Resolution Number 06-05-02-07RESOLUTION NO. 06-05-02-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF HOLDING A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2006, FOR SUBMISSION OF THAT PORTION OF CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 06-02-21-03, APPROVING A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT CHANGING THE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF A 10.5 ACRE SITE ON SAN JUAN CREEK ROAD FROM OPEN SPACE RECREATION ("OSR") TO PLANNED COMMUNITY ("PC") AS A "SAN JUAN GOLF SENIOR HOUSING PLANNED COMMUNITY", TO THE VOTERS OF THE CITY WHEREAS, the City Council Adopted Resolution No. 06-02-21-03 on February 21, 2006 entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (MND) AND APPROVING A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA) FOR A 10.5 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF SAN JUAN CREEK ROAD AND ' EAST OF CHATEAU SAN JUAN (ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 666-011- 27)(CAPISTRANO VALLEY GOLF, LP); and, WHEREAS, a referendum petition protesting a portion of the City Council's action was filed with the City Clerk on March 22, 2006, within the 30 days of adoption of Resolution No. 06-02-21-03, as provided by Election Code section 9237. The petition does not protest (i) the Resolution's finding No. 1 (ii) the Resolution's adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration, or (iii) Exhibit A to the Resolution. The petition does protest, except as specified in the preceding sentence, Resolution 06-02-21-03 and request that this portion be repealed by the City Council or submitted to a vote of the people, as prescribed by law. WHEREAS, the City Clerk certified the petition as it contained at least 10% of the signatures of registered voters of the City of San Juan Capistrano, and WHEREAS, California Election Code 9241 provides the City Council with option of submitting the protested action to the voters at the next regular municipal election; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: SECTION 1: That the City Council, pursuant to its right and authority, does order ' submitted to the voters at the General Municipal Election the following question: S� Page 1 of 3 Shall those portions of City Resolution 06-02-21-03, approving a General Plan Amendment re -designating YES a 10.5 acre site, owned by San Juan Hills Golf Course on San Juan Creek Road, from Open Space Recreation ("OSR") to Planned Community ("PC"), with a maximum density of 18 dwelling units per acre, NO for the purpose of allowing a senior housing project, be approved? SECTION 2: That the proposed complete text of the portions of Resolution 06-02- 21-03 Ordinance be submitted to the voters for approval is as attached hereto as Exhibit A. SECTION 3: That the ballots to be used as the election shall be in form and content as required by law. SECTION 4: That the City Clerk is authorized and instructed and directed to procure and furnish any and all official ballots, notices, printed matter and all supplies, equipment and paraphernalia that may be necessary in order to properly and lawfully conduct the election; SECTION 5: That the polls for the election shall be open at 7:00 o'clock a. m. of the of the election and shall remain open continuously from that time until 8:00 p.m. of the same day when the polls shall be closed, except as provided in section 14401 of the Elections Code of the State of California. SECTION 6: That in all particulars not recited in the resolution, the election shall be held and conducted as provided by law for holding municipal elections. SECTION 7: That notice of time and place of holding the election is given and the City Clerk is authorized and instructed and directed to give further or additional notice of the election, in time, form and manner as required by law. SECTION 8: That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution and enter it into the book of original Resolutions. PASSED, APPROVED AND AD OP N t "d d of M 20 6� ATT5ST: � �,// DAVID M. SW R IN, MAYOR CLERK Page 2 of 3 Sr ' STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, MARGARET R. MONAHAN, appointed City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 06-05-02-07 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano at a Regular meeting thereof, held the 2nd day of May 2006, by the following vote: AYES: C UNCIL MEMBERS: Hart, Soto, and Mayor Swerdlin NO UNC ?MEMBER: Bathgate and Mayor pro tem Allevato AIT: OUI�t%IK MEMBER: None Clerk SPPage 3 of 3 RESOLUTION NO. 06-02-21-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (MND) AND APPROVING A, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA) FOR A 10.5 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF SAN JUAN CREEK ROAD AND EAST OF CHATEAU SAN JUAN (ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 666-011-27)(CAPISTRANO VALLEY GOLF, LP) WHEREAS, Capistrano