Resolution Number 77-12-7-3RESOLUTION NO. 77-12-7-3 HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE CITY'S PARTICIPATION IN THE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM WITH THE COUNTY OF ORANGE WHEREAS, it is the intent of the City of San Juan Capistrano to participate in the filing of an application with the County of Orange for a grant authorized under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1977; and, sY WHEREAS, the Housing and Community Development Act of 1977 authorizes cities under 50,000 population to enter into cooperation agreements with the County in which they are located for the purpose of undertaking essential community development activities; and, WHEREAS, the federal government requires participating cities to provide a statement of assurances that the funds will be obtained and utilized pursuant to federal law and policy; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that the City adopt a Housing Assistance Plan before filing an application with the County of Orange for funding authorized under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1977. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby approve and adopt a cooperation agreement with the County of Orange (Exhibit A), a statement of assurances (Exhibit B), and a Housing Assistance Plan (Exhibit C) in order to obtain funding for the projects included in the City's grant proposal (Exhibit D). PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of December, 1977, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Sweeney, McDowell, Friess, Nash and Mayor Heckscher NOES: None ABSENT: None ON O. HECKSCHER, MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK/' STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, MARY ANN HANOVER, City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 77-12-7-3, adopted by the -1- 62 City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 7th day of December , 1977. (SEAL) MARY ANN%HANOVER', CITY CLERK STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) MARY ANN HANOVER, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed and qualified City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano; That in compliance with State laws of the State of California and in further compliance with City Resolution No. 76-12-15-10 and on the 9th day of December 1977_, she caused to be posted: RESOLUTION NO. 77-12-7-3 being: HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE CITY'S PARTICIPATION IN THE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOP- MENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM WITH THE COUNTY OF ORANGE in three (3) public places in the City of San Juan Capistrano, to wit: The Administration Building; The Post Office; The Orange County Public Library. MARY ANN HANOVER, Cit Cleft)' San Juan Capistrano, Ca'ifornia CHECK LIST '7 y 3, ORD. N0._....._. RES. NO............ Mayor has signed �..-.----- t� Clerk has signed ............ City Seal stamped __.....— All blanks typed in .Absent.. ....../�L. cn2;e_...................... _..... ..Noes".....-----s`-`=Qe— .......................... .............. Typed in Official Record Book -- Posted to Classified Cards .......... .1. Copies sent .............. Legal Publication ordered to be published (date) ..........................-----..... ...---- - No. Affidavits ..................... No. Printed copies required Remarks ..................--- —2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11' 12 13 14 15 iG 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 30 31 63 COOPERATION ACRF.F.