Resolution Number CRA 85-5-21-2237
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of San Juan
Capistrano by Ordinance No. 488 approved a Redevelopment Plan for
the Central Redevelopment Project (the "Project"), and by
Ordinance No. 509 approved an amendment thereto (the "1983
Amendment"); and,
WHEREAS, the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City
of San Juan Capistrano (the "Agency") is considering the adoption
of a further amendment (the "Proposed Amendment") to the
Redevelopment Plan, and has prepared a Preliminary Report, as
provided for by statute, in connection therewith; and,
WHEREAS, in connection with the processing of the
Proposed Amendment, the Agency has revised and has approved a
Preliminary Report prepared concerning the Proposed Amendment
pursuant to Section 33344.5 of the California Health and Safety
Code; and,
WHEREAS, the Proposed Amendment, in the form attached
hereto as Attachment 1, which is incorporated herein, provides
for inclusion of additional blighted area within the
redevelopment project area.
NOW, THEREFORE, the San Juan Capistrano Community
Redevelopment Agency does hereby resolve as follows:
The Agency receives the Proposed Amendment (Attachment
1) and authorizes the Executive Director to transmit said
Amendment forthwith to the Planning Commission, to affected
taxing entities, to any interested persons, and, if a fiscal
review committee is formed, to a fiscal review committee.
May 1985
I, MARY ANN HANOVER, Secretary of the San Juan
Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that
the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. CRA
85-5-21-2 , adopted by the Board of Directors of the San Juan _
Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency at a regular meeting
thereof held on the 21st day of May , 19R5 , by the
following vote:
AYES: Directors Friess, Bland, Schwartze,
Buchheim and Chairman Hausdorfer
NOES: None
MARY ANN HANOVER, being first duly sworn, deposes and
That she is the duly appointed and qualified Secretary
of the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency;
That in compliance with State laws of the State of
California and in further compliance with Resolution No. CRA
83-12-20-1 and on the 25th day of May , 1985 , she caused
to be posted:
Fzl_ fZ9
in three (3) public places in the City of San Juan Capistrano,
to wit: City Hall; Old Fire Station Recreation Complex; Orange
County Public Library.
San Juan Capistrano Community
Redevelopment Agency
✓ Chairman has signed
secretary has signed
Agency Seal stamped
All blanks typed in
"Noes -
Typed in Official Recor Book
Posted to Classified Cards
_copies sent to &.1c,
_Legal Publicationrde d to be published
No. Af idavits
No. Printed copies required
Proposed Amendment
A. At Page 2 of the Redevelopment Plan, Section 300,
line 4, after "reference", add the following:
-"; provided that the legal description of the area
added by the plan amendment approved in July 1985 (the
111984 Amendment") is attached hereto as Exhibit "Al"
and is made a part hereof by reference."
All references to the Project Area set forth in this
'Flan shall refer to all that area referred to in
Exhibit A and Exhibit Al.
B. In Section 513 of the Plan, the number "4,000" is
superseded by "4400, of which 400 shall be located
within the area added by the 1984 Amendment."
C. In Section 514, the number 1,000 is superseded by
"1,325, of which 325 shall be located within the area
added by the 1984 Amendment."
D. Exhibit 1 of the Redevelopment Plan as heretofore
amended by the 1984 Amendment is hereby -amended by
adding the following list of public improvements:
1. Expansion of sewage capacity;
2. Street improvements, including without limitation:
(a) Rancho Viejo Road from the northern City
limits to south of Malaspina Road, including
widening, curb and gutter installation,
provision of sidewalks and continuing a
regional bikeway, provision of landscaping;
(b) widening the existing 247foot roadway at the
Trabuco Creek Bridge to accommodate foWr
lanes of traffic and an off road regiona�
(c) installation of a signal at the intersection
of Rancho Viejo Road and Junipero Serra Road;
(d) Ortega Highway between I-5 and Rancho Viejo
Road, including widening and installation of
curb, gutter, sidewalks and landscaping;
(e) new roadways within the 48 -acre area
designated in the Preliminary Report for the
1984: Amendment as "Area 2" to connect "Area
2" with an 18 -acre parcel on the west side
of I-5 (Area "A"), and upgrading of existing
streets (such as Calle Arroyo, Paseo Tirador
and Paseo Espada);
(f) improvement of Valle Road in that area
designated a "Area 3" in the Preliminary
Report for the 1984 Amendment. Improvements
are to include widening to a maximum of:45
feet and addition of curb, gutter, street
lights, sidewalks, and landscaping; widening
the freeway underpass at the intersection of
Valle Road and San Juan Creek Road, and
installing a traffic signal; installation of
a traffic signal at the junction of Valle
Road and La Novia;
(g) extension of Valle Road from its
present terminus at Forster Ranch Road
south to connect with Camino Las Rambla
(conforming to the City's Master Plan
of streets and highways);
(h) upgrading of Camino Las Rambles
including landscaping, a landscape
buffer, and installation of signals at
Camino Las Rambles and Via California.
