Resolution Number 06-02-21-03RESOLUTION NO. 06-02-21-03 ' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (MND) AND APPROVING A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA) FOR A 10.5 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF SAN JUAN CREEK ROAD AND EAST OF CHATEAU SAN JUAN (ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 666-011-27)(CAPISTRANO VALLEY GOLF, LP) WHEREAS, Capistrano Valley Golf L.P. has requested approval of General Plan Amendment to change the land use designation of a proposed 10.5 acre parcel from the "OSR" (Open Space Recreation) designation to the "2.5, High Density Residential (8.1-18.0 du/acre)" designation for the purpose of future development of senior housing; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended that the "PC (Planned Community) General Plan Land Use designation would be the most appropriate designation for managing the future development of senior housing on the subject property; and, WHEREAS, on March 2, 2004, the City Council initiated consideration of a potential General Plan Amendment (GPA) and directed staff to prepare the necessary analysis of ' the proposed amendment to determine consistency with the applicable provisions of the General Plan and specifically, the Land Use Element, Circulation Element, Housing Element, and Conservation & Open Space Element; and, WHEREAS, the proposed project has been processed pursuant to Section 9-2.301, Development Review of the Land Use Code; and, WHEREAS, the Environmental Administrator has issued a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) pursuant to Section 15070 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines; has caused a "Notice of Intent to Adopt a Negative Declaration" to be mailed to all real property owners within 500 feet of the project as listed on the County Assessor's property owner's address database; has caused the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) to be posted by the County Clerk and mailed to the State Clearinghouse pursuant to Section 15072 of the CEQA Guidelines, and has otherwise complied with all applicable provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted a duly -noticed public hearing on July 26, August 9, and September 27, 2005 pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code, Section 9- 2.335, City Council Policy 5, and Planning Department Policy 510 to considerthe proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and to consider public testimony on the proposed project and has considered all relevant public comments; and, ' WHEREAS, on September 27, 2005, the Planning Commission adopted a resolution recommending City Council approval of the General Plan Amendment based on findings Page 1 of 4 02-21-2006 that the amendment was consistent with the overall goals and policies of the General Plan Land Use Element and Conservation & Open Space Element; and, WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a duly -noticed public hearing on December 6, 2005; January 17, 2006; and February 21, 2006 pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code, Section 9-2.335, City Council Policy 5, and Planning Department Policy 510 to considerthe proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and to consider public testimony on the proposed project and has considered all relevant public comments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby makes the follow' This portion of Resolution No. 06-02-21-03 is not cc 2. The proposed project is consistent with the policies and objectives of the San Juan Capistrano General Plan Land Use Element including the following policies: Policy 2.2: Assure that new development is consistent and compatible with the existing character of the City. Policy 3.1: Confine higher density land uses to the valley areas outside of the floodplain. Policy 7.2: Ensure that new development is compatible with the physical characteristics of its site, surrounding land uses, and available public infrastructure. because proposed residential development would be age -restricted (55 years or older) consistent with the existing senior housing development to the west, south and southeast; would be restricted to residential densities similar to those associated with the existing surrounding residential development; and, would also be situated outside the floodplain through appropriate grading and construction. 