 5.3.3 Custom Fairway (1YCFR@) Residential District Reglulaticins Plurpesel and Intent Lanc cesigrlaiec forthi lype of nesicerliial Lse is inlElnded for the dekelopment of single- family delachec CLstam Icds ftonlinc c iuEiClly onlcl the calf aou use. Rrincipal Uses and Structs res. Siric IEI-family nest' Eiriaes, cetaahec . N Pank:i, cictha aric rInNaia. Acaesscry Uses and Structures X HomE1 oacupalion in camplianae \AJO SElatian 9-'1.611 oil the N L niaipal Code. X Accessory usEIS and stnLClures iriaicenlal la the ciclerallion of a clermilled use. X All EICICEISSory L ses aric sln. ate nes sh all be re\ iElwed by 1he homeownEUls= associiation prion la C iiy review an( appuaval. Tempamary U ses. X Model homes, temgorany rElal Elsiate offices anc sic ris wilhiri su t c ivisions subject tcI Section c1-2.3'10 cd 1he N L niaipal CO( EI. X Real esiale sic ris and fL 1urEI de%elopmerit signs sL Ljeci io t1`0 rElgL inemEint of Seciian c1-3.EIC 3 of the N L riiaigal Code. Develcipment Standards. N! Minimu m lot size: 6,000 sq. fl. Minimum street frantac Ei: 60 f1. N! Minimum CI I-de-saa sinee'l 1lnoniage: 35 fl. )4 Minimum ilroni yarc : 20 fl. )4 Ninimum lice yards: min. 911. each aric fatal of 15 fi. (Nate: Minimum sEitbaaks may be incuease( is a maximLrrl of 20 feet all the disanetion oil1he Planning Commission durinc site plan review fan ausiom lois). 4 EI November- 2&, 2007 DRAFT klarbeMa GaIII & Cour illry Dob ComprehErisiive DevEkIPMErit Pllar186-04 IN N iriimum ream yards 25 fV. x N inimu M open per N C 9-3.4 24: 300ra X Ma>irnum l'Elidt't: 3511.,12 stanies 5.3.4 Fairway Residential (AIFR@) Disilrict Regulations Rurpoise and Intend Lanc cEsignalec fan tl•is type cd rEsidenVial use is irilencEc fon the cevElarlmerii of coriverilional sinclle-family delaahEic I• arnE s whicl• affE n dirE al views anc averviews'lo tt' E golf cou nse. Hrincipal L ses and Structures. X SiriglE -family resic E rices c E taal, ed. X Panks, public and rinivaie. Accessory U ses anc Structures. X Home 0acu palion in aampliariae wi& Seclian cl-3.0,11 oil the N u nicipal Co(e. x Accessory u ses and s1lnuclL rE s inaidenlal to the operation of a permitted use. X All acaEsscury USES zinc stnuclures sFall bE r0dewec by the homeowriEns= assadallian pnian 10 City HE view aric arlrinoval. Temporary L ses. x N oc E I f arries, 'IE rnponary heal es1a11E afilices zinc signs within su t c ivisions su bjE at Vo Seat ion 9-2.310 of tl• E Muniaipal C ac E. X Real E stale signs anc fu to nE c E veloFlmenl signs subject to 11'E nE quiremeni oil Seat ion 9-3.603 of tV E Municipal C oc E. Development standards X Minimu rri lat sizE : X Minimu m sinee'l fnonizige: X Minimu m auk E -sac s1reE 1 frantagE X Minimu m lroril yarc s 4,(ICICI sq. fV. 9a ilt. 35 fl. 2 Cl sleet; pro` is E c shall within Tnaci '14181, atlachec , siriglE-sllory, , sic a-loac E c ganages may t E sell: acH as fallowsl fon tll E indicated lals (pen ITE pnEcisE gracing rllziri; : 47 L 0t 02 '10 fE E t. L 0t 03 10 fE E t. L 01 04 '15 fE E 1. 1101 a71 '15 fE E 1. L at 22 '12 feE 1. Lai 23 '15 feE 1. Lai 2 4 '15 feE 1. Lai 2 71 '15 feE 1. IN Minimum sic E yards: min. 9 It. Each and tola1 of 15 fV. X Minimum rE an yarc s 20 f1. 