E. After Exhibit A to the Redevelopment Plan, add Exhibit
"Ail�iin the form attached hereto and made a part
F. Except ,for the additions
forth, all provisions of
hetetofore amended by the
`Afid continue in full fort
and revisions hereinabove set
the Redevelopment Plan as
1983 Amendment shall remain
e and effect.
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24 MAY
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Legal Description of Lbits of
pLM AMEPII qWr 84 - 1
To the Boundary Map of the Central Redevelopment Project
City of San Juan Capistrano
Unit 1 Legal Description:
BEGINNING at the northerly end of that certain Course shown as " No. 135 "'In
the boundary of Comiamity Redevelop¢ent Project City of San Juan Capistrafio,
being an angle point in a sterly ri t o way line of the San Ihego
Freeway, being the northerly terminous of that certain course shown as " N. 149
18' 47" W. 501.62' " on a map filed in Book 137 pages 30 to 36 inclusive of
Parcel Maps of Orange County, California, thence, leaving said Redevelopment
Project boundary, continuing northwesterly along said freeway northeasterly line
the following courses:
North 180 53' 13" West 600.03 feet,
North 210 13' 46" West 1000:97 feet,
North 190 17' 47" West 708.02 feet, 4
North 130 00' 35" West 341.80 feet,
North 160 14' 46" West 810.76 feet,
thence, northeasterly along said freeway right of way line, North 710 06' 47"
Fast 80.00 feet, thence North 180 53' 13" West 13.29 feet, thence, South 890 00'
35" Fast 121.27 feet, thence,
North 100 51' 28" East 233.73 feet,
North 150 53' 13" West 130.00 feet,
North 440 43' 21" West 527.76 feet,
North 280 07' 28" West 430.58 feet,
North 240 17' 13" West 426.15 feet,
North 210 27' 25" West 303.45 feet,
to an intersection with the southwesterly right of way line of Mission Hikio
Drive, a public street, thence leaving said freeway right of way line, so�heasterly
along said southwesterly line of Mission Hills Drive South 660 25' 00" Ea8t
1123.95 feet to the most westerly corner of Int 51 of Tract No. 6427, recar-ded in
Miscellaneous Maps of said Orange County, said point being also the norti�,9t
corner of the lands of Tract No. 9184, recorded in Miscellaneous Maps of aald
Orange County, thence, leaving said Mission Hills Drive line; southerly,along the
westerly line of said Tract No. 9184, South 00 44' 30" West 1315.48 feetto a
point an the northerly right of way line of Malaspina Road, a public stso0t'
said point lying North 00 44' 30" East 6.00 feet from thesouthwest o'
the lard of. said Tract No. 9184, thence generally easterly along said erly
Line of�k1laspina Road, South 89° 46' 30" East 137.58 feet, thence
13' 30" East 20.00 feet, thane South 890 46' 30" East 12.00 feet to'e '
beginning of a,;,� northerly and having a,radios of.149,00
feet, thrpµgh id-angYe` 21° 00' 00" an arc distance.,of 54.61 feat, thence,
radially South 20° 40' 30" East 20.00 feet, thence, northeasterly along a radial
curve, concave northwesterl7 and having a radius of 169.00 feet, through a
central angle of 150 08' 00' an arc distance of 44.60 feet, thence radially South
35° 54' 30", East 56.00 feet to a point on the southeasterly right of-way line oft
said Malaspina Road, said point being the most easterly corner of the public
portion of Malaspina Road, thence southwesterly along said southeasterly line,,..,,
along a curve concave northwesterly and having a radius of 225.00 feet, thraugti:a
central angle of 80 23' 17" an arc distance of 32.94 feet to a point on theth-
west line of Parcel 1 of the lands shown on Parcel Map 80-851 recorded in Brio
164, Pages 35 through 40 of Parcel Maps of said Orange County, a radial thr 'N
said point bears North 270 31' 13" West, thence leaving said Malaspina Road right
of way line;'South 390 42' 16" East 1295.22 feet along said Parcel 1 line,
thence continuing along the westerly boundary of said Parcel 1, South 300 15';'04"
West 119.59 feet, thence, South 870 41' 44" East 224.59 feet, thence South 20 18'
16" West 1930.00 feet, thence South 260 28' 06" West 404.18 feet to a point on
the curved northeasterly right of way line of Rancho Viejo Road, a public high-
way, a radial through said point bears North 581 31' 37" East, thence South 5°
41' 13" driest 87.49 feet to a point on the curved southwesterly right of way
Line of said Rancho Viejo Road, a radial through said point bears North 609,17.'
