Resolution Number 71-6-28-19� RESOLUTION NO. 71-6-28-1 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ASCERTAINING AND DETERMIN- ING THE PREVAILING RATE OF PER DIEM WAGES TO BE PAID FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS IN THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, PURSUANT TO SECTION 1773 OF THE LABOR CODE WHEREAS, Section 1773 of the California Labor Code requires the body awarding any contract for public work or otherwise undertaking any public work to ascertain the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the rate for holiday and overtime work in the locality in which the public work is to be performed for each craft, classification or type of workman needed to execute the contract; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid Section 1773 provides that in lieu of specifying the prevailing rate of per diem wages in the call for bids the awarding body may refer to copies thereof at its principle office. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano has ascertained and does hereby determine that the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for public work contracts to be awarded and performed in the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, for each craft or type of workman or mechanic needed to execute the contract, and also the general prevailing rate for legal holiday and overtime work for each craft or type of workman or mechanic is in accordance with the schedule attached hereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be filed with the Director of Industrial Relations for the State of California; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be published one time in the Coastline Dispatch, a newspaper of general circulation in the County of Orange; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that sufficient copies of this reso- lution be filed with the City Clerk for the inspection by interested parties. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 28th day of June, 1971. ,.- Thomas A. Forster, Mayor City of San Juan Capistrano ATTEST: Donald G. Weidner City Clerk M STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, DONALD G. WEIDNER, City Clerk of the City ofSan Juan Capistrano, California, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution of the City Council of said City numbered 71-6-28-1, adopted by the City Council on the 28th day of June 1971, by the following stated vote, to wit: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: 1971 WAGE SCALES FOR THE SIX BASIC TRADES The wage rata listed below are in accordance with the terms of the Sourhem California Mester Labor Agreement for the Comrructioo Industry and an, the folkrwmg counties:. Das Angeles. Orange, Riverside. San Bernardino. Imperial, Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Lum Obispo, Kern. Inye and Morn. ADDITIONAL COST TI'LNSr For Subsistence Affowsnee, Transportation and Travel Time Allowance, Overtime, Apprentice Progreso Contrils i , industry Faaotlonal Funds, Administrative Fsnrds, Cash Bond Depodbi etc, combat the Iaeal Union or its District Corned having jruudiction. RIGGERS and WELDERS FOR THE SIX BASIC TRADES: Same wap salla a crafts to which rigging and weMlnt as :•,•':•r•••••s - CARPDC= Holds & Wejfare-,SIS per hour Pkmtm-850 per hour Vanaba SavingsHohday-450 per hour Farman: Receive act ire than 6011 yes bow more than the hourly rate of the highest Carpenter clwiScatioa over which he has rapomfbility. excluding "otic Nailer or Power Stapler". CSMINT MASONS ALLOCATIONS -450 per hour -S!1/11; 45t per hour -5/1/72 �h or all of the fringe benefit imm pll� out 0.E these amounts to Health & Wellem-70t Per kow Pension -750 per how Vacatlen-500 per how Foreman: When thus w mom Cement Mesons am employed on a lob, one shell be employed as a Foreman and shall receive not leu tiara got Per hqur more than the hourly rate of the highest Cement Mason CLuitication ever which he has responsibility. Cement Mases Journeyman; inclu mg but not restricted te the follow- $Alm Metpa4hing; sitting curb form and plank, setting of lines, . and is; setting screeds, which includes screed pim; cutting, scoring an reusing new cancrete; plugging, filling Shee-Bolt hot.; dry parkingg concrete and Embee; tending material hose on slabs, n gooand gin%; tending mixer -truck chute, slabs, floors and decks - bush harnmering; patch,.66 and sacking; rodding, tamping, bit Q rodding. machine sad siroiiar types, bull Boating .... ...............................45.48 Cement Mann (Magnesite, magnesite-Tersaao and mastic composition, Epoxy, lkn0-Toz).... __.................. ................................................._......... 6.W Cement Masons Floating & Troweling Machine Operator .......................... 5.73 M Carts & Cutter Machine Operator (cement only) ._ ........ ... .- ........................ 5.48 Clary & Similar Type of Sinead Operator ............. ....................... -........... 5.48 Grinding Machine Operator (all types) ....................... ....... I ..... I .... I .... ......... 5.48 Jackson Vibratory & Similar Type Screed Operator ....... .................... ....._ 5.48 Scoring Machine Operator .. ........................................... ... 5.48 Cement Mason, en a swaging staggee bw'ni chair, or suspended scaffold, whether AVingmg or rigid, above or be�ow ground, dull receive 250 per how veer, the applicable rate. IRON WORKIRS Health 4s- Welfam-,7811; 430-1/18/71 Fansioo-37%0; 42450-1/16/71 Vacation -300 Foreman: Receives not less than 750 per hour more than the hourly ate of the highest classification over which he has supervision. Whim two or mom two Workers arc employed, one shall be selected by the Employer to act as Foreman. ....1/14/3 UUM . Reinforcing Iron Worker .... .............. ................... $7.30 $7.96 Structural iron Worker ..__...... ..... --- ..._.............................. 7.38 8.07 Ornamental Icon Worker ._.- .- --........ ..._....._.......... .......... 7.38 8.01 Fence Erector ........................ ................... ........................ 