'N Minimum open area: 25°ia N Maximu rri f eight: 35 fl., 2 stories 47 November- 26, 2007 D94F Marbe ila C aaf & Clournlry Glub Clomprehemih a Cie voAcipmar 11 Ran 86-C 4 5.3.5 the Villas Multi -Family (AVM(I) CJishict Regulations Rurpcse and Intent Lanc c eisignaVeid fon this lyKlei cd resicenilial uses is in'leindec ilor the c eivelcclrrieirit of multi -family housing u nils. Rrincipal Lses and Structures. N Dlwedlincls, multi-farriily. Al Ranks, clublia and Kpiivale. Accessc ry L ses and SltrL ctunes. hl Homer accu patron in aarriKlliance with Sec4ian 9 3.EI11 oil the N u niaipal CO( El. hl Aaaeasory u ses and sinuclureis inaidenial 10 the operation of a plermitied use. hl All aaceissony users aric strucVunes shall bei reiviewec b� 1he homeowriens= assaaiatian pricui to C ily review aric apKpiaval. Temporary L ses X Moc ed h ames, teim ponany neral eslaie cflliaes aric signs wit hin su t c ivisioris su t jeiot 40 Seal ion 9-2.310 cd th ei Mu nicipal COC el. X Real eistale signs anc futures ceivelopmenil signs subject 10 Ihei neiquiremenil cdl Seci ion 9-3.903 cd til ei Mu nicipal Coc a. Develc pmerit Standards. Minima m lal sizes Minima m stneiet homage Minima m froril yarc s Minirriu m sic yarc s Minima m near yanc9 Minirnu m t u ilc ing aeiclaralian Maximum height oil stnuc4ures Minim u m sett aaks: Nat applicat lei 50 fit. ICI 1R. 9 f1. 9 f1. 1 c Ill. 39 fl./.I stories pem site cevedarlaieril plan 5.3.6 Neighbonhcod Commerclial (ANCA) Disllrict Regulations Purpcse and Intent To pnavic ei nEligh tonhocc scale rulail sh appling, services aric limiteic affiae aric plassible aongreigatei (lane fa(lilillies and lhealers. Principal Uses and StructL res. A Corn eniencei reilail sales, i.e. gnoaenies, take( gooc s, ph anmaaeu 1 icals, rrieials, ,jewelry, flawansi, stationery, liqu an aric arlpanel. �1 Corn einiencei seirviceis, LEL aleaning, tau ndromats, bart em and t Gamy sh ops. 'NI Rinancial sen iaes, i.e. bank s, savings aric loans, creic it u niona. 'NI Geineral ofllice uses, i.e. tusiness, prafessional, real eslaie, eic. 48 November- 26, 2007 DP.4F= NarbEikla GOIII & Cour Iry Chid Compreharisiive Deveilapment Pkari 86-C14 N rriec ical arc c er 1al affices to a max imL rn of 3. N Eatlirg and cninking Eslatlishmenis. Clendiilicinal Uses and Structures. X Handwane, paint, flown aric wall covering shapls. X Biayales. X Halel facilities and inaidenlal ilacili'lies nelaiec to said Lae. Accesseiry Users and Strucl urea. N Oulside sales, displays and siloraclEi in compliance with Section 9-3.EME1 al the N L niaipal Co( e. :1 Aacessory L ses aric s1rL ctL res inciderilal to tt E operation of a piermitle( use. X All e acessaryL ses anc sinuaiures shall t e rev iewec by dh e Propier y M ariagemE r t Association prior la CIi1y review and aplpraval. 5.:1.6.5 Tempoirary Users. X Real Es'latEl signs anc llutLne cevelopmeril signs subject to Vhe nequirEirrieril of Sealion 9-,1.603 of ITE MuniaiFlal CIacE. Development 'Standards. X MinimL m lat si21E s: 71,3CICI sq. f1. X MiniML rri slIneell llnonilage: 10011. X MinimL m front yares: 30 It. X Minimum side yares: 20 It. X MinirriL m near yards 20 It. X MinirrIL m splen anew 21CF/0 N MinimL m h E ight: 391It./3 sloriE s X MaximL M aarnbinec leasable flacn area sh all nat e) aeec 3,600.4 DT in aomt inatian will- site. 