Resolution Number 09-03-03-04R990LL 1110N N CI. 09-013-0211-04
Whenew, , Sieven Langfond Flnchiieats, Jon Sialey nen neseniative have
neques'led approval of Gene ial Rlan Amendmeni (GRA, 08-02110 change the existing Offiae
Reseanch Rank designation to Manned Community designallion 11or the purpose o'I fuWie
development oll a unique medical office building; and,
Whereas, the F Ian ning Cammissian has necammended -It a1 the "FICI"
(Planned Community; Genesial Fllan Land L se des ignalian would be the mast appiiopriate
designalicm ilor managing This specific development oil the subjecl properly; and,
"1 f ereas, on Ocloben 2', 2008, the City Council iniliated cansidenalion oil a
patenlial General Plan AmendmEmt (GRAD and dinected stafl la piepaiie the necessary)
analysis cif the proposed amendment io dEiiermine consistency with the apnlicablei
provisions of the Genenal Plan and spEicifically, the Land Use Element, Clinculalion Blemenl,
Hadi ing Blemeni, and Clonservalian 81 Open 9n ace Elemeni; and,
WhEi las, the praposed n nciject has been pnocessed pursuan'l to .16ciian 9-
2.301, DevEdopmEint REiview oll the Land Use Code; and,
Whereas, the Bnvironmenlal Administnaion has nEiviewed the project puri uan-1
to 9ectian '1506' a111he Clalilomia 9nviron mental Qualily Acil (CIBQAI and delEirmined thal
the projeci qualifies fon a Cllass 3 aaiEigonical exemplion, and will cause the Naiice of
Bxemp'licin to be posled puri uant 'lo SEICIion '506,1(d) of the C9CIAl Guidelines which
pnavides 1 hat "Mlle ncidce sllall nail lle iilee willh OPR ami Mlle caur ty clenk ur til the plrajecil riz s
beer aFllrllrcwed;" pen 8xhibit "A", allacl ed t eneto and inconporaiEid herein and,
Whereas, It Ei F lanning Clommission conduciec a duly-natiaed put lic hearing
an Januaryl 27, 2009 pursuant io )title 9, Land L se CIcuIE1, 9eation 9-2.335, Clity Council
Roliay 9, and Rlanning Department Rolicy 510 to considor the pnopcised Calegorical
exemption and lo considEir public lesiimony an It a propasEid pnojec'I an d has con sidened all
nelevan1l public comments; and,
WheWas, on Jan uan1 27, 2009, the Rlan ning Clommi9 9 ian adopted a
nesolulion recommending City Council approval o'Ithe Genenal RIanAmendmoni based cin
findings that the amEindmunl ►rias aonsisient wilt 'It a averall goals and policies cif the
Genenal Flan Land Use BlEimen'I and Clonservalion 8 Clpen Space Element; and,
Whereas, thEi City Council conducted a duly-noJCEid p ublic hearing on Manch
3, 2009 pursuant io Mille 9, Land Lse CodEi, �leclion 9-2.335, City Council Flolicy 5, and
Rlanning Deparimenl Policy 5'10 -lo considen -I he proposed Calagouical E xemplion and to
considen p ublic 11eitimony on It a proposed projecl and has cons idened all nelevanl public
NOW, Th BRERORS, BE IT RBSWi ED,1hal 1he (Ii-ly Council oil the City of
'tan Juan Capistnano hereby makes the following findings:
It a proposed GEinenal Plan AImendmenl dram Ofi ice/Research Rank to Planned
Cammunily and developmanl projecl has been reviewed wilh considena-lion o'l the
Land L 3e E lemenl. On a of 1 he principal goals of 11 a Land L se E lemenl is the
pneserniation cdl open space. Rreserving the village -like chanaclEW al the communit�j is
another goal eslablished by the Land Use E lemenl. Again ihEi infill nature o-1 this