Valley Golf L.P. has requested approval of General Plan Amendment to change the land use designation of a proposed 10.5 acre parcel from the "OSR- (Open Space Recreation) designation to the -2.5, High Density Residential (8.1-18.0. du/acre)- designation for the purpose of future development of senior housing; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended that the "PC" (Planned Community) General Plan Land Use designation would be the most appropriate designation for managing the future development of senior housing on the subject property; andf WHEREAS, on March 2, 2004, the City Council Initiated consideration of a potential General Plan Amendment (GPA) and directed staff to prepare the necessary analysis of the proposed amendment to determine consistency with the applicable provisions of the General Plan and specifically, the Land Use Element, Circulation Element, Housing Element, and Conservation & Open Space Element, and, WHEREAS, the proposed project has been processed pursuant to Section 9-2.301, Development Review of the Land Use Code; and, WHEREAS, the Environmental Administrator has Issued a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) pursuant to Section 15070 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines; has caused a "Notice of Intent to Adopt a Negative Declaration- to be mailed to all real property owners within 500 feet of the project as listed on the County Assessor's property owner's address database; has caused the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) to be posted by the County Clerk and mailed to the State Clearinghouse pursuant to Section 15072 of the CEQA Guidelines, and has otherwise complied with all applicable provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted a duty -noticed public hearing on July 26, August 9, and September 27, 2005 pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code, Section 9- 2.335, City Council Policy 5, and Planning Department Policy 510 to consider the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and to consider public testimony on the proposed project and has considered all relevant public comments; and, WHEREAS, on September 27, 2005, the Planning Commission adopted a resolution recommending City Council approval of the General Plan Amendment based on findings Page 1 of 02-21-2008 SP EXHIBIT "A" that the amendment was consistent with the overall goals and policies of the General Plan — Land Use Element and Conservation & Open Space Element; and, WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a duly -noticed pubiichearing on December 6, 2005; January 17, 2006; and February 21, 2006 pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code, Section 9-2.335, City Council Policy 5, and Planning Department Policy 510 to considerthe proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and to consider public testimony on the proposed project and has considered all relevant public comments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby makes the follow f;„,r",,,Q• The Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) have been prepared and made available for public review pursuant to the Caliifomia Environmental Quflity Act and the City has reviewed all comments received during the public review period and prepared responses to all comments on the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), and has otherwise complied with all applicable provisions of: Calffomia Environmental Quality Act; and, 2. The proposed project is consistent with the policies and objectives of the San Juan Capistrano General Plan Land Use Element including the following policies: Policy 2.2: Assure that new development is consistent and compatible with the existing character of the City. Policy 3.1: Confine higher density land uses to the valley areas outside of the floodplain. Policy 7.2: Ensure that new development is compatible with the physical characteristics of its site, surrounding land uses, and available public infrastructure. because proposed residential development would be age -restricted (55 years or older) consistent with the existing senior housing development to the west, south and southeast; would be restricted to residential densities similar to those associated with the existing surrounding residential development; and, would also be situated outside the floodplain through appropriate grading and construction. 3. The proposed project is consistent with the policies and objectives of the San Juan Capistrano General Plan Housing Element including the following policies: Policy 2.1: Consistent with the Land Use Element, encourage the construction of a variety of housing types and sizes of housing throughout the community. Page 2 of 4 02-21-2006 Sim r 10 r Policy 2.3: To create funding opportunities for the purchase of affordable housing by `very low", `9ow" and 'moderate" income households. because the proposed residential development would be required to provide 30% of total number of dwelling units as "affordable" to "very low" and 'low" income households and such units would be potentially eligible for the City's rental assistance or first-time homebuyers program. 