721 7.89 95 IASOKIRS Health & Welfare -250 per how; 350-10/1/70; 4504101i 550-WI/71; 050-6/1/73 Pemion150 hour; 550-10/1/70; 550-8/1/71; 111.10-5/lim. u.3sa/1/�3' . Vaeieon-250 per how; 3011-8/1/71; 330-5/1/73 Foreman: Not less than 50t per haw more than the howdy wage rale of tho highest class F- ian over which he baa leadership, 1/ism twin $01" SAM VIM vim Asphalt lakes. Lutemam and n. ................................44155 44.803 45.303. 13.355 16.603 110.236 Asphalt Shoveler _.................. 4845 403 5.003 5.145 1396 8.0116 Blestes Powderman-all work of loading hot" placing and bleating of atI vowder and explosives of whatever type, regardless of method used forsuch loading and placing __...................... _..._. 4.906 4.155 5.455' 5505 8866' 8.5957 Suggymob0e Man __............ 4766 4.806 5206 SSSS 5.705 0.136 Cement Dumper (on 1 yard er larger mint halt ceme�� �8 4.755 4.506 5.0 6353 5.705 &M Ceupool Digger ad Installer.. L725 4.775 5.173 5345 6515 8.195 Churlrtecder _._._...._....__ 4.006 4.745 5.145 5.185 5.545 6.096 Cleaning and Handling of Panel Forma ._.._..._._.._._ 456 4.50.5 LABS 5.045 5.495 3.946 Concrete Coro Cutter, Criod- er or Sander _._......... ... _ 4.755 4203 5305. 5,366 &806 6= Concrete Curer - impervious Membrane and Form Oda- 4.735 4.185 9.185 53W 5.885 &135 Concrete Saw Men, Cutting, Scoring Old or New Con. mete ...- .............................4.153 11,305 5.305` 5.355 3.833 8.955 Concrete Screeding for Rough Strike Off (In accordance with Memorandum of Un- derstanding with Cement Mesons dated 7/19/48) ...... 4.545 435 4.983 5.045 5.493 5.945 Concrete, Water Curing -...... 4545 4.504 4.995 5.045 5.485 5.945 Cribber, Shorer, La,^, ;'ng, sheeting, and trench bz ,.g. hand -guided lagging hammer _...................-.- 4.906 4.955 5.455. 5.305 8.0054 01.463 Cuttieqq Torch Operator (Demo ... ..................... 4595 4.845 6.045 5.095 0.543 5.906 DemolitionLaborer the cleaning of brick Q lum- ber .._... ................................ 4.646 4.3115 4.995 3.06 6.493 6.945 Driller AB power drills, ex. sad an Of nae am m¢ mating Enoweni dated Ja Mm 01711' IlInr 4t/W Carpenter __-------- ......... ......... ....... .......... $5.98 $8.58 4725 48.13 Shingle -_...._._......_...._ ....----- ....--- ..--- ........ 8.11 6,71 7.41 5.213 Habioal Flow Worker ...._...........--.._..... 6,18 8.78 7.48 8.33 lifr4wright- - .................____.._------------ &18 8.78 7.48 0.33 saw Filer __ .................................._............ 8.00 8.88 7.38 821 Table Power Saw Operator ...... ................. 6,08 US 7.38 823 Posetmatic Nader or Power Stapler ............ 8.93 0.83 7.51 8.38 Wood Fence Builder on Residential 4A75 6.175. 5.225 5.575 6.125 Had Rock Slinger .._..._...__ 3.065 3.115 5.515 5.505 6.015 0.486 Impact Wrench, Multi -Plate _ 4755 Projects __----------- -,......_...__...-, 4.91 5.51 821 7.00 Roof Lader of Shingles ... __........ y__ 4.65 5.05 50.5 8A0 PBe Driver Foreman _T____.r.._..... 6,71 1.31 0.01 8.88 Pile Driver Man -Bridge or Dock Carpenter and Cable Spacer _............... 9.11 &71 7.41 838 File Driver Maa-Derrick Bargeman ._...... 8.11 0.71 7.41 826 Had Rockslinger _........ _.................. _ 821 0.81 7.51 8.36 Rndsibm---- ------ e.07 61% 1A1 028 Bark 8argem io or Scowman ......---- 5.97 0.59 7.31 8.10 CSMINT MASONS ALLOCATIONS -450 per hour -S!1/11; 45t per hour -5/1/72 �h or all of the fringe benefit imm pll� out 0.E these amounts to Health & Wellem-70t Per kow Pension -750 per how Vacatlen-500 per how Foreman: When thus w mom Cement Mesons am employed on a lob, one shell be employed as a Foreman and shall receive not leu tiara got Per hqur more than the hourly rate of the highest Cement Mason CLuitication ever which he has responsibility. Cement Mases Journeyman; inclu mg but not restricted te the follow- $Alm Metpa4hing; sitting curb form and plank, setting of lines, . and is; setting screeds, which includes screed pim; cutting, scoring an reusing new cancrete; plugging, filling Shee-Bolt hot.; dry parkingg concrete and Embee; tending material hose on slabs, n gooand gin%; tending mixer -truck chute, slabs, floors and decks - bush harnmering; patch,.66 and sacking; rodding, tamping, bit Q rodding. machine sad siroiiar types, bull Boating .... ...............................45.48 Cement Mann (Magnesite, magnesite-Tersaao and mastic composition, Epoxy, lkn0-Toz).... __.................. ................................................._......... 6.W Cement Masons Floating & Troweling Machine Operator .......................... 5.73 M Carts & Cutter Machine Operator (cement only) ._ ........ ... .- ........................ 5.48 Clary & Similar Type of Sinead Operator ............. ....................... -........... 5.48 Grinding Machine Operator (all types) ....................... ....... I ..... I .... I .... ......... 5.48 Jackson Vibratory & Similar Type Screed Operator ....... .................... ....._ 5.48 Scoring Machine Operator .. ........................................... ... 5.48 Cement Mason, en a swaging staggee bw'ni chair, or suspended scaffold, whether AVingmg or rigid, above or be�ow ground, dull receive 250 per how veer, the applicable rate. IRON WORKIRS Health 4s- Welfam-,7811; 430-1/18/71 Fansioo-37%0; 42450-1/16/71 Vacation -300 Foreman: Receives not less than 750 per hour more than the hourly ate of the highest classification over which he has supervision. Whim two or mom two Workers arc employed, one shall be selected by the Employer to act as Foreman. ....1/14/3 UUM . Reinforcing Iron Worker .... .............. ................... $7.30 $7.96 Structural iron Worker ..__...... ..... --- ..._.............................. 7.38 8.07 Ornamental Icon Worker ._.- .- --........ ..._....._.......... .......... 7.38 8.01 Fence Erector ........................ ................... ........................ 721 7.89 95 IASOKIRS Health & Welfare -250 per how; 350-10/1/70; 4504101i 550-WI/71; 050-6/1/73 Pemion150 hour; 550-10/1/70; 550-8/1/71; 111.10-5/lim. u.3sa/1/�3' . Vaeieon-250 per how; 3011-8/1/71; 330-5/1/73 Foreman: Not less than 50t per haw more than the howdy wage rale of tho highest class F- ian over which he baa leadership, 1/ism twin $01" SAM VIM vim Asphalt lakes. Lutemam and n. ................................44155 44.803 45.303. 13.355 16.603 110.236 Asphalt Shoveler _.................. 