Resolution Number 09-03-03-01RBSOLL 111ON N O. 09-.03-03-01 A RESOLL TION OR THE CIITY CICII N CIL OR 7F 8 CITN OF SAN JL AN CARISTRANO, CALIRORN IA, CALLIh G A PUBLIC HEARING ON ARRIL 7, 2009 TO REVISE THE BOUNDARY CIR UNDERGRCII N D l 111LIIN DISIRIC11 05-02. WHEREAS, TillE 7, Chap'IEin 8, l ndEingraund l iiliiy Raaililies, all Llan Juan Capislnana Municipal Codei, esiablishE s a procEdurE far tf a crea'licin cif Lindengnaund uilility disiriats, and neiquines as'l1 E ini'lial step in s uch pnciceeding, It ei halding all a public hE aning tci as aer ain whE then 1 hE public necessity, health, s A ty an wE Ifare NE quires 1 he nE maval cif pcdE s, civE nhE ad winEis and associallEid avE nhE ad struclunEs wiilhin the designated ane crlthe City and IhE undEngraund insiallalicin of wins and facililiEs akin supplying eleicilric, cammunicailiar , cin similar asscicialEid sErvices in such a distnial; and, Wl- BREAM, it fad bE en neccimrriended that such undE rignouncl uiilitj disiriat, heinEinaflEn nEfeired 'la as Undergn(iund Ltilit)I Dis-lnicl Na. 05-02, be inEvised and that dE s a nip'lian of IhE baundanies cif such clislnicl is can'lainE d in 8xhibi'I A attached heiE to and by ielerencEi made a par herecill, and '11 al specific u'lililliE s piopased la be rE locallE d undEignaund anE aslallaws: San DiEga Gas & Elecllricfacilities, VErizon 8usinE ss (kirmally MCI), and Cox Carr municaiians ClablE facilities, and All&T. NOW, TI- 8R8RORE, 88 Ill RBSOLV913, Thal 'If E Cli'ly CaLincil of -If a Citj all San Juan CapisI nana as ikillaws: Secticin 1. A hE aning is hcnEiby callE d and ncilices will bE given VI all 0 a hEiaring will be held by'II a City Cauncil cif the Ciiy cif Llan Juan Capisilranci an -IhE 7t� day cif Apnil, 2009, ai the hmin cif 6:30 pm, in the City Cauncil Chambens in 'If a City cif San Juan Capislnancl, Ioea1IE d al 32400 RasEciAdelanla, San Juan Capislmana, Calilkinnia, taascEidainwhelhE n1hE public nE aessily, hE alth, safety, cir wE IfarE equines the nEimcival cif palE s, aveiihead wills and associalE d avE nhE ad silrualuinE s , and IhE undE ngraund ins'lallalicin all wires and lacililiE skin supplying elecilric, ccimmunicatian on similar assaciated services in such dis'Iricl hE neiinabave dE scilibed. Secilicin 2. Al sucf hE aning, all PE nscins inlEinEs'IE d shall bE given an appar unity la bE I Bard. Said hE ailing may be caniinued llrarri 'limE 1c1 'IimE as may bEi deiVE nminEd by IhE Ciiy Caun cil. Secilicin 3. ThE City Clerk shall ncitiN all affeclEd pncipery ciwnEns as shawn on 'IhE last EqualizEd assessmen'l roll and all utility companiEs cancernEd cif the IimE and place 01 sucf hE ailing by mailing a copy ailihis REsolulicin tci each such prapE illy owner and Each u'lilitj cancemnE d at least lE n ('10) days piion'lo the dale 'II Erecif. Page 1 0.12 03-03-2009 Seclion 4 . The area propo9ed -lo be included in the Dislnicl is shown upon ilhal certain map enlillEid "l ndengnaund Uililily Disirict 05-02", which is on file in the Office oil Ihe Clity Glank oil -It a City of San Juan Capistnana. RASE BEI, AFIRROVED, AND ADORTE]F] this 3nd day (d March 2009. K /J MAFKNJIELSEN, MAYOR AYrEl1 T MARGAR"R. IMONAH)k V, CIITY CL E TAIIB CIFI CIALIFIORN ISI ) CIOUN-P CIFI CIRAIN CIE] ) ss. CIIIIY OFI SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO } I, MARGARET R. MONAHAN , appointed City Clerk all I he City all San Juan Capistnano, da herl0by car ify that thEi fonaglaing Resolutian Na. 09-03-03-01 was duly adapllad by the Ci-ly Cauncil o11hEi Clity all San Juan Clapislnana a-1 a Regular maeling 1henEiol, held the 3r" day of March 2009, k y the following vale: AYES" C NCIL MBME E RS: N OE]E : UNCIL MBME OR: ABSE UNCIL MBME E]R: MO Allevata, Flieese, F niban, Lso and Mayor N ielsEin Nane N anG Pagel aft 03-03-2099 IM an 31n Del OI lsp 84911/148 RIEVISIC NS D.4": 02120 0 9 I 21454 I CI ci Yuj :3 p lot X524 a� LEGEND -- - — • District Bot indary ,r Utility Po a is tie F en c vec Pole Ida n[bleaiion / UYlk Pole 10 Remain C Newt Cd t le Pile 0 New Adchor 6494162-23 Assesscrs Parcel Number 37001 Address P21 mg STA 3 1-10MIA 0 lA P221761 P22373 SM313-22 s a � � P493520 � I P28524 � pi m r r �� aelsPa s1 RE l:lr 'r r r r r 31n Del OI lsp 84911/148 RIEVISIC NS D.4": 02120 0 9 I 21454 I CI ci Yuj :3 p lot X524 a� City c if San Juan Capistrano UNMERGROUP 0 UTILITY DISTRICT 05-02' Del C t l eipla Streell, Allplaa Sttleel to Raseo A Icle lanta BOUNDARY MAP SH EM I C 111 E XHISIT A LEGEND -- - — • District Bot indary • Utility Po a is tie F en c vec Pole Ida n[bleaiion ® UYlk Pole 10 Remain C Newt Cd t le Pile (ID New Adchor 6494162-23 Assesscrs Parcel Number 37001 Address City c if San Juan Capistrano UNMERGROUP 0 UTILITY DISTRICT 05-02' Del C t l eipla Streell, Allplaa Sttleel to Raseo A Icle lanta BOUNDARY MAP SH EM I C 111 E XHISIT A