Resolution Number 09-03-03-05ROSOLL TION IS O. 09-01':1-03-05
Sieven Langikird Anchiteicis, Jan Staley repueseinlative have nequeisted appnaval ai
Gein euial Rlan Amendment Anct itecilunal Canlral (AC) OEI-05 & acme Vaniance (aV) 08-06 to
allaw a Gencral Fllan Flmendmeini, Rezcme, FlnchHEiclunal Caninal, and acinei Vauian ce. Ilhe
Anchileclural Canlnal applicalian is Ilan a 7,4EIEI s.1. two slary mEidiaal office building and a
12,51219 of. subtemranean garage. Ilhe puipased 'variance is fan a 5' 0" encraachmeint inia
'Iher ueau yaad seilback and a "I'-0" inaneiase in the maximum t eight vihen mcasuned ilcinm
finist grade. an prapcirty lacateid a1 :1'1551 Flvenida Las Clenrilas which is Genenal Rlan-
designated Office Research Rank and classified as Office Clommeecial an -It a Official
Zaning Maps; and,
Wt encias, -it ei prapased pnaject has beicin proceissEid pursuant is Scictian 9-2.301,
Iaevelapmeinl Review crl the L and L se Cade; and,
A heineas, the Rlanning Cammissian has considered the Bnviranmenlal
Adminisinatan's dedEmminatian purl uanl to Seclicm 15071 al the Calillarnia Bnviranmenial
QualilyAcl (CAQA), has ccinsideireid all pacijecl enviuonmenlal dacumenlalian and technical
studies; and,
VI heireias, the Planning Clommissicm conducted a duly-noliceid public heianing cm
Januaryl27, 200E1 puusuan'I to ilille 9, L and Lse Ckide, Seali(in 9-2.335, Clit)j Cauncil Floliay
5, and Planning Deparimcini Flolicy 5'0 to considen public ileistimany an It ei pliapased
pncijeci and has cansidened all iielevanl public comments; and,
Whereas, ilhe Clily Cauncil canduated a duly-noiiceid public heiauing an March 3, 2009
pursuanl la Title 9, Land L se Cade, Seclicm 9-2.3115, City Cauncil Rcilicy 5, and Planning
Deparimeni Rolicy 5'0 to cansideui public teslimcmy an the prapciseid puojeicl and has
cansidencid all uelevant public cammeinls.
NOW, THARBRORO, BA 11 Ra9Ol \ BD, thal the City Cauncil crl the Clity crl San
Juan Capislrana does heireby make the fallowing findings:
1hei subjecl dEivE ilopmEint has been des igneid -lo meiel -It a develop mcint standands oil
the OfficEi Commercial Distnici inaluding setbacks, hEiight aesinicilions, and loll
covenage. Two exceiplions ane an encnoachmenl into the rear yard s(itback
ncaessary floc a monei aesthErlically appropriate dEisign and incncase in height
m is Wcilions to allow a mons un iform building height.1hei Municipal Clode establishes
for Medical Offices that onEi panking s paces pen eact 200 sl, of gloss leasable sn ace
is neiquined. ThEi proposed pnoj(ial consists o1 5,200 sf. of lea sabic areas which
Nanslat(is to a 26 spaces nequinEiment; the site conlains 26 panking spaaes thus
meeting'It is neiquinement. lhei Municipal Code establishes ilhal illumina-lion s hall not
exceed .01 fooil candle five sleet ouilside the property line. llhe pnoposeid pt otomelnic
plan eistat lishes ilhal in mosl cases That at ilhe pnopeirty line the bot candles ale at
0.0 valueis and in the mosl extieme cases is neduceid ilo below .0'I fool candle
immadialely adjacent ilo the p noper y line. Because the plop osed pnojeat meels all
development silandards except as otherwise noted and all applicable supplemental
district standards it is sound to aomply witt all provisions of Mille 9 oil the Elan Juan
Capistrano Municipal Code; and,
'I he overall si le and anchileGILinal design ane cons istent with the General Rlans goals
and polio ies fon preiseniingl a sense of spaces by enaounagling high-quality and human
scales deisign in the pnojecl and ,lon a pnojeat which nefflecls on the Ciily's Inadilional
and historic character. the pnopos ed pnojecl is genanally consistent wilh -It ei
Clommuniily Des ign Element, and specifically with the following policies. PolicA ;I.
Flreserve sigrificanil arriounls ofllana and important nailural feailures itircipen sf ace.
nhe pnoj(icl does not incorponatei land wilt in portanl natuna I featunes, and has been
pi(iviously dis-lunbed during unneialed constnuclion aclivi'lies. Policy -I./' Encoutiage
higlh duality and human scale desicln in devektr niienl ilei niiairnlain 1fle character cif the
City. -it ei propos ad medical offices has been des ignEid in a method consistent with
othen deivEdopmeni in thEi aneia and provides a consistEmt s1nEictscape. The proposed
paoject has been neiviciwcd and forwandcd wilh recommendation o-1 approval by the
Design ReAew Clommitlee. Flolicy 3.1 Limit aevelormienil cif impcutanl naWral
characteristics such as tk cleliries, unic,lue hillside ba lures and creeks. The project is
aompleteily nemoveid iliom the naluial chanactenistics and is an ansa suitable lion
clevEilcipm(inl. Furih(m the proposed projeicil is consis'leni with the Land Use 0lement
and Transportation Blement. Fain a mole thouiugh respanse to cons istencywith the
other Clencinal Ran Blern ents sce wisponse above. Dues lci the design chanactenistics
and irn pacts oil the pnopos ad pnojecl it is iloUnd to be genenally consistent with the
ClenEinal Pian; and,
The proposed site plan conlains all )iehiculan access onsite and pncividcis for one
driveway entry onlo AIvenida Los Cennitos. llhe pnciposEid site plan does not aneale
any significant irn pacts cin s unounding and proposed land uses. The one dniveway is
appropriately dislanceid 1hom the exisling dni)ieway to tt a office building to tt a sou -It
and norl h and does not cieale discennablei impacts on tuaffic f ows. In addition to the
access issue, the proposed site plan is selback significanti71 ilrom the sNeel and
pinoNfldes adequate setba6 s fnom all othen piiop er y lines. The fl rioposed
encroachment inlo -lt a iieaii yard selbacl, does not imp act any exisling land rise as
nane exists. The development polenlial all it is nemnant parcel is iiemo'le, and Thus
the enciioachmenl would nail affect anal fl iiaposed land uses. Because ilhe piicip ased
sile plan does noil create any Traffic impacts an adjacent pnoperlies and does nol
creaie any undue impacls on sunnaunding land uses, it is sound to be campalible
with existing and prapased land uses; and,
It a pniopased pnojeci is lacailed in an affice park enAranmenil. The prapased pnaject
Ill k een designed with an aesthetic lha1 is cansisilenl wilh previaus development in
the adjacent aiiea. Clane has been 1al en to ensure the pnopased materials are cif
quality and are rich and auiheniic in nalure. The scale of the design is consistent
wilh It a adapted Design Guidelines because Nianied race lines ane pncipased and the
building is eflecliveiyl stepped back from the stneet. It a characlen cif the design is
cansistenl wilt the design guidelines whict slate It al "...Buildings shmild convey a
sense cri aLithenticity, timelessness, and elegance negandless al style au geniie." It e
pnopased anchi-leclunal style is diveigeni fnom the traditional Spanish calanial
aesthetic and mone in -It a vein cif p nainie cnaf smen style. "It ile divergent, -It e
pnaposed design esiat lis hes an authentic appeainance, which blends the physical
difficulties cif a canstnained sile and it a needs cri the deNielapen. the end uesull is a
slnuc,lune tha-t is Junctional and aesit elically campatible with the surraunding
develcipmenls and the Adopied Design Guidelines. Because the propasec stnuclune
utilizes high quality material, pravides a rict and au -11 entic appeanance, and
compliments the exisling sunrounding developments i1 is found to be cansis tend wilh
the Adapied Design Guidelines; and,
The pnoposed prajE cl canlains a s Ingle paint al ingressAegress io put lic s'IreEls. The
pnopased site fl Ian t as been designed to meed CICIIIA requirements and can lains
identifiable pedestrian and �iehicular accE ss. The pnaposed prajecl does nal impacl
exisling pedE s tnian and bicycle circulatian offsite. 7hEineiloine the pncipased si-le plan
has been dE signed la be funclicinal and safe in negands ilo existing candilions as They
nelate la the adegUacy cif vehiculan, t ic)lcle, and pedesitinian ciiiculalian; and,
The pncipased landscape dEsign efEctiNiely scneens the prapased building and
provides an efficient corn plimE n1 to the anchilectunal dE sign cif the slruclure. The
pnopased use cif Claliloiinia ENcamanes provides an authenlicil)l to the design.
