Resolution Number CRA 04-06-15-02WEI RESOLUTION NO. 04-06-15-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2004/2005 BUDGET AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS RELATED THERETO WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Community Redevelopment Agency held a public hearing to consider the proposed Fiscal Program and Budget beginning July 1, 2004, and ending June 30, 2005; and, WHEREAS, the proposed Fiscal Year 2004-2004 Budget is the basis for the financial and economic implementation of the Community Redevelopment Plan; and, WHEREAS, the proposed Fiscal Year 2004/2005 Budget reflects a level of service and work force deemed appropriate by the Agency Board of Directors; and, WHEREAS, the Agency Board of Directors intends to use the proposed Operating Budget as a guide for determining Agency priorities; and, WHEREAS, the Agency Board of Directors recognized that the proposed Fiscal Year 2004/05 Budget will require adjustments from time to time, and accordingly, the Agency Manager is authorized to execute necessary transfers to carry out the scope of services as approved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Juan Capistrano, as follows: 1. That the proposed Fiscal Year 2004/05 Budget in accordance with Exhibits A through H attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein for a total appropriation amount of $9,272,487 and as detailed in the Community Redevelopment Agency section of the Budget Document on file with the Agency Clerk's Office entitled "City of San Juan Capistrano Budget -FY 2004/05 is hereby adopted as the Operating and Capital Improvement Budget for the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency for fiscal year 2004/05. 2. That the amounts reflected as estimated revenues for fiscal year 2004/2005 as shown in Exhibits A through H are hereby adopted as budgeted revenues for FY 2004/05. 3. That the amounts designated as the FY 2004/05 Budget request in Exhibits A through H are hereby appropriated to the department or fund for which they are designated and such appropriation shall not be increased except as provided herein. 1 4. That total appropriations for each fund may only be increased or decreased 06-15-2004 by the Agency Board of Directors by amending the budget except as provided herein 5. That the following controls are hereby placed on the use and transfers of budgeted funds: a. The Executive Director may authorize all transfers of funds from account to account within any department. b. The Executive Director may authorize all transfers of funds from department to department within any fund. c. The Executive Director may delegate the authority to make budget transfers and adjustments. 6. That the legal level of budgetary control is the fund level. Budgets may not legally be exceeded at the fund level without appropriate authorization by the Agency Board of Directors. 7. That all appropriations in the Operating Budget for projects currently underway and remaining unexpended at June 30, 2003, as approved by the Executive Director or his designee, are hereby appropriated to the 2004/05 fiscal year Operating Budget. 8. That all appropriations for outstanding encumbrances as of June 30, 2003 are hereby continued into 2004/05 for such contracts and obligations. ATTEST: PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15 th day of June 2004. DIANE BATHGATE, CHAIRMAN R. MONAHAN. AGENCY SECRETARY 06-15-2004 I I F STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO 1, MARGARET R. MONAHAN, appointed Agency Secretary of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Juan Capistrano, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. CRA 04-06-15-02 was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Community Redevelopment Agency at a regular meeting thereof, held the 15 �h day of June 2004, by the following vote: AYES: DIRECTORS: Allevato, Soto, Hart, Swerdlin, and Chairman Bathgate NOES DIRECTORS: None ABSENT: D,11)RETC%0S- None <al 111,4 , M*4AKErrR. MONAHAN, Agency Secr COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADMINISTRATION FUND BUDGET FY 2004105 ACTUAL PROJECTED PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2002103 2003104 2004105 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $(234,078) $(428,486) $19,774 ES TIMA TED REVENUE 25,200 0 0 Rental Income Proceeds of Administration Loan 0 540,000 105,000 Interest Income 35,585 520 494 Transfer In -RV Storage Fund 183,445 176,600 161,000 ESTIMATED REVENUE - TOTAL 244,230 717,120 266,494 AVAILABLE RESOURCES 10,152 288,634 286,268 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Director's Salaries 3,270 3,500 3,500 Engineering/Design Services 32,988 30,000 30,000 