3. The proposed project is consistent with the policies and objectives of the San Juan Capistrano General Plan Housing Element including the following policies: Policy 2.1: Consistent with the Land Use Element, encourage the construction of a variety of housing types and sizes of housing throughout the community. Page 2 of 4 02-21-2006 Policy 2.3: To create funding opportunities for the purchase of affordable ' housing by `very low" `low" and "moderate" income households. because the proposed residential development would be required to provide 30% of total number of dwelling units as "affordable' to "very low" and "low" income households and such units would be potentially eligible for the City's rental assistance or first-time homebuyers program. 4. The proposed project is consistent with the policies and objectives of the San Juan Capistrano General Plan Conservation & Open Space Element and specifically "Policy 4.1 Assure compatible development is avoided in those areas which are designated to be preserved for scenic, historic, conservation, or public safety purposes." Because the proposed residential development will be limited in scale and acreage so as to be compatible with existing golf course open space resources. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby approves: ' 1) a map amendment to the General Plan, Land Use Element, Figure LU -1, Land Use Policy Map designating a 10.5 acre site as "PC" (Planned Community) per Exhibit "B", attached hereto and incorporated herein; and, 2) a map amendment to the General Plan, Land Use Element, Figure LU -3, Planned Communities designating a 10.5 acre site as "San Juan Golf Senior Housing Planned Community" per Exhibit "C, attached hereto and incorporated herein; and, 3) a text amendment to the General Plan, Land Use Element, Table LU -3-3, Planned Communities, Allowable Use Guidelines establishing land use parameters for a 10.5 acre site per Exhibit "D", attached hereto and incorporated herein; and, 4) a text amendment to the General Plan, Land Use Element, Table LU -4, Development Capacity amending the table to reflect the change in the land use designation of 10.5 acres from "1.1, Open Space Recreation" to "Planned Community" per Exhibit "E", attached hereto and incorporated herein; and, Page 3 of 4 02-21-2006 5) a map amendment to the General Plan, Conservation & Open Space — Element, Figure COS -1, Open Space Resources removing the "OSR" (Open Space Recreation) designation from the 10.5 acre site per Exhibit "F", attached hereto and incorporated herein. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21 st day February, 2006, by the following vote, to wit: DAVID SW RDLIN, MAYOR ATTEST: R. MONAHAN, CITY CLERK Ex hiU A: Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Exhibit B: General Plan, Land Use Element, Amended Figure LU -1. Exhibit C: General Plan, Land Use Element, Amended Figure LU -3. Exhibit D: General Plan, Land Use Element, Amended Table LU -3-3. Exhibit E: General Plan, Land Use Element, Amended Table LU -4. Exhibit F: General Plan, Conservation & Open Space Element, Amended Figure COS -1. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, MARGARET R. MONAHAN, appointed City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 06-02-21-03 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano at a Regular meeting thereof, held the 21't day of February 2006, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hart, Soto, and Mayor Swerdlin NOES: COUNCIL MEMBER: Bathgate and Mayor pro tem Allevato ABSENT: COUNCIL G1EER: v None � ARGA ET R. MONAHAN, City Clerk Page 4 of 4 02-21-2006 EXHIBIT A Final Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program San Juan Hills Golf Course Project -San Juan Capistrano, CA Resolution No. 06-02-21-03 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program San Juan Hills Golf Course Project Exhibit A, Page 1 of 9 Method of Timing of No. Mitigation Measure Verification Implementation Responsibility Aesthetics Prior to issuance of the building permit, the lighting plan shall be revised to comply with the City's lighting standards prescribed in MM 1-1 Section 9.3-529 for maximum permitted illumination within the parking Plan Check Prior to Issuance of Planning Director areas and walkways as well as demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Building Permit Planning Director or their designee that illumination does not create off- site light and glare. Air Quality Limit maximum daily grading area to less than 13 acres per day, and use enhanced dust control measures, including: Water all active construction areas at least twice daily. Cover all haul trucks or maintain at least 2 feet of freeboard. Pave or apply water four times daily to all unpaved parking or staging areas. MM III -1 Sweep or wash any site access points within 30 