4. The proposed project is consistent with the policies and objectives of the San Juan Capistrano General Plan Conservation & Open Space Element and specifically "Policy 4.1 Assure compatible development is avoided in those areas which are designated to be preserved for scenic, historic, conservation, or public safety purposes." Because the proposed residential development will be limited in scale and acreage so as to be compatible with existing golf course open space resources. Einoorporsted OW, THEREFORE, BE IT .FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the ari Juan Capistrano hereby adopts a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) o those mitigation measures established by Exhibit "A", attached hereto and herein;, and,5is portion of Resolution 06-02-21-03 15not conte NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, thatthe City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby approves: 1) a map amendment to the General Plan, Land Use Element, Figure LU -1, Land Use Policy Map designating a 10.5 acre site as "PC" (Planned Community) per Exhibit "B", attached hereto and incorporated herein; and, 2) a map amendment to the General Plan, Land Use Element, Figure LU -3, Planned Communitles designating a 10.5 acre site as "San Juan Golf Senior Housing Planned Community per Exhibit "C", attached hereto and incorporated herein; and, 3) a text amendment to the General Plan, Land Use Element, Table LU -3-3, Planned Communities, Allowable Use Guidelines establishing land use parameters for a 10.5 acre site per Exhibit "D", attached hereto and incorporated herein; and, ISP -- 4) a text amendment to the General Plan, Land Use Element, Table LU -4, Development Capacity amending the table to reflect the change in the land use designation of 10.5 acres from 01.1, Open Space Recreation" to "Planned Community' per Exhibit "E", attached hereto and incorporated herein; and, Page 3 of 4 02-21-2008 5) a map amendment to the General Plan, Conservation & Open Space = Element, Figure COS -1, Open Space Resources removing the "OSR" (Open Space Recreation) designation from the 10.5 acre site per Exhibit "F", attached hereto and Incorporated herein. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21 `t day February, 2006, by the following vote, to wit: DAVID SW RDLIN, MAYO ATTEST: ib: A: Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. Exhlibit B: General Plan, Land Use Element, Amended Figure LU -1. Exhibit C: General Plan, Land Use Element, Amended Figure LU -3. Exhibit D: General Plan, Land Use Element, Amended Table LU -33. Exhibit E: General Plan, Land Use Element, Amended Table LU -4.. Exhibit R General Plan, Conservation & Open Space Element, Amended Figure COS -1. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO } I, MARGARET R. MONAHAN, appointed City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capietrano, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 06.02-21.03 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano at a Regular meeting thereof, held the 21 n day of February 2006, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hart, Soto, and Mayor Swerdlin NOES: COUNCIL MEMBER: Bathgate and Mayor pro tem Alievato ABSENT: COUNCIL E7 A ARGA ET R. MONAHAN, 'City Clerk Page 4 of 4 02-21-2006 SP EXHIBIT A Final Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program San Juan Hills Golf Course ProjestSan Juan Capistrano, CA Rnux4an ft 060921-07 SP sebsamges e eae 8o,JAcv f WA. Pp rare MMhod of Thnbrg of No. Mmgation Measure VerNketlon Implementation Responsibility Aesthstios Prior to Issuance of the building parmt, the lighting plan shall be revised to comply with the Ctys lighting standards prescribed In Section 0.3-529 for maximum permitted Illumination within the parkingPlan Check Prior to Issuance M Planning Director MM I-1 areas and walkways as well as demonsbole to the satisfaction of the Building Permit Planning Director or their designee that auminallon don not crania off- site light and glare. Air Quelfty Limit maxbnum daily grading area to lees torn 13 acres per day, and use enhanced dust control measures, Including: . - Water all active construction areas at least twice dsey. • Corer all haul trucks or maintain at least 2 feet of freeboard. • Pave or apply water four times dally to all unpaved parking or MM III.1 staging areas. Sweep or wash any she access points within 30 minutes of any Field Monitoring During Grading Planning Director visible dirt dgwsitbn on any pudic roadway. • Cover or water twice defy any on -efts stockpiles of dabrls, din or other dusty matenal. • Suspend