Resolution Number CVWD 99-11-16-1RESOLUTION NO. CVWD 99-11-16-1 APPROVING REVISED SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES, EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 17. 1999 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, REVISING THE SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES FOR INCREASES TO THE COMMODITY (USER) AND SERVICE CHARGES TO IMPLEMENTTHE DOMESTIC WATER MASTER PLAN WHEREAS, the Capistrano Valley Water District maintains a Schedule of Rates and Charges thatwas last revised on July 1, 1996 and amended on March 18,1998; and, WHEREAS, since July 1, 1996, the District completed the Domestic Water Master Plan providing a long-range capital and financing plan for the District's potable water system; and, WHEREAS, the Domestic Water Master Plan includes a component addressing existing system improvements, upgrades and replacements to be financed from District property taxes and user rates; and, ' WHEREAS, the District must increase user rates and service charges to meet the funding requirements of this component of the Domestic Water Master Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Capistrano Valley Water District Board of Directors does hereby adopt the attached modifications to the Schedule of Rates and Charges (Attachments 1 & 2) for all water delivered after December 17, 1999. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 16th day of November, 1999. ATTEST: pay' ' CLERK OF OARD -1- , CHAIRMAN 137 138 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, CHERYL JOHNSON, Clerk of the Board of the Capistrano Valley Water District, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. CVWD 99-11-16-1 adopted bythe Capistrano Valley Water District Board of Directors at a regular meeting thereof held on the 16th day of November , 1999, by the following vote: AYES: Directors Swerdlin, Greiner, Campbell and Chairman Jones NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Director Hart (SEAL) — CHERYL J(MNSON, CLERK OF THE BOARD -2- r aNr N«N-aamgaa w n »»»w»»33»233 �Nw at e mmm�?menR $ w»»www»»»33w3z3 w---------- »N 33.333 S -c-6 U _ 1y rNww««xN �lVNrvtiry N'.N «wN»» of_e3.mo`ery _ N _ 6<a � r wwwwwww23w233 .t ______--__o -o u _ ybVPbmsi iri ai�0 7 m g NNmO VwV �NO��� W - -NN- -NNwN V««ww«N«NNwNN« aN as-aaa - wNN«»«»33w33z p N .{ W <a aaa c'+�wN»»»wN«33»333 g t w a W LL wwxNNxNNx Uxxw«NxNwNNxxw � WN.XN NNlV6a'`aQa rxx«N«w««33«3z3 a 1 g xxss��xxa s �N NxwNNw 11 -LL'» N3iN333 rc X O it .�. �inr�ivorv�o nnana���gjrvrv�w rxw«.Nw«NwNNwNN K =%29"22"; N.v . . . . 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Q UN w r 3 o m CC -1 UU6 m WJ~IC ,g,� W u zoJ rc3;;c� rc� r y�UVriJ�J� m UW} w J U'eY wd��w UC �W �s<gLL�hp �M:ea,ap < O � Ua000W2uU'S-�YJF w0 mUQmU OWwU2_�YJm 141 CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 17, 1999 1. WATER (COMMODITY) RATES Commodity rates are applied by the various customer classes. Billing is in hundred cubic feet (ccf). Allocations are made up of a combination of an Indoor Allocation and an Outdoor Allocation. The sum of the Indoor and Outdoor Allocation serve as the Tier I Allocation. Use above this level may be penalized by a higher commodity rate. The indoor allocation applied equally to each month. The Outdoor Allocation is calculated each billing period (monthly) based upon local weather data for the actual days in the billing period. The Outdoor Allocation is calculated taking into account the Evapotranspiration Rate (Eta), Crop Coefficient for turf grass, Management Coefficient and Effective Rainfall. (Amended 711197 as part of Budget Document). Per Resolution 99-11-16 Water (Commodity) Rates will increase annually at July based on Table 1. A. Rate Code A - Regular Residential Lot - Service to a residential lot with individual irrigation and with a lot size up to 7,000 square feet or larger lots that have a net irrigated area less than 3,636 square feet. A standard Net irrigatable area of 3,636 square feet is used. 1 Allocations: Indoor = 9 ccf per month. Outdoor = Calculated based on weather data and a net irrigatable area of 3,636 square feet. Price: Tier I Use up to the Allocation $1.24 per ccf Tier II Use greater than the Allocation, up to twice the allocation $1.57 per ccf Tier III Use greater than twice the Allocation $2.62 per ccf B. Rate Code B - Large Residential Lot - Service to a residential lot with individual irrigation and with a lot size over 7,000 square feet and a net irrigated area more than 3,636 square feet. Net irrigatable area is calculated by subtracting the house foot print size, and subtracting a like