minutes of any Field Monitoring During Grading Planning Director visible dirt deposition on any public roadway. Cover or water twice daily any on-site stockpiles of debris, dirt or other dusty material. Suspend all operations on any unpaved surface if winds exceed 25 mph. Hydroseed or otherwise stabilize any cleared area which is to remain inactive for more than 96 hours after clearing is completed. MM III -2 Use alternative fueled equipment when and where feasible. Field Monitoring During Grading and Construction Planning Director MM III -3 Require 90 -day low-NOx tune-ups for off-road equipment. Field Monitoring During Grading and Construction Planning Director MM III -4 Limit allowable idling to five (5) minutes for trucks and heavy Field Monitoring During Grading and Planning Director equipment. Construction Resolution No. 06-02-21-03 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program San Juan Hills Golf Course Project Exhibit A, Page 1 of 9 Resolution No. 06-02-21-03 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program San Juan Hills Golf Course Project Exhibit A, Page 2 of 9 Method of Timing of No. Mitigation Measure Verification Implementation Responsibility The applicant of the senior housing/congregate care facility shall MM III -5 prepare a paint phasing plan stipulating that a maximum of 100 gallons Phasing Plan Prior to Issuance of Planning Director of low VOC paint be applied to the dwelling units per day. Building Permit MM III -6 Use pre -coated building materials. Plan Check Prior to Issuance of Planning Director Building Permit MM III -7 Use high pressure -low volume (HPLV) paint applicators with a 50 Field Monitoring During Construction Planning Director percent efficiency. MM III -8 Use lower volatility flat paint with 100 grams of ROG per liter or less Field Monitoring During Construction Planning Director Biological Resources MM IV -1 The proposed project will be designed to ensure that there is no Plk an Chec Prior to Issuance of Public Works change in storm water quality, volume, or velocity. Grading Permit Director The applicant shall either construct the proposed project outside of the breeding/nesting season (identified as February 15 through August 31) or provide noise attenuation such that noise levels do not exceed 60 dBA Hourly Leq at the margin of potential habitat. In the event construction occurs during breeding/nesting season, the applicant shall retain the services of an acoustical consultant to conduct noise monitoring during grading and construction in order to MM IV -2 identify specific methods of noise attenuation. In addition, the Plan Check Prior to Issuance of Planning Director applicant shall also retain the services of a biologist to assist in the Grading Permit noise monitoring and methods of attenuation. The biological consultant will also be responsible for coordinating with the applicable regulatory agencies (i.e., U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and California Department of Fish and Game), as a courtesy, and providing the Planning Director with a brief report summarizing noise attenuation methods/nesting bird survey results. Resolution No. 06-02-21-03 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program San Juan Hills Golf Course Project Exhibit A, Page 2 of 9 Resolution No. 06-02-21-03 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program San Juan Hills Gaff Course Project Exhibit A, Page 3 of 9 Method of Timing of No. Mitigation Measure Verification Implementation Responsibility Clearing of any mature vegetation on the site shall occur outside of the bird -breeding season. If, however, project implementation is necessary during the bird breeding/nesting season (i.e., February 15 through August 31), a qualified biologist shall conduct a survey for nesting birds, within three days prior to the work in the area, and ensure that no nesting birds in the project area would be impacted by the project. If an active nest is identified, a buffer shall be established between the Prior to Issuance of MM IV -3 construction activities and the nest so that nesting activities are not Plan Check Grading Permit Planning Director interrupted. The buffer shall be a minimum width of 300 feet (500 feet for raptors), shall be delineated by temporary fencing, and shall remain in effect as long as construction is occurring or until the nest is no longer active. No project construction shall occur within the fenced nest zone until the young have fledged, are no longer being fed by the parents, have left the nest, and will no longer be impacted by the project. The landscape palette