Resolution Number 09-03-17-01RBSOL L 111101 NO. 09-03-1T0'I A RE%9OLUTION OF THE CITM COUNCIL OR TF 9 CITY OR SAN JL AIN CIAPISIRAN 0, CALIRORN IA, 91- RRORTIN G aBRO WASTE RRIN CURL 99 AND STATEWIDE "Z9RO WA%IIIE CALIFORNIA" BRRORIIS WHBRBAS, The Calilannia InlEgnated Waste ManagEment flat cd 198(11 (ABGI":I9; NE q uined cities and counties to achiE ve a landfill divensian nale cd 501/a by 1hE YE an ,eidaci, and to reduce, reuse, nE cya le and campast solid waste ma11E nials to 1hE rriaximum Extent 1Easibie be'kIRE utilizing landfills cin cilher dispasal mE Ihads la canserw wa11E n, E nergy and o1hE n natural nesaunces, and la pncitecl the E nvinanmenil; and WH BRBAS, the City cif San Juan Clapisllrano has achievEd and exceEded 1hE AB91I9 divension nate NquinE MUM, and t as advocalEid 1hE benElfits of was1E neduc-licin and recycling is thEi public as nequired by AB 9119; and HIH BREAS, 'Ihei slalEhNide sinalEigic plan cif 1hEi Calilkinnia Inllegnateid VIIas1Ei ManagemEinl Boand (CIWMB', encaunages all Icical gavE nnrnienls 1ci jain in pramaiing a "ilenci Waste Cali-lonnia", and calls lkin expandE d public and pnivallo eflaris 11a "neduce, MUSE, recycle all discarded maleniah back inta naluie cir lhei marketplace in a manners thal pnallecis t uman health and the Einvinunmenll and W11h all maleirials being manageid to 'It a highEisl and bE si use la a neate a sus-lainable Calitinnia"; and WI-BREAS, -It a Cily all San Juan Clapisiranci adopllEid a %cluslainabiliiy Clharter an Deceimbeir '18, OC107 with 21Einci Was1E as cine cif its guiding principlEis; and WH BREAS, -The CIIWMB t as adciplEd "ZEina Waste, Yau Make li Happen" as a stall ewide sicigan; and WHBREA%I, waste reduclian, uEiusEi and nEicycling ccinsEirme nallunal neisciwicEis rEiducEi pcdlutian and ane chEiapEm -Than dispcis al when all a osis anEi cane idered and a Relate mane jabs in local communities; and WHEREAS, to maximize wasle nEuluclicin, reuso and nEicycling, pnciducl mantilacILINEira shauld shaREi responsibili11y 'kin Thein product and packaging wastei and par icipatEi in nedesign of IhEi pnculucl IifacyclEi process 1a ensunei that all malEidal can t a safely recycled; and WHEREAS, wilt apprapniatE Eicancimic incenliveis, rrianufactuners can pnoducei and businEisses can sEdl products Iha11 are durable and nepainable and can t e safely reicyclEid back inllci 1hEi mankErlplacEi or nalkinEi; and WHEREAS, ccinsumen domand fon praducis thal ane made fncim recycled rrialEirials, and anE1 produceid and paO aged in an envinonmenlally-ilrieindly manner that ikislers nes ource suslainabiliiy, st ould bEi encounagEid; �I-17-wa�1 h OVI , 71- BREROR9 B9 11 F 13SOLV90 that 1hE Cloun cil o-1 the Ql y oil San Juan Capisiranc t eiieby end( OSE s a "aero WasilE Caliilonnia" and adopts ZE ro Waste as a Ic ng=leim gc al for .lan Juan Clapislnano in order'10 E IiminailE wasile and p( Ilution in the manuilacture, use, pnccunemenl, stcnage and Kaycling d matErials. This goal will be achiE ved by actively enccunaging San Juan Capisiranc nE sidEnls, businE sses and all its deparmEnts and agEncies to rEduce, reuse and recycle maierials judicioLisly, in addition to E ncaunaging manuflactunE rs is piK duce and markE t IEss toxic and more durable, repairable, rE usable, recyclEd and rE cyclable pnoducls; BB IT RURTH BF RESOLN ED, ilhai the Council cif it e City oil flan Juan Capistrano will assist in advccating fon Iccal, sia-le and fedE nal policies chat promcte aerc WasVE principles and -It at hE Ip dE velop a well-plannE d slaiewide waste minimiza-lion and necyciing inlrasilructune, will suppc ri Clity pncgnams (hail pnornote Zero Wasle idE als and will endorse That all Clity E nvinc n menial and recycling program-rEla-led outreach mailenials be IabelEd with it a "aero Waste, You Make ii F appen" slogan. PASSED, ARPROVBD, AND ADORT813 this '17'r clay oil March 21[1[19 V_ev tx - fARK IS IELS N, MOOR I �I.17-21[1[19 STATE OR CALIAORNIA OOL P TY OR ORAN GH ; ss. CIIlIY OR SAP JUAN CARKSTRANO I, MARC-LAIRBT R. MONAHAN, appoinlEul Cily Clleik ail Iha Clity of %Ian duan Capistiana, da hEinaby cEirlifyj that 'It a famgaing ResoluHani N a. 0EI-03-17-01 was duly adapted by IhEi Cit+ Council all 1hE1 City all San Juan CapisAana al a Regulan mE101ing 1hEinEiaf, t aid the '17t day ail Mauch 2009, by llhe 1killowing ValEi: AYES: C UNCIL MSMOSRS: AIIEivala, Rremi, Hi ibau, L sa and N ayan NiEdsen NOES: C UNCIL MSMOSR: None ABSi* OUNCIL MBM9aFI: None MA R. MO A A ity Cler 3 3-17-20C1(II