Overall the propas ed landscape is consislE nt wilt the inlE M oil Iciw walen usage and
has bEen iieviewed fair cansislency wilh the necenl watein cansErvalicin code
amendmenl and is in compliance. At ile the site is canstnained die -lo the limited
size cif 1he property and the Joatpiiint all the building, the avEinall landscape paletle
effectively pinavides a compliment 'la the building. Because IN pnaposed landscape
palette is cansistenl wilt IN Municipal Clode and provides an Ef E ctive campliment
io the building and strucltinE it is found la bE ccinsislent with ,This finding; and,
The prapcised lar- is remnant uesidenlial lot and small in campanison la tither kits flail
similar users. Rurlhen the lapaguaphy till 1he lal creates a diflicul-1 situation when
attempting to sl1a11 under the 35'-0" heighl limit. the piicipased Variance is fan a 5'-'10"
Einanaact ment into the rear yard sell back and a 3'-0" increase in the maximum t eight
when m(iasured dram finisI grade. Due I the tcrpagraphical issues and the size all
the lot it is determined that Iheiie special cincumstances which necessilale a zone
variance; and,
It a subicat riaiiliancewauld not be the granting cif special privilege incansisleni wish
the limilaticins an other pimperties in the vicinily under It a same zoning. While pari
crl this projecl consists cif a iezane In Planned Clommunily designation iliom an
Office Cammericial deisignaticin, the prapcised Ccimprehensive Development Man
mirnars the regulations sell flar h in the Office Carnmencial Designaiian. During a
previous ileraticin ofl the prapas ed project na variances were necessary-. phis design
mealed design issues ccinlering an an angled building line, racill line and pitch tt all
were awkward. -Phis was a result al thea tapagnaphy cif the site and the awkward
nalune all the sear picipeir }1 line. to act leve a rn ale autheintia design It a Design
Review Clommitteei posed the acceptance -lo a 1 alliance as the piicipased design
would be afl a higt ell quality. Due Ila the unique physical constraints of the lot and It e
cansideralion cif design neilated issues the piicipased valiance wauld nal constitute
the giian ling cifla special prh0lege; and,
-Phe piicipased project as pneviciusly discusscid meets all citheii Municipal Cade
neiquinerneints. Har a mares through response see abcive. Because 1he prapcised
prajeci meells all derielapment slandaids except as alherwiise naled and all
applicable supp lemen tai dislrict stand ands it is flciun d to comply viiith all piicivisicin s ofl
11ille 9 all the San .luan Clapisliano Municipal Clode; and,
As previously discusscid the piloposeid pnajeicl is generally cansis'lent wilh the
General Man. Speicifically the awinall project is cansisteni wilh the Land Pse,
Clircula-licin, Safely, and Clommunity Design Ellciments. Roil a maiic lhciraugh
response see -Ile above sections. Ihereflare, the puiject has bec" found ici be
aonsist€int with It a ap plicabici Clencinal Plan Goals, policies and abjeathies; an (1,
N CIV" , TF BRBFCIRI3, Ba IT FU RIF 13R R9SOL� ED, chat -It a Cli1)1 Council oflthe City
cif San Juan Capislnanci daes hareiby apprcnie tt a pnajecl and a Clatego0cal Bxemp1icin
contained in B)ihibit "A" attached hereto and inccrrpaiialed herein, and subject la the
canditions all approval contained in Hxt ibit °B" attached herela and incarponated heocin;
BFFEC-FIVE DATE & FINAL AFIRROVAL: 11his projecl app naval shall became
effective It irly days aflen the seicand reading cif an Ordinance adapling It a carnesponding
Rczone. This project ap praval shall bEi valid flan a pedad (T124 months flnam the It irly da)1s
of Ihei seicand neiadin g at an Oudin ance adapilingl It ei coireispan ding Reizan ei, and shall
expine an April '16, 20'12 unless a limei endeinsian is requested a nd appnoveid cin a building
penmil has been issued puion 'la Thal da'1c.
RASSBCI, PIRPROVBO, AND ADOPIIBD ,This 3"d day of Manch 2009.
MAKK 1`41131 -SHIN, MAYO
I, MARGAIRB7 R. MONAF AIN, appainteid City Cleni o1 thei Ciily of San . uan Cap istnana, da
I einciby coir ifythail ilhe fanegaing Rescilullion Nci. 0%0303.05 was duly adapted by ilhe Clily
Clouncil cnl 'Ihei Clity a1 % an Juan Cla pisivana a l a Regulan mee sting ihenecif, I eild 1h€i 3`d day of
N anah 2009, by the fallowing dater
Allevaia, Fueeisc, F nibar, Usa and Mayar N ierlsein
Exit !bit A
CC Rlflsolu tion QUI-ma-a2kis
(a bone fom use by Cot inty Clerk-Aeaorc en's Offla a only)
„, ,• cHN all san juan ciaplislrano, cialiilaiinia
'1. ARPLICAIN 11: Steven L an g flood E Inct ite ct: (,la n Staley, cep nesentative)
2. ADDRESS: 29,12 Da irn le n St. Santa Ana, C IAI 92709
3. LEAD AGENGY : Clity o-1 Sa n duan Capt; tnano
A. RROJECIT MCIR.: dtistin N inl Associate Filann en, (949) 443-6377
5. RROJEO111111LE: Qenenal Rlan Amendment (CIREI) 08-007, Rezone (RZ) 08-00-j,
Alcchitectucal Contcol (AIC) 084 09 8121a ne � avian ae (a\ ) 08-006;
Clachia Medical Offices
6. D13SCIRIRTION : AI request ibc a Geneoal Rlan Amendment loll tt a change in
Qe na nal Rlan Land U, a t]e: ignation flnom Office Commecaial (OC)
to Rlanned Clommtinit} (RC), a Rezone to change the offliaial
Zoning de,-ignation ihiom Ofhae Commeccial (CICI) to Rlanned
Clomrn un ity (RC) and review and a ppnoval oil final design plans loll
a pnoposed 7,488 : q uane 'bot two story affliae L wilding with a
13,539 squace fa a t , ubtenoan ea n packing are a on a 15,143 , 9lwane
fast parcel located at 3'155'1 1hie nid< Los Clencitos, (ARN 650-151-
AIDMIN 191 RA11 IVE 0918RMINKRION: The Rlanning Department staff has completed a
preliminary review ofl this pcojeat in accandanae with tte Clity of San Juan Clapistnano's
adopled guidelines floe imglemen-ling the Caiiilornia anvinonmeniai Quali-ly Act (CIMP).
Based on that neview, the Bnvironmenlal Aldministnalor Hinds Thal the proposed pnojeci
gualilAes fon a Uass 3 "Clategooical Ebiemplion", Aemi conalruction ori conveaksion of small
stnualures because the pnojec,l is less than '10,000 squane 11eet (foes not result in any
significant change in land use on intensity of use. Theceflone, the Envinonmenial
Admin istnaioo t as de'lenmined tt at ilurthei en vinonmen tal evaluation is not oequined.
[ ] "It a activity is covered by tt a general rile thal CIBQA applies only to projects which
have It a potential fon causing a signifiaant effect on the envinonment. \then it can
be seen wilt aerlainty tha-I there is no possibility that the activity in gUestion may
have a significant efitecl on the envinonment, the activity is not swt ject to CIEWl"
(.r ection '15061(b)(3)); oo,
[ ] The project is statutonily exempl, Sea lion , (Sections '15260-15277); oo,
[x] llhe project is categorically exempt, Class 3, New C Ions4lucfion oil cont ersia n o,1
small siViuc lures (Section 19303); oi,
[ ] 11he pnojeci does not constitute a "project" as defined by CBQA (Section '15378).
Justin k 4, Associate Rlanne n Dale
cc: [] pooject file [] C9CIA ilils I] Clounty CIIe6
ext lel? e
RESIOLU11ON # 09-03-03-09
RROJoal LOCI #: Aiichiiectunal Coniiiol (AIC) 08-05 81 Gane % aria nae (ZV) 08-06
RROJ9C17 IS AMU: Clachia Medical Offices
Tlhese conditions of app nova) a g pl)i to the above-reieiienced piiojeat application descnibed in
moire de tail k( la vii. Fon the purpose, o-1 tt e s e con( itis n s , the leiiin "applicant" shall also mean tt(
developer, if a ovunen on any successon(s) in inlere s t to the leiirn s of tt is aq p noval.
General Clonditions:
1. TI a subject piilojec p noposes a General Phan Almendrne nt, Rezone, /Inchitectunal
Ciontra I, and Zone Valiance. The p noposed Gen a nal Plan /Irn endment p noposes
to ct ange -Ihe enisting Office Resea iat Rark (k signation 10 Planne( Community.
