Resolution Number 09-03-17-06RE%9OLUTiON NO. 09-0:I-17-06 RESOLUTION OR 7F B CITY CIOUNCIL OR 7F B CITY OR SAN JUAN CARI9TRANO REGARDING ITS INIBNTION 10 ISSL B TA)-9XEMRT OBLIGAMO1` 9 AN U 10 REIMBI, RISE TH9 CM RROM RROCBED%rI OR SUCH OBLIGATIONS ROR CO9T%9 IN CIL RROD PRIOR 10 1991. ANCE (\AIPITER 91r 9T9M 11VIRROV9MEI` IS) WHBRBAS, the Cli-ly Cauncil cif the City cif San , uan Cap istnana (the "Issuer") desires Ia llinance the casts all acquin'ng certain public faicililies aind impiiavemfinls, ais pravideid in Bxhit it A atlachEid heireia and incanpanaileid herein (ihEi "Rrajeic-I"); WHER9FI9, the ISSUEir in'lends 1a fnancEl iho aicquisiilicin cif IhEi RnajEicl an por'ians all they FlnajEict with the pnciceiEids ail the saile of obligaitians Ihei inlencst upon whicf is Excluded 'Inam gnass income kin fedEinal incamei tax punposeis (the "Obligations"); and WHEREAS, pnian ici the issuance cit the Obligalians 'It a Issuen desires to incur cer ain E xpE ndiiures wilt nE spE ct la the Rrajecl from EivallablE manics o1 'Ihe Iss uE r w hict E xpendilures ane dE s inE d 1ci bE tieimbunsE d by 1 he Issuer room ai partion of -IhE pnaceeds all It a sale cif the ObligEilians; NOW, THER9RORE, BB 1-1 RESOLVED 'Ihail the Ci'ly Cauncil 01 the City of Sein , uan Capistnaina daES t Eneby, onden and dEiIE rrT in as lallciws: SEC71ON 1. ThE ISSUEn henE t y s4E s its in1E niian and nE asanably expE cts 10 nE imbursE RnojEict casts incunred pnian ilo the issuancEi all the Obligalians with ptioceeds ail Ile Obligations. Exhibit AI describEs eithen the gEnenal chainaicllE n, type, purpasE , and llunclicin o-1 the Rnajecl, or IhE fund on aiccoun'I iuom which Pnojecl costs ainE to be paid wind -It a genE nail -luncilicinail purpasE ol'Ihe llund on Eiccaun1. 9BCTION 2. 7hE BEaisonably expE ctEd maximum pnincipad amount all the Obligations is $'12,500,000, wilt respE c1 'la It E Wa1E r Sys1E m ImpnavE ME nIs describEd ail Bxhibil A. SOCTION 3. This nEsoluiian is bEing adapted on an prion to the date (1hE "Expendi'l(IuE s Date on Dai1E s") that 'It E Issuen will expend moniEs lcir 'lt a portion all the Rnajecl costs 1a be reimbursed fnam pracE eds of the Obligations. SHCITION � . Excepi ais dE scnibE d below, the eixp eclE d dale 01 issuE cif the Obligations will be within eighilE en months o1 the Carlen oil the Bxpenditure Dale or Dates and the dellIE the RrajEcl is placed in servicE; provided, the nEimbursemenl may nal be madE mane Than three yeans aiflein the ciniginad expenditure is paid. Rcir Obligations subject to 'It e s mall issuE n excE ptian oil 9eclicin 148(f)(4)(0) a1 the Inlerrial REvenue Code, 'IhE "EightEE n-manit limi-l" of the pneviaus sen'lencE is changed 'lo "'IhtiE e 3-17-2((9 yeans" and the limillation oil the previous sentence bEiginning with "; q navided....." is not applicable. IN CITION 5. RroceiEids of the Obligations to be usEid 'lo reimbunsEi fail RnojEici costs are not EixpeicilEid In be Used, within anEi yeian crl neimburseirrienil, dirEiatiy ar indineic111y to pay debt sEiruicE1 with respEict to any abligalion (other Ihan 10 pay cunfini debt sEiruicEi aaming due within the next succceiding an el yEiar period on any lax-exEimpll abligai ian o-1 the Is suen (athEir 1 han 'l t e Obligations)) ar to be hE ild as a reasonably Niquired resEiruei on replacerriEini 'I1.11nd wilt