all operations on any unpaved surface if winds exceed 25 mph. • Hydmeaed or otherwise stabilize any at arae which Is 10 remain inactive for more then 96 tours eller dosing Is completed. MM 111-2 the atemative fueled equipment when and where fanbie. Field Monllonng During Grading and Construcon Planning Director MM 111.3 fiaquie 90-0ay low-NOx tune-ups for off-road equipment. Field Monitoring During Q�� Planning Director MM II4 Unit allowable kiting to fins (5) minutes for tacks and heavy Field Monitoring During Grading and Construction Planning Director equipment. Rnux4an ft 060921-07 SP sebsamges e eae 8o,JAcv f WA. Pp rare AM MMMon Ra 0602-2f•03 rvxNasr Afaeredrp and RMpaai Pm9n, seeJum fat GwCoues Aqw AkWA Pe9a 2af9 SP Lathed of Timing of Mo. Mitigation Measure VaAgcatlon lmplementetlon Responsibility The applicant of the senior housing/ ongrepate care facility shell price W Issuance of MM III -5 prepare a paint phasing plan stipulating that a maximum or 100 gallons Phasing Plan Building Penni Planning Director of low VOC paint be applied to the dwelling units per day. MM III -B Use pre -waled building mawriek. plan Check Prior to Issuance of Building Perms planning Director MM 111-7 Use high preasure•low volume (HPLV) point applicators with a W pemsnl efficiency. Field Monitoring During Construction Planning Director MM IM Use buret votagky flet paint with 100 grams of ROG per Ifier or leu I Field Monitoring During Construction Planning Director Biological Rasourees MM IV -1 The proposed project will be designed In ensure that two Is no Plan Check Prior to Issuance of Public Works change in storm Water quality, vokans, or velocity, Grading Permit Director The applicant shell either construct the proposed project outside of the breedkpnnesUng beam (identified as February 15 through August 31) or provide robe attenuation such that noise levels do not exceed 60 dBA Hourly Laq at the megin of potential habitat. In the avant constriction occurs during breedinglne ting season, the applicant shell retain the services of an mcouslicel consuhant to - conduct noise mmitomg during grading and construction In order to - prior to Issuance of MM IV -2 identity specific methods of noise attenuation. In addition, the Plan Cheek Grading Permit Planning Director applicant shell also retain the services of ■ biologist to assist in the noise monitoring and methods of elYnustion. The biological consultant will also be responsible for coordinating with the applicable regulalory agencies (La., U.S. Fish and Wildlife Betvbe and California Department of Fish and Game), as a courtsay, and • providing the Planning Director with a brief report suaanarlelng robe _ attenuation melhods/neslfng bird survey results, AM MMMon Ra 0602-2f•03 rvxNasr Afaeredrp and RMpaai Pm9n, seeJum fat GwCoues Aqw AkWA Pe9a 2af9 SP M M M Rao9Oan rin. 064WI-0 SP Woolson Mavea he endRspmae Heeree SwsJ"F6riopC Wa.P.%Wd EWWA, P4030F9 Method of Timing of No. Iflggdbn Measure Verification Implenurnfation Responsibility Close ft of airy mature vagetdon an the silt stat ocaa outside of the bird -beading season. IF, hmvavw, pm)ad Implementation Is necessary - during to bird braactnghesoft season CA., February 15 through August 31), a qudllad blob{ jet &hell conduct a sway for nesting bids, - wtihb three siege prior to the work In to area, and amn Oust m nesting birds In No projed area ward be Impacted by One pro)est ion MM lV-3 Wave nod is Wwff* d. a buffer shell be established between the construction sobildes and the neat so that nesting activities are riot Plan Check Prior to Issuance of Grading PermitPlanning Director Nhrnupted. Tins buffer anal be a mkdmun wkbh of 300 fed (600 fad for roptoraN shall be delineated by temporary fetncbg, and dud remain In offed as long as oasanetlan Is occurring or ural the nod Is no lonngar actNe. No pmW construction dell oowrwM*i five fenced nod zone until u tl Ore young have fledged, are no larger being fed by the parents, have left to red, and will no laps be impscbd by the P*KL The landscape palette dndl utilize nondnvasWe plant species and the Prior to Issuance of MM IV4 palette for the area w gn 200 feet of the southerly ebmm bank of Plan Check Grating Permit Planning Director San Juan Credo &hal be limited to CelOomle native plot species. Cultural Rasourcea Prior to issuance of a grading pormO, fine applicant $hall $ubtrA to the Planning Depalfinad doamemstfon and a qualified archaeologist has Prior to Issuance of MM V-1 been retakrd to mcetiw site dearing, grading• and excavation Plan Check Grading Pinna Planning Director scOvOles, stating the name, modifications. and contact information for the archaeologist. Rao9Oan rin. 064WI-0 SP Woolson Mavea he endRspmae Heeree SwsJ"F6riopC Wa.P.