The proposed Rezone would atange the affliaial Zoning Designation fnom Office
Rark to Fllanne cl Clommunity. It a kct it( atonal Control app Iica-lion is fan a 7,488
s.f. twa story rnedicaI office building and a 12,539 sill. sub-Iernanean ganage. The
p noposed Valiance is 'lo i s 5'-10" encnoachmenl into the iiea n yard s el t a a l a nc I a
V-0" in enease in tt e rn a nimurn f e igt t when measure (I fa rm ilin is t gra de. The
s ubjec lot is on 0.357 aciies loca-led 31551 �Iven ida Los Ck rnilos gene is lly
la tate cl app wiimat( ly 470 'leet north of Ortega H igt way a nd ap p roxirn a tei)l 5'13
feel -liars Rancho Viejo, and none specifically neferiied io as (AIP� 650-151-16)..
This piioject appnoval is based on and subject to It a application male rials
prepa ie cl by II'leven La ngford date (I and revised -Io September '12, 2008 including
site plan(s), buil(ing ele�iatian(s), floor plan(s), preliminary landscape plan(s),
preliminary grading plan(s), tnee nemoval plan(s), and any otheii plans. Tlhese
plans and the p noposed use of the piiojecl site are heret y incorporated by
re'leience info this app ioNial as submitted and oanditianed herein, and shall not
be lurtl er aflered unless reviewed and approved til the aflec ed city
depar me nis. Minor modifications to tt is piioject appiioval may t( apprarie(I ty
the Clorn rn un it)l Devela pment 13iiiector pursuant io 1leclion 9-2.303,
�ldrn in is'l iative ap pnovals of Tliile g, Land Lse Code.
2. _ Approval o f This application does not nelieNie the applicant 'from ca rn p lying mirth
olt er applica ble Fede is I, State, County on Clity regulations or nequirements .
3. _ /111 plans, specificalions, studies, nepors, calculations, maps, notes, legal
documents, and designs shall be prepared, stamped and signed, if iiequired, onljl
by chose individuals legally autt onized io do so.
4. It a applicant s t all ( efend, indemnify, and hold I a nmless i he Clity of San Juan
Capistnano and its officers, employees, and agents fnom and against anal claim,
action, or proceeding against the City of :Ian Juan Qapistiiano, its office rsi,
employees, an agents io attaak, set aside, void, or annul an71 appnoval on
condition of approval of the City oll San Juan Clapisfinana concerning tt is p noject,
including bull not limited to any appnoval on condition o-1 appraNial o-1 -Ihe City
Re solution #09-0, -0: -d 9 Con litiona ol I/ ppiioval
A C 08-da5. 2IV d8-006. Clachia Medraal 9uiUna Pane 2 oil 7xl
Council, Commun ity Develog me at Commission, on City Pla n nen. The Clity s t a it --
pnomptly notify tt a applicant of any claim, aation, on proceeding aonaeming the
pnajaat and tt a City shall cooperate dully in tte delense of tte matter. The City
res erves the rig t t, at its own a ptia n, to choos a its oven attorney to nen reg ent the
City, its aflfliaersi, employees, and agents in the defense al the matter.
5. 711 a applicant s t all be res ponsible 1161 inlonming all sut contnactors, consultants,
engineem, on otheu business entities providing services nelated to the pnoject o'l
them nesponsibilities to comply with hese canditions aIapproval and all pertinent
negluiinements in the San Juan Capistnano Municipal Clode, including the
negluiinement tt at a business lice as a be of to ined by all entities doing buis iness in
the City.
6. Ap pnoval of this pnoject shall became eflective an the date that Clydinance No.
<xxx> adopting General Amendment 08-002; Rezane 08-007; Compnehensive
Devela pment Plan #; becomes effective .
7. Sign appra pial ib1 the p noject is a separate process requiring tt a issuance of a
sign panmit and building penmits, and is subject to review and an pnoval by the
Community Development Department and Building and Elaflety Department.
8. _ In the event tt at a pit it its and written conditions ane inconsistent, the wnitten
conditions shall prevail. lir them ane any disparities t etween thea a conditia 13 and
the plan s a n final revised plans tt a t ane an p roved Ion any subsequent p t a s e, the
conditions and/on plans as stipulated in the later a ppnoval shall p nevail.
9. _ -Ihe use stall meet the standards and shall be developed within the limits
establist ed by tt a Municipal Code as related to emissia ns oil noise, odo1, dust,
vibnation, wastes, fumes, or any public nuisances anis ing or a c c urnin g incidental
to the establishment or openation.
0. _ The applicant s t all pay all lees at the time flees ane de termined payable and
comply witt all nequinem e n is of the a p p licable fle c renal, state, a n c I local agencies.
-rhe duty of inquiry as to s uic t nequinements shall be upon tt e a pplic ant.
-the an p licant is responsible ib1 p a ding requined lees to tt a Claliilounia Department
oil Aish and Clam 6, and any related fee of the Clounty of Orange -b1 pnocessing
envinonmental documents.
7. All appliaable appnovah and clearance fnom other departments and agencies
s hall be on file with tt a Building an cl Safety Dep a riment pria n to issuance of any
penmits, final inspections, utility re leas es an d/a n release o-1 securities, as specified
in these condition i. (BBiEI)
The ilc flawing conditions c fl appncval si all be met price tc issuance c grading penmits fc r
the pro jeci.
13. _ Ray Fees and Post 9uneties. Rniol to issuance of grading pemiiit, the applicant
91 all fulfill all applic at Is engineening flee req uinements in accordance with the City
Municipal Code and tt a Water Department -lee schedule, as last nevisecl, and
post secuiities to ensure satisfactory perionmance oil proposed on-site and off-
site grading, drainage, landscape and irrigation, erosion and sediment cantnol,
sewer, wiaten, stneet, and all appurtenant improvements. (RW-IIhG)
14. Clon s tru action Cost 9s timate. Brion to issuance of a g nading permit, the applicant
st all sut mit to the City Ongineen fol neview, and obtain app ravaI fon, an estimate
of quantity and constnuction costs prepaned by a Registered Clivil Ong ineen. Said
Re, olutian #09-03-03-05 Canditionz oilAppioval
� Cl 08-005, AV 08-0M, Glaahia Me c Gcal Br uldirra flaae 3 oll e I
estimate shall include costs fori construction of all an p livable street
improvements, signing and stniping, stneet lights, storm chains, raiater, sewers,
recreatiarnE I trails, landscape, inrigation systems, setting of survey monuments
and centerline ties. (RW-9NG)
'15. Fla 3 Bond IRrovide Sect nilies . Rrion to iss i ance of a grE (lin g permiil, tl e E pplica nt
shall provide Perloiimz nae Bonds,lsecurilies ilor 100°/c o'l eaah estimale(I
improvernenl cost as prepare cl by a FIE g is le red Civil 9ngineen and approved I y
the Clity Engineer a n d Cit)I plttome51 for E E cl applicable, but not lire it(cl to, str(E t
impra)i(ments, signing, signalijEtion, striping and street lights; storm drains,
sewer, necoeational Irails, landscaping and irrigation in oighls-okway, prbiEte
slopes and open space. In addiilion, t1 a applicant shall proNiide Labor End
N E tenials Boncls/Securities 'Ion '100''/� oil tl a above( stimat( cl improvernE rit costs
as de teomined by the Cily Bngineen. (RV% -81` C)
16. _ CrE cling Fllans. Rnior to issuance oil E grading permit, the applicant it all submil
tl a regL ired nurnt e n of copies o1 grading plE ns, prepaned t y a Registered Clivil
Engineer, to the On gine( ring and ElUilding Deparlmentilor nevi(w and E pproval by
a pplica t le departments. Cla rn ce ptual gr cling plans shall I e subject to rievievi by
tl a Design Review Cla ro mittee. Rnecis ( goading shall be consistenl witt the
E ppooved conceptual grading plan and I site plan. These pk ns s t E Il show, at
minirnuro, the limits oil g nading, tt a drainagle, any applicable relentio"Adelention
basin s, sewer, +mate r, trails, party ways, sl reets an d E II E p pi rrtenant im p novements.
