Resolution Number 69-3-24-3�f 24 25 26 27 28 29 34 31 32 „ice OLDTION NO. 59-3-24-3 .210LU^_:C_1 OF T17 CITY COU.' TIL 07 THE CITY OF_ ... _t_ JL .!'x7V .ice+__,_ .t l: LA.i 1 AID 121 - TL= L= D 11.r_MA3, Council .D.n Por3tor Urged. the City Council to give its 1:12ed Q_ts attention to taking whatstews may be necessary to secure aid and assistance for all flood da.a;o; and, WHC ri, the City Council finds that it is in the 'Gest in- terests of the City take all necessary stens toward initiating fin— ancial aid for all floor. damage. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of San Juan Canistra.no it initiate and take immediate steps and it does hereby initiate and does tale imnediato steps towards securing financial aid for all flood damage, AND BE Ii FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Staff be instructed to report on all progress made or problems encountered. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 24th day of Narch, 1969, at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of San Juan CaUistrano, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: COUiiCILNE : FOISTED, BATHGATF:, OLIVARIS and C_ 22 9K. N QS; COUNCIL_'!Z, : NO?'E ABSE,,TL COUNCIL.•.171: DUPHNF02D ATTEST: V1Clark City of San Juan Cavi strand savor of zne oity o San Juan Capistrano