Resolution Number 09-02-17-04RBSOLL 111ON NO. 09-02-'7-0 4 A RESOLL TION OR -nHE CIIT11 CIOL N CIL OR 7F B CITY OF SAN JLAN CARISTRANO, CALIRORNIA, RBQL HEITING EIL RRORi1 ROR HB❑ERAL RL IS CIIN G POR RY 200911' 0 CITM CIARITAL IMRROVBMEN7 RROJECIS (SENATOR DIANNE RB1N STEIN) WHOREMS, -1hes Offices of Senatan Dian nEi Feinstein has puivided supparl isilhe Clint of Elan Juan Capisliiana in the pasil wilh its efforts la abtain lkideral funding flat ininaslnuctuiie and othEir cammuniiy piiagiiams; and, WHaRBAS, City) staff t as pnepaiud a iiequesl for $3.' million in grant funds for-Ihei, ❑el Clbispa S-Iraeft Clinculalian Impnoveimants and Bridge Wideining Pnojecl la improve 'Inaffic flow and cinculation beMEien the 1-5 lneieway and the weslann City] limit leading u111ima1Edy10 -It a adjaining coastal area; and, Wl- EIRBAS, City slaff has pneipaiied a iiequeisI akin $6 million in gran] funds fat IhEi San Juan Capislnano Recycled Waller Syslem development in an Eiffort to pivfide additional local soUrcEis of waleir lion nan-po-IablEi LisEis; and, WF BREAS, Ci -1y slaff has pnepanEid a naquEist lion $3 million in grand funds fon It Ell Ground Water Reicovery RIanI axpansian and REigianal Uomeslic I]istnibulion Racility in andein to Leduae dEimands cin Sacramenila Bay Delia and -It a Calonado RivEir and to pnoduce local wa-len supplies in casEi all dnough-I on emEingency; and, WF BREAM, Cily staff has pnepanEid a iequesl lion $,e.2 million in gnant ilunds fon ilhe San Juan CneEil Road WidEining, Valle Road 110 Clarniino Capislnano to ilacilitalEi accEiss 'la ihE[ 1-5 freeway from Camino Capislnana; and, WHEREA-I, Clily slaff has prepaned a nequEist lion $2.8 million in gnani funds akin the Elan Juan Capisflanci REigional Libnaryl Addiiian and Renwialion RrajEici in an Eiffort 'Io provide rniane techn olagical nesauncEis to a growing population, add rnionei spacelo stones an abundance of pnin-led malenial, and in orden to abide by the American Disabilities Act building code requinemanls; and, WHEREVIS, the Cit)) has submitted five 2010 Riscal Yoan Apprapnialion REiquEis-1 farms la ihEi Oflice cd %lenalar Dianne Feinstein. N OW, 11HERERORa, BE IT RESOLVED, tha-1 lha City Clouncil crl the City cd San Juan Clapis'Irano does hereby 1. Express i'ls sincere appimciaiian fouihe effar s of Senalon Dianne Fleinslein in suppciri of aur eflori s'la picniide inikasliuctum improvEiments tha-1 impiavEi aur communi-ly as well as enhanca regional defiaiencias. Papa 1 012 02-17-2009 2. ApprovE 11he nEiquE s'1 'Ion 1hEi 20'10 Flisaal YE an Appnopnia1lions RequE1 t 01 #ideual guan'I funding. RA%c19813, ARP ROVED, AND ADOPIIED this 171r day of Rebruary 2009. =LSEN, MAIYOR A SIIAT01 OH CALIFIORNIA } COL N TY OF ORANGE )ss. CIT) OF SAIS ,IL Alt+ CIAIRISTRAN O } I, MARCIAR9T R. MCIN AIF AN, < ppoinlEid Clity Cllenk of thEi Ci11y of 9E n Jua n CE pisiik no, do t eimby cEiri ifyl11t al the foregoing REisc luiliar 11 a. 01I-0:1-17-04 Vias duly E dopted by -It a Clity Clouncil o'111he Cily of San Juan CE p islu< no Eta REgulau nI80ting 11hem oi, held the '17th da y of FEibuuaryl 2009, by 11he ' c flawing Mall: AY99: CO I` CIL MUMBER9: Alleve'lo, FneEiae, F vibe r, Usci and ME yon n iEll9 en NO ENT: COVIN CIL MEMBER: None AB UNCIL MBMBBR: None ►f ill a :'�T:yi 7\ima Page 3 of 2 02-17-20(9