Resolution Number 06-06-20-02RESOLUTION NO. 06-06-20-0 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2006/2007 OPERATING BUDGET AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS RELATED THERETO WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano held a public hearing to consider the proposed Fiscal Program and Budget beginning July 1, 2006, and ending June 30, 2007; and, WHEREAS, the proposed FY 2006/2007 Budget is the basis for the financial and economic implementation of the City's General Plan; and, WHEREAS, the proposed Operating Budget provides for service levels necessary to respond to the needs of the community (excluding capital improvements) and which are deemed appropriate by the City Council, and concurrently provides a work force to fill these service needs; WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted goals and priorities for the coming year and intends to use the proposed Operating Budget as a guide for the allocation of resources to meet these priorities; and, ' WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes that the proposed Operating Budget will require adjustments from time to time, and accordingly, the City Manager is authorized to execute necessary transfers to carry out the scope of services as approved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano, as follows: That the proposed FY 2006/2007 Operating Budget in accordance with Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein for a total appropriation amount of $54,132,770 and as detailed in the Budget Document on file with the City Clerk's Office entitled "City of San Juan Capistrano Budget - FY 2006/2007 is hereby adopted as the Operating Budget for the City of San Juan Capistrano for FY 2006/2007. 2. That the amounts reflected as estimated revenues and transfers in for FY 2006/2007 as shown in Exhibit A are hereby adopted as budgeted revenues for FY 2006/2007. 3. That the amounts reflected as proposed expenditures and transfers out for FY 2006/2007 as shown in Exhibit A are hereby appropriated to the ' department and/or fund for which they are designated and such appropriation shall not be increased except as provided herein. Page 1 of 3 06/20/2006 4. That total appropriations for each fund may only be increased or decreased by the City Council by amending the budget except as provided herein. 5. That the legal level of budgetary control is the fund level. Budgets may not legally be exceeded at the fund level without appropriate authorization by the City Council. ATTEST: That the following controls are hereby placed on the use and transfers of budgeted funds: The City Manager may authorize all transfers of funds from account to account within any department. The City Manager may authorize all transfers of funds from department to department within any fund. The City Manager may delegate the authority to make budget transfers and adjustments. d. The City Manager may authorize budget adjustments involving offsetting revenues and expenditures; the City Manager may authorize increases in an appropriation for a specific purpose where the appropriation is offset by unbudgeted revenues, which is designated for said specific purpose. That all appropriations in the Operating Budget for projects currently underway and remaining unexpended at June 30, 2006, as approved by the City Manager or his designee, are hereby appropriated to the FY 2006/2007 Operating Budget. That all appropriations for outstanding encumbrances as of June 30, 2006 are hereby continued into 2006/2007 for such contracts and obligations. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20`h day of June 2006. ID SWEIADILIN, MAYOR R. MONAHAN, CITY CLERK Page 2 of 3 06/20/2006 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) 'COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, MARGARET R. MONAHAN, appointed City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 06-06-20-02 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano at a Regular meeting thereof, held the 20`h day of June 2006, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hart, Bathgate, Soto, Allevato, and Mayor Swerdlin NOES: COUNCIL M B None AB/�SFPly� COUNCIL M B R• ne CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO TOTAL BUDGET SUMMARY -ALL OPERATING FUNDS H FUND DETAIL STATEMENTS Exhibit A _ am a$mr�o�mm ry Na = N• O 0 POT nP T�� mUN0 N dPp pn . i S Ory a N < N S O On O P O nQ Cl vni��P �OJ.Pp m-ONSpW Ono ryP nO� aWnP<P O_ NOO - O mm P v c LL LL t E g F oma. • �' � ..