5.3.7 Commercial Office JACOGI; District Regulations Plurpc sie and Intent Land cEisignalled liar this lyple of cammeneial Lse is in'lEnde( for ttEi de%elopment of pinofE ssior E I ofINCE carriple) es and suppart servicE s. Rrinaipal Uses and Strual ures. N General afiliae uses, incluc incl prcdessional, medical, ( ental and tusinEiss. X Finanaial anc veal estate sere iaes. X Public anc sEimi-put Sic uses, e)cluc incl sahools, plaliaE, ella. X Business, voaalional and plrofessianal sahoals. X ClanfemencEi faailities. X RE tZ it sales. Cenditional Uses and Structures. X Eating estz t lish rrienls anc restaL rank. 4c1 Noven7beF 26-, 2007 DRAF- Menbella Goff & Catnhy CJub Campreitiensivei CleiveJopmentl Fllan U-04 X Full -cane neJremerii facililies aric nesideritial uses maybe Flenmitlad F1novkeit such U90 inaanporates all of the Specifia Plan ❑evedaFlrrierit ❑isinicl. N Haiel 1aaili1lie19 and inaicenAl faailities redatec la laic u se. N ResicenJal c ses inalc c irig apartments/multi-family lawnhome�dsiriglei-family detach ec . ❑ensilly anc ulJmalei site development shall be aprpiavec iri aaaorc ante wilh Section E..1.5. Acaessc ry L saes and Structures. Carelaken reisidenaeis in camplianae wiilh Seialiari 9.3.6121 oil the N u niaipal Code. �4 AcaeEisory u ses and sinu,clures inaicental Ila the opera ion of a Permillec Wie. All accessory c ses and stru alt nesi eih all be ne% iewed t y th a Pnoperty Management AEnacialian Anion to City review aric arlrinov al. Tem pc rary L saes X Temporary real eslaiei ofiliaes and signs vvith in subc k isions subjeai to Section c1- 2.310 of the Muniaipal COCEL X Real eslale sigma and future dev alapmeint signs M bjecl to the rEICIL kemeint of Ssclian 9-3.60 cd the N u niaipal Code. Develcipment Sltaridards. N Minimum lot size: Nat applicat le 14 N inimum slreieit fnantZiclei 1 CICI lit. N N inimum llnonl yarc s "eICI ft. V N inimum sic El yarc s ICI f1. N inimum reian yarc s 2(1 f1. N inimum peuaenilage of apen area; 2(1% N arirnu m height of sin a1u nes 35 flA2 slarieEi N ar irnu m combined lewat le floor ansa sh all be c eilerminec by 1h a specillia use and shall nat e) need VICKI PUT in combinalian with the "CN" site. 5.3.8 Public Instituilicinal QAPIGI] District Regulations Rt rpose and Intent To aacammadale a restniatec rarigs o11 pu tlia insliiulianal u seEi. Principal Uses and Structures Plerrr ittec X Fire silatian. X C ommu nity cenleir, cu hural ceriler. Develc pmerit Starid and s X Builcing site area risn the appnavec silo plari. X Builcing settaaks F1en the appravec silo plan. X Bu i1c ing h sigh 1 3( 11t./2I story ma) imum. 5.3.9 Gc If Course IJAGC CI) District Reg ulatie ris Plurpc sae and Intent C Cl NovembeF 26, 2007 DRAF Mai be , a God & Cat nh y C It b Comprehensive Cleive lopmentl Fllan E &0I Lan( desigr atEic for 'Tis use is iniende( for th a c avelopmeni of spart aric iiearEiatioriel opportunilliEis and laaililies foil alp t mamtaiis and guests. Principal Uses and Sllructt, res. �1 Recuiatiari aric sport: ilacilities v\hiCII ICICLE ari active reanea'liarial cses. Scah a sas include private golf Cagy rise, iiaaqu el alubs, ierinis ilacilitiEis, s\A imming pails, health and spa faailiiies. x F is ing aric F ik ing trails. Accessory Uses and Sltructures. Ps