39" East, said point being the southeasterly end of that certain course Dip.,"1 36
of said Redevelopment Project boundary, being the southeasterly terminous of"
that certain course shoran an said Redevelopment Project Boundary Map as, '=.-S_
630 33' 17" E. 107.23thence, leaving said westerly boundary of said Parcel 1,
northwesterly along said Boundary course North 630,33' 17" West 107.23 feet
to the point of beginning of Unit 1 herein.
2 h! f
Unit 2 Legal Description: 245
BEGnWING at- the,southErly terminous of that certain course shown as "
nurNo. 147
an a map enti-tle3 "Boundary Map of a Corm n -d y Redevelopment Project, City of
San Juan. Capistrano," being a point in the westerly line of a certain hued
private ibadway which continues northwesterly from a "wye" intersection with
a private:'road known as 'Vood's Lane"; said point being the southerly terminous'
of that certain course shown as " S. 130 14' 25" E. 113.14' 11ansaid Boundary
Map; a�_siicwn as, " N. 130 14' 25" W. 113.14' " on a Parcel Map recorded in
Book 131, -Pages 30 through 36 of Parcel Maps of Orange County, California,- -'
thence, from said point of beginning, leaving said Parcel Map 137/30-36 boundary,
generally, southerly and northeasterly along said Redevelopment Project Map
Courses Nos. 148 through 177 inclusive, as follows:
Continuing- southerly along the centerline of the southerly-wye road, South
29' 00" West 269.03 feet to the northeast corner of a rectangular parcel
described i- a Declaration of Homestead recorded in Book 6847, Page 495 of
Official;=Records of said Orange County; thence, westerly, southerly and easterly
along sa�stead boundary the following courses:
South 890 31' West 100 feet,
Soxidi 00 29' East 115 feet, and
North 890 31' East 100 feet;
thence, leaving said homestead boundary, along said private road centerline,
South 00-29' East 312.00 feet to a point on the northerly end of the centerline
of Avenida Los Cerritos, a named -street, -thence South 89° -31' -West 30:004ee ---
to the northwest corner of the right of way line of said street,
thence, southerly along the westerly right of way line of said street, South 0° 29'
East 25.26 feet; thence, South 50 18' East 14.33 feet to the northeast corner
of land described in a deed recorded in Book 7512, Page 52 et seq; thence,
southwest and south along the northerly and west boundary lines of said deed
lands, South 730 25' West 150.00 feet and South 50 18' East 101.97 feet; thence,
continuing southerly along the West lines of the lands described in deeds re-
corded in Book 6295, Page 64 et seq, and in Book 10497, Page 811 of Official
Records of said Orange County; South 50 18' Fast 101.98 feet and South 50 18'
East 102.28 feet respectively, thence, westerly, southerly and easterly along the
respective northerly, westerly and southerly boundary lines of lands described
in a deed recorded in Book 11325, Page 236, the following courses:
South 730 75' West 50.00 feet,
South 15° 10' 34" East 200.09 feet, and
North 730 25' East 165.00 feet
to a point on said westerly line of Avenida Los Cerritos; thence, southerly along
said westerly line, South 51 18' East 170.10 feet; thence, South 00 36' East
11.3.72 feet to the northerly right of way line of Ortega Highway, a public high-
way; thence, North 640 00' 34" East 33.24 feet to the intersection with the
centerline of said Avenida Ins Cerritos, being a point on the westerly line of
an easement for ingress and egress to a dedicated cemetery, described in an
instrument recorded in Book 8243, Page 904 et seq, of Official Records of said
Orange County; thence, along said westerly and northerly lines of said easement
the following courses:
North 00 33' 54" West 32.01 feet,
North 690 00' 34" East 205.00 feet,
North 8o 30' Off" Fast 37.00 feet,
North 660 30' 00" East 3.32 feet,
North 230 21'- 08" West 21.97 feet, ;
to the southwest corner of said dedicated cemetary described in said instruct., '
thence northerly, easterly, southerly and westerly around said cemetary, the._
following courses:
North 231
West 240.00
North 671
Fast 300.00