shall utilize non-invasive plant species and the Prior to Issuance of MM IV -4 palette for the area within 200 feet of the southerly stream bank of Plan Check Grading Permit Planning Director San Juan Creek shall be limited to California native plant species. Cultural Resources Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Department documentation that a qualified archaeologist has Prior to Issuance of MM V-1 been retained to monitor site clearing, grading, and excavation Plan Check Grading Permit Planning Director activities, stating the name, qualifications, and contact information for the archaeologist. Resolution No. 06-02-21-03 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program San Juan Hills Gaff Course Project Exhibit A, Page 3 of 9 No. Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Implementation Responsibility A qualified archaeologist (defined as an archaeologist on the List of Certified Archaeologists for Orange County) shall be retained (at the applicant's expense) by the City of San Juan Capistrano and shall be present at pre -construction meetings to advise construction contractors about the sensitive nature of cultural monitoring requirements. A qualified monitor (defined as an individual with a bachelors degree in anthropology with archaeological monitoring experience), supervised by the qualified archaeologist, shall observe on- and off-site construction activities that result in grading, and/or excavating on or below the original ground surface (including during project -related off - MM V-2 site utility [natural gas, electricity, sewer, water, drainage,Prior Letter to City to Issuance of Planning Director communications, etc.] and roadway improvements). Should bon- Gradin Permit 9 human cultural resources be discovered, the monitor shall have the power to temporarily halt or divert construction activities until the qualified archaeologist can determine if the resources are significant and, if significant, until recovered by the archaeologist. In the event that human remains are discovered, construction activities shall be halted or diverted until the provisions of §7050.5 of the Health and Safety Code and §5097.98 of the Public Resources Code have been implemented. During construction/grading activities, a native American monitor shall observe construction/grading activities that result in grading, excavating, and/or trenching on or below the original ground surface (including during project -related off-site utility (e.g., natural gas, electricity, sewer, water, drainage, communications, etc.] and roadway MM V-3 improvements). The Native American monitor shall consult with the Field Monitoring During Grading and Planning Director archaeological monitor regarding objects and remains encountered Construction during grading that may be considered sacred or important. In the event that evidence of human remains is discovered, the Native American monitor shall verify that the archaeologist has notified the coroner. Resolution No. 06-02-21-03 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program San Juan Hills Golf Course Project Exhibit A, Page 4 of 9 Resolution No. 06-02-21-03 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program San Juan Hills Golf Course Project Exhibit A, Page 5 of 9 Method of Timing of No. Mitigation Measure Verification Implementation Responsibility Prior to issuance of a grading permit, a qualified paleontologist (defined as a paleontologist on the List of Certified Paleontologists for Orange County) shall be retained (at the project applicant's expense) by the Prior to Issuance of MM V-4 City of San Juan Capistrano and shall be present at pre -construction Letter to City Grading Permit Planning Director meetings to advise construction contractors about the potential occurrence of paleontological resources locate don and/or in the vicinity of the project site, as well as monitoring requirements. A qualified monitor (defined as an individual with a bachelors degree in paleontology and monitoring experience), supervised by the qualified paleontologist, shall be on-site during construction activities that result in the grading and/or excavating of current surface material (including during project -related off-site utility [e.g., natural gas, electricity, sewer, MM V-5 water, drainage, communications, etc.] and roadway improvements) to Field Monitoring During Grading Planning Director monitor for paleontological resources. Should paleontological resources be discovered, the monitor shall have the authority to temporarily halt or divert construction activities until the qualified paleontologist