iriciaatEic in the Piiivaie Racraaiion JPR) Disiricl HEigulatiari, Seciion 9-3.4'19 of Ta ML nicipal Code. Cc nd itional U ses and Structures F ermitleid X Daraing and lira Eirlertairimert. X EMEN, wiriEi aric liquoii licenses, ari-sale, for alcaral carisumad an the premises. X Haling eslablist menls foil faad aonU mec in principal permitted t,se. IN Relail sales. Cleivelopmeint Sltandards Bu ilding sive znea Building setbacks x Building heighll pEm the appra%ed sitEi plan. 2CI fl. 35 fl./2 slory maxims, m 5.3.10 Open Space IIAOSIR] District Regulations F urpcse and Intent P indiaaled in tlEl Open Space Rieservallian JOS; ❑isiricl rsgulallians, Saclion 9-3.4 Tl oil &a ML nicipal Code. Principal Uses and Sltructures. Open space us as, Fµ. t Iia and pri%ate, which amph asizEt the natural ch anacier al the lanc %A ith no t L ilc ing c avelopmenil. X Rlaad aonl1nol ahaririEls aric rElalec slru (lL rias. Pinks. X Zliiails. x Bikaw ays. 5.3.1x.3 Develcprr ent Sllandards As inc iaatac for the Open Space Preservation DCIS) Dis 1ricl in Seatian c-3.424 of the Mu niairlal Clace. 5.3.11 Environmental Management District Regulations The fcllanA ing oveilay c isiricls aiie applied to the PC area aric are SL tjEial to the iiequirEimEints in Title c, Clhapler 3, ArticlEi 5 of the Municipal Cace. 51 NevembeF 26, 2007 DRAF Mlarb E Mei Goilf & Cc ib r try C to h ComprE flE r sivE DE v E lopmE of Fusin 8f1-04 N RMO11 Flooc plain N arlagemE rit ONE play Dlisi rici Ni HN HillsicEi Managemenl ❑istnict Ni N Noise ManagErrierii Disinici 6.0 GROWTH MANAGEMENT PHASING RROGRAM EI.1 PURPOSE AND INTENT This ComprellensivE DevElopmerll Plan necogniaes that it is the policy of the Clip to coriirol aric mariage the impacts oil the cammuriity=s gnciwth rale. In responsE1 to this policy, a gnciwth mariagemEirii pHasirig Flrognarri fcm imFIlEimenlation cd the Plarinec Clommunityhas bEEndevelopEc to ensL nE iH a long-term corilrol oil ihE c cirri mu nity=s growth. % iriclusiori a1 su c h a pnograrri, iH E Clily is able to ac c ness the gnciwth impacts nelatEic to its cevEdoF rrierii while Flroviding a mechanisrri to erlsurE ihE orc E my irriplementatiori of nE cessarysL FlFlort ilacilitiEis grid implrovemE nts. 6.2 RHASIING OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS In orc E n to mE et the spinil anc inlenl cif th a Clity =s Growtli ManagEimeni Flolic� ,the following fou n -year phasing anc allocation plan shall Entilla thE1 cevElopen to issLaricE cif nEisidenlial building pEnmils pnovic ec all coric it ions cif appncival hav e t een sal is1iE d. This sche( L IE is t ase( u pon a c alenc an yE ar lirr1E fnarriE . 6.2.1 Rhase I, 1983 1. Building Permit Allocaticn PhasE I shall consisl of 20 cwelling Lniis. 2. Cc nstrL ction Impact Rrc grams The following Flnogram shall to implemEntEc iri conjunction with an Flrior to Phase I: (a; All rOL dh grac it d operalions shall to initialer c u ping Phase I. Upari c cirri plE l ion of nou gh gnac ing, all mam fac tL ned sIoFIE anEias and bu ilc at IE aoE as fon SL b segL ent phasE s shall t e larnc scaplE d FIE n approved plans. (bj A corisllnuclion Flhasing program shall be FlnepanEc anc sILtmiltEc wilh the rough grace anc impravemEnt plan application, including conslrlLction