%Wd EWWA, P4030F9 No. Mitigation Mommas Method of Verification Mining of hnplsmanlatlon Responsibility A qualified srchaeologist (defined as an smhaeobglet on the List of Certified Archaeologists for Orange County) shell be retained (at the applicant's expense) by the Cay of San Juan Capistrano and shall be Present at pre aonshucllon meetings to advise conuhucllon contractors about the sensitive nature of cultural monitoring mommenls. A - qualified monitor (defined as an Individual with a bachelors degree in anthropology with archaeological monitoring Cadence), supwAsed by the qualified archaeologlat shag observe on- and offsile construction activities that result In grading, andlor excavating on or below the original ground surface (Including during projeG-rNeied off - MM V-2 els utility [natural gas, electricity, sewer. ureter, drainage,Latta to CRy to Issuance of Planning Director communications, stcj and roadway Improvements). Should bon- PermitPrior Grading Perm human cultural resources be discovered, the monitor shag have the power 10 temponvily halt ordivert oonstrucdori activities until the quelMed archaeologist can determine g the resources are significant and, fi signti nank until recovered by the archeeoiogieL In the event that hurnen remains are discovered, construction adlMlies shall be haltod or diverted until the provisions of 57060.5 of the Health and Safety Code and §5og7.9e of the Public Resolrces Code have been Implemented. - During conshuction/greding activitles, a native American monitor shell observe construction/grading activities prat result In parting. excavating. andlor trenching on or below the original ground surface (Including during project -related off -alto utility [mg, nalural gas, aiectrloily, sewer, water, drainage, communications, ate.] and roadway DuDuring Grading and Duringding MM V.9 Improvements). The Native American monitor shall consult with the Field Monitor Monitoring Planning Dirsolor archaeological monhw regarding objects and remeirhs encountered during grading that may be considered saved or Important In the event that evidence of hurnen remains Is discovered, the Native American monitor atoll verify that the archaeologist has rotilled the coroner. RsadNbn W WM-J?1-W AOWMUm MWbft ndArpdbp Pmaaer SWAM Mal antta�Pmisd JUANA Peer 4 ora IM 1 M M D Rssaadhn NA 00 -MI -0e SO aa4slan a�armrsra ewrreowap RaBrsar Sea Juan FtBB6ayCokrwPlgsC 6aetA Pa0a 6alB Method af Timing ar No. Mitigation Measure VarMeatlon Implementation ResponslCllty Prior to Issuance or a grading permit, a qualilled paleontologist (define as a paleontologist on the List of Certified Paleontologists for Orange County) shall be retained (at the project applicant's expense) by the Prior to Issuance of MM V-4 Cly of San Juan Capistrano and shall be present at lon"Orstracton Leter to City Grading Permit Planning Director meetings to advise construction contractors about to potential occun ncs of paleontological resources locate don and/or In the vicinity of the probed site, as well as morin requirements. A qualified monfior (define as an Individual with a bachelors degree In paleontology end monitoring ermerteax), supervised by the qualilbd paleontabgW, shall be on-site during construction activities tat pawl In the grading and/or exceVetlng of current surface material (Including during pm]ect4ekded oHiile u0lly (e.g.. natural gas, electridy, Bawer, MM Vb water, drainage, communications, etc.] and roadway Improvements) to Fbk1 Monitoring Dufig Onadln0 Pumming Director monitor for palsontobykal resources. Should palsontologloal resources be discovered, the monitor shall have to authority to temponuly halt or divert construction actviWs until the quadric paleontologist can determine If the resources are signticanL , Signtlkanl paleontological resources shall be recovered by the - quallfied palsontologlaL In the event grading uncovers paleontological resources on the site, coilectons of exposed foas4 "I be mode by the paleontologic - supervisor and paleontologic field technician from the Nwlogic units of MM V -S high paleontologic importance. All vertebrate and representative Field MonitorIng During Grading Planning Director samples of mega -invertebrate and plant fossils shall be colacled. Productive apes will be excavated and approximately 2,000 -pound (lb.) rock samples shall be collected to process for micro -vertebrate fossil remake. In the event grading uncovers paleontological resources on to elle, during any earth -moving activity associated with the development of Oft property the paleontologic field teehnidan shall monitor according to the foliowkrg montorkg schedule, whish Is based on the psleontal Importance of the rock unit underlying the area of effect MM V-7 Fold Monilotng Dur Ing Grading Planning Director 1) none -0%(0 days parweek) 2) untmown -40% (2 days per week) 9) low -2g%(1 day per week) 4) high-00.100%(9to 5 days perweek) Rssaadhn NA 00 -MI -0e SO aa4slan a�armrsra ewrreowap RaBrsar Sea Juan FtBB6ayCokrwPlgsC 6aetA Pa0a 6alB Rinsch- No oe-0a-I1-0e