• g c�'e• 2. ooLL � � p - a�yy"� LL� 2 B'� � m • O _O ; v�� q i n � 0 0� C 333 �5a� aLL��i�a000. s"LL Property Taxes $ 4,153,993 $ 3,949,800 $ 4,179,710 5.82 Sales Tax 6,871,303 8,000,000 8,200,000 2.5C Other Taxes 758,447 774,587 813,009 4.9E Franchise Fees 799,530 820,000 875,000 6.71 Motor Vehicle License Fees 2,428,810 2,131,500 2,180,000 2.2E Intergovernmental- Other 78,450 5,332,300 347,553 -93.4E Licenses, Fees and Permits 2,373,471 2,182,968 2,166,372 -0.76 Current Services 467,107 523,450 511,601 -2.26 Use of Money & Property 392,438 455,867 534,975 17.35 Fines & Forfeitures 1,009,445 1,010,448 1,007,000 -0.39 Other Revenue 32,191 17,000 57,355 237.3E Transfers In 882,847 888.821 904.314 1.74 General Government $ 3,444,950 $ 3,545,073 $ 3,758,594 6.02 Public Safety 5,670,135 6,229,414 6,435,555 3.31 Community Services 2,121,172 2,452,516 2,51 1,066 2.35 Planning 965,249 895,895 991,624 10.65 Engineering & Building 2,515,399 2,791,813 3,126,608 11.9s Public Works 4,336,546 9,712,383 4,627,371 -52.36 Transfers Out 308,838 545,721 591,869 8.4E Draw from Reserves -One Time Costs/Emergencies $ - $ 468,750 $ 250,000 Adjustment for Contingency reserves $ (1,174,013) $ (867,273) Adjustment for Encumrances to Carryover (42,2751 212,235 - Set-aside for CRA Loans (27,155) (334,882) (1,048,008) Set-aside to Reserve for Library Expansion - (200,000) (200,000) Set -Aside for Citv Hall Replacement 1800.0001 1800.0001 Loan to CRA (SOLAG Relocation) $ 484,717 $ 500,277 $ 517,787 2.35 Loan to CRA (Administration/CIP) 552,058 871,380 1,901,878 8.63 City Hall Replacement 800,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 7.2E Library Expansion (2006-07) - 200,000 400,000 1.81 Contingencies (target 50%) 9,681,145 10,386,408 11,003,681 49.92 Encumbrances to Carryover 212,235 - - CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO AGRICULTURAL PRESERVATION FUND FY 2006/2007 TOTAL- PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES TOTAL- ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES $ CURRENT YEAR REVENUE OVER /UNDER/ EXPEDITURES $ CHANGE INAVAILA BLE FUND BALAN AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE, JULY I AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 3 Percent Actual Projected Proposed Change Fro 004/05 2005/06 2006/07 Prior Year 72,101 $ 171,271 $ 173,533 60,0004 $ 60,000 $ 44,150 72,101 S 111,271 $ 129,383 72,101 S 1 1 1,271 S 129,383 )25,278) 46,823 158,094 46,823 $ 158,094 S 287,477 252,298 S 363,569 $ 492,952 A VAILABLE FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 S 46,823 S 158,094 S 287,477 -26.42% 16.28% 16.28% = Description CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT FUND FY 2006/2007 117'51 1\.1F�1wON#Me]#W1:1 Actual 2004/05 TOTAL- ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES $ 92,643 $ CURRENT YEAR REVENUE OVER/UNDER/EXPEDITURES S 38,452 $ Percent Projected Proposed Change From 2005/06 2006,07 Prior Year 125,067 $ 101,856 87,300 $ 147,300 37,767 $ 145,444 CHANGE INA VAILABLE FUND BALANCE $ 38,452 $ 37,767 $ (45,444) AVAILABLEFUNDBALANCE,JULY/ 19,553 58,005 95,772 AVAILABLEFUNDBALANCE ,JUNE30 $ 58,005 $ 95,772 S 50,328 FUND BALANCE JUNE30 $ 58,005 $ 95,772 $ 50,328 AVAILA BLEFUND BALANCE ,JUNE30 S 58,005 S 95,772 S 50,328 Parking Revenue Parking Fees $ 42,186 $ 37,000 $ 46,000 24.32% Parking Permits -Commuter 4,591 4,100 6,300 53.66% Parking Permits -Employees 2,872 1,000 1,700 70.00% Transfers In -General Fund 142,558 171,721 177,569 3.41% Operating Costs: Personnel Charges $ 12,058 $ 13,732 $ 22,929 66.97% Traffic Studies/Engineering - 5,000 2,500 -50.00% Outside Services - 5,000 2,500 -50.00% Utilities 4,645 4,920 5,700 15.85% Facility Lease Payments 