access, gracirig, Ian( scaping anc ocher rEqLinemErits rlEcessary to nEcucE the impacts of coristnuclion. (Icj All rough gnading fon the golf cagy nsE , clubhaL se, nE siderii ial, bL siriess Flank anc public insliiu lional sitE s shall t E corriplE ie( in oriE ph ase. Ild) Upon completion oil the noLgh grading oFleralion, all manufaclurEc sIaFIEs shall to IaricscapEd in accorcarice with appinovEic plaris. IjE) All landsc aping praplosec asgartofVhegolf coursE/coLntryciubilaciiilyshail t e c om Flletec . 3. Imipmvemerills and Dedications 52 November- 26, 2907- DRAF Mart e a Golf & Cou r ilry C Au t C omprefl err sliver Deveik pmeint Pkar 86- 04 TF Er following c EIC iaalliaris anc impino\ Errr erils sh all I: a aompIletElc rlrior lo issu ance of use and oc(Iurlanay plermils: Ila) E> tension of F-arno CIIEIek Rozic from Ranaho Viejo Rciac at Vhe enlranae 40 a paint appraxirr vilely 90(I fElet sou 1h of norlherly rpioperty line. ilk; E)lensian of public utili'liers and grivale roac s rneaessary to servicer Phase I resit erilial tineas. la; Exlensian oil sewer line to Sioneniccle. (c Clarisirualion of Harno Creek illood corilrol irr rpiavemenls per aprlroVElc plaris across lerrigtt oil praperty. (el Carislnuclion of N anbella elubhou se zinc accessory structures. (If; Partieipatian in installaiian of lrafflia signal al Vhe in1lerseclion of Raricllcr Viejo Roac X11 F-arno Creek Fuad. (1g) Ofiler oil dec iaation oil a 4.6 -acne Pu the Instilulianal sitEr to the CIily. Dec iaation will be cane when Ieclally penrr issit le, and \Aiken paraEll is released by the sellen fnam any Ernaumb ranges, and when a satisfactory agreE merit f as k ere n rEraahec WIT the City as to the Valu Er oil the Sita, and when the Valu Er h as been aredilE d to the dei E lager aclainst crlhen fees wh ieh will be ch anger to the FpiajEal by the Cily and atr E r instillutiaris. Ilh; ImrlrmEirr E rit and dedication of the GE neral Plein k ikeway fram Sloneniccle to Ranaho Viejo Road. ll) Imrp1oVEmer11 and cEIC ieallian of the General Plan ECIL esVrian snails. (I.2.2 Phase II, '1988 1. Building) Hermit Ap plicatic ris PF ase II shall aansist of '150 dwelling units. 2. Clcnstructicn Impact Program TF E fallawing impaat rinogram shall be imrllE menied in carlju rialian with ar rinior lo Phase II: (la) All canslnuclion equ ipmen'l and Nafilia stall k E neslricled 10 &E use of a aorlstnu al ion roac to t e bu ill across 'I h E sFIE cifici plan c eVE larla eril site ar att E n arlpnopniale acaE ss faailities. Ilk; ClonsIruaticrri pFasing shall ensune tFal caristnuclian Nafilie is not rouiEd ihraugh eomplEtE c neigh t anhooc clu stens. Ila) A aonslruation phasing pragram shall be prepaned and submitlEd with the naugh grade tint imrpiovemeni plan appliaallian, inaludincl aorlstuualian aacE ss, grading, lanc scapirlcl anc crtt en nequiremenis necessaryis neduaE the impacts all eonsiru ation. (c; Urlan eomrllEtion of TE rpiecisE cpiading aperalion fon Phase ll, all manuilac4urec gracErc anEas shall to IarlcscaFlEd rler arlpro%ed Fllans. 53 Marballa C aAf & Country Club Camprohemihe Clovebpmen l Ran 861-N 3. Impromermients and Lledicatioiris llhe following c odieaiians aric improv omonts shall to eampleiod pricm to issu anco of usEi an( occupancy permits: ja) 0)(tEirision of pu t lice L lilities aric pnivaie roac s riecEissary to service Flh ase 11 resit oritial areas. 