Resolution Number CVWD 01-10-02-02RESOLUTION NO. CVWD 01-10-02-02 ' A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, REVISING THE SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES FOR INCREASES TO THE COMMODITY (USER) AND SERVICE CHARGES WHEREAS, the Capistrano Valley Water District maintains a Schedule of Rates and Charges that was last revised on July 1, 1996 to provide for increased operations costs and December 17, 1999 to provide funding ofthe Domestic Water Master Plan; and, WHEREAS, the cost to provide non -potable water to the District has increased significantly due to a reduction in local non -potable sources over the past few years; and, WHEREAS, overall operational costs have increased annually overthe past five years with significant increases in electricity over the past 15 months; and WHEREAS, the Fiscal Year 2001/02 budget was adopted with an operating deficit of $686,000; and, WHEREAS, the District must increase user rates and service charges over the next five years to meet the funding requirement of day-to-day operations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Capistrano Valley Water District Board of Directors, do hereby adopt the attached modifications to the Schedule of Rates and Charges (Attachments 1 & 2) for all water delivered after October 2, 2001 ATTEST: PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of October 2001. R. MONAHAN, CLERK OF THE BOARD -1- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, MARGARET R. MONAHAN, appointed Clerk of the Board of the Capistrano Valley Water District, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. CVWD 01-10-02-02 was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Capistrano Valley Water District at a regular meeting thereof, held the 2nd day of October 2001, by the following vote: AYES: DIRECTORS: Campbell, Hart, Swerdlin, Gelff and Chairman Bathgate NOES DIRECTORS: None ABSENT: DIRECTORS: None 0/ ` L R. MONAHAN. Clerk of the Board City of San Juan Capistrano, CA - Capistrano Valley Water District SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE October 3, 2001 Page 1 of 6 WATER (COMMODITY) RATES Commodity rates are applied by the various customer classes. Billing is in hundred cubic feet (ccf). Allocations are made up of a combination of an Indoor Allocation and an Outdoor Allocation. The sum of the Indoor and Outdoor Allocation serve as the Tier I Allocation. Use above this level may be penalized by a higher commodity rate. The indoor allocation is applied equally to each month. The Outdoor Allocation is calculated each billing period (monthly) based upon local weather data for the actual days in the billing period. The Outdoor Allocation is calculated taking into account the Evapotranspiration Rate (ETo), Crop Coefficient for turf grass, Management Coefficient and Effective Rainfall. Per Resolution 01-10-02 Water Rates (Commodity & Service Chg) will increase annually on July 1. Rate Code A - Regular Residential Lot - Service to a residential lot with individual irrigation and with a lot size up to 7,000 square feet or larger lots that have a net irrigated area less than 3,636 square feet. A standard Net irrigatable area of 3,636 square feet is used. Allocations: Indoor = 9 ccf per month. Outdoor = Calculated based on weather data and a net irrigatable area of 3,636 square feet. Price: Tier I Use up to the Allocation $1.33 per ccf Tier II Use greater than the Allocation, up to twice the Allocation $1.70 per ccf Tier III Use greater than twice the Allocation $2.82 per ccf Rate Code B - Larne Residential Lot - Service to a residential lot with individual irrigation and with a lot size over 7,000 square feet and a net irrigated area more than 3,636 square feet. Net irrigatable area is calculated by subtracting the house foot print size, and subtracting a like amount for hardscape from the gross square feet of the lot. Allocations: Indoor = 9 ccf per month. Outdoor = Calculated based on weather data and the net irrigatable area of each lot. Price: Tier I Use up to the Allocation $1.33 per ccf Tier II Use greater than the Allocation, up to twice the allocation $1.70 per ccf Tier III Use greater than twice the Allocation $2.82 per ccf Rate Code C - Master Metered Multi -Residential - Service to multiple residential units by a master meter (typically mobile home parks and retirement apartments). Net irrigatable area is calculated by adding the average area of landscaping around each unit and the irrigated common areas, including pools. Allocations: Indoor = 6 ccf per month, per unit attached to the water meter. Outdoor = Calculated based on weather data using the net irrigatable area. Price: Tier I Use up to the Allocation $1.33 per ccf Tier II Use greater than the Allocation, up to twice the Allocation $1.70 per ccf Tier III Use greater than twice the Allocation $2.82 per ccf City of San Juan Capistrano, CA - Capistrano Valley Water District SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE October 3, 2001 Page 2 of 