97,309 130,200 130,200 0.00% Support Services - 1,800 1,800 0.00% Supplies 1,225 6,000 4,500 -25.00% Printing 555 2,100 1,500 -28.57% Maintenance Supplies 685 3,400 8,500 150.00% Dues/Subscriptions - 375 - -100.00% Grounds Maintenance 13,769 23,250 22,150 -4.730/c Other Maintenance 10,564 16,000 26,000 62.50% Admin/Overhead Charges 1,747 2,044 3,290 60.96% Capital Improvements: Parking Lot Improvements - - - 0.00% Machinery/Equipment 0.00% Transfers from (to) reserves $ S S CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO REDEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION FUND FY 2006/2007 P;escription Reimbursement from CRA $ Actual 2004/052005/06 228,001 ProjectedPercent $ 326,569 $ ••• 0 1 363,941 11.44% TOTAL• • REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCESit Administration Charges City Manager's Office S 56,218 $ 68,090 $ 90,574 33.02% City Clerk's Office 889 5,956 6,742 13.20% Administrative Services 54,339 47,576 70,753 48.72% Planning Services 15,852 16,412 3.53% Public Works -Maintenance 3,783 - - 0.00% Total Administration Charges Housing Charges 0.00% City Manager's Office - 0.00% Adminstrative Services - 20,000 - -100.00% Planning Services 115,327 169,095 176,905 4.62% Total Housing Charges TOTAL• EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES 230,556 CURRENT YEAR REVENUE OVER i i CHANGE/NAVAILABLEFUNDBALANCE $ (2,555) S - S 2,555 AVAILABLEFUNDBALANCE,JULY 1 )2,555) j2,555) A VAILABLEFUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 $ )2,555) $ )2,555) $ - FUND BALANCE JUNE30 $ )2,555) $ (2,555) $ AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE JUNE30 S 12,5551 S 12,5551 S Description CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO FARM PRESERVE FUND FY 2006/2007 Actual UES AND OTHER SOURCES $ 12,500 $ Percent Projected Proposed Change Fro 2005/06 2006/07 Prior Year TOTAL - ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES S 175 $ 1,000 S 1,000 CURRENT YEAR REVENUE OVER /UNDER/EXPED/TURES S 12,325 S 49,000 $ 24,000 CNANGEfNAVA/LABLEFUND BALANCE $ 12,325 S 49,000 S 24,000 AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE, JULY/ (42,284( (29,959) 19,041 AVA/LABLEFUNDBALANCE,JUNE30 S (29,959( S 19,041 S 43,041 FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 S (29,959) $ 19,041 S 43,041 AVA/LABLEFUNDBALANCE ,JUNE30 S (29,959) S 19,041 S 43,041 CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO SWANNER RANCH FUND FY 2006/2007 AVAILABLEFUND BALANCE JUNE30 S 3,388 S 28 $ 28 Percent Actual Projected Proposed Change From Description 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 Prior Year Ranch •• Sales3,500 3,500 0.0 Ranch House Lease Revenue - - - 0.0 Transfers In -General • 24,700 0.0 In-AgTransfers :1 44,150 TOTAL- PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES $ 28,088 $ 80,180 $ 47,650 Ranch Management 11 15,000 15,000 10 Utilities 3,0071 5,650 122.4 Other Maintenance 7,264 6,0007,000 16.6 Machinery. • -• 111'. TransferOut 60,000 20,000 '. TOTAL- ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES $ 24,700 $ 83,540 $ 47,650 CURRENT YEApt+�? R^EVENUE OVER /UNDER/ EXPED/TURES $ 3,388 $ f3,360) $ Transfers from • reserves CHANGE INA VAILABLE FUND BALANCE $ 3,388 $ (3,360) S AVAILABLEFUND BALANCE ,JUL YI - 3,388 28 AVAILABLEFUND BALANCE ,JUNE 30 $ 3,388 $ 28 $ 28 FUND BALANCE ,JUNE 30 S 3,388 S 28 S 28 AVAILABLEFUND BALANCE JUNE30 S 3,388 S 28 $ 28 CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION FUND FY 200672007 Percent Actual Projected Proposed Change Fro' Description L 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 Prior Year A�xe7.`P ify aZ . 