Resolution Number 09-02-17-03RE�IOLUTION NO, 09-0li1-17.03 A REMOLUTION OR TF O CITIi COUNCIL OR THE CITY OR :IAN JUAN CIARISTRAN O, CIALIRORN IA, RBQL BSIIIN G SUPPORT ROR REDORAL RUNDING ROR FIN 21009,110 CITY CAFIIIIAL IMRROVBMBN T RROJBCTS (SON ATOR BARBARA 00) OR) WF BRBAS, the Office 011 SEinalcin Oanbana Boxes has pnavidEid s uppar itci the City oil San .luau Clapislnana in 'IhEi gas'l wPlh its Eifforts io obiain Ieideual lunding Ion inilrasimclune and othEir community pncignams; and, WF BRBAS, City stafl has pnepanEid a nEiquEist fcu $3.1 million in gnani "funds fan 1 he, DEd Obis po Sineerl Circulation impnavEirmenis and Onidge Widening Flnajeict to impnovEillraffic illcnw and cimulaiion bEltweEln IM 1-5 fmiEiway and thEi wEialenn Clity limit leading ul irriately to the adjoining coastal Ernea; and, "F BREAM, City staff has pnepaned a nequesi 'Ion $9 million in gnan-1 funds ikn the San Juan Clapislnana Reicycled WalEn Sysilarn devedciprrienil in an Eiffart to A ncivide additional local sounces oil walEir Ian nein- polable uses; and, "F BREA.1, City staff has pneiparied a nequEisl lion $31 million in giianil funds kin 1ha Gnound VValen Recoveiryl Plant Expansion and Regional Dameslic ❑islnibutian Raciliily in oulen to redLice demands an Elaciiameinlci Say DEdila and 1he Calonada Riven and to pnoduce local wales suppliers in case oil dnaughl on EimEingeincy; and, V� HEREAEI, City siafl has pneipared a miquEisl lion $4.21 million in gnant funds -101 1hEi plan JLian CInEiEik Road "idening, VallEi Raad 10 Clarnina Capisiranci to facililale aCCE19S to the 1-5 fnEieway fnam Caminci Clapistnano; and, "HEREAS, Clity staff has pnepaned a miquemi:Ior $21.8 millicin in gnant Iunds ilon 1ha Elan Juan Caq isinana Regional Libnary Additicm and Rencivaiian Pnajecl in an Eiffort ilei pnovide main lechncilagical neisounces io a growing populEitian, add rrionei space ilo slonEi an abundancE1 of pnin-leid malarial, and in onden la abide by the American Disabilities Acl building code requinaments; and, VYHERRAS, ihei Citi has submitted five 1010 Mical YEian PInpraprialion REiquEisl fanms to thEi Oflice of .11-lenator Banbam BMW. NOW, IIHBRERORR, BE IT RESOLVED, tha-I 1ha City Clouncil cd ihEi City of San Juan Clapis•Inano dries heneby 1. Expness its sincenEi appnEiciation fcu ihEi efloris al SEinaicin Banbana Boxein in support cif aun of or s la pncivide inilrastuictune imprmEiments tha-I impnove oun comirmunit l as well as enhancE1 nEigianal dErficiencieis. Pa(I e 1 of 2 02-17-2009 21. Appocive the iiequesi lar -It a 21010 Fliscal YEiao Apprapriaticins REiquEist all 'IE daral gnani ilunding. RASSBE7, ARRROVBI], Ah U A(]OR-IED ilhis '17th day crl February 2009. =LSEN, MAYOR SIATIl OF CALIFORNIA ) COL N TY OA ORANGES ) ss. CITY OF EIAN JUAfN CARISTRANO ) I, MARGARESII R. MONAF Ah , appoin-led City CIE; rk ail i he City cd San Juan Capistiiana, dci heuE by cert Fly Iha-1 'It E 1kinE gaing Rescilutian Na. 09-02-17-03 was duly adapied bythe Clity Council colilhe Ci-ly of Elan Juan Capisilrano al a RE gulan mE eling lhaflEaf, hE Id ihE '17th day cif FIE It iivary1,1009, by 'IhE fallowing va-le: AYEl C UNCIL MBMBBRS: AIIEvaio, FreESE , Hiiit au, L sa rind Mayciii hiE Isen � CI S: /nUNCILMOMBBR-. Nam AB ENT UNCIL ti 9MB9R: ane Page 2 of 3 02-17-2009