FflfleembnSWIJUMNaafi COLIMM timed EMNA rime safe SP Method of Timing of No. Mtigaton Measure Verigeadon Implor adaton .Responsibility In the event grading uncovers paleontological resources on the site, and if any algnYlcerd large fossil remains aro uncovered during earth- moving activides, the flood technician shall divert swUmnoving oWIpmanl away from the site unM he or she hes examined the MM V -t remains. t the remains are determined to be important the field Field Monitoring During Grading Planning Dh actor technician shall remove dam. If warrented, a sample of rock shall be coD&cted for processing, The technician shell be equipped to slow for to rapid removal of fosell remains and/or matrix and thus reduce the potential forconsWctlon delays. In the event grading uncovers paleontological resources on the site, and if significant foul) remains are observed and if sandy restrictions MM V-9 Penn the construction contractor shall allow the field technician to Field Monlicift During Grading Planning Director oaf* determine t the material to significant. At the field tachnldan's discretion, the greGng contractor may aaslsl In the removal of the fossil remains and rock to reduce any delay to corwlracllon. In the event grading uncovers paleontological resources on the ate, . depending upon the paleontologic Importance of the rock unit the rock shall be examined periodically for mlorofoasils by wail or dry screening. MM V-10 If Important fossil remains are found as a result of screening, samples Field Monitoring During Grading Planning Director of sufficient alas to generate a representation of the organisms preserved shell be collected and processed. twasented, onsite or at a convenient location. In the event grading uncovers paleonldogkal resources an the site. fossils recovered from the geld or by processing shell be prepared, MM V-11 identified, and along with the accompanying field nota, maps, and Field Monitoring During Grading Planning Director photographs accessioned Into the collections of a designated, accredited museum. Geology and Soils Prior to Issuance of any grsding pert or building permit, the associated grading or building pians shag be revlewed by the City for conformance with the recommendations established the Prior to Issuance of MM VI -1 Gsnlec eringappy InvestigationbytheCi Prepared Kress n e. Plan Check Grading Permit City Engineer r Aescchrtss, I., end approved by the Cly EngNex or his designee, les, Inc.,and that address liquefaction, seismic ground shaking, erosion, expensive sass, liquefaction, and minted secondary seismic Impacts. Rinsch- No oe-0a-I1-0e FflfleembnSWIJUMNaafi COLIMM timed EMNA rime safe SP M M rbadulen rt-. 054"141 SP Artprdm Arcr kv*V anditporana Program sanuwa pus. w ccs F)pd edtlelA, Papa Tufa Method of Timing of� No. Mitlg.Son Measure I VetiBwtlon hnplemeMatlon tiaeponsiblgfy - Hassrds and Hazardous Materials Prier to to Issuance of any building permit for the dsmdldon. rehabilitation. and addition to the existing clubhouse sbuch" located Prior to Issuance of along the south side of San Juan Creek Road. that portion of the Any Building Permit buidtlg subject to such permit shell be tested for the presence of Field Testing for the Demolition, City Engineer MM VII -1 'uboglm mNeinlrxg matarteld (ACM). In the evam any ACM its found, RehabllRatlon and the ranow of ACM shell be performed In accordance With methods Addition of Existing specified in 8 CCR 1579, SCAQMD Ride 1403 and arty other fad" or Clubhouse Slaleinandstad standards and requirements. Hydrology and Water Quality Prior to the Issuenco of any grading permit, the applicant shall prepare Prior to issuance of MM VIII -1 an Erasion Control Plan and submit it for approval by the City Engineer Plan Check Grading Permit Gly Engknar or his designee. MM VIII -2 Prier to the Issuance of arty grading permit. the applicant shall prepare a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and submit it for Plan Cheek Prior to lesuanm of Gracing Permit City Engineer approval by the City Engkner or his designee. The perking Iota and related golf mum facilities shell be designed to Incorporate porous asphalt, 9 feasible, or a comparable pervlote Plan Check Prior to Issuance of City Engineer MM VIII -3 surface to recaxce the amount of surface runoff emanating from the ale Building Permit that will result from devebpmerd of time proposed project Future devaiopmerd of the senior housing proJxi could result In post - development runoff volumes that exceed the misting runoff Volume by more than 20 percent Therefore, prior to the Issuance of any grading or building permit for the senior housing sae, the project applicant of Hydrology/Hydraulc Prior to Issuance of Cryy Engineer MM VIII -4 that penal shall be required to prepare an hydolowfirydraullo study Study Grading Permit that Includes engineering design features that adaquslely axanmodde post -development runoff conditions rons4hnt with the CWs Master Plan of Drainage and public hedity standards. rbadulen rt-. 