Legal/Professional Services 43,136 56,000 55,000 Other Outside Services 31,367 34,800 41,800 Utilities 3,343 2,500 2,500 Equipment/Facility Lease 243,426 0 0 Advertising/Public Notices 0 1,150 1,150 Office Supplies/Postage 74 1,250 1,350 Stationery/Printed Material 50 400 400 Training/Meetings 175 2,300 2,500 Mileage Reimbursements 0 200 200 Subscription/Dues 2,677 2,700 2,700 Maintenance 1,975 3,700 3,700 Administrative Charges 76,157 130,360 139,934 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE - TOTAL 438,638 268,860 284,734 ENDING FUND BALANCE $(428,486) $19,774 $1,534 06-15-2004 Exhibit A I I I I COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 20% SET-ASIDE FUND FY2004105 ACTUAL PROJECTED PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2002103 2003104 2004105 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $3,178,356 $3,648,368 $2,461,237 ESTIMATED REVENUE Tax Increment 881,064 906,189 949,083 Interest Income 28,753 72,707 17,373 Other 0 0 0 ESTIMATED REVENUE- TOTAL 909,817 1 978,8961 966,456 AVAILABLE RESOURCES 4,088,173 4,627,264 3,427,693 ES TIMA TED EXPENDITURES 7,047 12,000 10,000 Legal Services Financial Services 0 5,000 5,000 Appraisal/Escrow/Broker Services 2,560 5,000 5,000 Outside Clerical Services 0 8,000 8,000 Management Services 28,599 70,500 72,500 General Advertising 0 0 0 Materials and Services 0 500 800 Train ing/Meetings 0 3,500 1,650 Administrative Charges 59,873 116,802 103,125 Annual Rental Subsidy Program 60,097 100,000 100,000 CBDG Leverage/Owner 0 60,000 8,050 Occupied Rehab CDBG Leverage/Rehab 0 0 60,000 Loans -Outside Target Area Rental Securement Program 1,583 4,200 4,200 06-15-2004 Exhibit B -Page 1 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 20% SET-ASIDE FUND FY2004105 ACTUAL PROJECTED PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2002103 2003104 2004105 Transfers Out -Debt Service 1997 Housing Tax Allocation Bonds 175,766 176,625 177,156 1998 Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds 104,280 103,900 103,479 Transfers Out-CIP Affordable Housing Projects 0 1,500,000 1,000,000 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE - TOTAL 439,805 2,166,027 1,658,960 ENDING FUND BALANCE 3,648,368 2,461,237 1,768,733 FUND BALANCE RESERVES: (216,324) (216,324) (216,324) L/T Receivable from Debt Service LIT Receivable -SJ Senior Housing (1,550,000) (1,550,000) (1,520,000) L/T Receivable -CEP Program (147,510) (147,510) (147,510) O.C. Property Tax Appeals (42 ' 075) 1 (93,200) AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE $1,692,459 1 $694,9131 $32,409 06-15-2004 Exhibit B -Page 2 F7 L r - COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AFFORDABLE HOUSING BOND FUND FY 2004105 FISCAL YEAR ACTUAL 2002103 PROJECTED 2003104 PROPOSED 2004105 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $908,718 $928,702 $957,461 ESTIMATED REVENUE 19,984 28,759 23,937 Interest Income ESTIMATED REVENUE - TOTAL 19,984 28,759 23,937 AVAILABLE RESOURCES 928,702 957,461 981,398 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 Transfers Out-CIP Multi Family Housing Project ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE- TOTAL 0 0 0 ENDING FUND BALANCE $928,702 $957,461 $981,398 FUND BALANCE RESERVES: 0 (957,461) (981,398) Multi Family Housing Project AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE $928,7021 $0 1 $0 06-15-2004 Exhibit C COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LITTLE HOLLYWOOD PROGRAM INCOME FUND FY2004105 FISCAL YEAR Actual 2002103 Projected 2003104 Proposed 2004105 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $79,094 $148,318 $227,289 ES TIMA TED REVENUE 95,282 113,000 80,000 2,564 3,921 5,682 0 0 0 Rental Income Interest Income Other ESTIMATED REVENUE - TOTAL 97,8461 116,921 1 85,682 AVAILABLE RESOURCES 176,940 265,239 312,971 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 2,206 2,550 2,550 26,416 35,400 35,400 0 0 0 Utilities Maintenance Capital Outlay ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE- TOTAL 28,622 37,950 37,950 ENDING FUND BALANCE $148,318 $227,289 $275,021 FUND BALANCE RESERVES: (42,000) (56,000 Repair/Maint. F-Asting Housing Stock AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE $148,318 $185,289 $219,021 06-15-2004 Exhibit D I I I COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RV STORAGE YARD FUND FY2004105 ACTUAL PROJECTED PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2002103 2003104 2004105 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $0 $0 $5,000 ESTIMATED REVENUE 213,641 208,000 156,000 Rental Income ESTIMATED REVENUE -TOTAL 213,641 208,000 156,000 AVAILABLE RESOURCES 213,641 208,000 161,000 ES TIMA TED EXPENDITURES Management