4845 403 5.003 5.145 1396 8.0116 Blestes Powderman-all work of loading hot" placing and bleating of atI vowder and explosives of whatever type, regardless of method used forsuch loading and placing __...................... _..._. 4.906 4.155 5.455' 5505 8866' 8.5957 Suggymob0e Man __............ 4766 4.806 5206 SSSS 5.705 0.136 Cement Dumper (on 1 yard er larger mint halt ceme�� �8 4.755 4.506 5.0 6353 5.705 &M Ceupool Digger ad Installer.. L725 4.775 5.173 5345 6515 8.195 Churlrtecder _._._...._....__ 4.006 4.745 5.145 5.185 5.545 6.096 Cleaning and Handling of Panel Forma ._.._..._._.._._ 456 4.50.5 LABS 5.045 5.495 3.946 Concrete Coro Cutter, Criod- er or Sander _._......... ... _ 4.755 4203 5305. 5,366 &806 6= Concrete Curer - impervious Membrane and Form Oda- 4.735 4.185 9.185 53W 5.885 &135 Concrete Saw Men, Cutting, Scoring Old or New Con. mete ...- .............................4.153 11,305 5.305` 5.355 3.833 8.955 Concrete Screeding for Rough Strike Off (In accordance with Memorandum of Un- derstanding with Cement Mesons dated 7/19/48) ...... 4.545 435 4.983 5.045 5.493 5.945 Concrete, Water Curing -...... 4545 4.504 4.995 5.045 5.485 5.945 Cribber, Shorer, La,^, ;'ng, sheeting, and trench bz ,.g. hand -guided lagging hammer _...................-.- 4.906 4.955 5.455. 5.305 8.0054 01.463 Cuttieqq Torch Operator (Demo ... ..................... 4595 4.845 6.045 5.095 0.543 5.906 DemolitionLaborer the cleaning of brick Q lum- ber .._... ................................ 4.646 4.3115 4.995 3.06 6.493 6.945 Driller AB power drills, ex. sad an Of nae am m¢ mating Enoweni dated Ja Mtaroi, Florida, 2/3/54 ._64995 $5,045 $5.545' $5.585 iller, Jac near,longe 2% ft. Drdrill Ond " 11.836 4.985 S -Ws 5.435 5.885 6.333 Dry ?&eking of Concrete, Pluggin Filling of Shoe. Bolt HON --- 4.56 4.30 4.995 3.045 5.495 5.96 Fine Grader, Highway and Street Paving, Airports, R®way; and similar, type heavy construction ._.Y_. 4.043 4.095 5.095 5,143 SS95 0.045 Fire Watcher, Limbers, Bash Lneders, Han and Debris Handlers ....Y.,_._._._.._. 4545 4.595 4.995 5.045 5.495 S.W Flagman --------_.._. 4.543 4.595 4.995 5.045 5.49s 5.96 Cas & Oil Pipeline Laborer _ 456 4,585 CM 5.045 5.495 5.943 Cas & Oil line Pm Tender andd Form Man_ 4.755 4.805 52&5 5.256 5.705 8.155 Cas & 011 Pipeline Wrapper - 0 inch pipe and over ..... _._ 4.&45 4.935 6.335 5.395 5.835 02&2 Calces Chaser ._.-__,_.._.-- 4.825 4A75 6.175. 5.225 5.575 6.125 Had Rock Slinger .._..._...__ 3.065 3.115 5.515 5.505 6.015 0.486 Impact Wrench, Multi -Plate _ 4755 4-805 5.305. 5.355 5.805 8253 K&W-en, Potmen and mem applying asphalt, lay-koid creosote, lime caustic and similar type materials (ip- pplyhrg' means applying. dippingg,, brushing, or ban. dung of such materials for pipe wrapping and water. pmo5128) _.__..--_--------- 433 4.936 3.335 3.383 5.835 0.283 Labsoror, Crossed at Construc- tion .............. _..._.............. 4.545 4.5&2 4.995 5.045 5.495 5.045 Laborer, Temporary Water & Air Linn ._..____'_-'_..... 406 4583 4985 5.06 5.495 6,945 -1- /� EI Ron 5tsal k 4.645 5.045 5.095 5.545 lies .... tar ......_..�__... 4.6T 6 l72 532 517 S.� 0.01 �� Crew, includes Redden h Spenders ....._.. .............. dl3 3.78 Ju Landscape Gardener & Nur. Diamond DZI;r...... __.._...... ..... ............ _.............. .... ....... _..... Dumpman........... ..... ........ ...._...-............................... _..... _.__. 0.63 8.13 0.78 5.78 sexy Mao Ther knowledge 5.60 Dsnnpma4 Outside ........................... _..................... -................... 8.13 5.78 of plant materials and how 5.045 Crew Carunan .................................--.........................-............... S.943 Steel Headerboard Man 4c to dant there Law out Grout Puvnyman ..-.._..........__.......___..........ore: ... ............_.... 6.38 0.38 6.03 8.0.7 - plant Arrangements fol- 5.02 Helper for Stcr.I Form Rainer h Setter (Note: Helper for 5A7 5.93 Jnr the landscape las) .._j4.%S a p la $4.695 S09S 95 x0.045 s $5.14s $5.3 Steel Form Raiser Jr critter may be used on a one-for-one Material Haseman (Walls, baso with the Steel P.m. Raiser or Setter) ._... _.......... ......... 8.27 5.88 - Stabs. Floors and Decks) .... 4.545 4.595 4.995 5.045 3.495 5.945 jackleg Miner .......... ...._....... ...... _................................................ )umbo Man ....... _..._................ - 6.38 6.38 8.03 8.03 Miner -Truck Chute Man 5.17 Kemper h Other Pneumatic Concrete Placer Operator - ............ 538 6.03 (walls, Slabs. Decks 5.045 Miner -Tunnel (hand or machine) .... ........................... _............. 0.38 8.03 Floors, Foundadom and Nipper ........ ..... .-- ... .... _..... ..._. 0.23 $.89 Fmtin urh t: gutter k Saw Operator, Pittsburgh Powdermm-Primer Home _ ........ ............... ...._......... _.............. 8.38 8.0.3 )' ..__..._. .. 4.545 4.595 4.995 5.045 SAS 5.943 Primer Man _......_......... ... .............. _..__......__.......... 6.38 0.03 Shaft and Raise Miner .... ....... ........... .......... ._.................... ............. 8.03 0.78 Ooeratm of Pneumatic, Cu. 5255 Shotcrete. Man............................................................................... 8.38 8.03 Electric Tools, Vibrating Steel Form Racer and Setter..........-............................................ e.38 8.03 Mao6ines 6c similar me- 4.805 Swamper (Brakeman be Switchman on Tunnel Work) ................ 8.13 5.78 ehaminl tools not sopa- ii rl ud- e ipound aborsttoer Timberium, RetimbermaA-wood or steel ... ............. .................. 6.38 0.03 rarely classified herein _...... 4.755 4.805 5.305• .5.355 5805 5255 Toot Mao ............. ...................... ............. ...................... a ............... . 0.13 S.78 Pilayer turning all serve- peTunnel 5.625 Tuel Concrete Finisher........_._.................._............................. un Materials Handling Man ............................................_..: 8.38 0.13 6.03 5.78 lar in the laying h instal- 4.385 Vihratormam, lack Hammer, Pneumatic Tools (except driller) .... 6.23 5.88 intim of pipe from the piny of receiving pi ire the dOcft 4.905 OPERATING ENGINEERS 5.455 6.005. until completion of all Fomu of in Any a�ny of operation, had of to W6sdow, Cleaner ...........