Resolution Number 09-02-17-02RBSOLL I ICV I O. 09-02-17.02 A RBSOLUI ION OF IF 8 CII Y CIOUNCIL OF TF B CIT) OF SAN JL AN CIARISTRAN CI, CALIFORNIA, CALLING A PL EILIC HEARIN G TO RE1% IEIE THE BOUNDARY OF UND9RGROUND LTILIIY DISTRICT 05-01. VIII- BRBAS, Iile 7, Cl apien 8, Undengnaund Uiilily Facilities, all San Juan Capisinana Municipal Cade, Establishes a pracedune far the crea'lion of undengnound uiility dislnicls, and requines as IhE in ilial SIE p in sucl' piKiceE ding, the halding ail a public heaning to ascE ruin wt Eihen'11 E public nE cessiily, t ealll , safely onwelilane nequines the HE moval 01 poles, avenhead wines an d assacia-led avenhead s'lnuclunE s wilt in IhE designated anE af'It e City and 'IhE undengiKuind ins'lallalion of wines and lacililiE s 'Ion supplyling elEcinic, cammunication, ar similan associalE d SE ruices in suct a disiuict; and, WH9REAS, it had beEn uecommended That such undenground utilit)l disinict, henE inafteii rElk nnE d la as L ndengraund Uiilily Disiiiicl No. 05-01, be nevisEd and Thai descripiian olihe baundauiE 9 of such dis'Inici is contained in Exhibit abact Ed heuela and b]1 nEfenE nce made a pari hE nEof, and thal spEcilic utilities propased 'lo be nE laca'led undengnaund anE as follaws: San E iega Gas 81 BIE atnic llacililiE s, VE nizan Business (ikinmally MCI), and Cox Clammuniaations Cable T� facililiEs, and AI&T. NOW, 11- ERBF ORS, BE IT RESOLVED, Thal the City Ccwncil oil IhE Clit)l of San Juan Clapislnana as icdlows: Section 1. A hE aning is hE reby called and nolicE s will be given that the heaning will bE held by the Ciiy Council cit the City of San Juan Capislnana an the '17tti day a1 March, 2009, ail IhE haun ail 0:30 pm, in the Clity Council CII ambE ns in the Ciiy a'l Elan Juan Capisinana, loca'led at 32400 RasEo Adelanta, San Juan Clapisirano, Cali,kmnia, lo ascertain wt Eiheu the public necEssity, t eal'11 , sailE 111, cm welfare nEquines the iiemaval of pales, avenhead wirEs and associated aVE nhE ad slnuclunE s, and the undE ngraund inslallailian of wins and facililiE s fan supplying eleclnic, communication oii similanassaciaiE d ser%iicE s in such disluicl hE re inabaVE dE s cnibed. Sect ion 2. At such I E aning, all pE rsans intE nes1E d al all bE given an cipportunily'Ici be hE and. Said hE aning may be continued ihom lime la lime as may be dE IEiiminE d by IhE Ciiy Clouncil. Section 3. ThE Clity CIE nk shall no -1 fl all af1E CIE proper awnens as st own an the last equalizEd assessmen'l iKill and all ulili'ly campaniEs cancenned all IhE time and placE of such heaning by mailing a copy of ilhis ResalLiiian to each such pilcipE rty awnen and each uiiliiy cancE nned at least ien ('10) days pnian is the dale then all. Seciian 4. The area puopased is bE included in ihE E istnicil is shown upan -It ail CE ruin map Entitled " L ndE ngraund Uiilily Disi iiict 05-0'1 ", which is on file in the OfficE cif the Ciiy Cled of IhE Ciiy of San duan Capistrano. Page 1 of 2 02-11-2009 PASSOD, ARPROVED, AND ADOPII813 this 17th day of Flebiuiary 2009. -- ww)"' =LSEN , MAY SIIATEI OF CALIFORNIA ) COL N TY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OR SPIN JL PIN C PIRISTRAN O ) I, WIRGAREIT R. MCIN PIF AN, appainied C ity C ienk cif the Ci-ly cd San Juan Cap is tnan o, do hell bycertiNlhal the fair going Resolulian Na. 09-021-117-03 was duly adopted byllhe C ity CCulncil crl-lf E Ciiy of San Juan Capistnana all a Regulan meeling the neof, hE Id the 17'1" day of RE bruary 2009, by the ikdlowing vote: ANEIS: COL N C IL MEIMBEIRS: Allevallo, Flne e,, e, F ribar, Usa and Mayou Niel: en NOE : L N C IL MEIMBEIR: N one A8S NT: UNCIL MEMBER: None MARPAFIW R. MOAIAHANf, C ity Page 2 a 12 02-17-2009 11 F EVISICINS DA ME: 2120 0 9 4r Iryf 40 3190: A UAGIN Ad. ��&19 291119 P321 736 "a A t8 ` y. 'I • City c f Slan Juan Carlisirano UNDERGRIOL ND UMLITI DISTMIICIT 05-01 Del Obispo StM et, Calle A spew tial A IguacaW Rodd SF EEI.1 OF'I BOUNDARN MAP EXHIBIT A LMEND it CM'lits Pdle to be F IF mavod New Stub Pale C New Cable Pole ' � PdIs Iden itcafc! -- —� • Dis We Boundagl 649-( 8223 Asseswri Parcel NLIMI or 32i 6'I Address 11 F EVISICINS DA ME: 2120 0 9 4r Iryf 40 3190: A UAGIN Ad. ��&19 291119 P321 736 "a A t8 ` y. 'I • City c f Slan Juan Carlisirano UNDERGRIOL ND UMLITI DISTMIICIT 05-01 Del Obispo StM et, Calle A spew tial A IguacaW Rodd SF EEI.1 OF'I BOUNDARN MAP EXHIBIT A