amount for hardscape from the gross square feet of the lot. Allocations: Indoor = 9 ccf per month. Outdoor = Calculated based on weather data and the net irrigatable area of each lot. Price: ' Tier I Use up to the Allocation $1.24 per ccf Tier II Use greater than the Allocation, up to twice the allocation $1.57 per ccf Tier III Use greater than twice the Allocation $2.62 per ccf ATTAQ W 2 142 CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 17, 1999 C. Rate Code C - Master Metered Multi -Residential - Service to multiple residential units by a master meter (typically mobile home parks and retirement apartments). Net irrigatable area is calculated by adding the average area of landscaping around each unit and the irrigated common areas, including pools/ Allocations: Indoor = 6 ccf per month, per unit attached to the water meter. Outdoor = Calculated based on weather data using the net irrigatable area. Price: Tier I Use up to the Allocation $1.24 per ccf Tier II Use greater than the Allocation, up to twice the allocation $1.57 per ccf Tier III Use greater than twice the Allocation $2.62 per ccf D. Rate Code D - Multi -Residential Lots with Irriaation - Service to residential units within an apartment, PUD or condo development with domestic use and individual irrigation served from the same water service. A standard net irrigatable area of 3,636 square feet is used. Allocations: Indoor = 9 ccf peronth per unit attached to each water meter. Outdoor = Calculat d based on weather data and a net irrigatable area of 3,636 square feet per unit attached to the water service. Price: Tier I Use up to the Allocation $1.24 per ccf Tier II Use greater than the Allocation, up to twice the allocation $1.57 per ccf Tier III Use greater than twice the Allocation $2.62 per ccf E. Rate Code E - Multi -Residential Lots Without Irrigation (Regular) - Service to residential units within an apartment, PUD or condo development with their irrigation requirements served from a separate water service. Serving areas with standard occupancy levels. Allocations: Indoor = 9 ccf per month per unit attached to each water service. Outdoor = Not applicable. Price: Tier I Use up to the Allocation $1.24 per ccf Tier II Use greater than the Allocation, up to twice the allocation $1.57 per ccf Tier III Use greater than twice the Allocation $2.62 per ccf 2 143 CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 17, 1999 F. Rate Code F - Landscape - Service to areas of landscaping only. Net irrigatable area is calculated by u sing the gross square feet of the developed portion of the parcel.. Allocations: Indoor = Not applicable. Outdoor = Calculated based on weather data and the net irrigatable area of each lot. Price: Tier I Use up to the Allocation $1.24 per ccf Tier II Use greater than the Allocation, up to twice the allocation $1.57 per ccf Tier III Use greater than twice the Allocation $2.62 per ccf G. Rate Code G - Agricultural - Service to areas of commercial agricultural crop production. Net irrigatable area is calculated by using the gross square feet of the portion of the parcel that is devoted to agricultural purposes. Allocations: Indoor = 9 ccf per month per unit attached to each water service. Outdoor = Calculated based on weather data and the net irrigatable area of each lot. (Recommended Amendment as of 111!98) Price: Tier I Use up to the Allocation ($1.24 per ccf, less Ag. Credit* of $.24 per ccf) $1.00 per ccf Tier II Use greater than the Allocation, up to twice the allocation ($1.57 per ccf, less Ag. Credit of $.24 pr ccf) $1.33 per ccf Tier III Use greater than twice the Allocation ($2.62 per ccf, less Ag. Credit of $.24 per ccf) $2.38 per ccf " The Ag. Credit is contingent on the current practice of MWD. It is temporary and may be renewed or cancelled in the future. H. Rate Code H - Commercial - Service to business and commercial areas for domestic and irrigation requirements. Allocations: Not Applicable Price: All Use 3 $1.24 per ccf 144 CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 17, 1999 Rate Code I - Construction - Temporary service for construction and dust control served typically from a fire hydrant. Allocations: Not applicable Price: All Use $1.57 per ccf J. Rate Code J - Non -Potable Landscape - Service to areas of landscaping only, served from lower quality well water or reclaimed water supplies. Net irrigatable area is calculated by using the gross square feet of the developed portion of the parcel. Allocations: Indoor = Not applicable. Outdoor = Calculated based on weather data and the net irrigatable area of each lot. Price: Tier I Use up to the Allocation $0.81 per ccf Tier II Use greater than the Allocation, up to twice the allocation $1.02 per ccf _ Tier III Use greater than twice the Allocation $1.70 per ccf K. Rate Code K - No Charge - Service to the District properties and accounts with sewer service only. Allocations: Not applicable. Price: Not applicable. L. Rate Code L - Firelines - Standby Service to private fire systems and/or private fire hydrants. Allocations: Not applicable. Price: All Use $0.4141 per ccf (billed per thousand -gallon @ $.5536 N. Rate Code E - Multi -Residential Lots Without Irrigation (High Density) - Service to residential units within an apartment, PUD or condo development with their irrigation requirements served from a separate water service. Serving areas with high occupancy levels. Allocations: Indoor = 12 ccf per month per unit attached to each water service. Outdoor = Not applicable. 112 145 CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 17, 1999 Price: Tier I Use up to the Allocation $1.24 per ccf Tier II Use greater than the Allocation, up to twice the allocation $1.57 per ccf Tier III Use greater than twice the Allocation $2.62 per ccf II. MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGES - Per Resolution CVWD 99-11-16, monthly service charges will increase based on Table 1. A. Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Landscaping, Agricultural 6/a' meter $ 6.21 1" meter $ 6.21 11/2' meter $ 9.34 2" meter $ 15.55 3" meter $ 31.16 4" meter $ 62.27 6" meter $124.58 8" meter $186.85 Mobilehome Park k- per space per month $ .621 B. Private Fire Line` $ 31.16 ' " Includes Combination Fire Line/Domestic meters E. C. Temporary Water Service, no meter Qumper) $1.21 per day D. Meter Rental, Construction and Temporary Use $1.21 per day III. SECURITY DEPOSIT PER METER A. Construction, Temporary Use, Private Fire Line $500.00 IV. METER AND INSTALLATION CHARGES A. Meter Installation 6/e $200.00 1 " $275.00 1'/� , $350.00 2" $450.00 B. Meter Test $ 25.00 C. Reconnection (after non-payment) $ 50.00 D. Service Restoral (after non-payment) $ 15.00 E. Turn-On/Turn-Off (normal business hours) $ 10.00 F. Turn-On/Turn-Off (after business hours) $ 20.00 G. Meter Set-up and Each Move (Construction and Temporary Use) $ 25.00 5 146 CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 17, 1999 V. DEVELOPMENT CHARGES A. Water Capacity Chargee $769,900 per cfs of maximum day demand. B. Capital Improvement Charge: 1. Per dwelling unit or per meter, whichever is greater $1,629.00 2. Per mobile home space $ 814.50 3. $1.20 per square foot of building area for commercial and industrial minimum per meter $1,629.00 4. $10.00 per agricultural acre minimum per meter $1,629.00 C. Storage Charge: 1. In a zone - per dwelling unit or per meter, whichever is greater $ 52.75 2. Not in a zone - per dwelling unit or per meter, whichever is greater $ 100.00 3. Per Mobilehome space $ 26.50 4. Commercial and Industrial per square foot of building area $ 0.08 D. Plan Check and Inspection Fee: 6'/Z% of the estimated cost of improvements. E. Preliminary Processing Fee, Tract and Parcel Map $ 200.00 VI. MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES A. "Will Serve" Letter $ 50.00 B. Completion Date Extension $ 50.00 C. Bad Check Charge $ 10.00 D. Late Payment (based on total water billing) 8% E. Code Enforcement (per violation) $ 20.00 F. Water Theft Fine $ 500.00 G. District Plans and Specifications $ 10.00 H. Labor, materials, equipment, and other charges not specified herein set by General Manager. * * * ALL FEES SUBJECT TO CHANGE * * * PLEASE CONTACT DISTRICT FOR CURRENT INFORMATION R STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, CHERYL JOHNSON, declare as follows: That I am the duly appointed and qualified Clerk of the Capistrano Valley Water District; That in compliance with State laws of the State of California and in further compliance with District Resolution No. 99-1-5-1, on the 18th day of November , 1999, 1 caused to be posted: RESOLUTION NO. CVWD 99-11-16-1 , being APPROVING REVISED SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES, EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 17, 1999 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, REVISING THE SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES FOR INCREASES TO THE COMMODITY (USER) AND SERVICE CHARGES TO IMPLEMENT THE DOMESTIC WATER MASTER PLAN in three (3) public places in the City of San Juan Capistrano, to wit: City Hall; Community Center Reception area, Orange County Public Library. CHERYL—JI—MINS114 CLERK OF :• ;P [l 147