__----- 4545 The following negotiated increases am to be allocated: 4.995 5.045 wi lerul whether Pipe, me- nataillic, con- faltc car nom S.945 854-7/1/71 90-7/l/72 85¢7/l/73 t5t,and any other station, - Health h Welfare- 60 per hole' ti typ of mbolar device used ler the conveying of Perai $1.00 per hour aeir arahah°m or element whetter water, sewae, g Vacation -Holiday Fund -30t per Lour WK gas, air, or other Foreman: 504 per hour over the rate of the highest paid Engineer under his product wlmtxeever and -about regard to the As- supervision. 7/11n turn of material from which CROUP 1........................:.............................................................................$6.53 the tabular material is fab Brakeman ricated__...____......__._._ 4.855 4.905 5.405' 5.455 0.005' 0.455 (a mpresmr Operator Pipe Ieyees Backup Men, Deck Hand mating. granting, making Engineer Oiler of j:lmb, sealing. ca Generator Operator 8r_mr3uding rub- Heavy Duty Repairman Helper ber:rtg her gasket p' pouo :r ! - Pump Operator Signalman ad any and alk is Islas ._._.._._...__.._....._. 4.735 0785 5.285 5.335 5.785 6.235 Switchmen Overims Concrete Vibram - Operator, 70 pounds h GROUP 2._...._....ctor......._............ ..........._..... ...............................;8.77 aver _._.._._.__._...__._.- 4.855 4.905 S.405a 5.455 3.905 0.355 Construction Inspector Power Broom Sweepers; Coning MixerOera Concrete Muer Operator, Skip Type ._.. �D (msA) _.__.._. .4.735 4.805 5.205 3255 5.705 8.155 �A�r Operator Paefabriated Manhole In, Generator, Pum or ComPreawr (2.5 inclusive) stalker _.__......_................... 4.855 4.905 5.405' 5.455 0.005 0.455 Portal Units-pover 5 units, 104 per hour for each additional unit Rigging and Signalling .......... 4.545 4.595 4.995 5.045 5.495 5.945 up to nine units Hydrostatic Pump Operator Oiler Crusher (Asphalt or Concrete Plant) Riprap Stonepaver, placing name or wet sacked urn• Plant Operator, Generator Pump or Compressor civets .......... .............. _.......... 4.735 4.755 5.I55 5.235 5.685 6.135 Rotary Drill Yelper (oiMefd) Skiploader-l5'hcel type up to % yd. without attachment Rods Slinger _-_-.$CW3 $4.855 ;5.755 $5.305 $5.755 $6.705 Rab batyu and Tiller _..._.. 4.755 4.80.5 S.WS 5.255 5.705 8.155 BaadWaster (Nosslemam) -- 4.995 3.045 5.443 5.495 5.945 6.395 Sadblaeter (Pot Tender)..- 4.735 4.785 5.185 SMS 5.885 0.135 4595 4.645 5.045 5.095 5.545 5.995 Septic Taulc DI and In - stalker (Lead Man) _.... .... 4.095 4.745 3.145 5.195 5.60 6.0% Slip Foam Ratsen ..... ........ ... 4.54S 4.595 4.995 5.045 5.495 S.943 Steel Headerboard Man 4c (. sideline Setter -- 4.97 5.02 5.42 5A7 5.93 8.37 Tamper, Berko, Wacker k s4mdar type ._..___....__. 4.735 4.805 5.395. 5.3% S.WS 6.755 Tank Saler k C7eaxr .... -.- 4.67 4.72 5.12 5.17 5.89 6.07 Tarim and Mortarmm ........ 4.595 4.645 5.045 5.095 5545 5.995 7Sr Climber, Faller, Charm Saw Operator, Pittsburgh Chi per or similar type Berm Shicdden ......_.,.__ 4.755 4.605 5205 5255 5.705 5155 TrimCMng Machine, Hand Propelled ..... _ 4.755 4.805 5105 SIM 5.705 6.135 ii rl ud- e ipound aborsttoer IbS Cal so Bellow _.... _. 4.9E5 b 4.725 5.125 5.175 5.625 6.1775 Wstbmm-._.____.. 3.68S 3.935 4.335 4.385 4.635 5285 Welding In construction with lad med work 4.655 4.905 5.405 5.455 6.005. 6.455 W6sdow, Cleaner ...........__----- 4545 4.595 4.995 5.045 5.495 S.945 aLBasa sus ppadinS of imus tee roar above 4.L am,:al aaaaeated tallness,. tradiessa an usadus of 94 par boar above des amwi arse istd •anew. tldtas an vppdba of Ss per ham slaves the ---ad oeladatd luceale. TONNA CLASSIfiCAT10NS Health t Welfar-250; 354-30/3/70 Penrfona54; 804.-10/1/70 Vaaui 254 NOUt Seven mmeorative hours, eluding meal period to began at 7:00, 7:30, in 8:00 a.m. shall constitute a regular day's work for which eight times the srtaight-Sure hourly rate shall be paid on all shifts. Single shift premium #hall not apply on tunnels lest than 200 feet. The classification "Shifter" recrivef 350 per hour differential aver the highest classification over which he has leader?hip. ............................_turn $5.78 Batch Plant era, Po ......_......._....................... $6.13 $5.78 Blaney. K Fore Powdomm....... .............. .._.............. ..... _....... 6.38 6.03 Bull Gang Foreman ................. ..........._..._.....................-........ -- 830 5.03 Bulk Gang Mocker, Trackman _........ ........ ......_....._... ...._.._. 6.13 5.78 Chemical . inimrout........................... ........................._...................... 6.13 5.78 Chemical Grout jetman_............_........- ............ .... ....... ..... .... - 8.38 0.03 Pirkennab....nder_.........._....................._......_......._.. 0.36 4903 5.88 Choc reader. Cabletader ........................ _.. _.__....._....... 827 5.88 Plant Operator Oder GROUP3 _...... ............. ............... .... ..... ... ......- A -Frame or Winch Track Operator GROUP 4 mype attachments)) achene Operator star I Settcr Operator lite) h Cleaning Machine Operator or Concrete) to and including 10 tom) Screed Operator (Aspnut or a IICMml Rockwell Trenching Machine Operator (up to 0 W CROUP 5 .............. -................ ............... or journeyman -trainee required) e commercial power is not used, no less than one generator or is required) wlti-batch plant units not leu than 1 Operator -Oder and 1 .nal employee) Operator (up to and including % yd.) meuer joint Machine Operator (Canal and similar type) Planer Operator ,an (Oilfield type) gine Operator kfaehine Operator (including water wells) )psrator (under 5 tom capacity) tphic Seeder Machine Operator (straw pulp or seed) Marianna lotrnal Full Slab Vibrator Mechanical Berm, rib or ratter (concrete or asphalt) Mechanical f u,uher Operator !concrete-Clary-johwon-Bidwell or similar) Pavement Rreaker Operator (truck mounted, Oder-Journeyman-tiainee nquiresl) Road Oil bluing %Iachine Operator Roller Operater (asphalt or Enah) _rZ_ Rubber Tired Earth Moving Equipment (single engine, up to and ba, $7.01 ;7,18 ;7.31 CROUP 8 stmrk! r P:srlmung Machine Operator Operator ipower-driven hydraulic filling deviea far (over 10 and up to and Including 30 two a or similar type) and Wheel Type over % yd. and up to -Bulldozer, Tamper Scraper up to 100 b.p., flywheel and similar type, up to D-5 