Me a)itent o'l tt a topography shall be extended enough to determine the
geologic, I End drainage impacts to adjacen properties. The a le�iation s shall
canrespond with the orange Clount� tenctmark datum. All drainage must be
tneated priori to being conveyed to the s treel on a Cily appro�iecl drainage facility
in accandance witt the National Rollutant Uischarge Elimination System
(NRDRS) oequirernernts. In addition, the gloading plans shall slow the following
information: (RVI-ONGICC1)
a. Location al all eAsting tnees and indicate tnees to be removed and trees to
remain in place (CID)
b. Sl ami E ad identify all pedestnian access wE Sts and traffic crossings on the site
plan. Clnossings shall be alearly rr, nked, lighted and identified throUg I out the
interior of the p noject. Design of (hese aneas shall be reviewed and approved
by the E pplicat ie Clily departments and shall comply wilh 7ille 24
Handicapped Flacessibility :Itandands and City Building Clodes. Where
pedestrian a isles ciioss driveways, enhanced paving shall be used. (CI13)
c. Aneas to be paoteatecl 'Irorn grading in onden to protec envinonmentE I
resounces (l ialogical, cultunal, on historical), and method o-1 pnoteation
pm posed duping gra cling openations. (CID)
d. Loca lion, l eig It, mateuials and colors of anyl retain in q1 vialls. (CD)
e. Show the location and method of scneening ibr all gra Lind-moun led
equipment on the site pian, inaluding but not limited to air conditioning Encl
[eating units, utility boxes, and backflow cleviaes. All eq clip n ent shall to
scoeen ed prom public view. Screening stall be compatible witt main
s'lruatunes and include landscaping wt ene appnapoiale. (CD)
-I. Show the local ion and method o'l op a nal ion o'l any vehicle nes tnic ing gates an
tl a site plan. TI a gates shall be subject to the appooval of the City Bnginee n
Rdsolutian #09-03-03-09 Conditions off ppioval
E CI 08-049. AV d 8 -d 06. C lachia Media al El uilc Tina Page 4 oU I,1
a n d the Fii a Clepartm ent. N t e re gates ai a used, a portion oil the guest
snaaes ;hall be aaaessible without passing thioLrgt a security entrance.
(E N&I'll. N)
7. Eli ainaae Improvement plans. Ri for to issLia nae ofl a gi acling permit, the a nplicant
shall submit to the Cit)I Engineer foi review and ottain approval -br Drainage
Improvement Fllans, specilla to the pro jec , which refect ca n; istency With the
Clity's Drainage Mastei Rlan. V ese plans s t all show locations o-1 all existing and
proposed Iacilities . VIII drainage must be treated pi ioi to k a ing conveyed to the
street or a Clity approved dra in a c e llacilit)I in accordance with the National
Rollutant CJischaige Ellimination System. 111 an existing) cloven str(am drainage
laaility is inadequate, or, in the opinion of the Cit) Elinglineer, is not suffiaiently
save to pi operl1l canyl tt e n noposed and altered dischange generated t )I tt is
project, tt a applicant shall then design and provide ott e n alternative m E tt a cls fora
propenly conveying) such discharge, at applicant cost, in a manner acceptable to
the Clity E3ngineei. Any deviation 'Irom such regLrir( ments shall be subject to Clity
Engineer+ re�riew and approval. Every proposed drainage s)lstern shall be placed
within its p nopei easemen It a nd appiopnia tel11 de clicated. (RW-EIIN G)
8. Eltonm Run a fl, F ydnaLrlic/hydi oloay Cla lculations. Brion to issuance of a precise
grading permit, the applicant shall submit to tt a Cit)1 Elinglineen to nevia►nr and
obtain appnoval fort a Storm Flunofl Management Fllan, pnepaied by a Registened
Chiil Eingineei stowing E 7risting and proposed facilities, tydraulic and hydrologic
study and calculations and the methods of draining on-site and tributary areas
without excaedin91 the capacit)I of an)I impacted street an facility and without
negatively aflecting ( Asting doHrnstneam drainag( systems and pnoperties. Said
study shall be consist( nt witt tt E Clity's Masten Clnainage Rlan in accordance with
all applic a t IE Clity regulations, OCE N A design cnitenia, and standa nds. (Fl" -EN (l)
'19. _ cloils,lGeology. Prior to issuance of grading p enmit, tt ( applicant shall subm it to
the Clity Ongin ( ( n -lop neviev,r a nd obtain ap p nova for a Soils Report Geotechnical
Feasibilit)I Study linepaned by a Registened Ek a la g is t and Sail Engineer to
determine the seismic sa-lety and sails stabilit)I al all pnoposed grading and
development improvements -br tt a pnojec t and prE liminary pavement sections
and substiuctur( I edding)Iback1r11 neva mmendations. (PVA -E N CI)
70. _ Erosion 81 Sediment Clontrol Fllans. Rrion to iss era n ce of gracling and rig ht -oil -way
improvement permits, the applicant stall sut mit to tt a Cit)I E ng in(E n fon review
and st a II obtain approval loo Erasion and Elediment Control Fllans, using Best
Management Roactices pnepaied by a Registered Civil E ngineen. ))hese plans
shall show, in accordance with tt a NFIDESI Flermit, all tempouary and/an
permanE nt erosion and sediment cantool measiines, effective planting of gracled
stapes, pnacticai accessibility flop rnaint(nanc( purposEs and pnopeo pnecautions
to prevent g art lic tn( spass onto certain areas whey( irnp ounded water rn a )I c r( ate
a hazardous condition. (RVI -EING)
21 . 'Submit Haul Route Fllan. Pnion to issuance of goading and nigt t-otway
improvement permits, fon importation, exportation o1 soil in excess oil flrft11 cubic
yards in and out of the pooject site, the applicant shall submit to the Clity E ngineen
for regrew and obtain appnoval Jon, a Haul Route Rlan specific to the project and
in compliance with all applicable Clity standards. The Haul Rout( Rlan shall
specify dates, tin+ es, and headways foi haLrling activities. Rrion to
Ries a lutiorl 11 9-03-03-05 Cori c frtions o I f ppi oval
ACI 08-005, OV 08-006. Clacl is Medical Building Page 5 oil ,I,I
commenaernent oil hacil actiAties, the applicant shall obtain a F-aul Route Rermit
and p a)I nequined lees to tt a Bngineen n c Dep a riment. (RVI -ENG)
22. 7nafllic Cla n tool Pla n a. Flnia n to issuance ofl goading a nd right -0l -way improvemen t
priorf t)l, the applica n t shall s Ut rn it to the Clity Bngineen and obtain a p pnoval -Ion
7naffic Control Mans and Ina I improvernent plans ton all traffic mitiglatia n
impra)iements, including both on-site and ofl-site, as identified in the appnoriod
Tnaffic :Itucl)I prepaned purcua nt to Clity Council Roiicy 310. /In)I exceptia n shall
t e s cit jec to neview an d approval by the City Bngineen (RW -EN G)
23. _ Recyclin gAReduce C et n s Aid o-1'1989 (CIVI N A). Rrior to is s ua n a e o1 grading and
rig[ t-cil-way implovernenl permits, the applicant st all slit rnit to the City 9nginean
fan review and obtain appro�ial fa n a prognam a rnp lying wish tt a nequilerne n is o1
tt a Califa nnia Integnated Waste Managernenl Pat of 1989 to leduae construction
and demolition debris 1lhrauc h recycling. (RW-BNG)
24. Crainage aanniel tatmeen Slopes and EItraets. Rrian to issuance o-1 glnading
geomit, the c nading and stneet improvement plans shall intricate and show That all
stneet sections located wit[ in 20 feet on less, room the toe oil It a slope of '10' in
I eight an none, ane pnotected flnom unclenglound wale) seepage by proAding a
positive drainage balrien system in acro ndance with Clity Standard Drawing No.