6.2.3 Rhasei 111, '1989 1. Building) Permit Alloicaticins Phases III shall cansisl of 130 dwelling units. 2. Ccinstructioin Impacil Prcigrami llhe lollowind irripaat prognarri shall to imFllemEiritEic in aonjunciion with or prior to Phase III: (a; All ciansiru cition equ irlmeni and traffics shall a se i h e SE1FI aonsiru ap ian road or oilher apprapniatEi access laciliiios. jb) Constnucilian Flhasing shall ensune that carisinuciion traffic is minimize( through campleiEd noightorhaac alLsiEns. Qct A coristnLclicn phasing Flnogram shall tE p11EparE1c aric sutmitle( will- the rough grace and improv E mE ril plan application, inclu c irig carisi nuclion acaE sa, gracing, laridsaaping and of h E r requ inE rriE rill nE eEssaryto ret Lae RE implacis of constnuciJari. I1c; Upon campleiicn Cif the FpiecisE grading opEnatiori ilcn Phase III, all mane laelurE c cpiac ed aneas :ih all bE landscape( pen appravec plans. 3. Improvements and Dedications llhe falIci%A irig dedications aric imprc\�emE nts sl- all be acrriplE le( pniar 'la issuanae oil USE aric oaauparicy permits: (a EXIlEnsion cd Flublic uliliiies aric Fluivaie roacs neeEssary'lc ser%iae PhaaE III rE sidenll IE I allE E S. (bj Offer of c E c iaatiori oil IIE eder equ E stuiE ri 1 rail. 6.21.4 Rhase IV, 1990 1. Building) Rermit Allocatiein PhasE N sh all cunsisl cd 4 71 c V% E Iling a nils. 2. Clanstruction Impact Rrcigrami The fcllcm ing impact prcgnam shall t implemEritEc in conjunciiion with ar prior to Flh ase IV: 5z NevembeF 2&, 2007 DRAF Martlellka Golf & Cabntry Clbb Compreltleinsive Delveloprrent Plan 8E1-04 (al All uclnslnuatiorl eqL irimerll and Uaffia st all L se III el (esignailed coriatruclion roac on other appnagnialel aaaess ilaaililiels. jb) COrAtIlLa'lian phasing sl -all ensLne ttat corlstnLcilian traffic is minimised ttraugh completed rimighborliaac alLsiems. Ila) A aonstn.aiian Fll-asing pnogram shall kel prelparec an( sL bmitled will- the nougll gnac el and imprmemeril Fllan application, inclu c irlg corlstilLclian aacelss, gnac irlg, landscaping and all- On negL immerils necessary to nec L ae the irrirlaals cd coristRalian. 11c; Upon camplelian of the pnecise gnacirlg Orlenalicn ilor Phase IV, all manu ilaclurec graded aneas sl- all be landscape( per appravec plans. 3. Improvements anc Dedicationa The fallo�n irlg cedicalion,l and impravements shall be carr) pleled prian la issL ance of U90 anc ocaupanay permits: (al Extension ail public a lilities anc pnivale roac s necessary to service Phase IV resicenlial areas. 6. 1.5 Carry Cvar of Dwelling L nit Allocations Uniusec allocations fon any production in any giv en (akin(ar y ear may be reallocate(, sL Inject io City COL nail appIrmal in subsequent years if a nL sed allocations ane availat le in the Clip=s Residerilial Allocation Sahec L lel 11or th a next aalenc an year L p to 1 Ma. SLI: se(I L a nnI to 'I NCI, said reaIImai iarl real to e)aee( a ma) i m u m oil ICI a rlils, but shall in na instance e)ceec the remaining unL sed allaaatiaris in the Clity=s Resic eritial Allocation Sahedule. F:I Alan ning\Fllanning_Documentsl CI❑Fl ❑ocuments' C❑P8604 Maubedla.wF d 99