development in aneas 1 hat ane not vis wally discernable from put lie areas es'lablis hes
consistency with This goal. llhe aba'lement ofl non-canlonming uses is an established
Flalicy of the Land L se E lement. Clunnenlly the s ubjecl side is a nesidenlial structure,
which is legally non -conforming; ilhnough the discontinuance oil This use by It e
esilat list ment of a legally conlonming office use accomplishes the goal o-labaiemenl
oil ncm-confoumin g uses. Because the praposad pnojaat t elps to pues eRlEi ilhe village-
lil a chanaclen of the cammunily and abales non-confauming uses til is faund to t e
consisleni wilh the goals, poliaies, and recammendal ions of the Land L se E lament;
The Clirculallion E lemenl establishes the goal of providing a system of roadways 11ha1
meets the needs of the community. The praposed projecl wauld be nequined io pay
impaat lees info the Clapisluana Cinatilaiion Fee Flnognam to offseil any anticipalled
impaatsol additional lnaffic. Additionally as a condilian of approval 1he projecl will be
nequined io t e neviewed by 11he City's llnaffic Engineen and llnaffic Impacl Pin alysis
perfarmed ilo establish any additional imp acts and poleniial solutions. Anal hell goal
is to minimize the conflic'I It etween the aWomobile, commencial vehicles,
pedestuians , houses and bicycles. The subject site is not located in 1he vicinily of an y
equesinian on bike lnails 11111us minimizing any in pacts. Fur hen 11he side p navides
eflE ctive and salE pE des'lrian paths o-1 -Iravel inlennal to ihE side. llherefone t ecause
the pnaposed pnoject will be required io ofl set any Inaffic nela-led impacts and daes
noel CIE ate any conflict between motorized and nan-mcitonizEd 11ransporialion i'l is
faund io t e cons istenl wilt the Clinculallion E IeME1nt; and,
staff has identified 'Ihe 9afeily and Clommunity Design E laments as being relevant to
the proposed p nojecl.
1 t e SalE'ly Element seeks to iie(uce it a iiisk io 'Ihe communi-ly fnom hazauds nelated
la gealogical condi'licins, se ismic aativity, wildMies, slnuctunal finE s, and flooding. l he
subject site is no11 IciaalEd in '100 year flood hazand ane as dam inundation aneas as
identified in figunE s S-3 and S -,e ollhe Sa* 1y ME meal. Furtherer a subjc ct si'le is not
located in ver)l higt fire hazand aii( as as established by fig uiie S-5. Figure S-1,
Geolagical Fazaiids iden'Iifi( s the anea as gEnenally s'lable. The anly anea idenlified
as a pa11E ntial cancenn is 11he pa'leniial liquefaction t azard as identified in Figuiie 9-2
of the Sail( iy 9lemenl. llhis aancE nn is offset with 'Ihe siandand puactiae oil uequiiiing
gea-technical reports and appropriate Engineering 11ci satisfy the Building Code
requirem( nis
The CommUniiy Design BIemE ni es'lablishes goals that E ncouiiag a and preserve a
sense cif placE, press rae 11he hisioria ahaiiaclEn of ihE community, and pneserue and
enhanae na'lunal leatunE s. The principal imp lementalian measune br It a Community
Design BlemEnl is 'Ihe Adapted Design Guidelines. ThEse guidelines piiovide an
effec'liv( loot la ensure design is of a t ig h quality and complin en'l to Ihe existing
community. The pnopased piiajecl has bE ( n u( viewed and subsequen111y appiuived
be IN Design Review Clammillee and in langf pari can plies with ihE Adopted
Design GuidElines.