nespect io an abliga-lian of the Issuen on any Eintity nelaled in any mannen to the Issuen, on to neimburse any expElndillunEi Iha11 was ariginally paid wi'lh the procEieds cif any abligalian, or la replace ilunds Thal aim an will be used in such manner. "ISCTION 6. This resolution is cansis-lenil wilt the budgEitary and financial cincurrisilances of 11he Issuen, as (0 the date henEIClil. N o rrionieis fnom souncEis alhen 11han 1hEi Obligalian issuEi alis, or ane reasonably Eixpecled Io bEi nEiser\ied, allocallEid an a lang-lenm basis, an otherwise sEit aside by the IssuEin (on any relailEid parry) punsuani to Thein budget or financial policies with nEispecil la the Project casts. To Ihei best crf aun knowlEidgEi, This Clity Council is not awanEl of the pneviaus adap1lian of aflicial inlents by 1hEi Issuen 11ha1 have beien madEi as a mat en cif counsEi far 1he purposEi all nEiimbur<,iing eixpendi-ltnies and lor which tax-eMirripl obligations t avEi no11 beiEin issucd. SECTION 7. Me limitations deiscribEid in Seiclion "�I and flection 4 do nat — apply to (a) caslls oll issuancEi oil 'Ihe Obligalions, (b) an amounil nail in Excess oil IhE1 lessen crl $' 00,000 ar 1ivEi peraen'l (5%) of 11he procEieds cif the Obligations, ar (c) any pnEiliminaryl expenditures, sLich as archilEicltinal, einginEiEining, surveying, soil -lesiing, and similar cas-Is ashen It an land acquisition, site pneipanatian, and similar casts incidEinl ria commEincerrieni cit canslnuction, ncrl in Excess of MEinty pEmcent ('A 0"/i) cif 1hEi aggnEigale iss uE1 pnicEi oil'It a Obligalions 11ha1 financEis the RnojEicl akin which 1hEi preliminary) expEindillunEis wenEi incurnEid. SECTION 8. phis nesalu-lian is adopted as official aclion of the Issuen in order la comply wi'lt llnEiasurl FRegulatian § .'150-2 and any cithEir nEigulaIions of the InlEinnal ReVEinuE1 SEiruice reilaling'lo ihEi qualificalian for rEiimbursEimEint oil Issuer expEindirlunEis incurnEid pikin1a the dal8 crl issuE1 of llhei Obligalians, is par of-lt a Issuer's official pnaceEidings, and will be availablEi lar inspection by -It a genEinal public at 1hEi main adminisiralivE1 office ail -It a Issuan. SECTION 9. All 1hEi nEicHals in -It is Rescilulion are 1rua and conreci and Ihis City Council so finds, delarmines and imprmanIs. 3-17-2009 F ASSOU, AFF ROS BD, AND ADOFTOU Ihis '17" day of Maud, 20airl. 21-46 MA K IBLS N, MA*DR ATT9PT: MAR GA,R ONAH, CITY LERK ZI STATE OR CALIRORNIA } CIOL N IIY OR ORANGE )SS. CIITH OR SAN JUAN CAF 19TRANO ) 1, MARGARET R. MON AHAN, appainllE d CHH Cleuk all the City cif San Juar Capisluaina, da hE ne by cE d illy i hail the Haregaing Reaolu l lic n N c. 0fI-03-17-06 wa19 duly adapted by the Cil Clouncil of the CilN o-1 .Ian Juan Caipisivana al a Regulau rneeling lheneoH, held the 'I7 "day of Manch 2CI(Ig, by 1hE Hallowing vale: AYE COL N CIIL MOMBOR9: Allevallo, RneEse, Hribar, Uso and Mayon Nielsen N /} 4COLNCilLMOMBOR: None A SE T1:CIOUNCIL MOMBER: N ane R. MPVAHANW, Cily 3 3-17-2009 EXF 19111 A DEIICIRIFI-MOb OF FIF 0,10(1-1 Wa,len Sysilemi Improvements: ilwo aasilenly Ground Walei Fecoveryl Plant Wells ChigUita Regional IcItorage Reservoir Gnound Wallin Racoveiry Mani Bxpansion Hump Stallion Impnoverrienls and Bmergency Clonnecilions Hipelinu Conslnuclion; and O1hen similan wakir sysllcm ilacilily projeicls. 3-17-2009