can determine if the resources are significant. Significant paleontological resources shall be recovered by the qualified paleontologist. In the event grading uncovers paleontological resources on the site, collections of exposed fossils shall be made by the paleontologic supervisor and paleontologic field technician from the lithologic units of MM V-6 high paleontologic importance. All vertebrate and representative Field Monitoring During Grading Planning Director samples of mega -invertebrate and plant fossils shall be collected. Productive sites will be excavated and approximately 2,000 -pound (lb.) rock samples shall be collected to process for micro -vertebrate fossil remains. In the event grading uncovers paleontological resources on the site, during any earth -moving activity associated with the development of this property the paleontologic Feld technician shall monitor according to the following monitoring schedule, which is based on the paleontologic importance of the rock unit underlying the area of effect: MM V-7 Field Monitoring During Grading Planning Director 1) none - 0% (0 days per week) 2) unknown - 40% (2 days per week) 3) low - 20% (1 day per week) 4) high - 60 - 100% (3 to 5 days per week) Resolution No. 06-02-21-03 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program San Juan Hills Golf Course Project Exhibit A, Page 5 of 9 Resolution No. 06-02-21-03 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program San Juan Hills Golf Course Project Exhibit A, Page 6 of 9 Method of Timing of No. Mitigation Measure Verification Implementation Responsibility In the event grading uncovers paleontological resources on the site, and if any significant large fossil remains are uncovered during earth- moving activities, the field technician shall divert earth -moving equipment away from the site until he or she has examined the MM V-8 remains. If the remains are determined to be important, the field Field Monitoring During Grading Planning Director technician shall remove them. If warranted, a sample of rock shall be collected for processing. The technician shall be equipped to allow for the rapid removal of fossil remains and/or matrix and thus reduce the potential for construction delays. In the event grading uncovers paleontological resources on the site, and if significant fossil remains are observed and if safety restrictions MM V-9 permit, the construction contractor shall allow the field technician to Field Monitoring During Grading Planning Director safely determine if the material is significant. At the field technician's discretion, the grading contractor may assist in the removal of the fossil remains and rock to reduce any delay in construction. In the event grading uncovers paleontological resources on the site, depending upon the paleontologic importance of the rock unit, the rock shall be examined periodically for microfossils by wet or dry screening. MM V-10 If important fossil remains are found as a result of screening, samples Field Monitoring During Grading Planning Director of sufficient size to generate a representation of the organisms preserved shall be collected and processed, if warranted, onsite or at a convenient location. In the event grading uncovers paleontological resources on the site, fossils recovered from the field or by processing shall be prepared, MM V-11 identified, and along with the accompanying field notes, maps, and Field Monitoring During Grading Planning Director photographs accessioned into the collections of a designated, accredited museum. Geology and Soils Prior to issuance of any grading permit or building permit, the associated grading or building plans shall be reviewed by the City for conformance with the recommendations established by the MM VI -1 Geotechnical Engineering Investigation prepared by Krazan & Plan Check Prior to Issuance of City Engineer Associates, Inc., and approved by the City Engineer or his designee, Grading Permit that address liquefaction, seismic ground shaking, erosion, expansive soils, liquefaction, and related secondary seismic impacts. Resolution No. 06-02-21-03 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program San Juan Hills Golf Course Project Exhibit A, Page 6 of 9 Resolution No. 06-02-21-03 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program San Juan Hills Goff Course Project Exhibit A. Page 7 o/ 9 Method of Timing of No. Mitigation Measure Verification Implementation Responsibility Hazards and Hazardous Materials Prior to the issuance of any building permit for the demolition, rehabilitation, and addition to the existing clubhouse