350. Pn)I a)iaegtion at a II be sot ject to neriiew and approval by the Cit)l Bngineer.
2r, . _ Clon n ectia n to City Drain must t e Documented and Filed. Rnion to issuance o -I
goading penmit, any plonosed connections to existing publia stanm drains system,
room on-site chains, racist be a q pnoved t )I the Clity Engineer. VIII documentation
and revisions to exiling plans, where points M connea lions are permitted, shall be
provided a n c I submitted b)1 the app licant's engineen at a q q licant's expens e, prion
to acceptance to implariernents and oelease oil perfanmance securilies. (P\A-
79. _ Aate n Qualiiv Management R1an ("QMF1) Requirements and Compliance. Rrior
to issuance of grading a ad right -of -via )I irn q novement p emits, the a q q licant s I all
submit to tle City Engineer -b1 review, and stall oblain approval 1161, a "ater
Quality N anagemenl Ban (VI CIMR) speciiaally identifying structulal and non-
structura l Besi Manage rn ent Flnactice s (BMR's) that will t e used on-site to contnol
precliatat le pollutant runoff. llhe a plicant a all obtain and follow Il a Clity of :Ian
Juan Clapistoan a's "QMP outline and in s tnuctia n s . llhe a p plia an t shall also
comply with all the require rnents of the latest NFIC ES Rerrnuit, the Clit)l's Ih aten
Quality Ordinance 81 Local Implementation Rlan and the Cllean Vlaten Act. (RVI -
EN 0)
27. NRC 9�I Permit ilol Grading in Excess oil one ('I) Flcre . Rrior to is s ua n a e al
gradin g and righll-oil-via )I improvement pelrn its, tbo gnading in excess oil a ne (1)
acre, the applicant shall subrnil a Notice of Inlent (Nal) To the Clalilornia .Itate
Water Re s a cmce Contra 19oa nd fon coverage unden the ."Itate N ational Pollcitant
Ell aoge Blirn inatian II:lyslem Rlograrn (N RDOS) General Rermit tlor siorrn waten
discharges a ssoaiated with development/cans Iructia n acthiity in excess of one (a )
as re oil land. Evidence tt at this 1eg ciinemenl t as been met shall be submitted to
tt a Clity Engineer. (RVI -ENG)
28. Rublic laailities localled in easements. Rdo1 to issuance of grading permits, all
public -facilities such as dlainagle, sewer, and wiaten shall to designed to be
Resolution #09-03-0,1AJ Clotu ions allppnoval
f Q 084109. SIV 08-006, Clachis Medicial EWA ling Paae 6 oil I,I
located within the put lie night-( twa) I a n with in de diva ted eas a rn ents, as appibved -
t y tt e Clity 9n g in een. (PVI EN CI)
29. Exi; ting 9a; ernen is . H ric n to issuance of a goading permit, applicant stall
incoiipa nate into tt a project design all existinc easements witt in the piioject
bolln carnes, an a btain at a n donment of said easements Brom the aflected
ea; ern e n t holden(; ). 11this nequinement c� n rr of be accomplist ed, the pnoje at stall
be nedesig ned accordingly as approved by the Clity. (PVI• EN (I)
30. _ Permissia n to Glnade lrrom Others, Prior to issLIE rice ofl a c nading permit, the
app licant s t all s Lit IT it to the Clity Engineer, floe any a eces s ary ofil-site gm din g, a
notaniaed written perm ission fnom adjacent property o winens aflected t y s. id oft
site grading, (F WAN G)
31. Drainage Acceptance Letter. Prior to issuance of a grading penrnit, (lnainage
acceptance letter loom each a fllected p noperty ovine n shall be ; ut rnitted to the
Cit) I 9ngineen wit a n the pre-develo ped storm rrrnofl onto any z djaaent property is
increased, concentrated, di)rerted, on changed in any loom E s required by State
law. /In)l nequest to devi, to thorn this requirerne n shall be subject to Reviews and
apps)i, I t )I tt e Clity 9ng ine en. (PVI EN CI)
32. _ Ofllsite Basements. Prior to issuance of, gradinc permit, , ppliaant shall obtain
and record oft site easements from t1 a affe c ed property owner(s) Ion all
proposed ofit site imps Nie rn ents (i.e. slopes, ; tre et improvements, wialls,
drainage , etc.). It a applica nt s t , II t can all costs for of to ining said e a s e rnents . Il
said easements c� nnot be obtained, the project shall t e redesigned to
incorporate these improvements a n tinel) I within the pnoject boundary as appnoved
by tt e City. TI a City Bngineer 31 all have the r'c I t to witt t old appro)ra I oil the
aflected imps Nrern a nt plans for -lailure to : atisfy this conditia n. (RW EN CI)
33. _ Fist aeologiaz I Monitoring. Flnion to issuance ofl a grading perm it, the applicant
shall submit to tt a Community Development Department documentation that a
qualited archaeologist (cleaned as an nehaeologist on the List ofl Certilred
Arat a eola g is h ibr Orange County) has t e en re tain ed to monitor site cle a nin g,
grading, and exa� Nration activities, stating tt a name, qualilra tic ns, and contact
inlormation fon the archaeologist. (CD)
34. _ Flaleontological h oniton. Riuor to issuance a fl a g nading pe nmit, a qualiite d
paleontologist (defined as z paleontologist on the L ist of Clertifred Paleontologists
for Orange County) shall be re tz in e d by the pia jeat z pplicant z n d shall be
present at p ne-construction rnee tin c s to advis a ca n s tnuctia n co ntnactors aboLrt tl e
potential occurrence afl paleontological nesources located on E ncllon in the Acinity
of the projeat site, as well as nonitoning require rnents. (CCI)
39. Rellised Rlans. flnio n to issuance of a grading pa omit the z p plicant s t a II sut rn it
nevisecl site plan to the Community Development Clepartrnent -br approval whict
in co nporates changes app ro)re (l b) I tie Clorn rn irn its Development Commissia n
and neflects ca ns istency with these conditions a f app nova) and with tt a Clity's
Cles ign Guideline,,:. six copies o-1 tt a revised site ea at plan are nequired, except
as otherwise authorized by the Community Development Dinecton. (CD)
36. Clnange County Fire Authonity (OCFAI) Approval. Flnion to grading, street
irn pnovement p lam, location of fire hydrants in the put lie right of way, emengency
acaesc, including the spine aaaws road, traflicpanking stud)I, and tte an -site
Rea oludd n #09-03-03-05 Ca ri ditiori s oil A ppmova 1
CI 08-005. aV 08-009 Ca(hia Mec ical Eluddiag Fleas 7 oU I
driveway and Wading za n e emergency access a neas o1 the proposed pra je(I
shall be reviewed and appno)ied by the Orange Clounty Fine Pluli anit) I (OCIFAI).
37. Fire Flow Demand.,. Rrion to the issuance oil grading and righ'l-o l-wa) l
imps oveme nt; penin it,, the applicant : i all obtain loom the Change Clount� Fire
Authority (OCIFPI) the req uined line lo%nr demand: and the fire protection
eq uirements to ; erve the s Libjac pnoject and shall pnovide eAclance of
satisfactory fire flow. (OCFA)
38. _ County Surveyor Reauirernent. Flnion 110 anal c a w tnuctio n, existing cantnollin�
mon Liraentation shall t e protactecl by tying it oul and filing Corner Aa cards with
the County Surveyors Clffice 0 owing those ties n pion to construction. Tie
al p iicant shall neplace said mon umentation in tie nevi surface -following
constnic ion, and again fide a Clonner Rec and with 0 a County Surveyorsi Office
showing the final montimentation. (RVI -ENG)
The fallowing canditians shall be camplelled priar to ori in conjunction with IIF a issuance
cif building penmils :
39. ❑RCI ReAew. Pnior to the issuance oil building perm it; that applicant shall submit
nevi�ecl lanclscaling plan, revised building colors and materials, and lighting
fortunes to be aeviewed and al n noved by the Pla n n in c Clorn m is s ion.
40. _ AluNicable Clodas. Riioii to issuance of building permits, plans 11or 'Ihis pnoject
shall be sutrnitled 110 the Building) and Safety Depariment Ion nevieNni and
approval, and shall comply with tie latest City -adopted edil ion of the al Alicable
building a a des. (0819)
41. _ Building Clonstruation Mans. Rnion to issuance oil building peiimits, tl a applicant
sl all submit final cons-lruation plans, building elevations and loon plan; -lo the
Building and Halety Department Ion review and appno)ral by all alplicable
deparmants. Such plans siall to full)l dirnensianed and in sutstantial
confonmana a with those plans a l p noved by the Clornm unit} l Development
Commission, Llesign Review Clomrnittee, ands& Clommunity Development
Dinecton (as apt livable). Rians shall a (Idness the 111ollowingl: (CU)
a. The final conditions of appra)ial shall to inconpanated into tie construation
plans and shall be reproduced on tt a front page of the construction plans.
b. Localion a rid method of screening fan all i oof-mounled and building -mounted
equipment shall be demonstrated on the elavations, inaluding bul not limited
to M Itchen a)ri a ti t vents, ain condilioning and heating units, utility boxes, and
backflow device,. Pill equipment shall be scrieened Inom public view and
designed to be an integual compo rent of the building design. All roof-mounla(l
equipments hall be : cneened -Ira rn )iiami by parapet walls or other ara i iteatural
means . nhe applicant shall demonstra to to the satisfaction of the City Manner
that no hoof -mounted equipment will t e visible 11uorn the public right-of-way.
Scneening al a II be compatible mri-lh main stiiuc unes and inalude landscaping
where appropriate.
c. Elevations shall node Ihat all e)itenion a)ina,ad guttersi and downspouts must
t a painted to match Iha s unlace to whici they ane atlaahed.
d. location a it all building -mounted light frxtunes shall be shown on the
a levationc,. A detail o-1 said Matures !hall be s homin on the elevalions, and
fixture., s t all 1:4 cleconative and complementa ryto the building aachitecture.