and similar types) or Subbing) um car similar type - ad factor, Wagner Pacmr or similar, Operator )pemtor ape Laying Machine Operator lixer and Compressor Operator (Cunite Work) - a Operator (truck mounted) Oiler required r (up to and including 25 too capacity) (Oiler m Journby- required) (Long Boom pay applicable) Operator (Oiler or Journeyman -train« required) (Wham powers not used, m lea than oto generator operator Forklift Operator (over 5 tom) Grade Checker Grabill Operator (Oder or Journeyman -trainee required) Grouting Machine Operator Heading Shield Operator Heavy Duty Re airman Hoist Operator (Chicago Boom and similar type) Kolman Belt Loader and sunder type (Oiler or Journeyman -trainee and similar type -Oiler Or r (Y4 yd. -Oder or Jouneyman-train« re- m tack type) ig Machine Operator (Haeley-Preswell or Shield (tumel) ading Caisson type) (Oiler or Jmrneyman- Rubbw'rtmd Earth Moving Equipment 0rotor (single engine-Cater- p9er Euclid, Athey Wagon, and sum' ar ttyyppees with any and all at 0taients over 25 yds and up to and amain inq 50 cu. yds. struck) Rubber -Tired Scraper Operator (self -loading -Paddle wheel type -John Deere, 1040 and similar single unit) Skiplasder Operator (Crawler and Wheel type over Ilk yds., up to and Operator, Multiple mom Trenching Machine Operator (over 8 ft. depth capacity, manufacturers ral (Oiler or Journeyman -train« required) Tower Crane Operator (two Operators required at all tinea) Tractor Compressor Drill Combination Operator Tractor Operator (my type larger than D-5-100 Flywheel Is and over or similar) (Bull Dour, Tamper, Scraper and Push -!name stogie "gine) Traemr Operator Boom attaehm"q) Tnveling Pape Wrapping, CI«ning and Bending Machine Opentm Tome) Locomotive Operator (over 30 ton) Shael, Backh«, Dragli«. Clamshell Operator, over Y4 yd. and up to 5 tai. yd. M.R.C.1 (Oiler or Journeyman -trainee regrSiredi (Long Boom pay applies CROUP 7 er 25 ton up to and including 100 tom (Long Boom (Oder, Joruneyman-trainee or two operators rz- ator (Long Boom pay applicable) Siler or Toumevmm-feriae ."i ­ ll H, gas or electric) engine) (Euclid and similar type, except Rubber -Tired Earth Moving Equipment Operator, single mglne over fifty (50) yds. struck Rubber -Tired Earth Moving Equi ent Operator (Multiple engine, Euclid, CaWildlar and similar) (/ err 25 Yds. and up to 50 ". yds, Tractor loader Operator (Crawl" and wheel type over 6% yds.) Tower Crew Repairman Shovel, Backhoe, Dmm gline, Clamshell Operator (over 5 on. yd., M.B.C. (Oiler or JeurneYman-traince required) (Long Boom pay applicaSle Welder -Certified Woods Mix" Operator and similar Pugmill Equipment Heavy Duty Repairman -Weld" combination CROUP8_._...................._.........._.._.......................................................... Auto Grader Operator (2 Crade Check,, and 1 addition) employee Automatic Slip Form Operator (Crude Checker, Screedman, Oiler or JounneYman-train required) Crane Operator -e• -r 100 tors (Oiler, Jcurceyman_tram,e or two (2) c -,mars -•. ;c: -,-) ,;,c„g H -cm pay apAcable) Ho= Opesatar, BLL Legs, Guy Derricks or similar types (capable of 1"O `3 ar mcro) 'Wer or journeyman -trainee required) w 111iWA Lxcs}:r a--^ntor (2 operators and oder or Journeyman-haleee Me ulZdFiniahing Machine Operator rperators required) %ipment Operator (multiple engine, ype aver 50 on. yds. struck) n) Operator (Paddle Wheel -Auger t shinq ane another Push Cat, Push. base rite) nits only) or Similar type) $7.41 CROUP9 ..- ............... ...... ...._....................... _...... __.... ......... ..... ._. $8.10 Carl Liner Operator (not less than 4 employee: Operamr, Oiler, Welder -Mechanic, Grade Checker requi deredl ^ Canal Trimmer Operator (Operator, Oiler and too other employee (ant/\ covered by this agreement requlrcd) AeflroDtar Pilot HighBoe Cableway Operator Asmar" Controlled Eartb Movhsg Equipment Operator (no oma Operator shall operate mom than two (2) pieces of earth moving equipmeut at one time) ($1.00 per' how additional to base rate) Wbed Excavator Operator (over 750 on. Yds. pert hour -2 operators d1 Oder "Journeyman-trUmee and 2 Heavy Duty Repairman requil The NBasentlaL ase said above The established elwi&ados and wap scala amt 00 per hour additional Tophic work) 1St per hour SW to 100'; 20t per how for or part= thereof. Oilers face[" up to a em, Belly Dump, ato. (Any combination) - TEAMSTERS Health h Welfare -850 per hour Pemioo--/5t per hour Vacation ✓k Holiday Fund -5S¢ per hour Foreman: When a Contractor employs on his payroll, 9 or mole Temsstfn oppeerraating equipment under the jurisdiction of the Teamsters, ex- dudmg any equipment lea than six tam and maintenance equip. Ne Contractor shall designate one Teamster as Craft Foreman Max he shall receive 350 per hour more than the highest Teamster classi&ation over which he is Foreman. turn A -Frame or Swedish Casae or similar type equipment driver ....._............. $5.735 Rotation................. __......................................... ............... ........... ........... ....... 5.23 Cement Distributor Truck........................................................._................. 5.23 Driver of Dump Truck of less than: 4 yards water level -.......... ...................................... 5.05 4 yards but leu than 8 yards water level .................. 5.08 8 Yards but less than 12 yards water level _.._ ................_....__........ 5.13 12 yards but less than 10 vards water level ................ .._...._ ....... 5.21 16 yards but less Lban 25 yarns water level .... _......_.._..._........_...- 5.43 25 yards but lees titan 40 yar:!s write: level _._.__. __..__.._......_.... 5.89 40 yards or mere water level (surgle unit or ccmbimation ofvehvdes) ...._.._...._..__........._._............._..._.._..... _........_... 6.015 Driver of Truck Legal Payload Capacity: Less than 6 tans• .... ...... ...... ....... ........................... .._......._._..... ...... 5.05 6 tom to 10 tom..................._..........._..__........_....___..._.._. _......... 5.08 10 tom to 15 toys .... _-.._...__.__...._____ ...... __... ._..._.._.._...__.__ 5.13 15 tom to 20 tam .. _. ... ... .._ 5.21 20 tom or more ... .. _ ................................... _ .... 