Resolution Number 73-2-13-41 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17', 181 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 26 271 28 891 I 30 31, 321 4--19 RESOLUTION NO. 73-2-13-4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ACCEPTING PETITION OF C. MICHAEL, INC. FOR THE ANNEXATION OF TERRI- TORY AND INITIATING PROCEDURES THEREFOR. WHEREAS, the City Council has received a petition signed by C. Michael, Inc. for the annexation of certain territory located in the County of Orange, State of California, and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of Orange has heretofore designated said proposed annexation as the C. MICHAEL-IWATA ANNEXATION to the City of San Juan Capistrano; and WHEREAS, this Council finds and determines that the aforesaid petitioner is the owner of not less than one fourth of the land in the territory by area, and by assessed valuation as shown on the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Orange. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano that: 1. That the petition signed by C. Michael, Inc. for the annexation of certain territory described in Exhibit "A" hereto be and is hereby accepted. 2. The said proposed annexation shall be known and desig- nated as C. MICHAEL-IWATA ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO and shall encompass the territory de- scribed in Exhibit "A". 3. The time and place for hearing written protests against the annexation made by any person owning real property within the aforesaid territory shall be the hour of 7:00 p.m., March 26, 1973, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 32400 Paseo Adelanto, San Juan Capistrano. 4. The Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to publish and give such other notices as may be required by Sections 35305 and 35311 of the Government Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of February, 1973, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: COUNCILI•]EN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: ATTEST: City Clerk BYRNES, CHERMAK, GAMMELL, THORPE, WEATHERS NONE NONE _ '� t1 a es F. Thorpe, Mayor dt the u-rty of San Juan Capistrano 41 OQ (x Allthat 'real property .a the County o= Orange, State of California, beia o0 r-1Ji on Ji Parccl; .:, nd G, in f r a c.Tena! Scc -ion I• :own.;a•u sO:.Z _ S. ngo V :'lost, San Bernardino i:cridian, and a portion of Ranc.:O 30e0. De :,a Pla'y'a, all as shown on. a map filed in Book 2, Page 38 Of RCcordz of Survciz, � RecOrdS O: Orange Cou.-.ty, California, more particularly described as :aIIow3: 2cginnir at a point of intersection of th9 new centerline o= Cc! obisoo Street as said new ccntcrli,:e is shown on a man Of Tract No. 4072 rc- .corde:l in Book 146, ?age3 26 through 29, Records Of Orange County, CalifOr:] and tho Southerly line of the present city boundary as establirnnd by the Camino l')cl Avion Annexation to the City o: San Suan Canistrano; .:;once leaving said present city 1`0undary and along said new centerline`the follow - in; courser, South 12046156" t -lost, 130.25 `.act to the beginning of a tamer.. curve conc,%ve Northwesterly :^.awing a radius of 1000:00 fee-; thence Scut: westerly along said curve tl:rOugh a central angle of 14°23122" an arc 1cnQth Of 251.14 :Cat to a point Of reverse. curvature of a curve Concave Southeastcrl, havir a radius of 1000.00 feet; a radial bearing to laic point-bearG South 62049142" Fait;,thence SOtt.1Westerly along laic curve through a central angle of 22°55'57" -an arc length of 400.25 Lcot tG a point oa the old centerline 0f Del Obispo Street as shown on said man Of Tract Pio. 4077.; the.^.co tanne,'.t to said curve and leaving said new conterline along said old contcrlinc of .,aid Dol OhiSpo Street South 4014121" t:0:,,,, 2 3...31 icer to a ?Dint .on file Southcr'y line of Parcel "T' nr ua :.alcl man recorded in 300: 2, ?ago 3e of 7zecords Of Surveys, RecG...:. o: sa, county .;tate, _hence departing prom said old centorlinc Of Dei Jbf_sno str^.et South u6023150" Ea_t alon st, d Soutacrly line ofarce- _ 2001.63 feet to the Southeasterly corner of said Parcel F", said corncr bein- the Sout:'nvresterly corner of Parcel "G" as Shawn on .,aid afore::cntionc-' m.o Of Records of Surveys; thence _lung .:;^.e Southerly line of said ?.;reel 'G' South a0°_3'50' -._3t, 383.50 feet -ore or less to an angle point In the Orosent city boundary as establizhad by the Doss-' atkins nn.:e?-anon t0 aaid City; t.:ence along saic nrescnt City boundary as established by s .ai,! Ann oxation and the A. )ort Annexation to said City followin. tour es; '.:olth 10071'20' "ast 005 feet more Or les-, to .:ICainn inC7 Oi a to :re nt C11rve ConCavc Sout. easterly having a raCiuS Gf �B7E :.t.Ct t4:once �:Orthea^,tc,_Iv along .,ate.. cur-✓Q:t..r Ough a central angle Of 32°05'57" an arc length of 1050 feet morn or less to an angle Point in s.- resent city boundary as by ,.he tionsbcrgcr A,.r,cv%:,tion to. said City o: San Cuan Capistrano; a radial boaring to said point bcara ::Orta 47002143" :'lost, thence Continuing along said oresent city boundary as astablis,:ed by the Sout!-.crly linos of Salo Nansbezger Annexation a.... said Camino Cc! Avian A n nexacior-s :aorta o9040147" West 2630.3 feet .:,ore 0r lesa to the point of beginning.