structure located Prior to Issuance of along the south side of San Juan Creek Road, that portion of the Any Building Permit MM VII -1 building subject to such permit shall be tested for the presence of Field Testing for the Demolition, City Engineer asbestos containing materials" (ACM). In the event any ACM is found, Rehabilitation and the removal of ACM shall be performed in accordance with methods Addition of Existing specified in S CCR 1529, SCAQMD Rule 1403 and any other federal or Clubhouse State -mandated standards and requirements. Hydrology and Water Quality Prior to the issuance of any grading permit, the applicant shall prepare Prior to Issuance of MM VIII -1 an Erosion Control Plan and submit it for approval by the City Engineer Plan Check Grading Permit City Engineer or his designee. Prior to the issuance of any grading permit, the applicant shall prepare Prior to Issuance of MM VIII -2 a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and submit it for Plan Check Grading Permit City Engineer approval by the City Engineer or his designee. The parking lots and related golf course facilities shall be designed to MM VIII -3 incorporate porous asphalt, if feasible, or a comparable pervious Plan Check Prior to Issuance of City Engineer surface to reduce the amount of surface runoff emanating from the site Building Permit that will result from development of the proposed project. Future development of the senior housing project could result in post - development runoff volumes that exceed the existing runoff volume by more than 20 percent. Therefore, prior to the issuance of any grading MM VIII -4 or building permit for the senior housing site, the project applicant of Hydrology/Hydraulic Prior to Issuance of City Engineer that parcel shall be required to prepare an hydrology/hydraulic study Study Grading Permit that includes engineering design features that adequately accommodate post -development runoff conditions consistent with the City's Master Plan of Drainage and public facility standards. Resolution No. 06-02-21-03 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program San Juan Hills Goff Course Project Exhibit A. Page 7 o/ 9 Resolution No. 06-02-21-03 Mitigation Momtonng and Reporting Program San Juan Hills Golf Course Project Exhibit A, Page 8 of 9 Method of Timing of No. Mitigation Measure Verification Implementation Responsibility All of the structures proposed for the golf course as well for as the future senior housing shall be located at least one foot above the 100 - year flood elevation as identified in final the HEC -RAS Hydraulic Analysis prepared for the proposed project and approved by the City MM VIII -5 Engineer or his designee. Prior to issuance of any grading or building Plan Check Prior to Issuance of City Engineer permit for improvements within the Regulatory 100 -Year Special Flood Building Permit Hazard District (SFHD), the applicant shall secure Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approval of a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) or Letter of Map Revision (LOMR), as necessary. Noise All construction and general maintenance activities, except in an MM IX -1 emergency, should be limited to the weekday hours of 7:00 a.m. to Field Monitoring During Grading and Planning Director 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Construction Saturday, and prohibited on Sundays and any federal holiday. All construction equipment shall use properly operating mufflers, and MM IX -2 all construction staging activities shall be performed as far as practical Field Monitoring During Grading and Planning Director from occupied dwellings and/or sensitive receptors. Construction Emergency activities requiring the use of combustion -powered equipment (dewatering pumps, traffic advisory signs, generators, etc.) MM IX -3 shall not operate within 500 feet of any occupied residence from Field Monitoring During Grading and Construction Planning Director 8:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. unless a noise protection barrier (wall or berm) is erected within 48 hours after the emergency is discovered. Prior to the issuance of any building permits for future senior housing - assisted living units with direct exposure to San Juan Creek Road or I- 5 traffic, individual balconies, decks, patios or balconies with a view of MM IX -4 traffic must be equipped with 5 -foot high perimeter barriers. The Plan Check Prior to Issuance of City Engineer barriers would need to be solid from the deck surface upward with a Building Permit solid base and a transparent upper section with a total average