Since Ihe projEcl daE s no'I cnc ale a deNielopmen'I ►niith undue sallely risks and the
proposed piuijeci has been reviewed and bE( n bund aonsislenl wilh It a Adopted
Design Cluidelines it is bund to be consislenl with the goals, policies, and
necomm( ndalions of olhen relevant General Ran elE menis
H OW, 11111H EROFORE, B9 Ill FL RTH SR ROSOLV90, It at the City Council o'I
the Ci'ly oil San Juan Cap istnano henE t )I adopts a Calf g anical Exemption Established by
Bxhit it "A", attached henE to and inccinponailE d herein; and,
NOW, 7H BRSFORE, BB Ill FI` RTHOR RBSOt1VED,1hal Ihe City Council of
the Ci'ly o1 San Juan Clapisluano heiieby approves:
.I a map amendmE nt 'lo the General Plan, Land L se Elemeni, FigunE LU -1,
Lane Use Pa/icy ANhip dE signaling a 15,555 s quare fool siile as "RCP' (Rlanned
Community', pen Exhibit "B", attached henE'lo and incorporated hEiein; and,
2 a map amendmE n1 to it a General Rlan, Land L se BIE mend, FigunE
Pldiririec Corr murifties designating a 15,555 square loot si-le as "Cachia
Planned Community" pen Exhibit "C", attach(d herela and incanpanalc d
herein; and,
::I) a text amendmen 1 is the GE nenal Rlan, Land L se Biemenil, Mable LL -3-3,
P/eirinec Clorrrrurhies, AllovivVe Use Guiceliries Es'lablishing land use
panarn eters fau a 115,555 aquane t tat site per Exhibit"0", atl ached henelo and
incanpanalled henein; and,
PASSED, ARRROVED AN 13 ADORT60 this 3r' day of Manah, 2009, by the
tallawing vale, to wit:
?01/0-C -
UN917-131 F
CICU. h T) OF ORAN GB ) ss.
I, MAF CIPIF 81 F. IN ONAF PIN, appainled City Clenk cif the City all San Juan Clapistrana, da
t eneby cer ifjl Thal the foieglaing REisalulian N ci. 09-0.I-0121-04 was duly adapted t y the City
Clauncil alllhe Clity of San duan Capistuana a4 a Regular meelling theneat, held tI a 3r' dayot
N aacl 2009, by the follawing vate:
AYE . COL NCIL MEMB9F 9: Allevata, Fneese, Hniban, L sa and Mayan Nielsen
Exhibit A
CC RIEISOIL UOrl 101943-021-04
(above forum by County Clej k-Aed (rda is Offici only)
city cif san juan ciaplisilnanci, califairnia
1. ARRLIOAN T: %Ite) ie n Langllord Alrrchitects (Jon Staley, Repro s a n to thie)
2. ADORESIS: 2912 Daimler+ St. rla uta Alna, CIA 92705
3. LEAD pIGEN QY: Cit} ofl San Juan Clap istra n o
4. RRaJECT MGR.: Justin Kink Associate Rlannen, (949) 443-6327
5. RRU.IECII 71TL9: Genera I Rlan Alrnendment (GRAI) 08-002, Rezone (RZ) 08-007,
ARchitectunal Contnol (ACI) 08-005 81 cone \oarian ce (2N) 08-006;
Cachia Medical Ofiicas
6. LIESICRIR7IaN: A negLiest florr a General Han Amendment ion tte change in
General Man L and Us e Cies ignalion flnom Office Commera ial (CICI)
to Rlanned Clomrnunity (RC), a Rezone to change tte official
Zoning designation lRom Of1ce Commenaial (OCI) to Manned
Community (RC) and re)riew and a ppnoval oil final design plans ibn
a p noposed 7,488 sy ria ne 'bot two story office building with a
12,519 squaue fool sublerrranean pa4 ing area on a 15,342 squame
foot pancel located at 31551 A)ienicls Los Cerri'los, (AIPI 950-151-
ADMIN IS11RA171V9 091ERMINAIIIQN : The Planning ❑epa ri merit s tafl has cornpleted a
pneliminary review of this pnojeat in accondance Witt the City ofl San .Dian Capistnano's
adopted guidelines flon implementing the Clalifonnia Envinon mental CILiality Alat (CEICIA).