>IE'IT THIS AGREE:IE\'T entered into this _ day of , 19 by and between the County of Orange, hereafter "COUNTY's and the City of San Juan Capistrano , hereafter "CITY". .. G"dEREAS, Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1977s hare— after "ACT makes available to cities under 50,000 population and the unincorpor— ated area'of the County of Orange certain sums to be used for a broad range of housin and community development activities, and WHEREAS, said -ACT authorizes such cities to enter into cooperation agreements with COUNTY for the purpose ofundertaking or assisting in the undertaking of essenti community development and housing assistance activities; �:Ow, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: '1. This Agreement shall constitute a cooperation agreement, between the parties within the meaning of Section 102(a)(6) of the ACT. The parties agree to cooperate in the undertaking, or assisting in undertaking, essential community development and hotu'ing assistance activities, especially urban renewal and publicly assisted housinJ 2. COUNTY shall be responsible for the preparation, adoption, and submission of an Urban County Application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, hereinafter "HUD". In the preparation of said application, COUNTY shall give due consideration to CITY's analysis of community development needs and proposed activit 3. CITY- shall comply with the community development plan and program and the housing assistance plan which are developed pursuant to said application, and all la regulations and policies applicable to said grant. 4. 'In the event COU\TY's Urban County application is approved by HUD. COMM shall forward to CITY any such grant funds received from HUD which are attributable i to activities conducted by CITY, unless another form of distribution is required by the ACT. 5. The activities to be un•Jetaken during the term of this Agree=ent will be chosen by CITY from the following listing. a. Acquisition of Real Property Is. Publfe idorkc, Faei"_tics. Site 1-provencnts Exhibit A mo .+. ,.:, . 1 e. Code Enforcement 2 d. Clearance, Demolition, Rehabilitation i -3 e. Rehabilitation loans and Croats 4 f. Special Projects for Elderly and Handicapped l 5 - 'g. Payments.for Loss of Rental Income 6 h. Disposition of Real Property 7 1. Provision of Public Services 8 J. Payment of Non -Federal Shares 9 k. Completion of Urban Renewal Projects 10 1. Relocation Payments and Assistance 11 m. Planning and Management Development ' 12 n. Administrative - - 13 - o. Continuation of Model Cities Activities 14 6. CITY shall be responsible for carrying out all approved projects located 15 in CIT', including all necessary record keeping. 16 7. The term of this Cooperation Agreement shall be for one year commencing wit 17 the approval by HUD of COUNTY's application." - 18 8. (a) CITY shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend COUNTY, its officers, 19 agents and employees against all liability, claims, losses, demands and actions for 20 injury to or death of persons or damage to property arising out of or alleged to aria 21 out or in consequence of this Agreement, provided such liability, claims, demands, 22 losses or actions are claimed to be due to the acts or omissions of CITY, its off ices 28 agents or employees in the performance of this Agreement, including any activities 24 conducted by CITY. - 25 (b) In addition, City shall indemnify and hold harmless COUNTY against an: 26 liability, claims, losses, demands, and actions incurred by COUNTY as a result of a 27 determination by HUD that activities undertaken by CITY. failed to comply with any la+ 28 regulations, or polities applicable thereto or that any funds forwarded to CITY Linde 29 this Agreement were improperly expended. 30 (e) The provisions of paragraphs 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of Section 2773 of 31 the California Civil Code, as said section exists on the effective date of this A,^.m nn rv•nt, shall be applicable to the above indemnification provisions.. Transmittal to _2 - Exhibit A 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 i2 13 14 is 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25' 26 27 23 29 30 31 32 District of any pleadings served shall be deemed to be a request to defend. g. COUNTY shall have the right to audit CITY's records to determine compliance with this Agreement. I� LZTSESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement the date last executed below. DAIED: COUNTY OF ORANGE By Chairman, Board of Supervisors DATED: November 16, 1977 CITY OF SAN a9 N raarcmaamn YVO O. HECESCHER, MAYOR ATTEST: CITY Ch APPROVED AS TO FORM: ..• ' CTY ATTORNEY -- M r • a U.S. DEP, '.