'k .. , ..... , ?b s.,.x w. TOTAL- PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES $ 26,060 $ 70,056 $ 86,936 TOTAL - ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES S 40,477 S 70,056 S 86,936 CURRENT YEAR REVENUE OVER /UNDER/ EX)-ED/TURES S 14, 41 7) S - S CHANGE /NAVAILABLE FUND BALAA AVA7LABLEFUND BALANCE, JULY 1 AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 $ (14,417) $ - $ - (6,085) (20,502) (20,502) S (20,502) $ )20,502) $ (20,502) $ (20,502) S [20,502) $ (20,5021 AVA7LABLEFUNDBALANCE JUNE30 S (20,502) S (20,502) S (20,502) CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO HOUSING IN -LIEU FEE FUND FY 2006/2007 Description TOTAL- PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES Percent Actual Projected Proposed Change From 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 Prior Year 115,494 $ 830,981 $ 676,181 TOTAL - ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES $ - $ - $ - CURRENTYEAR REVENUE OVER /UNDER/EXPEDITURES $ 115,494 $ 830,981 $ 676,181 Transfers from (to) reserves - CHANGE INAVAILABLEFUND BALANCE $ 115,494 $ 830,981 $ 676,181 •VAILABLEFUND BALANCE JUL YI 587,340 702,834 1,533,815 • VAILA BLE FUND BA LA NCE, JUNE 30 $ 702,834 $ 1,533,815 S 2,209,996 FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 $ 1,652,834 $ 2,483,815 $ 3,159,996 AVAILABLEFUND BALANCE ,JUNE 30 $ 702,834 $ 1,533,815 $ 2,209,996 Description CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO TRASH IMPORTATION FEE FUND FY 2006/2007 Actual Projected 2004/05 2005/06 REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES $ 312,341 n 4RrW4�':.a) Percent Proposed Change Fro 2006/07 Prior Year 0 S 292,000 a W.,. . TOTAL- ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES $ 147,442 $ 214,027 $ 272,314 CURI7ENTYEARREVENUEOVER /UNDER/EXPEDITURES $ 164,899 $ 15,973 $ 19,686 Transfers from (to) reserves $ - CHANGE/NAVAILABLEFUNDBALANCE $ 164,899 $ 15,973 $ 19,686 AVAILA BLEFUND BALANCE ,JUL YI 151,476 316,375 332,348 AVAILA BLEFUND BALANCE ,JUNE30 S 316,375 $ 332,348 $ 352,034 FUND BALANCE JUNE 30 $ 316,375 $ 332,348 $ 352,034 AVAILA BLEFUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 $ 316,375 5 332,348 $ 352,034 CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT (AQMD)/AB 2766 FUND FY 2006/2007 Percent Actual Projected Proposed Change From 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 Prior Year TOTAL- PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES $ 45,539 $ 38,764 $ 44,207 44,207 150,176 CapitalOutlay-Vehicles 234,479 $ 195,715 Transfer Out-CIP 234,479 $ 278,686 TOTAL - ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES $ $ $ CURRENTYEAR REVENUEOVER IUNDER/EXPEDITURES $ 45,539 $ 38,764 $ 44,207 CHANGE INA VAILABLE FUND BALANCE • VAILABLE FUND BALANCE, JULY 1 AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 $ 45,539 $ 38,764 $ 44,207 150,176 195,715 234,479 $ 195,715 $ 234,479 $ 278,686 $ 195,715 $ 234,479 $ 278,686 AVAILABLEFUNDBALANCE JUNE30 $ 195,715 $ 234,479 $ 278,686 State Grant $ 387,522 $ 1,300,000 $ 500,000 -61 Program Income -State CDBG 39,685 25,000 25,000 0 Program Income -State HOME 180,518 165,000 165,000 0 Other Revenue -CRA Leverage - - - 0 CDBG-Program Income $ 74,600 $ 72,000 $ 25,000 -65.28% HOME -Program Income 155,498 165,000 165,000 0.00% HOME -General Admin (2002) 3,605 - - 0.00% HOME -Housing Rehabilitation (2002) 17,646 - - 0.00% HOME -1st Time Home Buyer (2002) 6,727 - - 0.00% HOME -1st Time Home Buyer Admin (2002) 8 - - 0.00% HOME -Owner Occupied Rehab Leverage (2002) 55,742 - - 0.00% HOME -Owner Occupied Rehab (2002) 115,626 - - 0.00% HOME -Owner Occupied Rehab Admin (2002) 6,385 - - 0.00% CDBG-Planning & Technical Assistance - - - 0.00% HOME -1st Time Home Buyer (2004) - 500,000 - -100.00% HOME -Housing Rehabilitation (2004) - 100,000 - -100.00% HOME -American Dream (2004) - 200,000 - -100.00% CDBG-New Housing Construction (2004) - 462,500 462,500 0.00% CDBG-New Housing Construction Admin (2004) - 37,500 37,500 0.00% Transfers from (to) reserves Program Income $ - $ 47,000 $ $ 57,577 $ 10,577 $ 10,577 CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COPS/LLEBG GRANT FUND FY 2006/2007 Actual Description Percent Projected Proposed Change From 2005/06 2006/07 Prior Year TOTAL- PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES S 117,057 S 101,524 S 100,897 TOTAL - ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES $ 152,390 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 CURRENT YEyA' R REVENUE OVEi? /UNDER/ EXPED/TURES $ (35,333) 1,524 $ 897 Transfers from (to) reserves CHANGE INA