Resolution Number 09-02-17-01RE%<IOLUTION NO. 09-02-17-01 A RBSIOLUTION OR IF B BOAR[ OR C IRBCTORS OR IF B JUAN CAPISIIRAN O CIOMMUNITIi RBDEVULOPMENTAGBNCY, CALIRORN IA, ACCEFIMI\ CI TF B RIN AL MASTER PLAN ROR LOW ER RO%IFIN RAN CIF AND IDENTIRYIN G AILIIBRNATIVB I\ L MBBR 4 Mc -1 THE FIRBRERR91 DEVBLOPMBNT ALTBRI\ATIV9 i�ASSSSSOR PAIRCIBL IS O.'81211-25:1-'1121; 12'1-25:1-,15; 12'14140-1219; and 12'1-240-7;1) WHERBASI, in the lluriheiancEi oil 'Ite abjec'livEs of the Clalikmnia Clammunity Rede vEiloprnie nt Law f eal-It and %Sa1E hj ClodEi SE ctian ,131000 all s( q-1, thEi Agency desirE s Io devE lop approximEMEly a 16 acnE1 prapE rty it awns off cif SlCin ehill C nivE known as 1hE Lawes Rosan Ranch 11hE "SiIE"',; and, WF BR9AS, professional land planning sE ruicas were nellainEd to lhonoughly evaluall( dEivelapmEni aliernallivas ikinlhe SitE; and, WFBREA�I, 'I he land planning analysis, Final Masten Plan, atlacted herEta as Bxt ibil A, EvaluallE d the pilapEirty's pt ysical opportunities and limi-lalians with the abjE ctive la dellE nmine the prE-lriniied dEVE lapmenl oplion; and, WHERBASI, 'It a iiesulls of the study wE nEi pnEsE ME d to the community all dulli nolicEid jain'l public rniEE ting betWE en 11he City Council, the Agency and the Rlan ning Commission on Januarys 19, 2009, whE neby the Cilly Cauncil, Agenc)l and Clammissian rete ivE d public input/ an I he maste r plan intim inte nes1E d pari iE s; and, WF 9REAS, IhE Clity Council, Age ncy and Clarrimissian agrE ed that the sale and dEivelapmE nt crl the SillE ion a regional sE ruing ne'lail establishment will improVE the quality crl lice lion Elan , uan Capis'lnana nesidenis by pnoviding aonveniEnl necessiliEs, durable gaods, seRlicE s, and E mployment oppar Millie S. NOW 11HERBROR9 98 III RSSOL% 9D b)I the Soaild of C1111E ctoils oil'I1 E San , uan Clapisilrana Clornmunity HedevE IapmE n 1 Age ncy hell by finds and dE to rminE s -the kdlowing; "leclion 'I. 111 E community nE ads incame diversification kin its fisaal hEiallh and E aonomic vitality. That DE velapmeint ME rna'live NumbE 114 oil'lt a land planning analysis represents 1hE only saurce a-1 income opportunity] at 1hE Eli -le; and that DEVE lopment AllErna'livE N umber 4 is also the only allernalivE consislen'l will 1hE curnEnt "Quasi- indusWal" land uie designalian cif the plan Juan Clapislnano GenE nal Rlan. Seclian 2. C E vE loping I t is vacant in-lili property will bE nE fit the whale cammuniN by camilully balancing dEIVE loprnien'l llhnaughaL t the cammuniN in appiiapniate lata-lians. It e Masten Min is not/ itse III a final delE nrninalian of the ulllirniallE dE velapmani bull is a bnoad palicy EindonsE me nt ikm the pneifenred possible lluture use of 1hE land. Page 1 of 1 01-17-2009 Soction 3. The AC eenc y ou a fulure dEevelope in will apply fou land usEe pernmits to thea Uly, and ihEe City's zoning regulalicins, adapleid design s-landand9, and lhonough daveilopmeini review pnocEe9 s pnovidees adeequaic tools and safeguards lion ihEe pKipen deeveelapmeini (if Thee pnapery. Seeclicm A. -It ei Elaard o1 Clireicion t eneby acceepls thea Flinal Maslen Rlan daleid FleibnuarA 17, 200c11, pneepauEed by Gafc an, Inc., flan thea Lceween Flosan Flanct Rncepert) , and icleentifie'Is DeivEelapmeintAtlennaiivee Numbm4 as thei pnEdenned deveelcepm(enl al-leennative km thea Si -le. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPIIED This 17th day cif Fleebnuary 2009. M -9E OF CALIFORI' IPI ) CIOM TY OF ORANGE ) ss. CIITN OH SAN JL Al` CIAF119-IRAN CI ) WAS W. F FIIEIAR, CIF AIFIMM I, MAF CIPIREIT R. N CIN Ah PIN, appointed Agenay Secretary of the Clommunity Redevelops ent Agena71 of the Clity of San Juan Clapistnano, do heuet )I ae rlily that tf a loueg oing Rescduliari N a. (IRA 09-02-117-01 was clulrl adopted by the 9oaid of Dinectous of the Clommunity F a c levelopment Agen q l at a regulau meeting theneol, h a Id the 17" day o1 Febmary2009 t r 1 the follov�ing vole: UIF E CIIOREI: Nielsen, Alle�iato, U so, Fuee s e and Chaiuma n I- niban CIIFIBClIOREI: None 111R;ICIIOREI: None R. MON��AN, Adency Ejpretary Page 2 of 3 (3-11-11M