Resolution Number 09-03-17-04RBSOLL MON No. ag-a"-•17-a/ A RBSOLU71ON OR IF B CIPA COUNCIL OR THE CITY OR SAN JL AN CIAPISIIRANO, CALIRORNIA, ARFIROVING TF B RIBVISBO BOUNDARY OR L N DEIRGROL N D UTILITY DISIIRICIT (15-01. WHEREAEI, E y Resalul ion Na. 09 -a2 -17-a2, a Aublic F Eiaring was called an the 17t, day o1 Manch 2CICI9 al 'It ei hciun of 9:: a pm, in the City Cauncil ail City of San Juan Capislnana, Califannia,11a ascEidain whErlt erthEi public necEissity, hEialih, saikily auwEdfare nEigluines the nEimoval of palEis, awinhead wineis and assaciatEid sinuctures within the designaled anEia olihe City pariiculanly shciwn an exhibil map eniilled "UndEirgiKiund L tility Disinicl 05-01, Del Obispo S1nee1, Clalle Aspuno la AguacatEi Road" which was attached to Resolution Na. a9 -a2 -'17-C12 and whict is ailachEid hEireio as Bxhibil A by relerencEi made a par t ereaf; and, WHaR9AS, nallicEi ail said heaning t as been givein -Io all affeclEid awnens, as s hawn an IhEi last Eiqualiaed assEissmeint roll, and utilities concEinnEid, in the manner and lar 1hEi IimE1 nequinEid by law; and, WHBRBAS, such hEianing was nEigularly and daily hEld, and all pEinsons inlenEisted havEi bEiEin givan the apparlunily lu bEi heand. N OW, THER9RORE, B9 IT R811111OUVED, that 1hEi City Cauncil ail the Clity of San Juan Capistrano docs hEmeiby find and detEinmina Thal the public nEicessity, heiallt , safely, and wElfane 110quire the nernaval of polEis, avert ead wines and associated structures, and the undEirgnaund insiallatian cllwinEis, cablEi, canduii and assacialed llacililieskir supplying Eilecinic, cornmunicalian au similar an assoaialEid service and thal punsuant to 11ille 7, Chapkin 8 ail'It ei San Juan Capislnana Municipal CadEi, thEi anuas shown cin the attached Eixt ibis map is heueby dEiclanEid a nevisEid UndEirguuund Utility Clislrici and an anea designated as 1 ndengnaund U-lili'Iy Clistnicil a5 -a -I,,. B9 IT RU RTHBR R9SOLVOL , that ihEi Clity Clouncil daEis fi)i March '17, 20(19 as ihei dale on which aflEicteid awnens will in 'll Ei baundadEis a hawn in said exhibi-1 maps will bei uEiady io 110a eive undeirgiiaund SEiruiM, and daGs henEiby cmdEm the 110maval of all pales, avEinhEiad winEis and associated 'lacilities for supplying ilacililiEis fou supplying elecirical cammunicalicin or similau on assacialEid seniicEi wilt in lhEi nevisEid L ndEingraund L tility Dist uicI N a. (15-01 cin on beiorei Manct '17, eaug. BE IT FL RIFISR RBSOL\ BCI, that the City Cllenk is hereby insirucled 10 nalify all ulilii les and all pensons awning real properly within L ndengnound L tility Clisidci N a. C15-CI1 of ihEi adoption of this Flesolutian wilhin len (KI) days aftEir ihEi dale cif such adapiicin. Said Clity ClEirk shall ilurlhen ncrlify said properly ownens that, ill Ihey an any pEirsan occupying such propEi ly dEISinEls is conlinuc la 11EicEuvE1 E11Eictnic, commun ica'licin on olhEin similar or assaciatEid sWACEis, IhEiy or sLich occupant shall, by the da1Ei Mixed in this ResalLilian, pncivide all necessary 'lacilily changEis on thein pnEimises sci as is necE1ivE1 such sWWCEi -Inam 17-2aC19 'It a 1inE s fou ilhe supplying of uliliiy, on uilililics, al anew local ion, sut jeci io applicat le rules, regulations and lanifls of 'IhE nEspEclive Wilily, or utilities, on filE with the Flublic Ltilily Commission of ilhe Siale of Calilonnia as of the date of adoption of this RE solullion. Such naliilicatians shall be made by mailing of ithe da1E cil adaption of this Resalu'lion, IagE the r wilt a copy all said Tille 7, Clhapten 8 of ilhe San Juan Capisluana Municipal Cllode, is all aflE ctEd pnaper yownE ns, suct as are shown an'lt a Iasi E qualized assessment uoll, andlo the aflecte d ui ilil iE s. PASSED, APPROV90, AND ADOPTED this 171h day of Manch 20{19. MARk t4iFl.c^I MAYOR STATE OR CALIAORNIA ) CIOL � T'd OFI ORANGE ) ss. CIIIIY OFI SAf JUAP CAFII9TRA& O I, MARGAREII R. MONAHAIS , appoin-led City Clerk of the Clity ail San Juan Capisluano, da hereby cert dy -It al ilhe lonegaing Rfisalut iani h ai. 09-03-17.04 was duly adciplE d by the Ciiy Clauncil all the City of San Juan Capistuana al a Regulan meE-ling ihE nE al, hE Id the 'I 7tr day all March 20a9, by -Ihe fallawing vole: AIYES- C UNCIL MBMBBRS OOUNCIL MBM9BR: ABS`E T OUNCIL MaMBER: MARGARET R. 10 Allevaio, FIreESE , Hniban, L so and Mayon Nielsen N one � onE 2 3-17-2009 CP324042 l:1907AOW aiMFil. 64921-119 1 EGIEND P2280748 P321738 11 (XhyPCatoteA4mmed p : few Stul Pule � a New Cable Pals d b4+ [� Pits Idem ilicai•on �a r Dlstnd Mun c a q TX P21448 649-812-,13 Mom sora Parcel Numl a 32191 Addrase = C At Pi 05903 P21448 CR REMOVED) v d��' d` SS1M 10447 F\ ea 7 Clity of Sail Juan Capistrano REV 510 1; - UN DERGROUND L 11 LI TVI DISTRICl1 06.01 Del OblspCl 81met, C g Ia Aspera W Aguaeate Road SHEET S OF 1 DATE: 212D19 ®OUNDARY MAIP W HIBII A