Resolution Number 09-06-02-01RESOLUTION NO. 09-00-02-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING DESIGNATED FLEET INVENTORY AS SURPLUS WHEREAS, the City owns and maintains a fleet of vehicles and equipment for the purpose of providing field services and transportation; and, WHEREAS, from time to time vehicles and equipment are retired when they reach the end of their useful lives and are prepared for sale to obtain their residual value; and, WHEREAS, the City has determined that those vehicles identified in Exhibit "A" have reached the end of their useful life and hereby declares them as "surplus" property; and,. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby declare said vehicles and equipment as "surplus" property pursuant to section 3-4.401(e) of the Municipal Code and directs staff to proceed to dispose of the property in accordance with its rules and regulations. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of June, 2009. MARK NI LSEN, MAY 0 MARGARE-I[M MONAHANi CI` Y/CLE STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, MARGARET R. MONAHAN, appointed City Cleric of the City of San Juan Capistrano, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No, 09-06-02-01 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano at a Regular meeting thereof, held the 2"d day of June 2009, by the following vote: AYES:COUNCIL MEMBERS NOES. UNCIL MEMBER: ABSENT: � MEMBER: I--�VrOUNCIL ,. 11 E LVA f '. Allevato, Freese, Hribar, Uso and Mayor Nielsen None None Memorandum May 6, 2009 TO: 'Cindy Russell, Assistant City Manager FROM: Greg Marquard, Senior Maintenance Worker .SUBJECT: Surplus vehicles. The following vehicles are subject to retirement as they have reached the enol of their useful lives. We request that the City. Council declare these vehicles as surplus property. These vehicles have been prepared for auction and will be delivered to a third party auction company upon being declared surplus property. Please have the signed ownership documents delivered to Public Works upon approval of this request_ Unit 61 1993 Ford Sedan License #E370710 Unit 179 1999 Dodge Caravan License 1267901 Respectfully submitted, Cc: Nasser Abbaszadeh, Director of public Works Jill Thomas, Senior Management Analyst Exhibit A