Flesohition #09-03-413-A5 Clonc b'tion; o lI ppiovai
C A8-AA5. 21V 08-006, Clachia Media al fludcVng Flage 8 oll '14
42. _ c tneet Impnovement F lana. Fnior to issuance of t wilding permits, the applicant
shall submit to tl a Clity Bngineen fon review and obtain aggnoval ion Stneet
Improvement F lans gnepaned t )I a Registered Clivil 9ngineen. Elaid plans shall be
designed pen Clity standards and shall ;tow all existing and proposed
impnoNiernents, including t Lit not limited to street grades, applicat le traffic
calming de�iices, stnigingl, signage, signalization, storm drain, sevien, water, and
all related appurtenanae:. In addition, the EItneet ImpraNiernent Rlans stall show
the lollowing nequined irn q novements 11bi tl is pro jeat: (F W -9N G)
a. �flklemia IN s s hall t e provided a long) the stie et 1hontagle along Avenida Los
CeWtos. Elidewalks shall to a minimum width of five (5) feet, and shall
mea t all iequNo ments iloi dis a t led access. A landscaped pant way of no
less tt an five (5) sleet stall be located bete ae n edge of curb and
sidewall . Piny deviation from Clity sidewalk re gluinements s t all be
ie Niiewed and a p g noved by the City Engineer.
b. EItneet lights shall t e provided per Clity standards (h is sion bell IDItwnes
on rn a nbelite poles.
43. _ Claltnans Permits. Pnioi to Ns Lianas oil building permits, any proposed
improvement an wonk viitt in 90 State rigl t-ol-way shall aonfa rm to Caltnans
standards and speaifications and shall nequine an enanoachment permit from
Cla Itnans. (F V4 431s CI)
44. _ 111iiaffic Clontnol & Irnonovement Flans. Fnior to issuance oil t wilding penmits, the
applicant at all submit to tl a City Bngineer -br re Niiew and obtain a g q nova) fan
llraffic Imprmie rnent Rians piiepa ned by a Registered Tnaffic 13ngineer. These
plans shall show all s tnig in gl, signage, signalization, and related appurtenances.
49. Access Rights Dedication. Access nights s hall be granted to the Cit)l Ion tt e
punpose of a llowing access oven private drives within tt a leve la p rn ent ibii a 11 City
vehicles, inaluding police, fine, and ott en ernengency vehicles. 7t a document(s )
neconding tt is a a ce s s shall be g nepaiiecl by the app licant fa n review and an q noval
by the Clity Bngineer, pnia n to recor<la tion. (F W -9N G)
46. _ Recreational 7nall Impimierr ants . Re a re atia n al trails (unpaved tnails ibr hikinc ,
equestrian and a %iioad t Wyclists) shall t e designed and aonstruated pen �flectia n
9-4.305 of tt a Municipal Code and the Clity -bail Design N a nual. Bicyale tnails
(paved, off -4 tneet trails) shall be designed and constructed pen the s ame section
ofl the Municipal Clode. Both types of tnails it all be shown on gnarling and
landscape plans and, where adjacent to ancllon within noadwa)l dedications, an
s tneet improvement Ilan s .
47. _ Sewen and Water Flans. F rion to the issuance of right -o -11 -way impiimieme nts
genmits, the a gglicant shall s ubrr it to the Clity Onginee n a ncl tt a Publia Wa nks
❑inecton -br neview, and shall obtain a g pnoval Ion, sewen and water Jiang
gnepaned by a Registered Civil 9nglineen. These plans shall le c peaific to tt e
g noject and stall efleat consistency with the Citi 1's fle wer and Water Master
Flans, Clity MUn is ipal as cies, standards, specifications , and Clity water standard
s pe a ifications. 7t a sewen plans it all indicate that all pnog osed sewen manholes
[all t e lined v idt polyurett ane , or equal approved material, at the applicant's
aost to tt e s a tis fa ation of 0 a Clity Engineen (BN G/PINI ).
Aesa lution 4109-03-03-05 Conditions a, I/ ppi ioval
ACI 08-005, ab 08-006, Claahia Ma dical Building Page 9 oll , I g 1
48. _ %A, stawaier Feasibility El'ludv. Rrior io issuance o-1 t wilding and righ'l-a1-w1a)1
permN, the applicant shall submi-1 lo It a Oily Engineers, bu review and ottz in
apprmial for, a Vlas'lewaier Feasibility Eltudy, prepared bat E Registered Clivil
Engineers, mil iah evaluates Ile pnoposed developmeni project and rniiligales its
anlicipaied in pact on til a existing VI as levuaten 'lacilities 3)1: len . Elz id ; It shall
be consisienl with the City's h E sten Rlan of Vlasiewaiers Flaciliilies and the Special
Pnovisio ns fan the Consirualion o'l Sanitary Elewierc. (RW -E IN G)
49. On Siie Utility Rla n, . Won io issuance oil building perrmil: and apprsovai of o n -site
Wilily plans, the ap plicanl stall obtain approval of ; a i(l plans t )I the Ciiy
Engineers, and s t a II of to in a ppibval 1br a Site Rlan pneparsed t )1,, Regislered Clivil
Engineeu showing the sewie n and vriate n service lines and Theirs coirec ponding
paints oil connection with the Clil)l public main line:. the site plan shall incite le
It a trash eaalosure(s) Ihal 3 all be coversed truth solid noof; i -Is floor surface shall
t e connec led 'lo the semien system through an inlet in the centers wilt a traffic
nailed gnale, and a concne-le apron shall t e can9tnucied in 1honl of tl a trash
enclos Line. 1 he site plan s hall be speaific to the pnoject wit ich reflects ca ns isiency
with the Cllty'c Sewer and "a-lers : la n da ids. (RVI -EN CI)
50. L]ry Liilitiec. Rrior to issuance of building persrnils and approval o,ldry titili,ly plans,
the applicant shall slit mit to the Citi Bngineers, fon review and oblain appnoval fon,
Electrical Gas, Telephone and Cable Television Ins la llalion Rlans which include
the size and locallion of all atmie gaotind pedestal, io ensime campatitility wish
exi; ling and prsoposed imprsovemaMs. Pedestals shall t e loca led in aneas with
lin iled riisibilit)Ito the genersaI put lic, and careened Witt landscaping to the extern)
feasible. the applicant shall coondina-le vvillh utility proriiclers lo ensune Thad
nequirsed public imp novemenis awe nat in ca of is 1 with existing ors proposed uiililies,
and 11hal utility devices maybe screened on the site to -Ihe e)ilent practicable. piny
exception shall t e subject to neviewi and approval by 'lhe (lity Ong ineen.
91. _ Vl ate n :lvite m Improvements. Rniors to the is c uz ice o-1 any building permits, 11he
applicant shall complete -Ihe aonslnuction oil all domeslic waieii sysilem
imprsovements, non-domestic (necycled) waters system impnovemenis, and
in igalion irnipnovemenls nequined to serve the subject pnoject in cc m pliance wiilh
the Municipal (lodes, standards, specifications, It a Rules and Regulations 11or
Miens o-1 Iron -domestic Vlzten and the Ciiy': wiaten silandand specifications.
(U1 III.)