054"141 SP Artprdm Arcr kv*V anditporana Program sanuwa pus. w ccs F)pd edtlelA, Papa Tufa Rseobdkn Na. 0607.21-03 fa4akn MW&ft AW RMwd'a FEW" Sae Asn Has aoacw NNaa Eaae1 Pap Oats Sig Method of 'noting of No. Mitigatlan Measurs Verification tmplhw mnuuon Responalblgty All of the ahuctures proposed for the poli course as wall for as the future senior housing shall be located at least one fool above the 100- 00.year yearflood elevation as Identified In find the HEC -RAS Hydraulic A "Is prepared for the proposed protect and approved by to Cly Pura to Issuance or MM VIII -5 Engtroer or his designee. Prior to Issuance of any gredhig or bul lift Plan Check Permit City Engineer permit for improvements within the Raguletory 100 -Year Special FloodBulldiq Hazard District (SFHD), the applicant shall secure Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) appy of a Letter of Map Amendment . .. (LOMA) or later of Map Revision (LOMR), as necessary. Noise Al caatucton and general mahbanance activities. except In an MM IX -1 emergencyM be limited to to Weekday:3N 30 y Field Monitoring During Grading � Planning Director p m., a� 4:of 8.'00 p.m., through Friday, anpm. on Saturday, and prohibited on Sundays and any federal holiday. An construction aquipment shat use property operating muifiere, and During Grading and During MM IX -2 al construction alleging activities sial be performed as far as practical Field Monitoring Planning Director from occupied dwellings andlor sensitive receptors. Boargency adlvltes requiring the use of combustion -powered equipment (dewatering pumps, traffic advisory signs, generators, atc.) During Grading and MM DW shat not o whhin too fed of an Perste Y occupied residence from Fold Monitoring Construction Director 8:00 p.m. to 7:00 e.m. unless a noise protection barrio (well or harm) Is eroded wHMn 48 hours after the emergency Is discovered. Prior to the issuance or any building permits for future senior housing - assisted living units with direct exposure to San Juan Creek Road or I- 5 marc, Individual balconies, decks, patios or balconies with a view of Pr prior to Issuance of iontoPermit MM IXd bamust be equipped with 64bot high parinat tto er barriers. The Plan Check Building City Engineer barriers would need to be solid tam the deck surface upward with a sold base and a transparent upper section with a total average mea density of 3.5 pounds per square foofor the entre barrier assembly. W a common outdoor area Is proposed as usable outdoor space for the .MM 1X-5future senior houdngasslsted Hving project, mitigation through building Plan Check Prior to Issuance of Poennh Director siting design, andfor a 8-foct wall to break the line-ofPermitgltht to any Grading Pe roadway noise source shah be implemented. Rseobdkn Na. 0607.21-03 fa4akn MW&ft AW RMwd'a FEW" Sae Asn Has aoacw NNaa Eaae1 Pap Oats Sig M M M IA AWN Na 0602-21-W Sp e/�elkrr eaamrea ndAsparaa Prne�enr San JwnlW Cel'Cwrae I1rUew FyhaM0. Pe➢e a de Method of Timing of No. Mitigation MNaure VerBkalion implementation ReaponelWlgy Prior to Issuance of building Permits for the future senlor housinp- aseiebd Ung project, the sMicanl wit demonstrate to the setbfadWn of he Planning Director or their desipiwe, a design structure that Is - Plan Ctrck Prior to Issuance of Plennkip Director MM D(-8 adequate to allele rectae between adjacent INtrrp untie and to *roue Building Permit compliance with the City of San Juan Capie MOS maldmun Iraednr noise standard of 45 dBA CNEL. TmnsportstiosrlfraMlc The isvoct applkard *hall be required to participate In the traffic signal Fee Payment Prior to Issuance d Works iP MM XV -1 ImMw nents required at UteValle oa-av. Building Permit Trec Engineer Both components of he proposed project shall contribute to he Capistrano Circulation Fee Program (CCFP) for the Implementation of Palos to Issuance of Public Works MM XV -2 the Circulation Element for futum CRywtde roadway and Intersection Fee Payment Building Permit DirecfbdCAY needs. Payments to he CCFP will be used to fund coruhuoMon to TFaMc Engineer reduce the fubse project-rela ed impacts to a lose than sign8kant 1". The San Juan Creek RoadfAwnlda large (West) fnlerseclion and be Public Works MM XV restdded to dgid-0ul only operations VA.. left and rVd Inbound Imift Plan Chao' Prior to Issuance of Directodelty -3 eatim, ham e applkshall construct a signal, Is acceptable). As an aMm "re" Pertntt Traffic Engineer awn hough warrants am not mat for the fuuae condition. IA AWN Na 0602-21-W Sp e/�elkrr eaamrea ndAsparaa Prne�enr San JwnlW Cel'Cwrae I1rUew FyhaM0. Pe➢e a de Exhibit B ' CC Resolution 06-02-21-03 Amendment to Figure LU -1, Land Use Policy Map General Plan, Land Use Element GPA 03-02, San Juan Hills Golf Site S�' Exhibit C CC