5.43 Driver of Data le, or Dumpster Truck _ ._ .... _, Driver Road Od Spreader Truck __....__....._......__..._.... 5.43 5.23 of Driver of Trawit-Mix Truk -under 3 yards . .... ...... ................ ........_....... 5.29 Driver of Transit -Mix Truck -3 yards or more .... ..._...... ..__....... ........... 5.43 Dumpcsete Truck less than 6% yards water level ................. . ... ................ 5.29 Duanppccrcto Truck, 814 yards water level and over ...................._.......... Terra 5.43 DW 30 and DW 20 Euclid -type Equipment, LeToumeau Pulls, Cobra and similar types o equipment; also PB and similar type trucks when performing work within the Teamster jurisdiction regardless of types of attachment and when pulling Aqua/Pak am1 water mak trailer .. ................................................................................... Fork Lift Driver ..... ........... ........................... ................... ........ ...... ._.......... 6.015 5.735 FuelTruck .. . ............ ...................._............................................ .................. 5.23 pipeline and Utility Working Truck Driver including Winch Truck, but limited to trucks applicable to pipeline and utility work, where ............- ..................................I............ a composite crew u used .... .................. . 5.23 Ana Carrier Driver -Highway, ......................................... ......................... - 5.735 Traffic -Control Pilot Car, excluding moving heavy equipment, permitloads.......__..................__..._._.................._.............._._...._....... $7.51 Truck Creaser and Timman (25¢ per hour additional when working tire 24 diameter) 5.05 m sizes above -inch where .. ....... .............__.............._ Truk Mounted Power Brown 5.38 511 Truck Repairman ........._....._. ._....._...................._................._.............--_... 6.015 Truck Repairman Helper ........ _..._........__..-..... .._...................._............... 5.285 TruckRepairman -Welder ........... ............ ..................... .............. ........ _.......... 6.115 Warehouseman and Teamster...................................................................... 4.97 Warehouseman-Clerk.................................................................................... 5.11 Water or Tank -Type Truck Driver -under 2500 gallate ............_............ 5.11 Water or Tank -Type Truck Driver -2500 gallons to 4000 gallon ........... 5.23 Water or Tank -Type Truck Driver -4000 gallons and over ...................... 5.35 Welder.......... . ................................................................................................ 8.015 Winch Truck Driver -12%t per hour additional when operating power winch, or similar special attachments. 'Includes dl 111t ler tan usaa ata tom. DUSINESS ADDRESSES OF TRUST FUNDS $7,85 CARPENTERS Health dr Welfare Trust for Southern California M. A. Comell h Ca -520 S. Virgil Ave., Los Angel", California 90005 ......................................... ................. 388-8590 CEMENT MASONS Southern California Health rk Welfare Fund M. A Cornell er Co. -520 S. Virgil Ave., Lor Angeles, California 90W5 ....._......_........._ ...........................38&2901 California IBONWORAERS' Field Welfare Plan M. A. ComeR k Co. -5:0 S. Virgil Ave., es, California 90005 ..................................................._... 3863481 Lm Angelere SL, Room 1001, San 995 Mar Francisco, California .......... ...... 392-9077 LABORERS Health h Welfare Trust for Southern California 1844 Wilshire Blvd., Lm Angeles, Calif. 90017 ...... .... _.._....._.... 483-7220 OPERATINC ENGINEERS Health h Welfare Fund M. A. Connell IT Co. -724 S. Parkview Ins Angela, California 900.57 ...... ...............................................3885138 Construction TEAMSTERS Security Fund for Southern California General rarespouden«: 520 S. Virgil Ave., Los Angeles, California 90005 ... ......... _..388.2703 Claims: Teamsters Security Plato, Inc. 1616 W. 9th Streak los Angeles, Calif. 90015 .............................. 386-1300 -3- • rowasi bad b7 ..IAB ANCEEM NUMVING & CONSTAUCnoN TRADES COUNm An neo IM 9evedy Blvd., Lw Angela, Coldomfe 801776 4824= 1971 Sub -Trades HOURLY WAGE RATES OF BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION TRADES UNIONS A1RRafed with the - Building and Construction Trodeo Council of ®range County AFL - CIO 17,31 hast Chestnat Street Santa Am, California 92701 (714) 541-5141 ADDITIONAL. COST ITEMS: F« Subsistence Allowance, Transportation end Trani Two Albeaace. ApPrent-ics Program Coorilutionq atc. contact the Lista Union our it, District Council having jurisdiction. RIGGERS A VITdDERS: Same rage scab to crafts to which they w ia43denta). 8.1-71 ASIEMS ►1.70 1-1.71 Gemmel Foreman JW ab" J.M. Card Helper F« -nn 15 .bow Journeymen Layer ........... -_.._...... $6.29 Asbestos Wo•bn ....... _....... .._ $7.29 Health 8 Welfare ...... ___._ 48 .46 pasia , 35 Seeing, ___.._---------- _._...... .67 .67 Occupational Health .__._.._._ .07 .07 Apprenticeship Training .._._.... A25 .02S ROILERMAKER R HACRSMITH 194-70 .28 Foreman __ __. _-_-___-_ $7.70 v"Oh n ............ _.._..__ .29 AssWeasel Foreman ...ith......... _..__ 7.45 .39 Weasel ol Blacksmith _..._..- 7.20 Appenticeship Training_ .015 L/wio g Wolfe----- .-...-._._.._.� 30 & Pension Plan .;,_.._..... ....._._ Pardon ._-----._._____ .ro Carpet, U -s, Apprerdice Rates vacation 40 .45) App.alicashiP .._.._.......__..__. -'Ail 04 .01 ' RRICKLAYFA - $3.48 Foreman -.Employ 2.7 man- not lest than .30 par hr. above Journeymen F«eman-Empty 7-12 ma, not lass than .73 per hr. above Journeyman F««nan-Empty veer 12 men, not less than $1.00 p« hr. above Journeyman 3rd 6 months ........ _........ --- - 1./-70 5.1-71 11.1.71 bicEla e, R Stone Mason .... __.- $6.45 $710 $7.70 Health 8 Welfare ------- .35 .40 .40 Pension Is .40 Vacation .._._......_._.___ 30 .30 30 Trade PromoOan .-._._-._......... .20 $0 20 - Apprenticeship ......_...._.__-_..... AS .05 AS ER7CKTENDERS (lab«ars) 10.1.70 F1-71 4.1-71 Tendon --- .............. --......._._._.... $5.20 $5.70 $5.85 Health & Walter. ................ .-- 35 35 45 Pauon _....... ..... .... ....-_........... ..... .60 AO 35 Vacation _____._........ ....... _....... . .25 35 .30 CARPET, LINOLEUM & SOFT TILE LAYER 8.1.70 2.1.71 8.1-71 2-1.72 3-1-72 2-1-73 Compel. Lino. & Soft Tit, 7.58 1 Card Helper S-31 Layer ........... -_.._...... $6.29 $6.79 $7.29 $7.64 $849 Carpet Sevrers ..._._.._... 4.26 4.60 4.94 4.94 5.18 5,76 Health & Walfon ...... 11 .29 employe« Pension __.___...___.._ .23 .23 .28 .48 v"Oh n ............ _.._..__ .29 .34 .39 .44 .44 .48 Appenticeship Training_ .015 .015 Pension Plan .;,_.._..... ....._._ 30 Carpet, U -s, Apprerdice Rates A,prsne APPrenficesh;p Trvst ..... _..__..... 04 .01 ' to ------ $3.48 $3.76 $4.04 $4.23 $4.70 2nd 6 months _._._-.._____.._.._ 3.80 00 140 Cot 5.12 3rd 6 months ........ _........ --- 4.13 4.46 4.79 5.02 .5.58 Oh 6 months ...... __...... ..... ......... _ 4.40 4.75 5.10 5.35 5.95 Rh 6 months ....... _..._._....... _.___ 4.78 5.16 5.54 5.81 &46 Oh 6 months __....... _................ . 5.22 5.64 6.06 635 7.06 70, 6 months ..... _.........._._...._. 5.70 6.15 6.60 6.92 7.69 ELECTRICIAN 9.1.70 3-1.71 9-1-71 General Foramen- .... .... ........... __ $9.99 $10.48 $1146 Forams- _-_.__._._-._.-._...._-.-.. 9.07 9.52 10.41 Sub Foreman ............ ... _...... _-. 8.61 9.03 9.87 Cable Splicer .....-.___.._-.__.._..- 8S2 8.94 9.78 Cable Splicer Foremen _....._.._.- 9.48 9.95 10.89 Journeymen Wireme- ------------ 8.15 BSS 9,35 Journeyman Unaman _......._-- 8.15 8,55 9.35 Jo.meymen Technician __._.._.. 8.15 8.55 9.35 Certified Welder -.. .... ... ... .......... 8.15 8.55 9.75 Groundmen 1st yr. ......_._,__....... 6.63 6.96 7.61 Groundman 2nd yr, ... .......... -- 7.01 7.33 8.07 ELECTRICAL STOREKEEPER Iron, Steel S Bridge Spray Swing Stege ..... .... .... ....... 1st year ....... _... ......... ............ . 3.26 3.42 7.74 2nd year .__._-.__.._._.._-._.._..-.. 4.08 4.28 4.68 3rd year ... ....... ... ... _........ ...... _ 4.89 5.13 5.61 40 year 8 there.fter ...__..._..._ 5.71 5.99 6.55 AARENUCE WIREMAN - Journeyman Spray ----- 6.74 Jaurnrym.n SPI -Y, 5-09 Stege.. 6,59 Ist 4 mos. _..... $4.08 Still $4.68 lot Year 2nd 6 mss. _.--___.._.__._ 4.89 5.13 5.61 Id 6 530 S46 6.08 2nd Year tad 6 mos..�___...�..___. S.71 5.99 6.55 lot 6 mos. 6.11 &41 7.01 3rd Y...2nd 6 mot...___-__.._...._._. 6.52 6,84 7.48 fit 6 mos, ...___._._._r._...-_ 6 mos. -._.._.-__...._-.___._..-. 6.93 7.34 7.27 7.70 7.95 4th Yoe, 8.41 Health & Welfare ..._ 35 Journeymen _..............._....... ___.$5.50 $6.00 $6.SO $6.80 Pension _ _ I% $6.56 $7,56 $8.56 Sign Painter ..... .......___._...... ... Apprentice Trust Fund -__ 25.00 annually _.. 5.02 5.42 5.82 -4- RGEVATOR 9.27-A + Peremen $833 �. Mechanic 7.58 1 Card Helper S-31 50 pw cent« _._.._...... ... _____-. 3.79 Health E Welfare .17 1 .035 by Empi... 0 Pa aion _�____._____ -IBS a .055 by Employe. Vacation -- . . . ...... . .. ........ 2% up to 5 Yrs, 4%, 5 yrs. or mon Vausloe wpplemsol �_._._... 2% of reg, hely, rate to eligible employe« GLAZIER 8.1.70 GIas1.r _ ............. _.. _....... $7.01 Laadm.n .._.. ... ... .... .35 above Jourayman Scaffolding4rh Pour ........ .50 p« hr. above Journeyman Health & W.lf.lf.re __..........._...... .30 Pension Plan .;,_.._..... ....._._ 30 6 He6day ,.... _.. .... A,prsne APPrenficesh;p Trvst ..... _..__..... 04 .01 ' LATHER (ORANGE COUNTY AREA) , 10.1.70 L.Mer._....__...............__.-......._._ $7.32 Foremen ___....._.................... 10;: above the Journeymen's rate H.elfh & W.4.re . .35 Penson Plan ._......... -.... _... .... .SD Vacation Plan __.._ .... ... ......-,- .50 ^ Trade Promotion ............ ...... .08 APPrenliceship Tnamir.ininq - 42 LATHER (LONG BEACH AREA) - 10.1.70 Lath« ... .... .... .................... .___... $6.77 Foramen ....... ............. ... ... ........... 375 p« In. above Journeymen Health Is W.ILn - .- . .-- .34 Pension Plan ......... .... ............. .50 Vacation Hen .... .... _.... .. .._... .50 Trade Nomn6on ......._.............. .08 Apprant;... hip Training ........ _... .03 MARBLE MASONS #24 41.70 Marble Sewer _... .. .. _... __..._.. $6.025 Health & W.1f.re .. _._._._.._..... J45 Pension __.. ......._ .. ..............._ 25 Vacation ...._... _.........._- ..... .30 Health & Welfare Insurance ... .04 (deducted from eagrs) MARBLE HELPERS #11 6-1.70 6.1.71 Marble Helper ..._.._...._........... $4.715 $5.005 Til. Insurer,. __ __.. _....-..... .145 (employes pay, .04) Retirement ............. ........... ..... .34 .40 Vacaficn.... .... .............. ....._........ .30 30 Disabdity .._. ...._._... .......... .10 .10 Chnstmes Savings ... _........_. .15 ,20 PAINTERS 7.1-70 Foremen 14 man or lass( ........... .50 above Journeyman rete Fvem.n 15 mon or mere) ... __.... .75 above Journeyman We Brush ..... ..._....... ... ._....._.__... .. $6,49 Brush, Seing Stege .............. ._. 6.74 Iron Steel & 8ddga . __ __ - _ 6,74 Ira.. Steel & Bndpe, Sing Sfage 699 Iron, Steel & Bndge SPI. .. .... 6,99 Iron, Steel S Bridge Spray Swing Stege ..... .... .... ....... .. 7,24 Sandblast« ---_....... ........ 699 Sandblaster Swing Stage .. .. .. 7.24 - Peinfer, 8u•n« -,. .....- _.... 6.49 P.m«h.nger ........ ... ............ 6.99 Sheat Rod Taper . __... ............_- 699 Sheet Rcch tUsing Besmferl ... 7.49 Sheat Rocf jJung $Fm Bos( ._... 7.49 Sbepl.jnc4 W.A., . ... .... _.. 7.89 Journeyman Spray ----- 6.74 Jaurnrym.n SPI -Y, 5-09 Stege.. 6,59 Riggers Cfmbing Steal . . 6.99 Journeyman 8msh, Cdim6;,q Sfoel 699 Jcarneyman Spray, Climbing Steel 7,24 Heelfh & Welfare -.... - ........... .34 Pension _-- ...... ............ ... ..... .34 Life Irsurance .................... ....... .10 Vnr-afion ...- .__...._.-- .... _...... _- ,40 Admini,rative _...._._-, ... ... .05 APprent;c.,Yo f.,d ..- , .. _. .02 SIGN PAINTERS (COMMERCIAL 10-1.70 4-1-71 10.1-71 41-n 10.1-72 Landman (Consfrucfion) ...........1-11517 $5.47 $5.67 $5.87 $6.07 Journeymen (Corstrxfion( ... 5.02 5.22 S42 5.62 5.82 Journeymen (Sign P.;rter( ........ 6.02 6.41 6.82 7.22 7.62 Helper Point & Const..._....- 4.85 5.02 5.25 5.45 5.65 SIGN PAINTER jCOMMERCIAL DECORATOR) 8.17.70 N6.71 8-14.72 2-19.73 Journeymen _..............._....... ___.$5.50 $6.00 $6.SO $6.80 SIGN PAINTER (ADVERTISING) 41-70 41-71 4.1.72 Artist .... ........ .........._............ ......... $6.56 $7,56 $8.56 Sign Painter ..... .......___._...... ... .. 6,02 682 7.62 Helper __...........