area density of 3.5 pounds per square foot for the entire barrier assembly. If a common outdoor area is proposed as usable outdoor space for the MM IX -5 future senior housing -assisted living project, mitigation through building Plan Check Prior to Issuance of planning Director siting design, and/or a 6 -foot wall to break the line -of -sight to any Grading Permit roadway noise source shall be implemented. Resolution No. 06-02-21-03 Mitigation Momtonng and Reporting Program San Juan Hills Golf Course Project Exhibit A, Page 8 of 9 Resolution No. 06-02-21-03 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program San Juan Hills Goff Course Project Exhibit A, Page 9 or 9 Method of Timing of No. Mitigation Measure Verification Implementation Responsibility Prior to issuance of building permits for the future senior housing - assisted living project, the applicant will demonstrate to the satisfaction MM IX -6 of the Planning Director or their designee, a design structure that is Plan Check Prior to issuance of Planning Director adequate to isolate noise between adjacent living units and to ensure Building Permit compliance with the City of San Juan Capistrano's maximum interior noise standard of 45 dBA CNEL. Trans portation/Traffic MM XV -1 The project applicant shall be required to participate in the traffic signal Fee Payment Prior to Issuance of Public Works Director/City improvements required at the Valle Road/1-5 NB/La Novia intersection. Building Permit Traffic Engineer Both components of the proposed project shall contribute to the Capistrano Circulation Fee Program (CCFP) for the implementation of Prior to Issuance of Public Works MM XV -2 the Circulation Element for future Citywide roadway and intersection Fee Payment Building Permit Director/City needs. Payments to the CCFP will be used to fund construction to Traffic Engineer reduce the future project -related impacts to a less than significant level. The San Juan Creek Road/Avenida Larga (West) intersection shall be Public Works MM XV -3 restricted to right -out only operations (i.e., left and right inbound traffic Plan Check Prior to Issuance of Director/City is acceptable). As an alternative, the applicant shall construct a signal, Grading Permit Traffic Engineer even though warrants are not met for the future condition. Resolution No. 06-02-21-03 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program San Juan Hills Goff Course Project Exhibit A, Page 9 or 9 Exhibit B ' CC Resolution 06-02-21-03 Amendment to Figure LU -1, Land Use Policy Map General Plan, Land Use Element GPA 03-02, San Juan Hills Golf Site Exhibit C CC Resolution 06-02-21-03, San Juan Hills Golf o. uz i awe December 14, 1999 SP Crystd,Cathedml Min'iatnes Planned Cammwnity 30 Q Cfry Boundary Sphere aflnffuance Scuxc: Co�mn/Belcnd/; Iscxbecr, Inc. Hills Figure LU -3 Planned Communities San Juan Capistrano General Plan Pueblo Serra Planned 100% Public Institutional Community Whispering Hills Planned 100% Very Low Density Residential Community Forster Canyon Planned 28% Very Low Density Residential, 22% Medium Community Low Density Residential, 25% Medium Density Residential, 2% High Density Residential, 7% Open Space Recreation, 7% General Open Space,7% Light Industrial and 2% Public Institutional San Juan Hills Golf Planned 100% High Density Residential subiect to the Community following criteria: • a maximum overall density shall not exceed 18.0 dwelling units per acre (du/ac) on 10.5 acres for a maximum of 189 dwelling units comprised of 15.0 du/ac "market rate" housing (157 du):.1.0 du/ac for "moderate income" housing (11 du): and 2.0 du/ac for "low income" housing (21 du). • affordable units subject to 55 year "affordability covenants". • age -restricted to age 55 years or older. • a mix of 1 & 2 story structures. • significant buffering at the perimeter of site with landscaped open space. • conceptual site plans and buffer designs shall be subiect to Design Review Committee and Planning Commission review and approval prior to the submission of an Architectural Control application for the site. Land Use Element EXHIBIT D CC Resolution 06-02-21-03 (Note: Added text underlined) ' Table LU -3 Planned Communities: Allowable Uses Guideline Planned Community Allowed Land Use Mix Guidelines Crystal Cathedral Ministries 80% Public Institutional (includes retreat center) and Planned Community 20% Assisted Care Facility (which may include a wellness center). The maximum floor area (FAR) ratio for Public Institutional may only be allowed if the City determines that the project offers exceptional benefits to the community. Oso Ranch