Resolution Number 07-12-18-04I
RESOLUTION NO. 07-12-18- 0 4
WHEREAS, sustainability means integrating and balancing the competing
expectations of the present generation and not compromising the future. Sustainability
acknowledges and considers the impact of our decisions and actions beyond the City of
San Juan Capistrano recognizing that continuous commitment is essential; and
WHEREAS, sustainability achieves vitality and well-being for all through responsible
planning and management of interdependent social, environmental, and economic
capacities; and
WHEREAS, the City of San Juan Capistrano elects to be an environmental
advocate and a leader in environmental compliance and protection. The City shall cultivate
superior environmental standards that will provide for sustainable development; and
' WHEREAS, the City of San Juan Capistrano wishes to develop a shared vision and
culture of sustainability by building consensus and a shared vision through open and
meaningful public engagement and a transparent, accountable government, raising the
awareness and public profile of sustainability and fostering a sense of belonging and
community; and,
WHEREAS, the City recognizes that growth and opportunity cannot be conducted at
the expense of environmental protection and that growth and environmental stewardship
are intimately related; and,
WHEREAS, the City believes that the implementation of an environmental ethic
need not interfere with economic development and that practicing such environmental ethic
can be expected to enhance economic affairs and provide for responsible, farsighted
development; and,
WHEREAS, the City believes that the protection of the urban and natural
environment is a social responsibility and a fundamental obligation of a democratic
government, and that an ecologically impoverished and polluted environment adversely
impacts human health.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San
' Juan Capistrano does hereby intend on making the city a model for environmental
excellence and a prevailing force in environmental protection. The City commits to
becoming a Sustainable City that continues to meet its current needs, environmental,
economic and social, without compromising the ability of future generations to do the
Be it further resolved that the City's Sustainability is designed to help the community begin
to think, plan and act more responsibly, to help address the root causes of problems, and
to provide criteria for evaluating the long-term rather than the short-term impacts of
decisions. In short, to help think about the future when making decisions about the
present; and
The Sustainable City program includes goals and strategies to conserve and enhance local
resources, safeguard human health and the environment, maintain a healthy and diverse
economy, and improve the livability and quality of life of all community members in San
Juan Capistrano; and
In order to accomplish these goals, the City hereby adopts the attached Sustainability
Guiding Principles (Exhibit A), and commits to use them in future policies.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 18"' day of December 2007.
I, MARGARET R. MONAHAN, appointed City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, do hereby certify
that the foregoing Resolution No. 07-12-04-04 was duly adopted bythe City Council of the Cityof San Juan
Capistrano at a Regular meeting thereof, held the 18`" day of December 2007, by the following vote:
AYES: qOUNCIL MEMBERS: Hribar, Uso and Mayor Soto
ABSENT: C� CIL MEMBER: Allevato, Nielsen
San Juan Capistrano Sustainability
The Concept of Sustainability Guides City Policy
San Juan Capistrano is committed to meeting its existing needs without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
The long term impacts of policy choices will be considered to ensure a
sustainable legacy.
2. Protection, Preservation, and Restoration of the Natural Environment
is a High Priority of the City
San Juan Capistrano is committed to protecting, preserving and restoring
the natural environment. City decision-making will be guided by a
mandate to maximize environmental benefits and reduce or eliminate
negative environmental impacts. The City will lead by example and
encourage other community stakeholders to make a similar commitment
to the environment.
3. Environmental Quality, Economic Health and Social Equity are
Mutually Dependent
Sustainability requires that our collective decisions as a city allows our
' economy and community members to thrive without destroying the natural
environment upon which we all depend. A healthy environment is integral
to the city's long-term economic and societal interests. In achieving a
healthy environment, we must ensure that inequitable burdens are not
placed on any geographic or socioeconomic sector of the population and
that .the benefits of a sustainable community are accessible to all
members of the community.
4. All Decisions Have Implications to the Long -Term Sustainability of
San Juan Capistrano
The City will ensure that each of its policy decisions and programs are
interconnected through the common bond of sustainability as expressed in
these guiding principles. The policy and decision-making processes of the
city will reflect our sustainability objectives. The City will lead by example
and encourage other community stakeholders to use sustainability
principles to guide their decisions and actions.
5. Community Awareness, Responsibility, Participation and Education
are Key Elements of a Sustainable Community
All community members, including citizens, community-based groups,
businesses, schools and other institutions must be aware of their impacts
on the environmental, economic and social health of San Juan Capistrano.
They must take responsibility for reducing or eliminating those impacts,
and must take an active part in community efforts to address sustainability
concerns. The City will therefore be a leader in the creation and _
sponsorship of education opportunities to support community awareness,
responsibility and participation in cooperation with schools and other
organizations in the community.
6. San Juan Capistrano Recognizes its linkage with Regional, State and
National Community
Local environmental, economic and social issues cannot be separated
from their broader context. This relationship between local issues and
regional, state and national issues will be recognized and acted upon in
the City's programs and policies. The City's programs and policies should
therefore be developed as models that can be emulated by other
communities. The City will also act as a strong advocate for the
development and implementation of model programs and innovative
approaches by regional, state and national government that embody the
goals of sustainability.
7. Those Sustainability Issues Most Important to the Community Will be
Addressed First, and the Most Cost -Effective Programs and Policies
Will be Selected .
The financial and human resources which are available to the City are
limited. The City and the community will reevaluate its priorities and its
programs and policies annually to ensure that the best possible
investments in the future are being made. The evaluation of a program's
cost-effectiveness will be based on a complete analysis of the associated
costs and benefits, including environmental and social costs and benefits.
8. The City is Committed to Procurement Decisions which Minimize
Negative Environmental and Social Impacts
The procurement of products and services by the City and San Juan
Capistrano residents, businesses and institutions results in environmental,
social and economic impacts both in this country and other parts of the
world. The City will develop and abide by an environmentally and socially
responsible procurement policy that emphasizes long-term values and will
become a model for other public as well as private organizations. The
City will advocate for and assist other local agencies, businesses and
residents in adopting sustainable purchasing practices.
9. Cross -sector Partnerships Are Necessary to Achieve Sustainable
Threats to the long-term sustainability of San Juan Capistrano are multi-
sector in their causes and require multi -sector solutions. Partnerships
among city government, businesses, residents and all community
stakeholders are necessary to achieve a sustainable community. _
' 10. Zero Waste
To achieve a sustainable San Juan Capistrano, the City will adopt a Zero
Waste goal and develop a plan to implement that goal. Zero Waste
businesses have diverted over 90% of their wastes from landfills and
incineration. To strive for Zero Waste, the City will work with other
communities to ensure that producers take back products and packaging
for reuse, recycling or composting and to ban products that cannot be
recycled in the area. The City will also provide the best reuse, recycling
and composting programs possible to help all residents and businesses
join with the City in working towards Zero Waste.