52. VI aten Service Connection. Rniors to the issuance of a building permit, the pnoject
applicant shall const lt.16 a separsa�le waien service connection it at is adequalle is
prso Niide i he necessary water demand fon innigailion and landscaping. 1 his wader
service conneGlion shall be to a Cit)1 maintained waters main pipeline as specified
by L ilities Departm eni. These ca n n ection : shall be subject to -Ihe submission,
rseuiew, and appnoval of chiil impno\iement plans and 11he irsnigatianllandccape
plans. the im iga'lion facilities shall be designed in aacorda nce wish the Clity o f
San ,Juan (lapistrsana's V�aiea SlandErds and Specifications, Flutes and
Regula -lions 'brs L sers of Non-Domestia Wafers, and the Municipal Code § 9-3.917
(\&a -ler Conservalion Landscape). The design shall inalwde impro)iemenis tt at
ane idenilified -ion use of non -dome: Iic v~ialen (necycled wader) and : tall le
connea led to non -dome: tic waters fE ailities wit en they become available. (WIL)
53. Waters Imprsoveme it Agrseement. Prion lo It a issuance of Renmiis lor any viate n
improvements, 11he applicanl stall execute a Vlalen Imprsovemeni Flgneemeni with
Fie sols ition #09-09 -03 45 Cc n c litions oV ppaova 1
A C 08-4615, aV 08-006. Clachia Medical Building Pape 10 01
the Clity, shall pay all applicable domestic and non-domestic Waten Development
Changes in a ccandance witl the Waten Department ck t odtila of Rates and
Changes, as last nevised, and shall post tl a required securities to insure
satisfactory perlormance of proposed public miaten impro�iernents in compliance
with Clity water s tan da ad specifications. (L TIL)
54. Covenant In -lien of Dedication o-1 Water Rights. Rnior to the issuance of permits,
the applicant shall second a lessee covenant that it will not daNie Ion any wells on
other means of using the wateii rigt is associated with this q noperty (t eneon
nefe nned to as ""ell Devela pment"), non s I a ll it allow any other party to conduct
Well Ile rielopmait, 'br the team of the agpliaant's lease on rise oil tl a land. the
Water Divisia n or its designee shall be the sale waten s ervia o pnoviden •br any
and all im pnovements made on tt a land dunin g the team of the applicant's lease
oI tt a land. 1 I a language of the covenant m list be ap p novel by the Clity prion to
necorda tia n . 1 t e covenant must be necorde d with the Clot inty Reconder prion to
iss fiance of building permits. (U111L)
55. _ F istonia Depiction Rnoanam/Monumentation Man. Rrion to issuanae of any
building pemiits, thirteen copies of the l istonia depictian pnognam including
wonding on a II monumen to tion , shall be s ut rn itte d to the F i9 tonia Flneservation
Managen -br neview and appnovai qunsuant to Cit)l Council Fllolicy 606. Rrion to
issuance of a Cle rtilicate of Occupancy, tt e H istonic Depiction Rnognam (FDP)
shall be inata Iled and in9pe ated ton compliance witt Ill a approved design. (CID)
19. _ VA ate n Availability Rnia n to tt a issuance of any t Olding permits, the applicant
shall pnovide eriidence of adegUate fine f ow. The "Clnange County Fine Atithonity
VA ate n Alvailabilit}l fa n Fine Rnotection" farm shall be signed by the applicable via ton
distnict and submitted to the Hire CII ief fon appnoval. (CICIFA)
97. _ CICIFAI Review oil Anchitectunal Building Mans. Rnior to the issuance of a building
permit, tt a applicant shall submit anal iteattinal plans ion tl a neview and a p pnoval
of the Fine Cll ief it sequined pen the "Clnange County Fine Alutt a nits Flan flubmittal
Clnite nia Form." Plea s e contact the OCIFIAI at (714) 573-6100 fan a copy of tt e
Site/Anchitectunal � otes to be placed on the plans pria n to submittal. (OCFAI)
9a . _ Fine Allanm System. F nior to the issuance a a building peiimit, plans -br the fine
alarm system shall be s Libmitted to the Fine Clt ief fon neview and appraNial. Flease
contact the CICIFA at (714) 973-6100 a n visit the OCFAI v+ie bs ite to obtain a copy
olthe "Cfuideline'Ion New and Bxisting Fine Alanm fl)lstems." phis system st all t e
operational prion to the iss tia nee of a cer ificate oil use and ocaupancy. (CICFA)
59. _ Alutom atic Fine Spninklen fIvste m s. F cion to tt a is s tia n co oil a buildin g permit, tt e
applicant st all submit plans Ion tt a iiequired automatic fine 9pninI ler s)ptem in all
atnuctunes to the Fine CIt ief lior neview and approval. Finian to the issuanae oil a
certilicato oI use and occupancy, tt is s)Istora shall t e opeiiatia naI in a mannen
meeting tt a approval of the Fine Cit ief. Fllease contact the CICIFIAI at (714) 573-
9100 to nequest a copy a tt a "Orange County Fine Altitt onity Notes loll New
I's FIFAI 13 Clammencial 8piinklei Systems." (OCFAI)
60. _ Fine Alacess Roads. Finian to the issuance of a building panmits, the applicant shall
slit mit a Fine Masten F Ian and obtain agpnoval oil tte Change County Fire
Authority loll all line protection access roads to within 150 feet o-1 all por ions at
t1 a exteiioi of eNierl s tructune on site. Tt a pla n s s t a 11 indicate the locations o-1 MCI
curbs and signage and inC11.1do a detail of t1 a pia posecl signage including tt e
lLeaalution 109-03.03-05 Cori clitiona o;I/ppioval
AC 108.005, Z V 08- 006, Claa hia Mec lical Building Page a 1 oU I
height, stnoke and ca la ns of the lettering and the oontnasting background. lite
plans shall als a in dicate tt a la nation (s) of all ihne hydaan is p noposed ioii tt e
projeat. Please contact the CICIFA at (714) 573-9100 ori visit the OCFA Viet site to
obtain a cc p)l of tt a "Guidelines ion On engency Aacess.n (CICIFA)
61. HazandouM Materials. flnia a to the issuance ol a buildin91 genmit, the appiiaE n
shall submit to the Fine Chief a list of all hazaadot , lz rn mable and combustible
liquids, � olids a n gE s eE to t e store cl, used on handled a n site. llhese rn aterials
shall be alassifiecl accc rding to tt e L nibnrn Fine Clode and a document : fit rnitte(I
to the Fine Chief with a summary ! heat li; ting) the total; fon ; tanage E n(I use fa n
eE at t a as nd cla: E . Please contact the OCIFAI at (714) 573-9100 or visit tt e
CICFA web: ite to obtain a copy of the "Guidelines fon Completing Chemical
Cllassibcation Rackets." (OCFA)
Ike 11ollawing canditicina and nequinen encs shall t e met cantinuously duping
construction, falicwing issuance al any gnading 81 building penmits and prion to
issuance cif any occupancy permills:
62. Clorn pliance with approved plans. At all tirne! duping cc nstruction, tt a applicant
t all ensune cc mpliz nce with app noved cc n! tnuctia n mitigation plans, including:
(HW -EN G)
a. Bros ion Clontrol Rlan
b. F, til Route Rlan
c. llrE ffia Control Plan
d. Construction [lebnis Aeaycling Man
e. Vernpa nary L : e Rerrnit flon construction trailer a n d staging areas.(OD)
63. _ Flre-construction Meeting. Clontnacton shall attend a gne-construction meeting) Moth
the Building and I'-lafetll I]ivision prion to a mmencement of any aam truction on
the site. (PLP-S&E-1)i
(14. [lnainaae Rnoblems. [luring the entire grading z construction operation, the
applicant shall adhere to the hollowing aanditiom to address undone: een diiainage
is tie:: (RW-aN G)
a. 1.1 any drainage problem iE identified or doe: occurs during constniation, tt e
applicant 0 r II piiovide and implement a soltitia n acceptable to tt a Cit)l
Engineer at no cost to tt a Clity, and ; tibmit a rec( nded instrument to insure tt a
lutLine oil the solution. (RVI -BNG)
b. Any gnading \nionl beyond tt a lire its of grading : t own a n the approved grz clin gi
plan: shall require a wnitten aggnoval Inom tta Cit)l 9nglineering rnd Buildingl
❑hector and st all be ubject to supplemental Cie otechnica l rlc ils Repa rt z n cl
addition I fe e ! . (RW -9N G)
65. _ Grading to be continuoLis operation. All glnading work shall be performed in either
one continuotiE openz tion a n in pt a: es that have been appnoved bll tt e City.
(RW -BN G; Fit N • OSIS)
66. _ Waste Disposal and %lanitation. At r II times during construction, the applicant
shall maintain adequate sanitary dicpmal facilities and solid waste disposal
contz inens on site. Tt a accumulation oil neiluse and det ni: constituting z public
niiisanae is not permitted. (PVI-BNCI)
Re solution #09-03-0,1-09 Clonditions o l / ppi oval
� C 08-04,11, 2IV 48-006. Clachia Mediaal9uilc ing Page 12 oil l
67. _ ponstnuation hours. Clonstructian hours shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 6.30:00
p.m., Monday through Friday and between 8:30 a.m. and 4A0 p.m. on Saturday.
ClIonstuiction activit51 shall not be permitted on Sundays on any Federal
t oliday.(C1D)
68. _ Ternponary Lse Rermit. Applicant shall obtain a Temporary Use Renmit fon any
construction trailer and staging aueas for equipment and matenials. (CI❑)
69. _ Anchaeological Moniton. A qualified anchaeologist (defined as an aiichaeologist on
tte List o-1 Clertified Anct aeologists lion Grange County) shall be netained k �l the
project applicant and shall be pnesent at pne-aonstructian meetings to advise
constuuation cantnactors ataut the sensitive natune of cultunal nesounces located
on anftn in tt a viainity of tt a project site, as well as monitoring nequiuements. A
qualified monitor (defined as an individual with a baahelors degnee in
anti ropology witt ana haea logical ma n ita nin g expen en ce ), supervised t ll the
qualified a nct aeologis t, shall observe on- and of -site construction activities that
nes ult in gnading, a n d►bn excavating on on below the original ground surface
(including during Inject -related oft -site utility [natural gas, eleatnicity, sewen,
water, dnainage, communications, eta.] and noadmiay irnpnovements). Should
nonhuman cultunal nesouraes t e disca�iened, the maniton shall have the povien to
temponanil)l halt on dhierl aonstntiction activities until tt a qualified anchaeologist
can determine if the nesounces are signiiaant and, ill significant, until necoriened
by the anal aeolag ist.