`.!ENT Of IIOUS114G ANO URBAN D:VEIOPAIF ASSURANCES } �, The applicant hereby assures and certifies with respect to the grant that: (1) It posscsws legal authority to apply for the grant, and to rvecum the prop owd program. (2) Its governing body has duly adopted or posscd as an official act a resolution, motion or similar action authorizing the filing of the application, ir,cludmll all understandings and a,wnnecs contained therein, and directing and designating the authorized repre.scnuU•: of the applicant to act in conneetioo with the application and to provide such additional information as may be vcquicad. (3) It has complied with all the requirements of ONO Cireulac No. A-95 as modified by Sections 570.300(U (for entitlement applicants) or 570.400(d) (for discretionary applicants) and that either (i) any comments and recommendations made by or through clearinghouses are attached and have been considered prior to submission of the application; or (u) the required procedures hase been followed and no comments or recommendations have been received. (4) Prior to submission of its application. the applicant has: (1) provided citizens with adequate informatiun concerning the amount or funds available for proposed community development and hou>ing actnnies, the range of activities that may be undertaken, and other important program requirements; (ii) held at least two public hearings to obtain the views of citizens on community development and housing needs; and (Hi) provided citizens an adequate opportunity to articulate needs, express preferences about proposed activities, assist in the selection of priorities, and otherwise to participate in the development of the application. (5) Its chief axe Utive of icer or other offrsr of applicant approved by HUD: (i) Consents to assume the status of a responsible Federal official under the National Environmental Policy Act or 1969 imorar as the provisiors or such Act apply to the applicant's proposed proypam pursuant to 24 CFR 570.603; and (ii) Is authoived and consents on behalf of the applicant ,rad hineelf to accept the jurisdiction of the Federr(l courts for Cie pu:pase of enface -int or his responsibilities as such an official. : (6) rhe Community Uevc9upment Progum has been desetuprd so as to Five maximum feasibic priority to activities which will benefit luw or moderate income (ambles or aid in the prevention or climmatiun of slums or blight. Where all or part of the community development piorram activities arc deigned to meet other community development needs haring a .particular urgency. such needs arc specifically dessnbed in the app:rcation under the Community Development Pian 'Summar). (7) It will comply with the R�nlatlnns, paGacs, yuidrlines and requircments of Federal Management Circulars 74-1 and 7.4.7, as they relate to the applit.31wn, ncccptancc and use of I edcral funds for this federally.assisted program. l8) It will administer and cmfarce iliv labor standards requi:ements art forth in Section 570.605 and HUD regulations iswgd to implerrcent weh requcemcnt: (9) It will comply will% all requirement, uopo.wd by IIUD concerning sprciA requirements of law, program requirement% and other admint,trative requirements aper -%ed to accordance with Federal Management Circular 74.7. (10) It will comply with rhe provision. of Fx<cutivc Order It 2296, relating to evaluation of flood huards (1 1) It will comply with: (i) Title VI of the Ovil Rights Act of 1964 1P.1.. 88-3521 and the regulatinns issued pursuant thereto (24 CFR Part 1), which pnsvides that no pertun in the United States shall na the ground of race, color. or national origin, be exeloded from partici; ariun in, be denied the benefit, of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any Program or activity for whtch rhe 3pp0_ant receives 1'edcral 0n3nrial assistance and will immediatciY take any measures neeessaq all elirct cote [his ns:::varve. If any real prupert• or structure thereon is provided or improved with the aid of I cderal financiat assisonce extended to the applicant. [his asuranee shall ubliVtc flat applicant, or in the ease of any tr:mefer of such property, any Irausrcree, for the period during which