South 230
East 240.00
feet, and
South 670
West 278.37
to a point on the easterly line of said ingress and egress easement, thence, -
southerly along said easterly line South 230 30' 00" East 85.13 feet to a point
on the northwesterly right of way line of said Ortega Highway, said point o
bears North 671 00' 34" Fast 262.14 feet from said centerline of Avenida Lq,
Cerritos at its said northwesterly line intersection; thence, leaving said--}p-
gress and egress easement line, northeasterly along said northwest right of way
line, North 69° 00' 44" East 510.05 feet to a point on said right of way lige;
extended into the right of way of Rancho Viejo Road, a public highway; there,
South 200 59' 16" East 40.00 feet to the intersection of the centerlines ofer
said Ortega Highway and said Rancho Viejo Road; said point being the southerly
end of said Redevelopment Project Map course No.177, thence; leaving said
Redevelopment Project boundary, North 69° 45' 53" East 42.00 feet along said
Ortega Highway centerline, on the basis of bearings of the Improvement Plans
for Rancho Viejo Road Northerly From Ortega Highway, thence, leaving said center-
line, northwesterly along the northeasterly- right -of way line -of -said -Rancho, —
Viejo Road, a public highway, North 200 14' 07" West 32.50 feet to the beginning
of a tangent curve concave southeasterly and having a radius of 847.00 feet,
thence northwesterly along said curve, through a central an of 14° 23' 43"
an arc distance of 212.80 feet, thence, tangent North 340 37 50" West 1075.90
feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a
radius of 1553.00 feet, thence northwesterly along said curve, through a central
angle of 7' 02' 37" an arc distance of 190.92 feet to a point on said Course
No. 147 of said Redevelopment Project Boundary, a radial through said point bear:
North 620 24' 47" East, said point bears South 13° 14' 25" West 43.97 feet from
the northerly terminous of said Course No. 147, thence South 130 14' 25" West
69.17 feet to said POINT OF BEGINNING of Unit 2 herein,
E{CEFrING, THEREFROM, the following described lands:
BEGINNING at the southerly tetminoutis of that certain course shown as " No. 152"
on that certain map entitled "Boundary Map of a Comity Redevelopment Project,
City of San Juan Capistrano being a point on the centerline of a private road
that is a northerly extension of Avenida Los Cerritos, a named street in the
City of San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, California, thence; continuing
westerly and southerly along the boundary of said Redevelopment Project, along
Courses Nos. 153 through 162 inclusive, as follows:
South 89 ° 31' West 30.00 feet to the northwest corner of the right of way of
said street, thence, southerly along the westerly right of way line of said
street, South 00 39' Fast 25.26 feet; thence, South 50 18' East 14.33 feet to
the noriheast cofiner of land described in a deed recorded in Book 7512, -Page
52 et seq -thence, southwest and south along the northerly and west boundary.
lines of said deed lands, South 730 25' West 150.00 feet and South 50 18'
East 101.97 feet; thence, continuing southerly along the West lines of the
lands described in deeds recorded in Book 6295, Page 64 et seq, and in Book
10497, Page 811 of Official Records of said Orange County; South 50 18' East
101.98 feet and South 50 18' East 102.28 feet respectively, thence, westerly,
southerly and easterly along the respective northerly westerly and southerly
boundary lines of lands described in a deed recorded in Book 11325, Page 236,
the following courses:
South 730 25' West 50,00 feet,
South 150 10' 34" East 200.09 feet, and
N*th 730 25' East 165.00 feet
to a poirit-on said westerly line of Avenida Ins Cerritos; thence, leaving the
boundary 3P said Redevelopment Project; North 730 25' East 30.59 feet to the
centerline}'of said Avenida los Cerritos, thence, northerly along said centerline,
North 50
_'=1-8' West 517.29 feet to an angle point in said centerline, thence
North 00 29' West 24.00 feet to said Point of Beginning of the EXCEPTION.