6 Rate Code D - Multi -Residential Lots with Irrigation - Service to residential units within an apartment, PUD or condo development with domestic use and individual irrigation served from the same water service. A standard net irrigatable area of 3,636 square feet is used. Allocations: Indoor = 9 ccf per month per unit attached to each water meter. Outdoor = Calculated based on weather data and a net irrigatable area of 3,636 square feet per unit attached to the water service. Price: Tier I Use up to the Allocation $1.33 per ccf Tier 11 Use greater than the Allocation, up to twice the Allocation $1.70 per ccf Tier III Use greater than twice the Allocation $2.82 per ccf :ode E - Multi -Residential Lots Without Irrigation (Regular) - Service to residential units within an apartment, PUD or condo development with their irrigation requirements served from a separate water service. Serving areas with standard occupancy levels. Allocations: Indoor = 9 ccf per month per unit attached to each water service. Outdoor = Not applicable. Price: Tier I Use up to the Allocation $1.33 per ccf Tier II Use greater than the Allocation, up to twice the Allocation $1.70 per ccf Tier III Use greater than twice the Allocation $2.82 per ccf Rate Code N - Multi -Residential Lots Without Irrigation (High Density) - Service to residential units within an apartment, PUD or condo development with their irrigation requirements served from a separate water service. Serving areas with high occupancy levels. Allocations: Indoor = 12 ccf per month per unit attached to each water service. Outdoor = Not applicable. Price: Tier I Use up to the Allocation $1.33 per ccf Tier II Use greater than the Allocation, up to twice the Allocation $1.70 per ccf Tier III Use greater than twice the Allocation $2.82 per ccf Rate Code F - Landscape - Service to areas of landscaping only. Net irrigatable area is calculated by using the gross square feet of the developed portion of the parcel. Allocations: Indoor = Not applicable. Outdoor = Calculated based on weather data and the net irrigatable area of each lot. Price: Tier I Use up to the Allocation $1.33 per ccf Tier II Use greater than the Allocation, up to twice the Allocation $1.70 per ccf Tier III Use greater than twice the Allocation $2.82 per ccf City of San Juan Capistrano, CA - Capistrano Valley Water District SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE October 3, 2001 Page 3 of 6 Rate Code G -Agricultural -Service to areas of commercial agricultural crop production. Net irrigatable area is calculated by using the gross square feet of the portion of the parcel that is devoted to agricultural purposes. Allocations: Indoor = 9 ccf per month per unit attached to each water service. Outdoor = Calculated based on weather data and the net irrigatable area of each lot. Price: Tier I Use up to the Allocation ($1.25 per ccf, less Ag. Credit* of $.24 per ccf) $1.07 per ccf Tier 11 Use greater than the Allocation, up to twice the Allocation $1.41 per ccf Tier III Use greater than twice the Allocation $2.54 per ccf The Ag. Credit is contingent on the current practice of MWD. It is temporary and may be renewed, modified or canceled in the future. A limit of 232 of per year is available to CVWD. Rate Code H - Commercial - Service to business and commercial areas for domestic and irrigation requirements. Allocations: Not Applicable Price: All Use $1.33 per ccf Rate Code I -construction -Temporary service for construction and dust control served typically from a fire hydrant. Allocations: Not applicable Price: All Use $1.70 per ccf Rate Code J - Non -Potable Landscape - Service to areas of landscaping only, served from lower quality well water or reclaimed water supplies. Net irrigatable area is calculated by using the gross square feet of the developed portion of the parcel. Allocations: Indoor = Not applicable. Outdoor = Calculated based on weather data and the net irrigatable area of each lot. Price: Tier I Use up to the Allocation $1.11 per ccf Tier II Use greater than the Allocation, up to twice the Allocation $1.40 per ccf Tier III Use greater than twice the Allocation $2.34 per ccf Rate Code K - No Charge - Service to the District properties and accounts with sewer service only. Allocations: Not applicable. Price: Not applicable. City of San Juan Capistrano, CA - Capistrano Valley Water District SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE October 3, 2001 Page 4 of 6 Rate Code L - Firelines - Standby Service to private fire systems and/or private fire hydrants. Allocations: Not applicable. Price: All Use $1.70 per ccf Rate Code M - City Farm - Service from SJBA Well to serve City Farm & Sports Park areas. Allocations: Not applicable. Price: All Use $0.55 per ccf (billed per thousand -gallon @ $.5481) MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGES - Monthly Service Charges are fixed rates billed to cover the costs of meter reading, billing, postage and some of the fixed costs of production and fire protection. Per Resolution CVW D 99- 11-16, monthly service charges will increased annually on July 1. These charges are pro -rated for periods less than a month. A. Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Landscaping, Agricultural: 5/8" meter $ 6.67 1" meter $ 6.67 11/2" meter $ 10.02 2" meter $ 16.71 3" meter $ 33.46 4" meter $ 66.89 6" meter $133.83 8" meter $200.71 Mobile Home Park- per space, per month $ .667 B. Private Fire Line* $ 33.46 Includes Combination Fire Line/Domestic meters C. Temporary Water Service, no meter (jumper) $6.67 D. Meter Rental, Construction and Temporary Use $39.06 SECURITY DEPOSIT PER METER A. Construction, Temporary Use, Private Fire Line $500.00 B. Security - Up to Twice average monthly billing Varying City of San Juan Capistrano, CA - Capistrano Valley Water District SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE October 3, 2001 Page 5 of 6 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES . Per Resolution 00-1-4-1, adopted January 4, 2000 Development Charges are subject to annual adjustments, each July 1 based on the movement of the ENR inflation index. Effective July 1, 2001, development charges are as follows: A. Water Capacity Charges: 1. Domestic System - $1,101,281 per cfs of maximum day demand. ' 2. Non Domestic System - $10,223 per acre foot of average day demand. B. Capital Improvement Charge: 1. Per dwelling unit or per meter, whichever is greater $2,008.00 2. Per mobile home space $1,004.00 3. Per square foot of building area for commercial and industrial greater of $0.40/SF or $2,008.00 4. Per agricultural acre greater of $10.00/AC or $2,008.00 Minimum Per Meter - $1,982.00 C. Storage Charge: 1. In a zone - per dwelling unit or per meter, whichever is greater $1,400.00 2. Not in a zone - per dwelling unit or per meter, whichever is greater $1,400.00 3. Per mobile home space $ 700.00 4. Commercial and Industrial per square foot of building area $ 0.28 D. Plan Check and Inspection Fee: 6.7% of the estimated cost of Improvements. E. Preliminary Processing Fee, Tract and Parcel Map $207.00 METER AND INSTALLATION CHARGES A. A. Meter Installation: B. Completion Date Extension $50.00 5/8" $200.00 C. Returned Check Charge $10.00 1 " $275.00 Late Charge (based on total water billing) 8% 11/2" $350.00 Code Enforcement (per violation) $ 20.00 2" $450.00 B. Meter Test $ 25.00 C. Meter Reconnection (after non-payment) $ 50.00 D. Delinquent Processing Charge (due to non-payment) $ 15.00 E. Delinquent Processing Charge (after normal hours) $ 20.00 F. Requested Turn-On/Turn-Off (normal business hours) $ 10.00 G. Requested Turn-OntTurn-Off (after business hours) $ 20.00 H. Meter Set-up and Each Move (Construction and Temporary Use) $ 25.00 Page 5 of 6 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES . Per Resolution 00-1-4-1, adopted January 4, 2000 Development Charges are subject to annual adjustments, each July 1 based on the movement of the ENR inflation index. Effective July 1, 2001, development charges are as follows: A. Water Capacity Charges: 1. Domestic System - $1,101,281 per cfs of maximum day demand. ' 2. Non Domestic System - $10,223 per acre foot of average day demand. B. Capital Improvement Charge: 1. Per dwelling unit or per meter, whichever is greater $2,008.00 2. Per mobile home space $1,004.00 3. Per square foot of building area for commercial and industrial greater of $0.40/SF or $2,008.00 4. Per agricultural acre greater of $10.00/AC or $2,008.00 Minimum Per Meter - $1,982.00 C. Storage Charge: 1. In a zone - per dwelling unit or per meter, whichever is greater $1,400.00 2. Not in a zone - per dwelling unit or per meter, whichever is greater $1,400.00 3. Per mobile home space $ 700.00 4. Commercial and Industrial per square foot of building area $ 0.28 D. Plan Check and Inspection Fee: 6.7% of the estimated cost of Improvements. E. Preliminary Processing Fee, Tract and Parcel Map $207.00 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES A. "Will Serve" Letter $50.00 B. Completion Date Extension $50.00 C. Returned Check Charge $10.00 D. Late Charge (based on total water billing) 8% E. Code Enforcement (per violation) $ 20.00 City of San Juan Capistrano, CA - Capistrano Valley Water District SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE October 3, 2001 Page 6 of 6 F. Water Theft Fine $ 500.00 G. District Plans and Specifications $16.00 H. Labor, materials, equipment, and other charges not specified herein set by City Manager. * * * ALL FEES and CHARGES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE PLEASE CONTACT The CITY of SJC OR CVWD FOR CURRENT INFORMATION 32400 Paseo Adelanto, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 - 949-493-1171 Revised 7/1/2001 - Water rates Revised 07/01/2001 - Water Capacity Charges m11 -xn�monm>om ;rocs-xmrzmonms nomg n m5 Em D > N n +� ; pmp °x�9mr a20 �A�}iy;"py yDw y Y rc y y m m 9 n � C P m O A p On nmppp tmnm ;wo gas ;oAAAN n m y G m��5 m -A G. = C m. 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