the real property or struaurc is used for a purpose fur which the Federal financial assimante is extended or for another purpose involving Ute pruvisinn of vm tar services or benefits. (ii) Title Vlll of the Civil Riehis Act of 1968 (P.I.. 90.284) as amended, administering all pnsgams and activities relating to lousing and cottununny devetopinew in a manner to :dl'utnatis'ely further fair housing; and will take action to affiunalivrly fuilhrt fair housing in the s tr or rental of housing, the financing of housing. and the prosls(on of brokeraye %.rsices within the applicant's lunsdw4on. HUD -7015.111111.751 Exhibit B 67 lite Leto Ila l.r n a.V eV i 1. se it"" p:anuc, o•.a, o,. pa,.:...a.. .... ....... ........ ........ ....u. pn,u,+y err oce, color, pati,nat onlpn of Wit. he ecduded Lnut puticipatioat io, hr denied tl:e hencfill of, nrbe wfrjcacel to dhetiniinatiun • '•era any ptornu%ur utivlty funded in whole err in. ' with Tl:e I funds. (Iv) F seiutivc QrJc. t 1063 nn equal oprurtonily in hau,injj and nor"I"clim ins! inn in Ilia sale or rental.f housing built with Fctkul hilw:,ncc. (v) _ Eseculisc Order 11'46, and all is uLtiuns issued p,u,uan! d,ciet•+ 12.1 CPR Part 130), wAich provides that no pc:,on shall h•• J.Wt:minated on the 63sts of race, odor• relyan, wx err national ongui it.. it: !•hairs of en::•I.gntent dura: the per.ra+:mance rat 1cdcrA or fadrl.dli - a%<wcJ aon:racle S,wh cnwrwtan and w.6cuntraatots %hAl :ai.c alfuuati.c radion In tn.arc Lir Irr.dr: crit in nui.l.yntcm. up,:r.rdire. denimam, or _ lrane:cr, recruitment or reci i!n,cnt ad•artiar.,; I]yn❑ err teuulnalion, rates of p.y or other forms rat compensa:ion and w•fection for training and app!cn:icrship. (%0 Section 3 of die I I o u sol{ and Urban Der clortic a Act of l9o8. as amended, rcqu it ire that to the gre3lest extent feasible op;oitunities for Raining and euq+!a.ntent be gnen hia;:r income restdenls.of the project area and contracts for wnrk in connection with Qv ptujcct be awanled locii ji c business concerns whish arc located in, oruwn:d in suboantia! part by, per.nns residing in the area of the psoject. (12) It will: (i) in acquiring real pr_.vrty in connection with thr cocrsmits Jevv!o)anrm block dam liroygam, be guided to the greatest vxi�al pnrtw.,S!e u+Ja•r $!ate !rr. h% t1w real Pro;.•rty acquisition pAicies set out ruder Section 301 of the Cnifsam Hekcatson Assislan, a arta Real Pr,wny A,'qu.%i0V l Policies Act of 1`170 (P.L- 91-6e6) and the pruvtsiorss . f S.•ction 302 there.!: (ii) Pay or reimburse property owners for necessary expenses as specified in Section 303 and 304 of the Act; and (iii) lnferm affected persors of the benefits• rolicies, and procedures provided for under HUD reg+aLtions (24 CFR Pitt 42). 113) It wilt: (i) Provide fait and ru:una!de •eh,cation paymcnu and assiganrc in accordance wi ll Sections 202, 203, znd 204 of the Unifetin Rcloo!von Assnlancc and Real Pru; c:ly A,qui,ibun Poticros Act of 1970 and applicable HUD regulilions 124 CI R Pall 42)• ler of for families. in.livi..luau, par%nenhips. Lorj uiatioas or associations displaced as a tesu!t of any acqu+sttiun of real ptuperi) f ir a:1 anility a>sistr2 under the prey:em; til) Pro,i.k teh.c.mon nv. in,e proeranu of fain: Me i. tire, deo, rNiJ in Section 205 of the An to vch di%Ptzccd tantihes, mdr,idual,, pr.tnrnhips, snrr•+u tion. c.r a„o;i.tiinin in llw manner 1•!nnded under applicable HUD rrgnlations. 0:0 As,ure %hit, within a rra.,.nahle time fniot to drat luc:ment, Jeans• cafe, ani .a. itary replacement dwell:rt:z will be asailahle to '-sell faallhb :and md,viJ.al, in xe.nd_r.: a:uh Section 2051:) (3) of rhe Act. and that such h i,%.ng will hr as.olahl: in the sine range of choi.es ler all %mh displaced persons (y:atd:css of their race, color. al: nota naltnn.il on -m, WN. rat .our, r of manor; (,v) lafonu 211c:Icd Pr..,:m of the hrnrin, pail:.ics, and pioccdurc..rnodcJ for under HUD rcgulationa; and pl Carry out the rdvc a:wan proce,s in wch a ,ainticr as ler pra:c:,lc such di,plaeed persons with uniform and conarslent .crvtce.. m0i'llne art) wnices w4tntcd In in,n:e Ih.d the relocilLm process docs not result in different rat telvatc