Services 9,000 9,000 6,750 Utilities 4,683 3,650 2,738 Office Supplies/Postage 295 1,250 938 Maintenance 9,388 12,500 9,375 Office Relocation 6,830 0 0 Transfer Out -Administrative Fund 183,445 176,600 141,200 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE -TOTAL 213,641 203,000 F 161,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $0 $5,000 $0 06-15-2004 Exhibit E COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND FY 2004105 ACTUAL PROJECTED PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2002103 2003104 2004105 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $1,193,853 $837,460 $780,460 ES TIMA TED REVENUE Sale of Land Held For Resale 899,500 0 0 Loan/Note Proceeds 0 0 0 Transfers In -20% Set -Aside Fund 0 1,500,000 1,000,000 ESTIMATED REVENUE- TOTAL 899,500 1,500,000 1,000,000 AVAILABLE RESOURCES 2,093,35 2,337,460 1,780,460 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Bertolino Lease Buyout 899,500 0 0 Facade Imp. Agmt/Provincial Bldg 40,000 0 0 Affordable Housing Projects 0 1,500,000 1,000,000 Lower Rosan Ranch Wetlands Mitigation 86,072 40,000 40,000 Lower Rosan Ranch Permit Requirements 0 12,000 12,000 Downtown Restrooms 166,065 0 0 Los Rios Parking Lot & Signage 64,256 0 1,275,100 Underground Utility District 0 0 30,000 Downtown Lighting - Final Phase 0 5,000 285,750 Los Rios Lighting Study 0 0 40,000 El Camino Real Sidewalk 0 0 89,000 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE - TOTAL 1,255,893 1,557,000 2,771,850 ENDING FUND BALANCE $837,460 $780,460 ($991,390) 06-15-2004 Exhibit F I I I COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DEBTSERVICEFUND FY2004105 ACTUAL PROJECTED PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2002103 2003104 2004105 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $741,527 $365,033 $584,812 ESTIMATED REVENUE 3,524,255 3,796,333 3,872,260 Tax Increment Interest Income 58,564 0 764 Interest Income -Note Receivable 0 0 0 CVWD-Interest Accrued 5,966 1,808 102 City of SJC-Sales Tax Pass-Thru 210,181 314,946 321,245 City of SJC-Interest Accrued 289,832 292,961 306,831 Price Co. -Interest Accrued 0 0 0 ERAF Loan Proceeds -City General Fund 0 0 0 Transfers In -20% Set -Aside (1997) 175,766 176,625 177,156 Transfers In -20% Set -Aside (1998) 104,280 103,900 103,479 ESTIMATED REVENUE- TOTAL 4,368,844 4,686,572 4,781,837 AVAILABLE RESOURCES 5,110,371 5,051,605 5,366,649 ES TIMA TED EXPENDITURES 98,152 98,152 98,152 City of SJC-Wm Lyon Fees City of SJC(#l)-Tax Anticipation 180,000 180,000 180,000 City of SJC(#3)-Backfill 1992-93 141,319 0 0 City of SJC(#4)-Trullis Acq. Loan 8,726 14,809 15,179 City of SJC(#5) - Admin Loan 0 0 13,500 City of SJC (#6) - ERAF Loan 0 0 0 CVWD-Connection FeesNvm Lyon 103,466 99,308 97,602 Orange County -1 7.1 % Agreement 744,411 811,466 827,700 SOCCCD Pass-Thru Agreement 0 0 0 06-15-2004 Exhibit G - Page I COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DEBT SERVICE FUND FY2004105 ACTUAL PROJECTED PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 Capello Promissory Note 29,988 27,874 26,699 Trullis Promissory Note 198,117 207,532 207,532 Price Co. 0 0 0 Auto Tax Revenue Pass-Thru 210,181 314,946 321,245 Fluidmaster 40,000 40,000 40,000 Pacific Sales 51,481 20,000 20,000 Capistrano Volkswagen 0 35,000 35,000 Sierra Vista 0 5,000 5,000 State ERAF Shift 117,213 389,000 330,031 Tax Allocation Bonds -1 997 175,766 176,625 177,156 Tax Allocation Bonds -1 998 521,398 519,498 517,393 Debt Administration 4,447 7,271 7,416 Kinoshita Acquisition 647,500 647,500 647,500 Transfer Out-Knshta Sinking Fund 185,000 245,000 245,000 Transfer Out-CUSD Set -Aside Fund 1,288,173 627,812 498,887 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE - TOTAL 4,745,338 4,345,968 4,310,993 ENDING FUND BALANCE $365,033 $584,812 $1,055,656 FUND BALANCE RESERVES: (181,434) (181,434) (181,434) Fiscal Agent 1 O.C. Property Tax Appeals (372,800) 1 (372,800) 0 1 ENDING FUND BALANCE -AVAILABLE $(189,201) 1 $30,578 $874,222 06-15-2004 Exhibit G - Page 2 L I COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY KINOSHITA DEBT SERVICE SINKING FUND FY 2003104 FISCAL YEAR ACTUAL 2002103 PROJECTED 2003104 PROPOSED 2004105 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $2,976,909 $3,227,638 $3,570,393 ESTIMATED REVENUE 185,000 245,000 245,000 65,729 97,755 89,260 Transfer In -Debt Service Kinoshita Acquisition Interest ESTIMATED REVENUE - TOTAL 250,729 342,755 334,260 AVAILABLE RESOURCES 3,227,63 3,570,393 3,904,653 ES TIMA TED EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 Principal Payments ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE- TOTAL 0 0 0 ENDING FUND BALANCE $3,227,638 $3,570,393 $3,904,653 1 06-15-2004 Exhibit H