Resolution Number 09-03-17-03RBSOLUMON NO. 09-03-'17-03 A RBSOLL -MOO OR THU CITY COL N CIIL CIR 1IF 8 CIw on TIN JUAN CAHISTRANO, CALIFIORNIA, SUPROMINCI THE RRBSBR%ATION OF 11-8 ORAINGB COUNT) FAIRGROUNDS BQL BSTRIAN RACILITIE.I (7.5 ACRES) WE BREAS, the legal narnie cit It a Orange Cciuniy Rain is the 32`d Dislnicl Agricullunal Association, cluing business as the OC Rain and 9ven'l Centen; the OC Rain is a stale en ily wilhin the Cali-kinnia Department ail Rciad and plgdcullme's Divisicin of Rains and Bxpasitians; and WHEREA:1, the lins-1 OCI Pair accunned in -I E90 and has embodied a rich and strong equestrian heuilage ever since; and WHEREA.I, in '19E 0, the 15 acne Orange Counly Rairgraunds Bquesirian Racilfly was consinuated in It a noriheasi pat -lion oil the Orange County Flaingnounds; in 2003, changes to the OCI Rain's Masten Rlan, as adopled by the OC Hair Boand, resulied in the eventual nemaval at 7.5 acnes all the 8quesirian Clen1len's 15 acne ciperating area and the Iciss of oven 100 stalls; and WH BRBAS, the removal of the 7.5 acres significantly reduced the 8quesirian Cenien's ability tci accorrimadaie the nelocation of lange animals during an emergency in 'It a county; complete eliminaticin all the Bqueslnian Clenler laciiities would ilurihen reduce 11he numben of available lacalions in the county sufled alar emergency t ausing ai large animals; and WF EREAS, since 199E, Orange Counly has experienced a curniulallive clasune cit oven 1,400 scalls; and WHEREAS, considening the substanlial lass of slable facilities in Onange Ccurniy, there is a signi'licanl public benelil in pne9ervring the existing slables at 1he OCI Flaingrounds; and WHEREAS, ii is It a understanding all the City Cauncil ciil San Juan Capistnana, Iha-1 the OCI Fain Baard all Irluperviscirs is aclively cansidening the complele remaval crl the nerrnaining 7.5 acre Equesirian Cenier; and N OW, 11HERERORS, BE 11 RESOLVED by the Ciiy Cauncil (it the City ail San Juan Clapislnana daes hereby support the pneserualion oi'It a equeslnian facilities al 'It e OC Raingnounds, uppcises any actian lhal wauld neduce 1hE numben cif availablE stables, and encounages the OCI Hain Saard and the equeslnian aammunity ici wcink tagether la preservle Ihis vital HE sourae and to incanpanale its use inla the OC Flair evE Ms. (11-174009 RASS813, ARRRO% SEI, Ah EI AEIOPIIED -This 'I7t� day of March, 2009. ?V4-Av6ZI MAFkK KIIEL­91EN, MANOR STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COIL N TY OR ORANGB ) ss. CIIIIY OR SAN JUAN CARISTRAN O ) I, MAIRCIAIRBT R. MONAHAN, appointed City Cllenk al the Clily of .Ian Juan Capistrano, da heneb) I cerl if}j i hat I i e kiregain g Reisolu ticmi h a. 0fI-C 3-17.03 was duly adapted by the Cii� Clouncil cif the Cly crl clan Juan Capistiano all a Regular meeting lhenecrf, held the 'I P dal col March 2009, by the follawing vale: AliES: COL N CIIL MEIMBEIRS: Allievala, Rneese, Hribai , L sa and Mayou Nielsen NOE OL N CIIL N E MBE R: N erne AE SEIN : j - OUNCIL MEMBER: Nane f MONAPAN, (lity 2 q 1-17-1009