Resolution Number 09-02-17-01R990LU1110N NO. 09-02-1741 AI Ra%ICILU710N OH 7F B CllY CIOUNCIL OR TF,B CIT1I OR SAN KAN CIARiSTRA h Cl, CALIRORNIA, BSIAIBL19F IN G MBN BBRSHIP RBQL IRBMEN 119 ROR CITMCOUNCIL APRCIIN IED COMMIS:IION :I AND BOARDS r L B,IBCT TO AMENDMENT OR MUNICIRAL CODE 111TLE 2, CIFAP-1BR 2 — CIOMMIS�IIONfl AN D BOARDS WF BREA!% Iha Clity Clauncil appraved first neading and inluoduction a1 an ondinance Eintilled, "AN OREEN Al\ CIG OR THE CITU OR r AN .IL AN CIAF IrCTRAN O, CALIRORNIA, AMEN DING SaC1110N�I1 OR 11HE ML h ICIIRAL CIODB IIITLB 2, CF AIRTBR 2 — COMMIS%rIION.I All` D BOARDS RELAIIED 110 MBMBBRSHIP" an Rubnuary1 '17, 200clI; and WHEREAS, the and inance pnavidEis fon mf imbership cin Clammissians and Baards to bEi established by a Reisalulian a1 thEi Clily Clauncil; and WHERBAI9, the City Council desires -lo makes appoinllments 11a Commissians and Bowds subjecl -Io 1he ordinance bElcaming eiffeclive. NOW, THERERCIRB, BB IT RE%SOLVED, -It al thea Clity Cauncil o1 It ei CHy all San Juan Capislnana daes hEmeby establish the lkdlowing rnembEirship requinemenis an Clity Cauncil appainted Corrimissians and Bciands subjeict to 1hEi faregaing andinance becoming E IflE lcI ive: a. Housing Advisary CcimmitteiEi: Membership cin the F ausing Advisory Cammitl eie s hall consisll of fivc (J) an sewn (7) mEimbens. t . Culllunal Honilage Carrimissicin: MombEnship an 11he Culllunal HEiritage Cammission shall consis'l of fiVE1 (5) ar (71 meimb(ins, tmI(i Qll) allwhom are nal miquined lo bEi a wisident cd'lhei Cit)j. AI quarum shall cansis ail not IEISs 'Ihan three 13; mernibEms, and any aclian of lh(i Clarnmissian shall require an afflnmativei vole of nol IEISs Than ihnEie Q3) vaiing membEms. C. Rlanning Commission- MEimbunship an 1hEi Planning Clarmmissian shall can sisI a -I five (91 a seven (7) rriembeis. d. Tianspar align Clomimiss ion: MEimbershigl cin 1hEi Tnanspcnlation Cammissian st all consisll o1 -live (.1I) members. G. Panks. Rucicalian and Bauogtnian Cammission: MernibEinship an the Ranks, REicnealian and BquEistnian Clammissian s hall cansisl a111VE1(al on sEiven (7) members. Pr ge 1 o12 1. Design Rojew Cammit ee: N embers hip cin 11he Design REiviEw Clornruittau shall aansis'l oil ikuii (z) members, tm10 (21) Planning Commissianens appointed by -I he Planning Camrnis; ion and twa (2) membars-a-l-lauge appainted by Ihci City Council, who hawi a design backgriound in ciithen planr it g, arch ilEictunEi, landscape acct iteclunE1, ar similar expaiicincEi imlaled 1a the desigr cif pt ysical improvement: and buildings. ThEi City may ah o appainl an atlennale membcin-al-fango to scirue it lhci ab: ence of an appciinled nEigular rnierriben. Th(i Planning Clorrimi, , !an is authanized la appoint an alteun all(i Planning Clarnimissicm marriben to serue in the absence oil ills nEigular appaintees. g. Ulililies Commission: Membenship on 11he UlililiEis Clorrirnii:: ian shall consist cif five 15) membcins. RASS90, FIRPROVED, AND ADOPIIED -It is '17th day cif Rcibruar)l 2009. MA K IEL , MA OR ATTEST: kv=: Com` CAW 1440 91IA78 CIR CIALIRORNIA ) COUNn OR CIRP NG9 ) ss. CM CIR SAN JUAN CARISTRANO ) I, MARGARET R. N ONAF Al`, appain led City Clack cif 1hEi Ci ly oil San Juan Capi: tuna, da hEineby car ill) Iha1 'It a ikinegoing Resaluiicin Is a. 09-C1'91-17411 was duly adcipled by thEi City Cauncil a1111he Cily col Sar Juar Capislnano a1 a RElgular mEieiing thEireaf, held -Ile '17'" day all Rebnuaryl 200(11, by the fallciwing vcrle: /)COUNCIL MEME ORS: Allevata, FnEiese, 1-r ban, Usa and Mayai N,kihen .S COUNCIL MEME OR: Nana E aOL N CIIL M9ME 9R: None R. NA A City lerk Pag( 2 alt