" ar-
Unit 3 legal Description:
BEGINNING at -,the southerly end of that certain course shown as " No. '182 "" on
a map entitled ''Boundary Map of a Comnxdty Redevelopment Project, City'of, =
San Juan Capistrano" being the southerly terminous of that certain curve_of
the westerly right of way line of Rancho Viejo Road, a public street in said`
city, said, curve being concave northeasterly, having a radius of 842.00 feet ' �u
a central.angle of 181 03' 27" and an arc length of 265.37 feet, thence
continuing -generally southeasterly, southwesterly and southerly from said point
of beginning along said Redevelopment Project Map courses Nos. 183 to 202
inclusive, as follows:
Tangent South 390 02' 46" East 42.55 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve,
concave westerly and having a radius of 25.00 feet, through a central angle of
840 30:'- OD'o an arc distance of 36.87 feet to the northwest right of way line.
of Paseo Espada, a public street; thence, South 45o 27' 14" West 222.22 felt`:
along said northwest right of way line to the beginning of a tangent curve,*`
concave northwesterly, having a radius of 770.00 feet, thence, southwesterly'
along said curve, through a central angle of 4o 54' 27", an arc distance of '
65.95 feet to a point on a _property line within the planned location of Sid
Paseo Espada, a radial through said point bears North 390 38' 19" West; thence,
leaving said right of way line; southerly, southwesterly and northwesterly= 17
along said property line, the following courses:
South 3o 28' 01" West 62.11 feet
South 44o 09' 41" West 38.77 feet,
North 82o 47' 09" West 69 -71 -feet,."' -
to a point on the West boundary of said Parcel Map 79-856, thence continuing,
North 820 47' 09" West 15.88 feet to a point on the northwest right of way line
of said Paseo Espada, as shouau on Parcel Map 79-857, recorded in Book 144,
Pages 12 and 13 of Parcel Maps of said Orange County, thence, northwesterly
along the northerly boundary of said Parcel Map 79-857, the following courses:
feet and
to a point an the easterly right of way line of the San Diego Freeway, said
point being the northwest corner of the lands shown on said Parcel Map 79-857;
thence, extending last said bearing, North 870 24' 24" West 402.29 feet to a
point an the westerly right of way line of said freeway, said point bearing
North 83 06' 20" West 423.87 feet from the southerly terminous of that certain
freeway right of way course shown as " North 8o 06' 20" West 374.25 feet "
(extended) on a State Division of Highways R/W Map F-1882; thence, southerly
along said freeway westerly right of way line, South 8° 06' 20" East 423.87
feet; thence, South 30' 11' 31" West 584.75 feet; thence, South 10' 41' 58"
West 487.98 feet; thence South 14° 22' 20" West 463.05 feet; thence -South
24° 36' 12" West 708.61 feet; thence, South 27° 01' 58" West 315.92 feet
to an intersection with the easterly boundary line of Tract No. 1388, recorded
in Book 42, Page 8 of I-lscellaneous Maps of said orange County; said point being
the southwesterly terminous of said Redevelopment Project Map Course No. 202;
thence, leaving said Redevelopment Project boundary, and leaving said freeway
westerly right of Way line, North 500 43' 27" Fast 706.53 feet to a point on
the southeasterly curved right of way line of said San Diego Freeway, axadial
through said point bears North 680 10' 22" West as shown on a map recorded:-
as Record -6f Survey 79-1137 in Book 100, Page 46 of Records of Survey of saO
Orange County, thence, leaving said freeway southeasterly right of way line,-
South 410 28' 55" East 69.25 feet, more or less, along the southwest boundary --
of said .Parcel Map 79-1137, to a point on the northwesterly right of way line
of San .Tuan Greek channel, thence leaving said Parcel Map line, North 450 44.'
