Resolution Number CRA 86-5-20-1RESOLUTION NO. CRA 86-5-20-1 REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT 86-1 - ACCEPTING THE PRELIMINARY PLAN, AS AMENDED A RESOLUTION OF THE SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ACCEPTING THE PRELIMINARY PLAN, AS AMENDED, FOR THE CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT 86-1) 17 WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 488, the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano approved a Redevelopment Plan for the Central Redevelopment Project (the "Project"), which Ordinance was amended by Ordinance No. 509 on May 15, 1984, and by Ordinance No. 547 on July 16, 1985; and, WHEREAS, on May 13, 1986, the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano, selected boundaries of area proposed to be added (the "Added Area") to the existing Project Area of the Project, approved a Preliminary Plan for the Project as proposed to be amended (the "Amended Preliminary Plan") and submitted said Amended Preliminary Plan to the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency"). NOW, THEREFORE, the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Aaencv does herebv resolve as follows: SECTION 1. The Amended Preliminary Plan for the Central Redevelopment Project, as formulated and approved by the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano and attached hereto as Exhibit "1" and incorporated by reference herein, is hereby accepted by the Agency, and the Agency hereby directs preparation of an official Redevelopment Plan Amendment providing for the inclusion of the Added Area as part of the Project. SECTION 2. The Executive Director of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed to file the information concerning the Added Area required by California Health and Safety Code Sections 33327 and 33328 with the appropriate taxing official and the State Board of Equalization. -1- 1 SECTION 3. The 1986-87 assessment roll is designated as the base year assessment roll for the Added Area. The base roll for territory included within the Project Area by virtue of Ordinance No. 488, as amended, shall not be changed from the base roll now in effect with respect to such territory. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of May 1 1986 , by the folk ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, MARY ANN HANOVER, Secretary of the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. CRA 86-5-20-1 , adopted by the Board of Directors of the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency at a regular meeting thereof held on the 20th day of May , 1986_, by the following vote: AYES: Directors Schwartze, Bland, Friess, and Chairman Hausdorfer NOES: None ABSENT: Director Buchheim dM _ p�/` *A1 (SEAL)[�G�/Yt �''S�d�/�%��� iARY N HA VER, SE RE -2- STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) MARY ANN HANOVER, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed and qualified Secretary of the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency; That in compliance with State laws of the State of California and in further compliance with Resolution No. CRA 83-12-20-1 and on the 23rd day of May 1986 , she caused to be posted: RESOLUTION NO. CRA 86-5-20-1 being: REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT 86-1 - ACCEPTING THE PRELIMINARY PLAN, AS AMENDED A RESOLUTION OF THE SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ACCEPTING THE PRELIMINARY PLAN, AS AMENDED, FOR THE CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT 86-1) in three (3) public places in the City of San Juan Capistrano, to wit: City Hall; Old Fire Station Recreation Complex; Orange County Public Library. MARY HANRJ�F7 - Secretar San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency -3- EXHIBIT 1: 21 AMENDED PRELIMINARY PLAN FOR THE CENTRAL R DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PER REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT 86-1 INTRODUCTION The Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Juan Capistrano previously received a preliminary plan for the Central Redevelopment Project. A redevelopment plan was subsequently approved by Ordinance No. 488 on July 12, 1983. The plan was subsequently amended by Ordinance No. 509 on May 15, 1984, and by Ordinance No. 547 on July 16, 1985. The new Redevelopment Plan Amendment under consideration would include this Amended Preliminary Plan, which isLto be effective for both the existing Project Area as well as the area being proposed for addition ("the Added Area"). The resulting total area is referred to as the "Amended Project Area." It is intended that this amended Preliminary Plan will provide direction for the Redevelopment Agency in the development of methods and procedures to satisfy the needs of its residents and business people in the development of viable and active land uses proposed to be included within the Central Redevelopment Project. The goal of the Redevelopment Plan Amendment is to assist in the provision of public improvements and infrastructure to permit reasonable utilization of the added area. The overall goal of this Amended Preliminary Plan is to assist in the replanning or redesign of redevelopment areas which are presently stagnant or improperly utilized because of inadequate circulation design or faulty lot layout in relation to size, shape, accessibility, or usefulness. The plan proposes to arrest economic dislocation within the Project Area through the restoration and revitalization of existing uses and the development of new uses. The Amended Preliminary Plan outlines the circumstances which have created the blighting conditions within the expanded Project Area which are preventing the area from achieving its full potential. It explores the ways to protect and enhance the environment and focuses on means to redevelop the stagnating and blighted areas in such a way as to stimulate and attract private investment, thereby improving the City's economic health, employment opportuni- ties, and tax base. 22 EXHIBIT 1 (continued) I1. DESCRIPTION OF THE BOUNDARIES OF THE AMENDED PROJECT AREA The boundaries of the proposed Amended Central Redevelop- ment Project Area (including the existing Project Area and the Added Area, which shall collectively constitute the "Amended Area") are illustrated on the map attached hereto as Exhibit 1-A. III. GENERAL STATEMENT OF PROPOSED LAND USES As a basis for the redevelopment of the area proposed to be added to the Central Redevelopment Project, it is proposed that the property be designated "SS," Special Study Area, on the City