Based on that Review, tte 9nvinonmental Aldministnaton finds ttat the pnoposed pnojeat
qualifies fon a Wass 3 "Categonica I Exemption", New cons trucilion or con% erslon oil small
slruc�lures because tt a pnojeat is less than '10,000 squaue fleet does not Result in any
significant change in land use an intensit71 of use.-Iheneilore, the Elnvironmental
Aldrniinistnator has deterrmined that furiher enviRonmental e�raluation is not nequired.
[ ] "The activity is =rened L y the g eneiial Rule tt al C9CIAI applies only to pnojeats W iat
have the potential flon causing a significant eflect on tt a environment. Where it can
be seen with cern inty that tt ene is no possibility that tt a activity in question rniay
have a significant effect on the enviironment, tt a activit51 is not subjeat to CECIAI"
(Section '15061(b)(3)); on,
[ ] III a pnojeat is s to lulorily exe mpt, Section , (Sections 15360-13277); on,
[x] -V a prroject is categ onically exempt, Glass 1, New Clonslr uc.Uon at conversion oil
srr all s lruclui es (Section '153 0 3); on,
[ ] 7t a prroject does not constitute a "project" as defined t y CIEIQA (Section 15378).
Juslin Kink, Associate Planner [late
CC: [] p noject file [] CEIQA file [] CloUnty Clleuk
9,)Mill B
CC Resolui Tori c19 -w -m -p4
Ameiric ment to Figure U U -I, La rid Uae Ralicl Ma p1
Glenional Rle ri, U rid Use Elemerii
E) t1 ibit C
CICI Reisalulicln 091-9 3-03-N, Caahia Mac ictal Building
tv.IfiaD -n
Di V2- 1 b111a
city IR'm
Figure UU-3
Planned Communities
Ilea c ml a 14, 1 � S 9 34 Sari Jua n Caphtra no (lend n 1 Plan
IJ and LTi a Element
CC Resalulion 091-03-0:1-04
(Nolle: A dded tex I undo Him d)
Table I1U-3
Planned Communities:
Allowable Uses Guideline
Planned ClomniunitS Alllovie(l Land Use Mix Guideline!
ClrystA 1 C latl6Ira: Mini tr'e: 811 % Public Institutional (includes ratlea t eantar) and
I lanned Go mmunity 211% �Issiited Claw Faciliti (milicl may include a
miallnt s aenten). Tie maximum floor ansa (FAIR)
ratio larlublia Institttional may only bi allowed it
the Clity de termin es that the 11 na jeo t a f ns
e)iceptiO nal t enefihl to ti a aonununity.
Clio Ra>tah Ilannc(l 41% Put lic h Stitt tional, I 041 Alffotudable
Clommunity Fimily/9oniar Housing and 100/6 Madiun Density
Acsida ntial
1 uel to Sarna Planned 10Pub In atitutional
Clommun ity
WIl isllering Hills Planned 100°b Vert Lard Doniit) Acs idantial
Clomm un ity
H (i rstetu C lan}lon I lanned 21% -Nl erl Lord l len sit} R e side ntia 1, 21% Medium
Clommiur ity Logi Ilaniit) Re: idential, 13% Medium Density
Ac9idantia1, 2%1High flensit} Reiidantial, 11j Open
Space Aeoreation,1% Clenoral Gpen I Raae,11% Light
Industrial and, %Put lic Institutia nal
Clacl is l ]annul ( loran unity 100° b r eighba ni ood ( Iominicin is 1; 9 ubji at to thi
Following Pnoidsian ; Maximum FAIR Iarmitttd ii
.1:1 fon offiae use a until : 01d and shall ba limited to
.,I:1 t.hareaftetu and Iasi all otllen uscs. Piigoied Usti
shall be aansistent with 1.0 N eig hbonl ood
Clormierc ial a identified in Gonaral Plan Land Usa
Ela m en t.