VAILABLE FUND BALANCE $ (35,333) $ 1,524 $ 897 •VAILABLEFUND BALANCE ,JUL Y1 59,430 24,097 25,621 •VAILABLEFUND BALANCE ,JUNE 30 $ 24,097 $ 25,621 $ 26,518 FUND BALANCE JUNE 30 $ 24,097 $ 25,621 $ 26,518 AVAILABLEFUNDBALANCE ,JUNE30 S 24,097 S 25,621 S 26,518 CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO EDI SPECIAL PROJECTS GRANT FUND FY 2006/2007 TOTAL - PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES TOTAL- ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES $ CURRENT YEA? REVENUE OVER /UNDER/ EXPEDITURES $ CHANGEINAVAILABLEFUNDBALANCE S AVAILABLEFUND BALANCE, JULY I AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 $ FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 S Percent Actual Projected Proposed Change Fro 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 Prior Year 185,746 $ - $ - 185,746 $ $ AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 S - S - S 1 Debt Service $ 2,420,890 $ 2,240,890 $ 2,090,890 Taxes Fees Other Agencies Federal State -Annual Revenue State -Other Grants County -Annual Revenue County -Other Grants Grant $ to be received Other General Fund CRA Fund Parking Maintenance Fund Sale of Property Bond Proceeds Interest Earned ' TCRP Projects 102 -DO Street Widening, 300'S Calle Aspero to 400'N 1 1 1-D.O. Camino Capistrano Intersection Improvements 1 15 -Camino Capistrano/Stonehill Dr. Intersection Improvements 122 -Del Obispo Street Circ. Improvements and Bridge Widening 134 -Ortega Hwy Widen, D. O. to 1-5 SB On Ramp 135 -Camino Cap Bus Turnout @ La Zanja St. 141-1-5 Interchange @ Ortega Hwy Prelim. Design 145 -Ortega Highway Traffic Signal Timing and Coordination Camino Cap SB Right Turn Improv/Oso Rd J. Serra Rd/Rancho Viejo Rd Intersection Improvements Rancho Viejo Rd & Highland Dr. Traffic Signal SJ Creek Rd. Widen., Valle Rd to Cam. Cap OTHER CIRCULATION PROJECTS 1 105 -Crack Seal 109 -Ortega Hwy Widening, 1-5 to Rancho Viejo Rd. 1 12 -Commuter Parking Surveillance 119 - Preventative Street Maintenance 125 -Los Rios Parking Lot and Signage 127 -Arterial St. Major Rehab Project Design 132-Miscellanneous Engineering 144 -Underground Utilities District 99-01 401-CCFP Administration/Development Oso Road Grade Crossing Safety Enhancement Improvements Del Obispo Street Rehab, Aguacate Road to Paseo De La Paz Del Obispo Street Rehab, Paseo De La Paz to 1000' N of Blue Fin Non-TCRP # 136 -EI Camino Real@Don Juan Retaining Wall Non-TCRP Bus Bench Shelters - 3 Locations Camino Cap (TBD) Non-TCRP Dance Hall Trash Enclosure San Juan Creek Rd Southside Sidewalk (Design) E PROJECTS 128 -Oso Road Storm Drain (Reimbursement) 130 -Calle Resplendor Drain Rancho Sierra Vista Storm Drain Storm Drain Master Plan Sun Ranch Drainage Easement Study PARK/EQUESTRIAN/OPEN SPACE PROJECTS 124-Vereda Bikeway Undercrossing 451 -New Trail - Los Mares Trail Phase 2 453 -Parra Adobe Structural Stabilization 454 -San Juan Cap Regional Library Rehabilitation 455 -Blas Aguuilar Adobe (Phase C) Roof Improvements 456 -Harrison House Rehabilitation 460-Swanner House Complex Painting/Repair 465 -Los Rios Park Master Plan 468 -New Recreational Trail Improvements/Eastments 47 1 -Creekside Park Ext (DP) @ Calle Jardin 473 -Parra Adobe/Harrison House Master Plan 476 -Community Center Parking Lot Improvements HTC Park Lighting Structures/Installation Marco Forster Electrical Enclosure from (to) reserves Long-term receivables Taxes Fees Other Agencies Federal State -Annual Revenue State -Other Grants County -Annual Revenue County -Other Grants Other General Fund AOMD Fund Parking Maintenance Fund Sale of Property Bond Proceeds Interest Earned ' SEWER PROJECTS 119 - Preventative Street Maintenance 71 1-SOCWA PC2r 716-Hyd Cap. Proj # 1/#6 - SJ Crk Siphon/Trabuco Crk Siphon 727 -Sewer System Monitoring Project 728 -Major Sewer Repairs 729 -Sewer Protection San Juan Creek Hyd Cap. Proj #2 - Trunk Line Recon, Alipaz St to Calle Jardin WATER PROJECTS 753 -Terminal Reservoir No. 3 754 -Pipeline Improvements (Various Locations) 758 -Demineralization Project 762 -GIS System 765 - Pressure Regulating Station (PRV's) 767 -Undefined