Planned 40% Public Institutional, 30% Affordable Community Family/Senior Housing and 30% Medium Density Residential Pueblo Serra Planned 100% Public Institutional Community Whispering Hills Planned 100% Very Low Density Residential Community Forster Canyon Planned 28% Very Low Density Residential, 22% Medium Community Low Density Residential, 25% Medium Density Residential, 2% High Density Residential, 7% Open Space Recreation, 7% General Open Space,7% Light Industrial and 2% Public Institutional San Juan Hills Golf Planned 100% High Density Residential subiect to the Community following criteria: • a maximum overall density shall not exceed 18.0 dwelling units per acre (du/ac) on 10.5 acres for a maximum of 189 dwelling units comprised of 15.0 du/ac "market rate" housing (157 du):.1.0 du/ac for "moderate income" housing (11 du): and 2.0 du/ac for "low income" housing (21 du). • affordable units subject to 55 year "affordability covenants". • age -restricted to age 55 years or older. • a mix of 1 & 2 story structures. • significant buffering at the perimeter of site with landscaped open space. • conceptual site plans and buffer designs shall be subiect to Design Review Committee and Planning Commission review and approval prior to the submission of an Architectural Control application for the site. Land Use Element EXHIBIT E CC Resolution 06-02-21-03 Table LU -4 Development Capacity DUs or du = dwelling units FAR = Floor Area Ratio • Does not include the 93 acres located in the City's sphere of influence. Growth for the 93 acre sphere of influence is based on expected FARs identified above: Public & Institutional - 65 acres - 707,850 square feet Assisted Care Facility - 16 acres - 278,784 square feet General Open Space - 3 acres Roadways - 9 acres ' A 1096 reduction in acreage has been made to account for undeveloped and recently subdivided areas, and areas served by private roads. z Persons per dwelling unit is calculated based on average persons per dwelling unit of 2.91 October 2005 San Juan Capistrano General Plan erage ons Per 7Feet elling land Use Designations Acres Expected Dwelling SUnit Population' DUs eracre Unitssons Open Space & Recreation General Open Space 1,552 0.0001:1 FAR 6,795 Open Space Recreation 648 637 0.005:1 FAR 138,739 Neighborhood Park 29 0.005:1 FAR 6,316 Community Park 134 0.01:1 FAR 58,370 Specialty Park 3 0.05:1 FAR 6,534 Regional Park 579 0.001:1 FAR 25,221 Natural Open Space 449 0.0001:1 FAR 1,956 Recreation Commercial 10 0.1:1 FAR 43,560 SUBTOTAL 3;404 3,393 287,491 Residential Very Low Density Residential 1,488 1 du/ac 1,488 4,330 Low Density Residential 408 2 du/ac 816 2,375 Medium law Density Residential 604 3.3 du/ac 1,993 5,800 Medium Density Residential 438 4.5 du/ac 1,971 5,736 Medium High Density Residential 528 7.5 du/ac 3,960 11,524 High Density Residential 403118 17 du/ac 2,006 5,293 Affordable Famil /Senior Housing 19 25 du/ac 475 1,382 709 2.91 36,44() 6 89 SUBTOTAL 3,03 112 Non -Residential Neighborhood Commercial 33 0.20:1 FAR 287,496 General Commercial 115 0.30:1 FAR 1,502,820 Industrial Park 133 0.30:1 FAR 1,738,044 Quasi -Industrial 168 0.30:1 FAR 2,195,424 Agri -Business 74 0.05:1 FAR 152,460 Light Industrial 36 0.30:1 FAA 470,448 Office/Research Park 74 0.25:1 FOR 805,860 Public&Institutionai 186 0.25:1FAR 2,025,540 Existing Public Schools 49 0.25:1. FAR 533,610 Assisted Care Facilities 25 0.40:1 FAR 435,600 SUBTOTAL 889 10,147,302 Special Special Study 7 Varies Los Rios Specific Plan 31 Varies SUBTOTAL 38 Roadways 787 Freeway 265 TOTAL 8,975 12,709 10,434,793 36440 36,983 DUs or du = dwelling units FAR = Floor Area Ratio • Does not include the 93 acres located in the City's sphere of influence. Growth for the 93 acre sphere of influence is based on expected FARs identified above: Public & Institutional - 65 acres - 707,850 square feet Assisted Care Facility - 16 acres - 278,784 square feet General Open Space - 3 acres Roadways - 9 acres ' A 1096 reduction in acreage has been made to account for undeveloped and recently subdivided areas, and areas served by private roads. z Persons per dwelling unit is calculated based on average persons per dwelling unit of 2.91 October 2005 San Juan Capistrano General Plan Exhibit F CC Resolution 06-02-21-03, San Juan Hills Golf Conservation & Open Space Element - ' MficOuwt p General Open Space gpeciaryy Park Nahrral Oaen Sp" FIG&MlPark .Ml n Open 308oe Rau eon iq a ,Wwml Cwnmer w J VM. Ne/ghhorhood Park ® AgrFBueineaa Communay Peri 0 Clly Boundary Oephereo/inguonae Figure COS -1 Open Space Resources 0 1/2 IMile a Uz December 14, 1999 30 San Juan Capistrano General Plan