Resolution Number 09-02-03-03RE SCILUTION NO. 09-02-03-03 A RE SOL L MON OR IF E CIITY CIOUNCIL OF TF E CITY OR SAN JL AIN CARISiIRANO, CIAILIRORNIA, ARRRO� IN CI A RE QL E ST RCIR A RE DL C111ON OR CITY FE E S TO THE SAN JUAN CARISiiRANO RIESiIA ASSOCIVITION FOR IF EI EVE NTSASEIOCIAiIED WITF THE 2009 RIBSiIA DB LAS GOLONDRINAS CIE LBBRAIIICIN AND SWALLOWS DA) PARADE; AIN E GRAN TING AN EXCIBIRTION TO IF E Cmis RIRIE ARM C ISCHARGE RE GL LAiIICIN "I ROR F OOS'GOW DIY AND SWALLOWS PAIRAIC 8 DAY WF OR BAS, - I e Citj Claun cii ilinds and deleirmines i hal: 1. Thea Citi Clauncil affiaially necagnizes IhE San Juan Clapistnana Fiesia Assucialicin as the leiad onganizalion -ion the 2009 RiEsla de las Galandninas cE lebralicin; and 2. The San Juan Capistuana Riesla Association I as willingly aan inuEd to assurm the coandinalion, anganizatian, and publicitj nes pans ibilities assucialE d with the annual RiE sla de las Clalcmdnin as acliviliE s; and 3. Thnaugh its nEspansibilities all aanducting i1 E annual cEIIE bnatian, the San Juan Capi0iana Rieisla Assaaialicin pravidE s irripartani cast savings to lhei Cit}; and 4. Appnaving ilhe reduatian of .k es will nat seal a precE dE nt lar alheii fee waiven iie quemis; and 5. llhe diachangu of ilimarms fan F aas'gaw Day and Ranade Day aclivilies be appnaved by the gran'ling of an excEiptian as EistablishEd in Municipal Clado Seiatian 5.14.02. N OW, TF OR BRORS, 09 IT ROSOLJVED, 'II ail the Clity Council ail the Clity of San Juan Capistnana daE s hereby approve a nE quesi fan a neducliar ail Ciiy feEIS in IhE amount of $14 ,330.08 ilo the San Juan Clapislnana Fiesta Association ton the eveinls associa'IE d with the 2009 Him Ila de las Golandninas calEibnalion and Swallows Day Ranade; and guar is thEi Association an EixcEiption 'lo thei Clity's ilineianmis discharge nogulalions fon 11he dischange oil blanks. Page 1 ofl 2 PA%chIEID, PIFIPROVED, AND ADOFITEID this 3`� day cif Fobuuary, 200 2w.,.re, �_ v � — VI/ MARK IELSEN, MAY A7TE Sl : 4fl,tt_(A;xA : MARGAR NAH Citj Cler S1 ATE OF CIALIFURI• IA ) COL N T) OF ORAIN GE 99. CITY OF PIAN JL FIN CIFIRISTRAN O ) 1, MARGAREI7 R. MOP AI- FIN , appoinllod Clity Clleuk cif thEi Cite of plan Juan Can istIon ci, dci hEireby cEidif lilha11he iciregciing Reifialullior No. 09-02-03-03 was duly adonled by -it a Clityj Clauncil of 11he Cily cif San Juan Clapis-lnana arl a Regulaii matting Iherecl, hEdd thEi 3rd dzry till FEibnuarA 2009, by IhEi falkwing vola: AYFCOL N CIIL ME Ma9RS: Freesu, L sci and Mayon Nicls en NO: OUNCIL ME MB9R: Allojaici and F niban ABN I COUNCIL MEMBER: Ncine . MQP4)�HAM Cily Page 3 of 2