Replacement Projects 768-SCADA System Expansion 769 -Cook's Reservoir Repair 784 -Del Obispo Connection Lease 790 -High West Side Pipeline Replacement 791-7605 Reservoir and Related Pipeline Systems 794-SC04 Terminal Pipeline RECYCLED WATER PROJECTS 755 -Recycled Water Pipelines at Various Locations ' 778 -Recycled Water Master Plan Update 792 -Recycled Water - EIR & LILA Recycled Water Advanced Water Treatment Facility at SOCWA Recycled Water Reservoirs Recycled Water System Retrofits 744739 CURRENT YEAR REVENUE OVER /UNDER/ EXPEDITURES AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE, JULY I AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 I L Water Commodity Chgs (DWMP( $ 5,685,068 $ 6,574,253 5 6,869,803 4.50% Customer Svcs Chgs (DWMP( 1,184,410 1,217,493 1,310,504 7.64% Meter, Inspection, Plan Check Fees 107,557 882,571 144,098 -83.67% Other Water Service Revenues 151,805 165,572 182,129 10.00% Investment Interest 28 - - 0.00% Grants & Other Reimbursements - 4,000 5,500 37.50% Sale of Property - - - 0.00% •FAIL- PROJECTED REVENUES AND•SOURCES 7,128,868 8,843,889 8,512,034 1.39% Office/Computer Equipment 6,300 - 4,500 ** Administration/Customer Service 1 ] 8 7$U Personnel Charges 5 274,283 $ 317,137 5 329,684 3.96% Legal and Professional Services 27,956 32,400 35,550 9.72% Other Outside Services - 1,000 - -100.00% Utilities 4,078 5,000 5,080 1.60% Office Supplies/Postage 56,304 53,000 59,400 12.08% Stationery and Printed Material 14,976 15,790 15,290 -3.17% Small Tools & Equipment 723 800 200 -75.00% Training/Meetings 3,914 6,800 8,540 25.59% Mileage Reimbursements 45 250 -100.00% Subscriptions/Dues 305 305 0.00% Repairs 1,239 2,100 1,000 -52.38% Special Expense 83,391 74,800 85,800 14.71% Vehicle Charges 7,200 7,400 7,400 0.00% General Liability Charges 91,925 158,200 256,750 62.29% Admin/Overhead Charges 40,412 44,760 45,381 1.39% Office/Computer Equipment 6,300 - 4,500 ** Administration/Customer Service - Tota/ 1 ] 8 7$U Engineenng/Bu//ding Services Personnel Charges -Administration $ 7,156 $ 4,540 $ 10,588 133.22% Personnel Charges - Development 1,825 1,503 1,610 7.12% Engineering/Building Services - Tota/ a 0 0 W'` 4t Public Works -Engineering Personnel Charges 5 426,639 $ 377,407 5 358,204 -5.09% Engineering/Design Services 4,847 12,000 6,000 -50.00% Utilities 1,610 1,620 1,620 0.00% Other Gov't Agencies 105,036 113,500 113,500 0.00% Office Supplies/Postage 13,256 14,000 14,000 0.00% Stationary and Printed Material 91 100 100 0.00% Small Tools/Equipment 14 200 200 0.00% Training/Meetings 4,872 10,100 6,100 -39.60% Mileage Reimbursements 55 200 200 0.00% Subscriptions/Dues 13,206 12,770 6,670 -47.77% ' Fixed Asset/Occupancy Charges 39,850 49,650 45,650 -8.06% Admin Overhead Charges 61,574 53,767 46,416 -13.67% Office/Computer Equipment - - 6,000 Public Works-Engineer/ng - Tota/'$*, 3046 Public Works -Field Personnel Charges $ 1,111,875 Other Outside Services 94,813 Utilities 306,131 Equipment Rental 1,146 Other Gov't Agency Services 9,306 Office Supplies/Postage 1,950 Stationary and Printed Material 91 Small Tools & Equipment 15,852 Other Supplies 12,924 Water System Supplies 140,218 Training/Meetings 3,763 Mileage Reimbursements - Subscriptions/Dues 2,334 Equipment and Systems Maintenance 78,305 Repairs 2,630 Fixed Asset/Occupancy Charges 75,900 Vehicle Charges 132,300 Admin/Overhead Charges 131,266 Water System- Repair and Maintenance 355,638 Water Purchases (MWDOC) 3,771,452 Other Source of Supply Expense 39,045 Avoided Cost of Imported Water (766,828) Machinery & Equipment 95,900 Pub/ic Works - Field - Tota/ -8.450r Water Operations Transfers 125,600 Transfer to GWRP Fundib;828 155,976 Transfers from (to) reserves $ 1,199,706 $ 1,379,271 14.974 79,859 - -100,004 309,200 313,500 1.394 1,900 3,400 78.954 10,300 5,000 -51,464 1,600 2,100 31.250r 200 200 0.000r 17,700 17,700 0.00°r 18,000 23,000 27.784 198,200 198,200 0.000 6,700 5,000 -25,374 100 100 0.000, 4,900 4,900 0.000r 60,800 64,800 6.580/ 1,000 1,000 0.000r 95,900 87,800 -8.450r 125,500 125,600 0.080r 155,976 163,368 4.740r 412,100 402,600 -2.314 4,232,363 4,133,198 -2.340% 