Resolution Number 09-03-17-02RBSOLLTION NO. 09-03-17-02 AI RBSOLLTION OR THEII CITY COUNCIL OF IIHE CITY IF PIAN JUAIN CAIRIS11RAINO CIALIRORNIA, QL I-nCLAIMIN G IF 8 CIITY',I IRREIVOCAEILEI ORREIR OR DEDICATION ROR IITRGIBII PL FIROSE:I, WIIF IN LOT 3, RARCEIL MAP 92-253 (EIVITAI TRL %IT) (3-1629 AVENIDA BVIIA) HIF EREAS, It e City has an L naccepted irrevocable ofian of dedica-lion fau silneel purgasEis within Lcrl 3, Rancel Map 92-253 as inilially aflkired an Rancel Map 92-253, Book 106, FlagEi 19-20; and, WHEREAS, ,It a area is currently scinaed and accessed by a puivale saadway; and, WHEREAS, pnapert} owner has nEigL esled the City quilalaims said inevacable of en al dedicaiian; and, WHEREAS, City, has detllermined that 'It em is no public intems'l in ne fining ihEi irrevacable affen 1km sUeel purpc ses. NOW 11HERERORE, BE 171 RESOUVEO, Ihail ihEi Citi Caunail crl 11he Citi art San Juan Capislnano dacs t emby, SEC71ON '1. Adapl ihEi Reisolu-lian quilalaiming the Clit�j's interest in the inEivacable affeii -lu tho public Ilan slneErl purKloses. S8C71C h 2. Dinact iha City Cla6 to pracEIss 1ho quitclaim dElEid with the Orange County Recardem. RASSBD, APRRC N ED AND ADORIIED this 17th day oil Manch 2009. "111A K NIEL N, M YOR 3-' 7-2009 STATE OR CALIFIORNIA ) CIOL r TIY OR ORAN GE ) ss. CIITIY OR SAS JUAN CAFKFORANO ; I, MARGARET R. MON AFAN, appainil(id CHy Clleriik all the Clity of Elan Juan Capistnana, da heneby coo i-ly chat the laregairig Rersolulicin Na. 09-03.17-{2 was duly adapted by 1hEi Cil Clauncil of iher Ciiy of Elan Juari Capisluana al a Rergulan meeting ihenEicil, r eld ih(i 17' day a1 March 2QC19, by IhEi fallawing valla: AN ES: COL h CIIL ME MBE R1I: NOES TCUNCIL L � CIIL ME MBER: ABS1fNT I MEMBER: MARGAUT'R. MO Cle Allevallo, FneiEise, Hribar, Usa and Mayoii NiEilsen � ane Nane 2 3-17-2QC19