Resolution Number 09-02-17-06F BSOLL MON N O. 09-02-17-06 A RaSCILUTION OR IF B CIITYI CIOL N CIIL CIR IF B CIIiIY OR SAN JL FIN CIAF ISIRAN CI, CALIRORNIA, RBQL BSTIN G SL F PORT FOR RBOBRAL RUNDING ROR RY 2009,110 CITY CMF ITAL IMPROVEIMEN lI F RO,IBCTS WF BREAS,1ho ClfflcEi cal ClangnEissman , Icahn Campball has rinavidEid : uFIFKiri lca ilhe City cif San Juan Clapistnana in the plas'l wiilh il: efllcarls ilca ablain kidenal funding 11an imlrasilruclune and alhew community pnagnams; and, WFEREAS, City slafil t as FlnEirlanEad a neques-1 fan $(I million in granil funds kin the San Juan Claplislnana REac)Icled Waller Sysleirni dEivelciprraEanl in an eflcah -la pravide additianal lar -al sources cif wa'IEan kin nan-pailable uses; and, WHEREAS, Clity slaff has plreplanEid a rerquesl 'Ion 913 million in gnanl funds fan thEi Gnaund VIIa1Ein REacovEiry Fllant Bxpansion and REigianal Dameslic ❑islnibu-lion Facility in canden 'lo nEiduce demands on Sacramenil a Bay DEdta and It a Calonada RivEin and t(a pnaduce local waten supplies in casEi al dnaughil on EamEingEincy; and, VI IF BABAS, City staff has pnepared a nEiquEasl skin 114.2 million in gran -1 funds ikon the San duan Cneak Road VIIidEining, VallEi Raad 1a Clarniina Caplislnanci la 'lacilitalEi access io the 1-51111eewa)l fuorri Caminca Capistnana; and, WF E F BAS,1he City has subrnitled thMEa 2010 Fi, cal YEian AFlFlnapniaiican REquesl kirms to the Of1ICE1 of Can gnessman Jahn Clamr IbE 11. NOW, TF E RBFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that 1hE City Council all thEi CIi151 crl San Juan Capistnana daEis hEreby 1. BxpnE ss its s in CEire aplprecialican fan thEi Effar s cif CangnE ss man Jcit n ClampbE ll in suppcail cif oun E ffar s to pncavidEa in-Inastruclure impravE rnienIs 'It'a1 impravE aur carnirriun iiy as well as enhance HE gicinal dE liciEncies. 2. Appncive the request kir IhE 2{1'10 Riscal YE an Alppraprialicins RE quE 31 of -IedE nal chant 11unding. I cif 2 2-17.2a09 RA%cISBD, ARPROVED, AND AC OFIIIED 11 is '17w day a,l FEibnuaryl 2009. - - � t MAW N ELSaN, MAY AT S MA 'kT . MON AN, ITY C K 81IATEI CIF CALIROW lAl } COUNTY CIR ORpINGH )ss. CITY OR SAN JUAN CAPIEIIIRANO } I, MARGARET R. MONAHAN, appoin-led City Clerl oil1he Clity oil 'Elan Juan Capisilia" o, da hE rE b51 a er1 [ly lha1 'll a lkrnE gaing Resalu'lion IS a. 09-02-17-06 was dLily adaplE d by the Ciiy Cauncil oil ihe City a-1 San Juan Capisinano a1 a RE gulan [TIE eling the reo-1, hEId 11 a 17t" day o-1 RE bnuarH 2009, by IhE fallowing WE: YE : COUNCIL MEIME FIRS: Allevala, FnE esE, F niban, Uscr and Mayou P ieh en OEP: COUNCIL MEIME BR: None BS COL h CIIL N 9MB9A: NonE (�-) /tk' " j AR R. ONS# N, `CitV Clerk 2 all 2 0-17.2009