51,700 59,700 15.470 (2,280,000) (2,311,200) 1.374 0.004 S - $ - FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 $ (1,429,577) $ 1940,491) $ (890,632) Contingencies g 0 AVAILA BLEF[/NDBALANCE ,JUNE 30 $ )1,429,577) $ (940,491) $ (890,632) Contingencies target 25%50%) $ 716,987 $ 999,856 $ 1,032,640 CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO WATER ENTERPRISE - GROUNDWATER RECOVERY PLANT OPERATIONS FUND FY 2006/2007 Percent Actual Projected Proposed Change Fro 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 Prior Year - PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES S 2,187,429 S 4,590,925 $ 4,414,072 TOTAL - ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES S 2,419,973 S 4,374,942 S 4,247,771 CURRENT YEAR REVENUE OVER /UNDER/EXPEDLTURES S (232,544) S 215,983 S 166,301 Transfers from • 1 CHANCELNAVALLABLEFUND BALANCE $ (232,544) S 215,983 $ 16,561 AVALLABLEFUNDBALANCE JULY I (232,544) (16,561) AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE,JUNE30 S (232,544) S (16,561) S - FUND BALANCE JLJNE30 S (232,544) S (16,561) S 149,740 AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 $ I2 32.5441 $ (16.561) S Sewer Service Charges $ 2,110,485 $ 2,160,180 $ 2,170,980 0.50% Interest 66,127 100,120 103,000 2.88% Other 12,727 - - 0.00% SOCWA Refund - - - 0.00% ASTI PE15-.., AN A Administration/Customer Service Sewer Service Collection Fees 5 105,702 $ 108,009 5 108,549 0.50% Agmt/Franchise/Tax Payments 105,701 108,009 108,549 0.50% Administration/Customer Service - Tota/ Engineering/Building -Administration Personnel Charges $ 27,151 5 35,901 $ 52,573 46.44°/% Office Supplies 1,899 1,000 1,500 50.00% Admin/Overhead Charges 11,023 11,919 16,698 40.10% Engineering/Building -Administration - Tota/ Engineenng/Building - Engineering Personnel Charges 5 18,028 $ 17,811 $ 4,218 -76.32% Facility Lease Payments 6,000 6,000 6,000 0.00% Admin/Overhead Charges 7,477 5,913 1,340 -77.34% Engineering/Building - Engineering - Tota/ Add tk1r Engineering/Bui/ding-NPDES/Water Ouaiity Personnel Charges $ 19,567 $ 43,733 5 36,180 -17.27% Engineering/Design Services - - - 0.00% Other Outside Services 44,502 50,308 50,962 1.30% Office Supplies/Postage 2,035 4,250 4,250 0.00% Stationary and Printed Material 2,758 4,000 7,200 80.00% Training/Meetings - 2,500 2,500 0.00% Admin/Overhead Charges 8,094 19,886 13,448 -32.37% Office/Computer Equipment - 600 - -100.00% Engineering/Building-NPDES/Water Ouaiity- Tota/ Public Works -Sewer Operations Personnel Charges $ 132,116 $ 232,743 $ 233,262 0.22% Utilities 5,814 8,000 8,000 0.00% Engineering/Design Services 4,207 10,000 10,000 0.00% Supplies & Materials 1,893 9,500 12,500 31.58% Sewerline-Repair & Maintenance 127,823 167,000 170,000 1.80% Vehicle Charges 12,200 12,600 12,600 0.00% Admin/Overhead Charges 35,557 61,383 58,427 -4.82% Public Works - Sewer Operations - Total $#R '' .. 319,61,Q" Operating Expenses-SOCWA SOCWA-General Fund $ 20,410 $ 26,700 $ 23,700 -11.24% SOCWA-Project Committee #2 1,361,600 1,41 1,800 1,503,800 6.52% SOCWA-Project Committee #2 (SO) 7,600 - - 0.00% SOCWA-Project Committee #5 82,800 86,900 93,000 7.02% SOCWA Pretreatment 52,700 52,300 59,200 13.19% OperatingOperatIng Ex erases-SOCWA - Total $ Other Expenses Depreciation/Amortization 5 247,864 $ 248,000 $ 283,854 14.46% Loss on Investment in Joint Venture - - - 0.00% CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND FY 2006/2007 TOTAL- ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES CURRENT YEAR REVENUE OVER /UNDER/ AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE JULY 1 AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 Actual Projected 521 $ 3,416,765. 