uvi',ucnt oa such dnlax r.: rotas, u,a auco-unl of 16eir race, .plot, religion, national or -,In. W,,. err w.al.e , it Monte. (14) It well e,labbeh ._fe_u2rJi :u prohibit rmfil,syees fs,•m wine p ootsoas int a rw use that icor lives the appearance of being motnared b) a dear: for pn,atc ;.un nor Ihrutw;,es or .;hen, p.irliruLrly those wi!h whom they have family, bra, ncss, or other ties. 113) It will comply with rl:e pro. t,wn, of the Ilalch Act wv:u0i limit the political actiuty of employees (16) 11 wil! tr,e lll!l) and the Coo:per otter Ise neral through any auaaoru.d seprewntativc access 10 aid the right ler esnmine all records, books• par::,. of d.d:wwnts related tot is punt. .November 16, 1977 Date November 16, 1977 Date Attest: .Y Ulity of San Juan Capistrano, O. HECKSCHER Ci ytorney Exhibit B 68 l 4 ZI O < Ol YJ ti O O M N _ ; a N O a Z I o I r n 0 a i I I ! J < • I i . o . E N X - i p = o o 7 - Y I 6 ZI ul O O � W < I I I I Y M M I Q Z e W a j S I ri ^ 2 Z I ry I n m I I Exhibit C i LL ola J b �i5 Dv N N r � t N 1 I2 mr2 J W I W °-!. a m W 1 co i O < c° n •„ n Q c F 0,4 p I _I— W 0 r rl l '1 rl i 1 FI U❑ W � � � I i I l 4 ZI O < Ol YJ ti O O M N _ ; a N O a Z I o I r n 0 a i I I ! J < • I i . o . E N X - i p = o o 7 - Y I 6 ZI ul O O � W < I I I I Y M M I Q Z e W a j S I ri ^ 2 Z I ry I n m I I Exhibit C i LL ola Dv N N 1 t N 1 mr2 I W °-!. a m W co i O < c° n •„ n Q c F 0,4 p i _I— i 1 F• oI j l 4 ZI O < Ol YJ ti O O M N _ ; a N O a Z I o I r n a O I ! J < • I i . o . E N X - i = o o 7 - Y I 6 ZI = O I I o h _ !• ; a N O a Z I o I r n a O I J < • I i . o . E W o eoJe° X - i = o o 7 ri ^ 2 I ry I n m I I Exhibit C rl J L � I Tii I I -O J W Y I I t p Y v J m o a O °O N I '+IV •• NIV < QO Cl n W N h <l4 Q 4L p h IN I � i p oo e J W_ 2 p6 C Z i < O^ I I r J< i �8 u z u Ia s<u a W 2i ,T Woa le I SIM' M IL C W. Iz l O J r p y — 'L Q j<O f O ` J D u N N O � I I Q ip V � WI op N W¢¢ U � h J L� < J I J I { O N W > W u I w M1 I N 69 1 I 1, 1 I J L � I �C11I I I t Y v J m o a O °O N I '+IV •• NIV �+I... VI Cl n W N h Q 4L IN oo e Z i Q J yo �8 < Woa le I SIM' M IL W. Iz U 'L Q N N O I ^1 Q V N W¢¢ U � b O N W u I w M1 I N J u aU W < L w e •in ro xhibit C 69 1 I 1, 1 I N u ti N u V [W Vjgp - 1 a J Y W [ 2 • N D Jt`^ �i1 V 2 06 Y JO 2 [ J1 N > W O <3 a OI � � G W HS< < o O B 6 O J< 1 v l [p W S [ U • O � 1 O OJ u�J 0 ❑ O �Jn a h N 6 O < < S 6• J W W W>� U J[ o 1 1 O z OD O v w w J I_ `6 Z O O <3 = w W r oa i J 3 Z O O < z [ W^ U < O n J W W 0 • W < 2 W O d O W 2 V E Y ui V W t U 6 m Z � Q x 1 J x F i [ < N S F U H ry n 2 Q T < � < O U 1 0 0 - 3 z DO W JZ v d W C J - O <3 n mm ❑� .4 4 e N r u i o v CL [ W [wN WOW 3 < x W D Z 7- N i J N x . o < J r �Z1 Q E G o n T a _ r N Nm: O p� N u ti N u i V i^ a D �i1 V 2 N > W a LL Uj V V HS< W�i"y1Wr o � 1 O i 71 OMD No. fSR.la)I Pao. 1 / U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT 1 " HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLM4 t TABLE III. GOALS FOR LOWCk INCOME HOUSING ASSISTANCE CURRENT YEAR GOAL 1. NAMC OF APPLICANT SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ]. G ORIGINAL Q AMENOM LM T. DATC: x. •PPLICATION/GnaNT NVMOER •. PROGFt. YEAR iiO"' 1978 TO` 1979 TYPES AND SOURCES OF ASSISTANCE NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS TO BE ASSISTED All II DCNLV ON HwNGIUPPlD FAMILY NOUSENO LOS ((or feu (/-1 parson a/ parson a/ LANG FAMILY (f or mare prraona) Id (bl (rl (d) (.1 A. NEW RENTAL UNITS 1 1. Sectian 8–HUD a 2. Slate Anenc>–T L i (Sum of lura a and b) _ ] o. Section 8 • 6. Other f 3. Other Assisted Ne.r Rmlal Housinq (W-tsf)) • Tmal • > 6. • d. Tota! (Sum of linea 1.:. and 31 6. REHABILITATION OF RENTAL UNITS f 1. Secticn 8–HUD la 2. Slot. Aq—yp -arat (Jam of Lnn a a.d I; -� n a. Section 8 I to It. Other __ u 3. Other Assis:ea Rehcbililanon of Hantd Hoa3my I - t• a. If I u 4. Total /Sum ol: a 1, ! 31 C. EXISTING RENTAL UNITS n 1. S.aion 8–HUD 101 I 15 72 14 u . 