In tt a event tt at human nemains ane disoovened, canstnuction activities shall be
halted on divered until the proAsions of §7050.5 all the I-ealth and Haflety Code
and §50� 7.98 oithe Rut lie Resources Code have been implemented. (CI])
70. _ Nathie Amenican Nanitan. Duning construction, lgrad ing actiAties, a Native
Flmenican moniton shall observe canstruation Ignading aclivities that result in
gnading, excavating, anddon then a t ing on on below tt e a nigin al ground s urlace
(including during pnojeat-nelated off-site utility [e.g., natunal gas, electnicity, seNien,
waten, drainage, communications, eta.] and noadmiay irnpnovements). The Native
Alm a nia a n monitor shall consult with the ara t aeola g ica I m oniton neg a nding objects
and nemains encauntened duning gnading that ma!l be considened sacned an
imporant. In the event Itat evidence oihuman remains is disamiened, the Native
Flmenican monitan stall verify that the anchaeologist has notifliecl tte Cononen.
7'I . _ Sign Rnogra m. Rnion to tt a is s ua n ca of a t t iilding a n gradin g permit tt a applica nt
shall s tit mit a sign pna g nam. Said sign pnog nam shall be nevieHied I r I the Desig n
Ra\flew Committee and appnoved Irl the Manning Commission Anion to tt e
is s uance a f a Clerlifica le o f Clcaupan ay. (CID)
The faliawing candillans ahall be mel poicm 11a acceplance cif impravemenis and leleaa e
al bonds andlar surely, final utility clearances, cm granting permissicin to Use ar accupy
the pnaject site, as specified below:
72. _ Ckinb a ncl Gltitte n Repair. Pinion to acceptance all impnovemenls and nelease all
perloarnance sectmilies, any existing sections ofl cunb and gutten damaged duning
canstnuction may require 'Io be negained on neplaced by tt a applicant, depending
on the canclitian of hese improriements Anion to and aften constntiation. (RVI-
Re: olutia 11 #09-03-03-05 Ca ii dition s of l A pp+iova 1
� CI 08-005 ZV 08-006Canhia Mac Vcal Building Page 13 on ;ISI
]�. _ �lalid Waste Reductian/Reaycling Management Riiognam. Rrion to appraNial of
final ins p ea lion o-1 each phase, the g noject applicant shall ca a rdinate miflh Cit)I
slafll and develop and irnp lerna n t a Solid Waste Reduction/Recycling
Manage rn ent Rnogiam flop the pnoject site. Featunes oil tt a poogia rn shall in a lude,
bul not to limited to: 1) distnibution of separate receptacles fan reoyclables and
I is s t tt noughout tt a project site; 2) separate dumpsters fon recycla t les and
tiast; 3) signs pasted neap all neceplacles conveying inibrmation regarding
recyclable rnalenials; 4) sorting oil trash collected tt noughout the project site by
facilities stall prior to dispensing in durnpstars; and, 9) nestrictions on product
-type thal will t e offe ned at concessions on vending thliouglt out tt a project site.
(RLN/9N G)
74. Installation o1 Landscaping. Rrion to approval of final inspection (ofl each place)
Ito clerielapen shall install all landscaping and irrigation. Tle developer shall
provide a certification, from a licensed l a n c Is ca g e Flra hitecl, staling I t at the
landscape materials and iniigalion s)Istern (tested loo lull co)ienage) have been
planted and installed in compliance witt tte approved landscape plans.
Additionally, all bicycle racks, pedestrian walkways, seating, and a tt en
irnprovements shown on tta Final Landscape Plan stall be installed to the
s a tis -lection of tt a Clornro unit} Developrn a n t Dep a rtmenl. (CID)
75. _ Clon s istencv with Approved Rlan s and I t3levations. 'Ile project shall be
constnucted in accoidanae wish all the approved plans and canclitions oil
approval, including t tit not limited to site plans, glnading plans, wall plans,
la nds ca pelinoigation plans, lighting plans, and ele r is iia n s . If all inn provements
cannot t a installed prior to occupa ncy I, the Clity rnay approve a Clefenned
Improvement Agloeement to cle len tt a completion of -I he improvements provided
that a bond, aash deposit, or other s tinety in a form and substance ag pnoved by
the Clity Attorney, is sut rn itled Io the Cily in lieu o1 installation o'I the
improvements, That application and regUined flees are submitled, and that the
incomplete irnpoovemenls will not create an unsafe condition an Ite site. llhe
term of tt a deilernal stall be as determined by the Clity Rlannen. (C11)
76. Final Culluial Resource Reports. Rrion to final inspection by the Clommunit)l
Development l]enartmenl, the applicant 31 all submit evidence that final neports
iloii any historical, cultural, anat aeolagicE I an paleontological renounces recovered
thorn tt a pnoject site cluning goading on oonstnuctia n t ave been filed with tt e
appnopoiate infa nmation repository. Reports shall include information on
disposition of oesouraes. (CID)
77. _ Final Community Da) ie loom ent Ins pectin n . Rrioi to application for a final
occupancy permit, the applicant st a II schedule a final inspection by tt a
Commun ity Developmen t Ila partment, a nd shall pay a n) I outstanding t a Ian ce in
the Developer Deposit Account assigned to this application. Ck ra munity
Development Department shall not condtiat a linal inspection until any
outs la ndingl balance has been paid in lull. (OD)
78. _ Fine Extinguistars. Prior to final inspection by the orange County Fire Atilt ority
(C CIFA), fine extinguishers s t a II t a required in accoidan ae Hiith the Uniform Fine
Clode. The applicant shall contact the Fire Daparimenl fon the requirements
pertaining to the number, b pe, and placement at line extinguishers. All line
a)rtinguishens st all have ounnent Califa nnia Fire N arshal service tags. (OCFFI)
Re solutia n #09-03-03-05 Qonditions of f pp, ioval
Cl 08-0(19, JV (18-40&. Clachia MedicalEluddinp Pape 1401lld
79. _ Fine Aisles. Dnive aisles service as fine aacess lanes shall be posted "N a Flanl ing
— Fine Lane" s s a ppnoved by the Fine Dena rtment. (CICFA)
80. ' Gat( s. 8ntiianae s nd exit gates shall be equipped with an entry s714t( ni appiioved
t )l the Fine Department. Gate Hildtt s shall be not less than twenty (20) -feet.
Bntnance g, tes shall be opens ted by a punch pad aag z k le of accepting a
separate Fine Department carie, and an "op ticom" ca rn patible gate openation
system. 7t a gate operr tion at s II pra N ilde fan periods oll powen outs gle. (OCIFAI)
81. _ Utility L ndengnoundina. Rrion to issuance o-1 cer ificate of occupancy, the an g licant
shall undengnound, at no aost to the Clity, the overhead utilit�l lines Hutt in the
nnoperty and along its atneet 'Ironts ge(s) to the sr tis-laction of the Clity Bngineen.
Any exception to, on de)iiation loom tt is condition shall be subject to neview and
appnova I b� I tt a Clity Bngineen. (Bngn.).
The tcillcimiing cingciing ccinditicros shall be complied with at all 1111mes afler campleticln ed
11 he project.
82. _ Business Liaense. llhe z pplicant, tenants, on successorsi in interest shall comply
with the Cital's business line nse nequinements. (CID)
83. Elite Maintenance. llhe s pplicant shall maintain all partions o-1 tt a site, including
undeveloped areas, pursuant to h i,inicipal Cade requirements fan property
maintenanae. (CID)
84. N oisa. Its applicant s tall ensi,ine tt s t noise le�iels do not exceed levels
permitted b7l Section 9-3.33, . N a ise stands nds (residential and non-nesidentis 1) of
the Municipal Code. (CD)
85. Future RaO ing Demand. In the event that lutune land uses nequine additional
panty ing, the applicant rn gist obtain the necesss ry land use appnoval that
demonstrs tea that sufficient part ing is I: sing provided -for all IE nid uses witt in the
building on on tt a pnoperty. (CID)
Respon s ible Ag encie 4: CD: Clorn rn t in it) I Development Departs ent
CD -EMS: Clorn rn sin it)l Development -Building 81 Safety
RVI -8N CI: Rublic Vt onl s-8ngineering ❑ivis ion
UIIIL : L tilities Dep z rtment
OCF/I: Change County Fine Authonity
App Iican'l Acceptance of tleinditicins al Approval:
Applicant Slignatune
Appiia z n is n s rn a (pnint)
OS to