General Plan in order to allow for detailed study of appropriate land uses and site design for the Added Area. Uses shown for the Project Area as a whole shall remain as shown on the General Plan. These uses include residential, commercial, industrial, public institutional, recreation, and open space classifications. IV. GENERAL STATEMENT OF PROPOSED LAYOUT OF PRINCIPAL STREETS As a basis for the redeVelopment of the proposed amended area, it is proposed that, in general, the layout of prin- cipal streets in the Amended Project Area be as shown on the Circulation Element of the City's General Plan. How- ever, existing streets within the Amended Project Area may be closed, widened, or otherwise modified, and additional streets may be created for proper pedestrian and/or vehicular circulation. V. GENERAL STATEMENT/POPULATION Residential uses are not permitted in the Added Area per the City's General Plan. Since this amendment does not propose a change to residential land use, there will be no resulting changes in housing or population. Within the overall Amended Project Area, population shall reflect density of development in conformity with the City's General Plan. -2- EXHIBIT 1 (continued) 2 3 VI. GENERAL STATEMENT OF THE PROPOSED BUILDING INTENSITIES As a basis for the redevelopment of the Amended Project Area, it is proposed that, in general, the building intensity be controlled by some or all of the following limitations: A. A maximum percentage of ground area covered by build- ings (land coverage) and/or a minimum percentage of open area on each site. B. The ratio of total floor area for all stories of the buildings to areas of the building sites (floor area ratio). C. The size and location of the buildable areas on building sites. D. The heights of buildings. The land coverage and sizes and location of buildable areas should be limited as feasible to provide adequate open spaces. The limits on building intensity shall be estab- lished in accordance with the limits contained in the Land Use Code and General Plan of the City. VII. GENERAL STATEMENT OF THE PROPOSED BUILDING STANDARDS It is proposed that, in general, the building standards should conform to the building requirements of applicable state statutes and the City of San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code. VIII. ATTAINMENT OF THE PURPOSES OF THE LAW The redevelopment of the Project Area, as amended to include the added area, would attain the purposes of the Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California. The Amended Project Area is badly in need of, and particu- larly suitable for, redevelopment under the provisions of the California Redevelopment statutes. The proposed Added Area continues to experience a complete lack of productive utilization. The inclusion of the Added Area to the project will assist in the resolution of this problem by helping to provide the needed improvements and infrastructure necessary for reasonable utilization. -3- 24 IX. EXHIBIT 1 (continued) The Project Area as a whole exhibits blighting influences due to the lack of adequate public improvements, public facilities, open spaces, and utilities which cannot be remedied by private or governmental action without redevelopment. Benefits will accrue to the property owners within the Amended Project Area, as well as to the residents and taxpayers of the City at large, if the Amended Area is redeveloped. Redevelopment of the overall Amended Project Area would be attained through the following: A. The comprehensive planning, redesign, replanning, development, reconstruction, or rehabilitation of the area, which would facilitate a higher and better utili- zation of the lands within the Project Area, thereby contributing to the public health, safety, and welfare. B. Stimulating construction activity and increasing employment in the commercial and office segments of the community. C. Assisting in the financing, reconstruction, and/or construction of curbs,'gutters, sidewalks, street flood control improvements, and other public facilities. D. The attraction of land uses to stagnant, unproductive areas, including the recycling of land uses into viable productive uses consistent with the City's General Plan. E. Assisting the development of private and public con- struction by financing such development in the Amended Project Area in such a way which will make the develop- ment economically feasible. F. Assisting county, and state agencies' abilities to provide services by street and parking improvements and other public facilities. CONFORMANCE TO THE GENERAL PLAN OF THE CITY The Preliminary Plan conforms to the City of San Juan Capistrano General Plan. The Preliminary Plan proposes a similar pattern of land uses and includes all highways and public facilities indicated by the General Plan. -4- X. EXHIBIT 1 (continued) IMPACT OF THE PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT 25 The impacts upon residents near the Added Area will consist of construction noise and dust during development, and then noise, visual, and circulation impacts after development in commercial use. These impacts will be mitigated by control of construction hours, dust control, landscape screening, and control of the operation of the developed use. A detailed list of measures to mitigate the impacts of development within the Added Area will .be provided in the Environmental Impact Report required for the Redevelopment Plan Amendment. The impact of the overall Central Redevelopment Project upon the surrounding neighborhoods within or near the Project Area will, in general, be minimal. There may be impacts upon the public in general in the areas of traffic circulation, public facilities and services, parking, environmental quality, employment opportunities, and economic development. Traffic impacts will be mitigated by circulation improvements required in conjunction with the redevelopment project. It is anticipated that direct Agency activity will occur only when sufficient financial resources are available and such action will praduce effective and immediate redevelopment results. Thus, the redevelopment project is intended to be phased, with a limited scope of direct activity at any given time. This subject will be discussed in depth by the Redevelopment Agency in the Report to Council which will accompany the proposed Redevelopment Plan for the Amended Area. -5- 26 area already within central redevelopment project area already within city, to be added to central redevelopment project area to be annexed. and added to central redevelopment project EXHIBIT t -A