39" Fast 482.77 feet along said chaimel right of way line to a point on the south -.i I.
east line of said PM 79-1137, thence continuing along said right of way line =-:�
and said Parcel Map 79-1137 line, North 450 30' 06" East 1059.35 feet to the
beginning of a tangent curve, concave southeasterly and having a radius of=
11,625.00 feet, thence northeasterly, through a central angle of Oo 49' 12".—
2" an arc distance of 166.37 feet to a point on the westerly line of lands shown on
an Amendzd Map of Parcel Map 79-856, a radial through said point bears North
430 40' 42" West, thence continuing northeasterly along said curved right of
way line, through a central angle of 60 04' 10" an arc distance of 1231.46
feet, a radial through said point bears North 370 35' 14" West, thence; leaving
said rigif, 6f way line, North 390 02' 46" West 411.32 feet to a point on the
centerline of Calle Arroyo, a public street, thence North 390 02' 46" West
543.01 feet along the northeasterly line of said Rancho Viejo Road to the
beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly, thence, radially, South -
500 57' 14" West 84.00 feet to a point on the northwest line of said Rancho
Viejo Road, said point being the POINT OF BEGIMMU of Unit 3 herein.
NO" -
` 50
Unit 4 Legal Description:
BEGINNIW at the southwesterly end of that certain course shown as " No; 236 'r,Y.r -LL
on a map entitled "Boundary Map of a Comm n ty Redevelopment Project, Cites 9f `
San Juan Capistrano" , being the southwesterly terminous of that certain cot�.e
shown as " S. 560 33' 06" W. 425.48' " on said boundary map; saidpoint
being;. �r;r
an angle -,.point in the southeasterly right of way line of the San Diego Freeway
as shown em a State of California Division of Highways R/W Map F 1881-2, thence
from said point of beginning, continuing generally southwesterly along said
freeway right of way line, and along said Redevelopment Project Map Courses
Nos. 237 to 249, inclusive, the following courses:
North 53' 22' 26" West 30.00 feet,
South 36' 37' 34" West 479.95 feet,
South 27' 12' 32" West 61.11 feet,
South 36= 37' 34" West 359.76 feet,
South 35' 11' 38" West 400.12 feet,
South 38' 03' 30" West 200.06 feet.
South 39° 54' 08" West 100.16 feet,
South 310 19' 36" West 535.59 feet,
South 160 39' 26" West 97.29 feet,
South 380 37' 52" West 193.79 feet,
South 310 19' 36" West 96.42 feet,
South 160 55' 16" West 137.47 feet,
South 530 28' 48" East 467.53 feet,
as shown on a Division of Highways R/W Map F 1881-10, thence, leaving said
freeway right of way line, and said Redevelopment Project boundary line, North
490 10' 26" East 732.52 feet, more or less, to a point m the centerline of a
private road known as "Valle Road", as said road is shown as an "Easement
for Road Purposes" on a map recorded in Book 21, Page 41 of Records of Surveys
of said Orange County, said point being the southwesterly terminous of that
certain course shown as " N. 110 30' 00" E. 136.18' ", on said map, thence
northeasterly along said centerline, North 110 30' 00" East 136.18 feet to the
beginning of a tangent curve, concave southeasterly and having a radius of
200.00 feet, thence northeasterly, through a central angle of 280 16' 50" -
an arc distance of 98.72 feet, thence, tangent North 39046' 50" East 102.5
feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northwesterly and having a -
radius of 400.00 feet, thence -northeasterly, through a central angle of 110
47' 00" an arc distance of 82.26 feet, thence, tangent North 27c 59' 50" East
586.56 feet, thence; `
North 210 29' 20" East 634.52 feet,
North l00 26' 40" West 251.43 feet,
qo th 200 44' 00" West 297.60 feet,
to=--poiiit on said Redevelopment District Boundary Map Course No. 236, said;
point bears -South 56° 33' 06" West 415.77 feet from the northeasterly texndiro�*y 'to
of said'CbftsecNo. 236, said point being a point on said southeasterly righ����
of way lfne;bf-said San Diego Freeway, thence; South 560 33' 06" West 9.71 9S r
feet ta(the,POMr OF REGI NM of Unit 4 herein, s�'
Unit 5 legal Description:
BEGINNING at the southeast end of that certain course shown as " No. 25.8
on a nq-eiatled "Boundary Map of a Comnmity Redevelopment Project, City -of
San iji&FUppistrano", being the southeast terminous of that certain courses".
shown as'" S. 500 56' 28" E. 263.40' " on said boundary map, said point being
anang1__paint in the northeasterly right of way line of the San Diego Freepray
as shown on a State of California Division of Highways Monunentation Map No.