__.. _......._.. _.. 5.02 5.42 5.82 Haelth 6 Welfare __._.... _....... .... .15 30 Parson ..... ......... ....__..... .I5 75 Vacation ..-.. ........ _.......... _.......... , 4% Paid Holidays ._.......... .._. 3.2 PIPE TRADES 7-1.70 7.1.71 Plumber & SfeemfJter Gedi. Foramen ---.... ...... . ......... .... 20% gros, Journeyman .to Plumoer Is Sream Btw Fn,,man.. IOV '. abou. groes Journeyman rata Plumber ........ .... .... .... ................. .. $7.45$80 itbr .._......._....... _........ StouLead ._$7.45 $8.3,30 leadLea Burner ... _. _... ... ..._.. $7.45 $830 Health & Welfare .........__... 10% of gro„ payroll Penson plan . ........................ toafa of gross payroll Vecafoe & H.Asy.. .............. 13% of gross payroll Apwon!ice & Journeyman Training _.... _. ......._..-._........ le/. 10.1-70 10.741 Utility Rp.l;n. foramen ........_.... $7.04 $7.78 1JeLty Pipeline Journeymen .... 6.79 753 Jo�rnaymus Tr.ia.e .. .,._ 4.00 4-00 Ino fringe benefit, Heath & Wefare _..... 10% 10% for Mdeaa) - Pendon .. .... 16% 16°: V,t.ti.. 6 Ha'.Iday .._.. _. 10:: 10% -5- we APPRENTICE SCHEDULE AND RATE 16 Apprentice Rata to 87 y Of The Jeureayman's R•te CeeR intem•1e IN 2nd Ird 4th Hb 64h 7M 8th 9th 10th lith Asbestos 4 yrs-.. 60 1E -IE -70 Ind+.b.al PpaOrryr Fo•aman ., 10 'Sava Joumayman rata Indes/rid Rpafillar JOarnaymwl.. $7.45 Hadth 6 Wdfan, ........ .... _...... 10% ►«.ion .................... .............. 16%, Vacation Holiday, .._ _..... _.. 13 1 Jwmayman Troi.mq ................. 1 85 7.1.70 74-71 . Irrigdio• 6 le.+ $prinHa.% . .. 16.25 $6.50 Saar E St., D.d, Pipalove, 4.7S 5:00 Health i Wdfan .. ............ 10% Perm" .. .. ..................... Vacation E Holiday, ... .. t1Y ... 17 J Tisideq E Promotion ..._....__.. I ,: PIPE TRACES (Cmtinuod) 1.1.70 9.1.71 Sprinkl. Fitt. Foremen 7S (Wages includes $1.40 per IS, hr..Vaeation( ...... _.._ ................$10.63 111.63 S",db, FMV Journayrnan (Wages includes $1.40 per it. Vacation( ..._.... ..... ......... 9.88 10.88 Health E Wiliam --------- 29 Pend"... ....... ......._._.._._._....... .25 Apprentice Training __.._..._.._. .02 91 94.70 9.1.71 A/C i Rofrig.afion General Fomnan .... ............... $8.94- $9.96 A/C S Rafrig.ation Fitter 75 Forman .__.._._......_.r_..__ 8.20 9.13 A/C 8 liefrigwalion Fitt. ____ 7.45 8,30 Health 6 Wblfan ... ...... _......... .75 .82 Pemion _............._.._.._..__ -._._ 1.20 1.30 Vacation ..................... ........ .-. .85 1.00 Promotion _....__....................... _. .03 .03 Training .._.._._.___------- - .15 .17 PLASTERER 7.4.70 Fwarman......... ....... ..... ..... ........... 5 .375 Abava Journeymen Ple,tere, ... 6.845 Health 5 Welfera......... .__.._.__... .38 Persian ........... _..._.___----- ._._.... 55 Vacation .... ................. _.._.......... _ 35 Trade Promotion DS Apprenticeship ....._...._._..._._.._.. .045 PLASTER TENDER Labwan) 101.70 S-1.71 9.1-71 Plestw Tonder ..._._..._._....._,...... $6,475 $1.02 $7.175 Health 8 Wlfarl .......... _.......... .35 .35 ,45 PMHon ..... ...... ....... _........ 1.05 LOS 130 Vacation ..._....... ......... _.---- .55 .SS .60 ROOFER 9.15.70 Forman ._.__.__._.._.._.__..- $6.64 Sub -Foreman .._._..._....._.._.__ 6.54 Joumaym•n ..._.___._...___... 629 MCH ROOF R DAMP, WATERPROOF Fan016n $7.14 Sub-Fwera•n ...... 7.04 JoumeYmen _____._.__._.._._ 6.79 Cie" C -Man ..._...._............. 4.75 Health 8 Wolfer ........ .33 Refireramt _-_ 35 Vecefl" .25 Oues Check -off ........ _---------- .10 App,mfic.h;p E Training Fund_ .02 Administration .____.__.._. .02 SHEET METAL 7.1.70 1.1.71 7.1.71 M-72 Forman ._�._.._�_..r 11 Joumayman rata Genal Foreman _..__ _. to 18% above Journeymen rah Shad Metal Wwkw _._.._..V._.. SUS {7.48 $8.29 59.29 Health E Welfare .__,__.._.._. 39 .49 .59 AS rami" ��.__- . .40 .15 AS M Inhrnefimd Pension ___.. .15 .15 .15 Vocation ___.._._-_ (0% of grew payeli TERRAZZO WORKERS 7.1.70 Tamaae Worker ____.._._._.. $5.77 Health 6 Wdfa» is Vacation _ ........... _._................ S0 TERRAZZO WORKERS HELPERS 7-1-70 All Mw Machina Wok ... ...... _. $5.17 irwap'60-cad flaw Machina ...... 5.045 Halpw E Floor Machina OF,.... 4.905 Probafionary Mm (90 dap)....... 4.655 Health E Wdf, ..................... .15 Vocetim.. ........................... ... ...... .45 Rpmdian_....................... _.... _....... .025 TILE LAYER *17 9.1-70 6.1-71 Far"." in charge of 3.10 man..,. $2.50 per day more than journeymen Fwentan in charge of I i or mon $5.00 per day mora than journeymen Tile Ley. ........... _..... ........... _.. S5.76 $6.21 Health 8 Wdfan, .................... .145 (Empla4ae pay% .041 Pend" __ .............. _....... .... .... .30 .30 76 .60 AD Ab Prcmofion .... ..... _...... .14 .14 APpran4;eahi. ........ ...... _....... _,. .02 .02 Ti;c 6-;-70 1.1-71 6.1.71 n.. F�.e,pa _....._... .....___....._... $S.ZD $5.19 $5.46 G- -1 .. _._... ._..... _.. _.. 53i 535 5.'4 ..... ...._....__._ .__ .34 .34 .40 74 .I5 .20 V'caflan Sarinq%_...... __....... .... .30 .30 .30 Tile Inwrance _....... ...__.__........ .145 (Employee pap 04) Tib Promotion......._....._..._.._.._.. IS .IS .15 Disability ...... .10 .IO .10 .08 .08 .08 -5- we APPRENTICE SCHEDULE AND RATE 16 Apprentice Rata to 87 y Of The Jeureayman's R•te CeeR intem•1e IN 2nd Ird 4th Hb 64h 7M 8th 9th 10th lith Asbestos 4 yrs-.. 60 70 80 90 "I.M.km Into'_.. 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 Eddlayan b.,,_ SO 60 70 80 90 95 Carp•nfen 6moe_.. 60 6S 70 7S W IS, 90 9S C•mwd Mow,, 6 vos.- 7S 79 93 81 91 9S Glades 1000 SS 60 70 75 80 IS 90 95 Irriq•fi" 6 S.-40 La.n$km 66 74 83 90 es Iron Worker 6m_-70 83 17 91 95 98 L•Mwe 6 mes_... 45 60 68 76 N 92 Marble Mewm 6mes_... 80 83 b -89 92 96 Painters 6 race_._ 60 65 70 75 85 9S 100 PapaMangws 6 ma_ 60 bS 75 80 90 100 Ptaslarem 3mce.._. 45 60 PluMwm 6 a%es_.. 55 60 6S 70 N Pbmhem 6 raes.- 60 64 72 76 823 84 88 92 93.1 100 R,Mgerdim IOpds__ 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 ]Do Roofws 6 n,a..... 6S 70 $0 85 90 95 Shad Mehl 6 mu._. 55 60 6S 70 725 75 775 10 Sign Paintw Imes .... 40 46 52 SS 64 70 76 82 88 94 Sprinkly site, 6mos..... 60 62 66 70 74 78 83 85 06 90 so", S Storm Dreim Sym..... 40 66 74 87 90 Taper SO 65 85 100 Teniae 3 Yrs-- 70 80 90 _ Tib Layer 50 60 65 70 84 11 91 93 100