Resolution 06-02-21-03, San Juan Hills Golf 4 'Mu ch C�wdlr 11 r of ta: alk December 14, 1999 SP 30 ray6owdry aplwrotNA+anu Sam Qmwdleked/Auwaw Gc Figure LII -3 Planned Communities San Juan Capistrano General Plan SP Land Use Element EXHIBIT D CC Resolution 06-02-21-03 (Note. Added text undedlneW Table LU -3 Planned Communities: Allowable Uses Guideline Planned Community Allowed Land Use Mix Guidelines Crystal Cathedral Ministries 80% Public Institutional (includes reheat center) and PhumedCommunity 20% Assisted Care Facility (wbich may include a wellness center). The maximum floor area (FAR) ratio for Public Inatilutioal may only be allowed if the City deterudoes that the project offers exceptional benefits to the community. Oso Ranch Planned 40% Public butitutional, 30% Affordable Community Family/Senior Housing and 30% Medium Density Residential Pueblo Sem Planned 100% Public Institutional Community Whispering Hills Planned 100% Very Low Density Residential Community Forster Canyon Plauaed 28% Very Low Density Residential, 22% Medium Community Low Density Residential, 25% Medium Density ' Residential, 2% High Density Residential, 7% Open Space Recreation, 7% General Open Space,7% Ligbt Industrial and 2% Public Institutional San Juan Hills Golf Plumed 100"A High Density Residential snbiect to the Commnmity following criteria: • a maximum overall density shall not exceed 18.0 dwelling units per acre (du/acl an 10.5 acres for a maximum of 189 dwelling units commfsed of 15.0 du/ac "market rate" hasfa f 15 dul:.1.0 du/ac for nmoderate income" bousing (11 du); and 2.0 War. for "low income" bousina (21 du). • affordable units subject to 55 year "affordability covenants". • pga ustricted to age 55 veers or older. • a mix of I & 2 stow structures. • significant buffering, at the perimeter of site with lamed open space. • cow, ptual site plea and buffer designs shall be subiect to Drigg Review Commies slid PLnamg Commission review and aaroval prior to the submission of an Architectural Control anolication for the site. SP I 11 I I SO Land Use Element EXHIBIT E CC Resolution 06.02.21-03 Table LU -4 Development Capacity DUs ordu -dwelling unit FAR -Floor Ara Rada - • Doer not include the 93 acres located in to CiVa spbcre of influence. Omwth for tis 93 acre sphere of influence isbased on expected FARs identified above: Public & institutional - 65 taa - 707,950 squsne feet _ Assisted Cwt Facility - 16 acs - 2786794 square fleet Genual Open Space -3 crag Roadways -9 awes . A 1096 reduction in acreage Imbow nide to accurst for undeveloped and meentiy subdivided urs, and vea served by private roads. a Persons Per dwelling mit Is alcubsed based new aveagearwec per dwelling unk of2.91 October 2005 1 San Juan Capistrano General Plan Average Persons per Dwelling lend Use Desigationi Acei Exacted Dwelling Square Feet Unit Populatim2 DUs acre Units Penara Open Space & Raaation Omens open Spece 1,552 0.00011 PAR 6,795 Open Space Recration 648637 0.005:1 FAR 138,739 Neighborhood Park 29 0.005:1 FAR 6,316 CommrmilyPork 134 0.01:1 FAR 58.370 Specialty Park 3 OA5:I FAR 6,534 Reginal Park 579 0.001:1 FAR 25,221 Natural Open Space 449 0MIA FAR 1,956 Rocree0m Commercial 10 - 0.1:1 FAR 43.560 3,404 SUBTOTAL 3.393 287,491 Rnidentill Very Low Density RaidmtLl 1,488 l duho 1.488 4,330 Lov! Density Residential 406 2 duke 816 2.375 Medium ILw Density Residmthd 604 3.3 dusc 1,993 5.00D Medium Density Residential 438 4.5 dulae 1,971 5,736 Medium High Density Residential 528 7.5 duhc 3,%0 - 11,524 High 1)muky Residential 487118 17 duho 2AD6 5,293 Affordable Farml -ins Housims 19 25 dulm 475 1.382 SUBTOTAL 3,643 ,603 112.7 - 2.91 36983 Won -Residential . Neighborbocd Commercial 33 030:1 FAR 287.496 Gmenl Commercial 115 0.30:1 FAR 1,502,8220 industrial Park 133 030:1 FAR 1,738,044 ` Quasi-ladustrial 168 0.30:1 PAR 2,195,424 Agri -Baine® - 74 0A5:1 FAR 151.460 Ulm industrial 36 030:1 FAA 470,448 OfRrr/Raearch Park 74 015:1 FUR SOS,S60 Public&.bstilutionai 186 D.25AFAR 2,025,540 Existing Public Schools 49 015:1. FAR 533,610 Assisted care Facilities 25 0,40:1 FAR i 435600 SUBTOTAL 989 10.147 Special Special Study 7 Vann Los Ria Specific Plan 31 Varig SUBTOTAL 38 R"dwsys 787 P"My 265 TOTAL 8875 12,709 10,434,793 36x490 36,993 DUs ordu -dwelling unit FAR -Floor Ara Rada - • Doer not include the 93 acres located in to CiVa spbcre of influence. Omwth for tis 93 acre sphere of influence isbased on expected FARs identified above: Public & institutional - 65 taa - 707,950 squsne feet _ Assisted Cwt Facility - 16 acs - 2786794 square fleet Genual Open Space -3 crag Roadways -9 awes . A 1096 reduction in acreage Imbow nide to accurst for undeveloped and meentiy subdivided urs, and vea served by private roads. a Persons Per dwelling mit Is alcubsed based new aveagearwec per dwelling unk of2.91 October 2005 1 San Juan Capistrano General Plan tai, ��'�!i �. � i � i ��. � , '.;i� ,