5 182) $ (1,156,4651 $ S (433,182) S (1,230,026) $ 3,817,095 3,383,913 $ 3,383,913 $ 2,153,887 $ $ 4,039,543 $ 2,883,078 $ Proposed Change Fro 2006107 Prior Year (2,153,887) 2,153,887 604,748 IAVAILA BLEFUND BALANCE ,JUNE 30 S 3,383,913 S 2,153,887 $ - Fixed Asset/Occupancy Charges Vehicle Operation Charges Sale of City Property Interest Other $ 1,399,600 $ 1,600,700 $ 1,596,000 -0.2 290,200 315,400 302,000 -4.2 60,386 - - 0.0 34,447 65,495 80,904 23.5 nn Fleet Maintenance Personnel Charges $ 16,867 $ 24,996 $ 18,433 -26.26% Repair and Maintenance Supplies 13,785 17,500 17,500 0.00% Other Supplies 72,816 65,000 90,000 38.46% Repairs 41,340 56,000 66,000 17.86% Depreciation 116,741 132,000 120,000 -9.09% Admin/Overhead Charges 4,434 6,544 4,627 -29.29% Improv Other than Buildings 44,010 0 0 0.00% Machinery & Equipment 0 43,000 0 -100.00% Vehicles 0 222,500 186,000 -16.40% Fleet Maintenance - Tota/ Building Maintenance Personnel Charges $ 91,727 $ 72,589 $ 76,536 5.44% Network/Computer Services 394,403 410,900 415,820 1.20% Utilities 231,613 211,670 244,670 15.59% Rentals & Leases 38,501 21,770 27,526 26.44% Duplication/Reproduction Supplies 15,712 16,000 16,000 0.00% Postage 25,542 30,000 30,000 0.000/c Commissary Supplies 3,053 6,000 7,500 25.000k Printing 12,508 15,000 19,300 28.67% Custodial Supplies 9,125 11,500 11,500 0.000/c Training 3,607 15,000 15,000 0.000/c Office Equipment -Maintenance 15,439 15,900 21,800 37.1 I% Exterior Grounds -Maintenance 44,212 54,500 55,700 2.20% Public Buildings -Maintenance 310,224 157,450 295,400 87.620/c Other Facilities -Maintenance 518 7,500 37,500 400.000/c Office Equipment-Repair/Upgrade 28,117 20,000 55,800 179.00% Machinery& Equipment -Repair 0 0 0 0.000/c Public Buildings -Repair 34,437 55,900 65,900 17.890/c Depreciation 495,967 488,000 488,000 0.000/( Administrative Charges 24,664 19,004 11,886 -37.460/c Building/Bldg Improvements 0 44,000 52,000 18.180/c Improv Other than Buildings 0 0 0 0.00% Office Equipment 4,689 0 0 0.000/( Computer Equipment 13,472 40,100 86,250 1 15.09% ' Machinery & Equipment 0 0 0 0.000/c CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO FACILITIES OPERATIONS FUND FY 2006/Z007 Percent vALLABLEFUNDBALANCE JULY 1 VALLABLE FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 Actual S (322,890) S 105,172 $ (207,994 2,529,269 2,206,379 2,311,551 S 2,206,379 $ 2,311,551 $ 2,103,557 S 8,091,604 $ 7,792.876 S 7,235,132 VALLABLEFUND BALANCE JUNE 30 S 2,206,379 S 2,311,551 $ 2,103,557 Transfers from (to) reserves - - CHANGEINAI/AILABLEFUNDBALANCE 5 )648,695) 5 6,204) 5 52,973 •VAILABLEFUNDBALANCE JUL Y1 969,181 320,486 314,282 •VAILABLEFUND BALANCE JUNE30 $ 320,486 $ 314,282 $ 367,255 FUND BALANCE,JUNE30 320,486 314,282 367,255 AVAILABLEFUND BALANCE JUNE 30 $ 320,486 $ 314,282 5 367,255 Health Insurance Reimbursement 5 92,323 5 66,300 5 86,400 30.32% Medical Charges 5 739,754 5 807,189 5 872,134 1 Dental Charges 94,621 106,767 104,835 -1.81 Vision Charges 25,807 28,424 31,644 ILK Worker's Compensation Charges 335,215 299,471 372,536 24AC Other Benefits Charges 1,164,347 1,480,901 1,944,328 31.25 Retiree Health Ins. Charges 96,219 150,000 150,000 0.0C General Liability Charges 373,825 518,900 716,750 38.1: Interest 33,669 24,848 25,000 0.61 Insurance Refund - - - 0.0c Transfers from (to) reserves - - CHANGEINAI/AILABLEFUNDBALANCE 5 )648,695) 5 6,204) 5 52,973 •VAILABLEFUNDBALANCE JUL Y1 969,181 320,486 314,282 •VAILABLEFUND BALANCE JUNE30 $ 320,486 $ 314,282 $ 367,255 FUND BALANCE,JUNE30 320,486 314,282 367,255 AVAILABLEFUND BALANCE JUNE 30 $ 320,486 $ 314,282 5 367,255 Health Insurance Reimbursement 5 92,323 5 66,300 5 86,400 30.32% Medical Insurance Premiums 644,455 740,889 775,141 4.62% Dental Insurance Premiums 110,595 106,767 103,562 -3.00% Vision Insurance Premiums 34,656 28,424 31,279 10.04% Life Insurance Premiums 40,062 42,228 35,132 -16.80% Disability Insurance 119,401 141,141 140,565 -0.41% Worker's Compensation Premiums 334,697 299,471 380,842 27.17% Retiree Health Insurance Premiums 103,199 150,000 150,000 0.00% O.C.Employees Retirement System 1,527,368 1,284,111 1,727,079 34.50% ICMA Retirement System 17,654 13,421 17,474 30.20% ' Liability Insurance/Bonds 487,742 549,952 716,780 30.34% Transfers from (to) reserves - - CHANGEINAI/AILABLEFUNDBALANCE 5 )648,695) 5 6,204) 5 52,973 •VAILABLEFUNDBALANCE JUL Y1 969,181 320,486 314,282 •VAILABLEFUND BALANCE JUNE30 $ 320,486 $ 314,282 $ 367,255 FUND BALANCE,JUNE30 320,486 314,282 367,255 AVAILABLEFUND BALANCE JUNE 30 $ 320,486 $ 314,282 5 367,255