ORA 005 M 7.0; thence, from said point of beginning, continuing generally -,
southeasterly along said freaaay right of way line, and along said Redevelop-
ment Project Map Courses Nos 259 to 266, inclusive, the following courses z.,
feet, _
feet, and
to the beginning of a non -tangent curve, concave southerly and having a radius
of 2055.00 feet, a radial through said point bears North 21° 05' 27" West; thence,
easterly along said curve, being a segment of the northerly right ofwayline
of Camino Las Ramblas, a public street, through a central angle of 9 16 37
an arc distance of 332.73 feet -to the easterly terminous- of curved Gourse-No-- --
266 in said Redevelopment Project boundary; thence, leaving said northerly
right of way line, radially southerly, South 11° 48' 50" Fast 13.00 feet to
an angle point in the northwesterly might of way line of said Camino las Rambles
rights of way shown on a State Division of Highways R/W Map No. F 1880-6, thence,
leaving said Division of Highways Map line, and said Redevelopment Project
boundary, continuing northeasterly along said northwesterly right of way line,
North 780 59'08" East 528.12 feet, more or less, to a point on the southerly
boundary of lands shown on Records of Survey No. 81-1136, recorded in Book
103, Pages 8 to 12 of Records of Surveys of said Orange County, said point
being the beginning of a tangent curve, concave southerly and having a radius
of 1042.00 feet, thence easterly along said curve, through a central angle
of 20" 56' 01" an arc distance of 380.71 feet to the beginning of a reverse
curve, concave northwesterly and having a radius of 15.00 feet, a radial
through said point bears North 9D 55' 09" East, thence northeasterly and
northerly along said curve, through a central angle of 88� 10' 49" an arc
distance of 23.09 feet, thence, tangent North 110 44' 20" East 72.26 feet along
the westerly lines of Via De Agua, a public street, to the beginning of a tangent
curve, concave westerly and having a radius of 330.00 feet, thence northerly
along said curve, through a central angle of 23> 00' 45" an arc distance of ;
132.54 feet, thence tangent North 11° 16' 25" West 126.05 feet to the beginning
of a tangent curve concave easterly and having a radius of 370.00 feet, thence
northerly along said curve through a central angle of 28' 54' 42" an arc dl$tance,
of 186:70 feet, to the most southerly corner of Lot 20 of Tract No. 46781 :,-r
recorded in Book 203, Pages 24 to 26, inclusive, of Miscellaneous Maps-AL'Said _-
Orange County, a radial through said point bears North 72' 21' 43" West;-
leaving said westerly right of way line of said Via De Agua, North 600 07' -OV'
West 80.16 feet, thence North 100 29' 47" West 34.33 feet, thence North 630 43'
39" West 91.34 feet, thence South 780 46' 41" West 162.92 feet to the most
westerly corner of said Tract No. 4678; thence, continuing westerly along the
northerly line of lands shown on a map recorded in Book 153, Pages 12 through
14 of Parcel Maps of said Orange County, South 780 46' 41" West 637.92 feet to
an intersection with the northeasterly right of way line of Via California,
a private street shown on said Parcel Map 153/12-14, thence, continuing westerly
' along the northerly line of said Parcel Map, South 780 46' 41" West 1271.59 —
feet, more or less, to a point on the northeasterly right of way line of said
San Diego Freeway, being a point on said Redevelopment Project Boundary Map
Course No. 258, said point bears South 500 56' 28" Fast 152.09 feet (151.94
feet per deed recorded in Book 9361, Page 34 of Official Records of said
Orange County) from the northwesterly terminous of said Course No. 258; thence,
South 500 56' 28" Fast 62.76 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of unit 5 herein.