2. State A ea cy-To .l (Sum nI lin.r a and b) i 1 u ` a. Section 2 7— ao 6. Other at 3. Other As si ued Eai Hiny Rental Mowmy (IdrnliO1 - Totd ax a. as IS. as 4. Total (sum a/ lura 1.:. nod 7i 101 is. 72 14 0. REHABILITATION ASSISTANCE TO HOMEOWNERS OR PROSPECTIVE HOMEOWNERS a0 1. CO Block caanla s• 12. SIH,tion 235 n 3. Other Rehobdiwion Aw uwc. to H....nan or Prop«tire Homm.n ers f%dc+N h) Told a0 a :s IS. so 4. Tocol (sumo e.. 1, and 31 2 E. NEW CONSTRUCTION ASSISTANCE TO HOMEOWNERS OB PROSPECTIVE HOMEOWNERS sl 1. Seci'o" 235 sa 2. Other (Id,,% – Total sa a, >* It. ]s 3. Total (Sum of Lnea /and 2) ]a F. ALL HOUSING ASSISTANCE GOALS (Sum of Ime I Aa, Ni. C4,94. and .EJ 1 116 100% 17 150 $3 720 16 130 Exhibit C HUD -7015.1 nx-x i I Pea. 2e12 U.S. L ARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOP. 4T 1 . HOUSING A5AST ANCE PLAN TABLE 111. GOALS FOR LOWER INCOME HOUSING ASSISTANCE THREE YEAR GOAL 1. MAME OF APPLICANT - SAT! JUAN CAPISTRANO 1. Q ORIGINAL Q AMEND.ENT.OATE: I.- APPLICATION/GRANT r.VMpER A. PROGRAM vCAR `"°"' 1978 TO: 1979 B - TYPES AND SOURCES OF ASSISTANCE NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS TO BE ASSISTED EL O.. -LV OR FAMILY ALL INAN pICwPP Ep (y or (eu NOU SENOL OS ff_7 P[nOn aJ P[ri4nal LARGE FAMILY fSOr—,f P[e[ona7 (.1 Ibl Id (dl L1 UNITS-.9_til1R—q<�c v- nro (=u.mlion AerAssilrcd rREEHTALENTAL New RM,Pl Hawing i Fl. T 1>I R 4. Torcl Mn o,! Lnas L I. I ,,d 31 B. REHABILITATION OF RENTAL UNtTS I a "S 1. Section 3-HU0 la 2. State A '11 <. se[NRn a .1x b. DlhGr 1u 3. Other At,it,ed Rehobd H>non of Ren mi Hounng Tocol la o I I .IS 6 �Ie 4. Total (hum [l Ln[. 1. a, and 3 I I I C. EXISTING RENTAL UNITS: -HUD SIXVOi�., �u[nen .a0llsl sled En mng Rental Hornung l Talal K2.ota! (Se.. o/!tn[. 1.2. and 11 303 I 45 216 I 42 D. RENA"""TAT'ON ASSISTANCE TO HOMEOWNERS OR PROSPECTIVE HOMEOWNERS r�xl 1. CD SI.Ck Grcnrs _ as 2. Sectlon 235 .n 3. Other RehablLlmlon Asslstcnce to Home>..nos or PN,,,ech Ve Hom m.m ers !!d[nnNr Total =L xl b. SG 4. Taol f�nm of :��[+ f, ^, ,� t tI 45 _ ( E. NEW CONSTRUCTION ASSISTANCE TO HOMEOWNERS 03 _IVNOM EOWN[RS 1 PROS&ACT ' 1s 1. Section 135 _ u 2. OcherrN, , Taal - )1 ,14 is I3. Telol (S.m .,f Lv, I end al F. ALL HOUSING ASSISTANCE GOALS (Sun.•I1,n 44.:11 (4. I, 1.+ �i FI 348 51 249 48 Sx I PERCENT OF ALL HOUSLHOLDS iaoi 15 % 72 i 13 0. EXPLANATION OF PRIORITIES. INecA ad.hNinnl pugnl MUU-TGI S.I B 113-1! Exhibit C � w EXHIBIT D Proiect Area The Los Rios project area encompasses an approximate 40+ acres and is bounded by the Santa Fe Railroad right-of-way on the east, Del Obispo Street (south), Trabuco Creek Channel (west), and Tract 7196, Mission Village (north). The study area contains some of the oldest residences in Orange County and is predominantly occupie( by low and moderate income families, with many having family ties to the original residents of the neighborhood. The City, during preparation of a major revision of the General Plan, recognized the unique character of the community and subse- quently authorized a Precise Plan Study. This study was completed in June, 1977. The major objectives of the planning study were to maintain the existing character of the community, and establish a program to insure that existing residents would not be "dislocated". The following proposed projects are a direct result of the various recommendations of the study. (It should be noted that special emphasis was placed upon citizen participation in the planning process. A copy of the Citizen Participation Program has been previously transmitted to your office.) 1. Public Improvements a. Design and construct a drainage system for the project area in order to relieve current flooding problems on Los Rios, Ramos, and Mission Streets. $226,000 b. Design and construct a sanitary sewer system to service all residential units within the project area. $107,000 C. Design and construct street improvements for Ramos, Los Rios, and Mission Streets without altering the rural character of the neighborhood. $291,000 2. Housing Rehabilitation a. Establishment of a "fix up" grant program which would allow existing residents to make minor repairs and improvements to the current housing stock. As noted in the !lousing Assistance Plan (Exhibit C), major emphasis has been placed upon the rehabilitation of the existing housing in order to prevent possible dislocation of existing low and moderate income families. $25,000 EXhibit D